




Ⅰ. Each of the following incomplete statements if followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)

expression “physically handicapped” is the euphemistic equivalent of “()”. A. ugly B. skinny

C. deaf

D. crippled

()is a small open space symbolically enclosed with very low walls and adjoining a building.

A. semihouse

B. balcony

C. plot

D. yard

grammar is often said to be()because English uses frequently inflectional morphemes to indicate the grammatical relations between linguistic elements.

A. paratactic

B. hypotactic

C. explicit

D. implicit

word “()”i s American spelling.

A. colour

B. traveller

C. metre

D. defense

when criticized would be considered()in American culture.

A. improper

B. polite

C. friendly

D. frivolous

meddlesome person who pries into others’ affairs is a().

A. busman

B. busybody

C. ladies’ man

D. do-gooder

is the language which().

A. demonstrates more hypotactic relations than Chinese does.

B. demonstrates more paratactic relations than Chinese does.

C. demonstrates only hypotactic relations.

D. only relies on conjunctions for sentence construction.

idiomatic expression “between Scylla and Charybdis” can be translated into().

A. 费了九牛二虎之力

B. 进退两难

C. 坐失良机

D. 昙花一现

is the name of()in Greek mythology.

A. a heroine

B. the goddess of victory

C. the goddess of fortune

D. a wealthy lady

speakers usually give small gifts to()on his or her birthday.

A. a casual friend

B. a new acquaintance

C. a public servant

D. a good friend

11.()can function as an appropriate reply to an invitation.

A. “Thank you very much. I’ll come if I’m free then”

B. “Thank you very much. But I can’t accept your invitation”

C. “That would be nice. Thank you”

D. “Thank you, I’ll try to come”

you want to compliment the new coat Mary wears, you can say().

A. “I like your new coat.”

B. “That’s very nice coat you’re wearing. It must be very expensive.”

C. “You look much younger in this coat.”

D. “How much did you pay for this coat”

proverbial expression “life is but a walking shadow” is derived from the works of ().

A. Geoffrey Chaucer

B. John Milton

C. Francis Bacon

D. William Shakespeare

English culture “green” is often associated with().

A. experience

B. an old age

C. jealousy

D. failure

15.“A pedant or erudite female intellectual” can be referred to as().

A. a blue ribbon

B. a blue stocking

C. a grey mare

D. a greengrocer

effort to rescue American captives in Iran in 1980 failed and it was called a(n)“()” rather than a “failure”.

A. incomplete success

B. partial success

C. intangible success

D. mental success

speakers expect to be immediately informed of()the letter they have received is written.

A. the purpose for which

B. the reasons for which

C. the date on which

D. the place in which

18.“Ticke t s, please!” said the guard, putting his head in at the window.

()everybody was holding out a ticket.

A. Until then

B. To this end

C. At last

D. In a moment

that are used to help explain the spoken words are().

A. regulators

B. illustrators

C. adapters

D. emblems

20.“A person or thing suddenly lifted from obscurity to honour or significance” can be referred to as().

A. a Cleopatra

B. a Pandora

C. a Cinderella

D. a David

Ⅱ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives.

Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer.(10%)

receiving a gift, the English speakers normally say().

A. “It’s very nice”

B. “This is really what I want”

C. “It must have cost you a lot. Thank you very much ”

D. “How much is it Thank you very much”

English equivalents to “副” in Chinese are().

A. lieutenant

B. under

C. deputy

D. vice

English culture, “white” connotes().

A. reaction

B. death

C. innocence

D. purity

argumentation has been related to().

A. The linear thinking pattern

B. The branching thinking pattern

C. Inductive reasoning

D. Indirect personality individualistic culture,().

A. an unexpected visitor may be refused frankly

B. when you visit somebody, you could stay at his or her home for long

C. it is quite common for several friends to pay respectively for what they have had in a restaurant

D. it’s not common for parents to pay their children for what they have done for the family

26.“A Pandora’s box” refers to a present or something().

A. which the gods send to Pandora

B. which brings happiness but looks ugly

C. which a bride traditionally gives to a bridegroom

D. which seems valuable but brings misfortune

of the()information is conveyed by eye behaviours.

A. factual

B. attitudinal

C. emotional

D. cultural

general, American’s postures are more()than the Chinese speakers’.

A. casual

B. aggressive

C. reserved

D. appropriate

English speakers who expect a text to be developed linearly may find it().

A. interesting to read a spirally developed text

B. difficult to follow a spirally developed text

C. illogic to develop a text spirally

D. reasonable to develop a text spirally

30.“哪里” as a reply to a polite comment such as “You’re one of the top scholars in this field.” can be translated into“()”.

