











1. My mother bought a dictionary for me last year. ________ dictionary cost her

more than 100 Yuan.

A. the

B. a

C. an

Could you lend me a pen?

--- Of course. I have two and you can take ________of them. For me, one is enough.

A. both

B. all

C. either

3. ---When is Jay’s concert in our city?

--- It’s at three o’clock ________ the afternoon of July 18th.

A. in

B. on

C. at

What do you think of your school?

--- Oh, no other school is ________ in the city. It’s the best one, I think.

A. a better

B. better

C. the best

5. ---There is a new pencil case on my desk. Is it Tom’s?

--- It might belong to________. He bought one yesterday.

A. his

B. him

C. he’s

6. Please take the medicine three times a day, ________ you will feel worse.

A. and

B. but

C. or

you at home at 10 o’clock yesterday morning?

--- Yes. I ________ some clothes then.

A. washed

B. was washing

C. am washing

8. Look! ________ fine weather it is! Let’s go out to have a picnic.

A. How

B. What a

C. What

9. The kids are playing games in the house. Their grandma is looking at them _______.

A. happily

B. happier

C. happy

10. I don’t think ________ difficult to keep reading English every morning.

A. it

B. that

C. this

11. ---________ I hand in the composition today, sir?

---No, you needn’t. You may hand it in tomorrow morning.

A. Can

B. May

C. Must

12. ---_______ do you live from school?

--- About 20 minutes by bus.

A. How far

B. How soon

C. How long

13. --- When can I see the doctor, madam?

--- Let me see. Sorry, you ________ your turn, so you will have to wait again.

A. are missing

B. have missed

C. missed

14. --- What about Room 303?

--- I don’t think it is good. It is ________small ________hold so many people.

A. so, that

B. enough, to

C. too, to

15. --- Could you please tell me ________ the chemistry exam?

--- Next Friday.

A. when will we take

B. where we would have

C. when we will take




Last weekend, the latest Disney movie, Zootopia, broke records. People across the United States bought more than $75 million worth of tickets. The movie's worldwide box office(票房收入)is more than $230 million.

Let’s go for an exciting trip in Zootopia now! Zootopia is a big modern animal city, a city like no other city. Animals from around the world live together. No matter what animal you are, from the biggest elephant to the smallest rabbit, you can be anything. The main character in the film, Judy Hopps, is a cute little rabbit

with big dreams. She moves to Zootopia because she wants to be the first rabbit police officer.

However, Judy’s trip in the city isn’t easy. Police officers in Zootopia are all large animals, such as hippos (河马), rhinos (犀牛) and buffaloes (水牛). They are difficult to get along with. Besides, other animals there often challenge her. Luckily, Judy meets Nick, a fast-talking fox. They overcome their differences and finally become friends. In the end Judy manages to join the Zootopia police force and become the first woman police officer. Her motto (座右铭) is: “In Zootopia, anyone can be anything.”

Jared Bush and Phil Johnston, the writers of Zootopia, told reporters that it started out as a spy movie set in several different animal worlds. But they found the mammal world especially interesting. So they changed the story. Critics(评论家) strongly praised Zootopia. They say it is Disney’s most successful cartoon yet.

16. How much is the box office(票房收入)of Zootopia in the world?

A. more than $75 million

B. more than $230 million

C. more than $300 million

17. What is Judy’s dream?

A. to live with larger animals

B. to be the first rabbit police officer

C. to become a movie star

18. Who is Judy’s friend?

A. A fox

B. A hippo

C. A rhino

19. Why did the writers change the original story?

A. They didn’t like spy movies

B. They want to get praises from the critics

C. They found the mammal world interesting

20. According to the passage, which description(叙述) is TRUE?

A. “Zootopia”is the most popular TV show

B. Judy and Nick are friends because they are the same in many sides.

C. Judy believes that “In Zootopia, anyone can be anything.”


Everybody knows the saying “Two steps forward and three steps back”. That described my life pretty well as a single mom. I was raising two teenagers on a

teacher’s aid’s salary at that time. It wasn’t nearly enough to cover the bills, so I “moonlighted ”as a waitress. Every time I thought that I had found a solution to my money worries, something would fall through and I would end up feeling worse than before.

The next evening at the restaurant, I tried on my apron(围裙), wishing I could be home with my kids. I walked up to my first table. Around it was a cheerful older couple. The w oman gave me a smile that warmed me. I couldn’t help notic ing her unusual glass ring. “What a beautiful ring,” I said. We chatted for a minute then I took their order and left. When I came back with their drinks, the woman held out her ring. “I would like to give this to you,” she said.“Oh, no, I couldn’t,”

I said, embarrassed.

She gently placed the ring in my hand and closed my fingers around it. “It’s yours,” she said. “Please accept it and your things are going to be okay.” Right there at their table in the middle of the restaurant I broke down in tears. “Thank you for giving me hope,” I said.

Long after that night, that sense of peace stayed with me. I knew the right job would come in time. Nine months later it did. I got a better position at another school and I started waitressing at a restaurant where I was allowed to spend more time with my kids.

Now in these tough times, I have money worries again, but they don’t get me down.

I know things will turn out okay. And when I wear that unusual glass ring, I’m reminded I’m not alone.

21. From the first paragraph, we know_________.

A. that the mom liked stepping forward and backward

B. that the young parents had difficulties in raising the two teenagers

C. that the mom worked as a waitress at night as her second job.

22. The second paragraph tells us_________.

A. the writer enjoyed working in the restaurant

B. the writer served the older couple very well

C. the old couple wanted to give her the ring to warm her.

23. From the third paragraph, we know the writer felt_________ at what the woman said .

A. moved

B. relaxed

C. puzzled

24. From the fourth paragraph we can know the writer believed that_________.

A. her children loved her very much

B. she couldn’t find a better restaurant

C. the glass ring would bring her good luck

25. From the whole passage we know _________.

A. the writer’s attitude toward her life turns disappointed now

B. something kind we did can sometimes change other’s attitude toward life

C. Now the writer has easy life without any money worries


E30. Susan’s husband has gone to Beijing

on business. He will come back tomorrow

morning by air. Susan will go to the

airport to pick him up. The airport is over

50 kilometers from the home.


