




































































































小学六年级英语单词竞赛试卷 (时间:40分钟总分:100分)Name: _______ Class:________ 一.英汉互译。(20) 1. next to ___________ 2. nature park___________ 3. a pair of shoes___________ 4. look for___________ 5. put…on__________ 6. bake a cake___________ 7. national holiday___________ 8. pay attention to___________ 9. Chinatown___________ 10. buy a pet___________ 11. 第五___________ 12. 写电子邮件___________ 13. 阅读一本杂志___________ 14. 直走___________ 15. 下周末___________ 16. 拉小提琴___________ 17. 骑自行车___________ 18. 交通规则___________ 19. 在学校前面_______ 20. 向左转___________ 二.根据中文意思补全单词,每空只填一个字母。(20) 1. r__m__mber (忘记) 2. w__ __k (步行) 3. c__n__ma (电影院) 4. dr__v__ (驾驶) 5. d__ff__rent (不同的) 6. __ __ nada (加拿大) 7. t__ni__ht (今晚) 8. di__tion__ry (字典) 9. t__ __ch (教) 10. t__ __ns (双胞胎) 三.重新排列下列字母组成正确的单词。(20) 1. t o f o ____________ 2. i r r b a l y _____________ 3. t p o s _____________ 4. e h e w r ____________ 5. i g t r h _____________ 6. b o y b h _____________ 7. p a e g l t g n _____________ 8. w o r r o m o t _____________ 9. i t a s o h p l _____________ 10. o r h t n _____________


四年级英语单词竞赛 班级 ________________ 姓名 _________________ 一、根据中文写英文20% 1.铅笔 2.钢笔 3.书 4.尺子 5.铅笔盒 6.教师 7.学生 8.男孩 9.女孩10.课桌 二、写出下列单词相应的大写或小写形式5% CLASSROOM science painting KITCHEN VEGETABLE 三、填空10% 1. What’s in your .(书包) 2. Amy and Chen Jie are good .(朋友) 3. My (房间) is small. There is a (窗户), a (门),a (床) and a (椅子). I like it. 4. What would you like for breakfast? I’ d like some (面包), some (牛奶)and two (蛋). 四、把下面单词补充完整,每一条横线写一个字母。10% 1. __ork 2. f__sh 3. so__a 4. m__sic 5. w__ll 6. cla__ __room 7. p__cture 8. wind__ __ 五、根据图片写单词10%

六、把下列单词翻译成中文。10% teacher ’s desk_________forty-one________quiet_________ hair________ painting____________ fridge______________ chopsticks____________ vegetable____________ watermelon_____________colour____________ 七、句子配对10% 1.Where is my seat? A. Good idea! 2.Let ’s clean the classroom. B.Sure. Here you are. 3.Is she in the living room? C.It ’s near the door. Go to the living _______. Watch________. Go to the __________. Have a snack. Go to the study. Read a ________. Go to the _________. Take a shower. Go to the _________. Have a sleep.


全国中学生初三年级英语竞赛试题 一、听力测试(共30小题,计25分) (A)听对话,回答问题。本题共有五个小题,在每个小题内你将听到一个小对活,然后你会听到一个问题,我们把对话和问题都念两遍。请你从试卷上的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出能回答这个问题的答案,并在答题卷上写上该答案的序号。(每小题1分) 1. A. Math. B. English. C. History. D. Physics. 2. A. Mary. B. Jane. C. Alice. D. Jenny. 3. A. A conductor. B. A teacher. C. A student. D. A farmer. 4. A. Friday. B. Thursday. C. Wednesday. D. Tuesday. 5. A. Close the window. B. Have more clothes on. C. Play outside. D. Move to another town. (B)单句理解。本题共有十个小题,在每个小题内你将听到一个句子,我们把句子念两遍。请你从试卷上A、B、C、D四个选项中找出一个句子,它与你所听到的那个句子意思最为接近,并在答题卷上写上该答案的序号。(每小题1分) 6. A. Please go on with it . B. Hold it in your hand . C. Don’t hang up the telephone. D. Please put up your hands. 7. A. We have a new co mputer and it’s in my room . B. We have a new computer but it’s not in my room . C. We want to put our new computer in my room . D. We must have a new computer in my room . 8. A. The exhibition started last Tuesday . B. The exhibition will end next Tuesday.


