

一、选择题 (每小题 1 分,共 30 分)

1.The government reports that "GDP increased by 1.6 percent in the last quarter." This statement means that GDP increased

a. by 6.4 percent for the year.

b. at an annual rate of 6.4 percent during the last quarter.

c. at an annual rate of 1.6 percent during the last quarter.

d. at an annual rate of .4 percent during the last quarter.

2.A Brazilian company produces soccer balls in the United States and exports all of them. If the price of the soccer balls increases, the GDP deflator

a. and the CPI both increase.

b. is unchanged and the CPI increases.

c. increases and the CPI is unchange


d. and the CPI are unchanged.

3.The price of CD players increases dramatically, causing a 1 percent increase in the CPI. The price increase will most likely cause the GDP deflator to increase by

a. more than 1 percent.

b. less than 1 percent.

c. 1 percent.

d. It is impossible to make an informed guess without more information.

4.A nation's standard of living is measured by its

a. real GDP.

b. real GDP per person.

c. nominal GDP.

d. nominal GDP per person.

5.In 2002 President Bush imposed restrictions on imports of steel to protect the U.S.

steel industry.

a. This is an inward-oriented policy which most economists believe have adverse

effects on growth.

b. This is an inward-oriented policy which most economists believe have beneficial effects on


c. This is an outward-oriented policy which most economists believe have adverse effects on growth.

d. This is an outward-oriented policy which most economists believe have beneficial effects on


6.Generally when economists and the text talk of the "interest rate," they are talking about the

a. real interest rate.

b. current nominal interest rate.

c. real interest rate minus the inflation rate.

d. equilibrium nominal interest rat


7.An increase in the budget deficit

a. makes investment spending fall.

b. makes investment spending rise.

c. does not affect investment spending.

d. may increase, decrease, or not affect investment spending.

8.Norne Corporation is considering building a new plant. It will cost them $1 million today to build it and it will generate revenues of $1,121 million three years from today. Of the interest rates below, which is the highest interest rate at which Norne would still be willing to build the plant?

a. 3 percent

b. 3.5 percent

c. 4 percent

d. 4.5 percent

9.Recent entrants into the labor force account for about

a. 1/2 of those who are unemployed. Spells of unemployment end about 1/5 of the time with people

leaving the labor force.

b. 1/3 of those who are unemployed. Spells of unemployment end about 1/2 of the time with people

leaving the labor force.

c. 1/4 of those who are unemploye

d. Spells of unemployment end about 1/2 of the time with people

leaving the labor force.

d. 1/4 of those who are unemployed. Spells of unemployment end about 1/5 of the time with people

leaving the labor force

10.Which of the following best illustrates the unit of account function of money?

a. You list prices for candy sold on your Web site, https://www.360docs.net/doc/de522697.html,, in


b. You pay for your WNBA tickets with dollars.

c. You keep $10 in your backpack for emergencies.

d. None of the above is correct.

11.Current U.S. currency is

a. fiat money with intrinsic value.

b. fiat money with no intrinsic value.

c. commodity money with intrinsic value.

d. commodity money with no intrinsic valu


12.Velocity in the country of Shem is always stable. In 2002, the money supply was $200 billion and the GDP price deflator was four times as high as it was in the base year. In 2003, the money supply increased to $240 billion, the price level increased by 15 percent, and nominal GDP equaled $1,200 billion. By how much did real GDP increase between 2002 and 2003?

a. 20 percent

b. 4.35 percent

c. 2.17 percent

d. There is not enough information to answer the question.

13.Shoeleather costs refer to

a. the cost of more frequent price changes induced by higher inflation.

b. the distortion in resource allocation created by distortions in relative prices due

to inflation.

c. resources used to maintain lower money holdings when inflation is high.

d. the distortion in incentives created by inflation by taxes that do not adjust for


14.International trade

a. raises the standard of living in all trading countries.

b. lowers the standard of living in all trading countries.

c. leaves the standard of living unchange


d. raises the standard of living for importing countries and lowers it for exporting countries.

15.Which of the following would be U.S. foreign portfolio investment?

a. Disney builds a new amusement park near Rome, Italy.

b. Your economics professor buys stock in companies located in Eastern European countries.

c. A Dutch hotel chain opens a new hotel in the United States.

d. A citizen of Singapore buys a bond issued by a U.S. corporation.

16.A Venezuelan firm purchases earth-moving equipment from a U.S. company and pays for it with domestic currency. This transaction

a. increases U.S. net exports, and increases Venezuelan net capital outflow.

b. increases U.S. net exports, and decreases Venezuelan net capital outflow.

c. decreases U.S. net exports, and increases Venezuelan net capital outflow.

d. decreases U.S. net exports, and decreases Venezuelan net capital outflow.

17.At the equilibrium interest rate in the open economy macroeconomic model, the amount that people want to save equals the desired quantity of

a. net capital outflow.

b. domestic investment.

c. net capital outflow plus domestic investment.

d. foreign currency supplied.

18.In an open economy,

a. net capital outflow = imports.

b. net capital outflow = net exports.

c. net capital outflow = exports.

d. None of the above is correct.

19.In the open-economy macroeconomic model, the real exchange rate is determined in the market where dollars are exchanged for foreign currency by the equality of the supply of dollars, which comes from

a. U.S. national saving and the demand for dollars for U.S. net exports.

b. U.S. net capital outflow and the demand for dollars for U.S. net exports.

c. domestic investment and the demand for U.S. net exports.

d. foreign demand for U.S. goods and U.S. demand for foreign goods.

20.If a government increases its budget deficit, then interest rates

a. rise and the trade balance moves toward surplus.

b. rise and the trade balance moves toward deficit.

c. fall and the trade balance moves toward surplus.

d. fall and the trade balance moves toward deficit.

21.Investment spending decreases when the price level

a. rises causing interest rates to rise.

b. rises causing interest rates to fall.

c. falls causing interest rates to rise.

d. falls causing interest rates to fall.

22.An increase in the price level and a decrease in real GDP in the short run could be created by

a. an increase in the money supply.

b. an increase in government expenditures.

c. a fall in stock prices.

d. bad weather in farm states.

