


Unit 1 a Teamwork


Poland 波兰

Wroclaw 弗罗茨瓦夫(波兰西南部城市)

Warsaw 华沙(波兰首都)

Czech 捷克


to allocate roles 分配角色

make a contribution 做出贡献

take on responsibility 承担责任

team staff 团队成员

bring in experts 引进专家

bring in a consultant 引进一名顾问

put on discos 表演迪斯科

work on managerial skills 致力于管理技能

wait for decisions 等待决定

come up with an idea 想出办法

set up the aims 设定目标

work towards a common objective 朝着共同的目标努力share information 共享信息

different points of view 不同的观点

under pressure 有压力

teamwork n . 团队合作

toiletries n . 化妆品厂,清洁、化妆用品公司

major brands 主导品牌

sales department 销售部门

company culture 公司文化(也作enterprise culture) expatriate n . 旅居海外的,移居国外的

management consultant 管理顾问

managerial skills 管理技能

creative thinking 创新思维

team-building 团队建设

effective management style 有效的管理方式

food and accommodation 食宿

a survival course 生存技巧培训课(生存课程)

profile n . 简介、小传、概况

board games 董事会竞赛游戏、管理层竞赛游戏simulation n . 模拟训练

marketing mania 营销激情

go for profit 追求利润

behind schedule 进度落后与计划、迟于预定时间

stick to the schedule 严格按计划进行

co-operative 齐心协力的

have communication problems 交流有困难

attach importance to team building 重视团队建设develop team work 开拓团队协作

an effective team 精锐的团队

a high-performance team 高效的团队

exchange of views 交流看法

emphasize team spirit 强调团队精神

share the same values 具有相同的价值观

collective efforts 共同努力

work in a team 团队合作

co-operate with each other 相互合作

share ideas 交流想法

help each other with homework 做作业时相互帮助

test each other on texts covered 对已学的课文相互检测

e-mail each other 互相发电子邮件

learn from other people’s strong points 学人所长

find out what problems you have 找出自身的缺点

Unit 1 b Communication



全名为Ericsson Telecommunications,(瑞典)爱立信电讯公司Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都)

Helsinki 赫尔辛基(芬兰首都)


斯堪的纳维亚(北欧地区,包括挪威、瑞典、丹麦、冰岛等国家)Copenhagen 哥本哈根(丹麦首都)

Danish Telecommunications Trade Fair 丹麦电子通讯交易会词组:

cater for 迎合

value for money 物超所值

business affairs 公司事务

launch a new product(product launching) 发布新产品international communication 国际交流

official language 官方,正式语言

make a complaint 抱怨,投诉

change an arrangement 更改安排

give feedback 意见反馈,给与反馈

ask for permission 请求许可

confirm arrangements 确认安排,约会

language skills 语言技能

exceed vt . 超越、超过

over-estimate vt . 过高地估计

manageable adj . 便于管理的

understate vt . 打着折扣地说、轻描淡写地说

culture-specific 某一文化所特有的

work environment 工作环境

business field (the business world) 商界

seminar n . 研讨会、讨论会

management n . (企业、机关的)管理人员、经理部follow-up evaluation 后续评估

supplier n . 供应商

department training budget 部门培训预算

deadline n . 最终期限

voice mail 语音信息

answering machine 录音电话(英国英语用answer phone)

half-year sales report 半年度销售报告

complimentary ticket 免费赠送的票

native speaker 操本族语的人

time schedule 时间安排表

snail-mail 传统的信件(因其投递速度慢而以“蜗牛”snail喻之)

time-consuming 费时

save time/trouble 省时间,不麻烦

raise the efficiency in your work 提高工作效率

in written form 以书面的形式

refer to it any time you like 你随时可拿来参考

the fast speed makes it difficult to follow 语速太快跟不上local accent 地方口音

idiomatic language 俗语

fail to understand the slang expressions 不能理解俚语differences in cultural background create barriers in communication 文化背景差异造成交际障碍

cannot appreciate English culture-specific humour


Self-study and exam practice


personnel manager 人事经理

recruitment method 招聘方法

have everything to do with 与…关系密切

curriculum vitae 个人简历、履历(常略为CV)

body language 体势语言

human factor 人为因素

aggressive adj . 咄咄逼人的、好斗的

interview n . vt . 面试

chief executive 总裁、总经理

confirm vt . 确认

indicate vt . 显示、表明

wares n . 货物、商品

professional n . 专业人员

insurance company 保险公司

Unit 2 a Entertaining a client


Covent Garden


(Rio de Janeiro的简略形式)里约热内卢(巴西港口城市)


customer satisfaction form 顾客满意情况问卷表

complete the form 填写表格

questionnaire n . 调查表、问卷

criteria n . 标准(为criterion的复数形式)

atmosphere n . 氛围、情调

attentiveness n . 殷勤、周到

value for money 物有所值程度

objective n . 目标、目的

enhance vt . 提高、增加

mezzanine n . (尤指介于一层与二层之间的)中层楼reasonable prices 合理的价格

interior design 室内装修

group dining 团体用餐

group menu 团体餐菜单

catering requirement 餐饮要求

tour groups 旅游团

birthday party 生日聚会

corporate events 公司社交活动

wine tasting 品酒会

company presentations 公司业务报告会

business trip 公务旅行

vegetarian n . 素食者

salad n . 色拉

steak n . 牛排

Unit 2 b Corporate hospitality


Milan 米兰(意大利北部城市)

