


1.accelerate vt.加速,促进

2.acknowledge v.承认;致谢

3.abuse v.滥用,虐待;谩骂

4.acquire vt.取得,获得;学到

5.academic a.学术的;高等院校的;研究院的

6.access n. / v. 通道,入径,存取(计算


7.accessible a. 可到达的,可接受的,易相处的)

8.alter v. 改变,改动,变更

9.alternative a.可供替代的,二中择一的

n 可供选择的事物

10.appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求

11.arrest v. 逮捕,拘留

12.associate v. 联想,联系

13.association n. 协会,社团,联系

14.assume v. 假定,假设

15.assumption n. 假定,假设

16.assess vt 评估,评价n assessment

17.assist v/n 帮助,协助

18.arbitrary a.随意的,未断的

19.article [?ɑ?t?k(?)l]n.文章;东西,物品;冠词

20.attach vt.系,贴;使附属

21.appetite n. 食欲,胃口

22.applaud v. 鼓掌,赞许,赞赏n. applause

23.appoint v. 任命,委任,安排,确定(时


24.appropriate a 适当的

25.automatic a.自动的

26.bargain [?bɑ?ɡ?n]n. (经讨价还价后)成交

的商品;廉价货v. 讨价还价

27.beneficial [ben??f??(?)l]a. 有利的,有帮助


28.benefit [?ben?f?t]n. / v.优势,益处,使…受益

29.behalf [b??hɑ?f]n. 代表某人,为了某人

30.behave [b??he?v]v. 守规矩,行为

31.behaviour/ b?`he?vj?r / n. 行为,举止

32.betray [b??tre?]v.出卖,泄露(机密),辜负

33.bitter [?b?t?(r)] a. 有苦味的;痛苦的,难


34.bill [b?l]n.账单;法案,议案;(美)钞票,


35.bomb [b?m]n. 炸弹v. 轰炸36.bless [bles]vt. 保佑,降福

37.bond [b?nd]n. /v. 纽带,联系,使牢固

38.bonus [?b??n?s]n. 津贴,奖金,红利

39.boom [bu?m]n. / v. 繁荣,轰鸣,激增

40.board [b??d]n. 木板;布告牌;委员会;部

v. 上(船、火车、飞机)

41.budget [?b?d??t]n. 预算

42.campaign n. 运动,战役

43.candidate [?k?nd?d?t; (US) ?k?nd?de?t]

n. 候选人,申请人

44.casual [?k????l]a. 漫不经心的,不经意的,


45.caution [?k???(?)n] n. 谨慎,小心,警告

46.cautious [?k????s] a. 小心的,谨慎的

47.challenge [?t??l?nd?]n.挑战(性)

48.challenging [?t??l?nd???] a.具有挑战性的

49.changeable [?t?e?nd??b(?)l]a.易变的,变化


50.character [?k?r?kt?(r)]n.(汉)字.字体品格

51.characteristic [k?r?kt??r?st?k]a. 典型的,


52.charge [t?ɑ?d?]v. 要求收费;索价;将(电

池)充电n. 费用;价钱

53.clarify [?kl?r?fa?]v. 澄清,阐明

54.classic [?kl?s?k]a. 一流的,典型的,有代表


55.classical [?kl?s?k(?)l]a. 传统的;古典的

56.classify [?kl?s?fa?]v. 分类,归类

https://www.360docs.net/doc/db13759067.html,pensate [?k?mpense?t]v. 补偿,弥补

https://www.360docs.net/doc/db13759067.html,ment [?k?ment]n. 评论

https://www.360docs.net/doc/db13759067.html,mit [k??m?t]v.犯(罪,错),自杀

https://www.360docs.net/doc/db13759067.html,mitment [k??m?tm?nt]n. 承诺,允诺,承

61.confirm [k?n?f??m]v. 证实,证明,确认

62.conservation [k?ns??ve??(?)n]n 保存;(自


63.conservative [k?n?s??v?t?v]

a. 保守的,守旧的;保守主义的;谨慎的


64.considerate [k?n?s?d?r?t] a. 体贴的

65.consistent [k?n?s?st(?)nt] a. 一致的,始终


66.contradict [k?ntr??d?kt]v. 反驳,驳斥,批驳

67.contradictory [?k?ntr?'dikt?ri] a.相互矛盾,


68.constant [?k?nst?nt]a. 经常的,不断的

69.conversation [k?nv??se??(?)n]n. 谈话,交谈

70.convenient [k?n?vi?n??nt]a. 便利的,方便的

71.conventional [k?n?ven??n(?)l]a. 依照惯例


72.controversial [k?ntr??v???(?)l]a.引起争论的,


73.convenient [k?n?vi?n??nt]a. 便利的,方便

74.conventional [k?n?ven??n(?)l]a. 依照惯例


75.controversial [k?ntr??v???(?)l]a.引起争论的,


76.convince [k?n?v?ns]v. 使确信,使信服

77.convey [k?n?ve?]v. 表达,传递(思想,感


78.correspond vi. 一致;与……相当;(与人)


79.corrupt [k??r?pt]a. / v. 贪污的,腐败的,使


80.count [ka?nt]vt. 数,点数vi 有关系,重要

81.credit [?kred?t]n. 信用;信赖;信誉

82.crime [kra?m]n. (法律上的)罪,犯罪

83.criminal [?kr?m?n(?)l]n. 罪犯

84.curriculum [k??r?kj?l?mn.(学校的)全部课

85.deadline [?dedla?n]n.最后期限,截止日期

86.decade [?deke?d]n. 十年期

87.decline [d??kla?n]v. 减少,下降,衰退,谢绝

88.decorate [?dek?re?t]vt.装饰…,修饰…

89.decoration n.装饰,修饰

90.declare [d??kle?(r)]vt. 声明;断言

91.defend [d??fend]vt. 防守;保卫

92.deliberately [d??l?b?r?tl?]ad.故意,蓄意,存心

93.delicate [?del?k?t]a易损的,易碎的

94.delete [d??li?t]v. 删去

95.delighted [di'laitid]a. 高兴的,快乐的

96.delight [d??la?t]n. 快乐;乐事

97.deliver [d??l?v?(r)]vt. 投递(信件,邮包等)

n delivery

98.departure [d??pɑ?t??(r)]n. 离开,启程

99.describe [d??skra?b]vt. 描写,叙述

100.deserve [d??z??v]


101.desperate [?desp?r?t] a.(因绝望而)不


102.dilemma [da??lem?]