六年级英语竞赛样题 (时间: 60分钟总分: 100分) 听力部分(共四大题, 40%) I. 听辨单词 (Words) (共10小题, 计10分) A) 听音, 选出你所听到的单词。每个单词只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1. A. good B. food C. foot D. goose 2. A. light B. night C. fruit D. blue 3. A. football B. basketball C. baseball D. *olleyball 4. A. home B. game C. plane D. listen 5. A. behind B. stand C. stamp D. side B) 听音,看图,选出与你听到的单词属于同一类的一项。每个单词只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) II. 句子理解 (Sentences) (共10小题,计10分) A) 听句子,根据问句选出恰当的答句。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 11. A. It‘s 6. B. It’s 12. C. It‘s 80. D. It’s 20. 12. A. He‘s *ery well. B. He’s 35 years old. C. He plays ping-pong well. D. He‘s in the library now.

13. A. Only two. B. They are for my birthday. C. They are red. D. I like them *ery much. 14. A. It’s my pleasure. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, it is. D. Don‘t read in the sun. 15. A. Yes, it’s big. B. Yes, it‘s a bus. C. No, it’s a big box. D. No, it isn‘t a taxi. B) 听句子,判断你所听到的句子与所给图片是(Y)否(N)相符。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) III. 对话理解 (Dialogues) (共10小题,计10分) A) 听对话,为每组人物选择合适的情景图片。每组对话读两遍。(答案写在答题纸上) B)听对话,根据你听到的对话内容为下列图片按英文字母(A,B,C,D,E)的顺序标号。对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) IV. 短文理解 (Passages) (共10小题,计10分) A) 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择答案回答下列问题。短文读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)


下朱庄街百词竞赛活动方案 一、竞赛目的 为激发学生学习英语的兴趣,检验学生掌握英语单词的情况,扩大学生的词汇量,进一步丰富学生的英语学习生活,提高学生英语的拼写及记忆能力,促使学生“爱英语、学英语、用英语”。现根据学校校园文化活动安排,特举办英语百单词竞赛活动。 二、竞赛主题:Remember a hundred words,! 三、参赛对象:七至九年级全体学生 四、竞赛时间:2014年11月6日下午 五、活动组织:教务处、中学英语教研组、各年级3个班主任 六、竞赛内容 七年级:七年级上册书中(Unit 1——Unit 6)的单词找出100个,根据中文写出英文翻译 八年级:八年级上册书中(Unit 1——Unit 5)中所有单词找出100个,进行根据中文写出英文翻译 九年级:九年级上册书中(Unit 1——Unit 7)中所有单词找出100个,进行根据中文写出英文翻译 七、活动要求: 1、各班英语教师总结所学单词,印好汉语,学生利用课外时间记忆。 2、11月6日下午各年级统一在各班现场比赛,铃声响后答卷。 3、现场比赛总时间为35分钟,铃响后收卷。

4、要求监考老师(所有英语老师及各年级3位班主任)认真督查所在班级学生情况,遇到意外情况及时与教导处联系。结束比赛后,监考老师收好学生作品,统一交教导处。 八、书写规则及要求: 1、统一用蓝黑笔书写。 2、现场比赛用纸,纸张由学校统一提供。书写用笔自备。 九、评选办法: 1、由英语教师对试卷进行认真评选。 2、评奖以年级为单位,评出一、二、三等奖。 十、奖励办法: 对优秀班集体由学校统一颁发奖状,以资鼓励。 下朱庄街中学 2014年10月20日