West End 伦敦西区(伦敦的娱乐中心,也以高档商店、剧院著名)词组:

business entertainment 商务接待

set up (build) the business relationship 建立贸易关系a fact finding mission 实地考察

sight seeing 观光旅游

key(valuable)customer 重要客户

VIP(very important person)

finalise details 确定(合同)细节

golden rules 黄金法则

personal consultant 私人顾问

place an order 订购

trade fair 贸易洽谈(会)

corporate hospitality 商务接待、企业社交

tip n . 技巧、窍门、忠告

to be in need of 需要

business objectives 商务目标

social setting 社交场合

training consultants 培训咨询(员、公司)corporate events 商务活动、企业社交活动

a social event 社交活动

accommodation n. 住处、膳宿

poor timing 时间选择不当、不合适宜

sales figures 销售数字

the recipe for success 成功秘诀

establish/build a good business relationship


fashion sportswear 运动时装

teenage adj . 少年的、十几岁的(从13岁到19岁的)

production methods 生产方式

Head Office (公司等的)总部

Design team 设计小组

Marketing and Sales Directors 营销和销售部门的主管

in due course 经过一段时间、到适当的时候

a fact-finding mission enables the businessmen to understand the company 实地考察能使商人们了解公司

inviter him to a round of golf 邀请他去打一场高尔夫求

be fit his social status 适合他的社会身份

facilitate one-to-one conversation 有利于一对一的交流

take it as a chance to strengthen business ties


have the right atmosphere to talk about the business


can concentrate on the work without distraction


a chance to know the other person better


build a good business relationship 建立良好的商务关系establish rapport with clients 与客户建立联系

enhance mutual understanding 增进相互理解

a more colourful life 更为丰富多彩的生活

work and play are one 工作与休息融为一体

difficulty of swapping rules forget your role 角色交换的困难

forget you role 忘记自己的角色

too preoccupied with your work 对工作过于专心

Self-study and exam practice



(英国)帝国化学工业公司、卜内门化学工业公司,为Imperial Chemical Industries的缩略形式。


continental breakfast 欧式早餐

end-of-year party 年终聚会

job advertisement 招工广告

marketing secretary 营销部秘书

PA (personal assistant) 私人助理,常缩略为P. A . administrative support 行政管理上的支持

secretarial skills 文密技能

up-to-date information technology 最新的信息技术communications skills 沟通能力,交际能力

science marketing assistant 科技营销助理

an internal recruitment policy 内部招工政策

assistant museum manager 博物馆助理经理

international management consultant 跨国管理顾问

bilingual applicants 具有双语能力的申请者

official working hours 正式的工作时间

long-term employment 长期雇用

production manager 生产经理

work overtime 加班

secretarial and administrative staff 文秘及行政人员settle the disputer 解决纠纷

unforeseen circumstances 难以预料的情况

meet agreed delivery dates 按约定的日期准时送货place your order with 向…定货

outlet n . 代销店,专卖店

legal advisers 法律顾问

established customers 长期合作的客户,老顾客

give ... priority 优先考虑处理某事

a backlog of orders 积压的定单

Unit 3 a Ordering goods


Otto 奥托邮购公司(德国最大的邮购公司)

Hamburg 汉堡(德国西北部一城市)


place an order 发出订单,订货

cancel an order 取消订单

confirm an order 确认订单

the supplier 供应商

mail order company 邮购公司

headquarters (head office) (公司)总部

catalogue (list) 商品目录

summer collection 夏季时装展览会

summer catalogue 夏季时装商品目录

recommendation n . 推荐信、建议

item n . 产品、货物

in standard length 标准长度的

article n . 商品、项目

measurements charts 尺寸图

knitted skirts 针织裙子

vendor n . 销售商

quantity n . 数量

standardize vt . 使符合标准,使标准化

asap (as soon as possible) 尽快

reliable suppliers 可靠的供应商

possess basic qualities of honesty, integrity, accountability, and dependability


provide good quality merchandise 提供品质优良的商品

goods of consistent quality 质量稳定的商品

have flexibility towards new/additional requirement


courtesy and co-operation are also important


can provide a quality product o service


timely delivery 及时送货

operate on just-in-time delivery policy


attractive price 有吸引力的价格

competitive price 有竞争力的价格

Unit 3 b Cash flow


Atlanta 亚特兰大(美国佐治亚州首府)


