














“I ' m going shopping in the village, ” George' s mother said to George on Saturday


boy and don ' t get into trouble. And don 1 _ goodlfceg e tof Grandma. ” Then out she went.

Grandma 2 _ in the chair by the window when she opened tt? e^e and said , “ Now

you heard 3 your mother said, George. ”

“Yes, Grandma, ” George said.

George was bored to tears. He didn ' t have a brother or a sister. His fathe_ 4vasf a rfiarmer, and they lived on was miles away from any wh_ere5 there were n ever any childre n

to play with. He was tired of staring at6_ pigs , hens, cows and sheep. He was especially tired of having to live in the house with his grandma. Looking after her all by himself was h7rdlyway to spend a Saturday morning.

“ Go and make me a cup of tea for a sti8rt._sugar and milk. ” Grandma said.Most grandmothers are lovely , kind, helpful old ladies, but not this one. George _9_ swasndm a ywas a woman complaining about something or other. She spent all 10__on her chair by the window.

George_ 11__ that Grandma used to be a gentle lady, but as she grew older, she was not able to look after herself and eve n worse, she was easy to get an gry.

“ We__12 be nice to the old, Geo”geHis mother always told him.

Thinking of this, Geor_,e_13 into the kitchen and made Grandma a cup of tea with a teabag. He put one spoon of sugar an_14 _ milk in it. He stirred the tea well and carried it into the living

room _15__.

()1 A. take B. tak ing C. to take D

. takes

()2 A. sleep B. sleeps C. is sleepi ng D

. was sleep ing

()3 A. that B. what C. where D

. which

()4 A. a B. an C. the D

. /

()5 A. but B. if C. or D

. so

()6 A. hun dred B. hun dreds C. hu ndredth D

. hun dreds of

()7 A. excit ing B. the most excit ing C. more excit ing D

. much more excit ing

()8 A. in B. with C. of D

. for

()9 A. who B. which C. where D

. whe n

()10 A. sitti ng B. sits C. sit D

. sat

()11 A. tell B. told C. was told D

. has told

()12 A. should B. would C. might D

. can

()13 A. goes B. went C. will go D

. has gone

()14 A. many B. any C. few D

. some

()15 A. care B. careful C. carefully D






More tha n 700years ago Scotia nd (苏格兰)was fighti ng with En gla nd . The king of En gla nd

Ki ng Robert of Scotla nd had to run from the En glish army

One rainy dayK ing Robert lay in an old house. He thought that he was not good eno ugh to be king. He was so__18__ that he didn ' t even s e r蜘蛛pr^ar him. He_19__when he saw the spider climbing. It was trying to climb up its web at the top of the house but it fell down.

“ Hovsad ” thought Ki ng Robert. “ The spider is likeme-^nough. ”' l-tenoatched while the spider climbed up again. It fell down a second time.

“ Be careful, little spideror you might die, ” he said. “ Life is so hard. You ' ll never get b web. ” But the spide2i__ gain and again. King Robert watched whi l___22__ limbed back to its web. After an hour, the spider got do the web.

“ You are such a gre.a23___, ” he said. “If you can keep tryin g. I can too. I must keep on fight in g. I won' t let the English win. ___24__”reHisBtrong and th r__25___he English army. Scotland was free.

Nobody knows if this is a true story. Many parents tell it to their children because the want them to keep trying.

()16. A. leave B. control C. help D. visit

( )17. A. interesting B. difficult C. important D. necessary

wan ted to 16 Scotland. He had a stro ng army so ___ as __for the Scots to fight. They lost many times,


)18. A. surprised B. bored C. worried D. lo nely (

)19. A. looked ahead B. looked out C. looked on D. looked up (

)20. A. old B. stro ng C. fast D. free (

)21. A. tried B. fell C. practiced D. cheered (

)22. A. fin ally B. easily C. slowly D. sudde nly (

)23. A. player B. fighter C. soldier D. spider (

)24. A. army B. feeli ng C. opinions D. family (

)25. A. kept B. raised C. stopped D. joi ned 三、阅读(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:阅读理解。(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)


We ofte n hear stories of an imals rescu ing people .But now some one has man aged to return the favor .

The eve nt took place one snowy January mcnhonigas Smithwas walk ing his dog, Jack, in the park. “ As I walkiwgi, I just saw Jack running on to the ice towards the ducks in the middle, anfeithe n he into the water and couldn ' t climmout. He reabze d he had no choice but to try and save his dog. “ some one else told me the lake was oniytten eleep, but it was at least twice that. I had to break my way through the 6cm ice. Fin ally, I got Jack by the n eck, and pulled him out. I don

' t thi nl

cold by the time we got back to dry land. And whe n we got there, every one was ask ing if Jack was okay ---r one was particularly worried, about me! ”

A n eighbor, Julie Brow n, saw it all happe n.