四年级百词竞赛 姓名__________ 班级_________ 分数_________ Part A: 1.关于;大约,到处____________ 2.在……之后____________ 3.向后,回____________ 4.球____________ 5.在……后面____________ 6.兄弟____________ 7.棕色的,褐色的____________ 8.买____________ 9.打电话____________ 10.抓住____________ 11.小鸡____________ 12.衣服(复数)____________ 13.外套,上衣____________ 14.颜色____________ 15.哭,喊____________ 16.跳舞____________ 17.书桌____________ 18.向下____________ 19.十一____________ 20.落下,跌倒____________ 21.家,家庭____________ 22.农场____________ 23.快速地;快的____________

24.花____________ 25.空闲的,自由的____________ 26.来自,从……____________ 27.山羊____________ 28.帮助____________ 29.这里,这儿____________ 30.饥饿的____________ 31.晚的,迟的____________ 32.午饭____________ 33.早晨,上午____________ 34.星期一____________ 35.现在____________ 36.仅仅,只____________ 37.橘子;橘色的____________ 38.公园____________ 39.盘,碟____________ 40.请____________ 41.比赛,赛跑____________ 42.座位____________ 43.鞋____________ 44.商店____________ 45.女裙____________ 46.小的____________ 47.某事(物)____________ 48.儿子____________ 49.运动____________


初三英语竞赛试题 笔试部分(共九大题,计120分) I.Multiple-choice(选择填空)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分) 31.These cakes ____ delicious! Can I have ____ one? A.tastes;another B.taste;another C.tasting;other D.taste;others 32.That boy, ____ father is a footballer, is very good at sports. A.that B.who's C.whose D.which 33.There are many foreign students in this university, ____ 24 Japanese ones. A.including B.included C.includes D.include 34.He found ____ very difficult ____ learn math well. A.it;for B./;go C.that;for D.it;to 35.These doctor told my uncle to ____ drinking so much wine if he wanted to be healthier. A.open up B.put up C.give up D.make up 36.Do you know ____ this time yesterday? A.what she is cooking B.what is she cooking C.what she was cooking D.what was she cooking 37.I don't think teenagers should get their ears pierced, ____? A.do I B.don't I C.should they D.shouldn't they 38.We were late for school last Wednesday ____ the heavy rain. A.because of B.as C.because D.since 39.--Don't worry. Your brother is coming to help you. --____ he doesn't come and I am here alone? A.What about B.What if C.Why not D.How about 40.Jim went swimming with his parents yesterday afternoon. ____. A.So did Mary B.So Mary does C.So Mary was D.So Mary did 41.--Which do you prefer, English ____ French? --I prefer English ____ French. A.or;to B.and;to C.and;than D.or;than 42.--Look at the old lady in red. Is that Mrs Lee? --No, it ____ be her. She has gone to Canada. A.will B.mustn't C.can't D.may 43.--What did your friend say to you the day before yesterday? --She asked me ____ anyone her secret. A.to tell not B.not to tell C.don't tell D.not tell 44.--How was your holiday, Ann? --____ It rained all the time and I had to stay inside. A.Great! B.Wonderful! C.Exciting! D.Boring! 45.--Do you mind my smoking here? --____ Can't you see the “No Smoking”sign? A.I'm afraid you can't. B.Of course not. C.Not at all. D.It doesn't matter. II.Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共20小题;选择题5小题,每小题1分;非选择题15小题,每小题2分,计35分) A)Read the following passage which is followed by five questions. For each question, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the passage.(阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。) Mike Bing and his wife Lynn were very hungry. A waitress with short,curly hair came to their table. Mike asked her for a cup of tea. A few minutes later, the waitress with short, curly hair came back, but she did not have Mike's tea. She said to Mike and Lynn,“Do you want something to drink?”Again, Mike asked for a cup of tea. Suddenly, two waitresses came back to the table. They both had a cup of tea for Mike. And they hoth had short, curly hair. In fact, they looked exactly the same. Mike was confused. What happened? Mike and Lynn were at Twins Restaurant in New York City. Lisa and Debbie Ganz are the owners of Twins Restaurant. The two women are identical twins. In fact, all the people who work at Twins Restaurant are twins. Thirty-seven sets of twins work there, and each set wears the same clothes. Sometimes customers like Mike and Lynn Bing get confused, but the restaurant is a lot of fun. Everything at Twins Restaurant is double. For example, there are two doorknobs on each door. The Ganz sisters are always happy when twins come into the restaurant to eat. The twin guests sign their names in a special book. Then the twins can have a photo taken with the Ganz sisters. Usually the Ganz sisters put these pictures on the walls, so there are a lot of pictures of twins on the walls of the restaurant. There are pictures on the walls of famous twins, too. However Twins Restaurant is not only for twins, but also for people like Mike and Lynn Bing. But it's double the fun for twins! 46.Where were Mr and Mrs Bing? A.In a special club in Paris. B.In a special cafe in London. C.In a special restaurant in New York. D.In a special supermarket in Sydney. 47.Why was Mike confused? A.Because the first girl was impolite and not helpful. B.Because the two girls looked exactly the same. C.Because the two girls both had long, curly hair. D.Because the second girl brought him a cup of coffee. 48.What is the meaning in Chinese of the underlined word“identical”? A.富有的 B.完全不同的 C.友好的 D.完全相同的 49.Who are the Ganz sisters?