23.Which part of real GDP fluctuates most over the course of the business cycle?

a. consumption

b. government expenditures

c. investment

d. net exports

24.According to liquidity preference theory, the price level and interest rate are

a. positively related as are the interest rate and aggregate demand.

b. inversely related as are the interest rate and aggregate demand.

c. positively related while the interest rate and aggregate demand are inversely


d. inversely related while the interest rate and aggregate demand are positively


25.Which of the following shifts aggregate demand to the right?

a. an increase in the price level

b. an increase in the money supply

c. a decrease in the price level

d. a decrease in the money supply

26.If the Fed conducts open-market sales, the money supply

a. increases and aggregate demand shifts right.

b. increases and aggregate demand shifts left.

c. decreases and aggregate demand shifts right.

d. decreases and aggregate demand shifts left.

27.Some economists argue that

a. monetary policy should actively be used to stabilize the economy.

b. fiscal policy should actively be used to stabilize the economy.

c. fiscal policy can be used to shift the AD curve.

d. All of the above are correct.

28.The lag problem associated with monetary policy is due mostly to

a. the fact that business firms make investment plans far in advance.

b. the political system of checks and balances that slows down the process of determining monetary


c. the time it takes for changes in government spending to affect the interest rate.

d. All of the above are correct.

29.A. W. Phillips' findings were based on data

a. from 1861-1957 for the United Kingdom.

b. from 1861-1957 for the United States.

c. mostly from the post-World War II period in the United Kingdom.

d. mostly from the post-World War II period in the United States.

30.Which of the following is true concerning the long-run Phillips curve?

a. Its position is determined primarily by monetary factors.

b. If it shifts right, long-run aggregate supply shifts right.

c. It cannot be changed by any government policy.

d. its position depends on the natural rate of unemployment.

二、判断题(每小题 1 分,共 20 分)

31.The government component of GDP includes salaries paid to Army generals but not Social Security benefits to the elderly.

32.An increase in the saving rate does not permanently increases the growth rate of real GDP per person.

33.In ten years when you are the owner of a major U.S. corporation, if your corporation opens and operates a branch in a foreign country you will be engaging in foreign direct investment.

34.Corporations receive no proceeds from the resale of their stock.

35.According to the rule of 70, if you earn an interest rate of 3.5 percent, your savings will double about every 20 years.

36.The value of a stock depends on the ability of the company to generate dividends and the expected price of the stock when the stockholder sells her shares.

37.A minimum wage above equilibrium creates a labor surplus.

38.According to the theory of efficiency wages, firms operate more efficiently if they can pay wages that are below the equilibrium level. 39.The use of money allows trade to be roundabout.

40.The quantity theory of money can explain hyperinflations but not moderate inflation.

41.In every economy, national saving equals domestic investment plus net capital


42.In the open-economy macroeconomic model, net exports represent the quantity of dollars demanded in the foreign-currency exchange market.

43.Although trade policies do not affect a country's overall trade balance, they do affect

specific firms and industries.

44.If speculators bid up the value of the dollar in the market for foreign-currency exchange, aggregate demand would shift to the left.

45.In response to a decrease in output the economy would revert to its original level of prices and output whether the decrease in output was caused by a decrease in aggregate demand or a decrease in aggregate supply.

46.John Maynard Keynes advocated policies that would increase aggregate demand as a way to decrease unemployment caused by recessions.

47.An increase in the money supply shifts the aggregate supply curve right. 48.Unemployment insurance and welfare programs work as automatic stabilizers. 49.In the long run, the inflation rate depends primarily on money supply growth.

50.Although monetary policy cannot reduce the natural rate of unemployment, other types of policies can. 三、名词解释(每小题 2分,共 10 分)

51.catch-up effect: 52.depreciation: 53.capital flight: 54.recession:

55.automatic stabilizers: 四、简答题( 8题中任选6题;每小题 5分,共 30 分)

56.Compare and contrast the population theories of Malthus and Kremer.

57.Using a graph representing the market for loanable funds, show and explain what happens to interest rates and investment if a government goes from a deficit to a surplus.

58.Which two of the Ten Principles of Economics imply that the Fed can profoundly affect the economy?

59.The U.S. Treasury Department issues inflation-indexed bonds. What are

inflation-indexed bonds and why are they important?

60.Make a list of things that would shift the long-run aggregate supply curve to the right.

61.Illustrate the classical analysis of growth and inflation with aggregate demand and long-run aggregate supply curves.

62.How does a reduction in the money supply by the Fed make owning stocks less attractive?

63.Why and in what way are fiscal policy lags different from monetary policy lags?

五、讨论题(2题中任选1题;每小题 10 分,共 10


64. Suppose government spends $3 billion to buy police cars. Explain why aggregate demand might increase by more than $3 billion. Explain why aggregate demand might increase by less than $3 billion.

65. In 1939, with the U.S. economy not yet fully recovered from the Great Depression, President Roosevelt proclaimed that Thanksgiving would fall a week earlier than usual so that the shopping period before Christmas would be longer. Explain this decision, using the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply.


一、选择题 (每小题 1 分,共 30 分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

二、判断题(正确用“T”;错误用“F”;每小题 1

分,共 20 分)

31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

三、名词解释(每小题 2分,共 10 分)

51.catch-up effect:


53.capital flight:


55.automatic stabilizers:

四、简答题( 8题中任选6题;每小题 5分,共 30 分;答题时


五、讨论题(2题中任选1题;每小题 10 分,共 10 分;答题时请











9.b 10.a 11.b 12.b 13.c 14.a 15.b 16.b 17.c 18.b 19.b 20.b 21.a 22.d 23.c 24.c 25.b 26.d 27.d 28.a 29.a 30.d

31.T 32.T 33.T 34.T 35.T 36.T 37.T 38.F 39.T 40.F 41.T 42.T 43.T 44.T 45.F 46.T 47.F 48.T 49.T 50.T

51.the property whereby contries that start off poor tend to grow more rapidly than countries that start off rich.

52.a decrease in the value of a currency as measured by the amount of foreign currency it can buy.

53.a large and sudden reduction in the demand for assets located in a country.

54.a period of declining real incomes and rising unemployment.

55.changes in fiscal policy that stimulate aggregate demand when the economy goes into a recession





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∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶without policymakers having to take any deliberate action.

56.The difference is that Malthus predicted that population growth would be greater than growth in the ability to increase output. He believed that people would continue to populate the earth until output reached a subsistence level. On the other hand Kremer argues that population growth increased productivity allowing people to improve their standard of living despite growing population. Kremer argues that with more population comes more innovations. The improvements in technology more than offset any adverse impact of the increase in population on the standard of living.

