



一、常考重点句型: 1. be + afraid of doing / to do /that从句 2. be + busy doing sth./ with sth. 3. be + famous / late /ready / sorry +for sth. 4. make/ let /have sb. (not) do sth. 5. ask / tell /want sb. (not) to do sth. 6. give/ buy/ lend/ sb. sth. 7. tell/ ask sb. how to do sth. 8. It’s time +for sb. to do sth. 9. It’s +形容词+for/of sb. to do sth. 10. would rather do... 11. had better do sth. 12. It’s +better/ best to do sth. 13. enjoy/ finish/ practice/ mind/feel like + doing sth. 14. stop +to do (doing) sth. 15. keep/ stop/ prevent sb. from +doing sth. 16. prefer +宾语+to +宾语 17. used to do sth. 18. be/get/become +used to +doing sth. 19. 含有too ... to do sth.结构的句型 20. 含有so...that的句型 21. It +takes/took +sb. +to do sth. 22.spend +名词+on sth./ doing sth. 23. see/ hear/ watch sb. do/doing sth. 24. What’s wrong / the matter with +sb./ sth.? 25. Thanks for + doing sth. 26... What/ How about +doing sth.? 27. Let’s do... 28. The +形容词/副词的比较级+主语+谓语,the +形容词/副词的比较级+主语+谓语 29. 表示比较的三个句型 30. sth. /sb. be (am, is, are) three meters long (wide, high, tall...) 某物/某人有三米长 /宽/高…… 31. It’s two years / has been two years +since 从句 32. both...and...连接主语的句型 33. neither ...nor... 连接主语的句型


初中---五种基本句型 中考对五种基本句型的考查主要集中在以下几方面: 1. 掌握五种基本句型的基本用法。 2. 掌握五种基本句型在用法上的区别。 中考考查这部分内容时的题型和大体分值为: 单选(1分) 写句子(1分) 写作(1-2分) 阅读理解(1-2分) 一、知识精讲 五种基本句型是句子最基本的组成部分。掌握了这五种基本句型,在阅读中当我们遇到较复杂的句子时,运用这些基本句型,对句子的分析就会变得容易多了。在写作中,首先要能运用好这些基本句型,才能得到高分。 (一)五种基本句型的句子成分: 1. 句子成分的定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分包括主要成分和次要成分;主要成分有主语和谓语;次要成分有表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语等。 2. 主语(subject):主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首。主语可由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和主语从句等表示。 【例句】 We often speak English in class. 我们在课上经常说英语。 Smoking does harm to the health. 吸烟对健康有害。 The rich should help the poor. 富有的人应该帮助贫困的人。 3. 谓语(verb):谓语可用来说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态。动词常在句中作谓语,一般放在主语之后。分及物动词和不及物动词两种。 【例句】 He practices running every morning. 他每天早晨练习跑步。 I have caught a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。 We like helping the people in trouble 我们喜欢帮助那些处于困境中的人。


英语造句大全之怎样用英语造句 很多同学在英语写作时,经常出现个体英语句子不规范,语法错误等问题,这些小地方的问题会导致作文整体的缺陷,从而造成十分。如何写好英语句子呢,在这里先容8中要领,供各人参 考。 代入法 这是进行英语写作时最经常使用的要领。同学们在掌握一定的辞汇和短语之后,结合一定的语 法知识,按照句子的结构特点,直接用英语代人相应的句式即可。如: ◎他从不承认自己的失败。 He never admits his failure. ◎那项角逐吸引了多量观众。 The match attracted alarge crowd.

◎他把蛋糕分成4块。 He divided the cake into four pieces. 还原法 即把疑问句、强调句、倒装句等还原成基本结构。这是避免写错句子的一种有效的措施。如: ◎这是开往格拉斯哥的火车吗? Is this the train for Glasgow? 还原为陈述句his is the train for Glasgow. ◎他是因为爱我的钱才同我结了婚。 It was because he loved my money that he married me. 还原为非强调句:Because he loved my money,he married me.