A. No. That’s not true

B. Not really

C. It’s such a small field

D. You’re joking

Ⅲ. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.


a formal English letter of invitation, the inviter’s name normally

comes___________the invitee’s name.

English equivalent of内人 is___________.

English functional equivalent to 您过奖了 is___________.

human beings possess what can be called ___________ in the true sense of the term.

cast your ___________ before swine.

proposes, God ___________.

plant and place names such as “poker” and “Mississippi” in American English come from ___________.

language represents a unique system of meaning in ___________ ways.

speakers are direct people who tend to locate ___________ meaning before peripheral meaning.

little old woman with a wrinkle face as brown as a ___________ told us our fortune for ten pence.

in word order between Chinese and English are related to ___________. time orientation refers to how people feel, think, or perceive time and how it influences their daily communication and lives.

Ⅳ. Answer the following questions briefly:(12%)

is artistic thinking

is the British equivalent for the American word “raincoat”

’s the general rule in English culture when introductions are conducted whic h language is the word “cookie” borrowed

does “a white hope” refer to

there honourifics in English If there are, what are they

Ⅴ. Translation: (16%)

’s a long time since he went west.

started patter on the roof.

can’t judge a person according to his or her appearance.





56.赌博、女人和酒使男人在笑声中毁灭。(into an English proverb)

Ⅵ. Define the following terms: (10%)




c culture

Ⅶ. Discuss the following topics: (20%)

are the topics that are considered taboo by English speakers How should such topics be treated in conversations with English speakers

the cross-cultural contrast between English and Chinese compliments and responses.


全国2018年1月高等教育自学考试 语言与文化试题 课程代码:00838 Ⅰ.Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%) 1.“Negro”,once a euphemism for “_______”, is now an offensive racist term.() A.a black man B.nigger C.an African D.black boy 2.The expression that can be used as the euphemism for “gardener”is “_______”.() A.landscape architect B.garden designer C.beautician D.botanist 3.I may be back tonight; I’m not sure. _______,just make yourself at home.() A.However B.Despite this C.Either way D.Still 4.He showed no pleasure at hearing the news. _______ he looked even gloomier.() A.Alternatively B.I mean C.In addition D.Instead 5.“他住在美国马萨诸塞州剑桥神德街2号”can be translated into _______.() A.He lives at Divinity Avenue 2, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. B.He lives at Divinity Avenue 2 in Cambridge of Massachusetts, U.S.A. C.He lives at 2 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. D.He lives in U.S.A, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Divinity Avenue 2. 6._______ is a weapon name.() A.Brenda B.Arthur C.Rhoda D.Timothy 7.When receiving a gift, the English speakers normally say_______.() A.“It’s very nice” B.“Where did you get it? This is really what I want” C.“It must have cost you a lot. Thank you very much” D.“How much is it? Thank you very much” 1


本套题正确率15/168=91% 人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(一)已完成 1 下列关于人类起源非洲假说的内容中正确的是()。 ?A、能人走出非洲 ?B、南猿人走出非洲 ?C、元谋人走出非洲 ?D、直立人走出非洲 我的答案:D 2 下列哪一项是人类进化的形态之一?() ?A、山顶洞人 ?B、智人 ?C、北京人 ?D、元谋人 我的答案:B 3 符号活动出现于()。 ?A、南猿时期 ?B、直立人时期 ?C、晚期智人 ?D、早期智人 我的答案:C 4 人类起源非洲假说是指人类发源于非洲,然后移动到世界各地。()我的答案:√ 5 某一人群的mtDNA变异越大,它的群体演化历史越短。() 我的答案:×

人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(二)已完成 1 非洲智人最早移动到哪一大洲?() ?A、北美洲 ?B、南美洲 ?C、亚洲 ?D、澳洲 我的答案:C 2 非洲智人什么时候开始走出非洲?() ?A、20万年前 ?B、13万年前 ?C、15万年前 ?D、10万年前 我的答案:A 3 下列哪一项事物的出现不能标志着智人具有了一定的符号编码能力?() ?A、图画 ?B、雕刻 ?C、文字 ?D、瓷器 我的答案:D 4 智人走出非洲有几条路线?()

?B、2 ?C、3 ?D、4 我的答案:B 5 直立人是语言人,智人不是语言人。() 我的答案:× 6 人类起源非洲假说为人类的基因和语言研究提供了重要依据。()我的答案:√ 人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(三)已完成1 脑容量与语言的关系是()。 ?A、正相关 ?B、负相关 ?C、没关系 ?D、不确定 我的答案:A 2 方言的形成有几种方式?()