n. (进退两难的)窘境,困境

103.destination [dest??ne??(?)n]n.目的地,终

104.diploma [d??pl??m?]n.毕业文凭;学位证书

105.discourage [d??sk?r?d?]

vt. (使)气馁;打消(做…的念头)

106.discount [?d?ska?nt]n. 折扣

107.disappoint [d?s??p??nt]vt. 使失望

108.disaster [d??zɑ?st?(r); (US) d?z??st?r]

n. 灾难;祸患

109.disturbing [d??st??b??]a. 令人不安的,


110.distinction [d??st??k?(?)n]


111.distinguish [d??st??ɡw??v. 区分,辨别,


112.distribute [d??str?bju?t v. 分发,分配

113.diverse [da??v??s]

v. 不同的,多种多样,形形色色的


vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)

115.ease [i?z]

v. 减轻;缓解(难度或严重程度)

116.electricity [?lek?tr?s?t?]n. 电;电流

117.electronic [?lek?tr?n?k] a. 电子的

118.elegant [?el?ɡ?nt]


119.embarrass [?m?b?r?s]v.使窘迫,尴尬


121.energetic [en??d?et?k] a. 精力旺盛的

122.enthusiastic [?nθju?z???st?k]


123.evaluate [??v?lj?e?t]v.估值,评价,评估

124.expense [?k?spens]n. 消费;支出

125.eventually [??ventj??l?]ad.最终地

126.evidence [?ev?d?ns]n. 证据,证明

127.evident [?ev?d?nt] a.清楚的,显而易见的


128.expect [?k?spekt]vt. 预料;盼望;认为129.expectation [ekspek?te??(?)n]n. 预料;期望

130.expand [?k?sp?nd]v.扩大,增加,扩展131.explore [?k?spl??(r)]v. 探险

132.expose [?k?sp??z; (US) eksp??ze?] vt. 揭露

133.extraordinary[?k?str??d?n?r?;(US) -d?ner?]

a. 离奇的;使人惊奇的

134.extremely [?k?stri?ml?]ad. 极其,非常135.explode [?k?spl??d]v. (使)爆炸136.experience [?k?sp??r??ns]n. 经验;经历137.experiment [?k?sper?m?nt] n. 实验138.fade [fe?d] vi. 褪色,(颜色)消退139.failure [?fe?lj?(r)] n. 失败

140.fantasy [?f?nt?s?] n 幻想,梦想

141.familiar [f??m?l??(r)] a. 熟悉的

142.firm [f??m]n.公司;企业a.坚固的,坚定的firmly ad. 牢牢地

143.flexible ['fleks?bl] a.灵活的,可变动的144.foresee [f???si?] (foresaw, foreseen) vt.预见.预知

145.frequent [?fri?kw?nt] a. 经常的;频繁的146.function ['f??k??n] n. / v. 作用,功能,运转147.furnished ['f?:ni?t] a. 配备了家具的148.generation [d?en??re??(?)n] n. 代,一代149.generous [?d?en?r?s] a. 慷慨大方的150.glance [gl?ns /glɑ?ns]vi. 匆匆一看;一瞥151.glare[ɡle?(r)]v. 瞪眼,怒目而视,闪耀152.gradually [?ɡr?dj??l?] ad. 逐渐地

153.graduate [?ɡr?dj??t]v. 毕业n大学毕业生154.guarantee [ɡ?r?n?ti?]v. 保证,担保155.guidance [?ɡa?d?ns]n. 引导,指导156.guilty [?ɡ?lt?] a .有罪,犯法的,做错事的157.hardship [?hɑ?d??p]n. 困难

158.harmony [?hɑ?m?n?] n. 融洽,和睦159.headline [?hedla?n] n. (报刊的)大字标题160.health [helθ]n. 健康,卫生

161.healthy [?helθ?] a. 健康的,健壮的162.humorous a. 富于幽默的

163.humour (美humor) n.幽默,幽默感

164.identification [a?dent?f??ke??(?)n]

n. 鉴定,辨别165.identity [a??dent?t?] n. 身份,特征

166.illegal [??li?ɡ(?)l] a. 非法的

167.immediately [??mi?d??tl?] ad. 立即

168.impress [?m?pres]vt. 留下极深的印象

169.impression [?m?pre?(?)n] n. 印象,感觉

170.independence [?nd??pend?ns]n. 独立

171.independent [?nd??pend?nt]


172.Indicate ['?nd?ke?t] v.表明,象征,暗示

173.industry [??nd?str?] n. 工业,产业

https://www.360docs.net/doc/db13759067.html,rm [?n?f??m]vt. 告诉;通知

175.initial [??n??(?)l] a. 开始的,最初的

176.innocent [??n?s?nt] a.无辜的,清白的

177.insert [?n?s??t]vt. 插入

178.instant [??nst(?)nt] a. 瞬间;刹那

179.instruction [?n?str?k?(?)n]

n. 说明,须知;教导

180.instruction [?n?str?k?(?)n. 说明,须知;教导

181.insurance [?n????r?ns] n. 保险

182.insure [?n????(r)] vt. 给……保险

183.intelligence [?n?tel?d??ns]n.智力,才智,智慧

184.intend [?n?tend]vt. 想要,打算

185.intention [?n?ten?(?)n] n. 打算,计划,意图

186.interpreter [?n?t??pr?t?(r)] n.翻译

187.interrupt [?nt??r?pt] v. 打扰,打断

188.interval [??nt?v(?)l] n. 间歇;间隔

189.junior [?d?u?n??(r)] a. 初级的;年少的

190.justice [?d??st?s] n. 正义;公正;司法

191.knowledge [?n?l?d?] n. 知识,学问

https://www.360docs.net/doc/db13759067.html,me [le?m] a. 跛的,瘸的,残废的

https://www.360docs.net/doc/db13759067.html,bour (美labor) [?le?b?(r)] n. 劳动

194.legal [?li?ɡ(?)l] a.与法律有关的,法律的

195.leak [li?k]vi. 漏;渗

196.learned [?l??n?d] a. 有才华的;博学的

197.liberty [?l?b?t?] n. 自由

198.liberate [?l?b?re?t] vt. 解放,使获自由

199.liberation [l?b??re??(?)n] n. 解放

200.load [l??d] n. 担子,货物

201.litter [?l?t?(r)] v. 乱丢杂物

202.literature [?l?t?r?t??(r); (US) ?l?tr?t???r]

n. 文学

203.literary [?l?t?r?r?; (US) ?l?t?rer?]

