



1.Situated between the state of New Y ork of the United States and the province of Ontario of Canada, and with an age of 25,000 years, Niagara Falls is one of the most spectacular natural wonders on the North American continent.

地处美国纽约州和加拿大安大略省交界处,有着25,000 历史的尼亚加拉瀑布,是北美洲最壮观的自然奇观之一。

2.The falls are on the Niagara River, which flows between the United States and Canada from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario.

瀑布位于尼亚加拉河上,河流沿途将美加两国分开,然后从伊利湖注入安大略湖。3.The falls are about 17 miles northwest of Buffalo, N.Y.

瀑布位于纽约州水牛城西北方向17 英里处。

4.The industrial city and tourist center of Niagara Falls, N.Y., is adjacent to the American side of the falls.


5.Niagara Falls, Ontario, is across the river.


6.The falls are divided into two parts by Goat Island.


7.The larger portion, on the southwest side, is the Canadian falls, known as the Horseshoe Falls. 较大的一部分在山羊岛西南边是以马蹄瀑布著名的加拿大瀑布。

8.It measures 790 meters along its curve and drops 49.4 meters.

沿途790 公尺落差49.4 公尺。

9.The smaller American falls is northeast of Goat Island.


10.It is 305 meters across and drops about 51 meters.

宽度305 公尺落差51 公尺。

11.Just before flowing over the ledge, the American stream is only about one meter deep, while the Canadian stream is about six meters deep and carries some 95 percent of the Niagara River’s water.

临近断崖的那段水域,美国一侧的河水深仅 1 米,而加拿大一侧的河水则有6 米深,尼亚加拉河95%的水量由此通过。

12.Thus the Horseshoe is the larger and grander of the two falls.


13.Every minute about 340,000 cubic meters, or close to 379,000 tons, of water pours in torrents over the cliff of the falls of Niagara.

每分钟大约有34 万立方米或将近37.9 万吨的水沿尼亚拉加瀑布的悬崖飞流而下。14.As the water plunges from the brink of the falls, it fills the air with a silvery mist, which under the sunlight displays many brilliant rainbows.

当水从瀑布边缘飞流而下时,空气中充满了银色的小水滴,在阳光下呈现许多美丽的彩虹。15.The plunging water also sends out a never-ending roar as it strikes the bottom.


16.For this reason the Indians called the cataract Niagara, meaning “thunder of waters”.


17.The plunging water has worn away the lower rocks so that there are caves behind the sheets of water of both falls.

飞泻之下的河水冲蚀着下面的岩石,久而久之,两大瀑布的水帘之后便出现了洞穴。18.Sightseers may enter the Cave of the Winds at the foot of the American falls and get an unusual view.


19.The Canadian falls has carved a plunge basin 59 meters deep.

加拿大瀑布有一个59 米深的瀑布谭。

20.Both the United States and Canadian governments have built parks, viewing platforms, paths, and highways.


21.The Niagara Reservation State Park was established in 1885 and is New Y ork’s oldest state park.

尼亚加拉保护区国家公园于1885 年建立,是纽约州的最古老的国家公园。

22.It includes an observation tower, elevators that descend into the gorge at the base of the American falls, and boat trips into the waters at the base of the Horseshoe Falls.


23.At night colored lights illuminate the falls and create a charming spectacle which viewers find hard to turn away from.


24.The park area has long been a tourist site and a favorite spot for couples to spend their honeymoons.




1.飞跨上海黄浦江面的杨浦大桥是世界上最大的悬索桥。大桥全长7,658 米,主跨达602 米。

The 7,658-meter-long Y angpu Bridge on the Huangpu River of Shanghai is the world’s largest suspension bridge which spans 602 meters.

2.雄伟的大桥上耸立着一对208 米高的桥塔,整座大桥成倒“Y”型。

The magnificent bridge, with its twin towers which rise 208 meters in height, is shaped like an inverted “Y”.

3.大桥主体结构由256 根斜拉缆索加以稳固,其中最长的一根缆索为328 米,重达33 吨,有301 根直径为七毫米的高强度钢丝绕成。

The massive structure of the bridge is supported by 256 cables, the longest of which stretches 328 meters and weighs 33 tons, and is made of 301 high-strength steel wires with a diameter of seven millimeters each.

4.大桥全长1,172 米,桥宽30.35 米,桥上设有双向六车道,两边还各有一条宽两米的人行道。

The 1,172-meter-long and 30.35-meter-wide main section of the bridge features a two-way six-lane motor traffic with a two-meter-wide sidewalk flanked on each side.

5.大桥最高限速为每小时60 公里。

The posted speed limit on the bridge is 60 kilometers per hour.

6.这座于1993 年建成通车的大桥,每天可以容纳5 万辆机动车的流量。

Completed in 1993, the bridge has a traffic capacity of 50,000 vehicles per day.

7.大桥净空高约48 米,5 万吨巨轮可以顺利通航其下。

Its height, which rises some 48 meters above the water level, provides easy and safe navigation for 50,000-ton ships.

8.杨浦大桥造价为13.3 亿元,仅用了29 个月便建成。

1.33 billion yuan Y angpu Bridge was completed in only 29 months.

9.大桥设计采用了许多最先进的工艺方法,例如以砖石嵌面的桥塔可以抵御时速每秒80 米的强风。

A number of state-of-the-art techniques were incorporated in design, including the diamond-faced towers which are expected to withstand a strong wind of 80 meters per second.


The completion of the bridge heralds the entry of China’s bridge design and construction industry into the world’s advanced level.


1.Australia warmly welcomes visitors from all over the world.


2.Australia is a land of exceptional beauty.


3.A series of geological and historical accidents have made Australia one of the world’s most attractive countries from the tourist’s viewpoint.


4.The vast movements of the earth’s curst created a vast land of Australia, isolated it and positioned it across the tropical and temperate climatic zone.

地壳的剧烈运动使澳大利亚成了幅员辽阔、与大陆分离、地处温、热带地区的国家。5.This land has a small population, which left enormous areas unspoiled.


6.Here you witness an astonishing variety of environments, from desert to rain forest, from tropical beach to white snow field, from big, sophisticated cities to vast uninhabited areas.


7.The tourist will admire a wide array of unique and intriguing animals and flora, a comfortable and sunny climate, and an interesting, cosmopolitan and friendly people.


8.Many of its world-renowned attractions are specific, such as the Great Barrier Reef, A yer’s Rock, Kakadu National Pare, and Sydney Opera House.


9.Others are general, such as its thousands of kilometers of superb beaches and large skiing


此外,澳大利亚还有长达几千公里堪称一流的海滩、大型滑雪场等吸引游客的场所。10.Tourism is the largest industry in Australia, representing about five per cent of the gross domestic product and providing, directly or in directly, around 440,000 jobs.

旅游业是澳大利亚最大的产业,占大约5%的国民生产总值和直接或者间接地提供440,000 个职位。

11.More than two million tourists visit Australia each year, spending about $4,000 million.

每年有两百多万的游客来澳大利亚旅游,这些游客花费高达40 亿元。

12.It is worth mentioning that the number of tourists from China is on the rise in recent years.


13.To promote the development of its tourist industry, Australia has tourist offices in many cities around the world, including Auckland, Chicago, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, New Y ork, Singapore, Tokyo and Toronto.

为了促进旅游业的发展,澳大利亚在全世界各地都设立了办事处,其中包括奥克兰、芝加哥、法兰克福、香港、伦敦、洛杉矶、纽约、新加坡、东京和多伦多等城市。14.Official tourist offices are in all Australian capitals and some regional centers, providing a rang of services for visitor.


15.A wide range of hotel, motel and apartment accommodation is available in most cities, major resorts and many rural areas.


16.There are also camping parks, many with on site caravans or cabins.


17.Hotel and motel rooms usually have telephones, private bathrooms, televisions, refrigerators, as well as facilities to make tea and coffee.

旅馆和汽车旅馆通常都配有电话、独用卫生间、电视、电冰箱以及泡茶喝咖啡的器具。18.The main difference between hotels and motels in Australia is that hotels must provide a public bar to serve liquor.


19.“Private”hotels and guest houses do not have permits to server liquor.


20.Many country properties offer holidays which include participation in farm activities.


21.Tourist offices provide details and can arrange bookings.