"Social platforms(平台) are very important in my industry. I would say that the best social platform in the world for me is WeChat , it’s much better than the Facebooks of the world," Yannick Bolloré, the CEO of Havas, told CNBC in a TV interview on Monday.

WeChat is owned by Chinese Internet giant Tencent and owns 700 million monthly active users, according to the survey. It is the main messaging service in China. The APP allows people to text and voice call each other, make payments, and so on. The ability to make payments and even book restaurants means WeChat has become a big part of Chinese phone users’ lives. For marketers who want to make advertisements to Chinese consumers, this is attractive (有吸引力的). "We always say that Chinese people are very good at copying. Now they are very good at creating things, it could roll out in the rest of the world one day," he added.

If we look at China in the last 20 years, it’s by far the most im pressive recovery(恢复) story for a country. As the development of technology in China, things created-in-China will be sure to change the whole world.

31. What are the two social platforms are mentioned in the report?

32. Which company does WeChat belong to?

33. What functions(功能) makes Wechat become a big part of Chinese phone users’ lives?

34. What do the marketers want to do with the APP?

35. Does Wechat stand for “ made-in-China” or “created- in-China”?



36. Can you tell me what is ________ /t / and five?

37. Don’t __________ /lɑ:f /at others. Anyone can make this kind of mistakes

38. Would you like to buy something to drink for me? I’m _________/'/


39. You know, Shanghai is a __________/laiv/ city with large population and busy traffic.

40. He picked up the schoolbag and hurried to school _________/ ' / eating breakfast.

’d better come in __________/' /. I think it’s the best time to enjoy the sight.



Salman Khan, 39, from the US, is the founder of the learning website Khan Academy. Millions of students (listen) to his classes on line but have never seen his face. Unlike other online courses, Khan’s videos only use

his voice and a digital blackboard for teaching.

He says he doesn’t want a human face to disturb students.

Khan also makes his classes as short as 10 to 15 minutes

so that students (not lose) interest.

These special courses make Khan Academy one of

the world’s most popular online educati on websites. The courses are translated into more than 36 different languages. Now about 80 teachers from the world’s top university (teach) on khan Academy. But all this started ten years ago with just one man---Salman Khan.

In 2006, Khan made homemade videos to help his seventh-grade niece(侄女) with his math. He (send)the video on the Internet and got thousands of views. This encouraged Khan to make more videos and created his own website Khan Academy.

As a Bangladeshi American, Khan understands that many kids in developing countries cannot get a good education. He himself (have)three degrees from Massachusetts institute of Technology and one from Harvard University. He would like to use his knowledge to help more people. So all his courses ( offer) for free.

Khan’s website has not only become very popular worldwide but also won a lot of respect. Even Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, is one of his fans. Bill Gates donated(捐赠) over $ million to support Khan and named him “the teacher of the world”.











Every Friday night, Winston would stand at the gate of the railway station, playing his violin happily. He 53 to everyone and many people put money into the hat in front of him. One day, Winston showed up and put his hat on the ground 54__. But different from what he always did in the past days, he took out a large piece of paper and laid it on the ground.

It said --Last night, a gentleman named George Miller left an important thing into my hat 55 . Please come soon, Mr. Miller. About half an hour later, a middle-aged man rushed to Winston in a hurry and said, “It’s you! I know you are an 56 man and will certainly be here.”

Winston asked, “Are you Mr. Miller? Did you lose anything?” “A lottery(彩票) ticket!” answered the middle-aged man. Winston then 57 it to the man. Yesterday when the man knew that his ticket was worth $ 500,000, he was so 58 ! Then he realized that he threw the ticket together with the money into the young man’s hat!

Someone asked Wi nston, “You play the violin to make money. Why didn’t you keep the ticket and take the prize for 59 ?” Winston replied, “Though I don’t have much money, I live happily now. But if I lose honesty, I won’t be happy

60 .”





生开展“我最喜欢的老师”征文活动,请以My favorite teacher为题写一篇短文,向我们介绍一下这位老师。希望同学们认真思考,表达自己的真情实感。(请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置)


2. 语言通顺,符合逻辑

3. 字数100词左右


河南中考数学模拟试卷(三) (满分120分,考试时间100分钟) 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.计算()32-+-的结果是( ) A .﹣5 B .﹣1 C .1 D .5 2. 下列运算正确的是( ) A .2a 3+3a 2=5a 5 B .3a 3b 2÷a 2b =3ab C .(a -b )2=a 2-b 2 D .(-a )3+a 3=2a 3 3. 不等式组312 20 x x ->??-?≥的解集在数轴上表示为( ) A . 02 1 B . 02 1 C . 02 1 D . 02 1 4. 反比例函数)0(2 >x x y -=的图像在( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 5. 如图,在□ABCD 中,点 E 是边AD 上一点,且AE =2ED ,EC 交对角线BD 于点 F ,则EF FC 等于( ) A .13 B .12 C .23 D .34 F E D C B A 第5题图 第7题图 6.关于x 一元二次方程01)1(22=-++-a x x a 的一个根是0,则a 的值为( ) A .1或1- B .1 C .1- D .0 7.如图,在△ABC 中,EF//BC , EB AE =2 1 ,8=BCFE S 四边形,则ABC S ?的面积是( ) A .9 B .10 C .12 D .13 8. 下列说法正确的是( )

