




一、你将听到一个单词,或者一个词组,或者一个句子,根据你所听到的内容, 选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题将读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)


( ) 1. A. B. C.

( ) 2. A. B. C.

( ) 3. A. sleep B. sweet C. cheap

( ) 4. A. December B. September C. October

( ) 5. A. the horse B. the house C. the mouth

( ) 6. A. have a headache

B. have a toothache

C. have a sore throat

( ) 7. A. Mom isn’t at home.

B. Mom is at home.

C. Mom, let’s go home.

( ) 8. A. I can’t play football in the rain.

B. My uncle can’t play games in the day.

C. Mike can’t come to my home today.

( ) 9. A. Can I speak to your sister, please?

B. Can I speak to your teacher, please?

C. Can I speak to your grandma, please?

( ) 10. A. Sarah went swimming last weekend.

B. Sarah went shopping last weekend.

C. Sarah went fishing last weekend.

二、你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容, 判断图片或句子是否相符, 相符的在相应的题号前的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”。每小题将读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)

( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6.

( ) 7. She likes purple and pink best.

( ) 8. Mr. Liang is tired.

( ) 9. Sarah went to the USA.

( ) 10. They are eating breakfast.

June 1st


( ) 1. A. This is my friend. B. Yes, he is. C. Hello, friend. ( ) 2. A. I climbed mountains last Monday.

B. I am going to water the flowers.

C. I sweep the floor every day.

( ) 3. A. Happy birthday. B. It’s in 1996. C. It’s in May.

( ) 4. A. What about you?

B. No, I don’t. They are sour.

C. Let’s have some grapes.

( ) 5. A. He is collecting stamps.

B. He usually goes to school on foot.

C. He likes playing the violin.

四、你将听到五组对话,根据对话内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,注意大小写的规范要求,数字可以用阿拉伯数字表示。每组对话将读两遍。(每空1分,共10分)

1. Teacher: How many traffic _______ are there in every country?

Student: There are always three: red, yellow and .

2. Amy: What is your English teacher like? Is she ?

Chen: Yes, she is. And she’s thin too. But she is very .

3. Zip: Your birthday is in February. But what’s the ?

Miss Wu: February .

4. Teacher: you clean the blackboard and windows yesterday?

Liu Yun: No, I didn’t. But I all the desks and chairs.

5. John: The elephant is than the cow.

Wu: Yes, you’re right. And it’s , too.


( ) 1. Today is Sunday.

( ) 2. Jimmy feels sick.

( ) 3. Jimmy has a toothache.

( ) 4. Jimmy’s mother is kind.

( ) 5. Jim must take some medicine.



Tom: Hello, this is Tom. Can I speak to Mimi, please?

Mimi’s mom: Hello, Tom. ________________. Mimi is doing the dishes in the kitchen. Tom: OK. Thank you.

Mimi’s mom: Mimi, _____________________.

Mimi: Thank you, mom.

(Mimi comes and answers the phone.)

Mimi: Hello, Tom. It’s Mimi.

Tom: Mimi, let’s go to the library tomorrow.

Mimi: Oh, sorry, Tom. I can’t go with you. I am going to cook dinner tomorrow. Tom: But why?

Mimi: _______________________________.

Tom: Oh, your mom’s birthday! __________________________?

Mimi: I am going to cook some noodles.

Tom: ________________________________?

Mimi: It’s easy. First, put some water in the pot and then put the noodles. In several minutes, they are ready.

Tom: Wow! You are great. Have a nice weekend.

Mimi: Thank you. Bye.

G: There is a call for you.


My aunt works in a zoo. Her job is to look after the animals in the zoo. She feeds(喂) the animals, washes them and cleans their rooms. She loves animals and she likes her job very much. She talks to the animals, and the animals understand her. The animals are always happy when they see my aunt.

Every day, many people come to see the animals in my aunt’s zoo. But some people do not know the zoo rules. They go too near dangerous animals like lions or tigers. Some people litter. When people do these, my aunt will stop them.

1. What does my aunt do every day?

A. She looks after the animals.

B. She loves animals.

2. Can the animals in the zoo talk?

A. Yes, they can.

B. No, they can’t.

3. Wha t is “dangerous” in Chinese?(“dangerous”的中文意思是什么?)

A. 可爱的

B. 危险的

4. What’s the rule of the zoo?

A. Don’t litter.

B. Don’t talk to the animals.

5. My aunt is a ______ worker in the zoo.

A. good

B. bad

八、阅读下面的短文,从所给的单词中选择合适的单词补全短文,每空只填一词,每词只准用一次。注意书写工整。(每空1分,共10 分)

Peter’s Holidays

Last summer holiday, Peter and his parents went to visit Uncle Wong in Dalian. They went there 1 ship. Peter 2 how to swim in Dalian

3 they went

4 every day in the sea. They had a

5 time. This summer holiday, they plan to go to

6 by air. Beijing is known as the capital(首都) of

7 . It’s usually

8 in summer. Sometimes the temperature(温度) is 40°C. It’s too hot. But the 2008 Olympic Games(奥运会) is

9 to be held(举行) there! Peter is 10 . He can’t wait to go now!

