


1.英国全称:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Short Form:The UK;

The United Kingdom. Other way to refer the country: Great Britain; The British Islands;


2.To the northwest of the mainland Europe, made up of many islands----known as the British


3.Great Britian: England+Wales+Scotland+Ireland

4. 4 components:England,Wales,Scotland,Northern Ireland

5.The island of Ireland falls into 2 parts:Northern Ireland and The Republic of

Ireland(independent country) Great Britain accounts 90% of its landmass.so the country is often know as Great Britain.

6.England---in the south of Britain is most populous and prosperous.England is the largest part

of Great Britian

7.The second largest and most important river in UK is Thames----orignates in southwest of

England flows to northsea

8.The traditional image of the English:reserved,unemotional,courteous

9.London----the capital ,both of UK and England

10.Scotland-----the second largest in area,northern part of Britian.Capital and major

city----Edinburgh.Majorindustry:Tourism.National dress----kilt.Musical

instrument----bagpipe.Scotch----whisky----water of life.Literature----poets and novelists

11.Wales----west to the central England.Famous for two national passions:1)Rugby football 2)

choral singing.Capital:Cardiff

12.Eisteddfod:a festival in competing for the best epic poem about wales,written and reach in

Welsh.The winner is crowned Bard(supreme honor in Wales)

13.Longest river----the Seven River---flow into Bristol Channel

14.Ireland----colonized by Britian in 1169,uprising&riots never stopped.

Protestant Refomation---worsen situation(16th).for autonomy---move riots.

15.1922 Ireland was partitioned:southern part(26 countries)----the Republic of

Ireland(Dublin).the northern part(Belfast) with its own parliament(Stormout) remained part of the UK

16.Ireland has a rich literature heritage,many literary figures:

1) JohnathanSwift(1667-1745)”Gulliver’s Travel”Lilliput

2) Oscar Wilde(1856-1900) comedy of manners “The Importance of Being Earnest”

3) GerogeBernard Shaw(1856-1950) “Major Barbara”“Man and “superman”

Greatest playwright after Shakespeare

4) James Joyce---“Ulysses”(1882-1941) stream of consciousness---free flow language

revealing one’s thoughts,feelings and memories.

17. Climate:Temperate---warm summer and cool winter.Plentiful rain all year around.Though its

latitude is as north as that of Alaska, the Gulf stream makes it less cold in winter and mild in summer.summer temperature is around 20C,seldom below---10C in winter.fog in winter.many rainy days.changeability

18.London:political,financial,cultural center of the https://www.360docs.net/doc/de7775336.html,ndmarks&famous

architectures:Guddhall&St.Paul’sCathedral,The tower Bridge over the Thames

River,WestEnd---attractions &business headquarters.Culturalcenters:university of London,the British musemum,the national Gallery,the Covent Garden,The Royal Opera House

19.Edinburgh----capital of Scotland.Adminstrative,finanicial,legal,medical and insurance center of


20.Cardiff---capital of Wales.the youngest capital city in Europe.shoppingcentre/hotel/world class


21.Belfast----capital of Northern Ireland.Historical city with spectular landmarks and

monuments.Its people:2005census,a population of 60 million.majority are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons

22.In Wales and Scotland------descendant of the Celts

23.The language:Indo-European family of languages---Germanic group

24.Three stages of the development of English:Old English(5—6th---1066),Middle English

(1066—1500),Modern English(1500---)

25.The language spoken by Anglo,Saxons&Jutes who began populating the British Isles in the 5th

and 6th centuries is referred as the OE。OE period ended with the Norman Conquest。Middle E(chacucer—Canterbury Tales)

26.55BC when the Romans(Julius Caesar)invaded。8th---5th BC celts---dominant residents。Britain

came from the Britons---a celtic tribe。Romans invaded in 55&54BC under Julius Caesar,in 43AD under Claudius I。

27.The Roman brought Christianity & architecture

28.Britian remained a Roman province for long 410 Roman occupation ended due to Germans 5th

century。3 Germanic tribes landed Britain:Angles,Saxons&Jutes。

29.England----the land of the Angles,and their language----English became the dominant


30.St Augustine---the first archbishop in Britain.By late 7th century Christianity---the major

religion.8th century 11th century Vikings invasion.1052 king Edward built

WestminsterAbbey.since 1052 coronation held in westminister.1066 Norman

Conquest---William the conqueror.King Harold was killed at the battle of Hastings,on

Christmas William was crowned King of England in W-Abbey,then began the Norman

Conquest.SIG:the establishment of feudalism.