英语竞赛试题 I:选择填空 ( ) 1. It took us a long time ___ Yunnan by train. A. to arrive B. to get C. to reach D. arriving at ( ) hear your uncle ______ to London once.—yes. He _____ there in 1999. A. went; has been B. goes; went C. has been; went D. has been; has been ( ) the United States----No; never. But I went to Canada a few days ago. you been B. Have you gong C. did you go D. Will you go ( ) a ______song! She sang so______. % ;wonderful B. wonderfully;wonderful ;wonderful D. wonderful;wonderfully ( )5. His sister has been to Hainan twice _______. A. after B. before C. since D. yet ( ) does Mr. Ma do ---He is a driver. He ______a city bus for three years. A. drives B. is driving C. has driven D. drove ( ) long did it ____ you to finish the work A. take B. spend C. cost D. pay ( )’s important ___when you speak to a foreigner. A. for you to smile B. to you smiling C. of you to smile D. for you smile … ( ) head teacher showed me ___ this school. A. around B. to C. in D. with ( ) you been to China --- Only once. A. How often B. How many times C. How long D. How soon ( ) will take part in the meeting tomorrow. A. Hundred B. Hundred of C. Hundreds of D. Hundreds ( )12. I found it impossible ____ the work in such a short time. A. for his to finish B. for him to finish C. for he to finish D. for his finishing ( ) went home ____ some books A. to got B. getting C. get D. to get . ( ) took a wrong ______ at the last road junction, can you tell me how to get back on the motorway A. turn B. turner C. turned D. turning ( ) girl doesn’t like the medicine because it tastes ______. A. good B. well C. terrible D. sweet ( ) was half past nine, and I ______ in bed _____. A. was lying; reading B. lay; read C. was lying; to read D. am lying; reading ( ) ___ him the whole morning, but I didn’t _____ him. A. found; look at B. saw; find out C. looked for; find D. looked at; see


六年级英语百词竞赛(2020.3) 班级________ 学号姓名_____________ 1.总是_______________ 2.问题____________ 3.问_________________ 4.表示,意思是__________ 5.必须___________________ 6.应当__________________ 7.拾,拣_________________ 8.生日__________________ 9.日期___________________ 10.什么时候_____________ 11.第二__________________ 12.三月________________ 13.第三__________________ 14.四月___________ ___ 15.第四__________________ 16.五月__________________ 17.六月__________________ 18.激动的,兴奋的________ 19.片刻,瞬间____________ 20.以前__________________ 21.手机__________________ 22.眼镜__________________ 23.假日,假期____________ 24.最后的________________ 25.早地__________________ 26.遇见__________________ 27.在…以前____________ 28.品尝__________________ 29.圣诞节________________ 30.元旦___________________ 31.人们__________________ 32.儿童节_________________ 33.也____________________ 34.你的(东西)___________ 35.我的(东西)__________ 36.她的(东西)___________ 37.我们的(东西)________ 38.在…旁边_______________ 39.回答__________________ 40.他们的(东西)_________ 41.在我前面______________ 42.散步___________________ 43.刚才_________________ 44.拔萝卜_________________ 45.上个星期_____________ 46.问一些问题_____________ 47.赏月_________________ 48.他们的节日_____________