57. As shown in the graph below, the economy starts in equilibrium at point E0 with interest rate r0 and equilibrium quantity of saving and investment at q0. If the government succeeds in obtaining a surplus, there will be more public saving in the economy at each interest rate, and the supply of loanable funds curve will shift from S0 to S1. The new equilibrium will be at E1, with a lower interest rate, r1 and a higher quantity of saving and investment, q1. Hence, if the federal government succeeds in having a surplus, interest rates will fall and investment will increase.

Market for Loanable Funds

58. 1. Prices rise when the government prints too much money.

2. There is a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment.

59. Inflation-indexed bonds are bonds whose interest and principal payments are adjusted upward for inflation, guaranteeing their real purchasing power in the future.

They are important because they provide a safe, inflation-proof asset for savers and they may allow the Treasury to borrow more easily at a lower current cost.

60. Examples in the text (or variations) include increased immigration, a decrease in the minimum wage, more generous unemployment insurance, an increase in the capital stock, an increase in the average level of education, a discovery of new mineral deposits, technology, and removal of barriers to international trade.

61.See graph.

Over time technological advances cause the long-run aggregate supply curve to shift right. Increases in the money supply cause the aggregate demand curve to shift right. Output growth puts downward pressure on the price level, but money supply growth contributes to rising prices.

62. The reduction in the money supply raises the interest rate. So the return on bonds increases relative to the return on stocks. The increase in the interest rate also causes spending to fall so that revenues and profits fall making shares of ownership in corporations less valuable.

63.The fiscal policy lags are mostly a matter of waiting to implement the policy. By the time the president and Congress can agree to and pass legislation changing expenditures or taxes, the recession may have ended. The Federal Reserve can act to change the money supply quickly, but it may take some time before the effects of an increase in the money supply work their way through the economy.

64. 当政府支出30亿美元购买警车时,直接投资增加警车生产企业的利润,这种增加又使该企业雇佣更多工人,并增加生的。随着工人看到收入更多,企业所有者看到利润更多,他们对这种收入增加的反应是增加他们自己对消费品的支出。结果,政府对警车的购买还增加了经济中许多其它企业产






∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 任课教师:









65. 当罗斯福总统宣布感恩前一周时,刺激了居民的消费支出,经济中对物品与劳务的需求会增加,从而总需求曲线从AD 1右移到AD 2.随着经济从A 点变动到B 点,产量从Y 1增加到Y 2,物价水平众P 1升至P 2.


心之所向,所向披靡 重庆工学院考试试卷 2009~2010 学年第一学期 班级学号姓名考试科目宏观经济学 A卷闭卷共 6 页·密·封·线·

6、假设总供给为540亿美元,消费为460亿美元,投资是70亿美元,则在该经济体系中( C )。 A.计划投资等于计划储蓄 B.存货中含有非计划投资 C.存在非计划储蓄 D.非计划储蓄等于计划投资及非计划投资() 7对原油、燃料等生产资料需求剧增,导致生产资料价格飞速上涨而引起的通货膨胀属于( C ) A 需求拉动型通货膨胀 B 预期的通货膨胀 C 成本推动型通货膨胀 D 惯性性的通货膨胀 8、假定其他条件不变,货币供给增加将导致( B) A r下降和y减少 B r下降和y增加 C r上升和y增加 D r上升和y减少 9、下列说法正确的是(B ) A.偏离IS曲线的点并不一定代表商品市场没有达到均衡 B.处于IS曲线右边的点,表示投资规模小于储蓄规模 C.处于IS曲线右边的点,表示投资规模大于储蓄规模 D.处于IS曲线左边的点,表示现行的利率水平过高 10、假定货币供给量和价格水平不变,货币需求为收入和利率的函数,则收入增加时(A ) A.货币需求增加,利率上升 B.货币需求增加,利率下降 C.货币需求减少,利率上升 D.货币需求减少,利率下降 11、当下列哪种条件时,总需求曲线更陡峭( A) A.投资支出对利率变化较不敏感 B.支出乘数较大 C.货币需求对利率变化较敏感 D.货币供给量较大 ·密·封·线· 学生答题不得超过此线 12、假定经济实现充分就业,总供给曲线是垂直线,扩张的财政政策将 ( B) A.提高价格水平和实际产出 B.提高价格水平但不影响实际产出 C.提高实际产出但不影响价格水平 D.对价格水平和产出均无影响 13、在下述哪种情况下,会产生挤出效应。( C) A.货币供给的下降提高利率,从而挤出了对利率敏感的私人支出

《曼昆—宏观经济学》 重点总结

第23章一国收入得衡量—GDP 微观经济学(microeconomics)研究个别家庭与企业如何做出决策,以及它们如何在市场上相互交易。宏观经济学(macroeconomics)研究整个经济,包括通货膨胀、失业率与经济增长。 一GDP 1 定义:国内生产总值(grossdomestic product,GDP) 就是在某一既定时期一个国家内生产得所有最终物品与劳务得市场价值。 2组成:GDP(用Y代表)被分为四个组成部分:消费(C)、投资(I)、政府购买(G)、净出口(NX): Y = C + I +G +NX 3 实际GDP与名义GDP:实际GDP=名义GDP-通货膨胀率,衡量得就是生产得变动,而不就是物价得变动。 4 GDP平减指数: ,就是经济学家用来检测经济平均物价水平,从而监测通货膨胀率得一个重要指标。(GDPdeflator) 5 GDP与经济福利: ?由于GDP用市场价格来评价物品与劳务,它就没有把几乎所有在市场之外进行得活动得价值包括进来,特别就是,GDP漏掉了在家庭中生产得物品与劳务得价值。 ?GDP没有包括得另一种东西就是环境质量。 ?GDP也没有涉及收入分配。 二衡量收入得其她指标: ?国民生产总值(GNP):就是一国永久居民(称为国民)所赚到得总收入。它与GDP得不同之处在于:它包括本国公民在国外赚到得收入,而不包括外国人在本国赚到得收入。 ?国民生产净值(NNP):就是一国居民得总收入(GNP)减折旧得消耗. ?国民收入、个人收入、个人可支配收入 第24章生活费用得衡量—CPI 一CPI 1定义:消费物价指数(consumer price index,CPI)就是普通消费者所购买得物品与劳务得总费用得衡量标准 2 计算:定义篮子→找出价格→计算费用→选择基年并计算指数→计算通货膨胀率 消费者物价指数=*100 3 衡量生活费用过程中存在得问题 替代倾向 新产品得引进