A .要了解一批灯泡的使用寿命,应采用普查的方式。 B .若一个游戏的中奖率是1%,则做100次这样的游戏一定会中奖。 C .甲、乙两组数据的样本容量与平均数分别相同,若方2.0S 1.0S 2 2==乙甲 , ,则甲组数据比乙组数据稳定。 D .“掷一枚硬币,正面朝上”是必然事件。 9. 如图,将△ABC 绕点C (0,-1)旋转0180得到△A B C ,,,设点A ,的坐标为(a,b )则点A 的坐标为( ) A . (-a,-b ) B. (-a,-b-1) C. (-a,-b+1) D. (-a,-b-2) 第9题图 第10题图 10. 如图所示,在平面直角坐标系中,半径均为1个单位长度的半圆O 1,O 2,O 3,… 组成一条平滑的曲线.点P 从原点D 出发,沿这条曲线向右运动,速度为每秒 2π 个单位长度,则第2015秒时,点P 的坐标是( ) A.(2014,0) B.(2015,-1) C.(2015,1) D.(2016,0) 二、填空题(每小题3分,共15分) 11.1273--= 12.已知直线m //n ,将一块含有30°角的直角三角板ABC 如图方式放置,其中A 、B 两点分别落在直线m 、n 上,若∠1=20°,则∠2= 度。 第12题图 第14题图 13.有大小、形状、颜色完全相同的5个乒乓球,每个球上分别标有数字1,2,3,4,5中的一个,将这5个球放入不透明的袋中搅匀,如果不放回的从中随机


2017 广东中考模拟试题(一)一、选择题(本题共10 题,每小题 3 分,共30 分) 1.-2 的相反数是( ) A. 1 2 B. 1 2.下列各式运算正确的是( ) A. 2 3 5 a a a B. 2 3 5 a a a C. 2 3 6 (ab ) ab D. 10 2 5 a a a 3.2015 年,某省进出口货物总值393.3 亿美元。将393.3 亿用科学记数法表示应是( ) A.8 393.3 10 B. 9 3.933 10 C. 10 3.933 10 D. 11 3.933 10 4.下列二次根式中,最简二次根式是( ) A.51 B .0 5 C . 5 D .50 5.如果代数式x x 有意义,那么x 的取值范围是( ) 1 A.x>1 B.x0且x 1 C.x 1 D.x>0 且x 1 6.如图,数轴上点P表示的数可能是( ) A. 3 B .7 C.-3.5 D.10 7.若 2 x 2 x 1 x mx n,则m n ( ) A.1 B . 2 C . 1 D .2 8.填在下面各正方形中的四个数之间都有相同的规律,根据此规律,m的值是( ) A.70 B.72 C.74 D .76 9.已知 1 y 如果用y 的代数式表示x,那么x= ( ) x 1 A. 1 y y B.1 y y C. y 1 y y D. 1 y 10.从边长为 a 的大正方形纸板中挖去一个边长为 b 的小正方形纸板后,将其裁成四个完全一样的梯形( 如图甲) ,然后拼成一个平行四边形( 如图乙) 。那么通过计算两个图形阴影部分的面积,可以验证成立的公式为( ) A. 2 2 ( ) 2 a b a b B . 2 2 2 (a b) a 2ab b C. 2 2 2 (a b) a 2ab b D . 2 2 (a b)( a b) a b 二、填空题(本题共 6 题,每小题 4 分,共24 分)11.函数y x 1的自变量x 的取值范围是. 12.分解因式: 3 m m = . –


威海市2016年初中学业考试·英语 注意事项: 1. 本试卷共8页,共80分。考试时间90分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2. 答题前,考生务必用毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、座号填写在答题卡和试卷规定的位置上。 3. 选择题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答案选在试卷上无效。 4.非选择题必须用毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡指定区域内相应的位置,写在试卷上的答案无效;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 一、选择填空(共15小题,计15分) 从每小题A、B、C选项中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。请将答案编号涂卡。 1. —Would you please turn off TV? —OK,just a minute. A. a B. an C. the 2. —Whose bike is this? —It’s . My grandpa bought it for me as a birthday present. A. his B. mine C. hers

3. —Is Tom boy in your class? —Yes. Nobody is taller than him. A. the tallest B. the strongest C. the cleverest 4. I’d like to hold our next meetin g June 23rd. Is that OK for you? A. in B. at C. on 5. Grandma is rather deaf, so you must speak clearly and to her. A. quietly B. loudly C. noisily 6. —Must I wait here all morning? I have a lot of work to do. —No, you . You may be back in the afternoon. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. don’t have to 7. —Miss Li, could you please help me this math problem? —OK. Let me try. A. look up B. work out C. set up 8. —I called you yesterday evening. But nobody answered. —Oh, sorry. Maybe I in the bathroom at that time. A. take a shower B. took a shower C. was taking a shower 9. —There aren’t any libraries in our town, are there? —No, but it is said one next year. A. will be built B. is built C. will build 10. —Is that a new coat?


2020 年河南省中考数学模拟试卷解析版 一.选择题(10小题,满分30分,每小题3分) 1.下列关系一定成立的是( ) A.若|a|=|b|,则a=b B.若|a|=b,则a=b C.若|a|=-b,则a=b D.若a=-b,则|a|=|b| 2.根据制定中的通州区总体规划,将通过控制人口总量上限的方式,努力让副中心远离“城市病”.预计到2035年,副中心的常住人口规模将控制在130万 人以内,初步建成国际一流的和谐宜居现代化城区.130万用科学记数法表示 为( ) A.1.3×106 B.130×104 C.13×105 D.1.3×105 3.将一个正方体沿图1所示切开,形成如图2的图形,则图2的左视图为( ) 4.如图,直线a// b,点C, D分别在直线b, a上, AC上BC, CD平 分∠AC B,若∠1=65°,则∠2的度数为( )

