

Module 1 Getting to know you

Unit 1 Meeting new people

本课是教材Module 1 Unit 1的教学设计。本单元的语言功能项目是To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe “Meeting new people”.主要话题是The students are able to use the key words correctly,本课内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,为学生操练对话创设了一个真实的语言情景,有利于学生在比较接近实际的情景中听听说说,从而培养他们运用英语进行交际的能力。


1. To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe “Meeting new people”.

2. To guess meaning from context.

3. The students are able to use the key words correctly.


To use the sentences in context.




The students are able to use the key words correctly.



Tape recorder, Multimedia.

Step 1. Warm up

1. Listen and say

T: What do you know about “Meeting new people”?Look at the pictures on P2 and PPT. Talk about “Meeting new people”.

To introduce them to the topic. And encourage them to talk about the topic.

2. Listening

Play the listening materials, stop when necessary. And then check the answers.

To train the students’ ability of catching the information of the listening materials.

Step 2. Presentation

1. Look and learn

Lead them to read and explain the “Meeting new people”.

e.g: This is your new classmate, his name is...

2. Make and say

(1) Learn the rules in P3.

(2) Finish the exercise on P3 and group work to work out the usage method of the “Meeting new people”.

(3) Walk around to exam the situation and check the answers for them.

(4) List the method of for them.

(5) To develop their interests and lead them to the conclusion.

Step 3. Practice

1. Say and act

Let the students look PPT and act the scene.

To make them get familiar with the details of the text and train their ability of saying and reading.

2. Sing a song

(1) Let the students look PPT and sing a song.

(2) Let the students get the general idea of the text.

3. Learn the letters

(1) Learn the letters in P5.

(2) List the letters for them.

(3) To develop their interest and lead them to the conclusion.

Step 4. Homework

1. Dictation.

2. Use the new words to make sentences on your own or check them in a dictionary.

Module 1 Unit 1 教案1



日常用语:Nice to meet you.


Look and learn,Listen and enjoy


1. 帮助学生学Look and learn中的单词。

2. 通过Listen and enjoy的儿歌,帮助学生学习日常用语Nice to meet you.,感受单元话题。


Pre-task preparations

1. 用Hello! Hi! 等招呼语和学生打招呼,鼓励学生尽量用英语提问了解老师的情况。如:How old are you? What do you like? 等等,增进师生之间的了解。根据学生的提问进行简单的自我介绍。然后告诉学生你的名字,帮助学生理解单词name的含义。

T: Hello.

S1: Hello.

T: I’m your (new) English teacher.

My name’s …

接着,让学生理解My name’s …的意思,然后请学生用My name’s …在小组内介绍自己的姓名。

2. 出示Listen and enjoy栏目的图片,请学生边看图片边听录音。听完后,教师微笑着和一位学生握手,说Nice to meet you.,通过“握手、问候”的动作让学生明白Nice to meet you. 的意思,重复几遍,请全班学生跟读Nice to meet you. 然后让学生跟读儿歌并模仿录音的语音语调,鼓励学生边说儿歌边做互相问候的动作。

While-task procedures

1. 拿着Look and learn的morning图片,用Good morning. 向学生问候,让学生听清并理解morning的含义,再跟着教师读。

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

(show the flashcard for morning) Morning.

Ss: Morning.

T: M-O-R-N-I-N-G, morning.

Ss: M-O-R-N-I-N-G, morning.

接着,向不同的学生用Good morning. 问好,如向一个学生问好,或向全体男生、女生问好,引导学生用Good morning, …来回答。

T: (show the flashcard for morning) Good morning.

S1: Good morning.

T: Good morning, boys.

Boys: Good morning, Miss/Mr …

用同样方法教学单词afternoon,evening和问候语Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.。

2. 出示morning,afternoon,evening,night的单词卡片,请学生看图说单词,或看单词朗读,比一比谁的反应快。

T: (show the flashcard for afternoon)

S1: Afternoon. A-F-T-E-R-N-O-O-N, afternoon.

3. 准备一天四个时段的挂图,四图中分别出现不同人物,学生看图并根据图片所示的时间与画中的人物问候。如:Good morning.,假如问候正确,教师做出相应的回答,如Good morning.。

4. 出示一些卡通人物图片,请个别学生上来抽卡片,然后根据抽到的卡片扮演不向人物,进行自我介绍,其他学生要问候作介绍的同学。

S1: Hello, my name’s …

Ss: Good morning, …

S2: Hello, my name’s …

Ss: Good morning, …

Post-task activities

1. 出示不同时段的挂图,让学生用Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening. 和自己的名字改编Listen and enjoy的儿歌,然后与同桌两人一组练习。教师可以请几个小组上台表演。

S1: Good morning. Good morning.

My name’s Jenny. J-E-N-N-Y, Jenny.

What about you?

S2: Good morning. Good morning.

My name’s Bob. B-O-B, Bob.

Nice to meet you, Jenny.

2. 小组活动。学生分为四人一组。发给每组一套人物卡片,请学生根据抽到的卡片扮演不同人物,表演打招呼和自我介绍的对话。

S1: Good morning.

S2: Good morning. My name’s … Are you …?

Module 1 Unit 1 教案2



句型:Her name’s Jill.


Listen and say,Listen and enjoy,Make and say


1. 通过Listen and say的情景对话,帮助学生学习核心句型Her name’s Jill.