22.There are a variety of restaurants to suit all tastes and pockets, from top-class restaurants with international cuisine to small coffee shops serving snacks.

在澳大利亚可以找到各式各样的餐馆,从具有国际烹饪水准的一流豪华饭店,到供应快餐的小咖啡馆,各种风味,一应尽有,可以满足各类顾客的不同口味要求和不同价位要求。23.All cities have a wide range of ethnic restaurants.


24.Virtually all restaurants have liquor licenses.


25.Tipping is neither encouraged nor routine, although visitors may reward special services if they wish, in which case 10 percent of the bill is adequate.


26.At any time, tipping is optional.


27.Taxi drivers and porters have set charges and do not expect to be tipped.


28.Before leaving Australia, every visitor over 12 years old must pay a $20 departure tax.

在离开澳大利亚之前,每一个超过12 岁的游客必须付20 美元的离境税。29.Departure-tax stamps are bought at airports and post offices with Australian currency or by American Express, V isa or Mastercard.

在机场和邮局用澳币或者美国运通、威士、万事达卡都可以买到离境印花税。PASSAGE TWO



International travel is an effective way of promoting understanding and friendship among the peoples of the worl.d


China, with its five thousand years of civilization, has always been a tourist destination for people of other countries.


If, however, all you have seen in china are famous mountains and great rivers, places of historical interest and scenic beauty, such as the terra-cotta warriors and horses in Xi’an, Gu ilin scenery of beautiful mountains and rivers, the Great Wall or the Palace Museum in Beijing, then you have seen only the tip of the iceberg.

5.现在展现在您面前的是一整套全新的中国旅游节目,其中大部分以中国传统文化为特色。Now a whole new panorama of tourist destinations awaits you, most of which are characterized by traditional Chinese culture.

6.自1992 年以来,中国国家旅游局每年都为游客安排了不同的旅游主题,如92 中国友好观光游,93 中国山水风光游、94 中国文化遗产游、95 中国民俗风情游、96 中国度假胜地游、97 中国旅行游。

The China National Tourism Administration(CNTA) has been setting different tourist themes each year since 1992; the V isit-China Tour of 92, China Landscape Tour of 93,China Heritage Tour of 94,China Folklore Tour of 95,China Resort Tour of 96 and the Travel-in-China Tour of 97.


All these programs have been designed to incorporate sightseeing, vacationing and participating in cultural activities, thus providing tourists with an opportunity to learn about Chinese culture as well as enjoy, to their hearts’ content, the customs of the c ountry around them, particularly the places of historic interest and cultural heritage.

8.中国56 个民族的不同风俗和文化是中国的宝贵财富,使世界的宝贵财富,是中国最重


The different customs and cultures of China’s 56 ethnic groups, both a national and world treasure, make up one of China’s most important tourist resources.


These new programs, added to all the traditional tours that preceded them, may provide those participating visitors with a fairly complete and thorough idea of what China is all about.


In the past, many overseas tourists complained about poor service they received when visiting this country. CNTA has accordingly set up a series of new provisional regulations which aim at upgrading the service level of travel agencies, reducing accidents and ensuring to visitors to China safety and comfort.

11.去年我国旅游业的外汇收入达到了80 亿美元。估计本世纪末,我国外汇年收入可以达到120 亿美元。

Last year China’s tourist industry earned US$8 billion in foreign currency, and the figure is expected to reach US$12 billion by the end of the century.


This will place China among those countries in the world benefiting from a well- developed tourist industry.

13.中国很可能在即将来临的21 世纪成为世界上少数几个最吸引游客的国家之一。China may have a very good chance of becoming one of the few most attractive global travel destinations in the coming century.




1.I’d like to make some special remarks on our tour programs:


2.First of all, the quotation for each tour includes all expenses in the destination country.


3.This includes the cost of accommodation, meals, transportation, sightseeing, guides, airport departure tax, and international airfare.


4.The quotation is calculated on a per-person basis for a group of 10 or more adults.

这个报价是根据由10 名成年游客,获10 名成年游客以上组成的团体,按个人计价。5.The quotation for smaller groups will have to be determined by this travel agency.

本旅行社对于人数少于10 人的小团体保留成心报价的权利。

6.Next, each person taking our tour has to pay for his or her personal expenses which may involve, for example, laundry, drinks, mini-bars in their hotel rooms, long-distance phone calls.


7.And finally, it is our principle to carry out a tour strictly according to the set itinerary, but we reserve the right to make any changes due to some unforeseen circumstances.


8.We will give you notice of these changes as they occur, together with reasons.





Mountain Tai, a perfect combination of culture and natural landscape, is the best known among the four renowned great mountains in China.

2.泰山地处山东省的中部,其巅峰位于泰安市北面,海拔1545 米。

The mountain is located in the central of Shandong province. North of the city of Tai’an is Mount Tai’s highest peak, Y uhuangding, which literally means “the Peak of Jade Emperor”, rising to 1,545 meters above sea level.


Y uhuangding stands over deep valleys and above other perilous peaks. A staircase leads to the Heavenly Southern Gate.


Looking around in the distance, you will enjoy with involuntary admiration the overpowering views of mountains beyond mountains and scenery beyond scenery.


The tourist will be marveled at the numerous grotesque rock formations, clear waterfalls, ancient pine trees, temples, pavilions, bridges, towers and pagodas, and halls,as well as ancient inscriptions cared in stones by well-known writers and calligraphers of various dynasties.


Each season here has its own beauty: bright flowers in full bloom covering the green slopes in spring; spectacular summer thunderstorms which are rarely seen elsewhere; blue rivers running across the mountains overlaid with red maple leaves in autumn; snow-capped mountains and frosted pine trees in winter that stage a quiet grandeur spectacle of particular interest.


On a clear day one can see the peaks rising one after another.


When the sky is overcast, the horizon disappears into a sea of clouds.


The mountain is most famous for its spectacular sunrise and sunset.


Its landscape and numerous historical sites have inspired many great works of ancient writers and calligraphers.


Mout tai has long been the preferred gathering place of artists and poets.

12.早在殷商时期(公元前1766 年-公元前1122 年),华夏祖先便已确立了东、南、西、北、中五个方位。

Dating back to the Y in and Shang periods (1766-1122BC), Chinese forefathers established five directions (north, south, east, west and center).


The east, where the sun rises, represents life’s fertility with the end of winter and coming of spring.


Mount Tai located in a coastal province in eastern China, has been regarded as a propitious place. 15.古代帝王择泰山,奉以贡品,祭祀天地,为国家的繁荣与祥和而祈祷。

Th e ancient emperors prayed for the country’s prosperity and peace by offering sacrifices to Heaven and Earth on Mount Tai.

16.据历史记载,西周(公元前1122 年-公元前771 年)前已有72 位君主登临泰山祭祀。

According to historical records, prior to the Western Zhou Dynasty (1122BC- 771AD) , 72 monarchs climbed the mountain to perform sacrifices.


They were then followed by Qinshihuang, the China’s first emperor, and the emperors of Han, Tang, Song and Qing Dynasty.


The modern world has also recognized the cultural and tourist values with Mount Tai.

19.联合国教科文组织已于1985 年将泰山列为联合国世界文化遗产和自然遗产。

In 1985, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural Organization placed Mount Tai on the UN list of World Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites.


Mount Tai warmly welcomes visitors from all over the world. PASSAGE THREE


1.来北京的观光客自然都会游览故宫和长城,这是因为故宫和长城是举世闻名的旅游景点。While the Palace Museum and the Great Wall, the two world famous scenic spots, are known to all a must tourist destination for people visiting Beijing.


Today, I would like to introduced to you the Beijing World Park, the third major tourist site in Beijing.

3.北京世界公园于90 年代初在北京兴建,是北京的最新旅游景点。在这里游客那种“一日游尽天下景”的梦想便可成真。

Completed in the early 90’s, the Beijing World Park boasts the newest scenic spot in Beijing, and here the visitors may realize their dream of “touring around world in a day”.

4.北京世界公园的规模雄踞亚洲同类公园之冠,所收微塑复制品的数量也堪称亚洲之最。Beijing World Park is the largest park of its kind, with mini replicas on the largest scale in Asia. 5.世界七大奇观以及50 个国家的约100 处历史名胜和自然景观均以微塑膜型展出。The seven wonders of the world and some 100 famous historical and natural sights from 50 countries are on display in miniature.