A.65° B.70° C.75° D.80° 5.为迎接体育中考,九年级(1)班八名同学课间练习垫排球,记录成绩(个数)如下:40,38,42,35,45,40,42,42,则这组数据的众数与中位数分别是( ) A.40,41 B.42,41 C.41,42 D.41,40 6.不等式组???≥+<-0 1123x x 的解集在数轴上表示正确的是( ) 7.如图, 菱形 ABCD 中, 对角线AC 、BD 交于点0, 点E 为AB 的中点, 连接OE , 若OE=3, ∠ADC=60°, 则BD 的长度为( ) A.63 B.6 C.33 D.3 8.两个不透明的袋子中分别装有标号1、2、3、4和标号2、3、4的7个小球,7个小球除标号外其余均相同,随机从两个袋子中抽取一个小球,则其标号数字和大于6的概率为( ) A.21 B.31 C.41 D.6 1 9.如图, 在平面直角坐标系中, 等边▲OBC 的边OC 在x 轴正半轴上, 点0为原点, 点C 坐标为(12,0),D 是OB 上的动点,过D 作DE 上x 轴于点E ,过E 作EF 上BC 于点F ,过F 作FG ⊥OB 于点G.当G 与D 重合时,点D 的坐标为


2019年广东省中考数学模拟试卷 一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分) 1.﹣2的相反数是() A.2 B.﹣2 C. D.﹣ 2.如图所示,a与b的大小关系是() A.a<b B.a>b C.a=b D.b=2a 3.下列所述图形中,是中心对称图形的是() A.直角三角形 B.平行四边形 C.正五边形 D.正三角形 4.据广东省旅游局统计显示,2016年4月全省旅游住宿设施接待过夜游客约27700000人,将27700000用科学记数法表示为() A.0.277×107 B.0.277×108 C.2.77×107 D.2.77×108 5.如图,正方形ABCD的面积为1,则以相邻两边中点连线EF 为边正方形EFGH的周长为() A. B.2 C.+1 D.2+1 6.某公司的拓展部有五个员工,他们每月的工资分别是3000 元,4000元,5000元,7000元和10000元,那么他们工资的中位数是()A.4000元 B.5000元 C.7000元 D.10000元 7.在平面直角坐标系中,点P(﹣2,﹣3)所在的象限是() A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限 8.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A的坐标为(4,3), 那么cosα的值是() A. B. C. D. 9.已知方程x﹣2y+3=8,则整式x﹣2y的值为() A.5 B.10 C.12 D.15 10.如图,在正方形ABCD中,点P从点A出发,沿着正方形的边顺时针方向运动一周,则△APC的面积y与点P运动的路程x之间形成的函数关系图象大致是()

A. B. C. D. 二、填空题(共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分) 11. 9的算术平方根是. 12.分解因式:m2﹣4= . 13.不等式组的解集是. 14.如图,把一个圆锥沿母线OA剪开,展开后得到扇形AOC,已知圆锥的高h为12cm,OA=13cm,则扇形AOC中的长是cm(计算结果保留π).15.如图,矩形ABCD中,对角线AC=2,E为BC边上一 点,BC=3BE,将矩形ABCD沿AE所在的直线折叠,B点恰好落在 对角线AC上的B′处,则AB= . 16.如图,点P是四边形ABCD外接圆上任意一点,且不与 四边形顶点重合,若AD是⊙O的直径,AB=BC=CD.连接PA、PB、 PC,若PA=a,则点A到PB和PC的距离之和AE+AF= . 三、解答题(共3小题,每小题6分,满分18分) 17.(6分)计算:|﹣3|﹣(2016+sin30°)0﹣(﹣)﹣1.

河南2020年中考数学模拟试卷 四(含答案)

河南2020年中考数学模拟试卷四 一、选择题 1.计算1-(-2)的正确结果是( ) A.-2 B.-1 C.1 D.3 2.计算2x3÷x2的结果是() A.x B.2x C.2x5 D.2x6 3.如图,AB∥EF,BC∥DE,∠B=70°,则∠E的度数为() A.90° B.110° C.130° D.160° 4.下列二次根式中,与是同类二次根式的是( ) A. B. C. D. 5.如图所示几何体的俯视图是() 6.关于x的一元二次方程x2+4x+k=0有两个相等的实根,则k的值为() A.k=﹣4 B.k=4 C.k≥﹣4 D.k≥4

7.某超市销售A,B,C,D四种矿泉水,它们的单价依次是5元、3元、2元、1元.某天的销售 情况如图所示,则这天销售的矿泉水的平均单价是( ) A.1.95元 B.2.15元 C.2.25元 D.2.75元 8.在平面直角坐标系中,将抛物线y=x2-4先向右平移2个单位,再向上平移2个单位,得到 的抛物线解析式为( ) A.y=(x+2)2+2 B.y=(x-2)2-2 C.y=(x-2)2+2 D.y=(x+2)2-2 9.勾股定理是“人类最伟大的十个科学发现之一”.我国对勾股定理的证明是由汉代的赵爽在 注解《周髀算经》时给出的,他用来证明勾股定理的图案被称为“赵爽弦图”.2002年在北京召开的国际数学大会选它作为会徽.下列图案中是“赵爽弦图”的是( ) 10.如图,在三个同样大小的正方形中,分别画1个内切圆,面积为S ;画4个半径相同,相邻 1 两个相互外切且和正方形都内切的圆,面积为S4;同样的要求画9个圆,面积为S9,则S1,S4,S9的大小关系为( ) A.S1最大 B.S4最大 C.S9最大 D.一样大 二、填空题 11.约分: = . 12.若关于x的一元一次不等式组的解集为x>1,则m的取值范围是. 13.袋中装有一个红球和二个黄球,它们除了颜色外都相同,随机从中摸出一球,记录下颜色后