a. 文学的

204.manage [?m?n?d?] v. 管理;设法对付

205.majority[m??d??r?t?] n. 大多数

206.major [?me?d??(r)] a. 较大的;主要的

207.master [?mɑ?st?(r); (US) ?m?st?r]

vt. 精通,掌握

208.mature [m??tj??(r); (US) m??t??r]

a. 成熟的

209.matter [?m?t?(r)] n. 要紧事,要紧, 事情;

问题vi. 要紧,有重大关系

210.media [?mi?d??] n. 大众传播媒介

211.memorize [?mem?ra?z] v. 记忆

212.mentally [?ment?l?] ad. 精神上;智力上

213.merciful [?m??s?f?l] a. 仁慈的;宽大的

214.mercy [?m??s?] n. 怜悯

215.message [?mes?d?] n. 消息,音信主旨


216.messy [?mes?] a. 乱七八糟的


n. 少数;少数民族

218.monitor [?m?n?t?(r)] n. (班级内的)班长;


219.moral [?m?r(?)l; (US) ?m??r?l] a.道德的


220.motivation [m??t?'ve??n]

n. (做事的)动机

221.multiply [?m?lt?pla?] vt. 乘;使相乘

222.necessary [?nes?s?r?; (US) ?nes?ser?]

a. 必需的,必要的

223.negotiate [n??ɡ????e?t] v.谈判,协商

224.nervous [?n??v?s] a. 紧张不安的

225.note [n??t] n. 便条,笔记,注释;钞票,;

音符vt. 记下,记录;注意,留意

226.nowadays [?na??de?z] ad. 当今,现在

227.nuclear [?nju?kl??(r)]

a. 原子核的,原子能的,核动力的

228.numb [n?m]

a. 麻木的,失去知觉的,迟钝的

229.nuclear [?nju?kl??(r)a. 原子核的,原子能的,


230.numb [n?m]a. 麻木的,失去知觉的,迟钝的

231.nursing [n??s??] n.(职业性的)保育,护理

232.nutrition [nju??tr??(?)n] n. 营养,滋养

233.object [??bd??kt] n. 物,物体;宾语

234.observe [?b?z??v]v. 观察,监视,观测

235.offence [of·fence || ?'fens] n. 违法行


236.occupation [?kj??pe??(?)n] n. 职业,工作

237.oppose [??p??z] vt. 反对;反抗

238.opposite [??p?z?t]n. 相反,对面a. 相反的,


239.optimistic [?pt??m?st?k] a. 乐观的

240.optional [??p??n(?)l] a. 可选择的,选修的

241.origin [??r?d??n] n. 起源,由来

242.outing[?a?t??]n. 郊游,远足

243.outline [?a?tla?n] n. 概述,略述

244.owe [??] vt. 欠(债等)

245.overlook [??v??l?k] v. 忽略,不予理会

246.oxygen [??ks?d?(?)n] n. 氧;氧气

247.outspoken [a?t?sp??k?n] a. 直率,坦诚

248.pack [p?k] n. 包,捆;(猎犬、野兽的)一群


249.park [pɑ?k]vt. 停放(汽车)

250.participate [pɑ??t?s?pe?t]v. 参加,参与

251.passive [?p?s?v] a. 被动的

252.patent [?pe?t(?)nt; (US) ?p?tnt] n.专利权,


253.pension [?pen?(?)n] n. 养老金

254.perform [p??f??m]v. 表演,履行;行动

255.permanent [?p??m?n?nt]a. 永久的,永恒的

256.permission [p??m??(?)n] n. 允许,许可,同意

257.permit [p??m?t] vt.许可,允许;执照n.许可证

258.personnel [p??s??nel] n. 全体人员,职员

259.personally [?p??s?n?l?] ad. 就自己而言

260.persuade [?p??s?n?l?] vt. 说服,劝说

261.phenomenon (pl. phenomena)

[f??n?m?n?n; (US) -n?n-] n. 现象

262.physical [?f?z?k(?)l] a. 身体的;物理的

263.pin [p?n] n. 别针v. 别住, 钉住

264.plain [ple?n] a. 家常的;普通的

265.plug [pl?ɡ] n. 塞子vt.(用塞子)把…塞住

266.policy [?p?l?s?] n. 政策,方针,原则

267.polish [?p?l?s?] v.擦亮n.擦光剂,亮光剂

268.pollute [p??lu?t]vt. 污染

269.pollution [p??lu??(?)n] n. 污染

270.portable [?p??t?b(?)l] a.手提的,便携式的

271.position [p??z??(?)n] n.



272.poster [?p??st?(r)] n.

(贴在公共场所的大型)招贴;广告(画) 273.potential [p??ten?(?)l] a.


274.precise [pr??sa?s] a.


275.precious [?pre??s] a. 宝贵的, 珍贵的

276.prejudice [?pred??d?s] n. 偏见,成见

277.preserve [prez?n?te??(?)n; (US)

pri?zen?te?n] v.保护,保留,保存278.present [?prez(?)nt] a. 出现的,出席的n. 礼物,赠品vt. 呈奉,奉送279.press [?prez?d?nt] vt.压,按n.


280.pressure [?pre??(r)] n. 压迫,压力,压强

281.preview [?pri?vju?]vt. 预习;试演;预

282.primary [?pra?m?r?] a. 初等的;初级的;主要的

283.primitive [?pr?m?t?v] a. 原始的,远古的

284.principle [?pr?ns?p(?)l] n. 道德原则,法则

285.press [?prez?d?nt] v t.压,按n.


286.pressure [?pre??(r)] n. 压迫,压力,压强

287.pretend [?pre??(r)] vi. 假装,装作

288.private [?pra?v?t] a. 私人的289.privilege [?pr?v?l?d?] 特权,特殊待遇

290.procedure [pr??si?d??(r)] n. 程序,手续,待遇

291.process [?pr??ses; (US) ?pr?ses]

n./ v. 过程,加工,处理

292.profit [?pr?f?t] n. 利润,收益

293.prohibit [pr??h?b?t] v. 禁止294.punctual [?p??ktj??l] a. 准时

295.promote [pr??m??t] v.促进,


296.qualification [kw?l?f??ke??(?)n]

n. 资格,学历

297.quality [?kw?l?t?]

n. 质量,性质

298.quantity [?kw?nt?t?]

n. 量,数

299.questionnaire [kwest???ne?(r)]

n. 调查表,问卷

300.quit [kw?t]

v. 离任,离校,戒掉

301.radiation [re?d??e??(?)n]

n. 放射,放射物

302.radioactive [re?d?????kt?v]

a. 放射性的

303.rag [r?ɡ]

n. 破布,抹布

304.random [?r?nd?m]