2019年 语言与文化 期末考试答案

语言与文化 一、单选题(题数:40,共40.0 分) 1被称作“美国人类学之父”的是()。(1.0分) A、索绪尔 B、洪堡特 C、康托尔 D、鲍亚士 正确答案:D 2 “名无固宜,约之以命。约定俗成谓之宜,异于约则谓之不宜。”出自哪位文学家?()(1.0分) A、荀子 B、孔子 C、孟子 D、老子 正确答案:A 3 ()是西藏那曲中“曲”的藏语含义。(1.0分) A、湖泊 B、河流

D、山峰 正确答案:B 4 “包氏父子”属于哪种所指关系?()(1.0分) A、无限集 B、空集 C、不定集 D、有限集 正确答案:D 5 ()是英语、汉语、傣语的亲属称谓中都有区分的语义特征。(1.0分) A、血缘 B、长幼 C、远近 D、性别 正确答案:A 6首先发现了最大序数悖论的数学家是()。(1.0分)

B、布拉里·福蒂 C、华罗庚 D、塞万提斯 正确答案:A 7语言起源的多元论指的是早期智人第几次走出非洲?()(1.0分) A、第四次 B、第三次 C、第二次 D、第一次 正确答案:C 8我国哪位思想家提出过符号任意性原则?()(1.0分) A、孔子 B、孟子 C、老子 D、荀子 正确答案:D

9自相论认为语言系统体现了人类什么能力?()(1.0分) A、语言能力 B、后天经验能力 C、语言能力和后天经验能力的交互作用。 D、遗传 正确答案:C 10 “语言是有限规则和单位生成无限的句子”这句话出自于哪位语言学家?()(1.0分) A、索绪尔 B、洪堡特 C、乔姆斯基 D、韩里德 正确答案:C 11智人走出非洲称为()。(1.0分) A、第一次走出非洲 B、第二次走出非洲 C、第三次走出非洲 D、第四次走出非洲


《语言与文化》复习资料答案 I. 1—10 DDDBA DCBCC 11—20 BBBBA BDCAC 21—25 AAAAC II. 1. CD 2. AD 3. CD 4. ABD 5. ABCD III. 1—10 FTFTF FTTFT 11—20 FTTFF TFTTF 21—25 TFTTT IV 1. accenting 2. Hypotactic 3. After you 4. contact 5. Ex cuse me 6. hypotactic 7. It’s my pleasure 8. environmentalism 9. Paratactic 10. Chronemics 11. softening words 12. nuclear V. 1.culture:文化.Culture is the unique style and custom, which a nation forms in the history of its own development. https://www.360docs.net/doc/ee11418461.html,munication:交际.Communication may be defined as that which happens whenever someone responds to the behavior or the residue of the behavior of another person. 3.one-way communication:单向交际.Communication without feedback is called one-way communication. 4. communicative competence 交际能力 The ability to behave appropriately and effectively by verbal and / or nonverbal means to achieve intended results at a given time, in a give place, in a given communication event, and towards a given person or persons.


??????????????????????精品自学考试资料推荐?????????????????? 浙江省 2018 年 4 月自学考试语言与文化试卷 课程代码: 10058 Ⅰ. Multiple choice (24%) Directions: Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. 1. The relationship between language and culture is that ________.( ) A. the former determines the latter B. the latter determines the former C. the two are parallel D. the two interact 2. While “ handsome woman” and “ pretty woman ” are both acceptable, they suggest different kinds of attractiveness because of the ________ associations of these two objectives.( ) A. collocative B. affective C. connotative D. thematic 3. A young man or young woman who rejects authority, existing institutions and conventional attitudes towards morality, style of dress is called________.( ) A. hippie B. knight C. koala D. poke 4. A fortified place occupied only by army or a fortified trading post is called ________.( ) A. castle B. fort C. lynch D. terrapin 5. Pork, mutton and beef are loan words from ________. ( ) A. French B. Latin C. Indian D. English 6.English is often referred to as a ________ language because it relies heavily on conjunctions to indicate the relationship between linguistic units. ( ) A. paratactic B. branching C. hypotactic D. linear 7. Religious name “John” means ________ in Chinese. ( ) A. 上帝是神圣的 B. 约翰 1