2020年广东省实验中学中考数学一模试卷 一.选择题(共10小题) 1.0这个数() A.是正数B.是负数C.不是有理数D.是整数 2.新冠病毒(2019﹣nCoV)是一种新的Sarbecovirus亚属的β冠状病毒,它是一类具有囊膜的正链单股RNA病毒,其遗传物质是所有RNA病毒中最大的,也是自然界广泛存在的一大类病毒.其粒子形状并不规则,直径约60﹣220nm,平均直径为100nm(纳米).1米=109纳米,100nm可以表示为()米. A.0.1×10﹣6B.10×10﹣8C.1×10﹣7D.1×1011 3.下列各组数中互为相反数的是() A.﹣2与B.﹣2与C.﹣2与D.2与|﹣2| 4.下列计算,正确的是() A.x4﹣x3=x B.x5÷x3=x2C.x?x3=x3D.(xy2)2=xy4 5.在下列因式分解的过程中,分解因式正确的是() A.x2+2x+4=(x+2)2B.x2﹣4=(x+4)(x﹣4) C.x2﹣4x+4=(x﹣2)2D.x2+4=(x+2)2 6.已知x=3是关于x的方程ax+2x﹣3=0的解,则a的值为() A.﹣1B.﹣2C.﹣3D.1 7.将抛物线y=2x2向上平移3个单位长度,再向右平移2个单位长度,所得到的抛物线为() A.y=2(x+2)2+3B.y=2(x﹣2)2+3 C.y=2(x﹣2)2﹣3D.y=2(x+2)2﹣3 8.已知反比例函数图象如图所示,下列说法正确的是() A.k>0 B.y随x的增大而减小

C.若矩形OABC面积为2,则k=2 D.若图象上两个点的坐标分别是M(﹣2,y1),N(﹣1,y2),则y1<y2 9.如图,在长方形ABCD中,放入六个形状大小相同的长方形,所标尺寸如图所示,则图中阴影部分面积为() A.44cm2B.36cm2C.96cm2D.84cm2 10.关于x的一元二次方程kx2﹣2x+1=0有两个实数根,那么实数k的取值范围是()A.k≤1B.k<1且k≠0C.k≤1且k≠0D.k≥1 二.填空题(共6小题) 11.使式子有意义的x的取值范围是. 12.把多项式9m2﹣36n2分解因式的结果是. 13.在平面直角坐标系中,若点M(﹣2,3)与点N(x,3)之间的距离是5,则x的值是.14.已知函数y=﹣x2﹣2x,当时,函数值y随x的增大而增大. 15.实数a在数轴上的位置如图所示,化简|a﹣2|+=. 16.二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a<0)的图象与x轴的两个交点A、B的横坐标分别为﹣3、1,与y轴交于点C,下面四个结论: ①16a+4b+c>0: ②若P(﹣5,y1),Q(,y2)是函数图象上的两点,则y1<y2; ③c=3a; ④若△ABC是等腰三角形,则b=﹣或﹣. 其中正确的有.(请将正确结论的序号全部填在横线上) 三.解答题(共9小题) 17.计算:.


2020年重庆市中考数学模拟试题 含答案 一、选择题(本大题共12个小题,每小题4分,共48分)在每个小题的下面,都给出了代号为A 、B 、C 、D 的四个答案,其中只有一个是正确的,请将答题卡...上对应题目的正确答案标号涂黑。 1.-2的倒数是( ) A .-2 B .- 12 C .1 2 D .2 2.在以下图形中,即是中心对称图形,又是轴对称图形的是( ) 3.下列计算正确的是( ) A .a 2·a 3=a 6 B .2a +3b =5ab C .a 8÷a 2=a 6 D .(a 2b)2=a 4b 4.如图,直线a∥b,若∠1=55°,∠2=60°,则∠3等于( ) A .85° B .95° C .105° D .115° 5.下列说法中正确的是( ) A .在统计学中,把组成总体的每一个考察对象叫做样本容量; B .为了审核书稿中的错别字,应该选择抽样调查; C .一组数据3、x 、4、5、8的平均数为5,则这组数据的中位数是5; 3 2 1C O B A O D B A

D .A 组数据方差S A 2=0.03,B 组数据方差S B 2=0.2,则B 组数据比A 组数据稳定。 6.如图,AB 是⊙O 的弦,过点A 作⊙O 的切线,交BO 的延长线于点C 。若∠B=28°,则∠C 的度数是( ) A .28° B .34° C .44° D .56° 7.已知x -2y =-3,那么代数式2x -4y +3的值是( ) A .-3 B .0 C .6 D .9 8.如图,D 、E 分别是△ABC 的边AB 、BC 上的点,且DE∥AC,AE 、CD 相交于点O ,若S △DOE :S △COA =1:25,则S △BDE :S △CDE =( ) A .1:3 B .1:4 C .1:5 D .1:25 9.下列图形都是由同样大小的圆按一定的规律组成, 其中第①个图形中一共有2个圆,第②个图形中一共 有7个圆,第③个图形中一共有16个圆,第④个图形中一共有29个圆,以此规律,第⑦个图形中的个数为( ) A .67 B .92 C .113 D .121 10.已知二次函数y =a 2+bx +c (a≠0)的图像如图所示,对称轴为直线x =1,下列结论中正确的是( ) A .abc >0 B .b =2a C .a +c >b D .4a +2b +c >0 11.如图,在A 处观察C 处的仰角∠CAD =31°,且A 、B 的水 平距离AE =80米,斜坡AB 的坡度i =1:2,索道BC 的坡度i =2:3,C D⊥AD 于点D ,BF⊥CD 于点F ,则索道BC 的长大约是( )(参考数据:tan31°≈0.6;c os31°≈0.9;13 ≈3.6)。 … ④ ③ ② ① F C D B A


