





(a) v+with

begin, mix, agree, deal, fight, meet, play, quarrel, do, fool, reason, correspond, comply, settle, (b) v + sth (sb) + with + sth (sb)

compare, provide, supply, feed, replace, combine, equip, furnish,


angry, strict, pleased, busy, covered, satisfied, filled, wrong, wild, crowded, connected, popular, covered, patient, annoyed, acquainted, delighted, confronted, content, friendly, identical, frank, concerned, bored, afflicted, associated, blended, burdened, comparable, consistent, disappointed, displeased, endowed, enraged, exhausted, familiar, gifted, impatient, infested, intimate, irritated, level, moved, occupied, overcome, popular, satisfied, vexed

(3) n+with

acquaintance, alliance, trouble, talk, chat, connection, consultation, conversation, sympathy,

2 AT


aim, point, snatch, wonder, strike, work, look, glance, laugh, run, catch, shoot, stare, glare, thrust, smile, call, fire, tear, knock, winder, arrive, come, gasp,


amused, delighted, angry, good, surprised, astonished, pleased, terrified, clever, alarmed, astonished, clumsy, disgusted, impatient, quick, startled, surprised,


knock, pull, look, glance, smile, game, astonishment, surprise, alarm,

3 IN


get, lie, turn, draw, believe, share, take, drop, give, call, hand, succeed, bring, result, trade, involve, check, count, cut, indulge, pour, participate, intervene, fill,join, confide, trust, believe, persist, consist,

(b) V+sb(sth)+in

help, spend


rich, interested, active, disappointed, engaged, busy, weak, expert, successful, absorbed, skilled, concerned, experienced, confident, employed,accurate, clothed, diligent, negligent, proficient, prompt, versed,


interest, progress, satisfaction, faith, belief, confidence, response, pride, perseverance, harm,

difficulty, pleasure, confidence, delight,



(a) V + from

learn, die, come, suffer, hear, fall, rise, hang, escape, date, depart, result, descend, refrain, abstain, differ, distinguish, derive, expel, conceal, judge

(b) V + sth ( sb) +from + sth ( sb or a place)

borrow, protect, receive, separate, keep, stop, prevent, deter, choose, remove, save, dissuade, excuse, restrain


different, far, tired, made, separate, absent, distinct, hidden, made,


letter, visitor, absence, difference, protection, relief, rescue,

5 OF


(a) V+of

consist, dream, hear, tell, think, know, talk, die, speak

(b) V+sb+of+sth

rob, warn, inform, remind, accuse, cheat, convince, relieve, deprive,

(c) V+sth+of+sb

ask, beg, demand, require,


aware, careful, free, short, sure, certain, worthy, afraid, hopeful, proud, full, tired, made, capable, impatient, considerate, characteristic, guilty, capable, composed, jealous, ashamed, envious, ignorant, apprehensive, bare, cautious, clear, composed, conscious, descriptive, exclusive, forgetful, fond, hard, incapable, informed, innocent, made, mindful, neglectful, observant, possessed, productive, regardless, rid, sensible, sick, susceptible, weary

(3) n+of

quality, number, sample, choice, impression, neglect, attack, care, consideration, pleasure, doubt, way equivalence, possibility, example,

6 ON


(a) v+on

act, lean, live, work, depend, look, wait, turn, switch, pull, have, keep, call, put, push, speak, insist, push, collaborate, count, frown, reckon, speculate, figure, carry,

(b) V+sb(sth)+ON+sb(sth)

congratulate, spend, base, fix


hard, keen, dependent, based, impressed,


book, discussion, lecture, advice, opinion, impression, attack, dependence, judgment, pity,

mercy, authority

7 TO


(a) v+to

listen, stick, refer, turn, point, reply, occur, attend, see, lead, happen, come, get, write, hold, agree, belong, adapt, attribute, object, subscribe, adjust, accede, yield, resort, relate, respond, testify, succumb,

(b) v+to+sb

announce, describe, explain, express, mention, report, say, shout, suggest, whisper, speak, talk, nod,

(c) v+sth(sb)+sth(sb)

devote, compare, add, introduce, invite, leave, join, reduce, sentence, carry, take,


equal, opposed, true, familiar, close, near, kind, harmful, polite, rude, similar, useful, married, known, used, good, dedicated, fair, essential, parallel, related, sensible, relevant, possible, indifferent, devoted, comparable, necessary, contrary, suitable, strange, close, alike, opposite, familiar, inferior, superior, proportionate, accessory, accustomed, adapted, addicted, adequate, adjacent, afflicted, akin, alive, amenable, applicable, attentive, awake, blind, common, conductive, congenial, contiguous, contrary, corresponding, deaf, derogatory, disagreeable, displeasing, distasteful, exposed, false, fatal, grateful, hostile, important, indifferent, loyal, moved, obedient, odious, opposite, painful, partial, peculiar, pleasant, precious, preferable, precious, prior, profitable, prone, proper, relative, relevant, sacred, strange, subsequent, susceptible, thankful, troublesome,


key, answer, visitor, end, way, solution, traitor, attention, exception, gratitude, approach




account, beg, hope, send, look, ask, long, pay, wish, wait, leave, fight, plan, prepare, care, stand, search, answer, run, call, bargain, inquire, press, apply, provide, apologize,grieve


ask, blame, forgive, pardon, pay, praise, punish, reward, thank, excuse,


eager, bad, good, famous, fit, suitable, ready, sorry, grateful, useful, late, responsible, proper, crucial, competent, eligible, noted, renowned, appropriate, notorious, convenient, possible, profitable, liable, necessary,anxious, bound, eligible, impatient, liable, sufficient, uncared, unfit, zealous,


