



Part I Dialogue Communication ( 15 minutes, 15 points)

Part II Vocabulary and Structure ( 20 minutes, 10 points)

Part III Reading Comprehension ( 40 minutes, 40 points)

Part IV Cloze Test ( 15 minutes, 10 points)


1. 本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分,试卷一满分75分,考试时间为90分钟,14:30开始,





4.在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在答案所代表的字母上划线,如:[A] [B] [C] [D]。




Part I Dialogue Communication (15 minutes, 15 points)

Section A Dialogue Completion

Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1. Speaker A: Here’ a gift for you. I bought it in China.

Speaker B: __________

A. How much did it cost?

B. Wow, it is great! Thank you.

C. It must be very expensive.

D. Sorry to have bothered you.

2. Speaker A: Can you tell me something about your company?

Speaker B: __________, Our company was established in 1953. We produce a wide

Variety of electronic equipment.

A.I am glad.

B. Good idea.

C. You are welcome.

D. My pleasure.

3. Speaker A: Aren’t you excited about your new job?

Speak er B: __________, but it’s too demanding.

A.It’s OK.

B.I am fine.

C. Sure I am.

D.I think so.

4. Woman:I’ve just been reading through your last project.

Man: I hope you didn’t find much wrong in it.

Woman: __________, you’ve done a fantastic job.

A. On the contrary

B. On the other hand. .

C.Don’t forget

D. Don’t be silly.

5. Speaker A: Coud you pass me the jobs page?

Speaker B: ______

A. What’s the matter with you?

B. Why should I?

C. You don’t have to ask..

D.Suer, here you are.

Section B Dialogue Comprehension

Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices give and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

6. Man:Jennifer is really pretty, isn’t she? Her skin looks so bady smooth!

Woman: Well, it’s just that she puts lots of make-up on her face. Actually,natural

Beauty comes from within.

Man:Ah, I can smell jealousy in the air!

Question: What does the man imlpy?

A.The woman looks ugly.

B.The woman had abitter feeling.

C. The woman should apologize.

D. The woman was upset.

7. Man: My father can do cooking carpentry, and a bit of gardening.

Woman: He’s a Jack of all trades,really.

Question: What does the woman mean?

A. The man’s father has talent in trade.

B. The man’s father works for Jack.

C. The man’s father has many di fferent skills.

D. The man’s father does many many jobs at the same time.

8. Woman: I want to try something in the project.What’s your opinion? Man: Well,I prefer to go by the book. At least it is safer, isn’t it? Question: What does the man suggest?

A. Strictly obeying the established rules.

B.Trying something new from the book.

C. Testing a new but safer method.

D.Learning a new method through practice .

9. Man: The competition is increasingly fierce. What shall we do next? Woman: If other companies lower their prices, we’ll have to follow suit. Question: What does the woman suggest?

A. Doing the same as other companies have done.

B. Producing the same suits as other companies.

C. Fighting against others by cultiag down the cost.

D. Working out other policies to compensate for the loss.

10. Woman: I’m upset. You told my boss I had a par-time job?

Man: I am sorry. I couldn’t help it.

Question: What does the man mean?

A.He couldn’t help the woman at all.

B. He couldn’t hold back the secret.

C. He couldn’t possibly tell the boss.

D. He couldn’t decide who told the boss.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

11. According to the Constitution, any national agreement has to be______by a tow-thirds majority in parliament. .


B. appointed

C. approved

D. appreciated

12. The issue of e-commerce did not ______any detailed discussions at the conference.

A. take delight in

B. give rise to

C. give way to

D. take advantage of

13. Can you ______an insect having eight eyes and still having poor eyesight?.

A. imagine

B. suppose

C. think

D. expect

14. Fingerprints form an unchuangeable ______despite changes in the individual’s appearance or age.

A. mark

B. sign

C. remark

D. signature

15.I think their plan will work ,but they themselves are very ______ about it.

A. certain

B. suspicious

C. confident

D. doubtful

16.His failure to pay his debts______their opinion that he was not to be trusted.





17.Our government strongly holds the principle we will____be the first to use nuclear weapons.

A.by any means

B.by all means

C.by no means

D.by every means

18.The two soldiers spent many years together, fighting_____and sharing their victories and disappointments.

A.face to face

B. side by side

C. back to back

D. step by step

19. Being aware of the potential objections, they lanunched a _____ reform at the beginning stage.

A. humble

B. modest

C. timid

D. middle

20. The union threatened a strike but called it _____at the last minute.

A. off

B. out


D. up

21.A new material _____we have good reason to be optimistic.

A. developed

B. being developed

C. was being developed

D. was developed

22.It is illegal in some countries that children _____ unattended at home.

A. be left

B. left

C. are leaving

D. being left

23.On the large board in the main hall of the airport,you can easily find the different destinations_____which airlines can take you.

A. in

B. of

C. to

D. by

24.Not until actually faced with water scarcity_____appreciate the value of water to a region.

A. one can

B. one cannot

C. can on

D. cannot one

25. Most people don’t think of a stamp as a receipt, but that is _____it really isaproof of just how much money you paid in advance for mail delivery.


B. why

C. howt

D. who

26. Without water from the Nile River, Egypt_____a farming country and become

a desert.

A.will cease to be

B. would cease to be

C. will cease being

D. would cease being

27. Although he refused to act on my suggestion, he had to admint that _____what

I said.