宏观经济学B卷答案 一、名词解释(10分每小题2分) 1GNP:国民生产总值。某国身份家的公民在一定时期内运用生产要素所能生产的全部最终产品的市场价值。 2、税收乘数:税收增加一个单位所引起的均衡国民收入增加的倍数。 3、货币流动偏好:由于货币具有使用上的灵活性人们宁肯牺牲利息收入来保持财富的心理倾向。 4、LM曲线:货币市场均衡时L m =,此时反映利率r和国民收入y之间对应关系的曲线。 5、扩张性的货币政策:货币当局通过改变货币供给m或利率r等金融杠杆进而使国民收入增加的政策。 二、单项选择(20分每小题2分) 1——5 DDADB 6——10 BBABC 三、简答题(20分每小题5分) 1、在其他条件不变的前提下,如果国家增加政府转移支付,IS曲线将如何移动, 请画图分析并说明理由。 答:在三部门经济中,IS曲线为 1 e g t tr r y d d αβββ ++-+- =-,当其他条 件不变,政府转移支付tr增加时,纵截距 e g t tr d αββ ++-+ 增大,斜率不变, 所以IS曲线向右上方平移。 2、什么是汇率?汇率有几种标价法?并举例说明。 答:汇率是一国货币交换另一国货币的比率。有直接标价法和间接标价法。直接标价法如:1美元=6.19人民币;间接标价法如:1人民币=1/6.19美元。 3、宏观经济政策目标是什么?为达到这些目标可采用的政策工具有哪些? 宏观经济政策目标包括充分就业、物价稳定、经济增长和国际收支平衡。工具有财政政策和货币政策。财政政策又包括扩张性的财政政策和紧缩性的财政政策。货币政策又包括扩张性的货币政策和紧缩性的货币政策。


一、选择题 (每小题 1 分,共 30 分) 1.The government reports that "GDP increased by 1.6 percent in the last quarter." This statement means that GDP increased a. by 6.4 percent for the year. b. at an annual rate of 6.4 percent during the last quarter. c. at an annual rate of 1.6 percent during the last quarter. d. at an annual rate of .4 percent during the last quarter. 2.A Brazilian company produces soccer balls in the United States and exports all of them. If the price of the soccer balls increases, the GDP deflator a. and the CPI both increase. b. is unchanged and the CPI increases. c. increases and the CPI is unchange d. d. and the CPI are unchanged. 3.The price of CD players increases dramatically, causing a 1 percent increase in the CPI. The price increase will most likely cause the GDP deflator to increase by a. more than 1 percent. b. less than 1 percent. c. 1 percent. d. It is impossible to make an informed guess without more information. 4.A nation's standard of living is measured by its a. real GDP. b. real GDP per person. c. nominal GDP. d. nominal GDP per person. 5.In 2002 President Bush imposed restrictions on imports of steel to protect the U.S. steel industry. a. This is an inward-oriented policy which most economists believe have adverse effects on growth. b. This is an inward-oriented policy which most economists believe have beneficial effects on growth. c. This is an outward-oriented policy which most economists believe have adverse effects on growth. d. This is an outward-oriented policy which most economists believe have beneficial effects on growth. 6.Generally when economists and the text talk of the "interest rate," they are talking about the a. real interest rate. b. current nominal interest rate. c. real interest rate minus the inflation rate. d. equilibrium nominal interest rat e. 7.An increase in the budget deficit a. makes investment spending fall. b. makes investment spending rise. c. does not affect investment spending. d. may increase, decrease, or not affect investment spending. 8.Norne Corporation is considering building a new plant. It will cost them $1 million today to build it and it will generate revenues of $1,121 million three years from today. Of the interest rates below, which is the highest interest rate at which Norne would still be willing to build the plant? a. 3 percent b. 3.5 percent c. 4 percent d. 4.5 percent 9.Recent entrants into the labor force account for about a. 1/2 of those who are unemployed. Spells of unemployment end about 1/5 of the time with people leaving the labor force. b. 1/3 of those who are unemployed. Spells of unemployment end about 1/2 of the time with people leaving the labor force. c. 1/4 of those who are unemploye d. Spells of unemployment end about 1/2 of the time with people leaving the labor force. d. 1/4 of those who are unemployed. Spells of unemployment end about 1/5 of the time with people

曼昆 宏观经济学 练习题及答案

Homework 4 1. The Mundell–Fleming model takes the world interest rate r* as an exogenous variable. Let’s consider what happens when this variable changes. a. What might cause the world interest rate to rise? The Mundell–Fleming model takes the world interest rate r* as an exogenous variable. However, there is no reason to expect the world interest rate to be constant. In the closed-economy model of Chapter 3, the equilibrium of saving and investment determines the real interest rate. In an open economy in the long run, the world real interest rate is the rate that equilibrates world saving and world investment demand. Anything that reduces world saving or increases world investment demand increases the world interest rate. In addition, in the short run with fixed prices, anything that increases the worldwide demand for goods or reduces the worldwide supply of money causes the world interest rate to rise. b. In the Mundell–Fleming model with a floating exchange rate, what happens to aggregate income, the exchange rate, and the trade balance when the world interest rate rises? Figure 12–16 shows the effect of an increase in the world interest rate under floating exchange rates. Both the IS* and the LM* curves shift. The IS* curve shifts to the left, because the higher interest rate causes investment I(r*) to fall. The LM* curve shifts to the right because the higher interest rate reduces money demand. Since the supply of real balances M/P is fixed, the higher interest rate leads to an excess supply of real balances. To restore equilibrium in the money market, income must rise; this increases the demand for money until there is no longer an excess supply. Intuitively, when the world interest rate rises, capital outflow will increase as the interest rate in the small country adjusts to the new higher level of the world interest rate. The increase in capital outflow causes the exchange rate to fall, causing net exports and hence output to increase, which increases money demand.