“ The dog went onto an icy lake. All of a sudde n

go under. There were crowds of people around, and they were all shouting and screaming. Before I knew it, th owner Smith was in the water forcing his way through the ice. I can ' t beg in to imag ine ho'

Every one was very n ervous, but he was as cool as a cucumber --- h e just crawled back out, put the dog on i lead, ad went home. ”

Many regard him as a hero, but Mr. Smith is quitbacildabout it. “ Most dog owners are the same as me.They would do what I did without a second thought. But in the future, I

' m going to m

n ear any ice pon ds,

Pets are members of our family. Would you do the same for them?

27. How did Mr. Smith save Jack?

A. He asked a n eighbor for help

B. He broke the ice and shouted to Jack.

C. He got Jack by the leg and pulled him out.

D. He pulled Jack out of the icy water by the n eck.

26. What happe ned on and put the


A. Mr. Smith met Jack in the park .

C. Jack fell from the ice into the water. B. Mr. Smith ran after Jack on the ice.

D. Jack played with the ducks in the water.

29.ln the last paragraph, the writer asks a questi on to ____________ .

A. suggest keep ing pets for fun.

B. rem ind people to put their dogs on the leads.

C. en courage people to take good care of their pDtadvise people not to leave their dog n ear icy pounds . 3O.What is the best part of the passage

A. A Man ' s Pet Dog

B.A Dog ' s Best Friend

C. The Dan ger on the Icy Lake

D. Suggesti ons for Pets ' Owners


Tim Bern ers-Lees not the most famousi nven tor i n the world. However, his inven ti on has cha nge d our lives.

He was born in London, England in 1955. When he was a small boy, Tim was interestedn pla yi ng with electricalthi ngs.He studiedscie nceat Oxford Un iversity. He made his first computerfrom an old televisi onat the age of 21.

Tim startedworki ng on early computersAt that time, they were much bigger tha n now. He wor ked in England then Switzerland.Tim was really interestedn two things, computersand how the brai n works. How could the brain conn ectso many facts so quickly? He had to work with people all ov er the world. They shared in formati on about computers .It was hard to man ageall the in formati on.He an sweredthe

samequesti on saga in and aga in .took a lot of time. It_ was eve n difficult for computers in the same office in Switzerla ndto sharei nformatio n. Tim also forgot thi ngs easily.Could a comput er work like a brain? Could it “ talkt6' other computers?

There was an Internet already but it was difficult to use. I n 1989, Tim Bern ers-Lee inven ted the World Wide Web (WWW) all by himself. This had a special la nguage that helped computers talk to each other on the Intern et. Whe n people wan ted to share in formati on with others, they used the World Wide Web. The Internet grew quickly after that.

Tim Berners-ee doesn ' t think he did anything special. He says that all of the ideas about the Internet w already there. All he did was to put them together. He says that many other people worked together to make t Internet what it is today.

Most inven tors want to become rich. But Tim gave away the World Wide Web for no thi ng. He now

works in America. He helps people share tech no logy an d wan ts the Internet to be free for every one to use. Maybe he is the most importa nt but least famous inven tor in the world today!

31. What was Tim Bern ers-Lee in terested in?

A. Look ing for jobs in differe nt cities.

B. Talk ing to people around the world.

C. Study ing how to connect computers.

D. Explori ng how to improve memory.

32. The underlined word “ It in Paragraph 3 refers to “ ________ ”.

28. The un derl ined

phrases A. relaxed B. proud as cool as a cucumber C. shy D. brave in Paragraph 3 mea ns

A. Worki ng on early computers

B. Connecting differe nt facts together

C. Travelli ng to the office in Switzerla nd

D. Repeat ing the an swers to the same questio ns

33. Why is Tim Berners-Lee one of the most important men in the world?

A. He made in formati on shari ng on the Internet possible.

B. He made the first computer whe n he was 21 years old.

C. He helped people un dersta nd better how the brain works.

D. He inven ted the Internet and made it free for every one to use.

34. In what order did the following events take place?

a. Tim worked in En gla nd.

b. Tim worked in Switzerla nd.

c. Tim made his first


d. Tim inven ted the World Wide Web.

e. Tim studied scie nee at Oxford Un iversity.

A. c -e -d -a - b

B. e -b -a -c - d

C. c -d -a -e - b

D. e -c -a -b - d

35. What does the writer thi nk of Tim Bern ers-Lee?

A. He is not famous because he is not rich.

B. He has cha nged our lives and he is great.

C. He did nothing special but make people a goocDifHe has made great achievements in memory research.


Public libraries

Most towns in Britain have a public library.A library usually has a large selection of books and other resources, which library members can use and b for free.

Britain ' s First Public Library

The first public library! iBritain opened in Manchester in 1852. It ' s first librarian was EdwardsEdwardsattended the library ' s opening ceremony and two famous writers called Charl William Thackeray were there too.