A. it was something in

B. there was something as

C. it was something as

D. there was something in

28. There is little, _______,farming in that area and all you can see ia miles of wild countryside.

A. if so

B.if such

C. if not

D. if any

29. In his lecture, the education expert emphasized the fact that now adays children are exposed to many influences_______that of their families.

A. rather than

B. ohther than

C. except for

D.but for

30. The singer on the stage has a young_______face and a voice ofan_______.

A. boy…angel

B. boy’s…angel

C. boy…angel’s

D. boy’s…angel’s

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Passage One

When I saw the notice “women film extras wanted ” in a local newspaper, I jumped at the chance, Since childhood,I had dreamt of being a flim star.

The casting interview went well, and two days later I was told that I had been chosen.I was to lose some of my enthusiasm for the idea, however. Extras are often left in the dark for some time as to which role they will play.Finally the nature of my role was reveales:I was asked to play a mental hospital patient.

Despite my disappointment, I agreed to participate. Then, barely a week later, the day of filming dawned. All 13 of us extras, mainly housewives, were driven to an old hospital. The coffee and tea they served us looked and tasted like cement. Then we were rushed off to make-up.My hair was pinned back and make-up was applied that gave me a pale appearance. Then we just sat in a minbus for a few hours, as the cameras rolled elsewhere.

After the second hour had passed I was becoming bored. I bet stars are never treated like this,I thought.I had expected to be so busy that I hadn’t come prepared for a long wait. Many of the others had brought a book or knitting.

Three hours had now passed. Then at last we were called to do our scenes. When the director came in, we were instructed where to stand and what to do. Along with a few others, I was told to sit at a table and weave baskets. This was not an easy task . The cane(藤条) we had to use was very long.On several occasions my basket fell apart in front of my very eyes. On thers I only succeeded in hitting a cameraman in the eye.

Lift for the other extras was far from easy. Jean,who was barefoot, had to circle the floor. Poor Alice was asked to pretend to bang her head against the wall. Meanwhile Veronica swept the floor.

Thankfully, after just a few attempts, the scenes were done. And so my first taste of this “glorious”career was over. Although I found the experience quite interesting,my first scrcnrole will almost certainly be my last.

31. The word “extras”used in this story means people who _____.

A.have little experience of acting

B.play unimportant parts in a film

C. pretend to be film stars

D. need a part-time job

32. According to the story, which of the following statements is true about the antheor?

A. She didn’t refuse the role assigned to her although she didn’t like it.

B. She undersood clearly that most film stars used to be extras.

C. Unlike other women who wre reading or knitting, she was busy with her scence.

D. The only thing she did well was to use the eane as aeapon.

33. Alice, one of the 13 women extras, was probably playing the role of____.

A. a doctor working in the mental hospital

B. a nurse who was helping her patients

C. another housewife busy with her work

D. another patient with mental problem

34. For the author, the first experience of acting in a film was_______.

A. almost an adventure

B. a real nightmarc

C.quite unpleasant

D. very inspiring

35. The best title for this story could be_______.

A. On Camera

B. In Fashion

C. A Fancy Dream

D. A Great Career

Passage Two

Some of the most popular attractions across America are the many free concerts offered to public theroughout the year. These involve not only amateur performers, but professional artists as well.The public parks of many cities across the country usually have bandstands and large lawns. As a service to citizens, they rent ou space to performers free of charge. Amateur groups, with nothing more than a desire to perform offer their talents freely to public. Semi-professional artists are pleased to get the chance toperform before the public to perfect their craft and nurture the hope of being discovered before beginning a professional career. Famous professionals also give free concerts to make contact with their admiring fans. Often such concerts are sponsored by a large corporate organization and offered to the public free of charge as a cultural service and support for the arts.

The free concerts feature all kinds of music from rock and roll,jazz, country-western to the classics. In addition, free performances may include the plays of Shakespeare or experimental theea

perf to artists are pleased to get the chance to perform before theater of moderm dramatists. In New York’s Central Park there has long been a summer Shakespeare festival which draws huge crowds to the free performances.

Of these concerts the ones held on a sunmmer evening in the park are the most popular. They take on a festive air. Friends and groups gather together after work and spresd out a blanket on the lawn facing the performers’ stage. The early comers get the best locations and enjoy a picnic supper while it is still dalight. The free seating is on a first com basis. Therefore, by the time the concert begins, as many as five thousand or more people may be in attendance. The concerts usually begin at 8 p.m and are performed under the stars. The sound is made sufficiently loud so that no matter where one chooses to sit, he can hear very well. The only disturbance may be the sound of an overhead airplane on its final approach to an airport or the far-off siren(警笛声) of an ambulance on tis way to the hospital. This matters little ! What counts is to soak up the atmosphere created by the music and to be with friends in the fresh open air. The best part of it all is that it’s free!

36. Many American parks give free concerts on their lawns because they_______.

A.have the necessary facilities

B.can attact more visitors

C.want to serve the public

D. are in a position to invite musicians

37. The concerts in parka are often financially supported by_______.

A. the parks themselves

B.big organizations

C.professional musicians

D.music fans.

38. For semi-professional artists, performing before the public is a good chance _________.

A. to imprope themselves in their career

B. to help train amateur performers

C.to make friends with superstars

D. to get involved in profitable business

39. The concerts can attract so many people mainly because__________.

A.the attendants don’t have to pay.

