Franklin's mom 小乌龟学美语文本

Franklin's mom 小乌龟学美语文本
Franklin's mom 小乌龟学美语文本

Franklin’s MOM

Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He liked exploring outdoors and going on camping trips. But one camping trip seemed like it was over before it even began…(还没开始就结束了)

M: Tent pegs?


F: Check!

M: Flashlight?

B: Check!

M: Marshmallows?

F: Check.!

B: Double check!

F:Is that all you packed for the camping trip Bear?

B: And my toothbrush. I didn’t have room for anything else.

F:Oh Bear…Here, I’ll put these in here so you’ve got room for a sleeping bag.

B: Thanks, Franklin.

M:Now, where was I ? here we frying-pan.



M: Oh, dear!/Dad/Oh no!

Fa: Oooooo, that hurts.

M: Here, come over here and sit down.

F: Gee, Dad, are you going to be okay?

Fa: I’ll be okay, but I’m not so sure about my big toe.,

M: You’re going to need to stay off that foot for a while.

Fa: I’m afraid you are righ. But I was really looking forward to our camping trip.

F: Yeah, me too./So was I .

Fa: Well now there’s no reason why you shouldn’t still go.

F:But…we’ve never gone a camping trip without you before, Dad, who’s going to do all the hard stuff? Like carrying our heavy backpack?

M:I’m surprised you two are willing to give up so easily. Where there is a will, there is a way.

B: What do you mean?

M: I mean if you want to do something badly enough, then you’ll figure out a way to do it.

F; Well I want to go camping badly enough.(非常想)。

B: Me too.

M: Then we’ll figure our a way to do it.

F: Using a wagon was a good idea, mom.

M:Just remember…where there is a will, there is a way.

B: And we’re on our way to go camping!

F: I know. This is great! I wish Dad could have come too.

B:Yeah, we could have pulled him in the wagon.

M:Yes I’m sure he would have enjoyed that.(很高兴).But I think he’ll be more comfortable at home.

F;Yeah, with his crossword puzzles and a bag of frozen peas on his toe.

f: The old bridge is gone.

B:Now what are we going to do?

F: Now I guess we’ll have to turn back. Right mom?

M:Remember where there is a will, there is a way. Hmmm And the way across this river will be by rope.

F: By rope? How are we going to do that?

B:Yahooo! I’m king of the jungle!

M: How did you enjoy crossing the river like that?

B: It’s great!\ I loved it! I can hardly wait until we head back home so I can do it again!

M: Don’t wish your camping trip away. Here, I need someone to swing back to the other side to tie this to the wagon handle.


F: I’ll do it! We’ll both do it…

M: Just half way to go.


B: Gee, franklin . I didn’t know your Mom had so many neat ideas. F: Neither did I .i knew she was good at being a mom. But I didn’t know she was good at everything!

M: One good pull should get the wheels up over that rock. Grab hold boys.

F: Come on Bear! One, Two Three,Pull!

M: Our backpack\Oh no!

F: It’s floating away!

B: How are we going to get it, Franklin?

F: I don’t know! Ask my mom!

M: I’m thinking. I’m thinking.

M: Oh dear! Are you two alright?

B: I’m alright.

F: I had a soft landing, thanks to bear.

B: Oh no …the backpack!

F: So much for our camping trip Bear.

M: Are’t you boys forgetting something?

B: Where there is a will, there is a way?

M: That’s right.

F: There’s a way even when everything we need for camping just

went over a waterfall?

M: Yes, even then. Come on boys, let’s start building a shelter.

F: Building this shelter was lots of fun!


B: Yeah, but all that fun has made me feel kinda hungry.

F: Yeah, me too.

B:Maybe we should have a snack.(该吃点东西了)

F: Good idea…except the food was in the backpack, remember? B: What? No food?

F: I guess we’ll have to go home after all.

M:Go home? After I gathered all this food?

B: wow!

M: We have fiddleheads, bullrush roots ,chestnuts and wild carrots, all gathered from the forest.

M: I think you’ll find it a little tastier if it’s cooked first.

B: Okay, I’ll get some firewood.

F: oh, no.

B: What’s wrong?

F:The matches…they were in the backpack too. How are we going to start a fire?

B:where there is a will, there is a way.

M:Long ago, before matches were invented, a rock called flint was used to start a fire.

B:Neat\wow. Look. You did it. Yay !

F:Mmmmmm….That’s good!

B: I’m stuffed!

F: Can Bear and I go exploring Mom?

M: Exploring? That sounds like fun. But be careful.

F: We will, Mom.

B: Maybe we’ll find some berries for dessert.

F: I thought you were full,Bear.

B: Not the dessert part, it’s still empty!

B: Wouldn’t it be neat to have a secret fort behind here?


F:Bear! Look! It’s our backpack!

B:But, how are we going to get it way out there?

F:Hmmmm, where there is a will, there is a way.

B: Don’t you mean, where there’s a Mom , there’s a way.

F:Follow me Bear! Steady bear,(站稳了)

B:whew!/That was close!

F:Help me paddle us closer.

B:Got it!

F:Good work Bear!

B:Thanks Franklin!


F:We’re floating away!

B:Hold on.