2015年河南省郑州市中考数学模拟试卷 朱新宇命题 一、选择题(每小题3分,共24分) 1.(3分)的算术平方根是( A ) A . 2 B . ±2 C . D . ± 2.(3分)河南省卫生计生委2014年新农合实施情况最新发布:数字显示,去年河南省累计补偿住院医疗费用250.56亿元,广大人民群众享受到新农合政策带来的好处.下面对“250.56亿”科学记数正确的是( A ) A . 2.5056×1010 B . 2.5056×109 C . 2.5056×108 D . 2.5056×107 3.(3分)如图,是由几个小立方体所搭成的几何体的俯视图,小正方形中的数字表示在该位置上的立方体的个数,这个几何体的正视图是( D ) A . B . C . D . 4.(3分)在英语句子“I like jing han “(我喜欢京翰)中任选一个字母,这个字母为“i ”的概率是( B ) A . B . C . D . 5.(3分)2013年6月由中央电视台科教频道《读书》栏目发起,京翰举办“中国读书达人秀”活动,成人票和儿童票均有较大折扣.张凯、李利都随他们的家人参加了本次活动.王斌也想去,就去打听张凯、李利买门票花了多少钱.张凯说他家去了3个大人和4个小孩,共花了38元钱;李利说他家去了4个大人和2个小孩,共花了44元钱,王斌家计划去3个大人和2个小孩,请你帮他计算一下,需准备元钱买门票.( B ) A . 33 B . 34 C . 35 D . 36 6.(3分)如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠ACB=60°,DE 是斜边AC 的中垂线,分别交AB 、AC 于D 、E 两点.若BD=2,则AC 的长是( ) A . 4 B . 4 C . 8 D . 8


2020中考模拟卷 数学 (考试时间:90分钟试卷满分:120分) 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在本试卷上无效。 3.回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 5.考试范围:广东中考全部内容。 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题(本大题共10个小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题目要求的) 12的值在 A.0到1之间B.1到2之间C.2到3之间D.3到4之间 【答案】B. 【解析】Q34 ∴<,故选B. ∴<,122 2.已知图中所有的小正方形都全等,若在右图中再添加一个全等的小正方形得到新的图形,使新图形是中心对称图形,则正确的添加方案是 A. B. C. D.

【答案】B . 【解析】A 、新图形不是中心对称图形,故此选项错误; B 、新图形是中心对称图形,故此选项正确; C 、新图形不是中心对称图形,故此选项错误; D 、新图形不是中心对称图形,故此选项错误; 故选B . 3.下列计算正确的是 A .22321x x -= B C .1 x y x y ÷=g D .235a a a =g 【答案】D . 【解析】A 、原式2x =,不符合题意;B 、原式不能合并,不符合题意; C 、原式2x y = ,不符合题意;D 、原式5 a =,符合题意,故选D . 4.如图,已知直线AB 、CD 被直线AC 所截,//AB CD ,E 是平面内任意一点(点E 不在直线AB 、CD 、AC 上),设BAE α∠=,DCE β∠=.下列各式:①αβ+,②αβ-,③βα-, ④360αβ?--,AEC ∠的度数可能是 A .①②③ B .①②④ C .①③④ D .①②③④ 【答案】D . 【解析】(1)如图, 由//AB CD ,可得1AOC DCE β∠=∠=, 11AOC BAE AE C ∠=∠+∠Q ,1AE C βα∴∠=-. (2)如图,


2016年山东省威海市 中考英语试卷 一、选择填空(共15小题,计15分)从每小题A、B、C选项中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案,请将答案编号涂卡 1.﹣﹣﹣Would you please turn off___TV? ﹣﹣﹣OK,just a moment.() A.a B.an C.the 2.﹣﹣﹣Whose bike is this? ﹣﹣﹣It's______.My grandpa bought it for me as a birthday present.()A.his B.mine C.hers 3.﹣﹣﹣Is Tom____boy in your class? ﹣﹣﹣Yes.Nobody is taller than him.() A.the tallest B.the strongest C.the cleverest 4.I'd like to hold our next meeting____June 23rd.Is that OK for you?()A.in B.at C.on 5.Grandma is rather deaf,so you must speak clearly and___to her.()A.quietly B.loudly C.noisily 6.﹣﹣﹣Must I wait here all morning?I have a lot of work to do. ﹣﹣﹣No,you____.You may be back in the afternoon.() A.mustn't B.can't C.don't have to 7.﹣﹣﹣Miss Li,could you please help me____this math problem? ﹣﹣﹣OK.Let me try.() A.look up B.work out C.set up 8.﹣﹣﹣I called you yesterday evening.But nobody answered. ﹣﹣﹣Oh,sorry.Maybe I____in the bathroom at that time.()A.take a shower B.took a shower


重庆市中考数学模拟试 题 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

重庆市2019年初中毕业暨高中招生考试 数学模拟试卷(二) (全卷共四个大题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟) 注意事项: 1.试题卷上各题的答案用黑色签字笔或钢笔书写在答题卡...上,不得在试题卷 上直接作答; 2.答题前认真阅读答题卡... 上的注意事项; 3.作图(包括作辅助线)请一律用黑色..的签字笔完成; 4.考试结束,由监考人员将试题卷和答题卡... 一并收回. 参考公式 :抛物线2 (0)y ax bx c a =++≠的顶点坐标为 24(,)24b ac b a a --,对称轴公式为2b x a =- . 一、选择题:(本大题12个小题,每小题4分,共48分)在每个小题的下面,都给 出了代号为A ,B ,C ,D 的四个答案,其中只有一个是正确的,请将答题卡...上题号右侧正确答案所对应的方框涂黑. 1.﹣2019的相反数是( ) A .﹣2019 B .2019 C . D . 2.如图图形中,是中心对称图形的是( ) A . B . C . D . 3. 计算的结果是( ) A .25x 5y 2 B .25x 6y 2 C .﹣5x 3y 2 D .﹣10x 6y 2 4.下列调查中,适宜采用全面调查(普查)方式的是( ) A .调查一批新型节能灯泡的使用寿命 B .调查荣昌区中小学生的课外阅读时间 120191 2019 - 32 5()-x y