Do you think Peter will have a great holiday this year?


1.Teacher: __________________________, boys?

Boys: We are going to the computer room.

2. John:____________________________?

Mike’s brother: He is 165 cm tall.

3. Wu: ______________________________?

Dong: Because I can play with snow.


4. Zhang :___________________________, Mei Mei?

Mei Mei: She is nurse.

5. Sarah: __________________________________, Amy?

Amy: I can see nine.

十、假设你叫Jack ,通过因特网认识了一位美国的笔友Tommy 。用不少于5句话向你的笔友介绍一下你自己,必须用上所给的提示词。数字可以用阿拉伯数字表示。开头与结尾已为你写好。(满分10分)

Dear Tommy, Liu Yun

favorite subject hobby

12岁, on foot, near



第一大题Listen and choose:你将听到一个单词,或者一个词组,或者一个句子,根据你所听到的内容, 选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题将连续读两遍。每小题之间将停留四秒钟供你选择答案。


1. kite

2. man

3. sleep

4. October

5. the horse(此题与house相区别,请将元音读清)

6. have a toothache

7. Mom is at home.

8. I can’t play football in the rain.

9. Can I speak to your sister, please?

10. Sarah went fishing last weekend.

第二大题Listen and judge:你将听到一个句子或一组对话,请根据所听到的内容, 判断图片或句子是否相符, 相符的在相应的题号前的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”。每小题将连续读两遍。每小题之间将停留五秒钟供你选择答案。


1. 男声:I come from Australia.

2. There is a cinema next to the library.

3. It’s spring now. It’s warm.

4. Today is June 1st. Happy Children’s Day!

5. We usually have sports at 9 am.

6. I would like to have some cabbage and fish for lunch.

7. 男声:What’s your favorite color?

女声:Purple and pink.

8. 女声:Mr. Liang, Are you tired?

男声:No, I am not tired. I am happy.

9. 男声:Hello, Sarah, where did you go on your holiday?

女声:Hi, Xiaoming. I went to the USA. It was fun!

10. 男声:Mom, come on. It’s time for school.

女声: OK, ok. I am cooking breakfast.

第三大题Listen and choose:你将听到一个问题,根据你所听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,并将其前面的字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题将连续读两遍。每小题之间将停留六秒钟供你选择答案。

1. Is your friend strong?

2. What did you do last Monday?

3. When is your birthday?

4. Do you like grapes?

5. What’s Mingming’s hobby?

第四大题Listen and fill:你将听到五组对话,根据对话内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,注意大小写的规范要求,数字可以用阿拉伯数字表示。每组对话将连续读两遍。每小题之间将停留十秒钟供你填写答案。




1. Teacher(女声): How many traffic lights are there in every country?

Student(男声): There are always three: red, yellow and green.

2. Amy(女声): What is your English teacher like? Is she short?

Chen(男声): Yes, she is. And she’s thin too. But she is very smart.

3. Zip(男声): Your birthday is in February. But what’s the date?

Miss Wu(女声): February 12th.

4. Teacher(男声): Did you clean the classroom yesterday?

Liu Yun(女声): No, I didn’t. But I cleaned all the desks and chairs.

5. John(男声): The elephant is heavier than the cow.

Wu(女声): Yes, you’re right. And it’s bigger, too.

第五大题Listen and judge:你将听到Jimmy和他妈妈的一段对话,请根据对话内容判断下列句子的对错。对的请在题号前的括号内打“√”,错的打“×”。该对话将连续读三遍。读完后将有十秒钟的停留时间供你判断对错,再进入第五大题。

Mom(女声): Wake up, Jimmy. Jimmy, it’s time for school. It’s not

Sunday. It’s Monday today.

Jimmy(男童声): Oh, mom. I don’t think I can go to school today. Mom(女声): Wha t’s the matter, Jimmy? Oh, you have a fever! How do

you feel?

Jimmy(男童声): I feel sick, mom. And I have a headache.

Mom(女声): Hurry up! Let’s go to hospital.

Mom(女声): Doctor, my son has a fever.

Doctor(男成年声): Mmm…Yes. He has the flu. Don’t worry. Take some

medicine and drink water. Stay in bed for some days.