B:We’re heading for the rapids!(急流)

F:Put the backpack on Bear! Hurry!

B:Errrf…it’s really…heavy! Why do I have to put it on?

F:See that branch up there? Get ready to grab it!

B:Yay!/We did it!

B:That was really good thinking(主意),Franklin.

F: Where there is a will, there is a way.

M:I’m so glad you two are all right. But I still can’t get over (搞不懂)how you rescued the backpack.

F:Neither can I .And since we’re sleeping in our homemade shelter, I’m not sure why we even tried to save it?

B:For these, Franklin!

F:Oh, yeah.

Fa:Does anyone have an extra marshmallow stick?:


B: How did you find us in the dark?

Fa:I follow the smell of roasting marshmallows.

M:I want to know how you got here on your sore foot?

F:Where there is a will, there is a way.Right Dad?

Fa:That’s right. And where there’s a pillow and an ice pack…There’s a way that’s less painful.

F2_BIG_BROTHER_Franklin 小乌龟学美语文本

BIG BROTHER Franklin Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. 富兰克林已经会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。 He liked pancakes with ladybug sprinkles… and he liked playing games with his friends. 他喜欢吃煎饼,上面撒有斑点的……他还喜欢玩游戏,和他的朋友们。 And one day, he thought he might like being a big brother. 一天,他认为自己可能喜欢做一个大哥哥。 Three…two…one…BLAST OFF! 三…二…一…起飞! WHOOOoooOOOoooOOOooo…! 哦!噢……! Prepare for re-entry! 准备好回转! WHOOOoooOOOoooOOOooo…! 哦!噢……! Whoa! 哇! Careful Raccoon! 浣熊,小心点儿! Don’t stand up until the playground sto ps spinning! 别站起来,等到你觉得操场不转了为止。 The clouds are spinning too! 云也在旋转呢! …you’re funny! ……你真好玩。 Hi! I’m Squirrel! 你们好,我是小松鼠! I’m here visiting my Granny! 我来这儿看望我的奶奶! I’m Franklin! And this is Fox, and Raccoon. 我是富兰克林!这是狐狸,这是浣熊。 Can I play too? 我也可以玩吗? Gee! I don’t know! 天哪,我可不确定. We’re doing big kid stuff. 我们在玩儿大孩子玩儿的游戏。 Yeah, we don’t want you to get hurt or anything. 是啊,我们可不想让你磕着碰着什么的。 But that looked like fun! 可看起来挺好玩的! Aw, why don’t we just let him play with us? 啊,为什么不能让他跟咱们一起玩呢?


目录 1 前言 (3) 1.1本次毕业设计课题的目的、意义 (3) 1.2.交通控制简介 (4) 1.3国外交通信号控制技术研究概况 (5) 1.4国内交通信号控制技术研究概况 (5) 1.5交通信号系统仿真 (6) 1.5.1系统仿真的概念 (7) 1.5.2交通系统仿真的特点及分类 (7) 1.6论文结构 (9) 2 平面交通信号控制基本概念介绍 (10) 2.1基本概念 (10) 2.2信号控制参数 (11) 2.3信号控制类型 (11) 2.3.1按控制范围分类 (12) 2.3.2按控制方法分类 (13) 2.3.4信号控制常用性能指标 (14) 2.3.5无信号交叉口交通影响程度评价方法 (14) 2.4本章小结 (16) 3 文萃路与学院路交叉口现状计算分析 (17) 3.1主要道路通行能力计算 (17) 3.2文萃路与学院路交叉口交通量调查 (20) 3.2.1 统计周期的选择 (20) 3.2.2交通量调查的目的和意义 (20) 3.2.3调查的必要性 (21) 3.3行车延误调查 (22) 3.3.1延误调查的反法、目的及意义 (22) 3.3.2交叉口实际调查数据 (22) 3.4交叉口的几何结构特征 (23) 3.4.1 各交叉口的交通量调查 (24) 3.4.2 速度相关的测定 (28) 3.4.3车辆转换系数 (29) 3.4.4 当量交通量 (29)

3.5文萃路与学院路交叉口现状分析计算 (29) 3.5.1交叉口交通量计算 (30) 3.5.2交叉口通行能力计算 (30) 3.6交叉口延误计算 (32) 3.7对此无信号交叉口交通音响评价 (32) 3.8分析交叉口公害影响 (32) 3.9经济性可行性分析 (32) 3.10本章小结 (32) 4 文萃路与学院路交叉口交通配时仿真设计 (32) 4.1Synchro交通仿真系统简介。 (33) 4.2 本文Synchro仿真基础数据收集 (33) 4.3 Synchro软件仿真参数设置 (34) 4.3.1绘制文萃路和学院路交叉口路网图,如4-3: (34) 4.3.1调用LANEW INDOEW对话框,输入道路参数,如图4-4: (34) 4.3.2 调用VOLUMEW INDOW,输入交通量参数,如图4-5 (35) 4.3.3调用Ring and BarrierDesigner对话框,设置相位相序,如图4-6: (36) 4.3.4 SYNCHRO进行最佳化分析之画面如图4-7所示: (36) 4.3.5通过设置以上参数,得出配时方案如图4-8: (37) 4.3.6 SimTraffic 3D仿真 (37) 4.4 信号设计方案 (39) 4.5仿真结果对比 (39) 4.6本章小结 (40) 5 结论 (40) 5.1结论 (40) 注释 (41) 参考文献 (42) 致谢 (44) 外文翻译 (45) 附件 (47)