plan, need, reason, explanation, ability, affection, excuse, ambition, anxiety, reputation, consideration, necessity, talent, sympathy, cause, pretext, qualification



quarrel, agree, consult, complain, speak, bring, think, set, care, fumble, fuss, leave, move, lie, hear,speculate, inquire,


happy, anxious, nervous, cautious, careful, certain, excited, particular, pleased, concerned, enthusiastic,uneasy, troubled


concern, anxiety, opinion, question,


在日常英语中,象以make, have, do, take等构成的短语搭配使用的频率很高,下面是笔者总结的这些短语动词的搭配。

1) Make

make steal, laws, friends, research, much progress, great effort, some tea, some noise, contribution, war, peace, model ships, money, love, no condition, confidences, remarks, faces, clothes, profit, some trouble, sense, difference,haste, room, one's way, dinner, fun, preparations, sail,

make an excuse, offer, experiment, observation, impression, answer, advance, attack, attempt, exam, investigation, explanation, arrangement, appointment, application, an error, exchange, invitation, accusation, enquiry, improvement, outline, oath,approach, entry, exception,

make a statement, sketch, complaint, charge, journey, request, beginning, compromise, bargain, comment, copy, criticism, correction, difference, discovery, fortune, haste, survey, jump, sacrifice, demand, study, guess, visit, call, slip, shave, bed, mistake, fire, speech, walk, vote, haste, plan, will, living, recommendation, reduction, decision, promise, reference, poem, sentence, suggestion, habit, demonstration, summary, comparison, preparation, choice, joke, reply, resolution, face, noise, check, record, railway, canal, trip, cake, law, meal, face, guess, contrast, policy, mends, change, bow, confession, move, point, price, sound, stand, word,

2) Have

have breakfast/lunch/supper, tea, sports, labor, patience, deep affection on, power, fun, difficulty, notice,

have a meal, drink, beer, wine, coffee, taste, smoke, discussion, meeting, talk, chat, fight, walk, quarrel, run, ride, debate, break, haircut, swim, shave, wash, try, rest, lesson, class, wish, dream, song, shock, game, dance, stomachache, toothache, headache, backache, cold, cough, pain, fever, holiday, day off, good time, lie, good appetite, care, chance, disagreement, shower, sleep, test, baby, fit, good appetite, picnic, sale, share, mercy, choice,

have an appointment, influence, exam, interview, objection,

have the advantage, the day off,

3) Do

do justice to sb (do sb justice), good, harm, damage, honor, wrong, evil, right, dictation, translation

do drills, exercises, house work, home work, research (work) service, sums, physical labor, business, gymnastic, wonders, honours, battle, credit, justice, English puzzles, questions and answers, sport

do a room, favor, test,job, subject, sum, show

do an experiment,

do one's lesson, assignment, hair, teeth, nail, bed, duty, best, need, part, bit

do the problem, day shift, food, room, house, trick, deed

do some washing, reading, shopping, sewing, cleaning, sightseeing, traveling, cooking studying, sweeping, speaking


take measures, steps, orders, treatments, some pictures (photo), notes, advice, some medicine, poison, some tips, sides, action, aim, aside, apart, breath, effect, notice, offence, shape, turns, time,

take a cold, rest, walk, chat, bath, shower, course, plane, nap, look at sth, journey, bus, taxi, lift, dictation, deep breath, day off, seat, hint, newspaper, degree, risk, job, hint, subject, life, hike, beating, bow, chance, holiday, vote,

take an exam, oath,

take one's choice, seat, place, chance, fancy, time,

take the sun, chair, first place, blame, air, head,

5) Give

give a ring, push, pull, kick, smile, cry, sigh, shout, laugh, shrug, welcome, concert, lecture, punch, reply, course, description, blow, definition, kiss, demonstration, hand, raise,

give trouble, help, offence, pleasure, encouragement, permission, respect, support, chase,

give an excuse, order, example,

give sb a rise, hand, lift,

6) Go

go broke, bust, Dutch, easy, mad, round,

go for a drive, run, swim, walk, song, an outing

go climbing, dancing, fishing, hunting, riding, skiing, skating, swimming, walking, shopping, shooting,

go to school, college, bed, hospital, church, court, sea, town, work, war,

go to a concert, a report,

7) Keep

keep secret, quiet, dogs and cats, house, faith, silence, watch

keep an account, an arrangement,

keep a promise, shop, house, family, diary, balance, seat,

keep one's temper, word,

keep the rules, the score,

8) Set

set sail, words to music, fire, foot in a place,

set an example, an exam paper,

set one's watch, head at rest, eyes on sth,

set a tone, speed, price, style, seal to, demand, date, trap, paper,

set the fashion, pace,


1) Persons

a arm of workmen/assistants/unemployed men

a group/crowd/throng/multitude/concourse/people/savages/girls/journalists

a galaxy of beauties/talents/film stars

a gang of workers/slaves/prisoners/thieves/robbers/devils/swimmers/ convicts/criminals

a mo

b of thieves/rioters/hooligans/gangsters/angry women

a posse of police

a party of soldiers/tourists

a band of robbers/gangsters/fugitives/Gypsies/bandits/

a bench of scholars/bishops/judges

a board of directors

a crowd of people/ school children/boys/players/spectators/applicants

a college of translators

a cloud of horsemen

a couple of partners/players

a regiment of soldiers

a troop of dancers/actors/horsemen/soldiers/welcomes/demonstrators/

a horde of savages

a tribe of Arabs

a mass of children/people

a pack of thieves/

a set of people/friends


a bag of candy/money/groceries

a ball of fire/wool/string/paper

a bale of alfalfa/cotton/hay/paper

a bar of chocolate/iron/gold/soap/light/

a batch of bread/goods/caps/documents/books/letters/bread

a belt of trees

a block of ice/marble/wood

a bouquet of flowers

a bowl/sack of rice

a box of chocolate/biscuits /matches/chocolates

a bucket of milk/water/gasoline/

a bunch of grapes/keys/flowers/straw/chopsticks/dried noodles/bananas

a bundle of hay/sticks/shirts/firewood/straw/sticks/newspapers/magazines/ clothes