2. 通过角色扮演,帮助学生初步运用核心句型。

3. 通过Make and Say活动,让学生进一步巩固和运用核心句His/Her name’s …。


Pre-task preparations

1. 接龙游戏。用Listen and enjoy的儿歌向学生问好,学生回答老师的问候以后,接着用问题What about you? 随意向任意学生提问。

T: Good morning. Good morning.

My name’s …

What about you? (point toS1)

S1: Good morning. Good morning

My name’s …

What about you? (point to S2)

S2: Good morning. Good morning.

My name’s …

What about you? (point toS3)

S3: …

2. 准备一个小木偶,以小木偶的语气用第—人称作自我介绍,引出生词new。在学生听懂的基础上,鼓励学生主动站起来和小木偶打招呼,并作自我介绍。

T: Hello. My name’s Peggy. I'm new here. Nice to meet you.

S1: Good morning, Peggy. My name’s … Nice to meet you too.

T: Good morning, my new friend.


While-task procedures

1. 请一个男生和一个女生上台做自我介绍,然后教师向全班学生介绍这两个学生,引出新句型His/Her name’s …和生词classmate,请全班学生跟读和拼读单词classmate。

S1: Hello. My name’s … Nice to meet you.

S2: Hello. My name’s … Nice to meet you too.

T: (point toS1) He’s/She’s … His/Her name’s …

He’s/She’s (S2’s name)’ classmate. Is he/she your classmate?

Ss: Yes.

T: C-L-A-S-S-M-A-T-E, classmate.

Ss: C-L-A-S-S-M-A-T-E, classmate.

接着请同学用classmate来组词,如:my classmate,an old classmate,a tall classmate,a new classmate。

最后,请学生用classmate来造句,如:I have a classmate./ … is my classmate.

2. 呈现Listen and say的图片,向学生介绍并提问。

l) Who are they?

2) Who’s the girl?

播放Listen and say的录音,然后出示Listen and say的图片并提问,检查学生的理解程度。T: (point to Jill in Picture2) Look at the girl.

Who is she?

Ss: She’s Kitty’s new classmate.

T: What’s her name?

Ss: Jill.

T: Yes. Her name’s Jill. J-I-L-L, Jill.


T: Her. H-E-R, her.

Ss: Her. H-E-R, her.

T: (point to your book) This is my book. (hold the things of a girl and point to the girl) This is her book. This is her bag/pencil. Can you make phrases with “her”?

S1: Her book, her ruler, …

T: Who can make sentences with “her”?

S2: Her bag is new.

用同样方法教学his。然后可以加入my,your通过对比帮助学生理解这几个单词的含义。T: My name’s … Your name’s … His name’s … Her name’s …


S1: I’m Kitty. This is my classmate. His name’s Joe.

3. 出示Listen and say的四幅图片,要求学生根据听到的内容给图片排序。然后,再放一遍录音,请学生跟读,跟读时注意语音、语调,同时检查图片顺序是否正确。然后和学生操练对话。

T: (act as Miss Fang) Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Fang.

T: This is your new classmate. Her name’s Jill.


S1: (act as Miss Fang) Good morning, boys and girls.

S2: Good morning, Miss Fang.

S1: This is your new classmate. Her name’s Jill.

4. 让学生看Make and say的图片,然后将范例句型写在黑板上,让学生朗读,最后请学生拿出自己的朋友或兄妹的照片,制作个人信息卡,并用所学的句型两人一组作介绍。

S1: (show a picture of his/her sister) This is my sister. Her name’s Linda. She’s ten years old. She’s thin.

S2: (show a picture of one of his/her friends) This is my friend. His name’s Jack. He’s nine years

old. He’s tall and thin.

Post-task activities

1. 将学生按四人一组分成若干小组,发给每个小组四张人物信息卡,小组活动时请每位学生抽取一张卡片,根据卡片上的信息作介绍。

S1: This is my new classmate. His name’s Tim. He’s nine years old. He’s short.


S1: He’s my new classmate.

S2: What’s his name?

S1: His name’s Tim.

S2: How old is he?

S1: He’s nine.

2. 猜谜游戏。描述一位班上的同学,请大家一起猜猜他(她)是谁?然后请猜对的学生上台做小老师,描述一个同学,让其他同学猜。

T: He’s my friend. He’s tall and thin. He’s eleven years old. What’s his name?

S1: His name’s …

Module 1 Unit 1 教案3


语音:a (cake,table)


句型:His/Her name’s …

日常用语:See you.


Say and act,Learn the sounds


1. 通过Say and act的情景对话,帮助学生进一步巩固和运用句型His/Her name’s …和日常用语Nice to meet you. 和See you.。

2. 帮助学生学习字母a在单词中的发音。

3. 通过学习任务(Task),帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识。


Pre-task preparations


S1: Good morning./Good afternoon.

This is my new friend.

His/Her name’s …

He’s/She’s …


T: (point to the girl in S1’s picture) Is she your friend?

S1: Yes, she’s my friend.

T: What’s her name?

S1: Her name’s …


S1: (point toS2’s picture) Who’s this girl?

What’s her name?

S2:She’s my … Her name’s …

While-task procedures

1.播放Say and act的录音,在听录音之前,教师可以根据对话内容设计几个问题,如对话中的人物,人物的姓名,做什么事情等,让学生在听录音时重点关注这些信息。

1)How many people are there in the park?