B.the seating is on a first come basis

C.they provide free picnic supper

D. they are held in open air

40. The phrase “soak up ” in the last paragraph probably means__________.

A. absorb

B.warm up


D. use up

Passage Three

Libraries form a vital part of the world’s systems of communication and education. They make available knowledge accumulated through the ages. People in all walks of life use library resources in their work. People also turn to libraries to satisfy a desire for knowledge or to obtain material for leisure-time activity. In addition, many people enjoy book discussions, concerts, film programs, lectures, story hours, and a variety of other activities provided by libraries. Libraries also play an important role in preserving a society’s cultural heritage(遗产). The library ranks as one of society’s most useful service institutions.

The contents of libraries have changed so much through the years that the word library itself is, in a sense, inaccurate. The word comes from the Latin word liber, which means book. Today’s libraries house many books, of course. However, they also have a wide variety of other materials that communicate, educate, and entertain. These materials include magazines, manuscripts(手稿), newspapers, and computer documents. Audio and visual materials include CDs, audiocassette tapes, videotapes, films, maps, paintings, and photographs.

In addition to regular books, a library may have large-type books, books for the blind, and tape recordings of books, called talking books. Librarians keep pace with the changing contents of libraries to serve as many people as possible. Their efforts have turned libraries into multimedia resource centers.

The expansion of library contents greatly increases the library’s ability to communicate and educate. For example, people interested in classical music can listen to CDs and read books on the topics. Students of agriculture can read magazines

and watch videotapes on farming methods. Many people use magazines and newspapers to find the most up-to-date material on current events.

In addition to expanding contents, librarians have developed many kinds of libraries to serve the needs of different people. The materials of each kind of library are selected to meet the needs of a specific group of patrons. School libraries have collections that provide the information needed by elementary and high school students. Public libraries tailor their collections to the general public. Government library collections are geared chiefly toward serving the needs of government officials. Thousands of special libraries provide information for professional people, such as advertising specialists, bankers, editors, engineers, lawyers, physicians, and scientists.

41.The word library originally meant ______

A.freedom from ignorance

B.collections of books

C.means of communication

D.storage of knowledge

42.Which of the following statements shows libraries nowadays serve as multimedia resource centers?

A.People can visit them at their convenient time.

B.People can learn about different cultures in them.

C.They house educational and recreational materials in a variety of forms.

D.They provide information for professional people in different fields.

43.Including talking books in their collections is a good example of ______

A.the expansion of the contents of libraries

B.the development of special libraries

C.the entertaining function of libraries

D.the recording service in libraries

44.In the last paragraph, the word “patrons” probably means _______

A.professional people

B.academic researchers



45.The information provided in this passage may help us ______

A.make better use of the library as a useful service institution

B.pay more attention to up-to-date news provided in libraries

C.better understand librarians and appreciate their hard work

D.save more time for entertainment in library activities

Passage Four

Students who want to enter the University of Montreal’s Athletic Complex need more than just a conventional ID card-their identities must be proved genuine by an electronic hand scanner. In some California housing estates, a key alone is insufficient to get someone in the door his or her voiceprint must also be verified(确认). And soon customers at some Japanese banks will have to present their faces for scanning before they can enter the building and withdraw their moneys.

All of these are applications of biometrics, a fast-growing technology that involves the use of physical or biological characteristic to identify individuals. In use for more than a decade at some high security government institutions in the United States and Canada, biometries is rapidly popping up in the everyday world.

Biometric security systems operate by storing a digitized record of some unique human feature. When a user wishes to enter or use the facility, the system scans the person’s corresponding characteristies and att empts to match them against those on record. Systems using fingerprints, hands, voices, eyes, and faces are already on the market. Others using typing patterns and even body smells are in various stages of development.

Fingerprints scanners are currently the most widely used type of biometric application, thanks to their growing use over the last 20 years by law-enforcement agencies. Sixteen American states now use biometric fingerprint verification systems to check that people claiming welfare payments are genuine. Politicians in Toronto have voted to do the same, with a testing project beginning next year.

Not surprisingly, biometrics raises difficult questions about privacy and the potential for abuse. Some worry that governments and industry will be tempted to use the technology to monitor individual behavior. “If someone used your fingerprints to match your health-insurance records with credit-card record showing that your regularly bought lots of cigarettes and fatty foods,” says one policy analyst, “you would see your insurance payments go through the roof.” In Toronto, critics of the welfare fingerprint plan complained that it would force people to submit to a procedure widely identified with criminals.

Nevertheless, support for biometrics is growing in Toronto as it is in many other communities. In an increasingly crowded and complicated world, biometrics may well be a technology whose time has come.

46.According to the author, biometric technology is ______

A.in the stage of theoretical study

B.widely used in the world

C.about to be out of date

D.developing rapidly

47.What is one of the advantages of biometric technology?

A.It better protects people’s privacy.

B.It helps people follow a healthy life style.

C.It is cheaper than traditional methods.

D.It identifies people more accurately.

48.The author used the health insurance case mainly to ______

A.illustrate the use of the technology

B.give suggestions on buying insurance

C.draw attention to the problem of the technology

D.emphasize the importance of healthy diet

49.In which of the following situations is biometric technology NOT used?

https://www.360docs.net/doc/ec9111863.html,puters are switched on by a voice order.