Hello Teddy洪恩幼儿英语家庭版

《Hello Teddy洪恩幼儿英语家庭版》是由中外幼教专家倾力打造的一部多媒体幼儿英语巨作,是洪恩教育集团继《洪恩GOGO学英语》之后专门为中国宝宝们全力定制的主题式启蒙英语教程,堪称“GOGO学英语前传”!该教程针对中国幼儿的学习特点,依据TPR教学法、难度分解法和多元智能理论编写,提供最科学、实效、严谨的学习内容和教学模式。 全套教程贴近小朋友生活,依据小熊Teddy的成长历程、生活情景展开“主题故事”式教学,48大教学主题,内容涉及水果、动物、身体、动作、数字、礼貌用语、食品、颜色、家庭、服装等方面。每个“主题故事”中均巧妙的融合了单词句型学习、字母和自然拼音学习、外教带读、动画歌曲和真人歌曲秀。书中特别为家长们提供了所有英语的中文翻译,便于家长指导孩子学习;还有专门设计的亲子复习游戏,妙趣横生,是一座内容超级丰富的魔法英语宫殿! ?顶尖而权威的幼儿教育理念:依据TPR教学法、难度分解法、艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线定律和多元智能理论编写,以英语语言教学带动数学、逻辑、音乐、身体、交往等综合智能提高,发掘潜能、开启智慧。 ?离奇幽默的主题英文故事:步入埃及金字塔和神秘古堡,见识魔法变身药水和会变换天气的魔术袋,与云彩小狐狸、罐头小人、外星狗、大恐龙、会吐出彩色墨水的小章鱼交上朋友,再去参加文具们盛大的夜间聚会!让小朋友们在第一时间爱上英语!

?外教慢速带读和TPR英语操:从小朋友们好动、喜欢模仿和重复的心理特点出发,加入了外教慢速带读英语歌词和表演、小丑们带有极强喜剧效果的趣味歌曲表演,中教老师和小朋友的字母操表演。 ?儿歌式自然拼音法:采用国际通用的自然拼音法,让小朋友在接触英语的初期就建立美语的直觉语感。打破常规,将自然拼音法变成了琅琅上口的儿歌,让孩子自然记忆。 ?赏识教育理念和亲子互动:独特的奖状设计,充分激发小朋友们学习英语的自信心和积极性。每四个单元后配有专门的亲子游戏单元,互动式的游戏让小朋友们在与爸爸妈妈愉快的玩乐中练习英语,促进亲子沟通。


基本方法:每天60分钟的英文阅读+视听 基本理念:成功=好心态+正确的方法+持之以恒 第一章关于幼儿学英语的一些理念 1、天赋:儿童具有学习语言的天赋。幼儿学任何一门语言靠的就 是他们听觉敏锐,具有天生的模仿能力。任何一门语言,只要有沟通的功能和对象,孩子都会兴致勃勃地学习。 2、语言敏感期:0-6岁是语言学习的敏感期和关键期,也是一个人 一生中学习语言的最佳时期。0-3岁婴幼儿对语言具有奇迹般的吸收力,这时的婴幼儿对输入给他的任何语言信息都会神奇地全部吸收,处在语言吸收力疯狂上升的阶段;3-6岁的幼儿语言吸收力小于0-3岁婴幼儿,但依然处于吸收力上升的阶段,能够接受更复杂的句子。 3、父母的心态:语言是用来交流和运用的,并且要在运用中达到 沟通成功的目的。幼儿没有心理障碍,不怕羞,敢开口,家长不应严格纠正,否则会破坏幼儿的学习兴趣。父母的赞赏会使幼儿更乐意学习第二语言。在教孩子学英文的过程中,父母要努力做到跟孩子一起享受英文作品中的美好和幽默,跟孩子一起在学习中成长,在成长中学习。千万不要因为学英文而给孩子压力。争取让孩子一听到英文二字,就欢呼雀跃地要你去教他。小孩子唯有在轻松愉快的状态下,才能获得最佳的学习效果,孩子要乐学。

4、关于发音是否标准:只要在同一时间段内,幼儿接触标准发音 (如原版音频)的总量多于不标准的发音(如家长朗读),那么孩子会自动择优,选择正确的语音去模仿。 第二章教幼儿学英文的方法与实践 1、教幼儿学英文的大方法:阅读+视听 阅读+视听=家长读英文童书+播放原版CD+播放原版动画片(创造英文学习的语言环境) 作用:全面提高听、说、读的能力。 2、家长读英文童书的方法: 从能引起孩子兴趣的原版书入手,坚持每天给孩子听、看、读英文的机会,只问耕耘,不求收获。坚持半年以上,孩子会对英文产生兴趣;另外要选定一套适合阅读学习的教材,跟着教材循序渐进。把兴趣培养放在首位,同时兼顾一定的进度。2.1 选择英文童书9要素: 趣味性:多种类型,贴近孩子生活,引发兴趣,激发想象(如科幻类)。 文学性:用词规范,文法正确,通过听故事学到规范优雅的语言。 价值性:体现正面价值,如冒险精神、创造力、勇敢、宽容、分享和关怀他人。 美观性、清晰性:引人入胜的图画和清晰粗大的字体