6.占地面积46.7 公顷的世界公园分为17 处风景区,收集了亚洲、非洲、欧洲、南北美


The 46.7-hectare World Park features 17 scenic areas staging all the major tourist sites of Asia, Africa, Europe, Americas and Oceania.


Here tourists can appreciate replicas of the Arc of Triumph, the Eiffel Tower, the wooden Trojan horse, London’s Tower Bridge, the Taj Mahal of India, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Grand Canyon, Sydney Opera House, the US Statue of Liberty, the Great Wall, etc


The exquisitely constructed scenic spots offer fine examples of excellent workmanship. Most of them feature the exact replicas of the original, with white jade, marble, top-grade granite and other superior quality stone.

9.例如,莫斯科的红场是以500 万块比麻将牌还小的红砖铺就而成的。

For example, Moscow’s Red Square was constructed with five million red bricks smaller than China’s mahjong pieces.

10.而埃及的金字塔则以20 万块大理石砌成。

The Egyptian Pyramid was built with 200,000 pieces of marble.

11.美国的科罗拉多河和大峡谷的微塑高达32 米,一条“巨型瀑布”从16 米的高出飞流直冲谷底。

The replica of the Colorado River and Grand Canyon in the United states stands 32 meters high, with a 16-meter-high “giant waterfall” plunging to the bottom.

12.公园的东北角有一条300 米长的国际街,这条具有欧美建筑风格的国际街集餐饮、购物和娱乐于一体。

Located in the northeastern corner lies the 300-meter-long International Street with its European and American architectural encompassing services of catering, shopping and amusement.

13.游客可以在这里领略异国情调、品尝他乡风味、购买纪念品、参加各种娱乐活动。Tourists can experience the obvious exotic atmosphere, taste the inviting foreign food, purchase attractive souvenirs and enjoy a wide variety of recreational activities.


Since its opening to visitors, the Beijing World Park has attracted many tourist from home and broad with its splendid sight.

15.如果您在北京逗留的时间仅够您游览 3 个景点的话,那么您一定得把故宫、长城和世界公园作为您的最佳选择。

If you had time for only three places of tourist attraction in Beijing, your best choices would certainly be the Palace Museum, the Great Wall and then the Beijing World Park.



1.Welcome to V ancouver.


2.As Canada’s third-largest metropolitan city after Toronto and Montreal, V ancouver is an

important industrial, financial and business center.


3.Sometimes called Canada’s gateway to the Pacific, V ancouver is linked by shipping services with Pacific ports of the United States, China, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.


4.Through the Panama Canal it is linked with Atlantic ports of Americas and Europe.


5.Products of Western Canada’s farms, ranches, forests, coal mines, and industries are sent by rail to V ancouver and then by water to the ports of the world.


6.One of the world’s largest natural, ice-free harbors, it is where the manufactured goods from Asia arrive throughout the year.


7.The majority of V ancouver’s historic buildings are in the Gastown and Chinatown areas.

温哥华主要的历史建筑都在Gastown 和Chinatown 地区。

8.Older sections of the city have undergone considerable change since 1960, when downtown high-rise office buildings and hotels were built.

自从1960 年,那时城市的摩天大楼和酒店建造起来,以后城市的旧城区经受了彻底的改变。

9.False Creek-a decaying industrial area with sawmills, rail yards, and small shops-was transformed into a residential development project.

False Creek,拥有锯木厂、铁路和小型商店的废工业区,转入了住宅发展项目。10.Gastown, the original heart of the city, was restored in the 1880’s style with antique stores and boutiques.

Gastown,这个原本是城市心脏的地方被重新修建成为拥有19 世纪80 年代古董店和商品店的风格。

11.V ancouver is largely British in character with some Chinese influence.


12.Almost three fourths of the population are of British ancestry.

几乎3/4 的人口是英国的后裔。

13.The Chinese, French, Japanese, and East Indians are the largest among other ethnic groups. 中国、法国、日本和东印度在其他少数民族中占多数。

14.Its Chinatown is the second largest Chinese Community in North America, second only to San Francisco of the Unite States.


15.The city has long been noted for its cultural activities.


16.Major institutions are the Macmillan Planetarium, Centennial and Maritime museums, Opera House, Queen Elizabeth Theatre, V ancouver Art Gallery, and V ancouver Aquarium.


17.Robson Square has provincial government offices, a skating rink, multilevel shopping and food facilities, and a sports stadium with a seating capacity of 60,000.

罗宾逊广场是地方政府办事机构所在地、广场内有溜冰场、多层次购物和餐饮设施和拥有 6 万人体育馆。

18.The Robson Square Conference Center and the Provincial Court House building are noted for their modern architectural style.


19.At this time of the autumn season, V ancouver, like many other places of Canada, is extremely beautiful.


20.Backgrounded by the bright blue sky, the leaves on maple trees, with brilliant hues of red, give a flaming tribute to the city.


21.Maple tree produce a peculiar sap each spring, which in turn produces a sweet and delic ious syrup.


22.We Canadians are very grateful to these magic trees, because they color the Canadian landscape in the autumn and sweeten the Canadian palate in the spring.


23.In particular, the maple tree leaf is Canada’s national symbol, and our national flag flies with it.

更有特别意义的是,枫叶是加拿大的象征,高高飘扬的国旗上也有一片枫叶。24.Wherever we go, the maple tree leaf reminds us of our great country and of our beautiful hometown V ancouver.

无论我们走到哪里,枫叶是我们想起我们伟大的祖国和我们美丽的故乡温哥华。PASSAGE TWO



Distinguished guests:


Welcome to Shanghai Foreign Language School.


Before you start to look around, I would like to give you a brief account of our school.

4.我校创办于1963 年,隶属上海外国语大学,是全国最早创建的几所外国语学校之一。Founded in 1963 as one of China’s earliest foreign language schools of its kind, the Shanghai Foreign Langrage School is a full-time boarding school affiliated to Shanghai International Studies University.


As a key middle school supervised jointly by administrations of the State Education Commission and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, our school features strong foreign language programs, in addition to a complete syllabus with normal academic subjects which are required of all regular middle schools.

6.学校有一支优秀的教师队伍,现有35 个班级,1300 多名在校生。

Staffed with an excellent faculty, this school has a current enrollment of over 1,300 students, studying in 35 classed at different grades.


Since its establishment, the school has always geared itself toward the objective of bringing up students with excellence in foreign language proficiency as well as in other academic subject. Over years, this school has persistently adhere to the school’s educational policy of “strengthening studen ts’ academic foundation, cultivating students’ intellectual aptitude and developing students’ potential talent.” Its long-established practice of “ensuring special accomplishments in school administration, teaching methodology and student learning” is favo rably recognized by the State Education Commission and education specialists. And consequently, our school enjoys a good reputation both at home and abroad.

8.学校开设英、德、法、日、俄等 5 个语种,各语种都聘有外籍专家任教。

We offer five foreign language programs of English, German, French, Japanese and Russian. The faculty of each foreign language program is joined by native speakers with teaching qualifications. 9.学校多方面为学生学好外语创造良好的条件。

The school goes all out to provide its students with an environment effective for foreign language learning.


On top of the regular, required subjects, we also offer a number of elective courses. In addition, students may, as they wish, choose to learn a second foreign language. These syllab i help to extend student’s scope of knowledge of the world, develop their personality and special skills and talents, and foster their healthy values, so as to ensure that our students graduate with an overall development in their moral integrity, intelligence and academic excellence, physical fitness, aesthetic values and fitness in physical labor.


We greatly value our exchange relations with overseas institutions. Our exchange programs involve institutions in Germany, the United States, France, Japan and South Korea.


These annual exchanges of visits have provided several dozens of our faculty members and students with opportunities to study or give lectures in these countries.

13.30 多年来,我校为国家培养了近4,000 名毕业生。

For over thirty years since its establishment, this school has graduated close to 4,000 students for the country.


Active in professions of all walks of life, SFLS graduates are contributing their expertise to China’s national drive of socialist modernization.


Currently, our faculty and students are working hard in full cooperation to upgrade this school in

the direction of a first-rate foreign language institution with established fame both at home and abroad, a world-oriented institution with multiple programs and prevailing academic excellence.