2)Who are they? (Peter, Sally, Paul and Kitty.)

3)What’s Peter’s sister’s name?

(Sally./Her name’s Sally.)

4)Who is Peter’s classmate? (Kitty.)


1) There are four people in the park. (Yes.)

2) Peter has a brother and a sister. (Yes.)

3) Peter’s sister’s name is Lily. (No.)

4) Kitty is Peter’s classmate. (Yes.)

2.播放Say and act的录音,然后出示对话的四张图片,请学生根据听到的内容,给四张图片排序,检测学生是否理解对话主要内容。然后请学生四人一组,按照课本Say and act中的人物,分角色操练和表演对话。

3.学生分为四人一组。教师出示Say and act的前三幅图片,图片上的对话格子留空(即人物的对话内容),让学生根据图片改编人物对话,自己设计第四幅图片情景,如:Peter邀请Kitty一起去公园。

Picture 2

Peter: This is my sister. Her name’s Sally. She’s eleven years old. She is tall. She can sing and dance.

Picture 4

Peter: Let’s go to the park together.

Kitty: Great!


4.出示Learn the sounds的语音单词卡片a(cake,table),朗读单词,让学生注意字母a在单


T: a, /ei/, cake; /ei/, table.

Ss: a, /ei/, cake; a, /ei/, table.

接着,请学生说说含有与cake中的a相同发音的单词,如plate,name,late,face等。最后,播放Learn the sounds儿歌的录音,让学生模仿跟读。请个别学生朗读。

Post-task activities


S1: Good morning. My friend is Peter. He is a boy. He is nine years old. He is short.

S2:Good morning. My friend is Alice. She is a girl. She is ten years old. She is short.


1.英语表述姓名的习惯与中文不同,姓名的顺序是先名后姓。如英文人名Peter Smith中,Peter是名,Smith是姓,翻译成中文是“彼得·史密斯”,名和姓中间要用圆点隔开。表示尊称时应说Mr Smith,而不是Mr Peter,即应该在姓的前面加Mr。

2. Nice to meet you. 一般在和人初次见面时用,通常用Nice to meet you too. 来回应。再次见面时,人们通常用Nice to see you. ,回应可以用Nice to see you too.

Module 1 Getting to know you

Unit 2 Can you swim?

本课是教材Module 1 Unit 2的教学设计。本单元的语言功能项目是To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe “Can you swim?”。主要话题是The students are able to use the key words correctly, 本课内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,为学生操练对话创设了一个真实的语言情景,有利于学生在比较接近实际的情景中听听说说,从而培养他们运用英语进行交际的能力。


1. To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe “Can you swim?”

2. To guess meaning from context.

3. The students are able to use the key words correctly.


To use the sentences in context.




The students are able to use the key words correctly.



Tape recorder, Multimedia.

Step 1. Warm up

1. Listen and say

T: What do you know about “Can you swim?”? Look at the pictures on P6 and PPT. Talk about “Can you swim?”

Encourage them to talk about the topic. To introduce them to the topic.

2. Listening

Play the listening materials, stop when necessary. And then check the answers.

To train the students’ ability of catching the information of the listening materials.

Step 2. Presentation

1. Look and learn

Lead them to read and explain the “Can you swim?”

e.g: She can swim, can you swim?

To review the related knowledge.

2. Make and say

(1) Learn the rules in P7.

(2) Finish the exercise on P7 and group work to work out the usage method of the “Can you swim?”

(3) Walk around to exam the situation and check the answers for them.

(4) List the method of for them.

(5) To develop their interest and lead them to the conclusion.

Step 3. Practice

1. Say and act

2. Let the students look PPT and act the scene. To make them get familiar with the details of the text and train their ability of saying and reading.

3. Learn the letters

(1) Learn the letters in P9.

(2) List the letters for them. To develop their interest and lead them to the conclusion.

Step 4. Homework

1. Dictation.

2. Use the new words to make sentences on your own or check them in a dictionary.


Module 1 Unit 2 教案1



句型:What can you do? I can …


Look and learn


1. 帮助学生学习Look and learn中几个关于动作的单词。

2. 通过提问让学生感知句型What can you do? 的含义。通过卡片游戏,让学生初步学习用I can …来描述自己的能力。


Pre-task preparations


T: Standup, please.

Ss: (stand up)

T: Swim/Skate/Read/Dance/Paint/Sing/Walk/Pick flowers/…

2.出示图片,播放与句型I can …有关的儿歌录音,帮助学生复习句型。教师根据儿歌的内


最新沪教牛津版四年级英语下册教案全册Module1 Using my five senses Unit1 Touch and feel The First Period 课题:上课时间 教学目标1.帮助学生学习表示感觉的单词Look and learn中的单词 2.学生用已学的句型描述物品的触觉; 3.能用What is it? It’s ….来确认事物的名称 教学重点词汇:hard, soft, thick, thin 句型:How does it feel? It’s soft.1. thin, thick的发音 教学难点 1.如何短时间背thick , thin, soft这三个单词。 2. 能用句型:How does it feel? It’s… . 来询问并描述物品的触觉; 教学栏目Look and learn Ask and answer, Listen and enjoy 学习方法指导:口语对话练习(师生---生生)、造句及游戏。 教学过程 教学步骤教学活动二次备课 导入活动1.出示不同食物和饮料并通过问题引导学生用形容词以过些物品进行描述. 2、对着食物和饮料,做饥饿状,然后问学生,他们是否也感到饿,如果是, 想吃什么东西. T: Are you hungry? S1: yes, I’m hungry . T: What do you want? S1: I want a cake\ some bread.可用中文回答。 1、教师顺接上一个教学活动中最后一个学