305.rank [r??k]

n. 职衔,军衔

306.rare [re?(r)]

a. 罕见的,稀有的

307.recite [r??sa?t]

v. 背诵

308.recognise (美recognize) [?rek?ɡna?z]


309.recommend [rek??mend]

v. 推荐

310.recycle [ri??sa?k(?)l]

vt. 回收;再循环

311.redirect [ri?da??rekt]

vt. 使改变,使转移

312.refresh [r??fre?]

v. 使恢复精力,提醒

313.regardless [r??ɡɑ?dl?s]

a. 不顾,不加理会

314.register [?red??st?(r)] n. 登记

簿,花名册,注册员v. 登记,注册

315.regulation [reɡj??le??(?)n]

n. 规则,规章

316.reject [r??d?ekt]

v. 拒绝

317.relax [r??l?ks]

v. (使)放松,轻松


a. 紧密相关,有意义的

319.relief [r??li?f]

n. 轻松,解脱,缓和,救济

320.remark [r??mɑ?k]

n. 陈述;话;议论

321.represent [repr??zent] vt.


322.representative [repr??zent?t?v] n.


323.reputation [repj??te??(?)n] n.


324.resemble [r??zemb(?)l] v.


325.reservation [rez??ve??(?)n] n.


326.reserve [r??z??v]n.

& v. 储备;预定

327.resign [r??za?n] v.


328.resist [r??z?st] v.


329.restrict [r??str?kt]

v. 限制

330.restriction [r??str?k?(?)n]

n. 限制,约束

331.retire [r??ta??(r)]

v. 退休

332.review [r??vju?] vt. 重新调查;

回顾;复习n. 复查;复习;评论

333.reviewer [r??vju??(r)]

n. 评论者;书评家

334.ridiculous [r??d?kj?l?s]

a. 荒谬的,愚蠢的

335.rough [r?f]

a. 粗糙的,粗略的

336.rigid [?r?d??d]

a. 死板的,僵硬的,固执的

337.ripe [ra?p]

a. 成熟的,熟的

338.routine [ru??ti?n]

n. 常规,正常顺序,无聊

339.ruin [?ru??n] vt. (使)毁坏;

(使)毁灭n. (复) 废墟;遗迹

340.scare [ske?(r)]

v. 使害怕,使恐惧

341.salary [?s?l?r?]

n. 薪金,薪水

342.scan [sk?n]

v. 略读,浏览,扫描

343.sacred [?se?kr?d]

a. 害怕,恐惧,担心

344.sacrifice [?s?kr?fa?s]

vt. 牺牲

345.scan [sk?n]

v. 略读,浏览,扫描

346.scenery [?si?n?r?]

n. 风景,景色,风光

347.sceptical (AmE skeptical) ['skept?kl]


348.schedule n.

工作计划,日程安排v. 安排时间,预定

349.Scratch[ kr?t? ]

v./ n. 划破,划痕,划伤

350.secure [s??kj??(r)]


351.security [s??kj??r?t?]

n. 安全,平安

352.seek (sought, sought) [si?k]


353.seize [si?z]

vt. 抓住(时机等)

354.sensitive [?sens?t?v]


355.separately [?sep?r?tl?]

ad. 单独地,各自地

356.session [?se?(?)n]


357.severe [s??v??(r)]


358.shabby [???b?] a.破旧,破烂,衣衫褴褛的


359.shrink (shrank, shrunk / shrunk,

shrunken) [?r??k]v. 缩小,收缩,减少360.sightseeing [?sa?tsi???]n. 游览,观光361.signature [?s?ɡn?t??(r)] n. 签名

362.significance [?s?ɡn?t??(r)]n. 重要性,意义363.simplify[?s?mpl?fa?] v. 使简化,使简易364.sincerely [s?n's?rl? /-'s??l-]ad. 真诚地365.sink (sank, sunk) [s??k]vi. 下沉;消沉366.sleeve [sli?v]n. 袖子,袖套

367.slave[sle?v] n. 奴隶

368.slide [sla?d] n.幻灯片,滑道v.滑行,滑动369.slim [sl?m] a. 苗条的,纤细的

370.snack [sn?k] n. 小吃

371.snack bar [sn?k bɑ?]n. 快餐店

372.snatch [sne?k] v. 夺,夺得,夺走

373.sob [s??p] n.& v. 抽泣,啜泣

374.solar [?s??l?(r)] a. 太阳的

375.sound [sa?nd] vi.听起来,vt发出声音n.声音

a 健全的酣睡的

376.souvenirs [su?v??n??(r); (US) ?su?v?n??r] n.旅游纪念品,纪念物

377.specific [sp??s?f?k] a.明确的,具体的,独特的378.spare[spe?(r)] a. 空闲,多余的,剩余的备用的v 匀出

379.spiritual [?sp?r?t???l] a. 精神的;心灵的380.spit [sp?t] v. 吐唾沫;吐痰

381.splendid[?splend?d] a. 灿烂的,辉煌的;(口语)极好的

382.split [spl?t] v. 撕开;切开

383.sponsor [?sp?ns?(r)] n. 赞助者,赞助商384.spray [spre?] n. / v. 水雾,喷雾(器)喷洒385.spread [spred] v. 延伸;展开

386.squeeze n. 挤压,捏,塞

387.stable [?ste?b(?)l] a. 稳固的,牢固的388.staff [stɑ?f]n. 全体职工(雇员)389.stainless [?ste?nl?s] a. 无污点的

390.standard [?st?nd?d] n. & a. 标准(的)391.starve [stɑ?v]v. 饿死

392.statistics [st??t?st?ks] n. 统计数字,统计资料,统计学

393.steady [?sted?] a. 稳固的;平稳的394.status [?ste?t?s] n. 法律地位(身份)395.stick (stuck, stuck) [st?k] vi. 粘住,钉住;

坚持n. 木棒(棍),枝条

396.stomachache [?st?m?ke?k] n. 胃疼

397.storage [?st??r?d?] n. 贮藏;储存

398.store [st??(r)]n. 商店vt. 储藏,存储

399.straightforward [stre?t?f??w?d] a./ ad.