《宏观经济学》模拟试题及参考答案 第Ⅰ部分模拟试题 一、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1、平均消费倾向表示与之比。 2、在二部门经济中,均衡的国民收入是和相等时的国民收入。 3、宏观财政政策包括政策和政策。 4、交易余额和预防余额主要取决于,投机余额主要取决于。 5、宏观货币政策的主要内容有调整法定准备金率、、。 1、消费支出、可支配收入。 2、总支出、国民收入。 3、财政支出、财政收入。 4、国民收入、利息率。 5、调整贴现率、在公开市场上买卖政府债券。 二、判断题(下列各题,如果您认为正确,请在题后的括号中打上“√”号,否则请打上“×”号,每题1分,共10分) 1、财政政策的内在稳定器有助于缓和经济的波动。() 2、从短期来说,当居民的可支配收入为0时,消费支出也为0。()。 3、消费曲线的斜率等于边际消费倾向。() 4、当某种商品的价格上涨时,我们就可以说,发生了通货膨胀。(), 5、投机动机的货币需求是国民收入的递增函数。() 6、当投资增加时,IS曲线向右移动。() 7、在IS曲线的右侧,I



宏观经济学试题库 一、名词解释 国民生产总值实际国民生产总值名义国民生产总值国民生产净值 国民收入个人收入个人可支配收入政府转移支付 消费函数储蓄函数投资乘数税收乘数政府购买乘数平衡预算乘数平均消费倾向边际消费倾向加速数 资本边际效率灵活偏好货币需求流动偏好陷阱IS曲线LM曲线财政政策货币政策挤出效应货币幻觉古典主义极端 结构性失业经济增长斟酌使用的财政政策自动稳定器功能财政充分就业预算盈余货币创造乘数基础货币法定准备金公开市场业务自然失业率菲利普斯曲线单一政策规则拉弗曲线经济增长有保证的增长率经济周期黄金分割律倒U字假说通货膨胀需求拉上通货膨胀成本推进通货膨胀

二、判断是非题: 1、宏观经济学以收入和就业为分析中心,故又可称收入理论或就业理论。 2、GNP被定义为经济社会在一定时期内运用生产要素生产的全部产品的市场价值。 3、一个在日本工作的美国公民的收入是美国GDP的一部分,也是日本GNP的一部分。 4、从GNP中扣除资本折旧,就可以得到NNP。 5、个人收入即为个人可支配收入,是人们可随意用来消费或储蓄的收入。 6、三部门经济的投资储蓄恒等式为I=S+(T-G)。 7、GNP折算指数是实际GNP与名义GNP的比率。 8、国民收入核算体系将GNP作为核算国民经济活动的核心指标。 9、政府转移支付应计入国民生产总值GNP 中。 10、若某企业年生产50万$的产品,只销售掉40万$的产品,则当年该企业所创造的GNP为40万$。 11、某出租车司机购买了一辆产于1992年的小轿车,该司机为此付出的10万¥的购车费应计入1996年的GNP中。


宏观经济学试题库 第一单元 一、单项选择题 1、宏观经济学的中心理论是() A、价格决定理论; B、工资决定理论; C、国民收入决定理论; D、汇率决定理论。 2、表示一国在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市场价值的总量指标是() A、国民生产总值; B、国内生产总值; C、名义国民生产总值; D、实际国民生产总值。 3、GNP核算中的劳务包括() A、工人劳动; B、农民劳动; C、工程师劳动; D、保险业服务。 4、实际GDP等于() A、价格水平除以名义GDP; B、名义GDP除以价格水平; C、名义GDP乘以价格水平; D、价格水平乘以潜在GDP。 5、从国民生产总值减下列项目成为国民生产净值() A、折旧; B、原材料支出; C、直接税; D、间接税。 6、从国民生产净值减下列项目在为国民收入() A、折旧; B、原材料支出; C、直接税; D、间接税。 二、判断题 1、国民生产总值中的最终产品是指有形的物质产品。() 2、今年建成并出售的房屋和去年建成而在今年出售的房屋都应计入今年的国民生产总值。 () 3、同样的服装,在生产中作为工作服就是中间产品,而在日常生活中穿就是最终产品。 () 4、国民生产总值一定大于国内生产总值。() 5、居民购房支出属于个人消费支出。() 6、从理论上讲,按支出法、收入法和部门法所计算出的国民生产总值是一致的。() 7、所谓净出口是指出口减进口。() 8、在三部门经济中如果用支出法来计算,GNP等于消费+投资+税收。() 三、简答题 1、比较实际国民生产总值与名义国民生产总值。 2、比较国民生产总值与人均国民生产总值。 3、为什么住房建筑支出作为投资支出的一部分? 4、假定A为B提供服务应得报酬400美元,B为A提供服务应得报酬300美元,AB商定相 互抵消300美元,结果A只收B100美元。应如何计入GNP? 第一单元答案: 一、C、A、D、B、A、D; 二、错、错、对、错、错、对、对、错; 三、1、实际国民生产总值与名义国民生产总值的区别在于计算时所用的价格不同。前者用不变价格,后者用当年价格。两者之间的差别反映了通货膨胀程度。 2、国民生产总值用人口总数除所得出的数值就是人均国民生产总值。前者可以反映一国的综合国力,后者可以反映一国的富裕程度。 3、由于能长期居住,提供服务,它比一般耐用消费品的使用寿命更长,因此把住房的


第一章结论 复习思考题: 1.重要概念:超长期;总供给曲线;实际GDP的趋势线;长期;总需求曲线;产出缺口;中期;菲利普斯曲线;潜在产出;短期;增长率;通货膨胀;增长理论;经济周期;消费价格指数;总供给-总需求模型 2.长期中为什么产出水平只取决于总供给? 3.短期中为什么产出水平只取决于总需求? 第二章国民收入核算 复习思考题: 1.重要概念:GDP;GNP;GDP缩减指数;CPI;PPI;生产要素;最终/中间产品;名义GDP/实际GDP;通货膨胀;名义利率/实际利率 2.下列交易的价值是否应当计入国内生产总值(GDP)?为什么? (1)顾客在饭店支付餐费。 (2)一家公司购买一幢旧楼。 (3)一家供应商向制造个人计算机的公司出售计算机芯片。 (4)一位消费者从交易商手中买进一辆汽车。 3.国内生产总值(GDP)高是否一定意味着福利状况好呢?在评价经济福利状况时还应考虑哪些因素? 4..假定某经济社会有A、B、C三个厂商,A厂商年产出5000美元,卖给B、C和消费者。其中B买A 的产出200美元,C买2000美元,其中2800美元卖给消费者。B年产出500美元直接卖给消费者,C年产6000美元,其中3000美元由A买,其余由消费者买。 (1)假定投入在生产中用光,计算价值增加; (2)计算GDP为多少; (3)如果只有C有500美元折旧,计算国民收入。 5.假定GDP是6000美元,个人可支配收入是5100美元,政府预算赤字是200美元,消费是3800美元,外贸赤字是100美元,求: (1)储蓄S是多大; (2)投资I是多大; (3)政府支出是多大? 第三章增长与积累 复习思考题: 1.重要概念:增长核算方程;柯布-道格拉斯生产函数;趋同;全要素生产率;索洛剩余;新古典增长理论;稳态均衡; 2.索络增长模型能否有助于解释趋同现象?