He’ll feel better soon.

Mom(女声): Thank you, doctor.


一、Listen and choose(每小题1分,共10分)

1B 2C 3A 4C 5A 6B 7B 8A 9A 10C

二、Listen and judge(每小题1分,共10分)

1. ×

2. ×

3. √

4. √

5. ×

6. ×

7. √

8. ×

9. √ 10. ×

三、Listen and choose(每小题2分,共10分)


四、Listen and fill

每空只填一词,注意大小写的规范要求,数字可以用阿拉伯数字表示。(每空1分,共10分) 注:括号内是学生的可能表现,按要求给分。

1.lights (写对light但没加s,给0.5分)


2.short, smart(如果写成:shorter, smarter,给0.5分)任何其它答案均不得分)


4.Did(写对did,没大写D, 给0.5分)


5.heavier(写成heavy, heavyer给0.5分)

bigger(写成big, biger给0.5分)

五、Listen and judge(每小题2分,共10分) 1.× 2. √3. × 4. √ 5. ×/√

六、Read and choose(每小题2分,共10分)



七、 Read and choose(每小题2分,共10分)



1A 2B 3B 4A 5A

八、Read and fill(每空一词,每空1分,共10分)







7. China

8. hot

9. going 10.excited

九、Ask and answer (每小题2分,共10分)

1. Where are you going(Where的W没大写,扣0.5分)


Where are they going

Where are you go

Where do you go

其他答案:例如写对主词where,其他一蹋糊涂的,得0.5分,如:Where do you going

Where did you go

2. How tall is Mike/your brother/he? (How的H没大写,扣0.5分)


How tall are you?

How tall is Mike’s brother?

What tall is Mike?


What tall are you?

What tall is Mike’s brother?

3. Why do you like winter? (Why的W没大写,扣0.5分)


4. What does Liu Yun/she do(What的W没大写,扣0.5分)

What do Liu Yun/she do (扣0.5分)

5. How many birds can you see(How的H没大写,扣0.5分)



十、Look and write

1. 以下是参考答案,括内的词表示可有可无,不写也不扣分。

第一句:My name is Jack. / I am Jack.

第二句:I am 12 (years old).

第三句:My favorite subject is math. /I like math best.

第四句:My hobby is playing the violin. / I like playing the violin.

第五句:I go to school on foot every day because my school is near.



2. 扣分分为以下几项:





例如: My name are…

My hobby is play (the) violin.(漏了the)

I like play (the) violin. (漏了the)

I go to (多the) school by feet.

everyday 没有分开等等。



2007年聊城市小学毕业英语测试题 一. 听力部分。(40分) (一)、听单词,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) ( ) C.from ( )2.A.eight B.easy C.every ( )3.A.bed B.boat C.big ( )4.A.class B.home ( ),k B.make C.cake ( ) C.dress ( )7.A.robot B.these C.those ( )8.A.picture B.purple ( )9.A.autumn B.animal C.agree ( ),ke B.window C.wide 二)听单词,选出你所听到单词对应的图片。(10分) (三)听句子,选出你所听到的句子。(5分) ( )21.A.Did Dad cook lunch?. B Did San help Mum?. C. Did you play basketball?. ( )22.A.She was fat, but now she is thin. B.They were young,but now they ’re old. C.I was short,but now I ’m tall. ( )23.A.People speak Chinese in China. B.Sanya is a famous city in China. C.Beijing is the capital of China. ( )24.A.Will it be hot tomorrow? B. Will it be windy tomorrow? C. Will it be sunny tomorrow? ( )25.A.I will go to the park on Monday. B. I will visit my grandma on Tuesday. C. I will help my mother on Wednesday. (四)听句子,选出你所听到句子的恰当答语。(5分) ( )26.A.Yes, I did . B.Yes ,I am. C.I did my homework. ( )27.A.I ’mXiaoming. B.They are my firends. C.He is a pupil. ( )28.A.Yes I will. B.No, I don ’t. C. No, I didn ’t. ( )29.A.She is in the school. B.She is shy. C.She is very tall. ( )30A.Fine B.Thank you. C.Thirteen. (五)录音中有五个小对话,根据每个对话内容选取出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。(10分) ( )31.When does the girl watch TV? A.On Monday evening. B. On Saturday evening C. On Sunday evening. ( )32.Where is Lingling? 题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案


机密★启用前 2016年广东省初中毕业生学业考试 英语 —、听力理解(本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分, 共25小题, 每小题1分, 共25分) A. 听句子(本题有5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分) 根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题, 选择符合题意的图画回答问题, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。每小 题听一遍。 1.where is the chair? A B C 2.What is the shape of Amy's balloon? A B C 3.Which bedtime story does the man's son like best?