◎光速很快,我们几乎没法想像它的速度。 So fast does light travel that we can hardly imagine its speed. 还原为正常语序ight travels so fast that we can hardly imagine its speed. 分解法 就是把一个句子分成两个或两个以上的句子。这样既能把意思表达得更明了,又能减少写错句 子的几率。如: ◎我们要干就要干好。 If we do athing,we should do it well. ◎从各地来的学生中有许多是北方人。


中考英语看图写句子专项练习 Jim T om 1.Jim,good,but,T om 2.Jack,worker,since1990 3.happy,because,grad uate 1._______________________________________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________________________________ 3._______________________________________________________________________________ 4.fly,river,yesterday https://www.360docs.net/doc/f03788044.html,e back,cook 6.often,go,with 4._______________________________________________________________________________ 5._______________________________________________________________________________ 6._______________________________________________________________________________ 7.factory,pour,waste,river8.often,noodle,lunch9.Mr Green,work,car 7._______________________________________________________________________________ 8._______________________________________________________________________________ 9._______________________________________________________________________________


初中英语中考必背重点句型(最新版) 在初中英语学习阶段,句型和语法、词汇、短语一样重要。如果你还没有掌握这些核心句型,那可要抓紧了哦。 句型1:There+be +主语+地点状语/ 时间状语 There's a boat in the river. 河里有条船。 句型2:What's wrong with+sb. / sth. ? What's wrong with your watch? 你的手表有什么毛病? 句型3:How do you like...? How do you like China? 你觉得中国怎么样? 句型4:What do you like about...? What do you like about China? 你喜欢中国的什么? 句型5:had better(not)+动词原形 You'd better ask that policeman over there. 你最好去问问那边的那个警察。 句型6:How+adj. / adv. +主语+谓语! What a/ an+adj. +n. +主语+谓语! How cold it is today!

今天多冷啊! What a fine picture it is! 多美的一幅图画呀! 句型7:Thank+sb. +for(doing)sth. Thank you for coming to see me. 感谢你来看我。 句型8:So+be/ 情态动词/ 助动词+主语 He is a student. So am I. 他是一个学生,我也是。 句型9:... not ... until ... He didn't have supper until his parents came back. 直到他的父母回来他才吃饭。 句型10:比较级+and+比较级 The baby cried harder and harder. 那孩子哭得越来越厉害。 句型11:the +比较级,the +比较级 The more one has,the more one wants. 越有越贪。 句型12:... as +adj./ adv.+as ...…not as(so) +adj. / adv. +as ... Do you think that art is as important as music? 你认为艺术和音乐一样重要吗?


啊造句大全 导读:本文是关于啊造句大全,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、如果你想让我知道,你一定会告诉我的;既然你不说,我问也没有用啊! 2、王先生跟张小姐最近结婚了,他们真可说是珠联璧合的一对啊! 3、人生最大的忧愁莫过于:工作了却被拖欠工资,人生最大的遗憾莫过于:加班了却没有加班费,人生最大的悲哀莫过于:工资按时发了,加班费也给了,钱还是不够用啊! 4、夏天真美好,我已想起咏柳这首诗:碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。这诗写得多好啊!把蜜蜂都招来了呢,都想采咏柳的蜜呢! 5、我是多么罪恶的一个人啊! 6、是啊,那是你办得到的。 7、多么引人入胜的故事啊! 8、啊,巴穆,别拿我开玩笑了。 9、多大的麻烦,多大的障碍啊! 10、他每天坚持练习写字,心想,要是这次比赛能得第一名,那多好啊! 11、对啊,我真不敢相信我们在第一局上半局就打出四分。