400.strength [stre?θ] n. 力量,力气

401.strengthen [?stre?θ(?)n] vt. 加强,增强

402.strike [stra?k] (struck, struck 或

stricken)v.(钟)鸣;敲(响),罢工 vt. 擦(打)

火, 侵袭

403.stubborn [?st?b?n] a. 固执的,倔强的

404.subject [?s?bd??kt] a. 隶属的;受支配的;

易受…的;在…条件下vt. 使隶属;使服从;

使受到n. 题目;主题;学科;主语;主体

405.subjective [s?b?d?ekt?v] a. 主观的

406.submit [s?b?m?t]v. 提交,呈递(文件,建


407.subscribe [s?b?skra?b]v.订阅,订购(报刊


408.substitute [?s?bst?tju?t] v. 代替,取代

409.summary [?s?m?r?] n. 摘要,概要

410.superior [su??p??r??(r)] a. 更胜一筹的

n. 上级,上司

411.sympathy [?s?mp?θ?] n. 同情

412.swell (swelled, swollen) [swel]v. 肿胀

413.survival [s??va?v(?)l] n. 存活,幸存

414.survive [s??va?v] v.生存,存活,幸免于难

415.suspect [s??spekt] n. 犯罪嫌疑人

416.suspension [s??spen?(?)n] n.暂令停职,推


417.swap [sw?p] v. 交换(东西)

418.symptom [?s?mf?n?] n. 症状

419.tax-free [t?ks fri?]免税的

420.tease [ti?z] v. 取笑,戏弄,寻开心

421.temporary [?temp?r?r?]a. 短暂的,暂时的

422.temptation [temp?te??(?)nn. 引诱;诱惑

423.tendency [?tend?ns?] n. 倾向,偏好,性情

424.tense [tens] a. 心烦意乱的,紧张的

425.tension [?ten?(?)n] n. 紧张局势,矛盾

426.theft [θeft]n. 盗窃案

427.theme [θi?m]n. 主题

428.thirst [θ??d]n. 渴;口渴

429.thirsty [?θ??st?] a. 渴

430.thorough [?θ?r?; (US) ?θ?r??] a. 彻底的

431.thrill [θr?l] n./ v. 兴奋,激动

432.thriller [?θr?l?(r)] n. 惊险小说

433.tie [ta?] vt. (用绳,线)系,拴,扎n. 领


434.tick [t?k] vt. 作记号

435.tiresomev a. 令人厌倦的

436.tolerate [?t?l?re?t]v. 容许,允许,忍受

437.tongue [t??]n. 舌,舌头

438.tough [?t?t(?)l?] a. 坚硬的;结实的;棘手的,


439.traditional [tr??d??(?)n] a. 传统的,风俗的

440.transform [tr?ns?f??m]v.使改变形态,使改

441.transparent [tr?ns?p?r?nt] a.透明的,清澈

442.trend [trend] n. 趋势,倾向,动态

443.trial [?tra??l] n. 审判;试验;试用

444.tutor [?tju?t?(r)] n. 家庭教师,私人教师,导

445.typical [?t?p?k(?)l] a. 典型的,有代表性的,


446.tyre (美tire) [ta??] n. 轮胎

447.unbearable [?n?be?r?b(?)l]


448.unconditional [?nk?n?d???n(?)l]


449.unconscious [?n?k?n??s]

a .昏迷,不省人事的

450.undertake (undertook, undertaken)

[?nd??te?k] v. 承担,从事,负责

451.unemployment [?n?m?pl??m?nt]


452.unfold [?n?f??ld] vt. 展开,打开

453.uniform [?ju?n?f??m] n. 制服

454.unique [j??ni?k] a. 惟一的,独一无二的

455.universal [ju?n??v??s(?)l] a. 普遍的,全体的

456.urgent [???d??nt] a. 紧急的,紧迫的

457.urban [???b?n] a. 城市的,都市的

458.vacant [?ve?k?nt] a. 空缺的,未被占用的

459.vague [ve?ɡ] a. 含糊的,紧迫的

460.vain [ve?n] n. 自负的,自视过高的,徒劳的,


461.valid [?v?l?d] a.有效的,合理的,有根据的

462.variety [v??ra??t?] n. 种种,种类

463.various [?ve?r??s] a. 各种各样的,不同的

464.vehicle [?vi??k(?)l; (US) ?vi?h?kl] n. 交通工


465.version [?v???(?)n; (US) ?v?r?n] n. 变体,


466.victim [?v?kt?m] n. 受害者,牺牲品

467.violate [?va??le?t]v. 违反(法律、协议等),


468.violence [?va??l?ns] n. 暴力行为

469.violent [?va??l?nt] a. 暴力的

470.virtue [?v??tju?] n. 美德,正直的品行,德行

471.visual [?v??j??l] a. 视力的,视觉的

472.vital [?va?t(?)l] a. 必不可少的,对…极重要的

473.vivid [?v?v?d] a. 生动,逼真的,鲜明的

474.volunteer [v?l?n?t??(r)] n./ v. 义工,自愿


475.wag [?v???d?] v. 摇动;摆动

476.waste [we?st] n.& vt. 浪费

477.welfare [?welfe?(r)] n. 幸福,福利

478.whisper [?w?sp?(r)] v. 低语,私下说

479.whistle [wa?t; (US) hwa?t] n. 口哨,口哨声

480.widespre ad [?wa?dspred, -?spred] a.


481.wind(wound,wound) [w?nd] vt. 缠,连


482.withdraw [w?e?dr??] v. 撤回,撤离

483.wrinkle [?r??k(?)l] n. 皱纹


最新-2018年高考试题——英语听力(上海卷)录音稿 精品

2018年高考试题——英语听力(上海卷)录音稿 I. Listening Comprehension. Part A Short Conversations Directions:In part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Fried chicken. B. Hamburgers. C. A pizza. D. Seafood. 2. A. A new job. B. A party. C. A new house. D. Some drinks. 3. A. She doesn't like reading. B. She's already read the book. C. She is too busy to read the book. D. She's almost finished the book. 4. A. Frightening. B. Interesting. C. Enjoyable. D. Dull. 5. A. It is time that he won the scholarship. B. No one believes that he won the scholarship. C. He's surprised that he got the scholarship. D. He's glad to award the woman the scholarship. 6. A. The 4:40 bus. B. The 5:00 bus. C. The 5:20 bus. D. The 5:40 bus. 7. A. An airhostess. B. A cook. C. A waitress. D. A hotel manager. 8. A. At a police station. B. At a bank. C. At an employment agency. D. At a post office. 9. A. Someone helped him with the work. B. Someone has done the work for him. C. He didn't quite finish the work. D. He did the work alone. 10. A. He doesn't love jazz. B. He hasn't heard any music for a long time. C. He'd prefer silence for a while. D. He'd like to listen to some jazz. Part B Passages Directions: In Part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only