How to Join aLibrary

To join a library, go to your local library and fill in a form. you ' ll receive using library services

Mobile Libraries

Not every one can get a library. Some people live far away from tow ns and cities. Other people fin ( to go out because they have an illness or a disability .Thanks to mobile libraries, these people can still b

Un like most libraries, which store books in build in gs, mobile libraries usually keep their book —Usa The back of the mini- bus has shelves for the books, and it is big eno ugh for borrowers to step in side an A driver takes the mini-bus to a certain place at a certain time, so people know when to expect it. They their books and borrow some more .

All Aboard the Library

A schod in London did n

' t have space for a library in side tHHDweidljn,geverybody agreed that i was still important to have a school library. So the head of the school, Graham Blake decid?ddld pairkon the school car park and cha nged it into a library. Pupils helped to paint the bus, and after eight mon ths, was ready .

36. Who was the first librarian of the first public library in Britain?

A. Charles Dicke ns.

B. William Thackeray

C. Edward Edwards.

D. Graham Blake

37. Who can use public library services?

A. CD or DVD sellers.

B. Anyone livi ng in Brita in.

C. A pers on with a library card.

D. Newspaper or book writers.

38. What is special about the mobile library?

A. Keep ing books in build in gs.

B. Retur ning books to readers.

C. Offeri ng special services to pupils.

D. Goi ng to a certa in place at a certa in time.

39. Why did the school in London build its library on an old bus?

A. Because parents offered the school an old bu

B. Because pupils thought it was fun to read on a bus.

C. Because the school did n

' t have eno ugh money to buy books. D. Because the school did n ' t have eno ugh space in side the build ing.

40. What can we lear n from the passage?

A. Schools in London like mobile libraries.

B. Public library services in the UK are free.

C. People living far away can

' t useDibManysfamous British writers lived in Man or th

2017年广东省初中生毕业考试 英语 一、听力理解(本大题为A、B、C、D四部分,共25小题,每题1分,共25分) A. 听单句话(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 根据所听句子的内容和所提问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑,每小题听一遍。 1. What time did jenny have breakfast this morning? A B C 2. How tall is Amy? A B C 3. Where is Jane going to meet her friend? A B C 4. Which is Mark’s favorite su bject? A B C 5. What is Sarah doing? A B C

B. 听对话(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 根据所听内容,回答每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给出的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 6. What’s the problem with George’s homework? A. Spelling mistakes. B. Grammar mistakes. C. Awful handwriting. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。 7. What is the boy going to do tomorrow afternoon? A. Play basketball B. play football. C. Play volleyball. 听第三段对话,回答第8小题。 8. How much is one tea set with eight cups? A. 40 yuan. B. 160 yuan. C. 200 yuan. 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。 9. How does the woman like the city? A. She is not used to the weather there. B. She thinks the traffic there is very good. C. She likes the shopping environment there. 听第五段对话,回答第10小题。 10. Why is the girl going to the bookstore tomorrow? A. She wants to spend time there reading. B. Some of the books there will be cheaper. C. Her father will be free and drive her there. 听第六段对话,回答第11-12小题。 11. Where does the conversation take place? A. At a dining hall B. At a restaurant. C. At a noodle factory 12. What place does the woman prefer? A. A table by the window. B. A table in the smoking area. C. A table near the non-smoking area. 听第七段对话,回答第13-15小题。 13. How did the man book the room? A. On the phone B. On the Internet C. From a tourist office. 14. For how many nights is the man going to stay? A. One night B. Three nights. C. Four nights. 15. What does the man ask for? A. His ID card. B. Another 150 yuan. C. A room facing the sea. C. 听独白(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 请根据所听内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑,独白听两遍。 16. ____________ was the first to arrive at the camp. A. Tony B. David C. the leader 17. The weather was ______________ on that day. A. cool B. warm C. hot 18. The campers went to the beach _____________. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon the evening 19. The skill Tony liked most was how to _____________. A. get away from snakes B. deal with wild dogs C. tell the time 20. Tony didn’t take the drumming lesson because _______________. A. he was sleepy B. he didn’t C. he had to make his bed D. 听填信息(本小题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 你将听到的是一篇关于将熊猫运送到荷兰(the Netherlands)的短文。请根据所听内容填写下面的

