



1.Leaving aside such gasbags who are after all exceptions rather than

the rule, we still have those people who just do not know when to “leave well alone” when they are speaking or explaining something.



2.They are too anxious to make their point that they don’t know when

to stop, and seem to think that their listeners are too dim-witted to understand even the simplest of things and everything must be drummed into their heads by repetitions.



3.Those with the gift of the gab are always popular and are welcomed anywhere, any are the souls of parties and social gatherings.


4.Instead of going back to him to ask for more, I thought it would be much simpler to foot the difference myself as I was sure he would make it up for me I soon found I was sadly mistaken.


5.Speech was my undoing,and silence was my doom.


6.I had been given local anaesthesia which didn’t seem to have the full

on complained to the nurse who administered it and she told me authoritatively that she knew her business and told me not to be too finicky. 我被施予局部麻醉,好像麻醉没有完全发挥作用,于是我对给我做麻醉的护士诉说,但她不容分说,她说她知道该怎麽做,叫我不要过分挑剔。

7.The doctor warned me that there would be some pain as another dose

of anaesthesia was out of the question.


8.He realized it would take him most of the day just to read the

letters;moreover, a similar pile would confront him every morning.


9.If the subject matter were difficult, careful reading was justified;when it was easy,he should have zipped through it.


10.Bad readers trudge home with briefcases bulging with material that should have been read on the job.阅读很慢的人,疲惫地把本该工作时间阅读完的材料料塞满公文包带回家去。

11.This moves a curtain down a page at a predetermined rate of

speed,forcing the student to read faster to keep ahead of it.阅读加速器按预定的阅读速度放下屏障遮住书页,迫使学生加快阅读速度,赶在屏障放下之前把那页读完。12.To break yourself of the habit of following print your finger,grip

the sides of what you are reading firmly with both hands.


13.Draw a line down the center of a newpaper your vision

on the line and try to grasp the meaning of the words on each side as you move down the page.



14.Therefore it had happened that on the 20th of December I had proposed to Agnes and she agreed to marry me, and my mother had no suspicion that my happiness was so near.


15.And indeed she looked remarkably young for a woman of forty-five,with twenty-five years of widowhood and a short but stormy married life behind her.说真的,作为一个45岁的女人,经过了一段短暂而坎坷的婚姻生活和25年的孀居,她看起来真是年轻极了。

16.My mother was so clever in social matters,and especially in the

planning of delicious surprises,that I believed her capable even of miracles.我母亲善于社交,尤其善于策划一些巧妙的惊喜,我相信她甚至可以创造奇迹。

17.I had never realized that my mother was desirable,and that a man might desire her,and that her lonely existence in that house was not all that she had the right to demand from I was ashamed of my characteristic filial selfish egoism.


18.They built a great,hollow,wooden horse outside the city,and the

Trojans believed this was some holy treasure valued by the Greeks.

他们在城外建造了一匹巨大的空心木马,特洛伊人以为那是希腊人所珍视的神灵宝物。19.Seven cities had been built here on top of each other,and at the bottom

of all these,there was a Stone Age village.


20.In fact,Schliemann missed the actual Troy of Homer’s dug too

deeply and went down through the city for which he was hunting-the walls he found were the walls of an older city.


21.The treasure at Troy had indeed been collected and hidden in a

new fortune had been buried with a great king and his family for their lasting honor.


22.When Schliemann lifted the finest mask he saw the actual face of the ancient king –his eyes,his mouth,his perfect the skin of the face was still at the perfection of this face was probably Schliemannn’s greatest moment.


23.Some students can master the entire system of imaginary numbers more easily than other students can discover how to study the first chapter in the algebra book.


24.Feeling pretty virtuous about the seven hours you spend on chemistry won’t help one bit if the history teacher pops a quiz.


25.Unless you do the easy work first,you are likely to spend so much time

on the long,hard work that when midnight comes,you’ll say to yourself,“oh,that English as-signment was so easy,I can do it any time.”and go on to bed. 除非你先做容易的作业,否则的话,你可能要花费很多时间去做又长又难的功课,以至于


26.Nothing is more frustrating than freezing up during an important

test,knowing all the answers but getting so excited at the sight of the test that half of what you actually know never gets written down.


27.Year after year,more people visit this massive exhibit honoring the

men and women who have pioneered flight and the exploration of space than visit any other monument or museum in the entire country.


28.She claims that she can calculate,according to her system,the odds against anything happening.


29.I remember noticing him that first wasn’t much more than a

thin,anxious kid,but there was something about was eerie.