FANANKLIN’S GOOD DEED Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He liked to help his parents and he liked to help the neighbours too. But one day, Franklin wanted everyone to know just how helpful he was. 合唱:Mister Groundhog had a farm, Eee-Eye-Eee-Eye-O! And on that farm he had some carrots. Eee-Eye-Eee-Eye-O! With a crunch, crunch here,and a crunch, crunch there,here a crunch, there a crunch, everywhere a crunch, crunch! Mister Groundhog had a farm, Eee-Eye-Eee-Eye-Ooooooo! 合唱:土拨鼠先生有一个农场,咿呀-咿呀-噢! 并且他在农场里种了一些红萝卜。咿呀-咿呀-噢! 这儿一声嘎吱嘎吱,那儿一声嘎吱嘎吱,嘎吱一声这儿,嘎吱一声哪儿,到处都是嘎吱嘎吱声。土拨鼠先生有一个农场,咿呀咿呀——噢噢噢! Mr GROUNDHOG:what a time for my confounded bunion to flare up. Right in the middle of harvest season! Ooooo that’s tender. 土拨鼠先生:我讨厌的大脚趾炎症犯得可真是时候啊。正好在收获季节中间犯病! 噢噢,真疼呀。 BEA VER: Don’t worry Mister Groundhog, we’ll get the job done. 海狸:放心吧,土拨鼠先生,我们会把活儿都干完的。 GOOSE: Yeah, I’m glad to help. 小鹅:我很高兴能帮上忙。 RACCOON:Me too! 小浣熊:我也是。 FRANKLIN: Yeah, I like helping. Whew…Picking pumpkins is hard work. 富兰克林:是啊,我喜欢给别人帮忙。吁……搬南瓜可是件重活儿。 Mr GROUNDHOG: Aren’t you glad they don’t grow on trees. 土拨鼠先生:你该感到高兴因为南瓜不是长在树上。 FRANKLIN: Whoa!…I wouldn’t want to stand under a pumpkin tree. That could be dangerous! 富兰克林:哇!……我可不想站在一棵南瓜树下。那可会很危险 Mr. GROUNDHOG:Well, I think it’ time we took a break. What do you say? 土拨鼠先生:唔,我看咱们该歇会了。你们觉得怎么样? Sure./Yeah./Okay. 当然。/是的。/好 FRANKLIN: I can’t stop working now.There’s just one pumpkin left! 富兰克林:我现在不能休息, 只剩一个南瓜了! Mr GROUNDHOG:I haven’t seen that much get-up-and-go since Mrs. Muskrat sat on her pincushion. 土拨鼠先生:自从麝鼠太太坐在了她的针垫上后,我好久没见过这么生龙活虎的状态了。REPORTER: Aha! There it is! 记者:啊哈!,就是它了。 Mr GROUNDHOG:There is what?! 土拨鼠先生:就是什么? REPORTER:Tomorrow’s front page news story. Farmer Injured Putting Best Foot Forward.


第一章塑件分析 1.1塑件结构分析 图1-1 塑件结构图 此制品是消声器上盖,现实生活中经常看到用到,是一个非常实际的产品。且生产纲领为:中批量生产,所以我们采用注射模具注射成型。 1.2 成型工艺性分析[1] 塑件材料为尼龙,因塑件用在空压机内,表面无光洁度要求。具有良好的力学性能,其抗冲击强度比一般的塑料有显著的提高,具有良好的消音效果和自润滑性能。密度1.15 g/cm3, 成型收缩率:0.4~0.7%,平均收缩率为0.55%。 第二章确定模具结构

2.1模具结构的确定 塑料模具的种类很多,大体上分为:二板模,三板模,热流道模。 二板模缺点是浇口痕迹明显,产生相应的流道废料,不适合高效生产。本模具选择二板模其优点是二板模结构简单,制作容易,成本低,成型周期短。 支撑板 分型面 定模侧 动模侧 图2.1 典型的二板模结构 模架为非标准件 定模座板: 400*200*25mm 定模板: 315*200*40mm 动模板: 315*200*32mm 支承板: 315*200*25mm 推秆固定板:205*200*15mm 推板: 205*200*20mm 模脚: 50*200*60mm 动模座板 400*200*25mm 2.2确定型腔数目 2.2.1塑件体积的计算 a. 塑件体积的计算 体积为:

V a = S a ×L a =(37×35-8×25)×10-(33×36-10.5×25) ×8 =12.60cm 3 b.计算塑件的重量 根据《塑料模具设计手册》查得密度ρ取1.12g/cm 3 所以,塑件单件的重量为:m=ρV =12.60?1.12 =14.11g 浇注系统的体积为:主流道+分流道+浇口=(6280+376.8*2+12*2)/1000 ≈7.05 cm 3 粗略计算浇注系统的重量:7.05*1.12=7.90g ≈8.0g(含有冷料穴料重) 总重量:14.11*2+8.0=36.22g 2.2.2 模具型腔数目的确定 模具型腔的数目决定了塑件的生产效率和模具的成本,确定模具型腔的方法也有许多种,大多数公司采用“按经济性确定型腔的数目”。根据总成型加工费用最小的原则,并忽略准备时间和试生产原料的费用,仅考虑模具费用和成型加工费,则模具费用为 21C nC Xm += 式中Xm ——模具费用,元; 1C ——每一个型腔的模具费用,元 2C ——与型腔数无关的费用,元。 成型加工费用为 n Y N X t j 60= 式中j X ——成型加工费用,元 N ——需要生产塑件的总数; t Y ——每小时注射成型的加工费,元/h ;n ——成型周期,min 。 总的成型加工费用为n Y N C nC X X X t j m 6021++=+= 为了使成型加工费用最小,令 0=dn dX ,则 n=2 上式为按经济性确定型腔数目为2。考虑到模具成型零件和抽芯结构的设计,模具


Book I 第一册 Lesson one 第一课 My name is Gogo 我的名字叫Gogo Part I 第一部分 Tony: Hello Hello(打招呼) Gogo: Hello Hello(打招呼) Tony: My name is Tony, what is your name?我名字叫托尼,你叫什么名字?Gogo: Hm, name? name? 嗯,名字?名字? Tony:My name's Tony, what is your name? 我的名字叫托尼,你叫什么名字?Gogo: Umm…! My name is Gogo嗯、、、!我的名字叫Gogo Jenny:Tony!Tony!托尼!托尼! Gogo:hello Hello Jenny:hello Hello Gogo:My name is Gogo. What is your name? 我的名字叫Gogo。你叫什么名字?Jenny: My name is Jenny. Hello, Gogo, how are you? 我的名字叫Jenny。Hello,Gogo,你好吗?Gogo:I am fine, thank you. How are you? 我很好,谢谢你。你好吗? Jenny:I am fine too, thank you. 我也很好,谢谢你。 Gogo: How are you, Tony? 你好吗,Tony? Tony:I’m fine, thank you.我很好,谢谢你。 Gogo:How are you? Tony, Jenny? 你好吗,Tony,Jenny? Mother:Tony,Jenny Tony, Jenny (妈妈喊) Jenny:Goodbye, Gogo 再见,Gogo Tony: Goodbye, Gogo 再见,Gogo Gogo: Goodbye, Jenny, Goodbye Tony 再见,Jenny, 再见,Tony Part II 第二部分 Gogo: My name's Gogo. What’s your name? 我的名字叫Gogo。你叫什么名字?Gogo: My name's Gogo. What’s your name? 我的名字叫Gogo。你叫什么名字?Jeeby: My name's Jeeby. 我的名字叫Jeeby.


小学英语视频资源有哪些小学英语教学视频一般是为3-5岁的孩子提供的,主要是教授小学英语知识的高清视频,瑞思学科英语小学英语教育专家认为,画面清晰、播放流畅、时长简短的小学英语视频往往在孩子学习成长中起到不可或缺的重要作用。同时,小学英语教学视频也有助于家长有计划有目标地陪伴教导孩子实现小学英语启蒙。 小学英语视频资源汇总清单如下:适合3-5岁宝宝的动画片 1.big muzzy玛泽的故事 2.caillou卡由 3.CBeebies_Bedtime_Stories儿童频道睡前故事 4.Dora the Explorer爱探险的朵拉 5.hairy maclary毛毛狗 6.humfs小怪物 7.little charley bear小熊查理 8.meg and mog女巫麦格和小猫莫格 9.Mickey Mouse Clubhouse米奇妙妙屋 10.peppa pig粉红猪小妹 11.zippy and me迪斯尼美语世界 12.洪恩小乌龟学美语动画片60集 在选择小学英语视频时,可以根据孩子的喜好和兴趣进行分类,可选语速慢,内容浅显易懂,卡通形象可爱的小学英语视频资源,非

常适合小学英语启蒙。孩子在看这些幼儿视频时,会学到很多简单生活用语和基本礼仪。也可以学学动画中老师教孩子学知识的引导方式,以及家长引导孩子复习课程的方式。这些对小学英语启蒙作用重大。 关于瑞思学科英语 2007年进入中国,率先从事学科英语教育培训,3-18岁小学英语培训专家,其“浸 入式学科英语”课程体系涵盖3~6岁幼儿英语、7~12岁小学英语、13~18岁 青少儿英语,并注重培养项目管理、演讲演示和团队合作三大能力。 每天,全国80多个城市250多家校区10万多名学员在瑞思同步学习; 每年,数十万家庭选择瑞思,九成以上的家庭选择持续续费,让孩子一直在瑞思 学习,直至进入美国名校。

G4_Franklin's Missing Snacks 小乌龟学美语文本

Franklin’s Missing Snacks 富兰克林和失踪的零食 This always happens. 总是发生这样的事。 I’m pretty hungry too. 我也很饿了。 This is a great idea! 那真是个了不起的主意! Good thinking Bear! 真是个绝妙的想法,小熊! Where are you going? 你要去哪? Somebody stole our snacks! 有人偷了我们的零食! Bear’s my best friend. 小熊是我最好的朋友。 Franklin wouldn’t do that. 富兰克林不会做那样的事情。 Thanks for trusting me, Bear. 谢谢你信任我,小熊。 Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. 富兰克林已经会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。 He had a bike, a baseball glove and all kinds of toys. 他有一辆自行车,一个棒球手套,还有各种各样的玩具。 But one day, Franklin learned that the most important thing he had was a best friend.