B.Doctors diagnose disease through patients’ voice.

C.Museum doors are controlled by palm scanner.

D.The police identify criminals through fingerprints.

50.Which word would you use to describe the author’s tone in this passage?





Part IV Cloze Test (15 minutes, 10 points)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Colleges in the US have added a new subject, “green chemistry”, to their curriculum (课程) today. “Green chemistry __51__ how we can develop products that won’t __52__ the environment,” explains Paul Anastas, director of Yale University’s Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering. I t opened at the beginning of this year. The American Chemical Society, __53__ approves more than 600 college chemistry programs, only lists about a dozen that teach green chemistry. But that __54__ is growing.

Cambridge College in Massachusetts is offeri ng “an introduction to green chemistry” course this fall and is offering the nation’s first bachelor’s and master’s __55__ in green chemistry. The program will have classes in environmental

science and even environmental __56__ and policy. These subjects are not __57__ taught to chemistry majors.

Employers __58__ the introduction of green chemistry. Businesses are increasingly seeking graduates __59__ backgrounds in the subject because it can help them make or save money in the development and manufacturi ng of products. “We need people who can not only understand their place __60__ , but also understand the worldwide perspective,” said Adam Peterson, a chemicals division manager at Dow Corning Corp.

51.A.looks on B.looks in C.looks at D.looks after

52.A.injure B.distress C.wound D.hurt

53.A.which B.that C.such D.thus

54.A.size B.number C.amount D.quantity

55.A.titles B.degrees C.status D.ranks

https://www.360docs.net/doc/ec9111863.html,w B.act C.bill D.treaty

57.A.controversially B.eventually C.gradually D.traditionally

58.A.dislike B.ignore C.welcome D.enjoy

59.A.on B.in C.with D.from

60.A.in a row B.in person C.in common D.in a chain


Part VI Translation (10 points) Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answ et Sheet. Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the suff erer. He soon finds himself alone and miserable. There is, however, a cure so simple as t o seem, at first glance, ridiculous: if you don't feel happy, pretend to be! It works. Befor e long you will find that instead of pushing people away, you attract them. You discover h ow deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will. Then the make-believe becomes a reality. Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens filled with grateful friends. Part VII Writing (15 points) Directions: Write a composition of at least 150 words about the topic: The possibility of us ing the mobile phone to study English (or any other subject). You should write according t o the outline given below: 1.我认为手机(不)可以用来学习英语或其他知识。 2.理由是…… 3.结论


1月联考2017在职研究生管理类数学考试分析2017年一月联考管理类数学考试结束后有些考生还是不会,想要知道这一次考试的分析情况。下面小编就给大家具体介绍一下2017年一月联考管理类数学考试分析。 一、算术 算术部分是考纲中的第一模块,今年考试中这部分的题目难度较低。整除问题是该模块的一个高频考点,属于基础类题目。结合整系数不定方程考察整除性特征依旧是一个热点,呈现出出用基础知识和基本方法解决问题的趋势,所以考生如果稍微粗心一下就容易出错。 二、代数 代数部分是考纲中的第二模块,这部分的题目难度往往稍大。这是因为代数部分的知识点多,计算量大,综合性强。在今年的考试中,综合性强是最明显的一个特征,每一个题目会涉及到4、5个知识点,在这些知识点中如果有一个掌握的不扎实,就会导致该模块的解题出错。一定要掌握各个知识点间的内在联系,做到以不变应万变。总体来说,该部分知识点较多、推理计算量较大,但整体而言,今年该部分的难度不太大,重视考查考生基本的分析能力和解题能力。 三、数据分析 数据分析部分是考纲中的第三模块,这部分的题目难度不大,在今年的考试中共考查5道题目。由于高中阶段部分文科学生没有学习过这部分内容,为了照顾所有的考生,这部分的题目今年依旧不难。计数问题依旧是本部分考查的一个

重点,概率是另一个重要考点,古典概型是必考内容,今年难度有所下降。今年的条件充分性判断中对概率问题的考查,只有了一道相对简单的伯努利概型。数据描述是今年出题的另一个重点,考查的题目围绕着方差和图表展开。 四、几何 几何部分是考纲中的第四模块,这部分的题目难度较低,在今年的考试中考查了7道题目。近两年该部分的题目发展趋势是题量大,计算简单。该部分是考生朋友复习产出比最高的部分。该部分题目最大的特点就是只要考生朋友能够熟记公式并灵活应用,就可以应对这部分题目。考试过程涉及了2道解析几的题目、2道空间几何的题目,3道平面几何的题目,空间几何的问题相对简单,对解析几何的考查,涉及到了圆的方程、抛物线等知识点。可见今年的考查比较注重知识的全面性,因此对考生的综合能力要求较高。 五、应用题 应用题是考纲规定外的另一部分重要的考查内容,应用题类型主要包括行程问题、工程问题、浓度问题、增长率问题、利润问题、容斥问题、最值问题。本次考试考查了行程问题、工程问题、增长率问题、容斥问题,涉及范围比较广泛。应用题的处理方式都有固定的思路和方法,为了能够很好的处理这部分题目,要求考生朋友们一定要熟记一些基本的公式并能灵活运用。 附:在职研究生热门招生院校推荐表