12、教师里老师问同学们:“钱有哪些作用啊?”A同学:“钱可以进行交易!”B同学紧接着说道:“有钱能使鬼推磨!”。 13、他把税单向桌上重重地一摔,叫道:好啊,你们跟我添乱,我可没时间跟你们这些自作聪明的人纠缠,尤其是外国人。 14、他今天是不是哪里不对啊,怎么说起话来语无伦次的。 15、对啊。在清迈人们还维持著传统庆祝水灯节,是现在最受欢迎的景点。 16、当心你说的话,隔墙有耳啊! 17、iPad3可以的!要入手要入手!这屏幕看着舒服啊。 18、放不下了,费心思了,明亮亮的喜欢,小虫子一样,在心里蠕动着,喜欢多好啊,如春潮在涨,一直往上涨。 19、啊啊,他一直都不知道我还活着。 20、我觉得跳绳是一项很好的运动,可以锻炼腿和胳膊,冬天还能暖和身子。假如今后学校开运动会,有跳绳这个项目该多好啊!到时候我一定参加,争取得冠军。 21、他真是个忸忸怩怩的人啊! 22、“啊,不”伯莎没有讲真话。 23、对啊。他们应该经常对电梯进行修检。我要让他们记住这个教训,还要让他们给大楼安装一些消防设施。 24、高级威士忌味道相当好啊,不仅能让你一醉方休,还令对手刮目相看,为什么不喝喝啊? 25、温迪:对啊,或许你可以跑到其他国家改名换姓。


英语造句 英语造句是怎么回事呢?很显然就是把多个单词放在 一起组成一个英语句子。英语造句的能力很重要,如果学英语而不会英语造句,你的英语水平就会卡在单词的级别上,永远也达不到出口成章、下笔成文的级别。那么英语造句难不难呢?这就要看你是否掌握了其中的诀窍,不掌握诀窍难死你,学一辈子英语也不会造句,掌握了诀窍简单得要命,甚至觉得是好玩的游戏。今天我就要告诉你这个诀窍了,为了牢牢吸引住你的眼球,我一开始就抛给你一个特难特长的汉语大长句子,请相信看完了这篇文章后,你立刻就能掌握英语造句的诀窍,并立刻把下面这个“巨难”的句子说成英语,请认真看,这个大句子就是: 中国政府赞扬了非洲共同组织在帮助非洲国家赢得民族独 立和政治解放中所做的贡献。 把这个大句子翻译成英语,不会把你吓坏吧?其实仔细研究一下就会发现,这句话里的英语单词并不是难得吓人,比如“中国、政府、赞扬、贡献、非洲、解放、政治、独立”,这些单词均是中国的高中同学就学过的单词,只是要把这些单词连成英语句子,就觉得无从下手,比登天

还难。别害怕,请跟我一步一步地做一个造句游戏,叫“积木式英语造句法”,这个游戏做完了,以上大句子不知不觉就变成英语句子了。 首先,把以下四个小零件翻译出来,这一定巨简单,它们是: 第一个零件:中国政府赞扬贡献,翻成英语是: Chinese government praised the contribution。 第二个零件:非洲共同组织的,翻成英语是: of Africa Union。 第三个零件:在帮助非洲国家当中,翻成英语是: in helping African countries。 第四个零件:赢得民族独立和政治解放,翻成英语是:to win national independence and political liberation。 把以上四个零件翻译成英语绝对简单得一塌糊涂,因为他们都是最标准的英语语法零件,什么主谓宾啊、介词短语啊,to v结构啊,都是简单得不能再简单的东西,只要会了其中的单词,马上都可以翻译出来。但你是否相信,前面那个大句子就是由这四个小零件连接起来组成的。不信的话,就请你把上面的四个零件顺序连接起来,看看会是什么,那就是:


用呢造句大全 导读:本文是关于用呢造句大全,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、索拉在试玩版里和高飞时变身了呢。那么还有和其他角色的其身样式吗? 2、说狂话有什么用呢,还不如踏踏实实地干出个样子来呢! 3、没有德行,文学技巧算得什么呢?凡是在知识上有进展而在道德上没有进展的人,那便不是进步而是退步。 4、你的消化也太快了。我肚里的早饭还没下去了呢,你又想吃午饭了。 5、我们最先衰老的从来不是容貌,而是那份不顾一切的闯劲。现在呢,或许都衰老了呢,连同心一起。 6、过去我帮你扛下多少责任,难道还不够仁至义尽吗?为何你如今却暗中陷害我呢? 7、科学赐于人类最大的礼物是什么呢?是使人类相信真理的力量。 8、后来我们见月钱越来越少,便索性另投东家了,我们还算好的,听说到后来走的连工钱都发不出了呢! 9、月亮还在那呢,人怎么就不见了么,怎么就物是人非了呢? 10、这仅仅是一个没有被清除掉的世界。但是这个世界已经让他感觉到了哪种强烈的、特殊的个性了呢?见鬼,人们几乎没有别的

词儿来表述它:它简直就现实得叫人吃惊。 11、在逃去如飞的日子里,在千门万户的世界里的我能做些什么呢?只有徘徊罢了只有匆匆罢了。 12、不过在打进两球后,中也许你的射术已经炉火纯青了呢。有没有为自己设定一个进球目标? 13、为什么不爱呢?爱情有什么用呢?我的生命就在这两句话中消磨掉了。 14、如果本身就没有学会游泳,那么紧紧抓着稻草有什么用呢。只不过是连带着把本来漂浮在水面的稻草一起拉向湖底。多一个被埋葬的东西而已。 15、学习并非人生的全部,但若连学习都无法征服,还能做什么呢? 16、你们意欲高升,所以仰视高处,我既已高升,故做俯瞰。你们当中有谁既会大笑又已高升了呢? 17、夏天真美好,我已想起咏柳这首诗:碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。这诗写得多好啊!把蜜蜂都招来了呢,都想采咏柳的蜜呢! 18、哪里料到,五年多后,我竟自动自觉地开始过同样的生活了呢? 19、你既然能够坐在大木头上来参加自己的葬礼,那你为什么就不能给我点暗示,说明你是出走而不是死了呢? 20、小徒弟问我一个国际问题,师父啊你看普京选上大官了,


练习 1.He is my brother. Who is your brother? Who is he? 2.The tall boy is Tom. Who is tom? Who is the tall boy? 3.She helps me study English . Who helps you study English? Who does she help studying English? 4.He teaches us physics. Who teaches you physics? Who does he teache physics? 5.My father is a worker. What does your father do? 6.The woman is a teacher. What does the women do? 7.The girl is sixteen years old. How old is the girl? 8.I am thirty. How old are you 9.It's twelve. How old is it? 10.It's Sunday today. What day is it today? 11.It was Saturday yesterday. What day was it yesterday?

12. It is September 10th today. What is the date today? What date is it today? 12.It was September 9th yesterday. What was the date yesterday? What date was it yesterday? 13.They have supper at six in the evening. When do they have supper? 15.He works in the library. Where does he work? 16.He is under the tree. Where is he? 17.The boy under the tree is his friend. 18. The girl in a red coat is her sister. 19. The red coat is mine. Which one is your coat? 20.My coat is red. What color is your coat? 21 Your shoes are white. What color are your shoes? 22.There are seven days in a week. How many days are there in a week? 23.They eat eight pears. How many pears do they eat? 24.There is an apple on the table. How many apples are there on the table? 25.There is some tea in the cup.