福师《语言与文化》在线作业一 一、单选题(共 35 道试题,共 70 分。) V 1. In deciding_______a course of action, the candidates tried to estimate its likely impact on the voters. A. what to pursue B. which to pursue C. whether to pursue D. if to pursue 满分:2 分 C 2. It is only recently _________astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. A. when B. so that C. that D. which 满分:2 分 C 3. Mass advertising helped to____the emphasis from the production of goods to their consumption. A. vary B. shift C. lay D. moderate

满分:2 分 B 4. Some nonverbal messages are consistent with accompanying verbal message, which is the____function of nonverbal message. A. complementing B. contradicting C. regulating D. accenting 满分:2 分 A 5. Some research workers completely____all those facts as though they never existed . A. ignore B. leave C. refuse D. miss 满分:2 分 A 6. Jack is late again. It is ___ of him to keep others waiting. A. normal B. ordinary C. common D. typical 满分:2 分 D 7. Language is an instrument used in the( )of thought.

年 语言与文化 期末考试答案

语言与文化 一、单选题(题数:40,共分) 1被称作“美国人类学之父”的是()。(分) A、索绪尔 B、洪堡特 C、康托尔 D、鲍亚士 正确答案: D 2 “名无固宜,约之以命。约定俗成谓之宜,异于约则谓之不宜。”出自哪位文学家()(分) A、荀子 B、孔子 C、孟子 D、老子 正确答案: A 3 ()是西藏那曲中“曲”的藏语含义。(分) A、湖泊 B、河流 C、丘陵 D、山峰 正确答案: B 4 “包氏父子”属于哪种所指关系()(分) A、无限集 B、空集 C、不定集 D、有限集 正确答案: D 5 ()是英语、汉语、傣语的亲属称谓中都有区分的语义特征。(分) A、血缘 B、长幼 C、远近 D、性别 正确答案: A

6首先发现了最大序数悖论的数学家是()。(分) A、康托尔 B、布拉里·福蒂 C、华罗庚 D、塞万提斯 正确答案: A 7语言起源的多元论指的是早期智人第几次走出非洲()(分) A、第四次 B、第三次 C、第二次 D、第一次 正确答案: C 8我国哪位思想家提出过符号任意性原则()(分) A、孔子 B、孟子 C、老子 D、荀子 正确答案: D 9自相论认为语言系统体现了人类什么能力()(分) A、语言能力 B、后天经验能力 C、语言能力和后天经验能力的交互作用。 D、遗传 正确答案: C 10 “语言是有限规则和单位生成无限的句子”这句话出自于哪位语言学家()(分) A、索绪尔 B、洪堡特 C、乔姆斯基 D、韩里德 正确答案: C 11智人走出非洲称为()。(分) A、第一次走出非洲 B、第二次走出非洲

C、第三次走出非洲 D、第四次走出非洲 正确答案: B 12在语言中形成的最为高级的语言是什么()(分) A、符号 B、英语 C、汉语 D、数学 正确答案: D 13 ()是指由词演变成词组的过程。(分) A、虚化 B、语法化 C、词汇化 D、组合 正确答案: C 14下列哪类人的进化程度更高()(分) A、北京人 B、元谋人 C、山顶洞人 D、蓝田人 正确答案: C 15沃尔夫的()观点认为“同一个物理证据,并不是所有的观察者都得到相同的宇宙图式,除非他们的语言背景相同或相似。”(分) A、语言共相论 B、语言相对论 C、语言自相论 D、文化相对论 正确答案: B 16茶马古道路过的中甸是现在的()地区。(分) A、丽江束河镇 B、香格里拉 C、西藏那曲 D、云南大理


论述题(10*10=100) 1:试论述生产文化的地域性 2:怎样理解生活文化的地域性 3:影响物质文化地域性的因素有哪些? 4:怎样理解语言与地理、社会环境的关系? 5:地名的主要性能(性质和职能)是什么?地名景观的种类有哪几种? 6:宗教与地理环境存在什么样的关系? 7:你对文学的地域差异及与地理环境的关系有怎样的理解? 8:文化生态学: 9:怎样理解文化发展与自然环境间的关系 10:应用文化生态学研究文化地理学问题应注意些什么(简答) 1:(1)农业文化具有地域性,世界农业文化文化区的存在就是农业文化区域性的充分表现。根据其鲜明的地域特点,分布上可分为热带雨林农业文化区、草原农业文化区、干旱沙漠农业区文化区等8大农业文化区。(2)工业产业文化的地域性,一般遵循工业产业分布的特点和区域差异。由于不同的工业生产的所要 求的各类要素的配置不一样,所以工业产业就形成了明显的的地区差异。此外,特定时期的国家政策也会对工业生产的布局带来影响。 2:主要可以分为衣、食、住三个方面进行分析。 (1)服饰文化:在衣着方式、制衣布料、服饰色彩、服装形态等方面都有鲜明的地域性。如制衣布料,因其衣料资源的分布差异,早期的地区差异明显:中国广泛使用丝绸,南亚多用黄麻,靠近北极都用兽毛衣料。