绝密★启用前 2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海 卷) 英语 第I 卷(105分) I . Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A;you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a questi on will be asked about what was said. The con versati ons and the questi ons will be spoke n only once. After you hear a conversatio n and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best an swer to the questi on you have heard. 1. A. At a train stati on. B. At an airport. C. At a travelage ncy. 2. A. $5. B. $10. C. $15. 3. A. Recepti onistand guest. B. Salespers on and customer. C. Doctor and patie nt. 4. A. Excited. B. Dissatisfied. 5. A. Her hair has cha nged. C. She prefers to wear long hair. 6. A. It is too early to watch the Tale nt Show. C. He would rather watch TV than go to bed. 7. A. She has got everyth ing ready. C. She hates pack ing by herself. 8. A. They should wait for Joh n for a while. C. They should start the meeting right away. 9. A. She is unwilling to move into a new flat. C. Bored. B. She isn ' t satisfied with her hair style. D. The man has cha nged his hair style. B. He will go to bed in five minutes. D. He is old eno ugh to stay up. B. She n ever hesitates over what to take. D. She n eeds more time for pack ing. B. They should stay here for the ni ght. D. They should call Joh n at on ce. B. Her neighbors get along well with her. D. At a bus stati on. D. $50. D. Waiter and diner. D. Exhausted. C. She can ' t tell the man why she is moving. D. Her neighbors usually play their TV loud. 10. A. Ask for direct ions. B. Try a differe nt route. C. Go back for the map. D. Cancel their trip. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked to questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questi ons will be spoke n only once. When you hear a questi on, read the four possible an swers on your paper and decide which one would be the blest an swer to the questi on you have heard. Questi ons 11 through 13 are based on the follow ing passage. 11. A. A political system. B. Religio n. 12. A. Discuss curre nt issues. C. Attend an arts and crafts competition. 13. A. The Commo nwealth Games. C. The Com mon wealth members. C. Work ing Ian guage. B. Join in a writing competition. D. Celebrate their frien dship. B. An importa nt holiday. D. An intern ati onal associati on. D. Race. Questio ns 14 through 16 are based on the follow ing n ews. 14. A. Equipp ing stude nts with kno wledge. B. Qualify ing stude nts for certa in jobs. C. Develop ing stude nts ' habits of min d.D. Help ing stude nts to go to graduate school. 15. A. The ability to have critical an alysis. C. Logical use of in formatio n. 16. A. Goals to reach in a college educati on. C. Qualifications needed for a job. Section C B. Creative use of leisure time. D. Willi ngn ess to accept un certa in ty. B. Roles of kno wledge in stude nts ' growth. D. Importa nee of after-class activities. Directions: In Sectio n C, you will hear two Ion ger con versati ons. The con versati ons will be read twice. After you hear each con versati on, you are required to fill in the nu mbered bla nks with the in formatio n you have heard. Write your an swers on your an swer sheet. Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer. ________________________________ Complaint Form _________________________________ Caller: Mary White Phone No.: ____ 17 . Location of Problem: A 18 restaura nt , 449 Sha nghai Street Details: It dumps its 19 on the street. It doesn ' t put bottles and cans in 20 bins. Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation. . Grammar and Vocabulary Section A


高考英语听力必备场景词汇精选 1、天气 fine 晴朗的,sunny/bright/clear 阳光充足的,cloudy多云的,rainy有雨的,wet 潮湿的,humid湿润的,freezing-cold冰冷的,cool凉爽的,mild温和的,warm暖和的,hot炎热的,windy有风的,calm无风的,breeze微风,light/strong winds 微风/大风,moderate风力不大 fog雾,snow雪,drizzle毛毛雨,light rain小雨,shower 阵雨,storm暴风雨,downpour倾盆大雨,blizzard大风雪,snowstorm暴风雪,thunder打雷,typhoon 台风,tornado龙卷风 It rains cats and dogs. 下着倾盆大雨。 2、购物 Store 商店,9rocery食品杂货店,department store百货商店,shopping center购物中心,mall商场 shop assistant 店员,counter柜台,receipt 收据,,catalog产品目录,deliver 送货,refund退熬撫bargain便宜货,second-hand二手的,poplar/fashionable 流行的,expensive昂贵的,cheap便宜的,size尺寸大小,color颜色,style式样,brand 品牌 pay by installment分期付款,pay In cash用现金支付,pay jn check用支票支付,credit card信用卡,selling season销售旺季,on sale廉价出售,50% off 打五折,a 30% discount 打七折 3、餐馆 restaurant餐馆,coffee shop/café咖啡屋,buffet自助餐,cafeteria自助餐厅,snack bar小吃郝、大排档,dining hall餐厅 waiter/waitress 男/女侍者,treat请客,menu菜单,order点菜,serve上菜,tip 小费,change零钱,knife小刀,fork叉子,chopsticks, 筷子,spoon勺子,plate 碟子,tray 托盘 appetizer开胃:菜,steak牛排,cheese 奶酪,sandwich三明治,hamburger 汉堡包, French fries炸薯条,pizza比萨饼,soup 汤,dessert(饭后)甜点,dressing


高考核心词汇汇总 高中英语熟词新义总结 最佳方法:平时的积累。只有积累了一定的“熟词新义”后,才能形成一定的语感,才会在具体的 语境中快速捕捉单词的准确含义。所以有必要对高中教材中的词汇进行梳理,做到查漏补缺,加强记忆,然后在阅读中去体会,从而力求消化。 一、 accept 接受,认可(Vt.);同意,承认(vi.) adapt 使适应;改编 add 增加,添加(Vt.);加起来,增添 (vi.);补充说(Vt.) amount 数量(n.);等于,共计(vi.,与to 连用) argue 争论,辩论(vi.);主张,说理,说服(Vt.) award 奖,奖品(n.);授奖,给予……金钱(v.) boom 发出隆隆声;(国家地区或行业的) 繁荣,迅速发展 burn 焚烧,烧焦;发出怪味,点(灯) compare 比较,比作(Vt.);比得上,与…匹敌(vi.) consider 考虑;认为;照顾到,考虑到(独立主格结构considering sth. 或sth. considered) depend 依靠,依赖;视情况而定 desire 希望, 期望; 请求, 要求(从句用should 型虚拟语气) equal 等于;比得上,匹敌(Vt.) equip 装配;配备(知识/ 信息/ 事实等) handle 门把手(n. ); 操作,处理(v.) hunt 打猎;猎取;搜寻(vi.) include 包括;计算在内(与in 连用) introduce 介绍;引进;提出;出台(政策/法规等) measure 测量;为……量尺寸;判断,权衡, 衡量(有measure sb. / sth against sb. / sth 搭配) owe 欠(钱/ 债务等);归功于,感激;幸亏 于,由于(owing to 的固定形式) perform 表演;(成功地)表现;完成,执行, 进行(尤其指复杂的活动);有……的用途 press 按,压,印;逼迫,迫使(press sb. to do sth.) process 制作,加工(食品);处理(文件/ 数据等);冲洗(照片) pronounce 发音;宣告,断言,宣布(官方意见或决定) publish 出版,发行;发表,刊登;(在报纸或墙壁上)公布,公开 raise 提高;举起;饲养,喂养;唤起(意识);使……产生(情感或反应);筹款 satisfy 使……满意; 满足(要求或欲望等);使……相信(与of 连用) share 分享,分担;均分,分配;有……共同的特征 shoulder 肩膀(n.);肩负,承当(责任或负担)(v.) spread 传播(消息/ 信息等);散布(流言); 涂抹(奶油等);(疾病)传播,蔓延;伸展(四肢);展开(翅膀) strike 击打;(时针)敲响;摩擦;罢工;达成(协议或交易);(灾难)突然袭击(vt.);突然产生(想法或主意)(vi.) succeed 取得成功;(学业或事业等)表现出色,有作为(vi.);接替,继承(vt.) tie 系;扎(Vt.);与……打成平局(搭配tie with sb.) touch 接触;感动