物理试卷 第1页(共30页) 物理试卷 第2页(共30页) 绝密★启用前 广东省2017年初中毕业生学业考试 物 理 本试卷满分100分,考试时间80分钟。 一、单项选择题(本题共7小题,每小题3分,共21分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只 有一个选项是正确的) 1.如图所示,下列说法正确的是 ( ) A .人的听觉频率范围是85~1 100 Hz B .狗的听觉频率范围是15~50 000 Hz C .蝙蝠能听到次声波 D .大象能听到超声波 2.下列说法正确的是 ( ) A .“光年”是时间单位 B .太阳是宇宙的中心 C .在原子、中子和原子核中,尺度最小的是中子 D .两个物体相互摩擦时,得到电子的物体带正电 3.关于光的现象,下列说法错误的是 ( ) A .太阳光通过三棱镜会分解成多种色光,这种现象叫光的色散 B .影子是由于光的直线传播形成的 C .物体在平面镜中成正立、放大的实像 D .光从空气射入水中后传播速度会变小 4.如图所示,小花想搬起一块石头,下列说法正确的是 ( ) A .若石头没有被搬动,以地面为参照物,它是静止的 B .若石头没被搬起,是因为石头受到的惯性力比较大 C .若石头被搬起,说明力可以改变石头惯性的大小 D .若石头没被搬起,此时石头受到的重力和石头对地面的压力是一对平衡力 5.如图所示电路中,电源电压为4.5 V ,1L 、2L 是小灯泡,当开关S 闭合时,电压表的示数为1.5 V ,忽略温度对灯丝电阻的影响,则 ( ) A .2L 两端的电压为1.5 V B .1L 两端的电压为1.5 V C .1L 与2L 的灯丝电阻之比为2 : 1 D .通过1L 与2L 的电流之比为1 2: 6.妈妈与小明进行爬山比赛,他们选择的起点、路径和终点都相同,全程设为匀速运动。妈妈的体重是小明的2倍,妈妈所用的时间是小明的3倍,若妈妈克服重力做功为1W 、功率为1P ,小明克服自身重力做功为2W 、功率为2P ,则下列关系正确的是 ( ) A .21 : : 1 1W W = B .21 : : 2 3W W = C .21 : : 1 1P P = D .21 : : 2 3P P = 7.将体积相同材料不同的甲、乙、丙三个实心小球,分别轻轻放入三个装满水的相同烧杯中,甲球下沉至杯底、乙球漂浮和丙球悬浮,如图所示,下列说法正确的是 ( ) A .三个小球的质量大小关系是m m m >>乙甲丙 B .三个小球受到的浮力大小关系是F F F =<乙甲丙 C .三个烧杯中的水对烧杯底部的压强大小关系是p p p >>乙甲丙 D .三个烧杯底部对桌面的压强大小关系是'''p p p >=乙甲丙 二、填空题(本题共7小题,每空1分,共21分) 8.常见的物质是由极其微小的 、原子构成的;炒菜时闻到香味,这一现象说明分子 ;通常液体分子之间的距离比气体的 (填“大”或“小”)。 9.火箭加速升空过程中,对于火箭搭载的卫星来说,动能 ,重力势能,卫星的机械能是由火箭燃料的 能转化而来的。 10.电磁波在空气中的速度约为 m /s ;当导线中通过电流时,放在旁边的小磁针发生偏转,说明电流周围存在 ;丹麦物理学家 (填“法拉第”“奥斯 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ ___________ -------------在 --------------------此-------------------- 卷-------------------- 上--------------------答-------------------- 题-------------------- 无-------------------- 效 ----------------

2017年谷城县中考适应性考试 英语试题 (本试卷共8页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟) 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将考试号条形码粘贴在答题卡上指定位置。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号,答在试题卷上无效。 3.非选择题(主观题)用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔直接答在答题卡上每题对应的答题区域内,答在试题卷上无效。 4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 选择题(共70分) 一、听力测试(本大题满分25分,每小题1分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后再将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 下面你将听到8段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话只读一遍。CACCABBA 1. Which city is the girl’s fa vourite? A. London. B. Paris. C. New York. 2. What’s the weather like now? A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. 3. What’s the date the day after tomorrow? A. June 1st. B. June 2nd. C. June 3rd. 4. How often does Lisa surf the internet now? A. Every day. B. Twice a week. C. Once a week. 5. Who wrote the interesting e-mail? A. Kate. B. Mike. C. Judy. 6. Where might the speakers be? A. In a bank. B. On a road. C. At a crossing. 7. What does the man mean? A. He’d like to go to the beach by car. 英语试题第1页(共8页)

2017年广东省广州市中考英语试卷 一、语法选择语法选择((每题1分,满分15分)阅读下列短文阅读下列短文,,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连续的要求和上下文连续的要求,,从1-15各题所给的A 、B 、C 和D 中选出最佳选项中选出最佳选项,,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑答题卡上将该项涂黑.. 1."I'm going shopping in the village ,"George's mother said to George on Saturday morning ."So be a good boy and don't get into trouble .And don't forget (1)good care of Grandma ."Then out she went .Grandma (2)in the chair by the window when she opened one little eye and said ,"Now you heard (3) your mother said ,George ." "Yes ,Grandma ,"George said . George was bored to tears .He didn't have a brother or a sister .His father was a farmer ,and (4) farm they lived on was miles away from anywhere ,(5) there were never any children to play with .He was tired of staring at (6) pigs ,hens ,cows and sheep .He was especially tired of having to live in the house with his grandma .Looking after her all by himself was hardly (7) way to spend a Saturday morning . "Go and make me a cup of tea for a start ,(8) sugar and milk ."Grandma said .Most grandmothers are lovely ,kind ,helpful old ladies ,but not this one .George's grandma was a woman (9)was always complaining about something or other .She spent all day (10)on her chair by the window .George (11) that Grandma used to be a gentle lady ,but as she grew older ,she was not able to look after herself and even worse ,she was easy to get angry ."We (12) be nice to the old ,George ,"His mother always told him . Thinking of this ,George (13) into the kitchen and made Grandma a cup of tea with a teabag .He put one spoon of sugar and (14)milk in it .He stirred the tea well and carried it into the living room (15) .