呈现新课趣味操练扩展性活动生的话语引出hard,soft.请学生跟读hard,soft.然后请学生分别触摸一本厚的书和一本薄的书,引出单词thick , thin,最后请学生跟读Look and learn中的单词。 2.提问学生生活中具有这些触觉的物品还有哪些。把学生说到的物品写在相关的形容词旁边。 3.快速反应。(对子活动) 4.让学生看Ask and answer的图片,示范如何用所学的单词描述图片中的物品。 1、速读单词。 教师出示单词卡片,看谁读的快。 2、请学生拿出准备好的物品,两人一组进行对话。 S1:Touch the toy bear. It’s soft. S2: Touch the book. It’s hard. 请学生在事先准备好白纸上画上他们喜欢的物品并写上几个句子来描述这个物品。 S1 (draw an apple and write . It’s big. It’s hard. It’s sweet. It’s an apple. I like the apple.)然后请学生在全班交流他们所画的物品和所写的句子。 作业设计 1.背诵本节所学单词 2.完成拓展活动 板书设计 Unit1 Touch and feel


沪教牛津版四年级上册英语 Module 2 Me,my family and friends Unit 2 How do you feel 一、Aims and demands: 1. Be able to master the new sentences: (1) Clare likes the plant. (2) Clare doesn’t like the glass. (3) Does Clare like the plant? Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t. 2.Be able to read and act the text. 二、Pre-task preparation 1. Quick response. (1) Whose bicycle is that? (结合P17,P18内容) (2) Has Kitty got a bicycle? (3) What has she got? (4) Kitty’s got a skateboard. Is Kitty happy? (5) Is Kitty afraid of the ladybird? (6) What is Sam angry with? T: Sam is angry with the ladybird. 2. Revision. A. Read and complete with angry ,happy, hungry, thirsty, full and tired. (1) This bottle is _______ of orange juice. (2) - Do you like pizzas? - No, I’m ________ of pizzas. (3) I’ve got a new robot. I’m _______. (4) We’re _______. We need some cakes. (5) I want some water. I’m ________. (6) Sam is ________with the ladybird. T: Sam is angry with the ladybird. Look. What is Sam angry with either? B. Look and talk.(P18下面图) 3. Sounds. ch / / The chocolate is on the chair. th / / A thin thief is thirsty. T: (指P19下图) This girl is Clare. What has she got? P1: She’s got a glass. P1: She’s got a plant. T: Clare has a glass and a plant. 三、While-task procedure 1. Sounds: cl- gl- pl- Clare has a glass and plant. (1)Read after. (2)Listen and complete. g l ove p l ate c l ever whi c h bo t h wi s h T: Clare has a glass and a plant.


沪教版英语五年级上册《Areyouhappy》教案 1、使学生能听、说、读、写:happy,sad, tired,hungry,thirsty,full 等单词。 2、能用Im happy.来表达自己的感觉;能用Are you??询问别人的感觉,并选择 Yes, I am. 或者No, Im not....作出适当的回答。 教学重点: 1、掌握词汇:happy,sad, tired,hungry,thirsty,full 等单词。 2、能用Im happy.来表达自己的感觉;用Are you happy?询问别人的感觉。 教学难点: 祈使句 Have some ...后面接名词的用法。 教学准备: 多媒体课件、 教学过程: Step1:Warm up 1.Gteeting T:Good morning,boys and girls! Ss:Good morning,Miss Wang! T:How are you? Ss:Im fine,thank you! 2.Free talk

T:I can run.I can jump.I can write.What can you do? Ss:I can ... I can sing. T: Do you like English song? Ss: Yes. T: I like English song too.So lets listen together ,OK? You can listen and do the actions.(播放歌曲If you are happy) 【设计意图:通过播放歌曲动画If you are happy,让学生感知、学习happy这个单词,进而导入课题Are you happy?,同时初步感知本课的核心句型:Im happy.Are you happy?及其答语。】Step2:Learn the new words 1.T: Now ,Im very happy(作出高兴的样子)。 Are you happy?(Yes)OK.Today we talk about Module1 Unit3 Are you happy?(板书课题,借机学习happy,升降调读happy)引导学生作出回答Yes,I am. T:Now,look at my face.Am I happy? Yes or No? No,Im not happy.Im sad.(板书:sad)Spell the word. Ss:s-a-d-sad.(多种方式读单词) T:Now,Stand up!Do the actions follow me.(做run run run 的动作)Oh,Im very tired.Are you tired? Ss: Yes,I am. T:Im tired.(板书:tired) Spell the word. Ss:t-i-r-e-d-tired.(多种方式读单词)