2016学年第二学期徐汇区高三模拟考英语试卷2017.4 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Short Conversations Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. He knows who is knocking. B. He is eager to know who it is. C. He doesn’t want to open the door. D. He is ready to open the door. 2. A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By taxi. D. By train. 3. A. $100. B. $200. C. $300. D. $400. 4. A. She went to cinema. B. She went to an exhibition. C. She stayed at home. D. She stayed with her classmates. 5. A. In a doctor’s office. B. In a professor’s office. C. In an operating room. D. In an emergency ward. 6. A. The man paid the tuition for learning physics. B. The man got a lot of money for his hard work. C. His hard work was not rewarding at all. D. His work before the test led to a good result. 7. A. A furnished house. B. A recent book. C. A further study. D. A new record. 8. A. They will go swimming. B. They will climb mountains. C. They will buy some clothes. D. They will forecast the weather conditions. 9. A. He has another lecture to attend. B. He has no interest in the lecture. C. He’s attended the same lecture given by Professor Wilson before. D. He might miss the lecture, if the woman didn’t remind him. 10.A. She fully agrees with the man. B. They are uncertain about the weather. C. She disagrees with the man. D. She thought the man was always late. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. People are encouraged to be a craftsman. B. Learning woodworking is not as hard as you think. C. Learning woodworking will help you know more people. D. Taking a class in woodworking will be very helpful. 12. A. Because I am a talent in this art and want to share it with others. B. Because I am interested in it and want to show it to others. C. Because I wonder how to pick materials and how to do it well. 1 / 16


2017.1 1. Man: What would you like, Linda? I think I'll have pie and ice-cream. Woman: The chocolate cake looks wonderful. But I’ll have cheese cake for a change. Question: What would the woman most probably have? 2. Man: Dose the sign say the museum is open every day from 10 to 8? Woman: Sorry, I haven’t got my glasses. Question: What does the woman mean? 3. Man: You know what, Betty? I've decided to give up smoking. Woman: Once again? Question: How does the woman feel about the man’s decision? 4. Man: Don’t you ever go home? Every time I see you, you are here in the library browsing through your books. Woman: What do you mean? I thought this was home. Question: What can we learn about the woman? 5. Woman: Are you skiing this afternoon? Man: I doubt it. The weather forecast is pretty bad. Question: what does the man mean? 6. Woman: The fridge is empty. What happened to all that food we bought? Man: My little brother has a big appetite. He really cleaned these out. Question: What does the man mean? 7. Man: I’m taking my nephew to a concert for his birthday tonight. Woman: In this T-shirt? You’d better change. Question: What does the woman suggest the man do? 8. Woman: Martin, my car is at the repair shop. Could you give me a ride to school? Man: Well, I would. But I’m supposed to be at the clinic in 5 minutes. Question: What is the man most probably going to do? 9. Man: Psychologists have studied thousands of pictures by kids and match them up. Woman: I’m sorry. But I don’t quite follow you. Question: What does the woman mean? 10. Man: I really enjoyed that quiz show last night. Did you see it? Woman: Oh, yes. But I wish I could've stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing. Question: What does the woman mean? Questions 11~13 are based on the following announcement. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention, please. I’m sorry to tell you that the police have asked us to tell everyone to move out from this building as quickly as possible. A handbag possibly containing an explosive device has been found in one of the dressing rooms' back stage. Experts are on their way to examine it. We ask you to leave in a quiet and orderly way. There is


医学类高频词 1.disable vt 使无能力;使残废 2.transplant vt 移植 记:trans(转移)+plant(种植)=移植 派:transplantation n 移植 3.prescribe v 开处方 派:prescription n 处方 4. diagnose vt 诊断、判断 派:diagnosis n 诊断 5. soothe vt 安慰、使平静、减轻、缓和 例:This medicine should smooth your sore throat 这种药会减轻你的喉痛 6. alleviate vt 减轻、缓和、缓解 例:alleviate pain缓解疼痛 7. expire vi 断气、(期限)终止 例:My driving licence expires next month 我的驾照下个月到期 8. chronic a 慢性的 考:chronic diseases慢性疾病 9. dizzy a 头晕目眩的 10.resistant a 有抵抗力的、抵抗的 派:resistance n 抵抗、阻力 11.immune a 免疫的,不受影响的 派:be immune to免于,不受影响的 be immune from免除的 12.disorder n 混乱、失调 例:economic disorder经济 记:dis(否定前缀)+ order(秩序) 13.discomfort n 不适 14.syndrome n 综合症 考:AIDS艾滋病 (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) 15.handicap n 缺陷、障碍 派:handicapped a 有缺陷的 派:disabled a 伤残的 16. strain n 拉紧、过劳、扭伤vt 拉伤、使紧张vi 尽力 派:restrained vt 抑制,遏制;管制, 17.surgeon n 外科医生 派:surgery n 外科、外科手术 18.physician n 内科医生 19.pregnancy n 怀孕、怀孕期 派:pregnant a 怀孕的 20.remedy n 治疗法、补救办法 21.bacteria n 细菌 22.stress n 压力


2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷) 英语 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15. B. £ 9. 18. C. £ 9. 15. 答案是C。 1. What does the woman think of the movie? A. It’s amus ing. B. It’s exciting. C. It’s disappointing. 2. How will Susan spend most of her time in France? A. Traveling around. B. Studying at a school. C. Looking after her aunt. 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. Going out. B. Ordering drinks. C. Preparing for a party. 4. Where are the speakers? A. In a classroom. B. In a library. C. In a bookstore. 5. What is the man going to do ? A. Go on the Internet. B. Make a phone call. C. Take a train trip. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