cash flow 现金流量,现金流向,现金流动

cash flow gap 现金流量差额(现金流入与流出之差)case study 案例分析

sales price 销售价格

over trading 过度贸易

final payment 最后付款

bar chart 柱形图

total sales price 总售价

down payment 订金

bill vt . 要求支付…的费用

remainder n . 剩余物

computer network 电脑网络系统

early settlement discount 提前付款折扣

labour cost 劳动力成本

credit terms 信用期限,信用条件

outstanding balance 剩余金额,余额

order books 订货簿,订货本

a shortage of cash ( a cash shortage) 现金短缺turnover n . 营业额

average monthly turnover 平均月营业额

financing costs 筹措成本

cash on delivery 货到即付款

margin/profit 利润

penalty n . 处罚,罚款

inventory stock 库存,存货

all the money which is coming into the company


cash inflow from operation include


income from sales 销售收入

receipts from debtors 债务人偿还的债务收入receipts from minor revenues such as rent revenue 小额收益如租金收入

all the money which is going out the company


cash outflow from operations include


cash purchases 现金交易

payments to creditors 债务人偿还的债务支出payment of expenses 公司费用开支

wages for employees 雇员工资

sharp / intense competition 激烈的竞争

inability to brand themselves 没有能力树立自己的品牌

lack of capital 缺乏资金

unsound business plan 不成熟的商业计划

unable to do market research 没有能力做市场调查

poor management skills 不当的管理技能

inherited family company where the present owner doesn’t have the necessary expertise


inability to get sufficient capital to expand


improve business performance through cash flow planning 通过资金流量计划改善公司业绩

bill as soon as work has been done or order fulfilled


bill promptly so that you can have the cash available to cover the payments due


adding penalty charges for late payment urges clients to pay promptly 对拖延付款的增收罚款促使客户及时付款

reduce the amount / time of credit given to customers


increase sales (particularly those involving cash payments) helps to solve the capital problem


monitor the payment performances of customers


weed out those slow pays / no pays


become more selective when granting credit is good for the business’s cash flow, too


trimming your inventory is also a good way to avoid cash-flow problem 减少库存也是避免现金流量问题的好办法

Self-study and exam practice


delivery date 送货日期

quality of workmanship 做工质量,制作工艺的质量

retail price 零售价

order details 订货的详细情况

a stressful week 紧张、疲劳的一周

a cash discount of 2% 2%的现金折扣

pay cash on delivery 货到付款

cash forecast 对现金情况的预测

finished product 成品

hold music

(使来电者不挂断电话的)等候乐曲,等候音乐,也作on-hold music

on-hold caller 因电话线路忙而被告知等候的来电者

on-hold marketing 利用候话时间营销

potential customer 潜在客户

hard sell 强行推销,硬性推销

flat management structure 扁平化的管理结构

organizational culture

组织结构文化、公司文化、企业文化(也作company culture, enterprise culture或corporate culture)


商务英语词汇大全(一) economist 经济学家 socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济collective economy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济controlled economy 管制经济 rural economics 农村经济 liberal economy 经济 mixed economy 混合经济 political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义 autarchy 闭关自守 primary sector 初级成分 private sector 私营成分,私营部门public sector 公共部门,公共成分economic channels 经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡economic fluctuation 经济波动economic depression 经济衰退economic stability 经济稳定economic policy 经济政策 economic recovery 经济复原understanding 约定 concentration 集中 holding company 控股公司 trust 托拉斯 cartel 卡特尔 rate of growth 增长 economic trend 经济趋势 economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设 standard of living 生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺 stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达underdeveloped 不发达的developing 发展中的 initial capital 创办资本 frozen capital 冻结资金 frozen assets 冻结资产 fixed assets 固定资产 real estate 不动产,房地产


学生最易混淆的英语短语大汇总 1. three of us, the three of us three of us 我们(不止三人)中的三个 the three of us 我们三个(就三人) 2. next year, the next year next year 明年(表示将来的时间状语) the next year 第二年(表示过去将来的时间状语) 3. at table, at the table at table 在吃饭 at the table 在桌旁 4. in class, in the class in class 在课上 in the class 在班级里 5. in place of, in the place of in place of 代替 in the place of 在……地方 6. on fire, on the fire on fire 着火 on the fire 在火上

7. in front of, in the front of in front of 在……前面(范围外) in the front of 在……前部(范围内) 8. day by day, day after day day by day 一天天地(强调变化) day after day 日复一日地(强调重复) 9. year after year, year by year year after year 年复一年(强调重复) year by year 年年;逐年(强调变化) 10. out of question, out of the question out of question 毫无疑问的 out of the question 不可能的 11. a number of, the number of a number of 许多(谓语动词用复数) the number of ……的数量(谓语动词用单数) 12. for a moment, for the moment for a moment 片刻;一会儿 for the moment 目前;暂时 13. in a word, in words in a word 总之;一句话 in words 口头上