曼昆宏观经济学读书笔记 宏观经济学之所以成为宏观,是因为它的研究对象是一国经济运行,包括通货膨胀、经济增长等,而不仅仅是一个企业、市场或家庭的经济行为。宏观经济学滥觞于凯恩斯,至今已经和微观经济学分庭抗礼,而且宏观经济政策在经济活动中作用十分巨大。 曼昆经济学原理宏观部分开篇讨论宏观经济中各种数据,当然,在宏观经济学中数据始终扮演十分重要的角色,在指标监控基础上形成的各种宏观经济政策调控工具是决策者的宠儿。 第23章中,曼昆论述了一国收入的衡量。一般来说,衡量一国国民经济可以从收入和支出两个角度来计算,而在一个经济活动中必然有一个收入对应一个支出,所以两种方法得到的结论是一样的。在这里,无论微观还是宏观,基本上都逃不掉如下这幅图: 接下来,曼昆讨论了国民生产总值的含义。众所周知,国家会统计每季度的GDP ,并在年末获得年度GDP 。国民生产总值是在一定时间内一个国家所生产的所有最终商品和劳务的市场价值。深刻理解国民生产总值含义要抓住每一个词汇,这是宏观里非常重要的概念。与GDP 相似的还有如下几个收入概念: GNP GDP NNP GNP NI NNP PI NI =+=-=-=-本国国民民国外所得-外国国民本国所得 折旧 企业间接税+企业贴补 企业留存收益+其他所得 可支配收入=PI-个人所得税 按照四部门经济模型,我们可以有如下GDP 构成:

GDP C I G NX =+++ 这里必须强调投资和我们平时所讲的投资是有区别的,这里投资主要是购买用于生产物品的物品,也就购买生产资料,包括机械、建筑等。 在第二十三章最后一节里,曼昆阐述了三个非常重要的概念:名义GDP 、真实GDP 和GDP 平减指数。概而言之,名义GDP 是以当年价格乘以生产数量而得到的数字;真实GDP 主要排除了价格的影响,以一个年份的价格作为不变价格,乘以当年生产数量从而得到真实GDP ,主要反映生产数量的变化,可以更好的衡量一国的经济福利;GDP 平减指数是用来衡量价格变动的指标,GDP 100GDP GDP =?名义平减指数真实。需要指出, GDP 平减指数可以用来测量通货膨胀的一个指标,这就要通过以下公式计算GDP 平减指数的变动: 100%GDP GDP GDP GDP -=?第二年平减指数第一年平减指数平减指数第一年平减指数 当然,GDP 并不是完美的,在环境、收入分配等环节上是无法通过GDP 反映的。虽然如今很多经济学家都在呼吁绿色GDP 或者GDP 重新改革,而目前我们国家还有太多需要发展,经济水平还是偏下,在东部也许可以重新衡量GDP 统计,在中西部则还是弊大于利。GDP 衡量体系一旦变化,这些地区将面临更加不利发展的经济环境。这就好比教导三岁小孩要先天下之忧而忧,他又真能做到如此?经济就像人生,经历波澜壮阔、起起伏伏之后才能把握住最美、最好的一幕,让一个还没有发展的经济区域妄谈环境、低碳必会引来因噎废食。 接着在二十四章里,曼昆谈论了消费物价指数(consumer prize index )。这是一个非常有大众缘的指数,无论是国内还是国外媒体CPI 的确是一个抢眼的词汇。首先,曼昆介绍了消费物价指数含义和计算方法。所谓的消费物价指数,是消费者购买一篮子商品和劳务所支付的总价格。根据各种商品在消费者消费中重要程度高低赋予一定的权重,计算出当年总支出。再确定某一个基期价格,利用下面公式: 消费者物价指数=(当期总物价/基期总物价)×100 然后通过计算相邻年份或月份CPI 的变动率,也就是通货膨胀率就可以衡量一定时期内价格变动的比率。当然,消费者物价指数有其固有的弱点。消费者物价指数反映不了消费偏向导致的消费结构的变化,所以一揽子商品必须适时而变。消费者物价指数无法反映新产品和质量的变动。 如消费者物价指数,GDP 平减指数也是反映通货膨胀一个指数,而且这两个指数可以相互配合来确定当年物价变动状况。而两者又存在一些差别。从对象上看,GDP 平减指数反映的是所有生产的物品和劳务,而CPI 仅仅是消费者购买的物品和劳务,这就导致石油价格上涨时非产油国的CPI 与GDP 平减指数有较大的背离。从统计结构来看,CPI 主要是固定的一篮子商品,而GDP 平减指数主要是根据当年生产情况来确定。 在第二部分,曼昆讨论了美元价格比较和真实、名义利率。因为经济运行中会出现通货膨胀和通货紧缩,20年前的人民币肯定不是今天的人民币,这就需用一定换算公式来进行比较:当今的货币数量=T 年前的货币数量×(T 年前的物价水平/当今的物价水平)。而真实利率=名义利率-通货膨胀率。 总体上讲,这一篇介绍了两种最基本的数字,一个是反映生产水平的GDP ,一个是反映物价水平的CPI ,这也是构成宏观经济运行检测非常重要的两个指标。 第九篇中介绍了长期中经济真实情况。在第二十五章里,作者论述了GDP 增长的决定因素。一般来说,一个经济体按照a%的速度增长,那么在(70/a )年份时就可以实现翻番。国与国之间经济上存在的巨大差异,增长率起到很大的作用。生产率是决定增长率非常重要