C .调查我区初中学生的视力情况 D .调查“神州十一号”飞船零部件的安全性能 5.要制作两个形状相同的三角形框架,其中一个三角形的三边长分别为5cm ,6cm 和9cm ,另一个三角形的最短边长为2.5cm ,则它的最长边为( ) A .3cm B .4cm C .4.5cm D .5cm 6.下列命题是真命题的是( ) A .如果|a |=|b |,那么a =b B .平行四边形对角线相等 C .两直线平行,同旁内角互补 D .如果a >b ,那么a 2>b 2 7.估计() 182+的值应在( ) 和4之间 和5之间 和6之间 和7之间 8.按如图所示的运算程序, 能使运算输出的结果为7的是( ) A.32=-=y x , B.32-=-=y x , C.38-==y x , D.65x y ==, 9.如图,在矩形ABCD 中,AB =4,BC =6,点E 是AB 中点,在AD 上取一点G ,以点G 为圆心,GD 的长为半径作圆,该圆与BC 边相切于点F ,连接DE ,EF ,则图中阴影部分面积为( ) A .3π B .4π C .2π+6 D .5π+2 10.重庆朝天门码头位于置庆市油中半岛的嘉陵江与长江交汇处,是重庆最古老的码头.如图,小王在码头某点E 处测得朝天门广场上的某高楼AB 的顶端A 的仰角为45°,接着他沿着坡度为1:的斜坡EC 走了26米到达坡顶C 处,到C 处后继续朝高


2020年河南省中考数学模拟试题含答案 注意事项: 1.本试卷共6页,三个大题,满分120分,考试时间100分钟. 2.请用黑色水笔把答案直接写在答题卡上,写在试题卷上的答案无效. 一、选择题 (每小题3分,共30分) 下列各小题均有四个答案,其中只有一个是正确的,将正确答案的代号字母 涂在答题卡上. 1.下列各数中,最小的数是 A .3 B . 32 C .2p D .23 - 2.据报道,中国工商银行2015年实现净利润2 777亿元.数据2 777亿用科学计数法表示为 A .2.777×1010 B .2.777×1011 C .2.777×1012 D .0.2777×1013 3.下列计算正确的是 A .822-= B .2(3)-=6 C .3a 4-2a 2=a 2 D .32()a -=a 5 4.如图所示的几何体的俯视图是 5.某班50名同学的年龄统计如下: 年龄(岁) 12 13 14 15 学生数(人) 1 23 20 6 该班同学年龄的众数和中位数分别是 A .6 ,13 B .13,13.5 C .13,14 D .14,14 A B C D (第4题)

6.如图,AB ∥CD ,AD 与BC 相交于点O ,若AO =2,DO =4,BO =3,则BC 的长为 A . 6 B .9 C .12 D .15 7.如图所示,点D 是弦AB 的中点,点C 在⊙O 上,CD 经过圆心O ,则下列结论中不一定...正确的是 A .CD ⊥A B B .∠OAD =2∠CBD C .∠AO D =2∠BCD D .弧AC = 弧BC 8.从2,2,3,4四个数中随机取两个数,第一个作为个位上的数字,第二个作为十位上的 数字,组成一个两位数,则这个两位数是2的倍数的概率是 A .1 B .45 C .34 D . 12 9.如图,CB 平分∠ECD ,AB ∥CD ,AB 与EC 交于点A . 若∠B =40°,则∠EAB 的度数为 A .50° B . 60° C . 70° D .80° 10.如图,△ABC 是边长为4cm 的等边三角形,动点P 从点A 出发,以2cm/s 的速度沿A →C →B 运动,到达B 点即停止运动,PD ⊥AB 交AB 于点D .设运动时间为x (s ),△ADP 的面积为y (cm 2),则y 与x (第6题) O A B C D D (第7题) P A B C D A B C D (第10 题) (第9题) E A C D B


2020年广东省中考数学模拟试题 一、选择题(本题共10题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.方程4x -1=3的解是 ( ) A .x =1 B .x =-1 C .x =-2 D .x =2 2.已知,a b 满足方程组51234a b a b +=??-=? ,则a b +的值为( ) A . 4- B . 4 C . 2- D . 2 3.已知 3243x y k x y k +=,??-=+, ? 如果x 与y 互为相反数,那么 ( ) A .k =0 B .34k =- C .3 2k =- D .3 4k = 4.不等式组 221 x x -≤,??-


山东省威海市2016年中考英语试题 注意事项: 1.本试卷共8页,共80分。考试时间为90分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2.答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名,准考证号、座号填写在答题卡和试卷规定的位置上。 3.选择题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑:如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答案选在试卷上无效。 4.非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡指定区域内相应的位置,写在试卷上的答案无效;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 一、选择填空(共15小题,计15分) 从每小题A、B、C选项中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。请将答案编号涂卡。1.—Would you please turn off ________ TV?—OK,just a minute. A.a B.an C.the 2.—Whose bike is this? —It’s ________.My grandpa bought it for me as a bir thday present. A.his B.mine C.hers 3.—Is Tom ________ boy in your class? —Yes.Nobody is taller than him. A.the tallest B.the strongest C.the cleverest 4.I’d like to hold our next meeting ________ June 23rd.Is that OK for you? A.in B.at C.on 5.Grandma is rather deaf,so you must speak clearly and ________ to her. A.quietly B.loudly C.noisily 6.Must I wait here all morning?I have a lot of work to do. —No,you ________.You may be back in the afternoon. A.mustn’t B.can’t C.don’t have to 7.—Miss Li,could you please help me ________ this math problem? —OK.Let me try. A.look up B.work out C.set up 8.—I called you yesterday evening.But nobody answered. —Oh,sorry.Maybe I ________ in the bathroom at that time. A.take a shower