《英语国家概况》课程习题集西南科技大学成人、网络教育学院版权所有 习题 【说明】:本课程《英语国家概况》(编号为12010)共有单选题,名词解释题,简答题,填空题2等多种试题类型,其中,本习题集中有[简答题]等试题类型未进入。 一、单选题 1. Celts were different groups of ancient people who came originally from________ A. France B. Denmark C. Ireland D. Germany 2. Who invaded and conquered Britain for the first time in 55 BC? A. Emperor Claudius B. Julius Caesar C. King Alfred D. King Ethelred 3. Who is the author of Murder in the Cathedral? A. Christopher Marlowe B. T. S. Eliot C. Ben Johnson D. Thomas Becket 4.When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, and was succeeded by his son, ______, the regime began immediately to collapse. A. Henry B. Hamilton C. Richard D. Charles 5. The 18th century saw selective breeding of cattle, sheep and houses by _________. A. Jethro Tull B. Thomas Coke C. George III D. Robert Bakewell 6. Which of the following is not one of the members of the Lords Temporal? A. all hereditary peers and peeresses of the England, Scotland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom (but not peers of Ireland) B. lire peers created to assist the House in its judicial duties C. senior bishops of the Church of England D. all other life peers 7. Two years after the ending of the Hundred Years’ War with France, England was thrown into another series of civil wars, ________. A. the War of the Celts


(一)1.目前金融危机正深深地影响到社会的方方面面 2. 人们对如何应对金融危机的不同看法 3. 你的看法 The Impact of Financial Crisis Presently, international financial crisis is becoming more and more serious, which has been influencing every part of our daily life. Job hunting is increasingly becoming difficult; food is getting more expensive; and people’s everyday living is much harder than before etc. As to how to deal with the crisis, people have different opinions. Some people hold a more positive view, who believe that the present crisis is not very serious, and we can overcome it in just a few years with the micro-control policy of our government. With the help of the government, living expenses will soon slow down. Things will get better, and we needn’t worry too much. But some other people take an opposite side. They believe that things are the other way round, and the present crisis is getting worse and worse. This crisis is worldwide and cannot be solved in a few years. People’s everyday life will become much harder. As for me, I have strongly felt the full negative impact this crisis has brought on me. Food in the supermarket is more expensive than that in the last few months; everyday expenses are getting higher. However, I don’t think this crisis is beyond control. I firmly believe that with the right policy of our government this crisis cannot outdo us. we should face this crisis calmly and do things with a more practical mind. (2)1.刚参加工作时遇到了哪些困难。 2.产生这些困难的原因。 3.如何克服这些困难。 The Problems I Had When I First Started to Work When I first started my work in an electronic company, I did meet with many problems. Two main problems are: I did not know how to conduct business with clients and customers and I had no idea about how to deal with a bargain and persuade them to take my offer. The second problem was that there was no room for me and I had to find a room far away from the company. It took me more than one hour on the way to the office and then came back. The reason for the first problem was that I had no practical experience and I needed to learn and practice. As for the second problem the company could not take care of every employee’s housing. And it was our responsibility to look after ourselves. To overcome these problems, I worked hard and learne d from any one modestly. After half year’s work I became experienced and began to make money. So I was able to rent a single apartment near my company. Now everything is all right to me. (3)1.合作的意义。 2.合作在工作中的重要性(举例)。 3.怎样培养合作的能力? The cooperation Cooperation means that people should work together smoothly for the purpose of mutual benefit. In the work they should help each other and learn from each other. They should have mutual respect, too. Cooperation is important in our work. Without it, we will fail. For example, two years ago, our institute managed to get a joint research project with a university in the south of China. At first everything went on all right. Then there was a misunderstanding and argument. Finally, the cooperation could not continue and the project failed. This example can show the importance of cooperation. I believe there are more examples. I think people should start to cultivate their sense of cooperation when they are very young. For example, in primary schools, pupils should be taught how to play with others, and how to study together. At university, students should be told frequently that in today’s world, individual is impossible to make big achievements, and they have to work or conduct research with others. Besides, they should be given a chance for team work. Then I think that people will be able to cooperate well with others.


在职研究生全国联考艺术硕士真题练习 2017在职研究生全国联考艺术硕士真题练习 一、单选 1.欧洲巴洛克音乐最具代表性的作曲家() A莫扎特B亨德尔C鲍罗丁D德魁西 2.贝多芬《第九“合唱”交响曲》第四乐章合唱部分的歌词是取自德国诗人()的作品 A席勒B海涅C普希金D歌德 3.《列宁格勒交响曲》亦称《第七交响曲》,其作者是() A柴可夫斯基B舒伯特C肖斯塔科维奇D普罗科菲耶夫 4.《黄河大合唱》是作曲家冼星海代表作,其中女高音独唱的名曲() A保卫黄河B黄河颂C黄河谣D黄河怨 5.由田汉作词、聂耳谱曲的《义勇军进行曲》是影片()的主题歌,创作于1935年。 A,《风云儿女》B《渔光曲》C《马路天使》D《大路》 6.《兰亭序》是()的作品 A张旭B王羲之C欧阳修D王献之 7.《富春山居图》是()的作品。 A黄公望B徐渭C虚谷D倪瓒 8.意大利文艺复兴时期的画家拉斐尔创作了()