31.A series of battles were fought after William’s death.1154,Henry II began the ruler of the

House of Anjon/Plantagenent.Henry II built a large empire,including England and more than half of France.With the Great Council,he introduced the jury system,institutionalized the commom law.1024 John lost Normandy,more taxes---was forced to.SIG:the Great

charter/Magna Carta

32.Magna Carta:63 clauses,king can’t exact payment from the vassals without consent,…no

freedom should be arrested unless convicted by jury;the king has to obey the

law.SIG:MagnaCarta is the foundation of the constitution.The basic rule for protection of individual rights in Uk and USA.

33.King Henry III---series of war----taxes----against the Magna Carta.

34.Simon de Monfort---modern parliament---mid 14th century.The formation of parliament:House

of Commons/House of Lords

35.Events between 14th---15th century----The Hundred Year’s

War----1337-1453.cause:trade,security,territory and throne.prcess:fought in France,later due

to gunpowder and gun and Joan of Arc,Francewon.SIG:great impact on UK,promoted

nationalism &textile industry,Bourgeois position raised,Feudalismdeclinded.

36.The war of Roses:16th century.Wars :House of York&House of Lancaster.The badger of the

former is white,the badger of the letter is red,both fought for power/wealth/https://www.360docs.net/doc/de7775336.html,sted for

30 years,the Lancaster won,King Henry VII started the rule of the House of Tudor(1485—1603)

under the Tudors,England became an centralized government,changing from feudal contry to

a modern one.

37.Features of 16th century:1)printing---cheaper books---ideas spread2)great

voyages----imperialist expansion3)education----free thought in religion4)religious

conflict----protestant----catholic hatred even exists today.

38.Transition to the modern age:King Henry VII unable to divorce one of his wives without the

pope’s permission.People thought wealth went to Roman Catholic church corruption.He

decided he was the only supreme head of church in English,break from Catholic.He started great suppression of Catholic.A political movement in a religious guise.

39.BloodyMary:Herny VII daughter,Catholic.For half a century,the country went through the

Reformation&counter-Re by Mary.She had many protestants killed,was called Bloody Mary. 40.Elizabethan Age(1558-1603) tried to build a strong untied country in which there should be no

religious persecution.She gave her name to a age which reminds people of wealth and glory.

41.two features of the Elizabeth Age:literature----Shakespeare(1564---1616)Adverture on

sea---defeat Spain’s Armada by Sir F Drake,England became a super power on the sea,began imperialist expansion overseas.

42.The civil war(1642----1649),cause:King Charles I dismissed the parliament.Charles granted

monopolies on certain commodities to his favorites.WithoutPariliamentconsent,mono illegal 1629-1640 king ruled with no parliament.King offended the capitalist class.Demand for a new government.The civil war broken out in 1642 between the Cavaliers and

Roundheads.Themonoarchy was established and England was a republic from 1649-60 by Cromwell.Cavaliers:those who support the king;Roundheads:those who support

Cromwell.SIG:Civil War also called the Bourgeiousrevolution.It further limits the power of the monoarchy,nearer to modern democracy.

43.1660 Charles II came to throne,put an end to the republic.

44.Cromwell:consertive in social reforms;war in Ireland;heavytaxes;kill many

Catholics---parliament lets Charles II rule.

45.Thus England returned to the original political system from a republic.This is called restoration.

46.England:nearly constitutional monarchy,King or Queen as a symbol,but their power limited

by law.

47.GloriousRevolution:JamesII,a devout Catholic,tried to establish Catholicism in England,which

was rejected by the bourgeoisie.So they invited Jame II’s daughter Mary and her husband William to rule England.

48.1688 William came to England with army and James II fled to France.The parliament declared

the throne vacant and appointed William and Mary joint sovereigns.This was Glorious

Revolution in history,since no blood was shed,no battle was fought.

49.1689 parliament---the Bill of Rights.SIG:Glorious Revolution was completed,parliament

removed a undesired monarch and passed the Bill of Rights to establish constitutional

monarchy.From then on,King or Qreen ruled with an authority circumscribed by parliament.