China’s long history, v ast territory and extensive contact with other nations and cultures have given birth to the distinctive Chinese culinary art.


Indisputably it is one of the world’s finest culinary traditions.


The nearly endless variety of natural ingredients and methods of preparation employed in Chinese cuisine stand out unequaled in the world, which may very well account for the universal popularity of Chinese restaurants and Chinese cooking oversea.


The three essential factors, or key elements, by which Chinese cooking is judged are known as “color, aroma and taste”.


The “color” of Chinese food, the first of these elements which is so evident in a Chinese banquet, includes the layout and design of dishes, best exemplified in particular by the large elaborately-prepared cold dish served at the beginning of the dinner.


“Aroma”implies more than what one’s nose can detect directly; it also includes the freshness of

the raw materials used and the blending of seasonings.

7.“味”则体现了恰到好处的调味艺术,当然它也包括实物的质地,以及切菜的刀工。“Taste”is the art of proper seasoning, though it also involves the texture of food and fine slicing techniques.


These three essential elements, “color”, “aroma”, “taste”, are achieved by the careful coordination of a series of delicate activities: selecting ingredients, mixing flavor, timing the cooking, controlling the heat and finally, laying out the food on the plate for the table.

9.10 人一桌的标准晚餐含四道冷盘、四道热炒,外加汤和米饭。外国宾客见之,常常惊叹不已,将其视为一次丰盛的晚宴。

Visitors to China are often surprised when a typical dinner for a table of ten people consists of four

courses of cold dishes, four courses of hot dishes, coupled with soup and steamed rice; they consider this a lavish spread.


But in Chinese mind, a dinner prepared as above for guests is the minimum requirement.

12.准备10 道份量适中的菜肴并不为过,即使献上16 道菜,亦不足为奇。

Ten courses of dishes, not necessarily prepared in huge quantities, would not be considered excessive, and few people would blink at sixteen.


In china, a standard banquet will consist of four to eight prepared cold dishes, eight hot dishes served one at a time, two to four whole-size showpiece dishes (such as a whole fish, a whole suckling pig or a whole chicken), in addition to soups, steamed rice and pastries.


Overseas visitors should remember that it is often unnecessary to eat more than a single mouthful of a dish at a Chinese banquet.


In this way, a Chinese banquet takes on the character of a buffet reception in the West.


Often beer, yellow rice wine and strong white liquor are served at a Chinese banquet.


People a t a stable will usually “Gan Bei” when toasting each other.


“Gan Bei” means to raise up one’s wine glass or liquor cup and drink it all the way down so that the glass or cup is “dried up to the last drop”.


People dry up their glasses to communicate the message to others that they are sincere and joyful. 20.当然,外国宾客与中国东道主敬酒时,小啜一口也未尝不可。

It is quite acceptable for a foreign guest to take a sip instead of emptying the glass when toasting with his or her Chinese host.


However, an average Chinese meal at home is quite different in composition from a Chinese banquet.


At an everyday home meal, an adult may consume two small bowls of steamed rice, or a large bowel of noodles, or several pieces of steamed bread, accompanied

by several meat or vegetable dishes, but not the other way round.


For most Chinese, about 75 percent of an average meal’s calories com es from grain sources instead of meat or vegetable dishes.


Traditionally, everyone at the Chinese dining table has his or her own bowl of staple food, that is,

steamed rice, noodles or steamed bread, while the dishes are placed in the middle of the dinner table to be shared by all.


This age-old custom is one manifestation of the importance of food in Chinese civilization: It is the cooked dishes, rather than flowers, that serve as centerpieces

on a Chinese table; food is frequently the main topic of dinner-time conversation.


V ariety in the color and texture of the dishes serves aesthetic ends, while the ritual of sharing the food from the same dish plates is conducive to family togetherness and friendship.


In more health conscious environments, however, only “public” chopsticks and spoons are used to remove food from the plates in the middle of the dining-table, so as to prevent any possible spread of diseases.


While none of the above observations should not strike a foreign visitor as particularly strange or exotic, they demonstrate that the Chinese approach some aspects of catering service with a set of values very different from those in the West.


There is one key concept, however, which the Chinese share with the rest of the world. That is, fine food and drink, taken in the company of good friends, is one of life’s supreme pleasures.



1.Many changes are taking place in Americans’food styles.


2.The United States is traditionally famous for its very sold and unchanging diet of meat and potatoes.

美国多年来的那种丰盛的、一成不变的肉制品家土豆的传统餐,早已为世人所知。3.Now we have many different alternatives to choose from: various ethnic foods, nutrition-balanced health food, and convenient and delicious fast food, in addition to the traditional home-cooked meal.


4.Ethnic restaurants are commonplace in the United States.


5.Because the United States is a country of immigrants, there is an immense variety in its catering cultures.


6.Any large American city is filled with restaurants serving international cooking.


7.Many cities even have ethic sections: Chinatown, Little Italy, or Germantown.

许多城市甚至拥有少数民族聚集区,如中国城(即唐人街)、小意大利城、德国城等。8.With this vast ethnic choice, we can enjoy food from all over the world.


9.This is a pleasant thought for those who come here to travel or to work; they can usually find their native specialties.


10.Besides sections of the cities, there are regions which are well known for certain food because of the people who settle there.


11.For example, southern California has many Mexican restaurants, and Louisiana has a strong Creole accent to its food.

比如,南部加利福尼亚拥有墨西哥餐馆,而路易斯安娜的食物具有强烈的克利尔风味。13.Creole is mixture of French, African, and Caribbean Island food.


14.Health food gained popularity when people began to think more seriously about their physical well-being.


15.The very term “health food”is ironic because it implies that there is also “unhealthy”food. “保健餐”这种说法本身就是具有一种讽刺意味,因为其言下之意还有一种“非健康餐”。16.Health food includes natural food with minimal processing, i.e., there are no preservatives to help it last longer or other chemicals to make it taste or look better.


17.Most health food enthusiasts are vegetarians: They eat no meat; they prefer to get their essential proteins from other sources, such as beams, cheese, and eggs.


18.Fast-food restaurants can be seen all over the country.


19.Speed is a very important factor in the life of an American.


20.People usually have a short lunch break or they just do not want to waste their time eating.

通常人们的午餐休息时间很短,即使午餐时间充裕,美国人也不愿在用餐上花费过多的时间。21.Because fast-food restaurants are places which take care of hundreds of people in a short time, there is usually very little waiting.

由于快餐饮食店可以在很短时间里向数以百计的客人共餐,所以人们通常无需排队。22.And the food is always cheap.


23.Some examples are burger, pizza and fried chicken places.


24.Americans’attitude toward food is changing, too.


25.The traditional big breakfast is losing popularity.


26.People are rediscovering the social importance of food.


27.Dinner with family or friends is again becoming a very special way of enjoying and sharing. 与家人或朋友共同进餐又成了即可享受人生乐趣,又可互相交流信息的一种非常特殊的方式。

28.Like so many people in other cultures, many Americans are taking time to relax and enjoy the finer tastes at dinner, even if they still rush through lunch at a hamburger stand.






If you hear someone say “I like Chinese food”, he is taking too much for granted.


As a matter of fact, there is no such simple thing as the so-called “Chinese food”.


A more accurate statement in this instance sh ould be such that expresses one’s preference for a particular Chinese cuisine or a particular regional way of cooking.


With a territory as large and a history as long and complex as China’s, it is inevi table that distinct regional differences in cuisine have evolved over the course of centuries.


Numerous factors are involved in this inevitable distinction: geography, climate, transportation, migration, influence from overseas cultures, etc.

6.虽然中国究竟有多少种地方菜系并无定论,但是有关人士认为,中国有山东菜、四川菜、粤(广东)菜和扬州菜等四大地方菜系。福建-台湾菜通常被列为第五种地方菜系。Although there is no agreement on the precise number of Chinese regional cuisine, those concerned with such matters agree that the four principal culinary regions are Shandong, Sichuan, Canton(Guangdong) and Y angzhou, with Fujian-Taiwan most commonly listed as a fifth.