A《最后的审判》B《自由领导人民》C《雅典学派》D《日出·印象》 9.法国雕塑家罗丹创作了() A《加莱义民》B《大卫》C《舞女》D《骑士像》 10.()是后印象派画家梵高的代表作之一。 A《向日葵》B《紫丁香》C《睡莲》D《郁金香》 11.“离间效果”或“陌生化效果”理论是由()提出的。 A斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基B布莱希特C格洛托夫斯基D阿尔托 12.西方戏剧在中国于20世纪()被改成为话剧。 A30年代末B40年代初C20年代末D30年代初 13.金子是曹禺剧本()中的人物。 A《原野》B《北京人》C《雷雨》D《日出》 14.()是古希腊喜剧作家阿里斯多芬的作品。 A《美狄亚》B《被束缚的普罗米修斯》C《安提戈涅》D《鸟》 15.()不是挪威剧作家易卜生的剧本。 A《玩偶之家》B《樱桃园》C《社会支柱》D《培尔金特》 16.《伪君子》是()的作品。 A高乃依B拉辛C莫里哀D萨特 17.()是中国著名的芭蕾表演艺术家,被誉为中国的第一只“白天鹅”。 A胡蓉蓉B薛菁华C白淑湘D石忠琴 18.“英歌”是具有()地区特色的舞蹈。 A福建B安徽C江苏D广东


《英语国家概况》模拟试卷(二) (考试时间150分钟) (英语专业) I. Direction: Read the following unfinished statements of questions carefully. For each unfinished statement of question four suggested answers A; B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on your answer sheet (25%) 1. There are ______ political divisions on the island of Great Britain. A. one B. two C. three D. four 2. Magna Carta had altogether 63 clauses of which the most important matters could be seen in three of the following except _______. A. no tax should be made without the approval of the Grand Council; B. no serf should be arrested, imprisoned or deprived of his property except by the law of the land C. London and other towns should retain their ancient rights and privileges D. There should be the same weights and measures through - out the country. 3. The first steam engine was devised by Thomas Newcomer at the end of the 17th century, and the Scottish inventor ________ modified and improved the design in 1765. A. Abraham Darby B. James Watt C. John Kay D. Richard Arkwright 4. In some areas factory farming methods are used, particularly for ________. A. growing crop B. producing milk C. catching fish D. rearing poultry 5. By tradition, the leader of the majority party is appointed ______ by the Sovereign in the United Kingdom. A. Prime Minister B. Member of Parliament C. Lord of Appeal D. Speaker of the House 6. Under the Anglo - Irish Treaty, Britain established _______ with dominion status in Ireland in 1921. A. the Anglican Church of Ireland B. the Irish Free State C. the Irish Republican Army


在职考研英语作文模板 考研英语大作文占20分,要求考生根据提示信息写出一篇160~200词的短文(标点符号不计算在内)。提示信息的形式有主题 句、写作提纲、规定情景、图、表等。以下是小编为您整理的在职考研英语作文模板相关资料,欢迎阅读! 一、首段 第一段四个句子,第一句宏观描述图画,并谈图画看似可笑但发人深思;第二句写出图画最强烈的视觉效果;第三句是主题句,用二十个单词的句子谈该现象对个人的发展和进步有破坏性,并引发思考;第四句是用贬义词批判这个现象是强烈的指责。 1、As isvividly depicted in the picture, which seems to be humorous and ridiculous butthought-provoking on second thoughts. 2、Themost striking feature that impresses me deeply is that unbelievably, 3、Recentfew years has witnessed a phenomenon of 主题which seemsto be disastrous to individual survival and prosperity. 4、Thisphenomenon of 主题should be condemned severely or madeillegal. 二、中间段落 中间段落从两方面论证问题的危害,并举例论证,预测危害的趋势。 第二段七个句子,首先第一句从宏观上谈这种现象总的有两到三个点危害或者原因;第二句谈这个现象的第一个危害,用“not only, but also”的五星级句子,通常是谈对个人身心健康的危害性;第三个句子谈第二个危害,通常是用一个豪华级的比较级的句子,让老师耳目一新,


广东外语外贸大学成人高等教育 《英语国家概况》第一套复习题 I. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True and F for False . ( 1.5 points each , 30 points in total ) 1.The island of Great Britain is geographically divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. 2.People from different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country. 3.In terms of population and area, Northern Ireland is the second largest part of the United Kingdom. 4.Because of political troubles, Northern Ireland has been quite significant among the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom. 5.The majority of the people in Britain are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons. 6.The Celtic people are the earliest known inhabitants of Britain. 7.English changed into what is described as Modern English from the late 16th century. 8.The British history before 55 BC is basically undocumented. 9.The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8th and 5th centuries BC. 10.The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe – the Britons. 11.The Anglo –Saxons came to Britain in the mid-5th century. 12.The Vikings began to attack the English coasts in the 8th century. 13.Henry II built up a large empire which included England and most of France. 14.The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople. 15.The Hundred Years’War was a series of wars fought between England and Normans for trade and territory. 16.In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions, Queen Elizabeth I actually defended the fruit of the Religious Reformation. 17.In reality, the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers. 18.British Parliament is the law-making body of the Commonwealth of Nations. 19.The members in the House of Commons in Britain are appointed rather than elected. 20.Britain was the first industrialized nation in the world. Answer keys: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T 11.T 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. F 16. T 17. F 18. F 19. F 20. T II. Choose the one that best completes each of the following statements. (2 points each, 40 points in total) 1. ___B_____ is the capitall city of Scotland. A. Belfast B. Edinburgh C. Aberdeen D. Cardiff 2. Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, ____D_____ is the smallest. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland 3. Almost a quarter of the British population lives in ____B_______ England. A. northeastern B.southeastern C. northwestern D. southwestern