50.Constitutional Monarchy----a political system in which the King or Qreen rules with an

authority circumscribed by parliament.The actual power is with the government headed by the prime minister.The monarchy is more of a symbol than a soverign.

51.IndustrialRevolution:middle of 18th---middle of 19th

52.Why Industrial Revolution started in England?

R1:parliament---commerce---huge market

R2:colonies---great raw material&wealth

R3:enclosure movement----cheap labor

R4:rapid economic growth---market demand---search for better quick ways to produce

53.First in textile---inventions----spinning jenny//water frame//spinning mule//power

lome//stream engine

54.mechanization of textile---large scale production---quick transportation

means----railway----stream locomotive----building of railway net

55.Industrial Revolution had completed by the middle of 19th century.SIG:1)industrial productivity

increased2)Advanced industrial center//financial

center3)urbanization-----Birmingham//sheffield4)change class structure:old

nobility-----capitalist the major force proletariat----own nothing

56.Formation of the Empire:started with the colonization of the first colony----Newfoundland in


57.1837(Queen Victoria) the first British Empire:Canada//Australia//New Zealand//India//parts

of west Indies.Victoria Age 1837—1901,the longest reign established the 2nd British Empire 58.Why and how 2nd British Empire established?1)futherindustrialization//trade &

commerce2)aggressive foregin policy New Imperialism,19th had 1/4 world


59.Opium War I(1839---42):Treaty of Nanking---HK was ceded.Opium War II(1856---60):other Asia

countries African countries.Just before WWI Britian ruled a population 8 times that of its self,landmass 137 times of itself.It is an empire on which the sun never set.

60.WWI(1914---1918):industrialization enabled other capitalist countries to challenge B’s


61.Power balance in Europe:The Central powers//The Allied powers.

The Central powers:Germany,Austria—Hungary,OttomanEmpire&Bulgaria

The Allied Powers:France,RussianEmpire,Italy&the US

62.Direct cause of WWI:conflict on the Balkan peninsula.1914.6.28 Austrian Archduke

assassinated by a Yugoslav.Austria blamed Serbia for the murder and decided to take

revenge.Both sides seek help from their allies.Thus both camps invoved into the war.Over 32 countries got involved.The Allied won eventually.The cost was great.B drained its manpower,B lost its sea supremacy,with huge debts,businesssalck,followed by the Global Depression. 63.WWII----a continuation of WWI:Treaty of Versailles---Germany lost all colonies//permant


64.Great Depression----things worse---rise of nationalism&Fascism 1939.4.5

65.Three of the Big Three: US,Soviet,UK

66.Three majestic Circles:1)The commonwealth circle:colonies2)special relationship with

US3)close relationship with western Europe.Britian followed US after WWII----NATO

67.1956 Suez Canal crisis----US forced Anglo—F----US took UK influence on middle eastern

68.Operation Desert Strom 1991----US+UK joint-----Efforts against Iraq

69.As for Europe,Britianadopted isolation policy after WWII,refused to join Europe Economical


https://www.360docs.net/doc/de7775336.html,ernment:Parliament democracy& const. Monarchy.Constitution:3 parts:1)Statutory

Law2)Common law3)convention.

71.Statutorylaw:laws passed by parliament through the

years.e.g.MagnoCarta,mostimportant,has priority over others in case of clash.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/de7775336.html,monLaw:no precise definition,fromcustoms&legalprecedents,interpreted by judges.

73.Convention:rules/practices not exist legally,vital to the working of the government.

74.Features:1)no single written copy2)flexibility3)ambiguity,subject to interpretation by different


75.Signs of democracy:Division of powers among the 3

Branches:Legislative,Executive,Judiciay.However,the division is not absolute as that in the US,the PM throuht head of the government,also the leader of the majority party in

parliament,adviser of the monarchy.