It should be pointed out that these designations are not hard and fast geographical boundaries. 8.北京菜虽属山东菜系,却也融入了一些四川菜的特色,并受到蒙古菜的影响。

Beijing food, for instance, falls within the realm of Shandong cooking, but includes some Sichuan dishes and Mongolian-influenced specialties.


while the cuisine of the entire densely populated Y angtze River delta area, including Wuxi, Suzhou, Shanghai and Hangzhou dishes, falls under the category of Y angzhou cuisine.


The frequent overlapping and borrowing that take place among the regional cuisine leads one to the conclusion that they are most conveniently distinguished by their famous dishes, rather than by any prevailing style or taste.


The four major cuisine traditions in China can be roughly distinguished by these generalities: 12.山东菜系通常较咸,汁色普遍较浅。

Shandong cuisine is generally salty, with the prevalence of light-colored sauces.


With a rich variety of strong flavors, Sichuan cuisine is best known for being spicy-hot.


Canton cuisine, the hardest to categorize, emphasizes light cooking and seemingly limitless range of ingredients.


While emphasizing the original flavors of carefully selected ingredients, Y angzhou cuisine is essentially a combination of the best elements of northern and southern cooking.

16.也有人以八个字来归纳四大菜系的口味特点,即“南淡北咸,东甜西辣”。According to some others, the characteristic flavors of China’s four major cuisines can be summed up in the follo wing expression:” The light southern (Canton) cuisine, and the salty northern (Shandong) cuisine; the sweet eastern (Y angzhou) cuisine, and the spicy western (Sichuan) cuisine.”



1.Y ou will find restaurants for every situation in the U.S..


2.If you’re in a hurry, you may just want to grab some “junk food”at a grocery store, or you can get a bite to eat at one of the many fast food chains, like McDonald’s, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, or Taco Bell.

你若来去匆匆,可以去食品店随手买些“方便食品”,也可以从麦当劳、汉堡王、肯德基炸鸡店、“必胜客”比萨馅饼屋,或玉米卷钟这些快餐连锁店中跳上一家,买些食物权宜充饥。3.Or you can get a hero or submarine sandwich “to stay”or “to go”from a sandwich shop or deli.


4.Some of these places have tables, but many don’t.


5.People eat in their cars or take their food home, to their offices or to parks.


6.If you prefer sitting down but still don’t want to spend much, you can try a cafeteria.


7.At all of these places, you pick and choose your own food and then pay at a cash register.


8.But you usually have to clear the table when you finish!


9.Coffee shops are usually less expensive and less dressy than fine restaurants.


10.So are pizza places, pancake house, sandwich shops and family restaurants.


11.But the name of a restaurant won’t necessarily tell you much about the kind of place it is or the food it serves.

当然一家餐馆的名称不一定能告诉你这家餐馆的情况,也说明不了那里食物的品质。12.Like most fast food restaurants and cafeterias, many restaurants don’t serve alcoholic beverages.


13.This is often because they want people to feel comfortable bringing their children.


14.Minors can eat at restaurants that serve beer and wine, but they are not allowed to enter pubs, taverns, cocktail lounges or bars.



Y ou may be asked to show some ID that proves your age before you go into a bar.

16.在美国,法律规定21 岁以下者不得饮酒。

In the United States, the law forbids people under the age of 21 from drinking alcoholic beverages.


旅游英语的正确翻译-旅游管理 旅游英语的正确翻译 孙阳王永 随着全球化速度加快,人类的经济文化交流日益热络,国际旅游业呈现了蓬勃发展的态势。英语作为国际化语言成为交际成败的重要因素。如何正确的翻译旅游英语已成为翻译界面对的一大课题,笔者首先分析旅游英语的语言特点和文化背景,继而提出正确翻译英语的技巧和策略。以期为正确翻译旅游英语和提升跨文化交际水平提供可行性建议,以促进旅游业的繁荣发展。 一、引言 国际旅游业的繁荣与否,很大程度上取决于语言交际的成败。当前,国内从业者的英语表达和跨文化交际水平较低,成为制约国际旅游业进一步发展的瓶颈。加之旅游英语的特殊性、中西方文化差异(潘洞庭2007)导致英汉两种语言表达上的不同加剧了旅游英语翻译的困难。笔者以翻译的视角通过分析作为旅游英语的特点,深入探讨语言背后的文化差异,分析出其中的原因;继而总结出有利于旅游英语翻译的方法和策略,为从业者英语水平提高和规范表达提供参考。 二、旅游英语的特点 旅游英语在礼仪、用词、风格和文化上均有较大的特点。我们必须意识到这一点,笔者从以下几方面进行分析: (一)在礼节上多用敬辞和情态动词以使语境氛围热情大方,如“please”、“dear”“May I help you ?”等口语中就是最常见的表达。 (二)行业俗语大量出现,这些俗语和习惯用语的出现构成旅游英语翻译的最大特色。如,“a brochure of scenic spot”“景区观光手册”。

(三)旅游英语具备清析易懂,亲切自然的风格。由于游客面对的是陌生的环境,情感交流成为融入当地文化必要途径,因此从业者语言成为感情交流的载体,力求避免出现僵硬的文学教条表达,使语言亲切、自然、大方。如,“您不到长城就是没到北京。” 译:“The Great Wall is a must for you to BeiJing.”貌似简单的交流,但其中热情好客的感情自然流露。 三、旅游英语的中的文化差异 由于英汉两种语言的背后反映了思维方式的差异;加之,我国丰富的文化资源具有深厚的历史,加剧了中西文化思维的差异。 (一)语句结构和表达习惯上的差异;汉语往往为了突显旅游资源的优美,大量使用华丽优雅的词句,而英语恰恰注重平实性。 (二)中外习俗上的差异,导致语言认知上的差异。比如,玉林狗肉节,就导致旅游英语在进行翻译与狗相关的文化时困难较多。 (三)文化上的差异,导致理解上的障碍。(屠玉荣2014)例如,苏州的寒山寺,英译“Cold Mountain Temple”,寒山寺的“文气”尽失,就会缺乏文化底蕴。 四、旅游英语翻译的方法和策略 旅游作为一种跨文化交流行为, 蕴涵着丰富的文化因子(王君2008)。因此,我们要想正确地翻译旅游英语就必须将旅游英语的特点和语言文化、行业特点相结合。 (一)我们应该尊重双方文化的差异,中英文化存在多样性、具有各自的文化理解、行为方式和价值认同,因此我们在翻译时不能强求根据历史的认知去翻译和理解,而应尊重文化的差异,以跨文化的视角在尊重文化本质的基础上寻求


Passage 1 女士们、先生们:很高兴能有机会参加这次“中国日”年会。亚洲是世界上最大的洲,拥有世界60%的人口。它资源丰富,历史悠久。中国式亚洲的一员,同所有亚洲人民一样,中国人民勤劳智慧。中国人民愿与所有亚洲人民一起,共创亚洲的美好明天。 Passage 2 我们非常高兴能和你们在英格兰度过这样一段愉快的时光。在告别英格兰的时候,我觉得自己对它和它的历史有了更多的了解。我们希望在不久的将来能在中国接待诸位,请诸位看看中国的变化。现在,我提议为东道主的健康干杯!希望在不久能看见你们。 Passage 3我非常感谢您热情友好的欢迎辞。印度是最古老的文明摇篮之一,访问印度是我的强烈愿望。我为能成为贵公司的客人而深感荣幸。这次访问给予我一次很好的机会结交新朋友。我公司同印度有着有好的合作关系。我们在许多领域里的合作都取得了重大进展。我们的合作是富有成效的。我们将继续成为和睦共助的伙伴关系。 Passage 4今晚,我们很高兴在北京大学接待格林博士和夫人。我代表学校的全体师生员工向格林博士和夫人及其他新西兰贵宾表示热烈的欢迎。中新两国教育界人士的互访,增进了相互间的了解和学术交流。我相信格林博士这次对对我校的访问必将为进一步加强两校的友好合作关系做出重要贡献。明天,贵宾们将要赴南京和上海访问,我预祝大家一路旅途愉快。 Passage 5今天各位能出席这个招待会,我们深感荣幸。欢迎到中国来。在发展对外贸易中,我们坚持“互相尊重、平等互利”的原则,这一原则有助于发展我们各国独立的民族经济。我愿借此机会对各位朋友给予我们的合作和支持表示感谢。 Passage 6 在这个满天星斗、举国同庆的夜晚,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾从百忙之中拔冗光临我们的春节联欢晚会。春节是我国一年中的良辰佳时,我希望各位中外同事共度一个轻松、欢快的夜晚。我愿外国来宾能尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴和美酒。我希望这次晚会能使我们彼此有机会沟通、增进友谊。最后我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年健康、事业有成。 Passage 7近年来,中国在交通方面的资金投入每年都有所增加,公路建设因此有了很大发展。到去年末,这方面的投资超过了人民币3,200亿元。自从我国实行西部大开发策略后,西部的公路建设也得到了迅速发展。在今后的几年里,西部地区将继续成为公路建设的重点地区。 Passage 8中国加快发展,将给中美关系发展提供新的机遇与动力。例如,中国的旅游业带动航空业的发展,已经给美国企业带来了可观的实惠。中国从美国进口大量的大豆、小麦等农产品,为美国农业提供了广阔的市场。我相信,中国完全有可能在未来的20年乃至更长的时间里,继续保持稳定快速的经济增长。 Passage 9中国是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,农村地区经济不发达。穷