a burst of flames/tears/blood/energy/strength/sobbing/laughter/applause/energy/ sympathy/smoke/hail/thunder/gunfire/bomb

a cake of soap/ice/clay/mud/tobacco

a can of fish/oil/fruit/beer/tomatoes

a case of pins/pencils/soda/Chinese porcelain/preserved apricots

a cask of wine/beer/honey

a chain of mountains/events/strikes/thoughts/errors

a chest of drawers

a cloud of smoke

a clump of trees/bushes/grasses/lilac/

a cluster of houses/buildings/flowers/grapes/stars/grass/curls

a clutch of eggs

a coat of sugar/was/dust/ice/dirt/paint/

a collection of stamps/specimens/essays

a colligation of relics/curiosities

a couple of days

a cloud of dust/smoke/blood

a cup of tea/milk/sugar

a drop of oil/water/blood/rain/tear/dew/sweat

a field of snow/corn/ice/rice/wheat

a fit of pain/coughing/dizziness/rage/energy/madness/temper/despair/

a fleet of cars/ships/craft/buses/taxis/trucks/planes

a flight of steps/stairs/airplanes/arrow/imagination/fancy

a flood of rain/light/tears/anger

a galaxy of stars

a glass of beer/water/milk

a grain of salt/rice/sand/gold/wheat

a grove of trees

a gush of flood/water/oil/heat/enthusiasm/interest/laughter/anger

a gust of wind/rain/smoke/fire/rage

a hail of curse/blows/bullets/stones

a handful of earth/rice/candy/seeds/peanuts/beans/sand

a heap of stones/sand/snow/rubbish/stone/earth/manure/building material

a host of activities

a huddle of houses

a kind of matter/fruit/power/tea/

a layer of rock/bricks/clay/raw coal/stone/sand/paint/dust/snow/clouds

a line of people/trees/chairs/houses/desks

a load of cargo/vegetables/grave/wood/hay/fuel/sand

a loaf of bread

a lump of sugar/clay/bread/gold/lead

a mass of snow/stone/letters/ice/dough/ore/earth/clouds/colour/sand/ trees/green

a mountain of debts/letters/problems/products/records

a mouthful of water/soup/bread/fresh air/

a nest of beakers

a pang of headache/toothache/hunger

a pail of water/milk

a pair of vases/ear-rings/pillows/sofas/dancers/gloves/braces/glasses/ compasses

a pack (packet) of cards/lies/troubles/cars/artillery/tea/sesame/strawberries needles/sweets/medicine powder/cigarettes

a package of cigarettes/towels/razor blades

a patch of ground/grass garden/plastic/earth/cloud/sunlight

a peal of bells

a period of good time/history/wonderful youth

a piece of paper/news/advice/furniture/meat/butter/bread/cloth/ music/steel/land/wood/coal/log/board/thread/evidence/leather/ice /glass/water/

a pile of clothes/stones/books/letters/logs/bricks/grass/grain/newspaper/ papers

a pinch of salt/soda/sesames

a pipe of crude petroleum/vegetable oil

a plate of fruit/fish/beef/meat

a puff of wind/hot air/vapor/dust/wet steam/smoke/wool/breeze

a pound of beef

a pot of water/candy/beans/jam

a quiver of arrows

a range of mountains

a roll of film

a rope of pearls

a row of trees/seats/willows/house/books/soldiers

a rush of wind/sympathy/tense work/dizziness/

a sea of clouds/soap bubbles/troubles/work/difficulties/flame/blood/cheers/flowers

a series of events/experiments/victories/storms/contests/explosions/ earthquakes

a set of false teeth/rooms/furniture/works/cards/chess/notebooks/buttons/stamps/plates/ spoons/rules/drawers/bedding/furniture/tools/idea/stories/policies

a section of railway/pipe/essay/legend

a sack of potatoes/grain/flour/toys/cement/rice

a sheet of ice/frost/glass/tin/leather/water/snow

a sheaf of grain/wheat/arrows

a shoal of facts

a shower of sparks/abuse/applause

a sip of tea/wine/brandy/lemonade

a slice of cucumber/bread/meat/beef

a spasm of coughing/excitement/pain/laughter/temper/ grief/sobs/industry

a spell of cold weather/coughing/dizziness

a stack of hay/straw/newspapers/wood/books/pies/dishes

a stretch of road/time/pipeline/wire/day/journey/speech/land/open country/plain/scenery/water a peck of dirty/interest/cream/dust/truth/gold

a sort of noise/inspiration/awe/love/material

a stack of books/newspaper/dishes bowls/paper

a stack of corn/wood/arms

a steam of cars/insults/abuse/curse/

a stream of blood/hot air/spring water

a string of beads/ pearls/lies/curse/prayers/complaints/excuses/questions/ cars/groan

a sum of money

a suck of wine/tea/smoke/milk

a suit of sails/clothes/

a suite of rooms/suite of apartments/

a wallow of water/beer/soda/brandy/

a team of players

a tract of grass

a trace of humour/smile/sadness/

a thread of light

a type of tobacco/rash/layout/pump/

3) Birds

a bevy of goose

a brood of chickens/birds/chicks

a cloud of birds/mosquitoes/flies/locusts/insects

a cost of hawks

a covey of partridges(鹌鹑)