初三英语竞赛试题 一、从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(15分) 1. My family_________ very small. Just only three people. A. are B. is C. be D. there is 2. --Tom went to a wonderful party last Sunday. --His class had a good time,______ ? A. hadn't he B. didn't he C. hadn't they D. didn't they 3. --Today is April Fool's Day. Are you_____ me? --Oh, believe it or not ,but it's true. A. playing B. foolish C. kidding D. fool 4. --It's very cold today. --But it's__________ than it was yesterday. A. less cold B. less colder C. not less colder D. not less cold 5. His _____English is___________. A. spoken; excellent B. speak; excellent C. spoken; very excellent D. speak; very excellent 6. --____________ ? --Not too well ,I'm afraid. A. How do you do B. How is your school C. How are things getting on D. What are you 7. --Please don't make a noise. -- _____ . I'll be as quiet as mouse. A. Yes, I do B. No, I don't C. Yes, I will D. No, I won't 8. Your skirt needs_____ . You need______ it. A. washing ;to wash B. to wash; washing C. washing; washing D. to wash; to wash 9.--Did your sister pass the exam? --She failed, so she is in low spirits, --I'm sorry for her. --______. A. I would think so B. The pleasure is mine C. Thank you D. You're welcome 10. She _____ terrible at this time yesterday. A. feels B. felt C. is feeling D. was feeling 11. He said nothing at the meeting because he wanted to let the sleeping lie. A. dogs B. cats C. tigers D. pigs 12. ______ weather it is! A. What broken B. What a broken C. How breaking D. How broken 13. If you don’t go , ______. A. Nor will I B. So will I C. Neither do I D. So do I 14. He learned a lot when he lived in the country for a holiday. A. got to know a lot B. did much C. received a lot D. knows a lot



二、单项选择 1、( )Are you _____ to give Jenny’s family a gift? A.go B. goes C. going 2、( )She always ____ to school by bus? A. go B. goes C. going 3、( )How many ____do you have? A.book B.class C .books 4、( )Jenny only___an apple for lunch yesterday. A.eated B.eats C.ate 5、( )He will______to school. A.walk B.walks C.walked 6、( )Mum is going to_____eggs A.cook B.cooking C.cooked 7、( )These women are________ A.sing B.singed C.singing 8、( )You can ____some dishes on the table. A.putting B.put C.to put 9、Danny is_______Li Ming to skate tomorrow. A.going to teach B.teaching C.teaches 10、Do you_____to school by bus? A.going B.go C.goes 11、Did she _____to school by bus? A.went B.go C.goes 三、用单词所给的正确形式填空。 1、Jenny often_______(help) her mother make dinner. 2、We will_______(bring) gifts for our friends. 3、My friend_______(bring)a gift for me. 4、My friends_______(bring)a gift for me. 5、My friends_______(bring)a gift for me yesterday. 6、My mother is_______(watch) TV in the living room. 7、Danny _______(invite) her friend yesterday. 8、Danny is going to_______(buy) some gifts. 9、Who is_______(sing) in your house? 10、I want to_______(buy)a little toy. 11、I have two stones for his _____(eye)