一个一个造句大全 导读:本文是关于一个一个造句大全,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、看这些露珠们,一个一个亮晶的,圆滚滚的,有大的,也有小的,大到小姆指甲盖,小到一个句号,一个一个都是那么的可爱。 2、竹子的外型非常漂亮。一个一个的竹节,细细长长的竹叶,一年四季常绿,充满了勃勃生机,给人们带来了一种美的享受。所以,竹子是很多画家的笔下之物。 3、敌人要一个一个打,先打掉一个,再打掉另一个,然后再打掉第三个。 4、忘川的水声已可以听见,奈何桥就在不远方。此岸有众多魂魄流连不去,我一个一个越过他们。只因彼岸有你,我要回家。 5、一个一个偶像都不外如是,沉迷过的偶像一个个消失。最后只剩下自己,舍不得挑剔。心花怒放,开到荼靡。 6、手握绳把,轻快地跳起来。跳到最后的时候,他好像没有力气了,一个一个的跳起来。 7、大的目标,需要小的目标作铺垫,大的目标需要分割成几段一个一个去实。 8、当一个人力图完善自己的时候,他将不再向外界寻求什么,也不向外界推诿什么,他将重心放在自己的内部,而社会的进步就由一个一个独立的人试图自我完善的过程当中得来。

9、生离死别,感叹唏嘘,跟着我的人一个一个都死了,我也会有离开的一天。 10、生死离别感慨唏嘘跟我的人一个一个的走了,有一天我也会离开。 11、喷泉四周有许多花草树木,围成一个圆圈,犹如许多不同民族的小朋友手拉手唱歌呢!喷泉中心有一个大口,旁边也就有一个一个的小口,像花蕊一样。周围有四个想花朵一样的形状,还有四个像浪花一样的形状,好看极了。 12、然后父亲打开这捆柴把树枝一个一个地分开,又放在每个儿子的手中,于是他们很容易地做到了。 13、无法忘记的思念,依旧在深夜,在月光的隐射下显得依然清晰自如,上演着一个一个没有结局的故事,起初的誓言在红尘的淹没中没有了音讯,结局在岁月的抽打下没有了尽头。 14、男人就像蜜蜂看到花一样,黏上去,像我这麼美丽又坚强的女子,男人就像看到虎头蜂一样,一个一个躲。 15、看着嫩绿的柳叶我和朋友都忍不住摘了一片慢慢放入嘴中,轻轻的咀嚼着。也许是出于走了很长时间路,口渴了的原因,我口中的柳叶是苦中带甘的,没有宋学孟那时代的柳叶是即苦又涩的感觉,与宋学孟笔下那靠柳叶来度过一个一个的春秋感受无缘,我有点儿遗憾。 16、那天,寒冷的北风正在“呼呼”地刮着,天空中,白白的、小小的雪花飘落了下来。一朵、两朵、三朵,它们先是一个一个的飘,


一般过去式 时间状语:yesterday just now (刚刚) the day before three days ag0 a week ago in 1880 last month last year 1. I was in the classroom yesterday. I was not in the classroom yesterday. Were you in the classroom yesterday. 2. They went to see the film the day before. Did they go to see the film the day before. They did go to see the film the day before. 3. The man beat his wife yesterday. The man didn’t beat his wife yesterday. 4. I was a high student three years ago. 5. She became a teacher in 2009. 6. They began to study english a week ago 7. My mother brought a book from Canada last year. 8.My parents build a house to me four years ago . 9.He was husband ago. She was a cooker last mouth. My father was in the Xinjiang half a year ago. 10.My grandfather was a famer six years ago. 11.He burned in 1991


80个实用英语句型 句型例句 序 号 1as soon as I will call you as soon as I get home. 2as...as My school is as big as yours. 3not as ...as I am not as tall as my brother. 4as...as possible Please do your homework as carefully as possible. 5ask sb. for sth If you have problems, please ask your teachers and friends for help. 6ask sb to do sth My teacher often asks us to read English aloud in the morning. 7tell sb. how to do sth Please tell me how to make salad. 8tell sb not to do sth Yesterday the policeman told the boys not to play soccer on the street. 9be afraid of doing I’m shy, so I am afraid of speaking in public. sth. 10be afraid that + 从句I’m afraid that Tom can’t pass the exam. 11be afraid to do sth He is afraid to play with snakes. 12be busy doing sth.Now we are busy studying English. What are you busy doing 13be busy with sth Look! Dad is busy with the housework. 14be famous for Beijing is famous for the roast duck. 15be ready for sth Now we are ready for the meeting. 16be late for He was late for the class because of the traffic jam. 17be sorry for I am sorry for the mistake I made yesterday. 18I’m glad that 从句We are glad that we can go to the mountains this Sunday.