(2)饮食文化:在食物原料、烹饪等方面,区域间都出现了差异。因各地食材不同,人们口味不一,形成了“南甜北咸”的八大菜系。 (3)居住文化:区域差异主要体现在建筑风格、建筑材料和居住形式。因地域气候、资源等自然条件不用,就形成了口袋房、四合院、洞穴式、干栏式等风格形式的建筑。 3:(1)自然因素:主要指自然地理环境:气候通过对生产、生活各个方面的影响而形成与各地气候条件相符的物质文化;地形和水文因素对于生产和生活方式有重要影响;而地质和生物对居住文化、交通运输、饮食结构都有一定影响。 (2)社会、人文因素:首先经济条件决定了物质文化的内容、发展的水平和方向,其变化还影响着居住文化;再者民族文化与宗教信仰对信仰宗教的民族的物质文化有重要影响;其次文化交流、民族交往可以使个民族、各地区的物质文化相互交融和吸纳。 4:语言的产生、发展和演变,以及分布格局等于地理环境及社会环境之间存在着密不可分的关系。 (1)环境与语言的产生:首先语言中的词汇受环境的影响的最大、最直接;其次,环境过语言来作用于语音,地理环境的不同造成人心理上、生理上的差异,从而引起人语音、声调以及表达感情方式的不尽相同;环境还对语言的语法产生有影响,环境塑造出的民族心态会在语法上体现。 (2)环境对语言插播、演进的影响:语言自身的发展深受自然环境和社会历史条件变化的影响。自然环境条件的差异往往会促进或阻碍语言的传播,从未形成了方言;而人文环境的对语言的影响主要体现在:行政区域、移民、国家政策及经济水平等因素对语言发展的强烈影响。行政区域的划分和建制往往对语言的传播扩散骑着决定性作用。国家的方针则往往通过影响移民来影响语言的扩散。 5:地名的主要性能是:社会性、历史性、文物性、指位性、地域性、稳定性、可变性和衍生性。地名景观的种类:山水地名(赤峰、华山)、示位地名(山南水北为阳,衡阳)、寄意地名(西安、宝鸡)、特产地名(盐城)、民



本套题正确率15/168=91% 人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(一)已完成 1 下列关于人类起源非洲假说的内容中正确的是()。 ?A、能人走出非洲 ?B、南猿人走出非洲 ?C、元谋人走出非洲 ?D、直立人走出非洲 我的答案:D 2 下列哪一项是人类进化的形态之一?() ?A、山顶洞人 ?B、智人 ?C、北京人 ?D、元谋人 我的答案:B 3 符号活动出现于()。 ?A、南猿时期 ?B、直立人时期 ?C、晚期智人 ?D、早期智人 我的答案:C 4 人类起源非洲假说是指人类发源于非洲,然后移动到世界各地。() 我的答案:√

5 某一人群的mtDNA变异越大,它的群体演化历史越短。() 我的答案:×

人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(二)已完成 1 非洲智人最早移动到哪一大洲?() ?A、北美洲 ?B、南美洲 ?C、亚洲 ?D、澳洲 我的答案:C 2 非洲智人什么时候开始走出非洲?() ?A、20万年前 ?B、13万年前 ?C、15万年前 ?D、10万年前 我的答案:A 3 下列哪一项事物的出现不能标志着智人具有了一定的符号编码能力?() ?A、图画

?B、雕刻 ?C、文字 ?D、瓷器 我的答案:D 4 智人走出非洲有几条路线?() ?A、1 ?B、2 ?C、3 ?D、4 我的答案:B 5 直立人是语言人,智人不是语言人。() 我的答案:× 6 人类起源非洲假说为人类的基因和语言研究提供了重要依据。() 我的答案:√ 人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(三)已完成

1 脑容量与语言的关系是()。 ?A、正相关 ?B、负相关 ?C、没关系 ?D、不确定 我的答案:A 2 方言的形成有几种方式?() ?A、3 ?B、2 ?C、4 ?D、5 我的答案:B 3 ()对我国南方汉语方言的形成起了不可估量的作用。 ?A、语言接触 ?B、语言融合


都可以看作是一种特殊世界观的承担者。观点认为“每一个人,不管什么语言,洪堡特的()分)(1.0 1.0 分 、A ? 文化相对论、B ? 语言共相论、C ? 语言自相论、D ?语言相对论正确答案:D 我的答案:D 2 (),茶马互市开始形成。(1.0 分) 0.0 分 A 、? 宋明 B、? 汉朝 C、?清朝、D ? 唐朝B 正确答案:3 分)语言是一个群体的()的记录者。(1.0 1.0 分、A ? 思维模式、B ?