但是有一天,富兰克林发现他拥有的最重要的是一个最好的朋友。Go Green! 加油,绿色! Yellow’s in the lead! 黄色现在领先! Come on Red! 加油,红色! Faster blue, faster! 蓝色,快一点,快一点! Yay! 好啊! I win! 我赢了! I’m second! 我是第二! Third! 第三! Fourth! 第四! Maybe you should try a different pine cone Bear. 小熊,也许你应该试试一个不同的松果,小熊。 No way! 绝不! This is my lucky one! 这是我的幸运果! Lucky? 幸运?


儿童英语视频资源有哪些儿童英语教学视频一般是为3-5岁的孩子提供的,主要是教授儿童英语知识的高清视频,瑞思学科英语儿童英语教育专家认为,画面清晰、播放流畅、时长简短的儿童英语视频往往在孩子学习成长中起到不可或缺的重要作用。同时,儿童英语教学视频也有助于家长有计划有目标地陪伴教导孩子实现儿童英语启蒙。 儿童英语视频资源汇总清单如下:适合3-5岁宝宝的动画片 1.big muzzy玛泽的故事 2.caillou卡由 3.CBeebies_Bedtime_Stories儿童频道睡前故事 4.Dora the Explorer爱探险的朵拉 5.hairy maclary毛毛狗 6.humfs小怪物 7.little charley bear小熊查理 8.meg and mog女巫麦格和小猫莫格 9.Mickey Mouse Clubhouse米奇妙妙屋 10.peppa pig粉红猪小妹 11.zippy and me迪斯尼美语世界 12.洪恩小乌龟学美语动画片60集 在选择儿童英语视频时,可以根据孩子的喜好和兴趣进行分类,可选语速慢,内容浅显易懂,卡通形象可爱的儿童英语视频资源,非

常适合儿童英语启蒙。孩子在看这些幼儿视频时,会学到很多简单生活用语和基本礼仪。也可以学学动画中老师教孩子学知识的引导方式,以及家长引导孩子复习课程的方式。这些对儿童英语启蒙作用重大。 关于瑞思学科英语 2007年进入中国,率先从事学科英语教育培训,3-18岁儿童英语培训专家,其“浸 入式学科英语”课程体系涵盖3~6岁幼儿英语、7~12岁儿童英语、13~18岁 青少儿英语,并注重培养项目管理、演讲演示和团队合作三大能力。 每天,全国80多个城市250多家校区10万多名学员在瑞思同步学习; 每年,数十万家庭选择瑞思,九成以上的家庭选择持续续费,让孩子一直在瑞思 学习,直至进入美国名校。

J3_Franklin and the Puppet Play 小乌龟学美语文本

Franklin’s AND THE PUPPET PLAY Bravo! Bravo! 太精彩了!太精彩了! You can use our puppet theatre. 你们可以用我们的手偶剧院。 I want to be the best show ever! 我要让这次表演是最成功的。 Hey, great idea! 嘿,好主意! I want that done right away, Goose. 我要你立刻做好这项工作。 I think Beaver would be a good Wolf. 我认为海狸演狼比较合适。 Okay. I’ll tyr again, Beaver. 好吧,我再试一次,海狸。 I’m sorry I was so bossy guys. 伙伴们,很抱歉!我太专横了。 Franklin AND THE PUPPET PLAY Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. 富兰克林已经会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。 He could help a friend read a story and he could help a friend cross the stream. 他能帮助朋友阅读故事,也能帮助朋友穿过小溪。 But one day, Franklin had to help a friend who was bossy. 但是有一天,富兰克林不得不帮助一个蛮横的朋友。

Wow, this book has lots of spider facts. 哇,这本书上有很多关于蜘蛛的知识呢。 Did you know that tarantulas are hunting spiders. Beaver? 你知道大蜘蛛是捕食蜘蛛的吗,海狸? They don’t even build webs. 他们甚至不织网呢。 Everybody knows that, Franklin. 大家都知道啊,富兰克林。 Well, I didn’t, so that means my homework is done. 哦,我不知道,所以那意味着我的功课做完了。 I’ve learned ten new things about spiders. 我学到了十件事关于蜘蛛的。 Hi, Bunny. 嗨,小兔子。 Do you want us to tell you a story like last time? 你想要我们像上次那样给你讲故事吗? How about…Little Miss Muffet! 讲《小马菲特》的故事怎么样? I’ll be Miss Muffet. 我来做马菲特小姐。 Hi, Bunny. 嗨,小兔子 Little Miss Muffet…sat on her tuffet… 小马菲特小姐坐在她的小土墩上。 Eating her curds and whey… 吃着她的奶油点心……