史上最完整在职研究生报考流程 暑期就要来临了,2017年在职研考生正争分夺秒地复习。紧张备考之余,考生也要对考研日程有一个全局上的把握。其中涵盖了招生简章公布、招生政策公布、预报名、正式报名、现场确认、打印准考证、初试、查成绩、全国初试成绩基本要求公布、复试和调剂等各个环节。 第一步:招生单位公布招生简章、教育部公布招生政策、考研预报名 1.各招生单位将公布招生简章、硕士专业目录,考生可了解报考院校的新政策。 2.教育部将公布2017年全国硕士研究生招生工作管理规定、招生考试公告,确定初试时间、初试科目、报名要求等内容。考生特别要注意认真阅读报名要求。 3.省级招考管理机构、招生单位、报考点发布网报公告。 4.应届生可登录全国硕士生招考网报平台进行预报名。 第二步:正式报名、网上缴费 1.具备报名资格的考生可登录全国硕士生招考网报平台完成网上报名及缴费。 2.考生在选择报考点时,首先要认真阅读网报公告,了解省级教育招生考试管理机构、招生单位、报考点的有关要求;其次,如有疑问,电话咨询省级教育招考管理机构、招生单位、报考点进行确认。

第三步:现场确认 1.现场确认时间由各省级教育招考管理机构根据国家招生工作安排和本地区报考组织情况自行确定和公布。 2.现场确认时,考生提交本人居民身份证、学历证书(普通高校、成人高校、普通高校举办的成人高校学历教育应届本科毕业生持学生证)和网上报名编号,由报考点工作人员进行核对。 3.选择非网上缴纳报考费报考点的考生要在现场确认时缴费。 4.采集考生图像信息。 第四步打印准考证、初试 1.考生凭网报用户名和密码登录研招网下载打印《准考证》。准考证正反面不得有任何涂改。 2."准考证"由考生使用A4复印纸在规定时间内上网自行下载并打印。《准考证》正反两面在使用期间不得涂改。 3.考生凭"准考证"及居民身份证按规定时间进入考场,对号入座。 4.考试地点由报考点指定,建议考生在考试前一天到考试地点了解考场有关注意事项。 第五步:准备复试、查询初试成绩



在职研究生英语统考作文必背模板 写作模板1. (单一话题议论文) 第一段概述(大约40字): When it comes to the topic of______(作文的话题及某种社会现象,一般是作文标题).Some people hold the idea that ______ (人们的看法,观点). As far as I’m concerned, I think______ (我的看法,观点). So I firmly support (object to) the______(观点). 第二段正文(大约70字): There are several reasons for this______(这种现象或某种观点), but in general, they come down to three major ones , which listed as follows. To start with _____(第一个原因) .That is to say_____ (扩展介绍).What's more _____ (带来的影响).Secondly, ______(第二个原因).Besides_____ (扩展介绍).As a result of_____(带来的影响). And finally_________(第三个原因或者影响).Even more_________(扩展介绍).Not only _________ but also _________ (带来的影响). Obviously, it is high time that we_________( 本段小结). 第三段总结(大约40字): To sum up, I insist that______ (我的看法,观点).It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to solve the problem. On one hand,________ (给出建议). And on the other hand,_______( 给出建议).I believe all these measures will certainly help to ______(改变某种现象,进一步完善). 写作模板2. (辩证对比话题) 第一段概述(大约40字): Nowadays, when it comes to the _______(作文的话题及某种社会现象,一般是作文标题), the answers may vary from person to person. Some people hold the idea that_______(第一种看法,观点),but others argue that_______(第二种看法,观点). As for as I’m concerned, both_______(上述观点一)and_______(上述观点二). I will_______(陈述我的观点)for the following reasons. 第二段正文:(大约70字): In my opinion, __________(第一种看法,观点)can bring____ to________ (优势或者劣势). For one thing________ (阐述理由一). And it is usually ____(阐述理由一).What's more _____ (阐述理由一). Despite many obvious advantages ofthe first opinion, we can still find the second one also has some advantages when compared with the first. First of all ______(阐述理由一). Because of_______(阐述理由二). Even more _____ (阐述理由三,及带来的后果及影响). 第三段总结(大约40字): From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion. It is undoubted that _______(第一种看法,观点)is as important as_______(第二种看法,观点). So as for me, I agree to take the middle road. They both should be play extremely important role in our modern society. Only in this way can we become_______(总结,展望,呼吁) 各种文体写作要求


在职研究生管理类联考和经济类联考干货收藏! 随着社会经济的发展,市场上对人才的需求越来越大。管理类联考相对经济类联考,两个考试都包含了多个专业,那么你弄懂这两个考试了吗?下面由小编给大家介绍介绍双证在职研究生管理类联考和经济类联考。 包含专业 ?管理类联考专业 管理类专业硕士包含七个专业学位,分别是会计硕士(MPAcc)、图书情报硕士、工商管理硕士(MBA)、公共管理硕士(MPA)、旅游管理硕士、工程管理硕士和审计硕士。 ?经济类联考专业 经济类专业硕士包含六个专业学位,分别是金融硕士、应用统计硕士、税务硕士、国际商务硕士、保险硕士及资产评估硕士。 考试科目 ?管理类联考考试科目 管理类联考是指管理类专业硕士研究生入学统一考试。包括"管理类联考综合能力"与"英语二"两科,总分300分。