思维方法、C ? 思维轨迹、D ? 思维能力正确答案:A 我的答案:A 4 饮茶的三个层次不包括()。(1.0 分) 1.0 分 A 、? 沏茶 喝茶、C ? 侍茶、D ? 品茶A A 我的答案:正确答案: 5 1.0 分)保护民族语言的前提是()。(1.0 孤立民族语言、B ? 废除汉语、C ? 汉语是全民族的通用语、D ? 田野调查 正确答案:C 我的答案:C 分)1.0 在《诗经》中,共有()个韵部分、A ? 6

1.0 分 、A ? 10、B ? 20、C ? 30、D ? 40 正确答案:C 我的答案:C 7 既包括语言文化相对论,也包括生成语法是()的语言学观点。(1.0 分) 1.0 分 A 、? 布龙菲尔德 B、? 萨丕尔 C、? 洪堡特 D 、? 乔姆斯基 C 我的答案:正确答案:C 8 分)在所有语言中,()被认为是最为高级的语言。(1.0 1.0 分 、A ? 汉语、B ? 日语

、C ? 英语、D ? 数学正确答案:D 我的答案:D 9 “语言是一种创造性的活动”是()对语言还原生成能力的阐述。 1.0 分) 1.0 分 A 、? 洪堡特 B、? 萨丕尔 菲尔墨、D ? 索绪尔A 我的答案:A 正确答案:10 1.0 ()最早提岀语言转向一说。()(分)1.0 分、A ? 乔姆斯基、B ? 萨丕尔、C ? 维特根斯坦、D ? 索绪尔正确答案:C 我的答案:C 11 下列选项中,思维的层面不包括() 。(1.0 分) 思维能力、B ? 思维方法、C ? 1.0 分


Quiz for non-English Majors in Culture Class This quiz is for the students from the English Language & Culture class hosted by Sun Xiaolong. * Vocabulary and Structure 1. There were also famous and very smart masterminds in the history of the western world, as in the sayings like: (Key: B, Points: 2) A: Even Athena sometimes makes mistakes. B: Even Homer sometimes nod. C: Athena even sometimes make mistakes. D: Homer even sometimes nods. 2. Places of the ancient Greek civilization include ___________ (Key: A, Points: 2) A: Crete, Ithaca, Mycenae B: Egypt, Greece, Rome C: Crete, Troy, Egypt D: Egypt, Troy, Asia Minor 3. "_________" is the word we use today to say the world sports games held once in four years. (Key: B, Points: 2) A: Olympus B: Olympiad C: Olympian D: Olympia 4. "________________" is a creative problem solving competition involving students from kindergarten through college. (Key: A, Points: 2) A: Odyssey of the Mind B: Mental Journey C: Mental Way D: Way of the Mind 5. There are two morphemes in the word "Pantheon", "pan-" as also in "________" and "theo-" as also in "____________". (Key: C, Points: 2) A: pants, theory B: Pandora, theology C: pan-America, theology D: pan-Pacific, thermometer 6. He would have made a good pilot but his drinking habit was his _____________. (Key: D, Points: 2) A: Hector's tendon