英语国家概况考试题型如下: 1.选择题(30 X 1’) 2.填空题(20 X 1’) 3.简答(10 X 2’)--必须回答完整的句子 4.分析题(6 X 5’)-- 必须回答完整的句子 总分100 分 主要内容包括: 一.U.S. Geography 1.Full name of U.S.. 2.Number of States: 50 states. 3.After President Jefferson brought the Louisiana territory from France there was a desire for territorial expansion among many frontier men. 4.The U.S. has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometers. The fourth largest countries. 5.Taxas is the largest mainland state of the U.S.. Alaska is the largest state of the U.S.. 6.Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean. 7.America’s movies are mostly made in Hollywood near the city of Los Angeles in south California. 二.U.S. People 1.The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the US is the Blacks (Afriican-Americans). 2.The “first Americans” were the Indians. 3.The Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United States. 4.The first permanent settlement in North America was established in today’s V erginia in the year of 1607. 5.The “Three Faiths” in the U.S. refer to: ?Protestan ?Catholic ?Jewish 6.The majority of the Catholics in the U.S. are descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland. 7.American society is a stratified one in which power, wealth and pestige are unequally distributed among the population. 8.WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

余志远《英语国家概况》(2015年版)复习笔记和课后习题详解(第7章 英国政治——第9章 美国地理)

第7章英国政治 7.1 复习笔记 【知识框架】 Ⅰ. Constitutional Framework Ⅱ. Parliament 1. The Crown or Sovereign 2. The House of Lords 3. The House of Commons 4. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet Ⅲ. Regional Government Ⅳ. Local Government Ⅴ. Justice Ⅵ. Political Process 1. Elections 2. Two-part System 3. Female Representation in Britain Politics Ⅶ. Security 【重难点归纳】 The UK is a state of constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. In the

UK, the country’s head of state is the reigning king or queen, and the head of government is the prime minister, who is the leader of the majority political party in the House of Commons. 英国是一个君主立宪制和议会民主制国家。在英国,国家元首是在位的国王或女王,政府首脑是首相,他是下议院多数党领袖。 Ⅰ. Constitutional Framework 1. The British constitution is made up of statute law, common law and conventions. 2. The main elements of the government are the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. Ⅰ. 宪法框架 1. 英国宪法由成文法、普通法和公约组成。 2. 政府的主要组成部分是立法、行政和司法。 Ⅱ. Parliament The UK Parliament was formed in 1707. The separate British and Irish parliaments are integrated into a single Parliament of the UK from January 1, 1801. Ⅱ. 议会 英国议会成立于1707年。从1801年1月1日起,独立的英国和爱尔兰议会合并为英国的单一议会。 1. The Crown or Sovereign

【英美概况】【课堂笔记】美国文学american literature

AMERICAN LITERATURE We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. T.S. Eliot --- Little Gidding Literature represents the language of a people, their culture and their tradition. But the reading of literature is more important to us than just a historical or cultural activity. Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience. When we enjoy the comedies and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays, we may also grow and evolve through our literary journey with books. American literature is a literature that has recorded the stories of a search. Early explorers searched for new lands and new wealth. The puritans searched for a place that would become the ideal community, one of which God would approve. Many Americans travelled across America simply because they were restless and were searching for new experiences and opportunities. These searches can be said to be the “pursuit of happiness” and Americ an literature is the story of that pursuit.


英语国家概况-Land and people I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分 1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England. 地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。 2. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。 3. The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones. 不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。 4.Three political divisions on the island:England, Scotland and Wales. 大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。 (1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section. 英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。 (2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh 苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。它有三大自然区:北部高地,中部低地及南部山陵。首府:爱丁堡。 (3) Wales is in the west of Great Britain. Capital: Cardiff 威尔士位于大不列颠的西部。首府:加的夫 (4) Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital: Belfast. 北爱尔兰是英国第四个区域。首府:贝尔法斯特。 5.The Commonwealth (of nations)is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. It was founded in 1931, and has 50 member countries until 1991. 英联邦是独立的前英国殖民地组成的自由联合体。它成立于1931年,至1990年止已有50个成员国。 II. Geographical Features 英国的地理特征 1.Geographical position of Britain: 英国的地理位置: Britain is an island country surrounded by the sea. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe. It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east. 英国是一个岛国。它位于大西洋北部,与欧洲大陆的北海岸隔海相望。南面的英吉利海峡和东面的北海将它与欧洲其它部分隔开。 2.The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands; and the east and southeast are mostly lowlands. 英国的西部和北部主要是高地,东部和东南部主要是低地。 III. Rivers and Lakes 河流与湖泊 Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Britain (1,343m).