中考英语作文句型造句练习 Lesson 1 1. 多用谚语!但是不要死搬硬套!谚语在哪来?靠平时的有心留意和积累咯。 Well begin is half done. Practice makes perfect. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. The older, the wiser. Rome is not build in a day. It is no use crying over the spilt milk. Every road leads to Rome. Each coin has two sides. Life is not all roses. 2. 如何让引用的谚语生花呢?英语中习惯在所引用的谚语前面加上一句, “(Just) As the saying goes, ...”,你能联想到我们中文中加在所引用谚语前面的类似的一句话吗?^_^ E.g. However, just as the saying goes, “Each coin has two sides.” Owning a cell phone also has its disadvantages for students. For example, some students can not control themselves, therefore, cell phones can be great distraction in class.

Lesson 2 1. 句型回顾: 还记得上周我们所学习的引出一句谚语所用的那句话吗?请写在下面: 2. 今日句型: 当你想表示某事物具有某种优点时不妨采用如下句型: An advantage of XXX is that ... 请造句: (1) 树木可以给我们提供新鲜空气。 An advantage of trees is that they can provide us with fresh air. (2) 网购非常方便。 An advantage of online shopping is that it can provide us with convenience. (3) 书本可以给我们带来知识。 An advantage of books is that they can bring us knowledge. (4) 网络可以给我们提供大量的信息。 An advantage of internet is that can provide us with an amount of information.


Book5 Unit1短语造句 1. put forward 例句:He put forward a great idea in the meeting. 2. draw a conlusion 例句:Without evidence you can’t draw a conclusion. 3. Prevent from 例句:My parents prevent me from playing computers all day. 4. link… to 例句:I-phone4 cell phones can link to the Internet. 5. cure sb. of sth. 例句:The doctor cured him of his toothache. 6. be absorbed in 例句:Tom was so absorbed in playing computer games that he forgot to have the meal. 7. blame sb for sth 例句:Don’t blame the kid for his mistakes, he is too young. 8. Neither …nor 例句:The hotel is neither spacious(宽敞的) nor comfortable. 9. Every time 例句:Every time he comes back to his hometown, he will call on his former teachers.10.not only… but also 例句:I can not only play the piano but also can play the violin.11.suggest doing sth. 例句:The doctor suggested him doing more exercise .12.make up one’s mind 例句:I have made up my mind to learn English well.13.lead to 例句:His laziness led to his failure in the exams.14.make sense 例句:What you did make sense a lot to me. 15.encourage sb. to do sth. 例句:Our teacher always encourage us to read more books.16.make great contributions to 例句:Dr Yuan have made great contributions to our country.17.contribute to 例句:Doing exercises contributes to building up our health.18.apart from 例句:Apart from sport, I have many other hobbies. 19.be strict with例句:Our headteacher is always strict with us.20.Only if …例句:Only if you work hard can you make progress. Book5 Unit2短语造句 1.be made up of 例句:Our earth is made up of sea and land. 2break away from 例句:You must break away from the habit of smoking. 3to one’s credit 例句:To her credit, she made a great progress in the exam. 4It’s worthwhile to do sth. 例句:It’s worthwhile to go to visit the Great Wall. 5be proud of 例句:As a Chinese, I am very proud of my country. 6to one’s surprise 例句:To my surprise, he send me a gift on my birthday. 7take the place of 例句:Nobody can take the place of my dear mother. 8to one’s delight 例句:To his delight, he finally passed the final exam. 9 instead of 例句:Instead of giving up, she worked hard and managed to go to college.10 set an example to例句:My parents set a good example to me . Book5 Unit4短语造句 1 be eager to do sth. 例句:Jane is eager to make progress in the final exam. 2 focus… on例句:You must focus your mind on doing your homework. 3 depend on/ rely on例句:Now that you have grown up, you shouldn’t always depend on your parents. 4 in order to例句:He repeated his words in order to make himself understood. 5 in case 例句:You’d better take an umbrella with you in case it rains. 6 make sure例句:Make sure you take some notes in class and you can learn some knowledge. 7 be good for例句:Doing some sports is good for our health. Book5 Unit3短语造句