1西方人研究哲学的三大课题不包括()。A、认识论问题B、方法论问题C、形而上学问题D、伦理学问题——B 2印欧语系在语义上的特点是()。A、一音多义,多分类义B、多义字少,模糊义多C、字义简洁,多综合义D、多清晰义,可选择的音节多——D 3中华文化中的“爱”的根源来源是()之中。A、忠B、孝C、仁D、义——B 4中国不受列强欺负的方法应该强调()。A、长期性B、节制性C、整体性D、以上都正确——C 5提出学道者须先明了万物与我为一体之理,不重视观察外物的是()。A、程颢B、杨时C、陆九渊D、张载——A 6解释文化的三把主要钥匙不包括:A、环境B、语言文字C、社会D、人口——D :D 7中国文化中讲究的体证的缺点在于()。A、不能被所有人接受B、不是系统的科学理论C、所得的观点难以验证D、体证者无法正确表达——C :B 8关于中国人的哲学,说法不正确的是()。A、特别强调德行B、追求长生不老C、有追求但是没有实际的行动D、儒家是追求德行的代表——C :C 9西方文化中倾向将象形文字符号化是因为符号化后()。A、视觉上更为美观B、交流上便于沟通C、政治上统治需要D、书写上节约时间——D 10世界各地的文化从大体上看都是()。A、不断循环的B、横向发展的C、纵向发展的D、相互融合的——A 11中国古代的乡校除了办学以外,另外一个作用是()。A、行医B、论政C、征兵D、行商——B 12萨皮尔-沃尔夫假说中提到语言和思维的关系是()。A、语言决定思维B、思维决定语言C、语言和思维相互背离D、语言和思维相互促进——A 13《周易·序卦》中自然界的始基不包括()。A、天地B、阴阳C、男女D、日月——D 14 关于西方民族特性的特点,说法不正确的是:A、流动性B、家族性C、冒险性D、好战性——B 15印欧语系的语言不可能引导文化向()发展。A、逻辑型B、抽象型C、理智型D、理论型——D 16西方哲学倡导()。A、气一元论B、精神论C、原子论D、客观论——C 17根据辜正坤老师的观点,中华文化大概存在了()左右。A、3000-5000 B、5000-7000 C、7000-9000 D、9000-10000 ——C 18中国地形的特点是:A、四通八达B、水陆两便C、隔绝机制D、开放机制——C 19下列哪一项是关于中原文化取向的:A、大帮择主B、强化王权C、帮派主义D、契约分权——B 20道家作为验证真理的工具的是()。A、社会的反应B、流行的理论C、自己的身体D、外部的环境——C 21西方文化中排名首位的因素是()。A、理智B、利益C、勇敢D、博爱——C 22释迦摩尼提出的五蕴是()。A、色、受、想、行、智B、色、受、智、行、识C、色、受、想、行、识D、色、智、想、行、识——C 23古希腊罗马创造文明的主要群体是()。A、贵族阶级B、统治阶级C、市民阶级D、奴隶阶级——D 24相较于中国的唯心主义,柏拉图的唯心主义强调的是()。A、思维B、原型C、理


2018年10月高等教育自学考试《语言与文化》试题 课程代码:00838 I. Each of the statements is followed by four alternatives. Read following incomplete each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%) 1. Without the emergence of man would remain what he was one or two million years ago. A.culture B. speech C. language D. thinking 2. When we say that language is , we mean that the language is rule governed. A.systematic B. arbitrary C. vocal D. symbolic 3. The relationship between a word and an object in the real world to which the word refers is the meaning of the word. A. connotative B. social C. affective D. conceptual 4. If an entry in a dictionary consists of two or more words, it will be treated as a A. phrase B. clause C. compound D. sentence 5. The following Chinese sentences are implicit passive sentences EXCEPT A.花晒着太阳了。B.红旗被插上了井冈山。 C.湿衣服吹吹风,干得快。D.道路加宽了,立交桥也修起来了。 6. The following sentences have hypotactic relations EXCEPT" " A. Bread and butter is my favoufite breakfast B. The man ran away when he saw the dog C. John loves Mary and Mary loves John, too D. He bought tea, coffee, eggs, milk, etc 7. "Flora" is a quite common English name. It belongs to names. A. religious B. weapon C. flower D. knowledge 8. In English speaking countries some elderly persons may use" "as a vocative to address a young lad without meaning to offend. A. son B. lad C. man D. buddy 9. The meaning of the idiom "the cat's got your tongue" is" " A. you're joking B. you're clumsy C. you're very quiet D. you're angry 10. The sentence "她是个王熙凤式的人物" uses an allusion from a Chinese literary work A. Three Kingdoms B. Dream of Red Mansions C. Water Margin D. Pilgrimage to the West 11. In the sentence "Bring the child down to me for a formight. I have a huge old garden where he can be as free as a bird", the tenor is A. a bird B. a fortnight C. a huge old garden D. the child 12. In the following metaphorical expressions," " shows ideas are food.