BEC中级词组归纳 Unit 1 a Teamwork 专有名词: Poland 波兰 Wroclaw 弗罗茨瓦夫(波兰西南部城市) Warsaw 华沙(波兰首都) Czech 捷克 词组: to allocate roles 分配角色 make a contribution 做出贡献 take on responsibility 承担责任 team staff 团队成员 bring in experts 引进专家 bring in a consultant 引进一名顾问 put on discos 表演迪斯科 work on managerial skills 致力于管理技能 wait for decisions 等待决定 come up with an idea 想出办法 set up the aims 设定目标 work towards a common objective 朝着共同的目标努力share information 共享信息 different points of view 不同的观点 under pressure 有压力

teamwork n . 团队合作 toiletries n . 化妆品厂,清洁、化妆用品公司 major brands 主导品牌 sales department 销售部门 company culture 公司文化(也作enterprise culture) expatriate n . 旅居海外的,移居国外的 management consultant 管理顾问 managerial skills 管理技能 creative thinking 创新思维 team-building 团队建设 effective management style 有效的管理方式 food and accommodation 食宿 a survival course 生存技巧培训课(生存课程) profile n . 简介、小传、概况 board games 董事会竞赛游戏、管理层竞赛游戏 simulation n . 模拟训练 marketing mania 营销激情 go for profit 追求利润 behind schedule 进度落后与计划、迟于预定时间 stick to the schedule 严格按计划进行 co-operative 齐心协力的 have communication problems 交流有困难 attach importance to team building 重视团队建设develop team work 开拓团队协作


trust信托 fund基金 receipt收据 type sample 标准样品 ultimate consumer 最后消费者 unassignable letter of credit 不可转让信用证 unclean B/L 有债务提单 unconditional delivery 无条件交货 unconfirmed credit 未确认信用证 unconfirmed letter of credit 未确认信用证 uncontrollable costs 不能控制的成本 unearned income 未获利润 unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差 unfavorable trade balance 贸易顺差 unfilled orders 未发货的订单 unfinished work 未完成的工作 uniform customs and practice for documentary credits 押汇信用证统一惯例实务

uniform prices 固定价格 unilateral trade 单边贸易 unindorsed check 未经背书的支票 unit cost 单位成本 unload carge 卸货 unprecedented rise 空前涨价 unprecedented sales 空前销售 unreasonable prices 不合理价格 unskilled labor 不熟练工人 unsuccessful bidder 未得标商人 unused balance of letter of credit 信用证未用余额upset price 开拍价格,最低价格 usual discount 普通折扣 valid period 有效期限 validity 有效期 valuable merchandise 贵重品 value of import 输入价值


商务英语短语 abandonment charge 背弃费用 absolute par of exchange 绝对外汇平价 abritrage rate 套汇汇率 above par 超过票面价值 acceptance commission 承兑手续费 acceptance fee 认付费 acceptance for honor 参加承兑 acceptance house 期票承兑行 acceptor for honor 参加承兑人 accepting bank 承兑银行 accepting charge 承兑费 accident beyond control 非人为事故 account payable 应收帐,应付未付帐 account purchase 赊买 account receivable 应收帐款,应收未收帐 account sales 销货帐,销货清单 account of goods sold 销货帐目 account of receipts and payments 收支帐目account year 会计年度 accounting statement 会计报表 accounting unit 会计单位 accrued expense 应计费用 accrued item 应计项目 accumulation of capital 资本积累 acknowledgement 回单 acknowledgement of orders 订单确认 act of God 天灾 acting manager 代理经理 active demand 畅销 actual cost 实际成本 actual liabilities 实际负债 actual price 实际价 additional expense 追加费用 additional order 追加订货 additional premium 追加保费 adjustment of exchange rate 调整汇价 advalorem duty 从价税 advance in price 涨价 advance payment 预付款 advance price 增价 advance sample 预样 advance settlement of exchange 预交外汇 advance surrender of export exchange 预交出口外汇


中考英语易混易错单词+短语+句型 how much和how many的区别用法 how much和how many的区别:how much用来询问事物的数量,后接不可数名词;how many用来询问事物的数量,后接可数名词复数。 1.所修饰词不同 how much用来修饰不可数名词,表示数量,也可单独使用。 how many用来修饰可数名词的复数,它的句式是:How many+复数名词+一般疑问句+? 例句: How much milk is there in the glass? 玻璃杯里有多少牛奶? How many books are there on the desk? 有多少本书在桌子上? 2.用法不同 How much 表示多少钱,用来问价格。 例句: How much is this dress? 这个连衣裙多少钱?