第一章宏观经济学导论习题及参考答案 一、习题 1.简释下列概念: 宏观经济学、经济增长、经济周期、失业、充分就业、通货膨胀、GDP、GNP、名义价值、实际价值、流量、存量、萨伊定律、古典宏观经济模型、凯恩斯革命。 2.宏观经济学的创始人是()。 A.斯密;B.李嘉图; C.凯恩斯;D.萨缪尔森。 3.宏观经济学的中心理论是()。 A.价格决定理论;B.工资决定理论; C.国民收入决定理论;D.汇率决定理论。 4.下列各项中除哪一项外,均被认为是宏观经济的“疾病”()。 A.高失业;B.滞胀; C.通货膨胀;D.价格稳定。 5.表示一国居民在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务 的市场价值的总量指标是()。 A.国民生产总值;B.国内生产总值; C.名义国内生产总值;D.实际国内生产总值。 6.一国国内在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市 场价值根据价格变化调整后的数值被称为()。 A.国民生产总值;B.实际国内生产总值; C.名义国内生产总值;D.潜在国内生产总值。 7.实际GDP等于()。 A.价格水平/名义GDP;B.名义GDP/价格水平×100; C.名义GDP乘以价格水平;D.价格水平乘以潜在GDP。 8.下列各项中哪一个属于流量?()。 A.国内生产总值;B.国民债务; C.现有住房数量;D.失业人数。 9.存量是()。 A.某个时点现存的经济量值;B.某个时点上的流动价值; C.流量的固体等价物;D.某个时期内发生的经济量值。 10. 下列各项中哪一个属于存量?()。 A. 国内生产总值; B. 投资; C. 失业人数; D. 人均收入。 11.古典宏观经济理论认为,利息率的灵活性使得()。 A.储蓄大于投资;B.储蓄等于投资; C.储蓄小于投资;D.上述情况均可能存在。 12.古典宏观经济理论认为,实现充分就业的原因是()。 A.政府管制;B.名义工资刚性; C.名义工资灵活性;D.货币供给适度。 13.根据古典宏观经济理论,价格水平降低导致下述哪一变量减少()。 A.产出;C.就业; C.名义工资;D.实际工资。 14.在凯恩斯看来,造成资本主义经济萧条的根源是()。 A.有效需求不足;B.资源短缺; C.技术落后;C.微观效率低下。


宏观经济学题库及答案 1.宏观经济学的创始人是(A)。 A.斯密; B.李嘉图; C.凯恩斯; D.萨缪尔森。 2.宏观经济学的中心理论是(C)。 A.价格决定理论; B.工资决定理论; C.国民收入决定理论; D.汇率决定理论。 3.下列各项中除哪一项外,均被认为是宏观经济的“疾病”(D)。 A.高失业; B.滞胀; C.通货膨胀; D.价格稳定。 4.表示一国居民在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市场价值的总量指标是(A)。 A.国民生产总值; B.国内生产总值; C.名义国内生产总值; D.实际国内生产总值。 5.一国国内在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市场价值根据价格变化调整后的数 值被称为(B)。 A.国民生产总值; B.实际国内生产总值; C.名义国内生产总值; D.潜在国内生产总值。

6.实际GDP等于(B)。 A.价格水平/名义GDP; B.名义GDP/价格水平×100; C.名义GDP乘以价格水平; D.价格水平乘以潜在GDP。 7.下列各项中属于流量的是(A)。 A.国内生产总值; B.国民债务; C.现有住房数量; D.失业人数。 8.存量是(A)。 A.某个时点现存的经济量值; B.某个时点上的流动价值; C.流量的固体等价物; D.某个时期内发生的经济量值。 9. 下列各项中哪一个属于存量?(C)。 A. 国内生产总值; B. 投资; C. 失业人数; D. 人均收入。 10.古典宏观经济理论认为,利息率的灵活性使得(B)。 A.储蓄大于投资; B.储蓄等于投资; C.储蓄小于投资; D.上述情况均可能存在。

11.古典宏观经济理论认为,实现充分就业的原因是(C)。 A.政府管制; B.名义工资刚性; C.名义工资灵活性; D.货币供给适度。 12.根据古典宏观经济理论,价格水平降低导致下述哪一变量减少(C)。 A.产出; B.就业; C.名义工资; D.实际工资。 13.在凯恩斯看来,造成资本主义经济萧条的根源是(A)。 A.有效需求不足; B.资源短缺; C.技术落后; D.微观效率低下。 14.下列各项中不是流量指标的是(D) A.消费支出; B.PDI; C.GDP; D.个人财富。 15.在国民收入核算账户中,下列各项中除了哪一项外均计入投资需求(D)。 A.厂商购买新的厂房和设备的支出; B.居民购买新住房的支出; C.厂商产品存货的增加; D.居民购买股票的支出。


宏观经济学试卷及答案 一、名词解释题(本题型共 5 题。每题 3 分,共 15 分) 1.国内生产总值2.平衡预算乘数3.流动性偏好4.基础货币5.充分就业 二、单项选择题(本题型共 30 题。每题正确答案只有一个。每题 1 分,共 30 分) 1.下列哪一项将不计入当年的 GDP?() ... A .当年整修过的古董汽车所增加的价值; B .一辆新汽车的价值; C.一辆二手汽车按其销售价格计算的价值; D .一台磨损的高尔夫球清洁机器的替换品。 2.在以支出法计算国内生产总值时,不属于投资的是()。 ... A .某企业增加一笔存货; B .某企业建造一座厂房; C.某企业购买一台计算机;D.某企业购买政府债券。 3.用收入法计算GDP 时,不能计入GDP 的是() A .政府给公务员支付的工资;B.居民购买自行车的支出; C.农民卖粮的收入;D.自有住房的租金。 4.当实际 GDP 为 1500 亿美元, GDP 缩减指数为120 时,名义国民收入为:() A . 1100 亿美元;B. 1500 亿美元; C.1700 亿美元;D. 1800 亿美元。 5.一个家庭当其收入为零时,消费支出为2000 元;而当其收入为6000 元时,其消费为6000 元,在图形上,消费和收入之间成一条直线,则其边际消费倾向为()。 A . 2/3; B . 3/4;C. 4/5;D. 1。 6.认为消费者不只同现期收入相关,而是以一生或可预期长期收入作为消费决策的消费理论是()。 A.相对收入理论;B.绝对收入理论;C.凯恩斯消费理论;D.永久收入理论。 7.由于价格水平上升,使人们持有的货币及其他资产的实际价值降低,导致人们消费水平减少,这 种效应被称为()。 A.利率效应;B.实际余额效应;C.进出口效应;D.挤出效应。 8.如果边际储蓄倾向为0.3,投资支出增加60 亿元时,将导致均衡GDP 增加()。 A. 20 亿元;B.60亿元;C.180亿元;D.200亿元。 9.在下列情况下,投资乘数最大的是() A . MPC= 0.9;B. MPC= 0.8;C.MPC = 0.75; D . MPC= 0.7。 10.当利率降得很低时,人们购买债券的风险将会()。 A .变得很小; B .变得很大; C.可能很大,也可能很小; D .不发生变化。 11.对利率变动反映最敏感的是()。 A .货币的交易需求;B.货币的谨慎需求;C.货币的投机需求;D.三种需求相同。12.如果净税收增加10 亿美元,会使IS 曲线()。 A .右移税收乘数乘以10 亿美元; B .左移税收乘数乘以10 亿美元; C.右移支出乘数乘以10 亿美元; D .左移支出乘数乘以10 亿美元。 13.假定货币供给量和价格水平不变,货币需求为收入和利率的函数,当收入增加时()。 1