A B C 4.Who is Peter's brother? A B C 5.What was Jason wear when the man saw him? A B C B.听对话:本题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分) 回答每段对话后面的问题, 在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黒: 每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话, 回答第6小题。 6.How far away is it to the bank? A. About 300 meters away B. About 400 meters away C. About 500 meters away. 听第二段对话, 回答第7小题。 7.Why does the man look tired? A. He went to bed late B. He got up very early C. He played football for long. 听第三段对话, 回答第8小题。 8.What kind of bus would the man like to drive? A. A city bus. B. A tourist bus C. A school bus. 听第四段对话, 回答第9小题。


小学毕业升学考试 英语模拟试题与答案(三) (试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟) 一、找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。(5分) ( )1. A. sea B. sign C. sweater D. sure ( )2. A. not B. nose C. orange D. hobby ( )3. A. apple B. bag C. many D. fan ( )4. A. desk B. fever C. next D. sweater ( )5. A. you B. twenty C. yellow D. yes 二、英汉互译(10分 ) 1. close the window _____________ 2. wacth a movie ___________ 3. play badminton _____________ 4. write an e-mail ___________ 5. too small _____________ 6. 圣诞树 _________________ 7. 暑假 ______________ 8. 一星期三次______________ 9. 从……到… _______________ 10. 洗衣服 _______________ 三、选择填空。(20分 ) ( ) 1. Mr Crisp is ___English teacher, but Mrs Sue is ___ teacher of English. A. an. An B. an, a C. a, a ( ) 2. ---What’s this in English? ---________ A. This is a bag B. It is bag. C. It’s a bag. ( ) 3. What are __________ and ______? 1


1.北京时间4月10日21时,全球六地联合召开新闻发布会,公布了人类历史上 照片,此次发布的黑洞图像揭示了室女座星系团中超大质量星系M87中心的黑洞 离地球5500万光年,改写成用“亿”作单位的数为( )亿光年;太阳的6500000000倍,这个数读作( )。 2.( )%=4:5= ( ) = ( )÷15=( )(填小数) 3. 4.8平方米=( )平方分米 2.5升=( )毫升 3时25分=( )时 2吨60千克=( )吨 4.如下图,在数轴上有点A 和B ,它们表示的数分别是( )和( ) 5. 9和12的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。 6.按照右图的广告优惠,买一双运动鞋,只需要原价的( )%,现价是135元的运动鞋,原价是( )元。 7.六(1)班有47人,如果每个同学按照1、2、3、4,1、2、3、4…的顺序,则最后一名同学报的是( ),一共有( )人报了“4”。 8.把360本书平均放到4层书架上,每层书架放的书是这些书的( )。每层书架中书的总数的( )。 9.一个近似圆锥的煤堆,底面半径是3m ,高2m ,它的占地面积是( )是( ) 。 10. 4月23日是“世界读书日”,学校开展了“读书漂流”活动。子涵看一本书,看了a 天,平均每天看25页,还剩21页没看,这本书的总页数用含有字母的式子表示是( )页。如右图,当a=7时,小明看的这本书是《 》。

二、选择题。(每小题1分,共10分) 请将正确答案的字母填写在题中( )内。 11.2019年是平年,这一年的10月一共有( )天 A.28 B.29 C.30 D.31 12.左下图是由4个完全相同的正方体组成的,从左面看到的图形是( )。 13.下图中,以直线a为轴旋转一周,形成的图形是圆锥的是( )。 14右图中,大圆的周长和小圆的周长之比是( )。 A.2:1 B.1:2 C.1:4 D.4:1 15.妈妈带了60元,买了单价是16元的葡萄3千克。下面的行为中,估算比精确计算更有意义的是( )。 A.老板确认应该收多少钱 B.妈妈计算要找回多少钱 C.妈妈思考60元到底够不够 D.老板把金额输入收银机 16.把写有1-9这9个数字的卡片反扣在桌面上,打乱顺序后任意摸一张,摸到 ( )的可能性最大。 A.奇数 B.偶数 C.质数 D.合数 17.如果用★代表同一个自然数(★≠0),那么下面各式中,得数最大的是( )。 A.★÷ B.÷★ C.★× D. ★ - 18下面式子中,得数一定相等的是( )。 (a≠0) A.2a和 B.2(a+1)和2a+2 C.3a和 a×a×a D.a×0和a+0