中考数学二模试卷 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,共36.0分) 1.下列各数中,是分数的是() A. 7 B. C. D. 2.如图是由四个相同的小正方形组成的立体图形,它的俯视图为 () A. B. C. D. 3.下列命题中,是假命题的是() A. 对顶角相等 B. 等腰三角形的两底角相等 C. 两直线平行,同旁内角相等 D. 一组邻边相等的平行四边形是菱形 4.如图,AB是⊙O的直径,C、D为圆上两点,∠D=34°,则 ∠BOC的度数为() A. 102° B. 112° C. 122° D. 132° 5.估计的结果应在( ) A. 1和2之间 B. 2和3之间 C. 3和4之间 D. 4和5之间 6.如图图形都是由同样大小的等边三角形按一定的规律组成,其中,第①个图形中一 共有3根小棒,第②个图形中一共有9根小棒,第③个图形中一共有18根小棒,…,则第⑥个图形中小棒的根数为()

A. 60 B. 63 C. 69 D. 72 7.《孙子算经》是唐初作为“算学”教科书的著名的《算经十书》之一,共三卷,上 卷叙述算筹记数的制度和乘除法则,中卷举例说明筹算分数法和开平方法,都是了解中国古代筹算的重要资料,下卷收集了一些算术难题,“鸡兔同笼”便是其中一题.下卷中还有一题,记载为:“今有甲乙二人,持钱各不知数.甲得乙中半,可满四十八;乙得甲太半,亦满四十八.问甲、乙二人持钱各几何?”意思是:“甲、乙两人各有若干钱,如果甲得到乙所有钱的一半,那么甲共有钱48文.如果乙得 到甲所有钱的,那么乙也共有钱48文.问甲、乙二人原来各有多少钱?”设甲原 有钱x文,乙原有钱y文,可得方程组() A. B. C. D. 8.按如图所示的运算程序,输出结果为0的是() A. x=3,y=1 B. x=4,y=2 C. x=5,y=3 D. x=6,y=4 9.如图,矩形ABCD的对角线AC、BD交于点O,OE⊥BD 交BC于E.若AB=6,BC=8,则△BOE的周长为() A. 12 B. C. 15 D. 10.如图,平面直角坐标系中,△AOC的顶点A在y轴上,反比例函数的图 象经过点C及AC边的中点B.若S△AOC=6,则k的值为()


2019年河南省中考数学预测卷3 参考答案与试题解析 一、选择题(每题只有一个正确选项,本题共10小题,每题3分,共30分) 1.(3分)﹣4的相反数是() A.﹣4 B.C.4 D.【分析】根据相反数的概念:只有符号不同的两个数叫做互为相反数可得答案. 【解答】解:﹣4的相反数是4, 故选:C. 【点评】本题考查了相反数的概念,熟记相反数的概念是解题的关键. 2.(3分)0001A型航母于2018年5月13日清 晨离开码头进行首次海试,最大排水量约为6万 5千吨,将6万5千用科学记数法表示为()A.6.5×10﹣4 B.﹣6.5×104 C. 6.5×104 D.65×104 【分析】科学记数法的表示形式为a×10n的形式,其中1≤|a|<10,n为整数.确定n的值时,

要看把原数变成a时,小数点移动了多少位,n 的绝对值与小数点移动的位数相同.当原数绝对值>10时,n是正数;当原数的绝对值<1时,n 是负数. 【解答】解:65000=6.5×104, 故选:C. 【点评】此题考查科学记数法的表示方法.科学记数法的表示形式为a×10n的形式,其中 1≤|a|<10,n为整数,表示时关键要正确确定a的值以及n的值. 3.(3分)把图1中的正方体的一角切下后摆在图2所示的位置,则图2中的几何体的俯视图为() A.BC.D

【分析】根据从上面看得到的图形是俯视图,可得答案. 【解答】解:从上面看是一个正三角形,三条棱为实线. 故选:A. 【点评】本题主要考查了几何体的三视图,能将物体摆放的形式按“长对正,高平齐宽相等”的规则画出来是重点,要注意看到的线条用实线. 4.(3)下列计算正确的是() A.B.;C.;D. 【分析】根据合并同类项法则、完全平方公式、积的乘方法则、同底数幂的乘法法则计算,判断即可. 【解答】解:,A错误; ,B错误; ,C正确; ,D错误; 故选:C.


2015年广东省深圳市中考数学模拟试卷(二) 一、选择题(共12小题,每小题3分,共36分) 1.(3分)(2015?深圳模拟)在实数0.3,0,,,0.123456…中,无理数的个 2.(3分)(2009?凉山州)一个正方体的平面展开图如图所示,将它折成正方体后“建” 字对面是( ) 3.(3分)(2015?深圳模拟)北京时间2010年4月14日07时49分,青海省玉树县 发生地震,它牵动了全国亿万人民的心,深圳市慈善总会在一星期内接受了54840000元的 4.(3分)(2015?深圳模拟)如果一个有理数的平方根和立方根相同,那么这个数是 5. ( 3分)(2015?深圳模拟)一组数据:2,4,5,6,x 的平均数是4,则这组数的 6.(3分)(2015?永州模拟)如图:下列四个图案中既是轴对称图形,又是中心对称 B

7.(3分)(2015?深圳模拟)一个面积等于3的三角形被平行于一边的直线截成一个小三角形和梯形,若小三角形和梯形的面积分别是y和x,则y关于x的函数图象大致是下 B 8.(3分)(2015?深圳模拟)下列各式计算正确的是() = 9 .(3分)(2009?临沂)从1,2,3,4这四个数字中,任意抽取两个不同数字组成 B 10.(3分)(2007?巴中)“五?一”黄金周,巴中人民商场“女装部”推出“全部服装八折”,男装部推出“全装八五折”的优惠活动,某顾客在女装部购买了原价x元,男装部购买 . . 11.(3分)(2009?鄂州)如图,直线AB:y=x+1分别与x轴、y轴交于点A,点 B,直线CD:y=x+b分别与x轴,y轴交于点C,点D.直线AB与CD相交于点P,已知S△ABD=4,则点P的坐标是()