Word list 1 (by Unit) 沪教版小学四年级英语单词表 Unit1 meet 相识,结识 new 新的 morning 早晨,上午classmate 同班同学her 她的 name 名字 sit 坐 afternoon 下午 his 他的 unit2 run 跑 fast 快地,迅速地 fly 飞,放飞 draw 画画 write 写字,书写jump 跳 welcome 欢迎 woof 狗叫声,汪汪but 但是 unit3 happy 开心的 sad 难过的,悲哀的tired 累的,疲惫的hungry 饥饿的 full 饱的 thirsty 口渴的 bird 鸟 see 看见 bottle 瓶子 drink 喝 unit4 any 任何的 cousin 表兄弟,表姐妹family 家庭 parent 父亲,母亲grandparent 外祖父,祖母grandfather 外祖父,爷爷,外公grandmother 祖母,奶奶,uncle 叔叔 aunt 姑妈 that 那个 unit5 T-shirt T恤衫 brown 棕色的 shorts 短裤 ride 骑 skirt 短裙 dress 连衣裙 shirt 衬衫 tooth 牙齿复数teeth sharp 锋利的help 帮助 a pair of 一条,一双 get out 出去 Unit6 nurse 护士 fireman 消防员,复数firemen teacher 老师 doctor 医生 bus driver 公共汽车司机 kid 小孩 so 如此,很 fire 火 people 人,人们 job 工作 play with 玩------ unit7 school 学校 office 办公室 busy 忙碌的,繁忙的computer 计算机,电脑 many 许多


沪教牛津版四年级英语上册教案Module 3 Places and activities

牛津小学英语4A《Unit4 I like…》说课稿 一、教学过程 【教学内容分析:Unit4通过教学What’s this/that in English?It’s a…使学生在学习的过程中能运用这些对话向周围的老师同学和朋友请教,从而促进英语学习。除此之外,还要求学生能用Do you

like …?Yes,I do./No, I don’t.的句式了解对方对某物是否喜欢。基于此,结合本单元A. Read and say , B. Look. read and learn的内容较多,故选A中的1、2、3幅图和B中的部分单词安排在第一课时教授。】 https://www.360docs.net/doc/e610910893.html,anization 1. Greetings. 2. Sing songs and say rhymes:《Are you sleeping?》、 《A little book》、《Do you like swimming?》 组织教学: 师生交流,通过师生相互问好,演唱歌曲《Are you sleeping?》(为后面的老曲新唱作铺垫)、《A little book》(最后一句诗是I like 后加某物,跟新课有关)、《Do you like swimming?》(为了复习Do you like…?),营造一种轻松的学习氛围,学生可以边唱边表演,这样就很快进入一种自觉的语言状态。在歌曲的安排上,做到与本节课的教学有联系。 3. Acting reports: three conditions (on Teachers’ Day; In the classroom; In the zoo) 复习引入: 首先,提供三个情景,让学生表演对话,既是带领学生复习,同时也是对学生英语能力的一种展示。Step2.Presentation and practise 1. show some pictures and review the sentences: What’s this/ that in English? It’s a…. 2. use the things on the desk and practise ( T—Ss; boys—girls; S—S; in groups; in pairs) 其次,通过一些图片、实物的出示,结合句型What’s this/that in English? It’s--- 进行连锁操练。一方面复习旧知,另一方面也为新知识点的出现作铺垫。 Step3.New teaching 1. teach “a puppet” Hand out a puppet and ask “What’s this in English?”, then show the new word and learn to say “a puppet”.由实物引入要新授的单词直观而形象,而puppet又是学生们喜欢的玩具之一,实物对他们的吸引力会激发他们学习单词的兴趣。 2. teach “Do you like…? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.” (1)T asks “Do you like this puppet?” and leads Ss to answer “Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.” 出示一个玩偶并告诉学生它的英语称呼,在学生掌握后问: Do you like this puppet? 引导学生回答Yes,I do.或No,I don’t.在对话交流的过程中要积极鼓励学生说出自己真实的想法。这也是小学英语教学中德育的渗透。 (2)practise the dialogue and ask Ss to present (3)use the things on the desk and make dialogues (fruits, toys, school things, animals…) 然后通过师生、生生之间的操练巩固。之后再引导学生利用自己面前的东西:玩具、水果、文具、服装、颜色、动物编说对话并表演。由于对话的题材范围很广,因此在这个环节中课前的教具准备显得尤为重要。 3. have a break and enjoy a rhyme《Fly, fly my kite》 为了使这首小诗的引入不显得突兀,课前我就安排学生回家听录音熟悉这首小诗,不要求他们会读或背,有一个印象即可。

小学英语沪教版五年级上册Unit 1 My future 教案

小学英语沪教版五年级上册 Module 1 Getting to know each other Unit 1 My future What is always in front of you ,yet you can never see it? Your future. What do you want to be in the future? TASKS TASK1 I can read and talk about the jobs by listening and practising 我能通过听音、原声模仿、小组练读等方式正确听、说、认读、理解单词和词组TASK2 I can use “What do you want to be? I want to be a ... I want to ...” to talk about my future. 我能通过多种方式(图片、实物、肢体语言等),根据“My future”话题,在实际生活情景中进行交际 words and phrase a doctor a taxi driver a pilot help people drive a taxi fly a plane a cook an English teacher cook food teach English TASK1 1.Pair work 对学 对学伙伴交换课本听对方读单词,圈出错误的地方,帮助对方改正不对的发音。(1’) 2.Group work 群学 .组长先读一遍单词;.组员分别给组长读一遍单词;.组长选出读的最好的一名组员进行全班领读(3’) words and phrase a doctor a taxi driver a pilot help people drive a taxi fly a plane a cook an English teacher cook food teach English quiz 测一测 (1’) teacher 1. I like children . I want to be a ____________. cook 2. I am a ____________. I can cook nice food. pilot 3. I want to be a _________. I want to fly a plane. taxi driver 4. I am a ___________. I can drive a taxi. d octor 5. I want to be a ________. I want to help people. TASK2 Self-study 自学 自己朗读P2课文,然后回答P3四个问题:(2’)1. What does Kitty want to be? She wants to be a doctor.