2017年春小学毕业年级英语综合试题(一) 一、判断下列各组划线字母的读音,相同的在括号里写T,不同的标注F(1′×10) 1、good too() 2、bed desk() 3、ask cat() 4、use up() 5、dog old() 6、finish like() 7、three sheep()8、my why()9、this think() 10、how hour() 二、写出下列单词的适当形式(1′×10) 1、I(宾格) 2、boy(复数) 3、you(形容词性物主代词) 4、this(复数) 5、small(反义词) 6、swim(ing形式) 7、country(复数)8、have(过去式) 9、write(三人称单数形式)10、China(语言) 三、选出下列单词中不同类的那一个,将其序号填入题前括号内(1′×10) ()1、A. I B. she C. him ()2、A. door B. bird C. window ()3、A. dog B. yellow C. green ()4、A. four B. fourteen C. first ()5、A. teacher B. pencil C. book ()6、A. doctor B. driver C. mother ()7、A. fat B. tiger C. lion ()8、A. summer B. warm C. autumn ()9、A. the Mid-Autumn Festival B. Flag Day C. the Lantern Festival ()10、A. brought B. got C. play 四、选出下列各题的最佳答案,将其序号填入题前括号内(2′×25) ()1、小红问How much is it?她是想: A. 买东西 B. 问时间 ()2、Amy不知道去公园的路,她会说: A. Where is the pen? B. Where is the park? ()3、早上见到英语老师你会说: A. Good night B. Good morning ()4、回答同学的‘Thank you!’你会说: A. Hello B. You′re welcome ()5、你想知道妈妈新买的衣服什么颜色会说: A. What colour is it? B. What time is it? ()6、My favourite colour is . A. yellow B. book C. water ()7、Lingling like oranges? A. Do B. Is C. Does ()8、We fly kites spring. A. on B. in C. at ()9、you take your kite tomorrow? A. will B. Do C. Did ()10_____you at home yesterday? A. Are B. Is C. Were ()11、We in a small house before. A. lived B. live C. living ()12、Let′s a home library. A. makes B. making C. make


2019年广东省初中毕业暨升学考试试卷 一、听力理解(本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分,共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) A. 听单句话(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 根据所听到的话和卷面的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每小题听一遍。 1. Where is the bag? 2. Who is the speaker talking about? 3. What does Mike usually do after school? 4. What time does Jane have a piano lesson on Mondays? 5. How many boxes of milk did Jack buy just now?

B.听对话(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 回答每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 6. Who are the speakers going to help? A. A little kid. B. A young lady. C. An old man. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。 7. What does Alice think of the magazine? A. Interesting. B. Boring. C. Popular. 听第三段对话,回答第8小题。 8. When are the speakers going to eat out? A. This Friday. B. This Saturday. C. This Sunday. 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。 9. What did Tom do last night? A. He watched a football game. B. He prepared for a report. C. He studied for a test. 听第五段对话,回答第10小题。 10. How much are the apples and the grapes? A. 25 yuan. B. 38 yuan. C. 63 yuan. 听第六段对话,回答第11-12小题。 11. Where does the man want to go? A. A bank. B. A post office. C. A library. 12. How will the man go there? A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus. 听第七段对话,回答第13-15小题。 13. What is the man looking at? A. A menu. B. A book. C. A map. 14. What is the picture show about? A. Asian culture. B. African culture. C. European culture. 15. Where may this conversation take place? A. At the museum. B. At home. C. At school. C.听独白(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 请根据所听内容,在每小题所给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。独白听两遍。


小学英语毕业考试模拟试 卷 Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

一、选出与其它单词不同类的选项。 (). Is B. are C. do D. am ()2. B. writer ()3. C. long ()4. B. read ()5. 二、词型转换。 (1)tomato (复数) __________ (2)thin (比较级) ____________ (3)smaller (反义词) ___________ (4)your (名词性物主代词) ________ (5)watch(过去式) _____________ (6)swim(现在分词) __________ (7)have(第三人称单数) _________ (8)wear(同音词) ___________ (9)头疼(英文)_____________ (10)see(过去式) _______________ 三、选择。 (1)( ) I have ___English book. A. a B. an C./ (2) ( ) Last weekend we _______in the park. A. read books B. sing C. climb the mountain (3)( ) How are you today ’m five. B. I feel well. C. I can jump. (4) ( ) Did you learn English A. Yes,I do. B. Yes,I did. C. Yes,you did. (5) ( ) It’s 11:30. It’s time____lunch.