How many 表示多少,用来问数量。 例句: How many apples do you have? 你有多少苹果? in和on的区别用法 当我们表示某些东西被其他东西所包围时使用“in”这个词。而“on”用于描述物体被放置在其他物体上方或外部的情况。in可表时间,表地点,表手段、方法、材料。on表示时间、地点、方位等。 1.意思不同 in:prep.在... 里;在... 地方;在... 期间 on:prep.在... 之上 2.用法不同 in:in着重一段时间的过程,常用于重复动作或延续动作。in表示从现在时间算起推移到将来的一段时间之后,一般与将来时态连用。 例句: He is a layman in economics. 他对经济学一窍不通。


人教版(五四制)七年级下英语各单元易混淆单词和短语辨析 Unit1 易混淆词汇及短语辨析 1、anyone,any one anyone 只能指人,后面不接of短语。 any one既可指人,也可指物,表示“(某些人或物中的)任何一个”,后面可接of短语。 例:Anyone in our town knows him. 坑我们镇上任何一个人都认识他。 You can read any one of the books here. 你可以读这里的任何一本书。 2、something,anything,nothing something复合不定代词,意为“某事;某物”,常用于肯定句中。其用于疑问句中时,表示希望得到对方的肯定回答。 例:I know something about her. 我知道一点儿关于她的事。anything复合不定代词,一般用于疑问句或否定句中,其不同如下:疑问句中指“某事物”。 否定句中指“任何事物都(没有)”。 肯定句中指“任何事物;无论任何事”。 nothing 复合不定代词,意为“没有什么;没有一件东西”,其作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 例:There is nothing new in today’s newspaper. 今天的报纸上没有什么新鲜事。 3、everyone,every one everyone复合不定代词,意为“每人;人人;所有人”,相当于everybody,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 every one是两个词,既可指人,也可指物,后面可跟介词of。 例:Everyone in our class likes Mr. Liu. 我们班的每个人都喜欢刘老师。 Everyone is here, and every one of us has a chance to speak at the meeting. 大家都到了,我们每个人都有机会在会上发言。


商务英语词汇和词组 (Words and Expressions ) 1 Unit 1 Introductions and greetings 介绍和问候addition n. 加,加法 in addition to 除了。。。之外 advertisement n. 广告 Abu Dhabi n. 阿布扎比(阿拉伯联合酋长国首都) Amman n. 安曼(约旦首都) Bogotá n. 波哥大(哥伦比亚首都) Brussels n. 布鲁塞尔(比利时首都) Chile n. 智利 Compute vi. 使用计算机 conference n. (正式)会议,讨论会 cream n. 奶油,乳脂 device n. 装置,设备,机件 electronic adj. 电子的 electronics n. 电子学 expression n. 表达,词组 Germany n. 德国 greeting n. 问候,招呼 guest n. 客人,(住旅店的)房客 Harare n. 哈拉雷(津巴布韦首都) Hawaii n. 夏威夷(美国州名) head office n. 总部,总公司 information n. 信息 Iran n. 伊朗 Italy n. 意大利 introduction n. 介绍,引见 Jordon n. 约旦 Kuala Lumpur n. 吉隆坡(马来西 亚首都) limited n. 股份有限公司Madras n. 马德拉斯(印度港市) Malaysia n. 马来西亚 Mexico n. 墨西哥 Milan n. 米兰(意大利城市) Moscow n. 莫斯科(俄罗斯首都) Munich n. 慕尼黑(德国城市) nearly adv. 几乎,将近 New Y ork n. 纽约(美国城市) operation n. 企业,业务 own n. 拥有,有 personnel n. 人事部门,人事科 (或处等) register vt. 登记姓名,报到 response n. 回答,答复 Russia n. 俄罗斯 Singapore n. 新加坡 Spain n. 西班牙 Tehran n. 德黑兰(伊朗首都) Tokyo n. 东京(日本首都) weekend n. 周末 world-wide adj. 世界范围的,全世界 Unit 2 Occupations 职业 accountant n. 会计师,会计人员 administrative adj. 管理的,行政的 administrator n. 行政管理人员 chart n. 图,图表 clerical adj. 办公室工作的,职员的 E-mail n. 电子邮件 enterprise n. 公司,企业 executive n. 主管人员,行政人员 export n. 出口,输出 fax n. 传真 fax number 传真号 install vt. 安装 marketing n. 市场营销 adj. 市场营销的 marketing department 营销部 occupation n. 职业,工作 percentage n. 百分比,百分数 professional adj. 从事专门职业的,职业的 receptionist n. 接待员 sales n.(复)销售额,销售工作,销售部门 sales manager n. 销售经理 Singapore n. 新加坡 software n. (计算机的)软件 supervisor n. 监督(人),监工 technical adj. 技术性(的) workforce n. 劳动人口,劳动力 engineer 工程师 secretary 秘书,书记,部长 lawyer 律师 typist 打字员 production n. 成果,产品