【优质】小学英语沪教版四年级下册Unit 1 Touch and feel优质公开课教案1

Unit 1 Touch and feel 教案 一、教学目标 1.Learners identify objects by touch. 2.Learners categorize objects by feeling to complete a table. 3.Learners play a game to guess what an object is by feeling and categorizing it. 4.Learners should conclude that we feel with our hands. 二、教学重点 1.Identifying objects by touch. 2.Asking questions about and describing the way things feel. 3.Identifying letters of the alphabet shapes. 4.Responding to simple instructions. 5.Saying the sound ‘e’ in its open syllable form. 三、教学过程 Revision 1.Put on the masks then play the game. 2.What can you do? Introduce. 3.Show the pictures. What’s this/that? Is this/that…? What do you see?

I see… Pre-task pr eparation 1.Touch the sweets one by one then teach?hard?. 2.What is soft? Please tell me. 3.Touch the desk then teach. 4.The same way to teach ?rough, smooth?. 5.Make a new rhyme. While-task procedure 1.Words: soft, hard, rough, smooth 2.Play the cassette again. Students repeat. 3.Invite individual students to come to the desk. Give them a thing to touch and feel. Students have to close their eyes when they play the game. Say: Touch it. How does it feel? to elicit: It's ... Ask: What is it? to elicit: It's at an ... Divide students into pairs. Ask them to choose three things for their partner to touch and feel. Students use the dialogue when they play the game. Ask students to write down their three things and how they feel on a sheet of paper as riddles.


沪教版小学英语五年级上册全册教案 目录 Module 1 Getting to know each other《1 My future》 (2) Module 1 Getting to know each other《2 Going to school》 (7) Module 1 Getting to know each other《3 My birthday》 (10) Module 1 Getting to know each other《Revision 1》 (15) Module 2 Relationships《4 Grandparents》 (19) Module 2 Relationships《5 Friends》 (23) Module 2 Relationships《6 Family life》 (27) Module 3 Out and about《7 At the beach》 (31) Module 3 Out and about《8 An outing》 (35) Module 3 Out and about《9 Around the city》 (39) Module 4 The natural world《10 Wind》 (44) Module 4 The natural world《11 Water》 (49) Module 4 The natural world《12 Fire》 (54)

Module 1 Getting to know each other《1 My future》 1教学目标 学习词汇lifeguard& (be) good at。 运用一定的阅读技巧读懂故事; 用简单的语句描写自己将来想从事的职业。明白不同的职业需要不同的能力,要根据自己的特长或特点树立合适的职业理想。 2学情分析 五年级的学生学习英语已经两年多,积累了一定的词汇量,能够和教师用英语进行简单的互动和交流,可以用简单的句子表达自己的想法。他们爱表现,好奇心强,有较强的模仿能力和记忆力和想象力并且对未来充满期待。在本单元第一课时中,他们已经掌握了关于职业的词汇如pilot等,以及谈论职业理想的句型如What do you want to be? I want to be…. 3重点难点 培养阅读能力,理解故事内容; 掌握词汇lifeguard&(be) good at; 运用简单的句子描写自己的职业理想 4教学过程 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】阅读前 1.Free talk. 骰子游戏: What’s his/her job?


Revision2 Name______ 二.反义词 big- small fat—thin thick(粗、厚)—thin(细、薄) long—short tall—short new-old young-old sharp—blunt happy—sad hungry-full little-large man-woman afraid-brave open-close stop—go near—far away from here-there these-those this-that young—old come-go clean-dirty good-bad in-out my/our-your I/we—you put on—take off up–down stand-sit black—white dry-wet cool-warm hot-cold rough—smooth soft-hard sweet—bitter in front of—behind under-on 三.同音词 know—no for—four eye—I here—hear there—their to—too—two where—wear see-sea 四.名词的复数: 1.一般情况加‘s’ 2.以s, x, sh, ch结尾的加‘-es’例子:dress-dresses fox—foxesdish—dishes watch--watches 3.以辅音加y结尾的去y加‘-ies’例子:library-libraries aviary-aviaries butterfly—butterflies 4. 以f或fe结尾的去f或fe为‘-ves’例子:scarf—scarves leaf--leaves