小学六年级毕业考试英语试题 小学六年级毕业考试英语试题 一. 按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母. a___________________________________z 二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。 f____ h o____ q k____ M V____ X 三. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用“√”,不同的用“×”,表示在括号内。 ()1. bike mine()2. nose long()3. much museum()4. left desk() 5. hand make 四. 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。 ()1. A. day B. bad C. have()2. A. fish B. find C. give()3. A. me B. see C. red()4. A. glue B. run C. us()5. A. phone B. plant C. four 五. 用直线连接下列英文单词和对应的中文意思。 library 电影院watch TV 牙疼 station 图书馆wait for 头疼 cinema 博物馆play chess 看电视 museum 公园headache 等候 park 车站toothache 下棋 六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文。 1. The girl is my sister. 中文:__________ 2. Don’t smoke. 中文:____________ 3. Here is the money. 中文:_________


2020年广东省中考英语试卷 一、听力理解.(本大题分为A、B. c. D四部分,共5小题,每小题1分,共30分)A. 听单句话(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据所听到的话和卷面的问题,选择符合题意的團画回答问题,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.每小题听一遍. 1.(1分)What did Alice buy for her mother? 2.(1分)Where is Mary going to live? 3.(1分)How did Ben go to visit his grandparents? 4.(1分)Which picture is the speaker talking about? 5.(1分)What's the highest temperature today?

B.听对话(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)回箸每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.每段对话听两遍. 6.(1分)听第一段对话,回答第6小题. Which season does Cindy like best? A.Spring, B.Autumn. C.Winter. 7.(1分)听第二段对话,回答第7小题. What would the man like for breakfast? A.Hamburger. B.Bread and milk. C.Beef noodles. 8.(1分)听第三段对话,回答第8小题. Why did David look sad? A.Because he had a bad cold. B.Because he lost his watch. C.Because he didn't win the game. 9.(1分)听第四段对话,回答第9小题. When will the football match start this afternoon? A.At 3:30. B.At 4:00. C.At 4:30. 10.(1分)听第五段对话,回答第10小题. How can the man pay the bill today? A.Through Ali Pay.


楚州区2006~2007学年度第二学期牛津小学英语毕业会考全真模拟试题 时间:90分钟总分:120分 学校班级姓名 一、择合适的字母完成单词。(共10分,每小题1分) 1.sw ter A.ea B. ee C. ae D.oo,p ter A.a B.u C.i D.e 3.newsp per A.m B.e C.a D.a 4.W dn sday A. e e B. a e C.e a D.e o 5.chri mas A. s t B.t s C.s D.s s 6.ev ry hing A.a s B.e t .C.j j D.f f 7.weath B.ere C. er D.y 8.b n n A.a a a B.a e a C.e e a D.e o a 9.a tu n A.u n B.n m C.u m D.o e 10.p liceman A. e B.a C.o D.u 二、情景配对(共10分,每小题1分) ( ) 1. What time does your sister get up every day? A. Thirteen years old. ( ) 2. How many chairs are there in your classroom? B. Yes, I’d like to. ( ) 3. When did your mother clean the house? C. Sure. ( ) 4. Who jumps higher than Li Ping? D. She is going to go to the park ( ) 5. Can you give me some glue? E. It’s 6. ( ) 6. Would you like to play with me? F. At 6:00 every day. ( ) 7. Where is she going to? G. Wang Fang. ( ) 8. What’s your favourite number? H. Twenty-four. ( ) 9. Are you from Africa? I. At about 3:00 yesterday afternoon. ( ) 10. How old is your cousin? J. No, I’m English. 三、单项选择。(共15题,每小题1分,计15分) ( )1. —_____ are you going there? — On foot. A. Where B. Why C. How

2018--2019学年度小学毕业考核 (B)

2017~2018学年度小学毕业考核 数学(B ) (考试时间:90分钟满分:100分) 一、填空题。(每小题2分,共20分) 1.北京时间4月10日21时,全球六地联合召开新闻发布会,公布了人类历史上首张黑洞照片,此次发布的黑洞图像揭示了室女座星系团中超大质量星系M87中心的黑洞,其距离地球5500万光年,改写成用“亿”作单位的数为( )亿光年;其质量为太阳的65000000倍,这个数读作( )。 2.( )%=4:5= ( ) =( )÷15=( )(填小数)。 3. 4.8平方米=( )平方分米 2.5升=( )毫升 3时25分=( )时 2吨60千克=( )吨 4.如下图,在数轴上有点A 和B ,它们表示的数分别是( )和( )。 5.9和 12的最大公因数是( ) ,最小公倍数是( ) 6.按照右图的广告优惠,买一双运动鞋,只需要原价的( )%, 现价是135元的运动鞋,原价是( )元。 7.六(1)班有47人,如果每个同学按照1、2、3、4,1、2、3、4……的顺序进行报数,则最后一名同学报的是( ),一共有( )人报了“4”。 8.把360本书平均放到4层书架上,每层书架放的书是这些书的( ),每本书占每层书架中书的总数的( ) 9.一个近似圆锥的煤堆,底面半径是3m ,高2m ,它的占地面积是( )m 2,体积是( ) m 3 10.4月23日是“世界读书日”,学校开展了“读书漂 流”活动。子涵看一本书,看了a 天,平均每天看25 页,还剩21页没看,这本书的总页数用含有字母的式 子表示是( )页。如右图,当a =7时,小明看的 这本书是《 》。