广东省2017年中考生物真题试题 选择题 1.与动物细胞相比,植物细胞特有的结构是( ) A.细胞膜 B.细胞质 C.细胞核 D.细胞壁 【答案】D 【解析】A、植物细胞与动物细胞都含有细胞膜,A错误; B、植物细胞与动物细胞都含有细胞质,B错误; C、植物细胞与动物细胞都含有细胞核,C错误. D、植物细胞与动物细胞相比,细胞壁是植物细胞所特有的,D正确; 【考点定位】原核细胞和真核细胞的形态和结构的异同。 【名师点睛】动植物细胞共有的结构:细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核、内质网、高尔基体、线粒体、核糖体.植物细胞特有的结构:细胞壁、叶绿体和液泡。 2.心脏是人体血液循环的动力泵,从生物体的结构层次分析,心脏属于( ) A.细胞 B.组织 C.器官 D.系统 【答案】C 【考点定位】动物体人体的结构层次。 【名师点睛】动物体的结构层次为:细胞→组织→器官→系统→动物体. 3.细胞是生物体结构和功能的基本单位,对题3图的描述,正确的是( ) A.①能将光能转化为化学能 B.②存在于所有细胞中 C.③是细胞的控制中心 D.④为各种生命活动提供能量 【答案】C

【解析】图中①线粒体,②液泡,③细胞核,④叶绿体. A、①线粒体是呼吸作用的场所,将有机物中储存的化学能释出来,供细胞利用.A错误; B、吃西瓜时流出的红色液汁主要来自于②液泡,它是植物细胞特有的结构之.B错误; C、③是细胞核,里面有染色体等遗传物质,是细胞的控制中心,C正确; D、④叶绿体是光合作用的场所,能将光能转变成化学能储存在有机物中,D错误。 【考点定位】动、植物细胞结构的相同点和不同点 【名师点睛】本题主要考查动植物细胞的结构特征及区别,要求学生熟记。 4.习惯用右手写字的人在使用显微镜时,限睛和目镜的相对位罝应该是( ) 【答案】D 【考点定位】显微镜的基本构造和使用方法。 【名师点睛】用显微镜观察时正确的方法是:用左眼观察,同时右眼睁开,便于边观察边作图.因此用显微镜观察时正确的方法是:用左眼观察,同时右眼睁开,故“用左眼观察,右眼闭起才能看得清楚”的说法是错误的. 5.下列不属于生命现象的是( ) A.阿尔法狗机器人下棋 B.母鸡带领小鸡吃米

2017年中考英语试卷一、听力选择(共12小题题,计15分) 1.(1分) 2.(1分) 3.(1分) 4.(1分) 5.(1分) 6.(1分)What is wrong with David? A.He's OK.B.He's got a cold.C.He's got a headache.7.(1分)How does the woman go to work now? A.On foot.B.By bike.C.By bus. 8.(1分)What will the speakers do on the weekend ? A.Climb mountains.B.Go camping.C.Stay at home. 9.(1分)What are the two speakers? A.Teachers.B.Students.C.Workers. 10.(1分)What are the two speakers talking about? A.How to read novels.

B.How to learn English well. C.How to listen to English songs. 11.(2分)听第一较长的对话,完成第11和第12两个小题. 11.Why is Jane reading the book? A.She usually likes this kind of book. B.She wants to give the man a Surprise. C.She wants to try something different. 12.What is Jane going to do with the book? A.Finish the book soon.B.Read a bit more and see.C.Stop reading right now. 12.(3分)听第二段较长的对话,完成第13至第15三个小题. 13.What has the woman booked? A.A tableB.A roomC.A ticket 14.Where does this conversation take place ? A.In a restaurant.B.In a hotel.C.In a library. 15.How does the woman feel in the conversation ? A.Excited.B.HappyC.Unhappy. 二、语言知识用(共两节,计16分) 13.(1分)The Dragon Boat Festival is _____fifth day of May on the lunar calendar(阴历)() B.on 14.(1分)﹣﹣What else do you need,sir? ﹣﹣________else.I've got enough,Thanks.() A.Nothing B.Anything C.Something D.Everything 15.(1分)That one mistake almost________him his life.() A.Took B.paid C.cost D.spent 16.(1分)Xiongan New Area will help ________big problems in Beijing,such as traffic jams.()A.set out B.check out out D.give out 17.(1分)_______ nervous the girl is!()

【2017 年深圳市中考真题解析】 Ⅰ.词汇 (15 分) ⅰ.从下面每小题的 A 、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 ()1.-The ancient Greeks used a giant wooden horse to capture the city of Troy. -That's right. How clever the Greeks are! A. huge B.wonderful C.wide ()2.-I worked as a volunteer in the school library last Friday afternoon. -Really? Can I go with you next time? A.had B.made C.was ()3.-I have difficulty in learning Chinese. Could you help me? -S ure. Reading a lot will help you improve your Chinese.

()4.-China's first large passengerplane C919 flew successfully on 5 May. -Y es. What's more, it was built on our own in Shanghai. A.with some help B.from our friends ourselves ()5.-Hi, Bob! What's going on over there? -O h, Tom and Dick are playing chess, with a crowd of students watching them. A.happening B.appearing C.working ()6.-Ding Ning beat Miu Hirano, a Japanese player, in the 2017 World Table Tennis Championship. -We are all excited at the good news. A.fought with B.won against C.lost by ()7.-Did you see the movie Dangal 《摔跤吧,爸爸》last

2017年广东省初中毕业生学业考试 数 学 试 卷 说明:1.全卷共6页,满分为100 分,考试用时为80分钟。 2.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔在答题卡填写自己的准考证号、姓名、考场号、座位号。用2B 铅笔把对应该号码的标号涂黑。 3.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试题上。 4.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答、答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再这写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案 无效。 5.考生务必保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束时,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、选择题(本大题10小题,每小题3分,共30分)在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一个是正确的,请把答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑. 1. 5的相反数是( ) A. B.5 C.- D.-5 2.“一带一路”倡议提出三年以来,广东企业到“一带一路”国家投资越来越活跃.据商务部门发布的数据显示。2016年广东省对沿线国家的实际投资额超过4 000 000 000美元.将4 000 000 000用科学记数法表示为( ) A.0.4× B.0.4× C.4× D.4× 3.已知,则的补角为( ) A. B. C. D. 4.如果2是方程的一个根,则常数k 的值为( ) A.1 B.2 C.-1 D.-2 5.在学校举行“阳光少年,励志青春”的演讲比赛中,五位评委给选手小明的评分分别为:90,85,90,80,95,则这组的数据的众数是( ) A.95 B.90 C.85 D.80 6.下列所述图形中, 既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是( ) A.等边三角形 B.平行四边形 C.正五边形 D.圆 7.如题7图,在同一平面直角坐标系中,直线与双曲线 相交于A 、B 两点,已知点A 的坐标为(1,2),则点B 的坐标为( ) A.(-1,-2) B.(-2,-1) C.(-1,-1) D.(-2,-2) 8.下列运算正确的是( ) A. B. C. D. 151 5 910101091010 1070A ∠=?A ∠110?70?30?20?2 30x x k -+=11(0)y k x k =≠2 2(0)k y k x =≠2 23a a a +=3 25· a a a =426()a a =424a a a +=

广东省2017年中考化学试题 一、选择题(本大题包括14小题,每小题2分,共28分。在每小题列出的四个选项中有一 个是正确的,请将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑) 1. 下列变化属于化学变化的是 A.死灰复燃B.杯弓蛇影C.冰消雪融D.铁柞磨针 2.下列物品主要由合金制成的是 A. 塑料水杯B.单车轮胎C.羊毛衣服 D. 青铜雕像 3.下列试剂瓶应有标志的是A.氯化钠B.蒸馏水C.浓硫酸D.葡萄糖 4.下表是部分知识的归纳,其中正确的一组是 5.黄蜂的毒液呈碱性,若被黄蜂蜇了,涂抹下列物质可缓解疼痛的是 A.食盐水(pH≈7 ) B.牙膏(pH≈9) C.肥皂(pH≈10 ) D.米醋(pH≈3) 6.下列化学用语书写正确的是 A. 三个二氧化硫分子:2SO3 B. 两个氧分子:2O

C. Co元素的化合价: D. 一个铝离子: 7. “题7图”的实验设计不能实现其对应实验目的的是 A.测定空气中O2含量B.检验H2的纯度 C.探究燃烧的条件D.证明密度CO2>空气 8. 有机锗具有抗肿瘤活性,锗元素的部分信息见“题8 图”。则下列说法错误的是 A.x=2 B. 锗原子的电子数为32 C.人体中锗是常量元素 D.锗原子的中子数为41 9.除去下列物质中的杂质(括号内为杂质),所选用的试剂与方法正确的是 A. CO(水蒸气): 通过浓硫酸洗气 B. CO2(HCl): 通过饱和NaHCO3 溶液洗气 C. NaCl固体(沙子):溶于水、过滤、洗涤、干燥 D. 铁粉(锌粉):加入稀H2SO4溶液充分反应后过滤 10. “题10图”为四种物质的溶解度曲线。则下列说法错误的是

2017年初中升学考试 英语试卷 考生须知: 1.本试卷满分为100分.考试时间为100分钟。 2.答题前,考生先将自己的“姓名”、“考号”、“考场”、“座位号”在答题卡上填写清楚,将“条形码”准确粘贴在条形码区城内。 3.请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题纸上答题无效。 4.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 5.保持卡面整洁,不要折叠、不要弄脏、不要弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 第I卷 一、单项选择(本题共20分.每小题1分) 选择最佳答案。 ( ) l. —The summer vacation is coming. Why don’t you go to the beach to enjoy the sunshine? —Sounds great. ____advice! A.What good B. How good C.What a good ( )2. —When will the graduation ceremony be held? —Oh,it will be held____9 a.m. next Friday. Don’t be late. A. on B. at C. in ( )3. —Could you tell me who the man wearing sunglasses is? —Certainly. He is_____coach. He teaches _____to play baseball. A. us; our B.ours; us C. our; us ( )4. —What did you do yesterday evening? —I_____to a birthday party and had a good time with my friends. A.invited invited C.was invited ( )5. —How do you keep fit? —I live on____floor. I walk upstairs instead of taking the lift every day. A. twelve B.the twelve C.the twelfth ( )6. Calligraphy(书法) is a traditional Chinese art. More and more kids are becoming____in it. A.interest B.interested C.interesting ( )7.My favorite TV program is “Readers”. I think we should spend as much time as we can_____in our spare time. A. read B. to read C.reading ( )8.—How much juice is there in the fridge? —_____. Let’s go to the supermarket and buy some after supper. A.None B.Nothing C.Nobody 9. If we travel abroad, we prefer to stay in five-star hotels. That’s because they _____guests with the best service to make them feel at home. A.preview B.provide C.prevent ( )10. —I wonder if our foreign teacher Mr. White ____to his hometown next Tuesday. —I’m not sur e. But if he returns to his hometown,I’ll____him off.

2017年广东省初中毕业生学业考试语文试卷 1.主观题部分,考生答案与参考答案意思相近即可;如果考生的答案与参考答案不一致,但符合题目要求且言之成理,可酌情给分。 2.主观题答案表述不准确、不顺畅的酌情扣分。 3.附加题从严给分。 一、积累与运用(24分)(24分) 1.根据课文默写古诗文。(10分) (1),于我如浮云。(《论语》)(1分) (2)孟浩然《过故人庄》中“,”的诗句,表现了诗人与友人引杯对酌,畅谈农事的喜悦之情。(2分) (3),。谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。(刘禹锡《陋室铭》)(2分)(4)持节云中,?(苏轼《江城子》)(1分) (5)请把李贺的《雁门太守行》默写完整。(4分) ,。 ,。 半卷红旗临易水,霜重鼓寒声不起。 报君黄金台上意,提携玉龙为君死。 1.(1)不义而富且贵(2)开轩面场圃把酒话桑麻(3)苔痕上阶绿草色入帘青(4)何日遣冯唐(5)黑云压城城欲摧甲光向日金鳞开角声满天秋色里塞上燕脂凝夜紫 2.根据拼音写出相应的词语。(4分) (1)过去,他好听书,也会说书;在rón g yīng这个尊称之后,当真看起书来。 (2)然而圆规很不平,显出bǐ yí的神色,仿佛嗤笑法国人不知道拿破仑…… (3)我认识奥本海默时他已四十多岁了,已经是fù rú jiē zhī的人物了…… (4)一旦棕树蛇在夏威夷安家落户,该岛的鸟类将zài jié nán táo。 2.(1)荣膺(2)鄙夷(3)妇孺皆知(4)在劫难逃 3.下列句子中加点的词语使用不恰当的一项是()(3分) A.他是班长,有工作经验,也非常乐意为同学们服务,担任这项工作是相宜 ..的。 B.我们原打算天黑前赶回县城,突如其来 ....的一场大雨使我们在这个小山村滞留了一夜。 C.莫高窟是无数大师前仆后继 ....,用智慧和汗水建造出来的一座恢宏的艺术宫殿。 D.“工匠精神”要求我们,把追求极致的精神和精益求精 ....的态度贯穿于工作的始终。 3.C(解析:“前仆后继”意为前面的冲上去了,后面的紧跟上来。形容不断投入战斗,奋勇冲杀向前。用在句中不合语境。) 4.下列对病句的修改不正确的一项是()(3分)

2017年广州市初中毕业生学业考试 英语 本试卷共四大题,12页,满分110分。考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、考点考场号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对直題目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答題卡各題目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求.从1?15各题所给的ABCD项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 "I'm going shopping in the village," George's mother said to George on Saturday morning. "So be a good boy and don't get into trouble. And don't forget 1 good care of Grandma." Then out she went. Grandma 2 in the chair by the window when she opened one little eye and said, "Now you heard 3 your mother said, George." "Yes, Grandma," George said. George was bored to tears. He didn't have a brother or a sister. His father was a farmer, and 4 farm they lived on was miles away from anywhere, 5 there were never any children to play with. He was tired of staring at 6 pigs, hens, cows and sheep. He was especially tired of having to live in the house with his grandma. Looking after her all by himself was hardly 7 way to spend a Saturday morning. "Go and make me a cup of tea for a start, 8 sugar and milk," Grandma said. Most grandmothers are lovely, kind, helpful old ladies, but not this one. George's grandma was a woman 9 was always complaining about something or other. She spent all day 10 on her chair by the window. George 11 that Grandma used to be a gentle lady, but as she grew older, she was not able to look after herself and even worse, she was easy to get angry. "We 12 be nice to the old, George," His mother always told him. Thinking of this, George 13 into the kitchen and made Grandma a cup of tea with a teabag. He

2017年广东省中考语文真题 一、积累与运用(24分)(24分) 1.根据课文默写古诗文。(10分) (1),于我如浮云。(《论语》)(1分) (2)孟浩然《过故人庄》中“,”的诗句,表现了诗人与友人引杯对酌,畅谈农事的喜悦之情。(2分) (3),。谈笑有鸿儒,往无白丁。(刘禹锡《陋室铭》)(2分)(4)持节云中,?(苏轼《江城子》)(1分) (5)请把李贺的《雁门太守行》默写完整。(4分) ,。 ,。 半卷红旗临易水,霜重鼓寒声不起。 报君黄金台上意,提携玉龙为君死。 【答案】(1)不义而富且贵(2)开轩面场圃把酒话桑麻(3)苔痕上阶绿草色入帘青(4)何日遣冯唐(5)黑云压城城欲摧甲光向日金鳞开角声满天秋色里塞上燕脂凝夜紫2.根据拼音写出相应的词语。(4分) (1)过去,他好听书,也会说书;在róng yīng这个尊称之后,当真看起书。 (2)然而圆规很不平,显出bǐ yí的神色,仿佛嗤笑法国人不知道拿破仑…… (3)我认识奥本海默时他已四十多岁了,已经是fù rú jiē hī的人物了…… (4)一旦棕树蛇在夏威夷安家落户,该岛的鸟类将ài jié nán táo。 【答案】(1)荣膺(2)鄙夷(3)妇孺皆知(4)在劫难逃 3.下列句子中加点的词语使用不恰当的一项是()(3分) A.他是班长,有工作经验,也非常乐意为同学们服务,担任这项工作是相宜 ..的。 B.我们原打算天黑前赶回县城,突如其的一场大雨使我们在这个小山村滞留 ..了一夜。 C.莫高窟是无数大师前仆后继 ....,用智慧和汗水建造出的一座恢宏的艺术宫殿。 D.“工匠精神”要求我们,把追求极致的精神和精益求精 ....的态度贯穿于工作的始终。【答案】C 【解析】前仆后继 ....:前面的冲上去了,后面的紧跟上。形容不断投入战斗,奋勇冲杀向前。不符合语境。 4.下列对病句的修改不正确的一项是()(3分) A.《人民的名义》这部电视剧生动地刻画了各类政府官员的典型形象,受到了广大观众的一致好评。(将“各类政府官员”改为“政府各类官员”)

2017年广东省中考英语试卷及答案 2017年广东省初中生毕业考试 英语 一、听力理解(本大题为A、B、C、D四部分,共25小题,每题1分,共25分) A. 听单句话(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 根据所听句子的内容和所提问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑,每小题听一遍。 B.听对话(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 根据所听内容,回答每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给出的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每段对话听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 6.What’s the problem with George’s homework? A. Spelling mistakes. B. Grammar mistakes. C. Awful handwriting. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。 7.What is the boy going to do tomorrow afternoon? A. Play basketball B. play football. C. Play volleyball. 听第三段对话,回答第8小题。 8.How much is one tea set with eight cups? A. 40 yuan. B. 160 yuan. C. 200 yuan. 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。 9.How does the woman like the city? A. She is not used to the weather there. B. She thinks the traffic there is very good. C. She likes the shopping environment there. 听第五段对话,回答第10小题。 10.Why is the girl going to the bookstore tomorrow? A. She wants to spend time there reading. B. Some of the books there will be cheaper. C. Her father will be free and drive her there. 听第六段对话,回答第11-12小题。 11.Where does the conversation take place? A. At a dining hall B. At a restaurant. C. At a noodle factory 12.What place does the woman prefer? A. A table by the window. B. A table in the smoking area. C. A table near the non-smoking area. 听第七段对话,回答第13-15小题。 13.How did the man book the room? A. On the phone B. On the Internet C. From a tourist office. 14.For how many nights is the man going to stay? A. One night B. Three nights. C. Four nights. 15.What does the man ask for?