2017-2018学年洛阳华洋国际学校英语百词竞赛 I.单词: (1)汉译英: 1. n. 交谈;谈话 2. adv. 大声地;出声地 3. n. 发音;读音 4. v.发音 5. n. 表达(方式);表示 6. v. 发现;发觉 7. n.秘密,秘诀adj.秘密的 8. v. & n. 回顾;复习 9. n. 知识;学问 10. n. 陌生人 11. n.亲属;亲戚 12. 偷;窃取 13. n.甜点; 甜食 14. v.处罚;惩罚 15. n.现在,礼物 adj.现在的 16. n. 生意;商业 17. v.原谅 interj.请再说一遍 18. n. 明信片 19. v. & n. 仓促;急促 20. adj.迷人的,极有吸引力的 21. adj.便利的;方便的 22. n. 拐角;角落 23. adv.礼貌地; 客气地 24. adj.有幽默感的,滑稽的 25. adj.不说话的,沉默的 26. v.采访,面试 n.面试,访谈 27. adj. 私人的,私密的 28. v. & n. 影响 29. adj. 自豪的;骄傲的 30. n. 自豪;骄傲 31. adj. 缺席;不在 32. n. 考试;审查 33. adj.普遍的,常规的,总的n.将军 34. n. 介绍 35. adv. 确切地,精确地 36. n. 筷子 37. n.(女式)短上衣;衬衫 38. v. 加工;处理 39. n. 产品;制品 40. adj. 国际的 41. n. 参赛者;竞争者 42. n. 黏土;陶土 43. n. 德国 44. v. 磨光,修改,润色 45. n. 电;电能 46. n. 高兴;愉快 47. v. 提到;说到 48. v. 翻译 49. n. 器械,仪器;工具 50. n. 顾客; 客户 学校________________ 班级___________________ 姓名________________ 考号_____________


2014-2015学年度四年级第二学期英语竞赛试题 班级:_________ 姓名:____________座号:__________ 得分:______________ 一、给下列图片选出相对应的单词,只填序号。(15分) ()() ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A.potatoes B.shoe C.green beans D.dress E.rainy F.carrot G.English class H.horse I.hen J.music class K.tomatoes L.sunny M.sheep N.dress O.pants 二、找出不同类的单词。(15分) ’s office. https://www.360docs.net/doc/e510349056.html,puter 三、给下列句子选出正确的单词,只填序号。(8分) A.where B.at C.to D.weather F.on G.time H.what I.for 1.What’s the_________like in Beijing? 2._______ is the farm?

3.It’s ________to go to home. 4.Look________these! 5It’s time________art class. 6.It’s_________the first floor. 7.It’s 7:30.It’s time________go to school. 8._______are those? 四、英汉互译,选出正确答案。(20分) ()1.way A.方向 B.体育馆 C.点钟 ()2.go home A.起床 B.回家 C.睡觉()3.hen A.钢笔 B.十 C.母鸡 ()4.cool A.寒冷的 B.凉爽的 C.温暖的()5.those A.这些 B那些 C.这个()6.goat A.绵羊 B.羔羊 C.山羊()7.onion A洋葱 B.土豆 C.西红柿()8.clothes A.裤子 B.毛衣 C.衣服()9.hat A.帽子 B.炎热的 C.猫


初中英语竞赛试题及答案(精编) 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分) 从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —Jane, what are you doing _________ your computer? —I'm looking for information _________ airlines? A. about; for B. on; with C. in; with D. with; about 2. There are _________ carrots in the fridge. You don't have to buy any. A. few B. a few C. any D. little 3. —Who is Tina? —The girl who is wearing a _________ dress? A. beautiful red B. red and pretty C. red nice D. red but long 4. He _________ up very late in the morning, but now he _________ up very early. A. used to get; is used to get B. used to getting; is used to get C. is used to getting; used to get D. used to get; is used to getting 5. _________, he had studied art in Paris. A. When a boy B. As boy C. As a boy D. As he is a boy 6. —I hate space adventures. —_________. A. Nor do I B. Me neither C. Neither do I D. So do I 7. —Are you going to buy that car? —No, I'm not. It's _________ for me.