a desert of lapwings

a dove of turkeys

a fall of woodcocks

a fight of doves/ birds/bees/sparrows/pigeons/ducks/swallow/cars/ship

a flock of geese/gaggle/chicken/brood

a gaggle of geese

a group of eagles/bees

a herd of cranes

a master of peacocks

a nest of swallows/wild birds/rabbits/thieves

a stand of plovers

a watch of nightgales

a wisp of snipes/straw/hay/grass


a band of dogs

a drove of cattle

a flock of sheep/goats/rabbits/hens/ducks/turkeys/birds/parrots/ sparrows/geese/crows a furrow of pigs

a group of foxes

a head of cattle

a herd of cows/buffaloes/deer/ponies/swine/elephants

a kindle of kittens

a leash of hares

a litter of pups/pigs

a nest of rabbits

a pace of asses

a pack of hounds/wolves/dog/thieves

a pride of lions

a skulk of foxes

a sleuth of bears

a sounders of hogs

a stud of horses

a troop of monkeys

a yoke of oxen

5) Insects

a colony of ants

a cluster of bees/butterflies/

a nest of ants/swarms/bees/flies/locusts/ a flight of locusts

a cloud of locusts

a hive of bees

a swarm of bees/locusts/ants/flies/insects/

a colleague of bees


a shoal of herrings

a school of whales/fish/dolphins

a run of whales

a troop of whales


介词短语及固定搭配 1. 表示时间的介词: at:用于表示时刻,时间的某一点。 on:用于星期,某天,某一天的上午,下午,晚上(指具体的某一天时,一律用on in:用于表示周,月,季节,年,泛指上午,下午,晚上 before:在...之前 after:在...之后 by:在....前(时间)截止(到)... until(till):直到.....为止 for:达...之久(表示过了多少时间) % during:在....期间 through:一直..(从开始到结束) from:从...起(时间) since:自从...以来(表示从以前某时一直到现在仍在继续) in:过...后(未来时间) within:不超过...的范围 2. 表示场所,方向的介词: at :在某地点(表示比较狭窄的场所) in:在某地(表示比较宽敞的场所) on:在...上面,有接触面 $ above:在...上方 over:在...正上方,是under的反义词 under:在..下面,在...之内 below :在...下方(不一定是正下方) near:近的,不远的 by:在...的旁边,比near的距离要近 between:在两者之间 among:在三者或者更多的之中 around:环绕,在...的周围,在....的四周 in front of:在...的前面 … behind:在...后边 in:在..之内,用于表示静止的位置 into:进入 out of :和into一样,也表示有一定的运动方向 along:沿着 across:横过(平面物体) through:贯通,通过 to :达到..地点(目的地)或方向 for:表示目的,为了..... from:从...地点起 …


一、at 短语 be angry at sth. 对某事生气 arrive at 到达……(小地方) knock at/on 敲…… at last 最后,终于 laugh at 嘲笑 look at 看,注视 at the moment 现在,此时 point at/to 指向 at times 不时 二、after 短语 look after 照看,照顾 name after 以……的名字命名 run after 追赶;追求 三、on 短语 agree on (通过协商)达成共识 call on 拜访,看望 come on 快点儿;加油 on display 在展出 hang on 稍等,别挂断 on holiday 度假,休假 play a joke on 和……开玩笑,戏弄……

keep on 继续 live on 以……为食,靠……生活 put on 穿上;戴上 turn on 打开,旋开(收音机、电灯、煤气等) work on 从事于,致力于 四、to 短语 agree to 同意,答应,接受(计划、建议、条件、安排等)go to bed 上床睡觉 compare...to... 把……与……作比较 from...to... 从……到…… get to 到达 do harm to 对……有害处 lead to 通往;导致 pay attention to 注意 take...to... 把……带到/给…… write to... 写信给…… 五、in 短语 arrive in 到达……(大地方) in danger 在危险中 drop in 顺便拜访 hand in 交上,上交 join in 参加


英语介词用法大全 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

介词(The Preposition)又叫做前置词,通常置于名词之前。它是一种虚词,不需要重读,在句中不单独作任何句子成分,只表示其后的名词或相当于名词的词语与其他句子成分的关系。中国学生在使用英语进行书面或口头表达时,往往会出现遗漏介词或误用介词的错误,因此各类考试语法的结构部分均有这方面的测试内容。 1. 介词的种类 英语中最常用的介词,按照不同的分类标准可分为以下几类: (1). 简单介词、复合介词和短语介词 ①.简单介词是指单一介词。如: at , in ,of ,by , about , for, from , except , since, near, with 等。②. 复合介词是指由两个简单介词组成的介词。如: Inside, outside , onto, into , throughout, without , as to as for , unpon, except for 等。 ③. 短语介词是指由短语构成的介词。如: In front of , by means o f, on behalf of, in spite of , by way of , in favor of , in regard to 等。 (2). 按词义分类 {1} 表地点(包括动向)的介词。如: About ,above, across, after, along , among, around , at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between , beyond ,by, down, from, in, into , near, off, on, over, through, throught, to, towards,, under, up, unpon, with, within , without 等。 {2} 表时间的介词。如: About, after, around , as , at, before , behind , between , by, during, for, from, in, into, of, on, over, past, since, through, throughout, till(until) , to, towards , within 等。 {3} 表除去的介词。如: beside , but, except等。 {4} 表比较的介词。如: As, like, above, over等。 {5} 表反对的介词。如: againt ,with 等。 {6} 表原因、目的的介词。如: for, with, from 等。 {7} 表结果的介词。如: to, with , without 等。 {8} 表手段、方式的介词。如: by, in ,with 等。 {9} 表所属的介词。如: of , with 等。 {10} 表条件的介词。如:


一·后接of的动词: 控告accuse; 赞成approve; 让……放心assure; 谨防beware; 夸耀boast(or about); 埋怨complain; 由……组成consist; 使信服convince(or about); 治愈cure; 丧失……希望despair; 幻想dream(or about); 期望expect(or from); 听到……消息hear(or from); 摆脱be/get rid; 闻到smell; 对……猜疑suspect; 思考think(or about); 对……感到厌烦tire(d); 警告……有危险warn(or against); 二·与of连用的形容词: 害怕afraid 在……前面ahead 知道aware 能够capable 小心careful(or with) 确信certain 意识到conscious 妒忌envious 爱好fond 有……罪的guilty 不了解ignorant 独立于independent 妒忌jealous 对……和谐kind(or to) 在……的北/南/东/西面north/south/east/west; 缺乏short 顾虑shy 肯定sure 值得worthy 三·后接from的动词: 从……借出borrow 保护……使免于defend(or against) 向……要求demand(or of) 有别于differ 解雇dismiss 从……中得出draw 从……出现emerge 从……逃出escape 允许不……Excuse(or for) 阻止hinder 妨碍prevent 不准许prohibit 向……提抗议protect(or against) 接到receive 把……分开separate 受难suffer 四·与from连用的形容词: 距……远的away 与……不同的different 远离far 无危险的safe 五·后接in的动词: 信仰believe 喜欢delight 从事employ(ed) 鼓励encourage 正做engage(d) 在……有经验experience(d) 没有尽到fail 帮助help(or with) 包括include 沉醉indulge 教导instruct 对……感兴趣interest(ed) 投资invest 卷入involve(d) 坚持persist 分享share 六·与in连用的形容词: 缺少deficient 在……很幸运fortunate 对……很诚实honest 在……薄弱的weak 七·后接on的动词: 遵守act 在……基础上base(d) 拜访call 评论comment 集中于concentrate 祝贺congratulate 商量consult(or about) 依赖count 决定decide 依靠depend 节约economize 从事embark 尝试experiment 坚持insist 倚靠于……lean(or against) 靠……为生live 起作用operate 扮演perform(or in) 为……感到自豪pride(oneself) 依靠rely 对……表决(投……的票) vote(on a motion;for someone) 写……的事write(or about) 八·与on连用的形容词: 依赖于dependent 专心于intent 热心于keen 九·与to连用的动词: 习惯于accustom(ed) 达到amount 呼吁appeal 适用于apply(or for) 附属于attach(ed) 参加attend 属于belong 向……提出挑战challenge 比较compare(or with) 判刑condemn(ed) 与限制confine 同意consent 改信(某宗教)convert 享有权利entitle(d) 听listen 提到mention 反对object 想要occur 更喜欢prefer 对……反应react(or against) 回答reply 响应respond 注意see 服从于submit 向……投降surrender 转向turn 屈服yield 十·与to连用的形容词: 接近于close 与……相反contrary 对……残忍cruel 对……很重要dear


初中英语常用词组复习 一、动词词组(包括短语动词)、介词词组和其他词组 (一) 由be构成的词组 2)be at home/work在家/上班 3)be good at善于,擅长于 4)be careful of当心,注意,仔细 7)be surprised (at)对??感到惊讶10)be on在进行,在上演,(灯)亮着 11) be able to do sth.能够做?? 12) be afraid of (to do sth. that?)恐怕?? 13) be angry with sb.生(某人)的气 14)be pleased (with)对??感到高兴(满意) 15)be famous for/ as 以??而著名/作为····而出名 16)be strict in (with) (对工作、对人)严格要求 20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做?? 21)be covered with被??所覆盖 ?? 22)be in (great) need of (很)需要 23)be in trouble处于困境中 24) be glad to do sth.很高兴做?? 25)be late for ??迟到 26)be made of (from)由??制成 27)be satisfied with对??感到满意 30)be busy doing (with)忙于做??(忙于??) (二)由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、 look、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组 1. come 1)come back回来 2)come down下来 3)come in进入,进来 4)come on快,走吧,跟我来 5)come out出来 6)come out of从??出来7)come up上来 8)come from来自?? 2. do 9)do one's lessons/homework做功课/回家作业 11)do one's best尽力 12)do some shopping (cooking reading, cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除) 16)do well in在??某方面干得好 3. get 17)get up起身 20)get on (well) with get alone with与 ??相处(融洽) 24)get on/off上/下车 25)get to到达 4. give 27)give sb. a call给??打电话 30)give back归还,送回 31)give??some advice on给??一些忠告 33)give in屈服 34)give up放弃 5. go 38)go to the cinema看电影 39)go to bed睡觉(make the bed整理床铺) 40)go to school (college)上学(上大学) 42)go over过一遍,复习/ go over to朝 ??走去 47)go out for a walk外出散步 48)go on (doing)继续(做??) 49)go on with one's work继续某人的工作6. have 55)have a try试一试 56)have a good/wonderful time玩得很高兴60)have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早饭/午 饭/晚饭 64)have (have got) a headache头痛 65)have a fever发烧 66)have a cough (a cold)咳嗽(感冒) 67)have a look (at)看一看?? 68)have a rest (a break)休息一会儿(工间或 课间休息) 71)have sports进行体育锻炼 仅供学习与参考