Part One: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter 1 Land and People Chapter 2 The Origins of a Nation (500BC~AD1066) Chapter 3 The Shape of the Nation (1066~1381) Chapter 4 Transition to the Modern Age (1455~1688) Chapter 5 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire (1688~1990) Chapter 6 The Economy Chapter 7 Government and Administration Chapter 8 Justice the Law Chapter 9 Social Affairs Chapter 10 Cultural Affairs Chapter 1 Land, People and Language ?1 Different Names for Britain and its Parts The official name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.The geographical names are the British Isles, Great Britain and England. People just say Britain, the United Kingdom or simply U.K. ?People England is the largest and most populous, almost a quarter of the people lives in England’s prosperous and fertile southeast, with over 7 million in the capital. The majority of the population are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, a Germanic people from Europe who went to England between the 5th and 7th centuries.These people settled in England and drove the native Celtic people to the mountainous areas of Wales and Scotland. Their language became the official language of the country. Most people in W ales and Scotland are descendants of the Celtic people who were the earliest known inhabitants of Britain. The Irish people were also of Celtic origin. About a hundred years ago, as a result of its imperialist expansion, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world’s people and a quarter of the world’s land area. ?Geographical Features There are 3 political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales. The island of Ireland is divided into 2 parts: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Britain has, for centuries, been slowly tilting with the North-W est slowly rising and the South-East slowly sinking. The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands; the east and south-east are mostly lowlands. There are 3 natural zones of Scotland: the Highlands in the north, the central Lowlands, and the southern Uplands.


英语国家概况期末重点(必考) 1 How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they ? The development of the English language can be divided into three periods:Old English, Middle English and Modern English. 2 What are the two components of the British Parliament ? They are the House of Commons and the House of Lords. 3 What were some of Queen Victoria’s major achievements? Queen Victoria made tremendous achievements in almost every aspect. She promoted further industrial revolution, the building of railways and the growing of trade and commerce. By the end of her reign, britain had developed to an empire including a quarter of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world’s landmass. 4 What are the three functions of the House of Commons ? The three functions are: to draft laws, to scrutinize, criticize and restrain the activities of the government, and to influence future government policy. 5 What kind of subjects do British comprehensive schools provide ? British comprehensive schools provide a general education, offering both academic subjects like literatuure and science,and practical subjects like cooking and carpentry. 6 How do students in the Open University receive their education ?


新版“英语国家概况”精讲笔记【7】 Chapter 18 The U.S. Economy美国经济 1)Factors that contribute to the fast growth of the economy: ①the geographical location of the United States povides very good conditions for the country to grow and become strong. ②the United States has been blessed by being a land rich in mineral resources and fertile farm soil, together with a moderate climate. ③America has been fortunate in having enough people to provide the labour necessary for a constantly expanding economy. ④ the quality of available labour. The United States has a skilful and willing labour force. 经济快速增长的几个因素:1.美国的地理位置为国家的发展壮大提供了良好的条件;2.美国有幸是一块矿产资源丰富、土壤肥沃的陆地,气候温和;3.拥有足够的劳动力以满足不断发展的经济增长;4.这些劳动力的质量。美国拥有技术高和能动性好的劳动力大军。 2)Characteristics of the U.S. economy: character ised by a high degree of monopoly. 经济特征:已高度垄断为特点。 3)the importance of foreign trade:the United States supplies a larger share of the imports of all other countries than does any other country in the world. But the U.S. share of the world trade has declined in recent years.①Currently US exports are about 15% of the world’s total;②the US imports about 13% of all world imports; ③ Canada is the largest single source of goods imported by the U.S., accounting for nearly 30% of the total. Asia provides about 18% of American imports. Thus the economy of these countries is often affected when the U.S. economy is in trouble. 美国进口的商品比世界任何国家都多。但最近几年比例有所下降。1.美国出口量占全世界出口总数的15%;2.美国的进口占13%左右;3.加拿大是最大的供应国,占总数的近30%。亚洲占18%左右。因此,一旦美国经济陷入困境,这些国家也会受到影响。 4)problems facing the US economy: unemployment, inflation, financial deficit, and trade deficit. 经济存在的问题:失业,通货膨胀,财政赤字和贸易赤字。 Chapter 19.Political Institution政治体制 1)A workable form of government under the Constitution: a federal system of

