

资产负债表Balance Sheet

损益表income statement

资 产assets

流动资产: current asset

现金 cash

银行存款 bank deposit

有价证券 security

应收票据 notes receivable

应收帐款 accounts receivable

坏帐准备 allowance for bad account

预付货款 prepaid cash

其它应收款 other accounts recivable

待摊费用 deferred expense

存货 inventory


一年内到期的长期存款 long-term deposit in one year

其它流动资产 other current assets

流动资产合计 total current assets

长期投资: long-term investment


一年以上的投资款项 investment over 1year

固定资产:fixed assets

固定资产原价 original price

减:累计折旧 accumulated depreciation

固定资产净值 net book value


减:累计折旧 accumulated depreciation


固定资产清理 disposal of fixed assets


在建工程 construction-in-progress

无形资产:intangible assets

场地使用权 leasehold

工业产权及专有技术 franchises and patents

其它无形资产 other intangible assets

无形资产合计 total intangible assets

其它资产: other assets

开办费 setting-up

筹建期间汇兑损失 exchange loss

递延投资损失 deferred investment loss

递延税款借项 debit of deferred tax

其它递延支出 other deferred expense

待转销汇兑损失 available-for-sale exchange loss

其它资产合计 total other assets

资产总计 total assets

负债及所得者权益 liabilities and owners equity

流动负债: current liabilities

短期借款 short-term liability

应付票据 notes payable

应付帐款 accounts payable

应付工资 salaries payable

预收货款 accrued accounts

应交税金 taxes payable

应付股利 dividends payable

应付福利费 allowance payable

其他应付款 other accounts payable

职工奖励及福利基金 bonus and allowance bond

一年内到期的长期借款 short term accounts payable

其它流动负债 other current liabilities

流动负债合计 total current liabilities

长期负债: long-term liabilities


应付公司溢价(折价)premium/discount coporate liability


产品销售收入 sales revenue

其中:出口产品销售收入 export goods sales revenue

减:销售折扣与折让 less:sales allowance and discounts

产品销售净额 net sales

减:产品销售成本 less: cost of goods sold

其中:出口产品销售成本 cost of exported goods sold

产品销售税金 sales tax

产品销售毛利 gross profit

减:销售费用 sales expense

管理费用 operating expense

财务费用 finance expence

其中:汇兑损失(减汇兑收益) exchange loss(less exchange gain)利息支出(减利息收入) interest expense(less interest revenue)

产品销售利润 net sales

加:其它业务利润 add: other income

补贴收入 bonus income


加:投资收益 add: investment gains

营业外收入 extra-operating revenue

减:营业外支出 ^^^^^^^^^^expense


利润总额 total income

减:所得税 less: income tax

净利润net income


财务报表名词英文翻译:负债及所得者权益 liabilities and owners equity 流动负债: current liabilities

短期借款 short-term liability

应付票据 notes payable

应付帐款 accounts payable

应付工资 salaries payable

预收货款 accrued accounts

应交税金 taxes payable

应付股利 dividends payable

应付福利费 allowance payable

其他应付款 other accounts payable

职工奖励及福利基金 bonus and allowance bond

一年内到期的长期借款 short term accounts payable

其它流动负债 other current liabilities

流动负债合计 total current liabilities

长期负债: long-term liabilities


应付公司溢价(折价)premium/discount coporate liability


产品销售收入 sales revenue

其中:出口产品销售收入 export goods sales revenue

减:销售折扣与折让 less:sales allowance and discounts

产品销售净额 net sales

减:产品销售成本 less: cost of goods sold

其中:出口产品销售成本 cost of exported goods sold

产品销售税金 sales tax

产品销售毛利 gross profit

减:销售费用 sales expense

管理费用 operating expense

财务费用 finance expence

其中:汇兑损失(减汇兑收益) exchange loss(less exchange gain)利息支出(减利息收入) interest expense(less interest revenue)

产品销售利润 net sales

加:其它业务利润 add: other income

补贴收入 bonus income


加:投资收益 add: investment gains

营业外收入 extra-operating revenue

减:营业外支出 ^^^^^^^^^^expense


利润总额 total income

减:所得税 less: income tax

净利润net income


工资 (非直接) Labor

职工福利费 Employee welfare

固定资产折旧 Fixed asset depreciation

修理费 Maintenance :

其中:机动设备 Plant and machinery

其他设备 Other machinery

生产房屋建筑 Production buildings and facilities 非生产房屋建筑 Non production buildings

机物料消耗 Machinery consumables

低值易耗品摊销 Low value consumablews

刃量模具费 Toolings and cutters

夹辅具费 Durable tools

外委劳务费 Outsourced labor

其他劳务费 Other labor costs

降温、取暖费 Heating fees

水电费 Water and electricity

办公费 Office expenses

差旅费 Travel expenses

运输费 Transporation costs

财产保险费 Asset insurance fee

设计制图费 Desgin and drawing fees

实验检验费 Laboratory testing fees

劳动保护费 Staff safety protection

租赁费(非融资租赁费) Leases and rentals

邮电费 Postage

资料费 Printed materials fees

排污费 Waste disposal

长期待摊费用摊销 Deferred expenses amortisation 工会经费 Union fees

职工教育经费 Employee eduction fund

劳动保险费 labor insurance

养老保险费 Pension insurance

失业保险费 Unemployment insurance

生育保险基金 Maternity insurance

工伤保险基金 Work injury insurance

独生子女补助费 Single child allowance

住房公积金 Housing fund

住房补贴 Housing allowance

医疗保险费 Housing hardship allowance

住房提租补贴 Housing rental allowance

质量保障费 Quality assurance expenses

其他 Others:

废品损失 Wastage loss

辅助材料 Other materials

燃料及动力 Fuel and energy

专用工具 Specialised tools

生产工人工资 Production workers salary

职工福利费 Employee welfare

生产工人工资性费用 Production workers other costs 物流费用 Logistics

销售收入 Sales Revenue

销售折扣 Rebate

实物成本 Material Cost

折旧 Depreciation

工资性费用 Fringe Benefit

净追索赔偿 Warranty

息税前利润 EBIT

Financial Highlights

Accounts receivable应收帐款

Inventory - Raw material原材料库存

- Finished Goods成品库存

- Other inventory其它库存

Total inventory库存合计

Accounts Payable应付帐款