短语、词组归纳 由动词开头构成的短语、词组很多。复习时应分类处理: 一、动词 +介词 1. look at ?看?, look like look after 照?料? 2. listen to 听??? 3. welcome to ?欢迎到?? 4. say hello to 向?? 问好 5. speak to ?对??说话 看?上去像??, 此类短语相当于及物动词,其后必须带宾语,但宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。如: This is my new bike. Please look it after.( ) × This is my new bike. Please look after it.( √) 二、动词 +副词 “动词 +副词”所构成的短语义分为两类: A .动词( vt. ) +介词、副词 1. put on 穿上2. take off 脱下 3. write down 记下 此类短语可以带宾语,宾语若是名词,放在副词前后皆可;宾语若是人称代词,只能放在副词的前面。试比较: First listen to the tape, then write down the answer/write the answer down. ( First listen to the answer, then write down it.( ) × First listen to the answer, then write it down.( √) B .动词( vi ) +介词、副词。 1.come on 赶快2.get up 起床 3.go home 回家4.come in 进来5.sit down 坐 下 √) 6.stand up 起立 此类短语属于不及物动词,不可以带宾语。 三、其它类动词词组 1.close the door 2.1ook the same 3.go to work/class 4.be ill 5.have a look/seat 6.have supper 7.1ook young 8.go shopping 9.watch TV/games 10. play games 介词短语聚焦 “介词 +名词 /代词”所构成的短语称为介词短语。现将Unitsl- 16 常用的介词短语按用法进 行归类。 1. in+ 语言 /颜色 / 衣帽等,表示使用某种语言或穿着 ??。如: in English , in the hat 2. in + Row/ Team/ Class/ Grade 等,表示“在??排 /队 /班级 /年级”等。 3. in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ 表示“在上午 /下午 / 傍晚”等一段时间。 4. in the desk/ pencil-box/bedroom 等表示“在书桌 /铅笔盒 /卧室里”。 5. in the tree 表示“在树上(非树本身所有) ”; on the tree 表示“在树上 (为树本身所有) ”。如: There are some birds in the tree. There are many apples on the trees.


高考英语常用介词短语和固定搭配一.相近介词和介词短语 1. With the help of 在~~帮助下 under the leadership / care of 在~~领导/关心下2. be strict with sb. 对~人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对~事要求严格 3. at present=at the present time 目前 for the present 暂时 4. in the sun/sunshine 在下 under the sun 在世界上 5. lie in 位于~~之 lie on 同~~接壤 lie to 位于~~之外 6. at least 至少 in the least 丝毫,一点 7. by name 名叫 in the name of 以~~名义 8. in the air 空中,在流传 on the air 播出 9. in the way 挡路,障碍,用~~方法 in a way 在某点上,在某种程度上 get one’s own way to do 随心所欲 give way 让步,屈服 lo se one’s way 迷路 by the way 顺便说一下

on one’s way to 在去~~的路上 Come this way 这边走 10. at the corner 在拐角处(外角) in the corner 在角落里(角) on the corner 在角落上(外角上) 11. judge by / from 根据~~来判断 judge for oneself 由某人自己来判断 12. at the end (of) 在~~结束时 at the beginning of 在~~开始时 at the back of 在~~背后,支持 at the age of ~~岁时 at the foot of 在~~脚下 at the bottom of 在~~底部 at the top of 在~~顶上 at/on the edge of 在~~边上 13. in the course of 在~~过程中 in the eyes of 从~~观点看来,在~~眼里 in the face of 面对~~,尽管,纵使 in the middle of 在~~中间 in the end =at last=finally 最后 14. on the eve of 在~~前夕 on the side of 在~~一边 15. after a time = after some time 过一段时间后for a time = for some time 一时,有一段时间


常用动词与介词搭配 1.动词+against brush against 触到,擦及 declare against 表态 fight against 反对,与……做斗争 guard against 提防 hit against 碰撞 inform against /on 告发,检举 insure against 给……保险 lean against 倚,靠,依靠 protect against 抗议 rail against /at 咒骂,严厉责备,抱怨 react against 反对,反其道而行 side against 反对 vote against 投票反对 2.动词+at aim at 志在,旨在;瞄准,针对 be amazed at 对……大为惊奇 be annoyed at 因……而恼怒 arrive at 到达;得出(结论);做出(决定) be astonished at 对……感到惊讶 bark at 对……吠 call at 访问(某地);(车、船等)停靠(某地)direct at 把……对准,针对 drive at意指 exclaim at对……表示惊奇 fire at向……射击 frown at 对……表示不满 be frustrated at 因……而沮丧(或灰心)gaze at 凝视,注视 get at 到达,接近(以取得某物) glance at 瞥见,匆匆地一看 glare at 怒目而视 grab at 抓住,夺得 knock at 敲(门) laugh at 嘲笑,取笑;因……而发笑 look at 看,察看;考虑 peer at 仔细看,费力地看 point at 指向…… run at 冲向,扑向 shoot at 向……射击 shout at 对……叫嚷,对……吼叫 smile at 对……微笑

英语介词短语的固定搭配 一

介词短语的固定搭配一,介词+名词(宾语) at at first 起初,开始at home 在家,无拘束at last 最后at present 现在 at school 在上课,在上学at work 上班,工作 at the moment 此刻at the same time 同时 on on duty 值日on foot 步行 on holiday 度假on sale 出售,降价出售 on time 准时on TV 在电视上播放 on the left 在左边on the phone 在电话中 on the radio 在广播中on the way 在路上 in in all 总体in bed 躺在床上in class 在课堂上in danger 在危险中 in English 用英语in fact 事实上 in short 总之in time 及时的 in a hurry 匆忙地in a minute 立刻,马上 in the end 最后 二,动词+介词 Arrive at /in 到达ask for 请求 get off 下车get up 起床 get in /on 上车go on 继续 help sb.with sth. laugh at 嘲笑 look after 照顾look at 看,注视 think of 想到wait for 等候。等 think over 仔细考虑 worry about 担心thank for 为….而感谢三,形容词+ 介词 be afraid of 害怕be proud of 感到自豪 be careful with 小心;关心be crazy about 酷爱 be interested in 对….感兴趣be late for 干某事迟到 be good at 善于be good for 对…有利四其他 by +交通工具by bus /train /plane /bike ….. lots of /a lot of 许多,大量at once 立即,马上 at most 至多at least 至少 in order to 为了in the front of