【英美概况】【课堂笔记】高校排名The Times Higher Education Supplement world university Top 20

The Times Higher Education Supplement world university Top 20. Last year's rankings are in brackets. 1 (1) Harvard University US 2 (3) Massachusetts Institute of Technology US 3 (6) Cambridge University UK 4 (5) Oxford University UK 5 (7) Stanford University US 6 (2) University of California, Berkeley US 7 (8) Yale University US 8 (4) California Institute of Technology US 9 (9) Princeton University US 10 (27) Ecole Polytechnique France 11- (52) Duke University US 11- (11) London School of Economics UK 13 (14) Imperial College London UK 14 (23) Cornell University US 15 (17) Beijing University China 16 (12) Tokyo University Japan 17- (20) University of California, San Francisco US 17- (13) University of Chicago US 19 (22) Melbourne University Australia 20 (19) Columbia University US


英语国家概况课程标准 课程代码: 适用专业:商务英语 一、课程概述 1.课程性质 语言是文化的载体,文化是语言的基础。英语语言学习和英国国家文化相互依存、密不可分。一个优秀的英语语言学习者,若不了解该语言背后所承载的民族文化,其交际能力也会受到限制。该课程能使学生了解和掌握英美两国政治,历史,经济,社会,文化和教育等基本知识,了解英美国家社会发展、现状和影响这两个国家社会发展的因素,拓展学生的知识面,培养学生文化意识,启发学生了解西方社会,了解交际规则,增强学生的英语语言学习能力,为后续专业课程的学习打下一定的基础,进而为培养高技能应用型复合人才打下基础。 2.课程设计思路 本课程在设计上围绕合作学习法—任务型教学法、比较教学法、线索梳理法、启发式等教学法。 合作学习法—任务型教学法 合作学习法又称协作学习,是以合作学习小组为基本形式,系统利用教学中动态因素之间的互动,促进学生的学习,以团体成绩作为评价标准,共同完成教学活动。任务型教学法是一种以任务或活动为核心单位计划组织语言教学的途径,一种强调“在做中学”的语言教学方法。合作学习法与任务型教学法结合是指教师设计学习任务,指导并帮助学生以小组为单位通过合作、协商完成学习任务的教学过程。主要采用组织演示、演讲、讨论等形式。 2)比较教学法 比较教学法是在教学过程中,利用教学内容的相互联系和区别,促进学生掌握和巩固教学内容、达到教学目标的一种逻辑思维方法。例如,在学习美国的政体时,我们可以和英国政体、甚至是我国的政体进行比较,异中求同,同中求异。从而对“Parliament”、“Congress”和我国的NPC (The National People’s Congress)形成更深刻的理解。运用这种教学法不仅有利于学生掌握基本知识与技能,而且有利于提高学生的创造性思维能力。3)线索梳理法 线索梳理法,尤其是历史年代轴线表示法是表达历史线索最清晰的一种方式,这种方式的特点是易于梳理,可操作性强,非常直接,便于记忆。比如说,英国历史很长,如果不进行梳理,很难记忆,如果整理成一条线索,效果却不能同日而语: Early settlers——Roman invasions——Anglo-Saxons——the Viking and Danish Invasions——the Norman Conquest——William’s Rule——the Great Charter——the Hundred Year’s War——the English Reformation——the English Renaissance——the Civil War——the Glorious Revolution——the Industrial Revolution——the two World Wars 同样,美国历史部分可整理成这样一条线索: The war of Independence——the War of 1812——territorial expansion and Westward Movement——the Civil War——the two World Wars——the Cold War——the Berlin Blockade——the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s——the Vietnam War 二、课程培养目标 1.知识目标 了解主要英语国家的地理,历史,经济和政治等方面的概况;了解主要英语国家的文化传统,风俗习惯和社会生活的其他有关情况。 2.技能目标 扩大知识面,有效弥补英语专业学生知识面窄的不足;提高英语阅读的能力和语言应用能力。 3.素质目标


Unit1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom 1.The flag of Britain : Union Jack (英国国旗中没有显示出Welsh旗) 2. The basic information of each country: Count ry Capital Area Memo Englan d London 最大 1.最不会把自己的 “英格兰文化区 别于其他文化” 2.一个高度城市化