【英语】高考英语600高频词汇(有中文和音标, 背这些吧) 高考英语考试大纲虽然要求考生需要掌握3500个单词,但是绝大多数单词大家平时都认识。大家只要把以下将近600个比较难的、经常在高考英语试题中出现的高频词汇背会就可以了。学好英语,单词是第一关,2013年高考剩下60天左右,600个单词,每天背会10个就可以了!“高考直通车认证空间”祝各位考生好运,祝转载分享本文的同学高考英语都能考到130分以上! 1. accelerate /?k'sel?re?t/ vt. 加速,促进 2. absolute /'?bs?lu:t /a .绝对的,无条件的;完全的 3. liberal /'l?b?r?l /a .慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 4. transport /tr?ns'p?:t / vt. 运输,运送 n运输,运输工具 5. mild /ma?ld/a .温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 6. tender /'tend?/a .温柔的;脆弱的 7. nuisance /'nju:sns /n . 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 8. tide /ta?d/n . 潮汐;潮流 9. export /'eksp?:t /n . 出口(物) v. 出口,输出 10. import /?m'p?:t /n . 进口(物) v. 进口,输入 “高考直通车”联合衡水毕业清华北大在校生将于2013年5月中旬推出的手写版高考复习笔记,希望对大家复习备考有所帮助。该笔记适合2014年、2015年、2016年高考生使用。凡2013年5月中旬之后购买的高一、高二同学,每年指定日期可以免费更换一次最新一年的笔记。另外,所有笔记使用者将被加入2014年高考备考专用平台,每周定期提供最新资料和高考互动。 11. impose /?m'p??z / vt. 把...加强(on /?n /);采用,利用 12. religion /r?'l?d??n /n .宗教,宗教信仰 13. burst /b\:st /vi. /n. 突然发生,爆裂 14. dispose /d?s'p??z / vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of /?v /) 15. blast /blɑ:st / n .爆炸;气流 vi. 炸,炸掉 16. consume /k?n'sju:m /v. 消耗,耗尽 17. split /spl?t/v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的 18. spit /sp?t/v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 19. spill /sp?l/v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 20. extinct /?ks't??kt/a. 绝灭的,熄灭的slide /sla?d/ v. 滑动,滑落 n .滑动;滑面;幻灯片bacteria /b?k't??r??/n . 细菌 21. breed /bri:d /n . 种,品种 v. 繁殖,产仔 22. budget /'b?d??t/n . 预算 v. 编预算,作安排 23. candidate /'k?nd?d?t/n . 候选人 24. campus /'k?mp?s /n . 校园 25. transform /tr?ns'f?:m /v. 转变,变革;变换 26. transmit /tr?nz'm?t/v. 传播,播送;传递


2017 年高考英语听力(全国II 卷)试题及录音原文 第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分 ) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、C 三个选项 中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读 下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What will the woman do this afternoon? A. Do some exercise. . B. Go shopping. C. Wash her clothes. 2.Why does the woman call the man? A.To cancel a flight. B.To make an apology. C.T o put off a meeting. 3.How much more does David need for the car? A. $5,000. B. $20,000. C. $25,000. 4.What is Jane doing? A.Planning a tour. B.Calling her father. C.A sking for leave. 5.How does the man feel? A. Tired. B. Dizzy. C. Thirsty. 第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A 、 B、 C 三个 选项中选出最佳选项,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听 完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。 6. What does Jack want to do? A. Watch TV. B. Play outside. C. Go to the zoo. 7. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At home. B. In a cinema. C. In a supermarket. 听第 7 段材料,回答第8 至10 题。 8.What does Richard do? A.He ’s a newsman. B.He’s a manager. C.H e’s a researcher.


高考英语高频词汇 1. accide nt n.事故意外的事 2. adve nture n.冒险;奇遇 3. advertiseme nt n.广告 4. ambula nee n.救护车 5. an xious a.忧虑的,焦急的 6. apologize vi.道歉谢罪 7. appeara nee n.出现,露面;容貌 8. appo in tme nt n.约会 9. appreciate v.欣赏;感激 10. audie nee n.观众所众 11. average a.平均的;普通的n.平均数 12.baggage n.行李 13. bamboo n.竹 14. beard n.(下巴上的)胡须 15. behaviour n.行为,举止 16. blame n.& v.责备;责怪 17. bleed vi.出血,流血 18. telepho ne booth 电话亭 19. boring a.乏味的,无聊的 20. breathe vi.呼吸 21. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) vt. 广播 22. bus in essma n n.商人;企业家 23. camera n.照相机;摄像机 24. can dle n.蜡烛 25. carrot n.胡萝卜 26. ceili ng n.天花板,顶棚 27. celebrate v.庆祝 28. cen tigrade a. 摄氏的 29. cen tury n.世纪百年 30. certificate n.证明证明书 31. chain store(s)连锁店 32.cheek n.面颊,脸蛋 33. chemistry n.化学 34. circle n .圆圈vt.将……圈起来35. classical a.传统的;古典的 36. climate n.气候 37. clinic n.诊所 38. college n.学院;专科学校 39. comfortable a.舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的 40. comme nt n.评论 41. com mun icate v.交际;传达(感情 ,信息等) 42. compare vt.比较对照 43. compositi on n.作文;作曲 44. con ceited a.骄傲自满的 45. con diti on n.条件狀况 46. conference n.(正式的)会议;讨论 47. con gratulate vt.祝贺 48. content a.甘愿的,满意的n.内容 49. convenient a.便利的,方便的 50. coun ter n.柜台,结账 51. coun tryside n.乡下,农村 52. cous in n堂(表)兄弟 ,堂(表)姐妹 53. crazy a. 疯狂的 54. crowded a.拥挤的 55. curious a ■好奇的;奇异的 56. daily a. 每日的;日常的ad.每天n.日报 57. damage n.& vt.毁坏,损害 58. damp a. & n.潮湿(的) 59. dan gerous a.危险的 60. daughter n.女儿 61. daw n n.黎明,拂晓 62. deadli ne n.最后期限,截止日期 63. December n. 12 月 64. delicious a.美味的,可口的 65. deliver vt.投递(信件,邮包等) 66. den tist n.牙科医生 67. describe vt.描写,叙述 68. destroy vt.破坏,毁坏 69. determ ine vt.决定;决心