Unit six Lesson one 1.Over the next day and a half we will have the opportunity to get to know one another and discuss relevant issues affecting the diamond industry. 在随后的一天半的时间里,我们将有机会互相了解,并就影响钻石业的相关问题进行讨论。 2.We will also present updated research results on the world DJ (diamond and jewelry) market and more importantly just recently released research findings on the state of the Chinese DJ industry. 我们还将向你们介绍有关世界钻石珠宝市场的最新调查结果。更为重要的是介绍最近发布的有关中国钻石珠宝业状况的最新调查结果。 3.The impressive economic growth and sound management of the economy in the past few years are very encouraging. 在过去几年,中国的形势令人鼓舞,经济发展显著,管理良好。 Lesson two https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb16452279.html,merce between our two countries is growing rapidly, although it is unbalanced. 两国间的商务虽然发展还不大平衡,但增长迅速。 Lesson four 1.当然,我们还不应当忘记为会议提供了各方面周到服务的各界朋友,他们的辛勤工作确保 了会议的顺利进行。 Of course, we should not forget our friends from all walks of life who have provided the smooth running of the conference. 2.我衷心祝愿我们的事业蒸蒸日上,我们的友谊地久天长。我们热切期待着当新的千年到来 的时候,我们在墨尔本港再次相聚。 I sincerely wish our career would bloom and our friendship would last forever. We’re eagerly waiting to see each other in Melbourne when the new millennium comes. Unit seven Lesson one 1.This city and his country embody the forward-looking spirit, the commitment and the energy that are required to meet the challenges facing our rapidly changing and urbanizing world. 这个城市和这个国家体现的进取精神,奉献精神和一种活力,来应对不断变化,不断城市化的世界所面临的挑战。 2.This Urban Revolution promises to be one of the greatest opportunities of our time. 这次城市革命注定为我们这个时代提供了最大的机遇。 3.The urban poor are the end result of a process of economic exclusion. 城市的贫穷是经济隔离过程的最终结果。 Lesson 4 1.请允许我代表大连市人民政府对各位朋友的到来表示最热烈的欢迎。 Please allow me, on behalf of the People’s Government of Dalian, to extend our warmest


Part II 实践与实战 11.1.中医的魅力口译基础P198 音频位置:实践与实战11.1 如今,隔三差五坐飞机来北京看中医的外国人屡见不鲜。日前,一位患病的美国医生给北京中医医院打来越洋长途,跟内科专家张志真预约下次看病的时间。不愿接受激素治疗的他,每三个月坐着飞机到中国来看一次中医,因为确实见效,已坚持了一年多。像这样的外国人还有很多,他们中有带着病寻访名医的;有旅游累了让中医给放松放松的;也有“小病大养”,要求在这里住院,顺便享受一下药膳和药浴的;还有什么病都没有,就为专程来瞧瞧中医是怎么看病的。在他们眼里,中医的针灸推拿是那么神秘和优雅。 不远万里看中医,外籍患者的病可谓五花八门。大到肿瘤,心脏病,小到失眠,肥胖。各国对中医中药的了解也不尽相同,日本人特别信按摩推拿,欧洲人对针灸情有独钟,美国人爱拔火罐。时间一长,大夫们总结出外国人看中医的一些规律:圣诞节前后是他们就诊的高峰期,好多人都是利用长假来中国旅游加看病。 外国人对中医中药表现出的虔诚出乎中医大夫们的意料。一位喀麦隆患者吃过中药后,称中药为“苦咖啡”,并告诉同伴喝“苦咖啡”是一种享受。皮肤科医生告诉一位法国牛皮癣患者应该注意饮食,病人立刻掏出小本,将什么能吃,什么不能吃一字不落地开出单子。看来,中医的魅力还真的不小。 11.1.中医的魅力译文 Many foreigners fly to Beijing for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment. The other day, an American patient made a long-distance phone call for a reservation with Doctor Zhang Zhizhen at Beijing Chinese Medical Hospital. Instead of using hormones, he has flown to China every three months for Chinese medical treatment. And it has worked. He kept seeing Chinese doctors for over a year. He is not alone. Some foreigners seek famous doctors for treatment, some just feel tired in their travel and want relaxation through TCM, some simply want to enjoy medical food and baths, and some come all the way here just to see how people are treated with TCM. In their eyes, TCM, like massage and cupping, are very mysterious and graceful. Their diseases are varied, like tumors, heart disease, insomnia and obesity. Their understanding of TCM also differs: Japanese believe in massage, Europeans favor acupuncture, Americans like cupping. Some experienced doctors find the time before and after Christmas is the peak season for treatment, because during the holiday the foreign patients can travel to China to see a doctor. The foreigners’ devotion is beyond TCM doctors’ expectation. A Cameroonian patient called TCM “bitter coffee”, and recommended it to his countrymen as a sort of enjoyment. A psoriasis patient from France, when being given by the doctor some tips on diet, carefully noted down every word of the instruction. These examples can show how much fascination TCM has.


P23页 1.我在上午说过,今天我们各国面临一个机会,可以分别和共同作出具体承诺和采取明确措施,确保核材料的安全,防止核材料落入那些无疑会利用它们的恐怖主义分子手中。 2.今晚,我可以这么说,我们成功地把握了这一机遇,作为具体的国家和国际社会,我们已经采取了措施,美国人民将因此更安全,世界将更稳定。 3.我谨在此感谢出席这一具有历史意义的峰会的全体代表,来自世界各地区的49位领导人。今天之所以能取得进展,是因为这些领导人不仅与会发言,而且采取行动;不是含糊地承诺在未来采取行动,而是承诺他们准备立即实施的有意义的步骤。 4.我还要感谢各位同仁在讨论中所表现的坦率与合作精神。今天并无冗长的讲话,亦无要求别国如何是从的训诫。我们互相倾听、互相尊重。我们认识到,虽然不同国家面临不同的挑战,但我们有着共同的利益,即确保这些危险核材料的安全。 P52页 1.在二十一世纪,你们必须承担不分国界的国际金融系统的重任。当香港和雅加达的股票市场下跌时,其影响再也不是局部性,而是全球性的。因此,贵国充满生机的经济成长同整个亚太地区恢复稳定和经济发展紧密相连。 2.在最近一次的金融危机中,中国坚定不移地承担了对本地区和全世界的责任,帮助避免了又一个危险的货币贬值周期。我们必须继续携手合作,对付全球金融系统面临的威胁以及对整个亚太地区本应有的发展和繁荣的威胁。 3.在我以上列举的每一个关键领域,显然,只要我们相互合作而不是互不往来,我们就能取得更大的成就。因此,我们应该努力,确保双方之间目前的建设性关系在下个世纪结出圆满的协作果实。 4.要做到这一点,我们就必须更好地相互了解,了解各自的共同利益、共有的期望和真诚的分歧。我相信这种公开直接的交流有助于澄清和缩小我们的分歧。更为重要的是,允许人们理解、辩论和探讨这些问题,能使他们对我们建设美好的未来更加充满信心。 P69页 1. Presenting gifts is one of the important contents of modern business activities, in order to establish friendly relations, progress friendship, and also can be applied to advertising and promoting. It’s important to select a gift, because it transmits the information of culture, economy, status, knowledge and other aspects. It’s probably both may improve the image of the company and may damage it. 2. Presenting gifts in business activities can generally divide into several conditions as following: (1) Presenting gifts for employees and rewarding their hard work. (2) Presenting gifts for enhancing the business connection with customers. (3) Presenting gifts for each other to build relationships with business counterparts. 3. Therefore, more and more companies realize that presenting gifts in business activities is not only advertising, but also a important tool