二、选择题。(每小题1分,共10分)请将正确答案的字母填写在题中( )内。 1.2019年是平年,这一年的10月一共有( )天。 A.28 B.29 C.30 D.31 12.左下图是由4个完全相同的正方体组成的,从左面看到的图形是( )。 13.下图中,以直线a 为轴旋转一周,形成的图形是圆锥的是( ) 14.右图中,大圆的周长和小圆的周长之比是( ) A.2:1 B.1:2 C.1:4 D.4:1 15.妈妈带了60元,买了单价是16元的葡萄3千克。下面的行为中, 估算比精确计算更有意义的是( ) A.老板确认应该收多少钱 B.妈妈计算要找回多少钱 C.妈妈思考60元到底够不够 D.老板把金额输入收银机 16.把写有1-9这9个数字的卡片反扣在桌面上,打乱顺序后任意摸一张,摸到( )的可能性最大。 A.奇数 B.偶数 C.质数 D.合数 17.如果用★代表同一个自然数(★≠0),那么下面各式中,得数最大的是( )。 A ★÷ 76 B .76÷★ C. ★×71 D. ★-7 6 18.下面式子中,得数一定相等的是( ) (a≠0) A.2a 和a 2 B.2(a+1)和2a+2 C.3a 和a ×a ×a D. a ×0和a+0 19.将厚度是0.1毫米的纸,对折3次后,厚度是( )毫米 A.0.3 B.0.8 C.1,6 D.3


2018年六年级英语小考模拟试卷一、把不同类的单词找出来将其序号填在括号里。(5分) ()1、 A. heavy B. big C. long D. smaller ()2、 A. ate B. fly C. bought D. did ( )3、 A. run B. swim C. walk D. her ()4、 A. play B. nose C. hand D. leg ()5、A、play B、swim C、fly D、yellow 二根据要求写出所给单词的适当形式 (10分) 1 .three (序数词)_____________ 2. heavy(比较级)_____________ 3. right ( 反义词) _____________ 4 .do ( 第三人称单数)_____________ 5. swom (ing形式)_____________ 6.big(比较级)____________ (过去式) _____________ 8.their(同音词)_____________ 9. thin (比较级)___________ (过去式)_____________ 三、选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。(每个1分,共10分。) ( ) 1. I like drawing pictures and she____________. A. like singing B. like to sing C. likes singing ( ) 2 . Wu Ming is a girl, she _________ long hair. A. has B. was C. have ( ) 3.-What’s the_________ you, Mike -I have a cold. A. matter on B. match with C. matter with ( ) 4. She is _________ than me A. strong B. strongger C. stronger ( ) 5.-What’s the_________ you, Mike -I have a cold. A. matter on B. match with C. matter with ( ) usually get up ______ seven o’clock in the morning. A .at B. on C. of ( ) ______ is the coat --Thirty-five yuan, please. A .How B. How much C. How old ( ).--8It’s time __________lunch. A. to C. have ( )9. .-_____ you watch TV last night -Yes, I watched TV. A. Did B. Do C. Does ( ) is playing ______ basketball in the playground. A .a B. the C. \ 四、Look and choose. (根据问句,选择正确的答句) (10分) ( ) 1. How are you feeing now A. He is 130cm tall. ( ) 2. What’s your new English B. She is young and strong. teacher like? ( ) 3. Does your father go to work C. Very well. by bus every day ( ) 4. Where does your sister work D. By plane. ( ) 5. What’s your friend’s hobby E. No, there isn’t. ( ) 6. Where is your school F. He likes collecting stamps. ( ) 7. When are you going to the G. No, he doesn’t.