浙江省2018年7月自学考试语言与文化试题 课程代码:10058 I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which one of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%) 1. In English, “sdylh”is not a possible word and “green made he”is not an acceptable sentence. It proves that language is ________. ( ) A. arbitrary B. systematic C. symbolic D. vocal 2. The Chinese equivalent for “Housewarming”is ________. ( ) A. 温室效应 B. 温暖的房屋 C. 乔迁喜宴 D. 房屋供暖 3. The word in British English for “tire”is ________. ( ) A. wheel B. bore C. tyre D. tier 4. The English name “Camellia”is related to ________. ( ) A. Christianity B. plant C. weapon D. knowledge 5. ________ can represent the geographical aspects of culture. ( ) A. Koala B. Cowboy C. Queen D. Hot dog 6. If a student wants to express his gratitude for professor’s help, he can say ________. ( ) A. “I am so sorry that I am wasting your time.” B. “I hope I didn’t disturb you.” C. “Don’t you mind I disturb you?” D. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help.” 7. When an Englishman says “I was only pulling your leg”, he means ________. ( ) A. I was only trying to prevent you from making progress. B. I was only warning you. C. I was only joking. D. I was only asking you for help. 8. The first week day after Christmas, a legal holiday in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, is called ________. ( ) A. Boxing Day B. Easter C. Thanksgiving Day D. St. Valentine’s Day


计算机文化基础考试试题含答案 一、单选题(每小题 1 分,共 30 分) 1.在Word的编辑状态,当前文档中有一个表格,选定列后,单击表格菜单中" 删除列 " 命令后()。 A.表格中的内容全部被删除,但表格还存在 B.表格和内容全部被删除 C.表格被删除,但表格中的内容未被删除 D.表格中插入点所在的列被删除 2.十进制数 8000 转换为等值的八进制数是()。 A.571 ( O ) B.57100(O) C.175 (O ) D.17500(O) 3.下列设备中,既能向主机输入数据又能接受主机输出数据的是()。 A. 显示器 B. 扫描仪 C. 磁盘存储器 D. 音响设备 4.下列操作中,()不能关闭 FrontPage 应用程序。 A. 单击“关闭”按钮 B. 单击“文件”菜单中的“退出” C. 单击“文件”菜单中的“关闭” D. 双击标题栏左边的控制菜单框 5.在 Excel 清单中,()。 A. 只能将标题行冻结 B. 可以将任意的列或行冻结 C. 可以将 A 列和 1、 2 、3 行同时冻结 D. 可以将任意的单元格冻结 6. CRT 显示器的像素光点直径有多种规格,下列直径中显示质量最好的是()mm。 A.0.39 B.0.33 C.0.31 D.0.28 7.软盘不加写保护,对它可以进行的操作是()。 A. 只能读盘,不能写盘 B. 只能写盘,不能读盘 C. 既能读盘,又能写盘 D. 不能读盘,也不能写盘 8.软件与程序的区别是()。 A.程序价格便宜、软件价格昂贵 B.程序是用户自己编写的,而软件是由厂家提供的 C.程序是用高级语言编写的,而软件是由机器语言编写的 D. 软件是程序以及开发、使用和维护所需要的所有文档的总称, 而程序是软件的一部分 9.微型计算机中使用的人事档案管理系统,属下列计算机应用中的()。


《语言与文化》单选题 1.悖论的本质是(A )。 A、递归否定 B、语言的层次不清 C、语言的任意性 D、连续否定 2.从语义的角度区分了句子的阶层,认为语义悖论可以通过区分对象语言和元语言来解决的是( B )。 A、康德尔 B、塔尔斯基 C、哥德尔 D、布拉里?福蒂 3.德国的(A )最早发现最大序数悖论。 A、康德尔 B、塞万提斯 C、堂吉柯德 D、布拉里?福蒂 4.多少年前非洲智人开始走出非洲?(A ) A、20万年前 B、13万年前 C、15万年前 D、10万年前 5.方言的形成有(B )种方式。 A、3 B、2 C、4 D、5 6.关于人类起源非洲的假说,下列选项中正确的一项是(D )。 A、能人走出非洲 B、元谋人走出非洲 C、南猿人走出非洲 D、直立人走出非洲 7.进化程度更高的是(B )。 A、元谋人 B、山顶洞人 C、蓝田人 D、北京人 8.哪一个大洲是非洲智人最早移动到的大洲?(C ) A、南美洲 B、北美洲 C、亚洲 D、澳洲 9.乔姆斯基最早在(C )中提出“语言是有限规则和单位生成的无限句子。” A、《普通语言学教程》 B、《语言论》 C、《句法结构》 D、《语言文化论》 10.人工语言是通过(C )形成的。 A、元语言 B、经验 C、定义 D、自然语言 11.什么被索绪尔称为符号的形式?(A ) A、能指 B、实指 C、所指 D、虚指 12.什么的出现能标志着智人具有了一定的符号编码能力?(D ) A、图画 B、雕刻 C、文字 D、以上都对 13.什么时期开始出现符号活动?(C ) A、南猿时期 B、早期智人 C、晚期智人 D、直立人时期