30.He described her in a loving way.“She’s small and dark,nineteen years old,and has a spirited mean she can get mad,but she never stays mad for

has a short coat made of soft brown leather,but maybe she’s not wearing it. ”他动情地描述她:“她个子小,皮肤较黑,19岁,脸上的表情生动活泼。我是说她会发脾气,但是过一阵就好了。她有意见棕色的柔皮短外套,可也许她没穿。”

31.Sidney cried out and the next thing I knew,there were souvenirs and cards,dolls,and who-knows-what flying all over the had leaped over the counter and upset everything in sight.


32.There had always been playful,comfortable warmth between them,but never any talk of love.


33.He covered his shyness by speaking absently,as though he were a secret agent pausing briefly on a mission between beautiful,distant,and dangerous points.


34.“Oh,Newt-you’re fooling me about being said.


35.She turned her back to Newt,looked into the infinite rows of trees

in the woods.她转过身去背对纽特,注视着远处无边无际的树林。

36.Catharine watched him grow smaller in the long perspective of shadows and trees,knew that if he stopped and turned now,if he called to her,she

would run to would have no choice.


37.The other day I had to back halfway out of a telephone booth in order

to read the number on the coin box.


38.I’ve noticed that all my suits have a tendency to shrink,especially

in certain places such as around the waist or in the seat of the pants,and the laces they put in shoes nowadays are harder to reach.


39.“It isn’t like the good old days,”George said.”“Remember when we’d

go down to the speak,and order some Orange Blossoms,and maybe pick up a couple of flappers?Boy,could they neck!Hot diggety!”


40.“You used to be quite a cake-eater,George,”I said.“Do you still

do the Black Bottom?”


41.Never was such an array of delicious temptations spread before a child.在


42.Only after payment was laid upon the counter was the sack irrevocably twsited shut and the moment of indecision ended.只有你把钱放到柜台上之后,纸袋的口才被拧紧,这以后就没有改变主意的余地了。

43.I remember the tinkle of the bell as I managed,after some effort,to

push open the big ,I worked my way slowly down the display counter.我还记得当我费力地推开那扇大门时响起的丁当铃声。我好像着了迷似的慢慢向糖果柜台走去。44.“Tt’s a little too much,”I managed to say,somehow,over the lump in my


45.“I still smell the gumdrops,”I sighed,and I’m certain I heard old

chuckle over my shoulder as I cleaned the last tank.


46.She used to laugh all the time and keep the whole store bright with

her energy and her smile and her pleasant spoke about was such a pleasure to be served by her,they said.


47.Poor mother was too fat gone in compassion to realize that she had

been trapped,and said quickly that we certainly could.


48.After she had been with us a short while,however,we began to notice

that my father hadn’t made much progress with his chemistry and that there were no startling innovations at my mother’s table.


49.It was typical of her to wait until we were all together before she

told us.


50.She kept her puzzled,tearful glance upon us for another

she turned and walked away,her shoulders shaking with her sobs.





Teenage readers felt he was on their side against their parents and teachers. Older readers felt he was on their side against their bosses at work.


Many people are uneasy in the company of strangers.


If you follow these instructions to the letter you will succeed in this task.


He tends to get a bit carried away when he’s dancing and he starts spinning and leaping all over the place.


That’s out of the question: Mary is much too busy to look after her children.


I had a lot of quarrels with my parents when I was a teenager.


Tom told me the news confidentially. He expected that I would not pass the information to anyone else.


Humans still hold on to the absurd notion that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe.


“You need not beat about the bush; come to the point at once ,”he said impatiently.


He was determined not to complain in the presence of his girlfriend.


And the compliments of the season to your parents.


The Summer Palace is the most visited of all parks in Beijing.


After working there for a week, he came to the conclusion that the boss was mean to his employees.


He is no more than a kid of 15, but he has got a job as an accountant with this company.


None of them ever spoke of the girl any more, and they dropped the subject of marriage.


When this semester is over, I should be able to get around to reading this novel.


What a wonderful drama had unfolded before my eyes.


Hang the dress up in case it would be rumpled.


She tried to cover her nervousness as she waited to make her speech. 20.他在饭馆吃饭时将钱包丢了,不得不搭过路车回家。

He lost his wallet in the restaurant and had to hitchhike home.


He hasn’t got the remotest idea of how to please his boss.


We have to part company here. We have no choice.


There is a well on the edge of the village.


He passed the College Entrance Examination at the age of twelve, which was

unheard-of in his hometown.

25.只在付钱之后我们才能进入剧场。Only after we pay can we enter the theater.


The car industry of our country is still in its infancy.


In order to meet the challenge of the 21st century we should study computer science well.


The sun came out from behind the clouds and it became warmer and



He married and established his own family soon after he graduated from the university.


The President visited the museum accompanied by his officials.