高考英语易混词组 杨兴强整理 1..add to增添增加,add···to往…添加,add up合计加起来,add up to总共有总计达;add后面跟直接引语或that从句时,表示“补充说” 2.aloud“出声的”使声音能够听到,与read call cry等连用;loud“大声地”常与动词talk speak shout laugh等连用;loudly“高声地”有时可与loud换用,但更多地含有“喧闹”的意味 3.alone“单独”指只有一个人的状态,与心情无关;不用于名词之前;作“只有”讲时置于名词之前;lonely指“内心孤独”与感情有关;还可以修饰地点,表示“偏僻的”如:a lonely village一个偏僻的山村 far as I know==as far as I am concerned就我所知,as long as和…一样长;只要 5.attend“到场出席参加”会议婚礼典礼上学(课)听报告;attend to处理专心于attend school(class)上学(课),I have some urgent business to attend to.我有一些急事要处理。 6.assist sb with sth,assist sb to do sth/in doing sth帮助…做… 7.全神贯注…be absorbed in,put oneˊs heart into;fix sth on upon sb全神贯注于,凝视 8.appeal to sb to do sth呼吁某人做某事,appeal against上诉,The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 9.aim(sth)at把…瞄准,目的在于;aim to do sth旨在做某事 10..above all首先尤其最重要的是…in all总计总共 11..break down毁坏分解出故障,break off打断停顿,break in/into破灭而入,break out (战争等)爆发,break away(from)同…..决裂(脱离关系),break through突破(重围)12.burst into+名词,突然发生,burst,都有“突然进入某种状态或发生某种情况” 13.bring up抚养·培养·提出;bring in引进盈利;bring about导致·引起;bring out拿出·取出·出版·揭露,e across偶然遇见,被理解,come up with赶上,想出,come over从远处来,come through康复·经历……之后仍然活着,come to oneself恢复知觉活跃起来,come into being 形成,come to light显露,为人所知



1.a change of pace 节奏变换 You can’t do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 2. a far cry from 相距甚远 The published book is far cry from the early manuscript. 3. and how 的确 A: She’s a good dancer. B: and how. 4. a matter of time 时间问题 It is only a matter of time. 5. a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。 If you need my help. do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away. 6. a while back 不久以前 7.all along 一直 I knew it all along. 8. anything but 绝对不 I was anything but happy about going. 9. account for 解释 How do you account for it? 10. after all 到底 A: I’ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine.

She has been addicted to drugs for years. 20. be attached to 对……有感情 A: I’m amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours. I thought you would have gotten rid of it years ago. B: It runs well and I’ve actually been quite attached to it. 21. back up 1) 累积 The subway is running behind schedule. and traffic is backed up for blocks. I don’t know if we’ll make the 6:30 show. 2) 支持 I’ll back it up. 22. be bound for 到……地方 The bus is bound for New England. 23. be (feel) myself 找到自我 I’m feeling myself again. 24. be burned up 生气 She was really burned up at the news. 25. be hard up for I’m hard up for clothes, but I have a lot of books. 26. be head and shoulders above 好许多 In calculus. Joe is head and shoulders above his classmates. 27,be in the dark 蒙在鼓里


商务英语常用单词和短语 Acontactphonenumber联系电话Acoupleof一些 Adirectflight直飞航班 Afour-starhotel四星级宾馆Afullmembership正式会员Apassingfashion过时的款式Apotofcoffee一壶咖啡Atemporaryreplacement临时顶班Accessoryn.附件Accommodationn.住宿Accompanyv.陪伴Accomplishv.实现Accountnumber帐号Accountancy会计工作Accountant会计 Accounting会计工作,清算帐目AccountsDepartment财务部Achievev.完成,取得Acousticsn.音响效果Adequateadj.足够的Advertisingn.广告 Agendan.日程安排 Agreeon同意 Airletter航空信Airportgiftshop机场礼品商店Alarmsystem警报系统Alliancen.联合 Alternativen.选择Ambitionn.理想,抱负Amendmentn.改正Anassociatemembership附属会员Analysis分析 Applicant申请人 Apprenticen.学徒 Approachn.方法 Approachv.接近 Aptituden.能力 Arguablyadv.可争辩的 Aspectn.方面 Aspirinn.阿司匹林 Assemblyline生产线 Assessv.评估 Assessmentn.评估 Assumev.假定为 Attachv.贴上 Attendancen.出席 Attituden.态度 Audiencen.听众 Auditv.审核 Autonomous对什么负责 Availableadj.可以弄到的,可以做到的Awkwardadj.尴尬的 Backlogn.积压未处理之事Badmintonn.羽毛球 Balancen.天平 Balconyn.阳台