介词的分类和应用英语介词虽是小词,数量也不多,但它灵活多变,随处可见,功能强大而且难于掌握。在现代英语中,介词的地位非常重要。我们切不可小看这个小角色,不可忽视它的作用。如果你能在英语介词上下一番功夫,那么你的英语水平会有一个飞跃提高。 英语介词分类:按结构英语介词可分为3类: 1.简单介词(约有70个),如:in,at,on,by,with,down,for,beside,along,across等。 2.分词介词(约15个)如:during,following,considering,regarding,speaking,judging,talking等。 3.成语介词(约有500个)如:out of,apart from(除之外:别无、尚有),because of,by means of用、依靠等。 按意义英语介词可分为3类: 1. 时间介词,如:at, on, in, during, over, from, for, until等。 2. 地点介词,如:at, on, in, across, to, over, between, inside, outside等。 3. 其它介词,如:by, with, about, except, instead of, due to, apart from等。 介词-- 从不独立行动的精灵 英语介词不可单独使用,只能与不同的此类构成介词短语来在句子中担当一个成分。常用的五种介词短语 1.介词+名词:at the door, into the bag 2.介词+代词: for me, of others 3.介词+动名词: in doing so, to my saying that 4.介词+连接副词/连接代词/what从句:over what he had better do 5.介词+连接副词/连接代词+不定式:on how to do this 其他类型的介词短语 6.介词+介词短语:from across the street, until after dinner 7.介词+副词:from below 8.介词+复合结构:with the light on 9.介词+不定式(but/except):…did nothing but sleep介词-- 连接词与词纽带 英语经常用介词来表示词与词之间的关系 1. 时间 1)at表示在某一时间点: at 3 o’clock 2)in表示在某一时间段内的某一或某些点:in 2004 in表示在某段时间的结束点:I’ll see you again in a week. 3) during表示某一时间段内自始至终:during the first period 4) on表示在某一day/date或其中的某一段:on Monday, on Sunday morning 5) by表示不迟于某个时间:by now 2. 地点 1)at表示在某处(而非它处):at school 2) in表示在内部或某个范围内:in the office 3) on表示在上面与某平面接触:on the table 4) outside表示在某个范围之外:outside world 5) under表示在比某个位置低的地方或在某表面之下:under a chair 6) by表示靠近或接近:by the window


介词短语及固定搭配 1.表示时间的介词: at :用于表示时刻,时间的某一点。 on: 用于星期,某天,某一天的上午,下午,晚上(指具体的某一天时,一律用on in: 用于表示周,月,季节,年,泛指上午,下午,晚上 before : 在 ...之前 after : 在 ...之后 by: 在 ....前(时间)截止(到)... until(till):直到.....为止 for :达 ...之久(表示过了多少时间) during :在 ....期间 through :一直 .. (从开始到结束) from :从 ...起(时间) since:自从...以来(表示从以前某时一直到现在仍在继续) in :过 ...后(未来时间) within:不超过...的范围 2.表示场所,方向的介词: at : 在某地点(表示比较狭窄的场所) in : 在某地(表示比较宽敞的场所) on: 在 ...上面,有接触面 above:在 ...上方 over :在 ...正上方,是under 的反义词 under :在 .. 下面,在 ...之内 below : 在 ...下方(不一定是正下方) near :近的,不远的 by: 在 ...的旁边,比near 的距离要近

between :在两者之间 among:在三者或者更多的之中 around :环绕,在 ...的周围,在....的四周 in front of: 在 ...的前面 behind :在 ...后边 in :在 .. 之内,用于表示静止的位置 into :进入 out of :和into一样,也表示有一定的运动方向 along :沿着 across :横过(平面物体) through :贯通,通过 to : 达到 .. 地点(目的地)或方向 for :表示目的,为了..... from :从 ...地点起 3.其他介词 with :和 .. 在一起;具有,带有;用某种工具或方法 in :表示用什么材料(例如:墨水,铅笔等)或用什么语言。表示衣着. 声调特点时,不用with 而用 in 。 by: 通过 ...方法,手段 of: ( 属于) ...的,表示...的数量或种类 from :来自(某地,某人),以 ...起始 without:没有,是with的反义词 like : 像...一样 as : 作为;担任;当... ...时 against :反对,靠着 about :关于,各处,四周;询问某人,某物的情况或提出建议 4.介词和各类词搭配构成的介词短语


初中英语常用介词短语 1)at once 立刻 2)at last 最后 3)at first 起先,首先 4)at the age of -.. 在.… …岁时 5)at the end of -.. 在.… …之末 6)at the begi nning of …在……之初 7)at the foot of … 在… ?…脚下 8)at the same time 同时 9)at ni ght/noon 在夜里/中午 10)with on e's help 在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助 11) with the help of … 在....... 的帮助下 12) with a smile 面带笑容 13) with on e's own eyes 亲眼看见 14) after a while 过了一会儿 15) from now on 从现在起 16) from then on 从那时起 17) far example 例如 18) far away from 远离 19) from morni ng till ni ght 从早至U 晚20) by and by 不久 21) by air mail 寄航空邮件 22) by bike/air/trai n/bus 骑自行车/乘飞机/火车/汽车 23)by ordinary mail 寄平信 24)by the way 顺便说 25)by the win dow 在窗边 26)by the end of …到 .. 底为止 27)little by little 逐渐地 28)in all 总共 29)in fact 事实上 30)i n on e's twen ties 在某人一十几岁时 31)in a hurry 匆忙 32)in the middle of 在…中间 33)i n no time (in a mi nu te) 立刻, 很快 34)in time (on time) 及时 35)i n public 公众,公开地 36)in order to 为了 37)in front of 在……前面 38)in the sun 在阳光下 39)in the end 最后,终于 40) in surprise 惊奇地