Lesson One Franklin’s Test Franklin could count by twos and ties his shoes . 富兰克林已经学会数奇偶数,他还学会了自己系鞋带。 He had won a blue ribbon for swimming and a trophy for playing soccer .But one day , Franklin won something that maybe he shouldn’t have . 在游泳比赛的时候,他赢得过蓝绶带;还赢得过足球比赛的奖章。可是有一天,他赢得了一样似乎不该得到的东西。 daisy…window … chair … pencil … Teacher Owl : Well done . All right , you all know how to read our new words . 不错。好了,你们都知道新单词怎么念了。 Let’s see how many we can spell . 我们再来看看可以拼写出多少来。 Who would like to go first ? 谁愿意先来? Students : I will go first . 我先来。 Me , me , me … 我,我,我… Bear : I will do it , it’s easy . 我能行,很简单。 Teacher Owl : Bear , Let’s see you give it a try , hmm . 小熊!你来试试看吧。 All right , bear , spell the word “daisy” . 好,小熊拼一下单词“daisy” Bear : daisy . Hmm , Let me just check ... “daisy” , 嗯,我来查查看… Student : Hey , Bear ! 嘿,小熊! Y ou can’t peek like that ! 你不能这么偷看! That’s cheating ! 那是作弊! Bear : It is ? 是吗? Teacher Owl : Well Bear , we are trying to learn to spell from memory . 噢,小熊,我们要学着默写单词。 I’ll give you a little hint . 我给你一个小小的提示。 The next letter is an “ I” . 下一个字母是“I”。 Bear : “I”… oh yeah ! “S”“Y”…“daisy” “I”……噢,对了!“S” , “Y”……“daisy” Teacher Owl : Absolutely right , Bear ! Well done !


加强企业社会责任推动和谐社会建设 ——在“中国-瑞典企业社会责任高层论坛”上的演讲 Strengthening CSR for a Harmonious Society ---Speech at the Sino-Swedish CSR High-level Forum 商务部副部长于广洲 (2008年4月14日) By Yu Guangzhou, Vice Minister of Commerce April 14, 2008 尊敬的赖因费尔特首相, 各位来宾,女士们、先生们: Your Excellency Prime Minister Reinfeldt, Delegates, Ladies and gentlemen, 下午好!Good afternoon. 四月的北京,春意盎然,鲜花盛开。值此美好时刻,我们迎来了“中国—瑞典企业社会责任高层论坛”的召开。去年6月胡锦涛主席访问瑞典期间,商务部与瑞典外交部代表两国政府签署了《关于企业社会责任合作的谅解备忘录》,标志着两国在这一领域的合作正式启动,对促进两国经济的持续稳定健康发展具有十分重要的意义。今天,两国朋友们齐聚一堂,就企业社会责任开展深入交流,必将对两国企业社会责任建设产生积极的影响。 Here in Beijing in April, spring is high in the air and flowers are in full blossom. On this delightful day, we celebrate the convening of the

Sino-Swedish CSR High-level Forum. Last June during the visit of President Hu Jintao to Sweden, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs signed an MOU on Cooperation in CSR on behalf of their respective governments, which officially kicked off our bilateral CSR cooperation and was vitally important for the sustained, steady and sound development of our economies. Today, we have Chinese and Swedish friends gathered here to discuss in greater depth on the topic of CSR, which I believe will positively shape our future CSR collaboration. 企业社会责任运动自上世纪80年代兴起后,已经成为世界潮流。强调企业社会责任,就是要求企业对投资者负责的同时,对员工负责,对消费者负责,对商业伙伴负责,对环境和社会负责。国内外企业的成功经验表明,社会责任也是企业的品牌,是企业核心竞争力的组成部分,是企业长盛不衰的重要法宝。企业要生存和发展,就必须增强社会责任意识,积极履行社会义务。我们有理由相信,未来的企业竞争,将不再仅仅是产品的竞争、技术的竞争和人才的竞争,更是履行社会责任的竞争。“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”。企业在履行社会责任、促进社会和谐的同时,自身也会得到更大的发展。 Since the 1980s, CSR has gone from being a new term to a global trend. Putting emphasis on CSR means companies not only have to be responsible to their investors, but also to their employees, customers,

B4_Franklin and the Computer 小乌龟学美语文本

Franklin and the Computer 富兰克林和计算机 真想知道那是什么样的? I wonder what it’s like? 我是个游戏高手。 I’m really good at games. 我知道我在做什么。 I know what I’m doing. 海狸,能让我玩一会儿吗? Beaver, can I have a turn? 来吧,富兰克林,我们一起玩羽毛球吧。 Come on Franklin, let’s play badminton. 嘿,富兰克林,你要去哪? Hey, Franklin, what are you going? 你想等她吗? Do you want to wait for her? 做朋友是更重要的。 Being friends is more important. Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. 富兰克林已经会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。 He know lots of games and all of their rules. 他会玩很多游戏,了解每一个游戏的规则。 But one day, Franklin learned that friendship is more important than winning a game. 但是,有一天,富兰克林懂得了友谊很重要。比起赢得一场游戏来,重要得多。 A new computer game?