1.time英音:[taim]时间n. Time after time 一次又一次 Time's up 时间到了 Lunch time 午饭时间到了 Do you have time tomorrow? 你明天有时间吗? When was the last time? 最近一次是什么时候? The future is our time. 未来是我们的时代。 2.what time[ ]几点;什么时候 What time did your plane land? 你的飞机几时到达的? What time did you get here? 你什么时候到这里的? What time will he is back? 他将于何时会回来呢? 3.go to school []去上学 Where did you go to school? 你是在哪里上学的? I usually go to school at seven. 我通常七点上学。 I go to school on Thursday. 星期四,我上学。 4.get up[ ]起床 All students must get up. 所有的学生必须起床。 When will you get up tomorrow? 你明天什么时候起床? I usually get up at six. 我一般六点起床。 5.shower英音:['?au?] 淋浴;淋浴器n. Cold shower 冷水淋浴

Shower bath 淋浴 A hot shower 一个热水澡 Does the bathroom have a shower? 洗澡间有淋浴吗? I want a room with a shower. 我要一个带淋浴的房间。 6.take a shower[]淋浴;洗澡 He went into the bath to take a shower. 他进浴室去洗淋浴 Less time to take a shower 用更少的时间洗淋浴 I take a shower in the bathroom. 我在浴室里冲澡 https://www.360docs.net/doc/f03788044.html,ually 英音:['ju:?u?li] 通常adv. I usually walk 我通常步行 Usually not. 不常晕 Usually uninvited 通常未被邀请 We usually go by train. 我们通常坐火车去。 She usually sings in the shower. 她常常边冲澡边唱歌 Usually, I get up at six. 平时我一般6点起床。 8.o’clock [](只用于正点)……点钟 Why are you here at eight o’ clock in the morning? 你为什么早晨8点钟就来这儿? Her bedtime is nine o’ clock. 她的就寝时间是九点钟。 It began to rain at five o’clock. 5点钟开始下雨。


soon as 一..就 I'll give you the book as soon as you arrive. 2 .(not)as/so...as 不像 ..一样 I'm not as/so beautiful as my sister. ...as possible 尽可能 I'll come to the school as soon as possible. ab for sth 向某人要 Don't ask your father for too much money. tell sb(how) to do sth 要求某人做某事 Please tell me how to make a cake. Don't ask me how to make a cake. tell sb(not) to do sth 要求某人不要做某事 I've told you not to be late for school. afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事 The little girl was afraid of sleeping alone. busy doing sth 忙于做某事 I was busy doing my homework. famous/late/ready/sorry for 因(为)..而出名、迟到、准备、遗憾 The young man was famous for his handsome. They are late /ready for class. I was/felt sorry for his death. glad that 感到高兴 I'm glad that you like my present. ...and... 两者都 Both my brother and i like pop music. 12. buy sth for sb.给某人买某物 I will buy a big cake for my grandma on her birthday. 13. buy/give/show/send/pass/bring/lend/tell sb sth 将某物买、给、展示、送、递、带来、借、带去给某人 I will buy my grandma a cake on her birthday. Can you lend me your dictionary? 14. give/show/send/pass/bring/lend/tell sth to sb Can you lend your dictionary to me? ...nor... 既不……也不…… We had neither gas nor electricity for a week and had to live out of cans hate/finish/mind/keep/go on doing sth 喜欢做、讨厌、完成、介意、继续、继续做某事 Do you mind waiting for 10 minutes? 17. find it+Adj. to do sth. I find it very interesting to learn English.