2018年广东省初中学业水平考试 英语 一、听力理解(略) 二、单项填空(本大题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。 31. new study says that going to_____ bed late is harmful to our health. A.\ , \ B. A, \ C. A, the D. The, the 32. The three upstairs are too small to have enough for a double bed. A. room, room B. room, rooms C. rooms, room D. rooms, rooms 33. --- How soon will we get the offer from a new high school --- about two months B. For C. Among D. During 34. Boxing Day, the 26th of December, got name from a time when many rich families gave boxes of gifts to poor people who had to work at Christmas. A. it's B. its C. one's D. one 35. According to a survey, four out of five women do housework at home, but only of men would do it. A. four fifth B. four fifths C. two fifth D. two fifths grandpa practices playing the guitar in the university for the elderly every day. ---Cool! It's never too old to learn. A. hard B. hardly C. great D. greatly 37. China is getting more and more independent of western technology, it is leading in many fields, such as the self-driving car industry. A.\ C. but D. and 38. It is said that the number of forest parks in Guangdong to more than 1,000 so far. A. increase B. increased C. has increased D. will increase 39. ---What do you think of the movie Operation Red Sea ---Wonderful. I've never seen a movie than it. A. more excited B. more exciting C. most excited D. most exciting I saw the light of your room was still on at two o’clock last night. ---Oh,I___ a football match of the Russia World Cup. A. watched B. was watched C. am watching D. was watching 4l. ---Yuan Longping, a famous Chinese scientist, is now doing research on sea rice. ---If farmers start planting rice in salty water, China's food supply will surely rise. A. can B. can’t C. must D. Mustn’t


一、语音、词汇。34% (一)在括号里用阿拉伯数字标出下列单词在词典中的先后顺序,并在划线上写出它们的中文意思。(5分) ()kangaroo ()young ()curtain ()skirt ()watch (二)根据所给单词的读音写出相应单词,并将中文意思写在括号里。(5分) [f?t] [spr??t] [h??t] [sm??l][n??s] ()()()()() (三)根据所给单词首字母填入单词,使句子合理、通顺。(10分) 1、I always p trees with my family in spring? 2、He always help people when they are in t______. 3、In summer, the w is usually very h . 4、Lisa and Lyla are t____. They look the s____, but they are very d______. 5、Our m_______ teacher is very y______. He’s very f______. (四)根据首字母提示填入文中所缺单词。(10分) Last weekend, I v_____ my aunt’s farm. There are many a________ in the f_____, such as cows, g_____, s_____, horses and etc. My aunt was very busy at first. She needed to _____ the hens, m____ the cows and shear a sheep. Later, she taught me how to r____ a horse. I really h____ a g____ time in my aunt’s farm. (五)根据上下文,写出下列句子划线部分的中文意思。(4分) 1、This is my weekend timetable. 2、Go straight along this road, and the school is on your left. 3.I can help my mother to wash the plates now. 4. Did you have a pleasant journey? 二、句型、情景表达。35 % (一)选择填空。将最佳选项的序号填在题前的括号里。(10%) ( ) 1、Kunming is known as“”. A.Flower City B.Spring City C. Beauty City ()2. Amy feels .Her mother has a headache A. tired B.sad C.bored ( ) 3. Does your pen pal live _________ Shanghai? A.on ( )4.My mum likes _________. A.swims B.swimming C.swim ( )5. How_____ some cake ? Sounds good. A.about B. much C.many ( )6. It’s cold now. Please___________ your coat. A put on B. take off C. look after ( )7. Jim and Ben are _____ about Ben’s birthday. A. saying B. speaking C. Talking ( )8.Rain _________ down into a lake. A.falls B.feels C.comes


东莞市2017~2018学年度小学毕业考核英语(A) (答题时间60分钟,满分100分) 听力部分(满分50分) 一、Listen and choose 你将听到一个单词,或者一个词组,或者一个句子,根据你所听到的内容, 选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题将读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分) ( ) B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. sleep B. sweet C. cheap ( ) 4. A. December B. September C. October ( ) 5. A. the horse B. the house C. the mouth ( ) 6. A. have a headache B. have a toothache C. have a sore throat ( ) 7. A. Mom isn’t at home. B. Mom is at home. C. Mom, let’s go home. ( ) 8. A. I can’t play football in the rain. B. My uncle can’t play games in the day. C. Mike can’t come to my home today. ( ) 9. A. Can I speak to your sister, please? B. Can I speak to your teacher, please?

C. Can I speak to your grandma, please? ( ) 10. A. Sarah went swimming last weekend. B. Sarah went shopping last weekend. C. Sarah went fishing last weekend. 二、Listen and judge 你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容, 判断图片或句子 是否相符, 相符的在相应的题号前的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”。 每小题将读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. She likes purple and pink best. ( ) 8. Mr. Liang is tired. ( ) 9. Sarah went to the USA. ( ) 10. They are eating breakfast. 三、Listen and choose 你将听到一个问题,根据你所听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,并将 其前面的字母编号填在题前的括号内,每个问题将读两遍。(每小题2分, 共10分) ( ) 1. A. This is my friend. B. Yes, he is. C. Hello, friend. ( ) 2. A. I climbed mountains last Monday. B. I am going to water the flowers. C. I sweep the floor every day.