第八章 旅游文本中典故、诗词、俗语、楹联等的翻译 第一模块:热身练习 翻译下列文本,看旅游文本中一些文化现象在翻译中该如何处理: 1.whicheven part of Scotland takes you fancy,history is never far away.You feel it in the brooding presence of Glencoe,evocative of that treacherous night in 1692 when Campbell soldiers slaughtered MacDonads as they slept. You touch it when you hike tyrough the hills and stumble across the ruins of a deserted shieling. You see it in the weatherworm stones of turreted castales. You hear in in rousing Border ballads and haunting Hebridean melodies. 1.苏格兰令人心仪的地方都连着一段历史。置身格伦科山谷,会感到历史之森然。1692年那个背信弃义的冬夜,坎贝尔上尉率兵趁麦克唐纳族人熟睡时将他们杀害。穿越绵绵山丘,偶见荒屋废墟时,能触摸到历史的脉搏。在古堡塔楼那些风雨侵蚀的石块上,会看见历史的印记。在动人的边区歌谣和难忘的赫布里底音乐中,会听见历史的回音。 2.Englishman Lesline Stephen wass one of the true pioneers of mountaineering. In 1871, when tourism in Switzerland was still in its infancy,he publishesd a book on climbing in the Swiss Alps, aptly titled The Playground of


Unit 1 1.Working together, our people have done well. Our economy is breaking records, with more than 22 million new jobs, and the lowest unemployment in 30years齐心协力,我国人民取得了巨大成就,我国经济正在创新的记录,新增工作岗位2200万个,并且创下了30年来最低的失业率 2.Thanks to the continuing boom in technology shares on the stock market, this year the richest have added to 5 billion more to their wealth.由于在证券市场上技术股的不断上升,本年度富人的财产增值了50亿。 3.As for this type of camera, there may be cheaper ones on the market, But when you look at the quality and the design, You’ll agree our price is the most favorable. 就这类照相机(而言),市场上可能会有比它更便宜的,但如果你注意以下质量和设计,你会认可我们的价格是最优惠的。 4.In 1995,the market share of our product was quite small, only 5%, In 1999, it has increased to 20%, By the year 2005 we expect the figure to go over 50%.在1995年,我们的产品市场占有份额很小,只有5%,在1999年,增加到20%,到2005年,我们期望会超过50% 5.In the United States, most enterprises are multiproduct firms. For example, American automobile manufacturers are also responsible for such diverse products as diesel locomotives, buses, refrigerators, guided missiles, and air conditioners.在美国,大多数企业是多产品的公司,比如,美国的汽车制造商同时也负责各种其他人员柴油烟机,公共汽车,冰箱,制导导弹和空调机 6.Inflation can have a number of causes. It can be caused by rises in prices of raw materials: Factories have to pay more for their law material, and as a result they have to put up the prices of their products. 通货膨胀可以是由于几方面的原因引起的,可以是由于原材料价格的上升,工厂不得不为原材料支付更多的钱,结果他们不得不提高产品的价格。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb16452279.html,rge wages rises can lead to inflation, too: If workers are paid more, prices go up and the cost of living rises. Changes in the value of currency are another cause of inflation. If the pound goes down in value. Then it costs more to import goods from other countries. 大幅度工资增长也会导致通货膨胀:如果工人的报酬增加,物价就会上涨,生活费用也会上升。货币价值的变化是通货膨胀的另一个原因:假如英镑贬值,那么从其他国家进口货物时就要多花钱了。 1.将近三倍的油价暴涨导致了两位数的通货膨胀以及全球经济的衰退The near-tripling of oil price resulted in double-digit inflation and global economic decline. 2.中美联系现在十分广泛,涉及到我们人民生活的各个方面,包括商业,文化,教育以及我们的国家安 全政策。Sino-American ties have become very extensive, affecting all aspects of our people’s lives: commerce, culture, education and our national security policies. 3.人们往往希望雇主支付他们高于市场的工资,他们渴望灵活的工作日程,他们要求公司股票股买全, 还有学习的机会。People always want employers to pay them above the market rates, they seek flexible work schedules, they want stock options and a chance to learn. 4.对我来说,创业最大的障碍是搞清楚它是否切实可行,要做到这一点真的很难,因为我以前从未涉及 过这个行业。For me, the biggest hurdle to get the business running was working out whether it would be feasible at all. That’s really hard to do as I haven’t been involved in the industry before. 5.创业或难或易,但是守业绝对不是件容易的是。目前的统计数字表明,有三分之二的新企业在创办后 的头五年里倒闭。Starting a business may or may not be easy, but keeping it running is


视译材料中常用到的经济类话题举例 1 Fiat seems bent on world domination of the car industry. But these days that cannot be achieved without a production presence in China, which has suddenly found itself catapulted into the position of the world's largest vehicle market by the blood bath in the US car market. 菲亚特似乎有意主宰全球汽车工业.但如今, 如果在中国没有生产业务, 这一点也无法实现. 随着美国汽车市场哀鸿遍野,中国突然发现自己已晋升为全球最大的汽车市场. 2 So now comes news that the Italian car company is talking to one of Beijing's favourite Chinese carmakers, Guangzhou Automobile, about a production joint venture. This would get Fiat back into China, after the joint venture with Nanjing Auto fell apart in 2007. 所以,现在有新闻报道,这个意大利汽车公司正与北京最热门的国产汽车制造商之一---广汽,商谈组建合资生产企业.这将带领菲亚特重回中国市场. 此前,该公司与与南京汽车的合资企业于07年解体. 3 Fiat is not talking about its plans for China, the only current bright spot in the world car industry. But Guangzhou Auto yesterday confirmed to the Financial Times that it is talking to Fiat about technical co-operation that “would not exclude the possibility of forming a joint ve nture”. The outlines of a potential deal are there for all to see on the website of the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection, which posted a notice in March that Fiat and Guangzhou Auto are discussing a Rmb4.27bn ($626m) joint venture. The official Shanghai Securities News says the venture could be approved within weeks and would produce 140,000 vehicles and 220,000 engines annually from 2011. 菲亚特并没有谈及其在中国的计划. 中国是目前全球汽车工业唯一一个亮点.但昨天, 广汽已向<<金融时报>>证实,目前它正与菲商谈技术合作事宜. 该技术合作将不排除组建合资公司的可能性. 中国环保局网站里公布了一个潜在合作意向的大纲, 并于三月份发布了一份公告,称菲和广汽正讨论设立一家总投资为人民币42.7亿元人民币(合6.26亿美元)的合资企业。官方媒体上海证券新闻报称,该合资企业可能在数周内获批,并于2011年开始, 每年生产140000辆整车以及220000发动机.