3.The time joining the British parliament: However, in 1707 by agreement of the English and Scottish parliaments, Scotland joined the Union. 4.Difference between the British Isles ,UK, Great Britain , and England: British Isles: the island of Great Britain the island of Ireland

surrounding isles ●UK=Great Britain + Northern Ireland ●Great Britain =England +Scotland + Wales 5.The four major invasions in the history of Great Britain : At first, England was occupied by Celtic people. Then in 43AD Britain was invaded by the Roman Empire. Result: England and Wales became a part of the Roman Empire for nearly 400 years. the Angle-Saxon invaded. Result: The land they lived became" Angle-land", later changed into England, the language they spoken became English. PS:One of the best-known English legends derives from this time. In 5 century AD, King Author(亚瑟王) united the British, and with his magical sword, Excalibur(被称为“王者之剑”的圣剑),


广东外语外贸大学成人高等教育 《英语国家概况》第一套复习题 I. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True and F for False . ( 1.5 points each , 30 points in total ) 1.The island of Great Britain is geographically divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. 2.People from different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country. 3.In terms of population and area, Northern Ireland is the second largest part of the United Kingdom. 4.Because of political troubles, Northern Ireland has been quite significant among the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom. 5.The majority of the people in Britain are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons. 6.The Celtic people are the earliest known inhabitants of Britain. 7.English changed into what is described as Modern English from the late 16th century. 8.The British history before 55 BC is basically undocumented. 9.The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8th and 5th centuries BC. 10.The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe – the Britons. 11.The Anglo –Saxons came to Britain in the mid-5th century. 12.The Vikings began to attack the English coasts in the 8th century. 13.Henry II built up a large empire which included England and most of France. 14.The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople. 15.The Hundred Years’War was a series of wars fought between England and Normans for trade and territory. 16.In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions, Queen Elizabeth I actually defended the fruit of the Religious Reformation. 17.In reality, the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers. 18.British Parliament is the law-making body of the Commonwealth of Nations. 19.The members in the House of Commons in Britain are appointed rather than elected. 20.Britain was the first industrialized nation in the world. Answer keys: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T 11.T 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. F 16. T 17. F 18. F 19. F 20. T II. Choose the one that best completes each of the following statements. (2 points each, 40 points in total) 1. ___B_____ is the capitall city of Scotland. A. Belfast B. Edinburgh C. Aberdeen D. Cardiff 2. Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, ____D_____ is the smallest. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland 3. Almost a quarter of the British population lives in ____B_______ England. A. northeastern B.southeastern C. northwestern D. southwestern


第十一章 Part Two The Republic of Ireland 爱尔兰共和国 地理与历史 Geography and History 不列颠群岛由两大岛屿和几百座小岛组成。两大岛屿是大不列颠和爱尔兰岛。爱尔兰也因其乡村绿荫而被称为绿宝石岛。爱尔兰分为两个政治区域:北爱尔兰和爱尔兰共和国。北爱尔兰是联合王国的一部分。爱尔兰共和国是个独立国家。 The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islands are Great Britain and Ireland. Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle because ot its rich green countryside. Ireland is divided into two political units. They are Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Northern Island is part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland (Eire) is an independent country. I.Geographical Features地理特征 爱尔兰共和国的面积为70,282平方公里。与北爱尔兰接壤的边界为434公里。 The Republic of Ireland covers an area of 70,282 sq.its land border with Northern Ireland is 434 km. 首都是都柏林,The capital is Dublin. 爱尔兰一直被比作盆地,内有海滨高地围起的石灰岩高原。海洋性气候影响全国。 Ireland has been compared to a basin in which a limestone plateau is rimmed by coastal highland s. Maritime influences penetrate the land. 最高峰是卡朗图山(1,041米) The highest peaks are Carrantuohill (1,041 m) 爱尔兰最大的河是香农河,它发源于斯利戈湾附近的高原, 香农河为共和国提供了大部分电力。 The largest river in Ireland is the Shannon River. It rises in the plateau near Sligo Bay, The Shannon River provides electric power for much of the Republic. 多样化是低地的主要特征。中部低地是爱尔兰的心脏。山谷的通道和低地走廊通向每一个爱尔兰海岸, Variety is the main feature of the lowlands. The Central Lowland is the heart of Ireland. Easy passageways along valley and lowland corridors lead from it to every Irish shore. 因为爱尔兰在冰川时期完全被冰层覆盖,现在所有的动植物种类都是从欧洲其他地方迁徙来的。 As Ireland was completely covered by ice sheets during the lce Age, all extant plants and animals are migrant species from other parts of Europe. 沼泽仍是爱尔兰最重要的地形特征。在所有山脉中随处可见,并覆盖低地的大片地区。