初中英语中常用的介词短语搭配 at 短语 be angry at sth.对某事生气arrive at到达……(小地方) knock at/on敲…… at last最后,终于 laugh at嘲笑 look at看,注视 at the moment现在,此时 point at/to指向 at times不时 on 短语 agree on(通过协商)达成共识call on拜访,看望 come on快点儿;加油 on display在展出 hang on稍等,别挂断 on holiday度假,休假 play a joke on和……开玩笑,戏弄…… keep on继续live on以……为食,靠……生活 put on穿上;戴上 turn on打开,旋开(收音机、电灯、煤气等) work on从事于,致力于 to 短语 agree to同意,答应,接受(计划、建议、条件、安排等) go to bed上床睡觉 compare...to...把……与……作比较from...to...从……到…… get to 到达 do harm to对……有害处 lead to通往;导致 pay attention to注意 to one’s surprise使某人吃惊的是take...to...把……带到/给…… write to...写信给…… in 短语 arrive in到达……(大地方)

in danger在危险中 drop in顺便拜访 hand in交上,上交 join in参加 in a moment马上,立即take part in参加 take pride in以……为荣 in surprise吃惊地,惊讶地 of 短语 be afraid of害怕 take care of照顾;处理make fun of嘲笑……instead of代替;而不是learn of听说…… speak of谈到,提起 think of考虑;想出;认为 about 短语 care about担心;关心think about考虑 for 短语call for需要,要求;提倡,号召care for关怀,照顾 except for除了……之外 fight for为……而战 leave for...前往……,去…… look for寻找 for a moment一会儿 pay for sth.为……付款 send for派人去请 away 短语 give away分发;赠送 put away收好,放好 take away拿走,带走 throw away扔掉 out 短语 break out(火灾、战争等)突然发生,爆发 out of breath上气不接下气 find out发现 give out分发 go out出去


常见名词和介词搭配短语 1.absence from 缺席,不在如: His long absence from work delayed his promotion. 他长期不上班,耽误了提升。 2. absence of 缺乏如: In the absence of my commanding officer, I acted on my own initiative. 指挥官不在场,我主动见机行事。 In the absence of their teacher the class was in a state of anarchy. 教师不在,班上一片混乱。 3. access to ……的入口,通路如: The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. 要到那农舍去唯有穿过田地。 She was forbidden access to the club. 人家不允许她到那个俱乐部去。 4. acquaintance with 相识,了解如: I have only a nodding acquaintance with Japanese.

我对日语仅略知一二。 The guide has some acquaintance with Italian. 导游懂得一点意大利语。 5. action on sth 对……的作用如: evidences of glacial action on the rocks 岩石上的冰河留下的痕迹 6. addition to sth 增加如: She is a beautiful addition to the family. 她是我们家漂亮的新成员。 Can we finance the addition to our home? 我们可以为你提供经费。 7. admission to /into 进入;入(场,学,会等)如: How does one gain admission to the Buckingham Palace? 怎样才能获准进入白金汉宫? Admission to British universities depends on examination results. 英国大学入学以考试成绩为凭。 8. admission of sth 承认如: His admission of guilt surprised everyone.


初中英语常用介词短语词组 1) ........................ a sk for 向要,请求 2) ask for leave 请假 3) send for 派人去请(叫) 4) pay for 付... 的款 5) wait for 等候 6) tha nk for 为.... 感谢 7) apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉 8) look for 寻找 9) leave…for 离开... 去... 10) fall off 跌落 11) catch cold 着凉,伤风 12) catch up with 赶上 13) agree with sb. 赞成,同意某人的意见 14) filled…with 把……装满 15) tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事 16) talk about 谈论…… 17) think about 考虑…… 18) worry about 担忧…… 19) look after 照料

20) run after 追赶,跟在后面跑

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英语介词速记口诀 早、午、晚要用in,at 黎明、午夜、点与分。 年、月、年月、季节、周,阳光、灯、影、衣、帽in。 将来时态in ... 以后,小处at 大处in。 有形with 无形by,语言、单位、材料in。 特征、方面与方式,心情成语惯用in。 ? ?2楼 介词at 和to 表方向,攻 击、位置、恶、善分。 日子、日期、年月日,星 期加上早、午、晚, 收音、农场、值日on,关 于、基础、靠、著论。 ? ?3楼 特定时日和“一……就”,on 后常接动名词。 年、月、日加早、午、晚,of 之前on 代in。 步行、驴、马、玩笑on,cab,carriage 则用in。 at 山脚、门口、在当前,速、温、日落、价、核心。 工具、和、同随with,具有、独立、就、原因。

? ?4楼 就……来说宾译主,对、有、方状、表细分。 海、陆、空、车、偶、被by,单数、人类know to man。 this、that、tomorrow,yesterday,next、last、one。 接年、月、季、星期、周,介词省略已习惯。 over、under 正上下,above、below 则不然, 若与数量词连用,混合使用亦无关。 beyond 超出、无、不能,against 靠着,对与反。 besides,except 分内外,among 之内along 沿。 同类比较except,加for 异类记心间。 原状because of, owing to,due to 表语形容词。 Under 后接修、建中,of,from 物、化分。 Before,after 表一点, ago,later 表一段。 before 能接完成时,ago 过去极有限。 since 以来during 间,since 时态多变换。 与之相比beside,除了last but one。 复不定for、找、价、原,对、给、段、去、为、作、赞。 快到、对、向towards,工、学、军、城、北、上、南。 but for 否定用虚拟,复合介词待后言。 ing 型由于鉴,除了除外与包合。 之后、关于、在……方面,有关介词须记全。