五年级英语上册 Module 3Unit 1 A day at school教案 沪教牛津版

Unit 1 A day at school! 第三教时( 3rd Period) 一、主要新授内容(Main new contents) Look and read: Art and Craft, break, Chinese, English, lesson, Maths, Music, Physical Education, quarter(a quarter past/to), Science, subject, then, timetable,day(every day) Ask and answ er: What time do you …? 二、学习目标(Learning objectives) 1.学生能辨认并学会学科的表示方式; 2.学生能用a quarter to/past 来表示时间; 3.学生能运用What time do you …?的句式进行提问并做出正确的回答。 三、活动介绍(ACTIVITIES) (一)任务前期准备(PRE-TASK PREPARATION) 借助媒体,让学生在朗诵儿歌中进行热身活动,通过师生间的交流,创设真实的语境,为后面新知的引出打下伏笔。 Activity 1 Watching the video 1.教学辅助(Aids) 1)电脑录像(5A-M3-U1-P3-1) 2)屏幕 2.活动过程(Process) Activity 2 Looking at the pictures 1.教学辅助(Aids) 1)屏幕 2.活动过程(Process)

(二)任务实施过程(WHILE-TASK PROCEDURE) 1.新知识的引入(PRESETATION) 学生通过观看含有新授内容的录像,对所要学习的知识进行视听上的感知。 Activity 1 Watching the video 1.教学辅助(Aids) 录像(5A-M3-U1-P3-2)

四年级英语上册 Unit1 Meeting new people教案 沪教牛津版(三起)

Meeting new people

Part 1: Look and say Good morning, Peter. Good morning, Kitty. This is my sister. Her name is Sally. She’s twelve. And this is my brother. His name is Paul. He’s only six. Hi, Sally. Hi, Paul. My name is Kitty. I’m Peter’s classmate. Hi, Kitty. We are going to the park. Goodbye, Kitty. Part 2: Ask and answer Show a photo of your friend. Then talk about him/ her. This is my friend. His name’s Danny. He’s nine. He can ride a bicycle. This is my friend. Her name’s Tracy. She’s thirteen. She can skip. S: This is my ... His /Her name’s ... He’s/ She’s ... (age) He / She can ... 3)语法: 1. 形容词性物主代词 my, her, his, your 在英语中有物主代词,它可以分成名词性的和形容词性的。形容词性物主代词相当于形容 词,置于名词前,在句子中用于修饰名词,做定语,后面必须跟一个名词。 例如:This is my brother. His name is Tom. 这是我的哥哥。他叫汤姆。 形容词性物主代词有人称和数的变化, 单数形式:my(我的),your(你的),his /her/its(他的、她的、它的)。 复数形式:our(我们的),your(你们的),their(他们的)。 练习: 1. This is my book. are over there. A. Your B. Yours C. You D. Mine 2. Whose pen is it? It’s . A. her B. hers C. she D. his


沪教版英语五年级上册《Me》教案 Unit 1 Me Period One 一、Teaching contents: P16 二、Teaching aims: 1.Using the simple present tense to describe habitual actions. Using prepositions to indicate time. 2。Singing a new song 3.Education aims: Going to bed and getting up early. 4.通过自编歌曲,培养学生创造性思维。

三、Difficult and key points: Sing a new song. 四、Teaching aids: cassette pictures. 五、教学突破口:让学生通过歌曲来学习词组,同时学习一般现在时的初步用法。 六、Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 方法与步骤

Warming-up 1. Daily talk 2. Listen to the new song. Revision Ask and answer

What time is it? It is oclock. Its half past 9:00 10:30 6:00 12:30 Etc Presentation 1. Show some cards of time. Look and say. e.g. at one oclock. at half past two

2. Show some pictures of P16, look and say A: I wash my face. I clean my teeth. I go to school. I eat my lunch. I ride my bicycle. I read my book. B: I wash my face at six oclock. I clean my teeth at half past six. Etc. C: e.g. I wash my face at six oclock in the morning. 3. Students listen to the song and follow the teacher.

【优质】小学英语沪教版四年级上册Unit 11 Shapes 优质公开课教案1

Module 4 Unit 11 教案1 一、教学重点 词汇:circle,square,star 二、教学栏目 Look and learn,Draw and say 三、教学目标 1.帮助学生学习表示形状的单词。 2.通过Draw and say画画说说不同形状的事物,帮助学生巩固所学生词。 四、教学步骤 Pre-task preparations 1.为渲染学习气氛。拿出一张正方形的纸,接着将纸对折呈现一个三角形,然后再换一种方式对折呈现一个长方形。通过演示,引出单元话题“形状”。 T: (point at the paper) Look at the paper. It’s a square. (fold the paper and point at the shape) Look, is it a square now?

S2: No, it isn’t. T: It’s a triangle. (fold the paper in another way and point at the shape) Is it a triangle? S1: No, it isn’t. While-task procedures 1.出示Look and learn栏目中的单词图片,学生在理解意思的基础上仔细听其发音后进行模仿,并进行拼读。模仿和拼读活动可以是集体的,也可以是个别的。 T: (show the flashcard for square) Look, it’s a square. Square. S-Q-U-A-R-E, square. Ss: Square. S-Q-U-A-R-E, square. 2.What’s missing? 游戏。将所有单词图片呈现给学生,任意抽走一张,让学生说出被抽走的单词。前几次可以通过图片消失形式,后面几次可以是以单词消失的形式。然后让学生集体拼读这些单词。T: What’s missing? S1: A circle. Ss: Circle. C-I-R-C-L-E, circle. 3.让学生做Draw and say,在一张白纸上画一画生活中常见的与这些形状匹配的东西,每个形状画一样。接着请一个学生上来,教师进行示范介绍。然后,让学生与同桌交流自己的画。通过画画和介绍,建立起形状与生活的联系,进一步巩固所学单词。