vocabulary n. 词汇(可数名词) word n. 单词;话语 aloud adv. 出声地;大声地 (无比较级,反义词:quietly;silently)loudly adv.高声地;吵闹地 loud adv.响亮地 adj. 喧闹的; 响亮的 pronounce vt. 拼读;发音 pronunciation n. 发音法;拼读法 specific adj. 明确的;具体的 specifi cally adv. 明确地;具体地 special adj. 特殊的;特别的 specially adv. 专门地;特别地 especially adv. 特别;尤其;格外 particular adj. 非一般的;特别的;特殊的particularly adv. 尤其;特别地;特殊地memorize vt. 记起来;熟记;回忆起memorization n. 记忆;回忆 gramm ar n. 语法 grammatically adv. 语法地;从语法角度来说,add A to B 把A添加/补充到B中 add up to + 数量总计达到… spoken English 英语口语 make a mistake = make mistakes by mistake错误地 by accident 偶然地,意外地 comma n. 逗号 period n. 句号 question mark n. 问号 challenge n. 挑战(复数challenges) vt. 挑战 solution. n. 解决方案;解答 solve v. 解决 later adv. 后来;一会以后 late adj. 晚;迟 adv. 晚;迟 lately adv. 近来;最近 latest adj. 最新的 realize v. 意识到;(某人)实现(梦想)


学位英语: 范围: 词汇:1-9单元,text 1 翻译:Units 1,3,4,8 , text 1 [A] 1,9, [B] Part one: Vocabulary. (45%) A. Give the English expressions/ words for the following Chinese expressions. (30%)15个 1. 收益型基金 2.人口统计的 3.普通股 B. Give the Chinese expressions/ words for the following English expressions. (15%) 15个 1.Premium 2. takeover 3. marginal cost Part Two: Translation. (20%) Translate the following underlined English sentences into Chinese. 4句 1. Like national culture, corporate culture has some basic components that make up the whole. While national cultural components include such things as language, religion, and humor, the components of corporate culture tend to be more utilitarian Part Three: Reading. (35%) Passage 1 Match the words from the text with their corresponding definitions. (10%) 1. orientation a. a series of actions 2. performance b. main building Replace the words in italics with the listed words used in the text. (10%),petence B. commitment C. behaviors 11. What people can do and what they might be able to do in the future is their entrepreneurial. 12. Talent is natural ability to do something. Passage 2 (10%) Skim the text and choose an appropriate heading for each of the numbered sections. (4%)21_____________________________ 22_____________________________ 23_____________________________ 24_____________________________ 25 Read the text again and think of a possible title.(5 %)


break break down 损坏,抛锚 break in 破门(窗)而入;打断,插嘴 break into 强行闯进 break off -中断,中止 break out (战争等)爆发;使逃脱,使逃走break through 突破,突围 break up 打碎;终止,结束 bring bring about 带来,引起,导致 bring forward 提出(建议等) bring in to effect 使生效,实行 bring to operation …实施;使运行 bring out 使…显示出来;出版 bring up 教育,培养 come come in 进来 come on 来吧,跟着来,赶快 come out 出来,出版,开花,发芽 come over 过来,顺便来 come to oneself 苏醒,恢复知觉 come down 下来,落下 come true 实现 come through 经历…仍活着 come up 出现,走上前来 come up with 找到,提出 call call for 要求,需要;邀请 call off 取消 call on 访问,拜访;呼吁,号召 call up 打电话;召集 carry carry off 拿走,夺去…的生命 carry on 继续 carry out ,执行,贯彻;进行(到底) catch sight of 看到,发现 catch up with 赶上 get get across 使通过;使被理解 get along 过活;相处(with);进展 get down 从…下来;着手进行;写下 get into 对…发生兴趣;卷入;进入 get off (从…)下来;逃脱惩罚 get on 骑上(马、自行车等),登上(车、船、飞机等);有进展 get on with 与…友好相处;继续干 get out 离去,退出(组织等);(消息等) 泄漏get over 克服(困难等);从(疾病、失望、震惊等)中恢复过来 get rid of 处理掉;摆脱 get through 完成;打通电话;通过(考试) get up 起床;起立 give give in 屈服;让步 give off 发出或放出(蒸气等) give out 分发;发出(气味等) give up 放弃;投降 hand hand in 交上;递上 hand out 分发,散发 hand over 交出,移交 leave leave behind 丢弃;留下;忘记携带 leave off (使)停止,停下来 leave out 忽略,遗漏;省略 look look after 目送;照料,照顾 look at 看;看待 look back 回头看;回顾 look down on/upon 蔑视,看不起 look for 寻找,寻求;指望,期待 look forward to 盼望,期待;预期,预料look into 观察;调查;查阅 look on 旁观;观看 look out 留神,注意 look over 仔细检查,细看;察看,巡视look through (从头至尾)浏览;详尽核查;温习 put put aside 储存,保留 put away 把…收起,放好 put down 记下;放下;镇压 put forward 提出(要求、事实等) put into practice 实行,实施 put off 推迟,拖延 put on 穿上;上演 put out 熄灭;关(灯);公布,出版 put to use 使用