P23页 1. I said this morning that today would be an opportunity for our nations, both individually and collectively, to make concrete commitments and take tangible steps to secure nuclear materials so they never fall into the hands of terrorists who would surely use them. 2. This evening, I can report that we have seized this opportunity, and because of the steps we’ve taken--as individual nations and as an international community--the American people will be safer and the world will be more secure. 3. I want to thank all who participated in this historic summit -- 49 leaders from every region of the world. Today’s progress was possible because these leaders came not simply to talk, but to take action; not simply to make vague pledges of future action, but to commit to meaningful steps that they are prepared to implement right now. 4. I also want to thank my colleagues for the candor and cooperative spirit that they brought to the discussions. This was not a day of long speeches or lectures on what other nations must do. We listened to each other, with mutual respect. We recognized that while different countries face different challenges, we have a mutual interest in securing these dangerous materials. P52页 1. In the 21st century your generation must also lead the challenge of an international financial system that has no respect for national borders. When stock markets fall in Hong Kong or Jakarta, the effects are no longer local; they are global. The vibrant growth of your own economy is tied closely, therefore, to the restoration of stability and growth in the Asia Pacific region. 2. China has steadfastly shouldered its responsibilities to the region and the world in this latest financial crisis -- helping to prevent another cycle of dangerous devaluations. We must continue to work together to counter this threat to the global financial system and to the growth and prosperity which should be embracing all of this region. 3. In each of these vital areas that I have mentioned, we can clearly accomplish so much more by walking together rather than standing apart. That is why we should work to see that the productive relationship we now enjoy blossoms into a fuller partnership in the new century. 4. If that is to happen, it is very important that we understand each other better, that we understand both our common interest and our shared aspirations and our honest differences. I believe the kind of open, direct exchange can both clarify and narrow our differences, and, more important, by allowing people to understand and debate and discuss these things can give a greater sense of confidence to our people that we can make a better future. P69页 1.赠送礼物是现代商务活动的重要内容之一,是为了建立友好关系、增进友谊,也能用于广告和促销。礼品的选择是非常重要,因为它传递着文化、经济、


各位大家好 我就是jacky,那个帖子《我如何用一年考上欧盟口译司》一文的作者。 我一直都想把这种系统的方法能够通过一个很好的方式传递给其他人,让更多的人找到梦想,发现真谛。 所以,我和朋友们一起集中智慧,起草了下面的这个操作的原则和程序,算作是一次大型的免费口译培训,希望你能够看懂,如果有什么问 题,可以回帖,如果没有,就可以直接开始了,一共六个月的进程,如果你能严格执行下来,考上二级口译应该没问题 1 分为6个不同的阶段,也就是6个月,到什么阶段,达到什么程度 2 在论坛上法帖,监督自己学习,也接受别人的监督, 3 完成了一个阶段,给负责人发邮件,才可以收到下一阶段的学习指示,所以大家必须要学习后在论坛上发帖,证明你每天都在学习,我们的 方法,只能提供给真正热爱的朋友。 4 办一个经验口译员解答专栏。稍候我们会开通这个服务 7 有关学习的具体进程: 第一个月: 模仿新闻1h + 新闻精听2h 基本上听新闻同类话题可以大致理解 第二个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力一次准确理解大约50-60%,语言能力得到增长,语音有所转变 第三个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力一次准确理解大约70-80%,基本上达到语言的运用有了一定积 累,新闻听力一次准确理解大约80-90%,语言运用比较正规,能够用新闻和标准的语言来表述一些复杂论点,开始笔记练习 第五个月: (该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力进入快速阶段,越来越好。语言能力继续提升,笔记基本上能够纪录短时间的文章 第六个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力达到接


上海中级口译考试怎样准备? 中口考试分为两阶段。第一阶段笔试,一般在每年3月和9月中旬周日下午,时间150分钟,总分250分。共分四部分: 第一部分听力90分,分为三部分,均为30分。Part A是复合式听写,20个空,跟四六级考试有点类似,但区别在于全文只能听一遍,每个空要填2-4个单词,语速大约130词/分。Part B是听力理解,包括单句理解,长对话和短文。单句理解就是从四个选项中找出和所听到的句子意思最接近的一个,长对话和短文与四六级差不多。Part C是听译,分为单句听译和篇章听译,都是英译汉,即听力放英语句子和文章,然后留出一段时间,考生写出汉语翻译。 第二部分阅读60分,六篇文章,每篇文章后5个选择题。 第三部分英译汉50分,第四部分汉译英50分,要求考生不借助任何词典、参考资料和其它媒介,将一篇长度为180个单词(汉字)左右的英(汉)语文章段落译成汉(英)语。译文需忠实原文的意思,且语言通顺,符合译语规范。 合格为150分。凡第一阶段合格的考生方可参加第二阶段口试。笔试成绩两年内有效,即笔试通过后可以参加四次口试,只要任何一次通过即可拿到口译证书。 第二阶段口试,每年5月和11月,共分两部分:口语与口译。口语部分要求考生就指定话题作三分钟左右的命题发言,话题后面有三个提示问题,但不要求一定要按照问题阐述观点。考生拿到口语试题后有五分钟的准备时间。口译分英译汉和汉译英两部分,每部分均要求口译主题各不相同的两个段落。各两段,每段四断,每断两或三句,每断单独评分。答对11句及以上可以通过。 考生只有在通过笔试和口试两个阶段以后才能获得《上海市英语中级口译岗位资格证书》。考试的指定培训教材:《中级听力教程》(周国强编著),《中级阅读教程》(陈汉生编著),《中级翻译教程》(孙万彪、冯慎宇编著),《中级口语教程》(严诚忠、朱妙南编著),《中级口译教程》(梅德明编著),均由上海外语教育出版社出版。听力和口译教程配有磁带,mp3网上可以下载到。 推荐参考书:《中级口译真题解析》,同济大学出版社,内有八套真题并配有详细解析,必买;新东方口试考试培训班指定辅导用书系列,汪海涛、邱政政主编,世界图书出版公司,一套四本,中口用到《词汇必备》,《口试备考精要》和《中口笔试备考精要》三本;《英语中级口译实用教程》,康志峰主编,华东理工大学出版社;《英语中高级口译笔试冲刺》和《口试导考》,都是谭宝泉编著,前者是上海译文出版社,后者是东华大学出版社;《实战口译》,(英)林超伦编著,外语教学与研究出版社,讲口译速记符号的。 考试准备 1.背单词 单词是肯定要背的。口译的准备一般从寒假开始,这时离你四六级考试或英语期末考试结束已经有一段时间了,背单词可以唤醒你丧失的英语记忆。而且上面也提到口译单词涉及到诸多方面,其中绝大部分都是具有中国特色、与我国现阶段国情紧密相关的,社会实用性很强,这些都是大学英语教学所欠缺的。有些单词你可能以前都没有接触过,通过背单词,可以初步了解口译考试的考点。 我用的是新东方的《中/高级口译考试词汇必备》,这也是迄今为止我所知道的最好的口译单词书。它打破了单词书按字母顺序编写的常规,将口译常用单词和词组分为若干类,既有英译中,也有中译英,充分考虑了口译的双向性。所选内容除了来自教程外,还参考了国内外多种资料和媒体,很多翻译(特别是对外口径)都是“权威”表达。 背单词点到为止,千万不要花太多时间,毕竟考试不是考默写单词。另外这本单词书有不少


旅游英语翻译范文 很多老外来中国旅游,除了惊叹于中国的经济发展速度,现代化的城市建筑和日益发达的交通之外,经常吐槽中国的一件事情就是大街上的英文翻译,因为中国各个地方的标语翻译都是千奇百怪,令人啼笑皆非,很多老外来中国都看不懂这些英语,闹出了不少笑话。 首先,提到中国大街上英文标语翻译上的错误,最基本的就是把英文单词拼错,比如说:把警察POLICE拼成PLOICE,听起来打击效率好像没有那么高 还有这个,新华书店把BOOK STORE写成BOOK STORY! 但是大家看看这张照片,我说哥们儿,你怎么连自己国家的名字都能拼错! 其实在公共场所还有一个标语,也是非常重要的,对,就是厕所!大家可能想说,厕所这么简单、这么常见的一个单词,出错的机率应该非常低吧!不过好像也不能这么说! 比如这个小便间的标示,把空间的“间”翻译成了BETWEEN,之间的间,当然在你和尿之间只有厕所啦!

另外提醒大家上厕所的时候,也要特别看清楚再进去,比如这个厕所把女厕写成了男厕! 或者拼成奇奇怪怪的单词! 不过我觉得最霸气的还是这个女厕的标示,WOMAN KINGDOM,女人王国! 不讲厕所了,其实不管是哪种语言,因为文化还有一些其它因素的关系,菜单的翻译经常也很容易闹笑话! 牛油多士翻译成牛油很多士兵,拿破仑炒意粉翻译成拿破仑炒点子面粉! 其实这些我都觉得还好,至少不至于影响食欲,但是有一些菜本来是很好吃的,但是如果先看英文菜名,老外们可能会立刻夺门而出,像是这个宫保鸡丁,被翻译成PUBLIC EXPLOSION CHICKEDN,公开爆炸的鸡,这可能需要叫一下PLOICE来看看了。 还有这个炒拔烂子,翻译成炒拔出来的烂掉的孩子,实在是太吓人了。