《曼昆—宏观经济学》 重点总结

第23章一国收入的衡量—GDP 微观经济学(microeconomics)研究个别家庭和企业如何做出决策,以及它们如何在市场上相互交易。宏观经济学(macroeconomics)研究整个经济,包括通货膨胀、失业率和经济增长。 一GDP 1 定义:国内生产总值(gross domestic product,GDP) 是在某一既定时期一个国家内生产的所有最终物品与劳务的市场价值。 2 组成:GDP(用Y代表)被分为四个组成部分:消费(C)、投资(I)、政府购买(G)、净出口(NX): Y = C +I +G +NX 3 实际GDP与名义GDP:实际GDP=名义GDP-通货膨胀率,衡量的是生产的变动,而不是物价的变动。 4 GDP平减指数:,是经济学家用来检测经济平均物价水平,从而监测通货膨胀率的一个重要指标。(GDP deflator) 5 GDP与经济福利: ?由于GDP用市场价格来评价物品与劳务,它就没有把几乎所有在市场之外进行的活动的价值包括进来,特别是,GDP漏掉了在家庭中生产的物品与劳务的价值。 ?GDP没有包括的另一种东西是环境质量。 ?GDP也没有涉及收入分配。 二衡量收入的其他指标: ?国民生产总值(GNP):是一国永久居民(称为国民)所赚到的总收入。它与GDP的不同之处在于:它包括本国公民在国外赚到的收入,而不包括外国人在本国赚到的收入。 ?国民生产净值(NNP):是一国居民的总收入(GNP)减折旧的消耗。 ?国民收入、个人收入、个人可支配收入 第24章生活费用的衡量—CPI 一CPI 1 定义:消费物价指数(consumer price index,CPI) 是普通消费者所购买的物品与劳务的总费用的衡量标准 2 计算:定义篮子→找出价格→计算费用→选择基年并计算指数→计算通货膨胀率 消费者物价指数=*100 3 衡量生活费用过程中存在的问题 替代倾向 新产品的引进


一、1、在一般情况下,国民收入核算体系中数值最小的是: A、国内生产净值 B、个人收入 C、个人可支配收入 D、国民收入 E、国内生产总值 2、下列哪一项应计入GDP中: A、面包厂购买的面粉 B、购买40股股票 C、家庭主妇购买的面粉 D、购买政府债券 E、以上各项都不应计入。 3、计入GDP的有: A、家庭主妇的家务劳动折算合成的收入 B、拍卖毕加索作品的收入 C、出神股票的收入 D、晚上为邻居照看儿童的收入 E、从政府那里获得的困难补助收入 4、在下列各项中,属于经济中的注入因素是 A、投资; B、储蓄; C、净税收; D、进口。 5、政府支出乘数 A、等于投资乘数 B、比投资乘数小1 C、等于投资乘数的相反数 D、等于转移支付乘数 E、以是说法都不正确 6、在以下情况中,投资乘数最大的是 A、边际消费倾向为0.7; B、边际储蓄倾向为0.2; C、边际储蓄倾向为0.4; D、边际储蓄倾向为0.3。 7、国民消费函数为C=80+0.8Y,如果消费增加100亿元,国民收入 A、增加100亿元; B、减少100亿元; C、增加500亿元; D、减少500亿元。 8、如果政府支出增加 A、对IS曲线无响应 B、IS曲线向右移动 C、IS曲线向左移动 D、以上说法都不正确 9、政府税收的增加将 A、对IS曲线无响应 B、IS曲线向右移动 C、IS曲线向左移动 D、以上说法都不正确 10、位于IS曲线左下方的收入与利率的组合,都是 A、投资大于储蓄; B、投资小于储蓄;

C、投资等于储蓄; D、无法确定。 11、当经济中未达到充分就业时,如果LM曲线不变,政府支出增加会导致 A、收入增加、利率上升; B、收入增加、利率下降; C、收入减少、利率上升; D、收入减少、利率下降。 12、一般地,在IS曲线不变时,货币供给减少会导致 A、收入增加、利率上升; B、收入增加、利率下降; C、收入减少、利率上升; D、收入减少、利率下降。 13、如果现行产出水平为10万亿元,总需求为8万亿,可以断定,若经济不是充分就业,那么: A、就业水平将下降 B、收入水平将上升 C、收入和就业水平将均衡 D、就业量将上升 E、就业水平将上升,收入将下降 14、在流动陷阱(凯恩斯陷阱)中 A、货币政策和财政政策都十分有效 B、货币政策和财政政策都无效 C、货币政策无效,财政政策有效 D、货币政策有效,财政政策无效 E、以上说法都不正确 15、如果实施扩张性的货币政策,中央银行可采取的措施是 A、卖出国债; B、提高法定准备金比率; C、降低再贴现率; D、提高再贴现率; 16、如果名义利率为6%,通货膨胀率为12%,那么实际利率是 A、6%; B、18%; C、12%; D、-6%。 17、自发投资增加10亿元,会使IS曲线 A、右移10亿元 B、左移10亿元 C、右移10亿元乘以支出乘数 D、左移10亿元乘以乘数 18、由于经济萧条而出现的失业属于: A、摩擦性失业 B、结构性失业 C、周期性失业 D、自愿性失业 19、如果某人刚进入劳动力队伍尚未找到工作,这是属于 A、摩擦性失业 B、结构性失业 C、周期性失业 D、自愿性失业 20、根据哈罗德的分析,如果有保证的增长率大于实际增长率,经济将: A、累积性扩张 B、累积性萧条 C、均衡增长