商务英语词组大全 trust fund信托基金 trust receipt信托收据 type sample标准样品 ultimate consumer最后消费者 unassignable letter of credit不可转让信用证 unclean B/L有债务提单 unconditional delivery无条件交货 unconfirmed credit未确认信用证 unconfirmed letter of credit未确认信用证 uncontrollable costs不能控制的成本 unearned income未获利润 unfavorable balance of trade贸易逆差 unfavorable trade balance贸易顺差 unfilled orders未发货的订单 unfinished work未完成的工作 uniform customs and practice for documentary credits押汇信用证统一惯例实务 uniform prices固定价格 unilateral trade单边贸易 unindorsed check未经背书的支票 unit cost单位成本

unload carge卸货 unprecedented rise空前涨价 unprecedented sales空前销售 unreasonable prices不合理价格 unskilled labor不熟练工人 unsuccessful bidder未得标商人 unused balance of letter of credit信用证未用余额 upset price开拍价格,最低价格 usual discount普通折扣 valid period有效期限 validity有效期 valuable merchandise贵重品 value of import输入价值 variable cost可变成本 variable expenses可变费用 ventilated compartment通风舱 verbal (oral) contract口头契约 vice-general manager副总经理 volume (space) tons容积吨 voyage charter论次计租轮 voyage policy航程保单 warehouse certificate仓库凭单


商务英语词汇大全(必收藏) 货币化monetization赤字deficit 经济不景气recession a period when the economy of a country is not successful, business conditions are bad, industrial production and trade are at a low level and there is a lot of unemployment 一个时期一个国家的经济不景气,商业环境不好,工业生产和贸易水平低和有很多失业 经济好转turnabout 复苏recovery 成本推进型cost push 货币供应money supply 生产率productivity 劳动力labor force 实际工资real wages 成本推进式通货膨胀cost-push inflation 需求拉动式通货膨胀demand-pull inflation 双位数通货膨胀double- digitinflation

极度通货膨胀hyperinflation 长期通货膨胀chronic inflation 治理通货膨胀to fight inflation 最终目标ultimate goal 坏的影响adverse effect 担保ensure 贴现discount 萧条的sluggish 认购subscribe to 支票帐户checking account 货币控制工具instruments ofmonetry control 借据IOUs(I owe you) 本票promissory notes 货币总监controller of thecurrency 拖收系统collection system 支票清算或结算check clearing 资金划拨transfer of funds

高考英语复习 易混淆短语

易混淆短语 Give out 分发;用尽Go over 复习;仔细考虑 Hang up 挂起;挂Hold on 等一等;别挂电话;紧紧抓住;坚持Keep up 坚持,继续Leave out 省去;遗漏 Live up to 符合;履行(诺言)Live with与…住在一起;容忍 Look for 寻找Look into 调查Look through 快速查看,浏览 Look up 查找,查阅Look up from 从…抬起头 Look up to 尊敬,钦佩Make the best of 充分利用 Make up 编造;化妆;组成、构成;Make up for 弥补,补偿 Pay back 偿还Pay for 支付;为…付出代价Pay off 还清债务;取得成功 Pick up 拾起;搭载;获得;学会Put away 把…收起来 Put down 记下,写下;放下Put in 安装;把…写进 Put up 张贴;在…某地投宿;举起;建造Put up with 容忍,忍受 Rule out 排除Run away from 逃避,回避 Run out (of)用完、耗尽See to 照顾;处理 Set about 着手做Set aside 把…搁置在一边;留出,省出(钱或时间);驳回;暂不考虑Set off 出发,动身;使爆炸;引起(突然行动)Set out 出发、开始着手 Speed up (使)加快速度Take apart 拆开,拆缷 Take on 呈现;开始雇佣Take over 接任,接管 Take up 开始从事;占据;采纳Turn down 关小,调低;拒绝 Turn out 结果是,证明是;出席,参加Turn over 把…翻过来;翻阅 Wear out 磨损,穿破Work out 制定出;锻炼;弄懂;计算出Above all 最重要的是After all 毕竟;终究 Apart from 除…以外As a result 因此、结果 As far as 至于;远至As long as 只要 As well as 以及,和,还At least 起码,至少 Be curious about 对…好奇Because of 因为,由于 By chance 偶然地,意外的Except for 除了…以外 Far from 远离,与…相距甚远;完全不Feed on 以…为食物 Feel at home 无拘无束For lack of 由于缺少 For the benefit of 为…了的利益How often 多久…一次 In case 以防万一;如果,假使In case of 假如,要是,在…的时候 In detail 详细地In exchange for 作为对…的交换 In favour of 赞成,支持In need of 需要 In return 作为回报In return for 作为对…的回报 In the meanwhile 与此同时,在此期间In the way 造成不便 On the other hand 从另一方面来说To be sure 诚然 干扰选项类 动词+ about/around/at/back/for Care about 在乎,在意;关心Look around 向四周看 Turn around (使)翻身,翻转Look at 看 Come back 回来Get back 取回;回来 Hold back 阻挡;抑制Apply for 申请 Fight for 为…而战Go for 争取得到 动词+up