(1)管理类联考综合能力,卷面结构:数学、逻辑推理、写作(论证有效性分析、论说文),共三大部分。满分为200分。 (2)英语二,卷面结构:语言知识运用(即完形填空)、阅读理解第一部分四篇、阅读理解新题型、翻译(英译汉)、小作文、大作文,共六个部分。满分为100分。 ?经济类联考考试科目 经济类联考是指经济类专业硕士研究生入学统一考试。包括“经济类联考综合能力”、“政治”、“英语”、“专业课”四科,总分500分。 (1)经济类联考综合能力,卷面结构:数学基础、逻辑推理、写作,共三大部分。满分为150分。 (2)政治,卷面结构:单选题、多选题、分析题,三部分,满分100分。 (3)英语一和英语二,卷面结构:英语知识运用(完形填空)、阅读理解第一部分四篇、选择搭配题、英译汉、小作文、大作文,共五个部分,满分100分。英语一难于英语二。 (4)专业课,为全国统一规定代码的招生单位联合命题或自命题科目,根据专业而定,满分150分。 考试难度 ?管理类联考考试难度


2018在职研究生户籍与报考点若干问题汇总 1、我想问一下,我是A地毕业的往届生,在A地复习,户籍B地,请问可以在A地报考点报考吗? 答:可以报考,需要出示在当地工作的工作证明。 2、我想问,对于往届生来说,报考点是选择户籍所在地参加考试,还是想在某个城市考就在哪个城市参加考试。 答:各个地方政策不同,保险起见在户籍所在地考试。 3、往届生,户口档案和户口所在地不在一处怎么填写报考点? 答:这种情况应该很少见,为了谨慎起见,建议问下报考点。 4、暂缓就业的应该选择应届毕业生还是往届毕业生呀? 答:按照你毕业时间来选,今年毕业就选其他,明年毕业就选应届毕业生。5、如果填原籍的话我岂不是要回到原籍去考试? 答:户口所在地和报考点可以不是同一个地方,那个是验证的,你考试的地点可以选择。 6、请问一下,报考学校与就读学校不在一个省,报考学校和本校都是报考点,报名时报考点是填写就读学校还是就读学校所在城市的市招办? 答:就读学校所在省份。 7、求问二战一定要回户籍所在地考试吗?

答:如果在复习地点有工作证明,可以在复习地点进行考试。 8、请问下,我是湖南的往届考生,在上海复习,然后报考同济大学。请问我可不可在上海其他的考点报名考试呢?还是一定得回家去考? 答:可以在上海报名,需要在上海的工作证明,具体可以查看报考点的公告。 9、户口本上的家庭地址所在地和身份证上的纷歧样,会有影响吗? 答:按户口上面的地址写,不影响的。 10、我是往届考生,今年我所在的省份要网上缴费,我现在所在的市是说报名的时候要种种证明,我想报两个报名点,现在复习所在的市现场确认不了就回户籍地确认,但是缴费的时候是不是就要选择其中一个报名点缴费啊,交完费万一确认不了,是不是另一个没交费报名点也确认不了? 答:报名时可以生成两份报名表,以现场确认的最终报名信息为准;具体可以查看报考点公告并咨询报考点工作人员。 11、我想问下,户口所在地详细地址是指户口所属的派出所的地址还是家庭住址?(我没迁户口到学校) 答:户口本上的地址。 附:在职研究生热门招生院校推荐表


英语作文模板,我去年用的,结合网上搜集的资料加上自己的想法总结的,你们没事可以看下,有些陈述性句子我感觉还是不错的,基本万能吧。。。补充一点,经验而谈,考英语时候一般发试卷前会把草稿纸先发 给你,这时候你可以在草稿纸上把你背好的模版默写到草稿纸上,因为这时候算是大脑最平静的时候,当然你进考场之间还可以把作文模版再背一遍。以免到时候看到不是自己熟悉的作文心里一着急背的有用的陈述 性的句子都忘记了。退一万步讲,即使作文不会写,起码蒙也能把背好的陈述性的句子给抄上去充字数。一般你往草稿纸上默写是不会管你的,我考的那会卷纸发下来之前我就把一张草稿纸默写满了,当时写作文的时候一点都不心急,就一个字,爽! 补充: 看到有人问到用这个模板得多少分的,去年我得的分是不低根据网上估的选择题算 下来20分的大作文有13+ 可能这里有出入

不过去年的作文比较大众化没有模板也可以编出来。 还有关于说用模板低分的问题,大家可以把开头几句陈述性的句子打乱下顺序,比如图表作文,开头的陈述性句子都是:1There has been a discussion recently about apicture in which _____。○2_____。 ○3_____。○4The picturesconvey a clear and strong message to us that_____。 我们可以倒一下过来:4The picturesconvey a clear and strong message to us that_____。1There has been a discussion recently about apicture in which _____。○2_____。○3_____。○4The picturesconvey a clear and strong message to us that_____。 或者你自己写个开头加个倒装什么的绝 对亮瞎改卷老师的24K真金狗眼 ~~~{:soso_e107:}