Module 1 Unit 1 My future 本单元部分要求学生达到在熟读或背诵的程度下灵活运用和新句型。这部分由两小部分组成,一部分是对话,另一部分是回答问题。回答问题这一部分给学生提供了一个很好的活动, 旨在检测学生对课文的理解和句型的运用。教师应该多设置有效的活动让学生在活动中运用核心句型。本节课的主要内容是郭老师问四个学生关于他们想要做什么工作的一个对话。通过对话形式呈现主要内容要求学生能够说出自己想做什么工作,为什么想做这种工作。 学生很乐于说说自己理想的工作。 【知识目标】 1. 通过 Think and write 栏目整合已学表示职业的词汇,如 teacher, doctor 等,同时学习 Look and learn 中的词汇。 2. 通过词汇操练活动导入核心句型:What do you want to be? I want to be... 3. 以 Read a story 的情景对话为中心,巩固核心句型及核心词汇。 4. 展开 Ask and answer 的活动,讨论学生的理想职业,并完成口头汇报。 【能力目标】 (1)能够通过师生说、两两说和自主听读体验交际式英语教学的一般过程,掌握英语说听的基本方法; (2)能够通过两两说和综合说体验合作学习的过程和方法; (3)能够仔细倾听老师和同学的发言,有语言表达和与同学交流的愿望。 【情感目标】 (1)激发和保持学生英语学习的动机,实现“趣能”两得; (2)在学生两两交流和小组合作交流中,培养孩子合作意识和合作精神,能够相互配 合完成一段通顺流畅的说话训练。 【教学重点】

词汇cook, pilot, taxi driver, want, teach 句型What do you want to be? I want to be ... Do you want to be a ...? 【教学难点】 当句子主语为第三人称单数时,动词要做适当的变化。 want to do 与want to be 的正确用法。 Tape recorder, Multimedia Step 1. Greeting and Introduction Begin by greeting the class with a smile! T: Good Morning/ Good afternoon, students. S: Good Morning/ Good afternoon, teacher. Step 2.New words pilot 飞行员 cook 厨师 taxi driver 出租车司机 singer 歌手 lifeguard 救生员 teach 教 Step 3. Listen and say What do you want to be? I want to be a pilot. What do you want to be, children? I want to be a pilot. I want to fly a plane in the sky. I want to be a doctor. I want to help people. I want to be a teacher. I want to teach English in a school. I want to be a cook. I want to cook nice food. Step 4. Answer the questions.


沪教版小学英语四年级上 册期中考试 Updated by Jack on December 25,2020 at 10:00 am

四年级2018~2019第一学期英语(期中测试)班级____________姓名______________得分__________ 听力部分(39 分) 1.听录音,圈出听到的单词。(6分) 1) morning afternoon 2) welcome co me 3) hungry happy 4) uncle people 5) shorts short 6)cousin parent 2.听录音,给图片编号。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3.听录音,在表格中相应处打“√”。(8分) Ann Pet er Ma y Jack 4.听录音,选出合适的应答句。(10分) ( ) 1) A. See you, Mr Wang. B. I’m fine. Than k you. ( ) 2) A. Yes. I have two cousins. B. Yes, I like dancing. ( ) 3)A. No, she isn’t. B. Yes , he does. ( ) 4) A. He is a teacher. B. She can make nice food. ( ) 5) A. Yes, I am. B. Yes , I do. 5.听录音,判断句子正误。(10分) 1) Jack has an uncle. His name is John. ( ) 2) John is a fire man. ( ) 3) John cannot swim. ( ) 4) John can draw cars and planes. ( )


沪教版小学英语四年级下册全册教案 目录 Module 1 Using my five senses《1 Touch and feel》 (2) Module 1 Using my five senses《2 Smell and taste》 (6) Module 1 Using my five senses《3 Look and Say》 (9) Module 2 My favourite things《4 Subjects》 (13) Module 2 My favourite things《5 Sport》 (17) Module 2 My favourite things《6 Music》 (20) Module 3 My colourful life《7 My day》 (24) Module 3 My colourful life《8 Days of the week》 (29) Module 3 My colourful life《9 A friend in Australia》 (32) Module 4 Things we enjoy《10 My garden》 (36) Module 4 Things we enjoy《11 Children's Day》 (39) Module 4 Things we enjoy《12 The ugly duckling》 (43) Module 4 Things we enjoy《Project 4》 (46)

Module 1 Using my five senses《1 Touch and feel》 1教学目标 知识目标:学习用英语表达感觉类单词:hard, soft, thick, thin 和句型How does it feel?It’s... 能力目标:学生通过用手触摸和感觉,描述物品的特征。 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生学习英语的积极性。2学情分析 本课的教学内容和学生的实际生活息息相关,因而本课的教学内容对学生来说并不难理解,关键单词的学习和日常交际用语在实际生活中的准确运用及扩展运用。教学中通过游戏活动创设情景,和小组合作完成任务等教学活动引导学生学习。 3重点难点 重点: 单词:hard,soft,thick,thin和句型How does it feel?It’s... 难点: 单词:hard, soft, thick, thin和句型How does it feel? It’s... 的运用。 4教学过程 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】Touch and feel Step1:Warm up Greenting:
