

Tom was a poor boy.He made a living by cleaning leather(皮革) 1 for others in the street.Tom was also a 2 boy.One day,a rich man 3 Miser appeared in front of Tom.

He watched his 4 shoes for a while,and then,looked at Tom.Tom knew this kind of people well.They love money but hate to spend it.

Tom said,“Let me 5 your shoes,sir.Only two pence(便土),sir.

Mr.Miser shook his head and walked away.

Tom thought for a second and then called out,‘‘I’d like t o clean it for nothing.”Th is time Mr.Miser agreed.And soon one of his shoes was shining brightly. When the rich man put his other shoe on the stool(凳子),Tom said he would n’t clean it for him 6 he was paid two pence for his work.Mr.Miser was very 7 .He refused to pay anything and went away.

But to his 8 ,the well-cleaned shoe was so bright that it made the other one look even dirtier.Mr.Miser looked round.People in the street were 9 at him.Finally the rich man 10 and gave Tom two pence.In a very short time his two shoes shone brightly.


Jerry is a middle school student. He likes 1 very much and his favourite star is Jay Chou. He usually practices Jay’s songs. One day, he took part in an imitation 2 of Jay in a park. He chose one of Jay’s most 3 songs, he sang and acted with his heart. He 4 he was acting just as Jay himself did. So when he heard someone 5 “once again, once again”, he was moved and 6 them. But to his surprise, the other two 7 of Jay who watched Jerry act told him what they really 8 . They wanted Jerry to practice more 9 he had acted so badly! Jerry was 10 and could n’t say a word.

Xiaohong is a primary school student. On (1) , she has to do all

kinds of extra work. On Saturday morning, she has to practice the (2) .

In the afternoon, her parents want her to practice (3) . On Sunday

morning, she has a(n) (4)

lesson. On Sunday afternoon, she has to learn (5) .

Does this girl really have so many (6) ?

Nowadays, parents in China have too much hope for their (7) . They

hope that their children are able to (8) some special skills so that

they can have a better life in the future. In my (9) , few of the

children are really interested in these lessons. Children are children. They must

have some free time to enjoy their childhood. As an English proverb(谚语) goes, “All

work and no (10) makes Jack a dull boy.”


It was December 25th, my friends

and I had a party in my house to

celebrate (1) . Everyone(2)

themselves at the party. But(3)

something unhappy happened. I

happened to find David, my


my diary in my bedroom. At that time

I was so(5) that I(6)

at him. David stood up and (7) my house at once, (8) saying

a word. After he left, I thought it was not (9) to read other’s diary,

yet it was not polite to shout at (10) . It’s better for me to tell him

not to do that politely.


It was Sunday. The weather was very fine. The students of Class One went out

for a 1 .They went by 2 with fruits, vegetables, meat , cookers and some

other things.

At about half past ten, they 3 at the foot of a hill. There was a big 4 and many green trees there. Birds were singing and the air was very fresh. The

students were busy 5 for the picnic. Some of them were getting 6 from the

lake, some were washing vegetables and fruits, and others were putting a big cloth on the grass. At about twelve o’clock the lunch was ready.

After lunch, they had a 7 time singing, dancing, drinking and talking. At three o’clock, they began to 8 the hill. The hill was quite 9 , but they all tried to climb to the 10 of it. On the top of the hill, they felt very excited and all cheered.


Mr. Smith is a sixty-year-old man. He loves sports. He often goes to different places to kill his spare time and enjoys the beautiful countryside scenery.

On a 1 Saturday afternoon, Mr. Smith went 2 in the country. He carried a rucksack (背包)on his back, with a stick in his hand. In the evening, he decided to stop for a 3 . He didn’t want to sleep in the open air, so he began to 4 up a tent near a village. The he made a 5 not far from the tent and placed a pot 6 the fire to cook something to eat. After supper, he spent the night in the tent. Because he kept walking a whole day, he was very tired and fell asleep soon.

At the mid-night the weather began to turn bad. A 7 wind began to blow. At that time, Mr. Smith was still 8 . The next morning, when he 9 up, he found himself in the open air. And to his great surprise, there was a pig, a 10 , a goose, a sheep and a cock running around him!


It was a reading room. A boy and a girl were sitting (1)____ a desk. The girl was reading (2)____when the boy suddenly(3)____ , because he was reading a book of jokes. The girl (4)____him by (5)____ him to look at the (6)____ with the words “Be quiet”. The boy (7) ____sorry and stopped laughing at once. Then he thought of an (8)____ . He took the book outside and (9)____ reading it. He laughed as (10)____ as he could.

One day, Mr Black came back from a party very (1) . It was too late, and

the weather was very cold. There was no bus or taxi, so he had to go home on(2) .

He held his (3) under his arms.

When he got home, he opened his bag.He wanted to get his keys. They were always there. But he couldn’t find the keys this time. He was worried and he didn’t know(4) to do.When he looked up, he suddenly saw his window was (5) . Smiling to himself,

Mr Black thought of an(6) .

There was a ladder behind his house.He carried it to the window.Then he began

to (7)

up the ladder. How dark it was! It was (8) for him to do that, because he was very nervous and his hat fell down. So he was very careful.

A moment later he jumped into the room and he was very happy. But suddenly when

he put his hand into his (9) , he was surprised to find his(10) just right there.


It was a 1 day. In the morning, Lulu’s mother was busy doing some 2 . When

she had everything done, she said to her son, “It’s time to get up, my son. ”

But there was 3 answer. She came into t he bedroom and said again, “Come 4 ,

my baby. Did you hear it? It’s time to get up now. ” It 5 that Lulu was still having a dream. He didn’t hear 6 his mother said. His mother came to his bed, “ Lazybones (懒虫). You see, the sun is 7 now, but you still 8 in bed. Get up, my dear! ” Suddenly, Lulu 9 , “That’s unfair (不公平) ! The sun went to

bed at six o’clock last night, but I reviewed (复习) my lessons 10 10

o’clock. ”


It was a quiet midnight. There was a full (1) in the sky. Mr. Black was

sleeping. Suddenly, his dog (2) barking loudly. Maybe the dog had

(3) some sound. Mr. Black was (4) up. He was very angry with the dog.

He jumped out of his bed and held a shoe, went up to the window and hit the dog (5) it. The dog stopped barking at once and ran away. Mr. Black went back to rest. But,

a few minutes (6) , he heard the dog making a noise under the window. He got

even (7) angry than before. He jumped out of the bed and (8) up the other

shoe and wanted to hit the dog again. When he went near the window, he (9) the

dog looking at him and holding the shoe in its (10) . Mr. Black felt sorry

for the dog.