一个新的电脑游戏? What did you get it? 什么时候得到的? Yesterday, and I’m already good at it. 昨天,而且现在我已经玩得很好了。Did you hear that Bear? 小熊,你听到了吗? What? 什么? Beaver has a new computer game. 海狸有一个新的电脑游戏。 Your turn. 该你走了。 I wonder what it’s like? 真想知道那是个什么游戏? Your turn, Franklin. 该你了,富兰克林。 I wonder if it’s an adventure game. 是冒险游戏吗? Huh ?! 啊? Hey ,what about our game? 嘿!咱们的棋还下不下了? Take my next turn for me, will you, Bear? 帮我走下一步棋,好吗,小熊?What’s your new game like, Beaver? 海狸,你的新游戏什么样啊?


长春信息技术职业学院毕业论文 计算机软件毕业论文 系别: 专业班级: 指导老师: 学生姓名: 2013年5月18日

摘要: 在21世纪的今天,手机几乎是每个人的必备品,特别是在高校的学生,不管是吃饭、睡觉、还是上课,手机总是不离手。而且手机更新换代更是日新月异,然后在现在的手机市场中android系统的智能机成为主流。 我们这款画画小软件正是在android系统的平台上进行运行。在日常生活中,我们画画只能在纸上的时代已经过去,这款android小画家画画软件,可以进行简单的简笔画操作、上色。既节约了增加了我们平时的乐趣,也节约了资源。该软件具有改变画图的形状、改变画笔的颜色、改变画刷的宽度、改变画画的风格、以及保存、清除等功能。经过测试,这是一款能为我们生活增加乐趣的软件。 关键字:手机;android;画画软件

目录 第一章引言..................................................... - 1 - 1.1发展情况................................................. - 1 - 1.2研究现状................................................. - 1 - 1.3研究前景展望............................................. - 1 - 1.4选题的目的及意义......................................... - 2 - 第二章系统可行性分析........................................... - 3 - 2.1经济可行性分析........................................... - 3 - 2.2操作可行性分析........................................... - 3 - 2.3技术可行性分析........................................... - 3 - 2.3.1 eclipse概述....................................... - 3 - 2.3.2 ADT 概述........................................... - 4 - 2.3.3 android SDK概述................................... - 4 - 2.3.4 java概述.......................................... - 5 - 第三章需求分析................................................. - 6 - 3.1软件功能描述............................................. - 6 - 3.2系统功能分析............................................. - 7 - 3.3软件需求分析............................................. - 9 - 3.4软件概念结构设计......................................... - 9 - 第四章软件详细设计............................................ - 12 - 4.1软件设计原理............................................ - 12 - 4.2软件模块设计............................................ - 12 - 第五章软件测试................................................ - 30 - 总结...................................................... - 31 - 参考文献....................................................... - 32 - 致谢...................................................... - 33 -


洪恩GoGo少儿英语全集 Lesson01 Lesson02 Lesson03 Lesson04 Lesson05 Lesson06 Lesson07 Lesson08 Lesson09 Lesson10 Lesson11 Lesson12 Lesson13 Lesson14 Lesson15 Lesson16 Lesson17 Lesson18 Lesson19 Lesson20

Lesson22 Lesson23 Lesson24 Lesson25 Lesson26 Lesson27 Lesson28 Lesson30 Lesson31 Lesson32 Lesson33 Lesson34 Lesson35 Lesson36 Lesson37 Lesson38 Lesson39 Lesson40 Lesson41 Lesson42 Lesson43

Lesson45 Lesson46 Lesson47 Lesson48 Lesson49 Lesson50 Lesson51 Lesson52 Lesson53 Lesson54 Lesson55 Lesson56 Lesson57 Lesson58 Lesson59 Lesson60 洪恩GoGo少儿英语全集内容简介: 我们知道,在学习一种外语时,如果不了解该语言的内部规则,那将影响学生准确地运用该语言进行交流。许多专家认

为,即使在小学阶段,孩子也需要一些语法知识帮助他们牢固地、正确地掌握语言。新课程标准也要求在小学阶段要进行一些简单的语法教学。作为小学英语教师,如何才能既保持孩子学习英语的热情,又让孩子掌握新课程标准所要求的"枯燥的"语法知识呢?笔者去年有幸到英国学习三个月,了解了一些外国专家提倡的语法教学方法。我认为,根据孩子的天性,在教学中要做到"以人为本",让小学语法教学生动起来,应遵循以下三个原则。 1.Implicit(隐性原则) 在语法教学方面,外国教育专家提出了两种方法:"Explicit grammar teaching"(显性语法教学) 和"Implicit grammar teaching""(隐性语法教学)。前者侧重在教学中直接谈论语法规则,语法教学目的直接明显;后者则在教学中避免直接谈论所学的语法规则,主要通过情景让学生体验语言,通过对语言的交际性运用归纳出语法规则。"Explicit grammar teaching"需要运用抽象的思维能力,对智力还在发展的孩子采用"Implicit grammar teaching"的方法更为合适。不少教师的英语课堂枯燥乏味,其中一个重要原因是在巩固所学的语法项目时,采用了过于机械的练习形式(mechanicaldrills),也可以说是采用了过多的"Explicit grammar teaching"。例如,学习了一般将来时后,让学生做大量类似如下的练习:
