




An Analysis of Body Language in

Intercultural Communication*

LIU Yan-nan

(School of Foreign Languages,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou510275)【Abstract】Body language,the most important part of nonverbal communication,plays an essential role

in human communication,especially in intercultural communication.Research results have shown that

the words a person speaks may be far less important than the body language used when delivering the

verbal message.It is estimated that less than10percent of the whole message understood by an audience

is the actual content,some30percent is attributed to the pitch and tenor of a person's voice and60

percent to other forms of nonverbal communication from body language to facial expressions to hand

gestures.However,different people have different ways of making nonverbal communication and body

language in different cultures means different things.This thesis aims to discuss the different types of

body language employed in different cultures such as eye contact,facial expression,touch,and gestures,

and the possible causes behind,for example,culture,tradition,beliefs,value,ethnic characters,

social customs,etc..Some suggestions will be given at the end as to how to make use of body language

to achieve efficient intercultural communication and avoid misunderstandings.

【Keywords】body language;intercultural communication;difference;causes;suggestions

1.1Definition of Body Language

Intercultural communication refers to the process of communication among people from different cultural backgrounds.It can be categorized into two types:non-verbal communication and verbal communication.As a matter of fact,people can communicate with others not only through verbal communication but also through nonverbal communication.Furthermore,the former sometimes may count more than the latter in expressing real feeling,emotion and attitude by means of such types of body language as eye contact,facial expression,touch,gestures and postures etc.Thus body language,according to Wikipedia,as an expression of both mental and physical ability of human non-verbal communication,may provide clues to the attitude or state of mind of a person.For example,it may indicate aggression,attentiveness,boredom,relaxed state,pleasure,amusement,and intoxication,among many other cues.


作者简介:刘艳男,男,1990年生人,河北唐山人,中山大学外国语言学及应用语言学硕士研究生,主要研究方向,语言学,应用语言学,外语教学;E-mail:liu mengfei1990@https://www.360docs.net/doc/f910986867.html,。


1.2Functions of Body Language

Efficient communication,to a large extent,involves the use of body language.When one communicates with one another,he may deliberately or unconsciously accompany his words with facial expressions,postures,gestures and other body language.Following are four functions that body language serves in communication.

1.2.1Expressing ideas

In dialogues,one may consciously or unconsciously use body language to help express ideas,making what he intends to convey to the hearer clearer and easier.There also exist some special occasions when body language totally substitutes words to express something that may be inappropriate to be spoken out or that one feels embarrassed to say directly.For example,it is better for people to use body language rather than words to talk to each other in such a quiet place as library.

1.2.2Conveying emotion

The change of one's emotion is directly reflected in his body language especially in the facial expression.There is a saying that eyes are the windows to the soul,which emphasizes the importance of eyes in conveying emotions.For example,when asked to join in a party,one's frown means unwillingness or refusal.Another example,a forced smile indicates that one may feel shy or embarrassed.

1.2.3Indicating social relations

Body language varies from person to person with different status,gender and seniority.Thus,social relations can be reflected in the use of body language.When people meet someone else for the first time,he may smile or shake hands with the other side to show his friendliness.However,it is unsuitable to stretch hands to the person holding a higher position.In this case,it is the one who has a higher status that offers his hands first.Then the lower side may approach to shake hands.Besides,when acquaintances meet each other,they usually greet each other with a hug to indicate the intimacy between them.

1.2.4Revealing Psychological State and Presenting Characters

Sometimes verbal message is not truthful to the psychological state of the speaker.He may mask his thought for some sort of reasons.For example,a naive child may be told by his parents not to accept things given by the host when visiting friends or relatives.So even when the child sees the gift which he has been longing for a long time or something to eat,he may refuse to accept it by remembering his parents'discipline.However,his staring at the gift,smacking mouth and swallowing saliva reveal his real interest in things.Meanwhile,body language sheds light on speaker's characters.For example,a girl who usually winks her eyes to her companion while others 821

An Analysis of Body Language in Intercultural Communication

are delivering speech shows that she is arrogant,for her action is actually denying others'opinion.

1.3Significance of Body Language

With the globalization going deep,intercultural communication is of much significance day by day.Body language,the most important part of nonverbal communication,plays an essential role in intercultural communication.Researchers have shown that the words a person speaks may be far less important than the body language used when delivering the verbal message.Itis estimated that less than10percent of the whole message understood by an audience is the actual content,some30 percent is attributed to the pitch and tenor of a person's voice and60percent to other forms of nonverbal communication from body language to facial expressions to hand gestures.However,owing to cultural differences,the same body language has different meanings,which causes a lot of misunderstandings in intercultural communication.Therefore,analyzing the reasons for different use of body language and grasping some skills of using body language count a lot and contribute to improving intercultural communication.

II.Body Language in Different Cultures

The deepening globalization enables people from different countries to communicate with one another more frequently and closely than ever before.Admittedly,the types of body language shared by people from different cultural communities do good to efficient intercultural communication.For example,people usually laugh when they feel happy while they may cry when they feel sad.However,the shared body language only accounts for a small part after all.As a matter of fact,it is the difference in body language that has set up barriers between people.This part will illustrate the different use of body language in intercultural communication.

2.1Eye Behaviors

The eye behaviors are often thought as the most important in the human communication process.Just as the saying goes:“Eyes are‘the windows of soul'”,which indicates that a great deal of information can be received from eyes.With eyes,people can express their likes,dislikes,love,hatred,insult or attack without uttering words.However,different countries pay varied attention to eye contacts.

In most English-speaking countries,people make eye contact while they are talking with the addressees.If not,the person will be regarded as rudeness or absent-mindedness.American people,for example,attach a lot of emphasis on eye contacts.There is a saying in the US that says:Never trust a person who does not look you in your eyes.While people in China rarely look at each other especially when a dialogue happens between the old and the young,or between leaders and subordinates.In this case those people in lower rank or the younger generation usually dare not look at eyes of the older generation and people with higher rank so as to show their respect.True of this is in Korea and Japan.When these two clans of cultures encounter,undoubtedly,



misunderstandings arise.It is essential to behave appropriately through eye behaviors in intercultural communication.

Here is a case in point:

Professor Johnson was invited to deliver a guest lecture in a Chinese university in the early 1990s.He could tell the students were very attentive during the lecture because they applauded warmly when the lecture came to an end.However,Professor Johnson was disappointed for no one asked questions,even when they were encouraged to do so.In fact,to show respect to Professor Johnson,most students avoided eye contact with him as he tried to communicate with them.Obviously,Professor Johnson felt disappointed because most students fail to make eye contacts with him though they were attentive during the lecture.Professor Johnson thought that students showed no interest in what he had given and students were absent-minded.But in fact,Chinese students were accustomed to avoiding eye contacts with teachers in order to show their respect.From the above,people in English-Speaking counties pay more attention to eye contacts than their counterparts in Asian countries such as China,Japan and Korea.

2.2Facial Expressions

Face is believed to be the most important carrier of emotions and it can cast a light on us about the attitudes,feelings and emotions of speakers.The movements of eyes,nose,and mouth will give clues to a person's emotion and personality.Thus it is the most significant area of body language.However,on the one hand,people in different cultures use different facial expressions to convey the same meaning.For example,in China,people will take a smile on their face when they welcome their guests while American Indians do it the other way around.They greet their guests with a loud cry.Besides,Chinese people usually smack to indicate that the food is delicious,but British people means tasteless when they smack.In Mediterranean countries,smacking means exaggerated suffering and sadness.On the other hand,people in different cultures may use the same expression to mean different things.For instance,Chinese people make a smile on their face to show friendliness,but some Westerners feel uncomfortable or embarrassed towards Chinese people's smile especially when there appears such an embarrassing occasion where foreigners accidentally broke cups in a restaurant.Actually,Chinese people smile to them to convey the meaning of“never mind”.However,Westerners feel angrier because they are thought to be laughed at.In addition,Chinese people especially girls and children tend to stick out their tongues when they are unsatisfied with their performance or punished by seniors.But Americans conceive it as something provocative or rude.

Through facial expression,we can get some insight to the thoughts,emotion,feeling and attitudes of speakers.From the illustration,it is clear that the same facial expression means different things in different cultures and sometimes different facial expressions are taken to express the same meaning.


An Analysis of Body Language in Intercultural Communication


Touch is a common nonverbal behavior that humans employ to communicate thoughts and emotions.People can communicate how they feel about someone by the way they touch them.For example,people may hold hands with their romantic partners or they may pat friends on the back when they aim to express support or approval.Anthropologists classify culture into two groups:touch culture and non-touch culture.Arabs,Southern and Western Europeans,Jews belong to the first group while Americans,Northern Europeans and Easterners belong to the second group.The commonest touch are handshaking,hug and kiss and less common ones include slap,stroke,pat,kick,scratch etc.Handshaking has been universally acknowledged as a means of showing friendliness and intimacy.However,habits involved in handshaking vary from country to country.For example,Americans are inclined to shake hands with more strength while Chinese would like to do it in a gentle way.In some European and Asian countries,males usually do not shake hands with females unless females offer their hands first.But in some African countries,it is males that stretch out hands first to females.In addition,kiss and hug,popular touches in Western countries,are less likely to be used to greet each other in China except when adults show love to children.Another case in point is that American mothers feel bored when their children are patted by someone else because they consider it as a rude behavior.Nonetheless,Chinese often pat children on their heads for fondness or encouragement etc.

Obviously,there exists great difference in the way in which and the extent to which people touch each other even there are some ethnic groups where touches are totally forbidden between males and females.


Gesture refers to movement or position of the hands,arms and fingers that are expressive of an ideas,opinions,emotion thoughts etc.It is gestures that make our world dynamic and colorful.In our daily life,people make gestures but these gestures differentiate form each other regionally and culturally.

The thump-up gesture:in Britain,Australia and new Zealand,the thumb-up gesture has three meanings;it is commonly used by hitch-hikers who are thumbing a lift,it is an ok signal,and when the thumb is jerked sharply upwards it becomes an insult signal,meaning“up yours”or“sit on this”.In some countries,such as Greece,its main meaning is‘get stuffed',so you can imagine the dilemma of the Australian hitch hiker using this gesture in that country!(Kuhnke,2007:8)The V Sign:this sign is popular throughput Australia,New Zealand and Great Britain and carries an“up yours”interpretation.Winston Churchill popularized the V for victory sign during WWⅡ,but this two fingered version were done with the palm facing towards the speaker for the obscene insult version.In most parts of Europe,however,the palm facing in version still means victory so that Englishman who uses it to tell a European to‘get stuffed'could leave the European wondering about what victory the Englishman meant.This signal also means the number two in many



parts of Europe,and if the insulted European were a bartender,his response could be to give an Englishman or an Australian two mugs of beer.(Kuhnke,2007:9)

In this part,examples have been listed to illustrate the different use of eye behaviors,facial expressions,touch and gestures in different cultures.The cultural misinterpretation involved in the intercultural communication may lead to embarrassing results.In next part,this thesis would like to analyze the reasons why there exist different uses of body language.

III.Causes for Different Uses of Body Language

3.1Different Traditions

Historians believe that culture is the sum total of all forms of human activities of some particular country.The long periods of independent development contribute to distinct traditions between Western societies and Chinese society.Throughout history,China was a unitary multinational country.Chinese people spoke highly of unity,pursued harmony,and had a strong sense of family.These are contrary to the traditions of Western countries,whose core value is individuality.This is due to their traditions of voyage and nomadism which are characterized by expansion,independence and extroversion.The impact of distinction mentioned above on body language exists in personal space.Chinese tend to keep close to others during the conversation while Westerners would like to maintain at least half-arm distance in a conversation.Once there was an interesting scene:a Chinese greeted a British and he approached the British to show his friendliness and sincerity.But what makes him embarrassed is that the British moved backward instinctively.Having not realized the person space,the Chinese continued to approach the British and the British continued to move backward as if they were dancing.In addition,Chinese people have preference for living in groups.Frequent touches often take place among friends of the same gender which makes Westerners feel uncomfortable because they thought of this kind of behavior as homosexual.It is common to see that Chinese people squeeze into seats in public places,yet Westerners prefer standing to keeping close to someone else especially to a stranger.

3.2Different Ethnic Characters

Ethnic character takes its shape in the course of development of culture and history.It is characteristic of steadiness,which marks each ethnic character with distinctiveness.There is great contrasts between China and Western countries in terms of ethnic character.

China is a nation of propriety since the ancient times.It is a country that had been long confined by the feudalism with a system of guides,virtues and sense of hierarchy.Cultivated in such a cultural atmosphere,Chinese people has developed its ethnic characters:humble,submissive,courteous,reserved etc.,However,the developed transportation system,alien invasion and migration fail Western countries to maintain tradition culture.There is no such a single system as feudalism that has continually Western countries for thousands of years.Democracy and republicanism,came into being even in slave and feudal society,shocked dominant status of 231

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feudalism and slavery and put the historical and social course forward.Thus Western culture has been branded with such features as flexibility and expansion.Influenced by such cultural and historical traditions,Western people formed their own characters:adventurous,independent,equal,outgoing,confident,frank free etc.,

These two contrastive ethnic characters lead to misunderstandings in the use if body language in the intercultural communication.For example,Westerners are likely to take humbleness and conservatism of Chinese people as something inferior.On the contrary,Chinese regard Westerners' eagerness to express thought and feelings asa way of showing off According to a survey,what makes Westerners feel bored is that Chinese usually behave in a shy and reserved way.In contrast,Chinese hate the way in which Westerners walk,that is,Westerners usually walk with head high and chest out which make Chinese feel they are arrogant.

3.3Different Beliefs and Values

Religion is one of important parts of culture and it has influence on every aspect of life.In some Western countries,it plays a dominant role in social life.According to Christianity,everyone was the son of god and all men were created equal.Thus supreme value and dignity have been attached to individuality.The relation between people is not a hierarchical one but an equal one.This is reflected in sitting positions of Americans.Usually they may half lying on the sofa or cross their legs,which are thought to be rude in China,when talking with others.While,cultivated by Confucianism which emphasized the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues,Chinese have a strong sense of hierarchy.Subjects,sons and wives usually submit themselves to rulers,fathers and husbands.Thus Chinese pay more attention to“power distance”in the social interaction and their gesture and posture.Cross is the symbol of Christianity and Christians usually draw a cross in front of chest when they enter the church or come across emergency to show their gratitude,respect and obedience.However,Muslims believe that left hand is dirty and should not be used to eat things or pass things to others.In most cases,they do not use the left hand alone.

3.4Different Social Customs

Social custom is a special culture pattern.It is the sedimentary accretion of one culture over thousands of years and it is passed on from generation to generation.Body language and social customs correlate with each other.Body language is specific manifestation of social customs.Thus,body language is engraved with distinctiveness of social customs.China had formulated its mature system of etiquettes and ceremonies in Shang and Zhou dynasty.The system had been constantly perfected in the feudal society.The deep-rooted custom is that there should be no physical contact between men and women who are couples or lovers.Men are allowed to strip to the waist but women must wrap up tightly.Intimacy should not be shown in public place,let alone kiss and hug.However,Western people hold different attitudes towards these body languages due to their comparatively loose system of etiquettes.Besides,Westerners are crazy about sports and also they



are keen on the beauty of human body.Thus both men and women are allowed to wear less and body art is nothing special.In addition,the Chinese people have the custom of respecting the old and loving the young.Elders and seniors may pat on the shoulders of youngsters and juniors show their encouragement or comfort.This kind of body language cannot be done the other way around.But not having a sense of hierarchy,people of different countries and social status in Western countries can do it pm each other to show similar emotions.Another example is that Chinese adults caress children on their heads to convey their care and love,which are thought to be rude in English speaking countries.

From the analysis above,different traditions,different beliefs and values,different social customs are possible reasons for the different use of body language.Meanwhile,these reasons may shed light on several ways for effective use of body language in intercultural communication.

IV.Suggestions of Effective Use of Body Language

in Intercultural Communication

Having introduced the different uses of body language and some possible reasons for it,this thesis in this part will provide some ways for effective use of body language in intercultural communication.They are modeling excellence,mirroring others,acting the way you want to be perceived and demonstrating awareness.

4.1Modeling Excellence

Observing other people gives you the chance to see what works and what does not.If someone uses body language that is inclusive and encompassing,and open and welcoming,you are going to feel comfortable in his company.If someone presents himself in such a way that commands your attention and elicits your respect,you sit up and take notice.(Allan,1981:286)

Everyone has his own norms and standards to judge what kind of behavior is excellent.But you should also go over your own behaviors and find those not so excellent ones that may put others off.By recognizing what you do well and where there's room for improvement you give yourself a foundation to build on.By following the examples of people whose behavior produces the kind of results you aspire to,you have,in effect,a template to follow.(Allan,1981:287)

4.2Mirroring Others

By mirroring behaviors of another person,you can create a natural harmony that leads to effective communication.Mirroring the behavior of another person tells him that what he isdoing is acceptable in the context of your interaction.Mirroring demonstrates that you're willing to echo what you are observing in order to create an environment where both you and the other person can communicate freely and comfortably.(Allan,1981:287)By mirroring and others'gestures and behaviors you are showing that you know what they feel,think and what they intend to imply.If contacting with others and behaving respectfully are important to you mirroring and matching their 431

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behavior help you to achieve efficient communication.

4.3Practising Gestures

Some people feel thorny when it comes to proper use of gestures to expressthemselves effectively.If you want to present a specific image or attitude you need to practisethe appropriate gestures until you have skillfully grasped them.The more you practice the more at ease you feel and the gestures becomesecond nature.

One man,who is a friendly fellow,habitually frowns his eyes,making him look angry or not very well.Hewasn't aware that he kept this habit until someone pointed it out to him.His real interest in other people means that he really focuses on what others do and say.He thought he was showing interest.But other people thought he was showing disapproval or he did not feel well.

4.4Acting the Way You Want to Be Perceived

First,you decide how you want to be perceived.Then,you behave in a waythat creates that impression.Never have you may think about the way you act,holding that what you behave and how you behave are just fine in most cases.Just remember,if youwant to be perceived in a certain way you have to give some thought to yourbehavior.Ifyou want to be taken seriously,your actions need to be more contained,andyour facial expression more sober.(Allan,1981:289)The way is to determine how we wantpeople to perceive you,and hope to take on the behavior of that kindof person.

4.5Demonstrating Awareness

Some people just lack a kind of realization.They seem to be blind to their own behaviorand the impact it has on others.If you pay attention to the reactions of otherpeople you develop an awareness of what works when and where.You may say that what other people think about you doesn't matter.And inmany ways you're right.Yet at particular times someone's opinion of you canmatter very much.By knowing how certain people respond to specific behaviors,you can adapt your style to meet theirs thus creating an environmentthat's conducive to successful communication.(Allan,1981:289)In addition to paying attention to your own behavior,you should also observe how other peoplebehave.By perceiving how others are conducting themselves you canrespond in a way that makes others feel that they are noticed and valued.In turn,if youmake someone feel that he counts,you're going to matter a lot to him.

4.6Asking for Feedback

Acting the way you want to be perceived is important and asking for feedback is of equal significance.By asking for feedback we mean that how people perceive you.If theirresponses are positive,that is all right.If not,you should lower your head and patiently to ask how they feel and what is the effect the body language you employ on them.Then you should spend some time re-



evaluating your perceptions.When you ask for feedback,be specific.Otherwise you leave the door openfor all kinds of information to come flooding through,some of which may notbe pertinent or helpful.By getting honest reactions to your behavior you cancontinue what's working well and adjust what's not,in order to assure thatyou communicate accurately and that your actions support your message.(Allan,1981:290)

Make sure that you're open and receptive to the feedback you get and thatyou listen attentively.If you don't,the person responding may get exasperated and walk away,leaving you none the wiser.If you don't understand,askfor clarification.Respect and acknowledge the other person's point of view.This doesn't mean that you have to agree with what he's saying,just that youvalue and allow him his observations.Finally,thank him for his opinions.After all,you asked for them.(Allan,1981:290)


In the above discussion,this thesis presents different uses of body language in different cultures,analyzes possible reasons for the different uses of body language,and in the end puts forward some suggestions that may be beneficial to use of body language in intercultural communication.So we can come to the conclusion that cultural traditions,beliefs and values,ethnic characters and social customs are factors that lead to the different use of body language.In order to eliminate potential barriers in the use of body language and achieve efficient intercultural communication,we should learn to model excellence,mirror others,practice gestures,act in the way you want to be perceived,demonstrate awareness and frequently ask for feedback.The study on body language in intercultural communication is on the way and study in this field is still very limited.Both deepening globalization and academic imperatives call for a comprehensive and systematic study on this issue.Due to the limitedknowledge of the author,this thesis does not go deep into this issue.This thesis is a small step in this field.However,this thesis is expected to serve as an impetus for deeper and further study.




[3]Elizabeth,Kuhnke.Body Language for Dummies.Chichester,West Sussex,England2007.




[7]Pease,Allan.Body Language.London:Sheldon Press,1981.3.





An Analysis of Body Language in Intercultural Communication









Cross –cultural communication Thesis statement: This paper is mainly talking about the culture differences between several countries. Outline: Chapter 1: Language and culture in communication Chapter2: Culture shock Chapter3: What’s in a name? Chapter4: Social interaction Chapter 5: Roles and relations Chapter6: Non-verbal communication Chapter 7: In other words. Chapter 8: From a primitive Tribe to a Global Village Conclusion Chapter 1: Language and culture in communication There is no denying the fact that out daily lives depend largely on communication, without it we can’t know each other. So, we should come to realize that communication is of great importance. What is communication? In total, communication can be divided into two parts; they are verbal communication and non-verbal communication. However, different people hold different opinions about communication. In general, if there is communication, there must have 4 cases: there are at least two or more people, some contact between communicators, a language shared by communicators, an exchange of information has taken place. I just take the fist one for example. Suppose there is one person, there can’t be communication. Otherwise, he may talk to himself. Communication not just exist in human-beings There are five kinds of communications they are human communication, animal communication, human-animal communication, human machine communication, machine communication. So, Animals and machines can also communicate with each other. For human beings, how can we communicate with each other? Experts say that there are various kinds of communication. Nowadays, there are different kinds of tools for us to communicate .For people we can use telephone and computer to communicate with each other. By them, finally we can receive message. What is social situation? When there are two or more people gather to do a job or an activity, then it creates a social situation. That is to say, an individual working alone can not constitute a social s A social situation may have two definitions. One is given by the community, and the other by the participants. Finally, we should notice that being polite plays a crucial role in


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跨文化交际案例分析 LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】

Case Study 1 Age and Status 两位同事的矛盾使一家数据处理公司的总经理遇到了麻烦。一方是一位踌躇满志的法裔加拿大小伙子,另一方是一位有特许签证的年长的中国女性,而此前两人确实很好的合作伙伴….. Case description: A manager in a data-processing company was having difficulty dealing with a conflict between a young, ambitious French Canadian male and his co-worker, an older Chinese woman who was on a special visa from China. She had recently become uncooperative and had made it clear to the manager that she would not be willing to travel to the capital with her co-worker to hold discussion with legislators about a new product with great enthusiasm. When the manager asked her what the problem was, he received no clear explanation. When he asked her co-worker, the young man had no insights to offer. The young French Canadian was clearly annoyed, however, that the Chinese woman was refusing to share her data with him. That meant he couldn’t make the presentation to the legislators because she had all the key data on her computer disks. The manager repeated questions to her but her “problem” got nowhere. So he changed his approach. He began explaining his concerns, as manger and as spokesperson for the company, about the upcoming meeting with legislators. His explanation about his position was unemotional. In that climate she then felt she could explain her position. She revealed she felt that that as an older, and to her mind, more senior person, she should not be sent to the capitol with a younger employee who would do the presentation of material she had worked hard to develop. That would diminish her status, she felt. The general manger knew the root of his headache. Questions: 1.What do you think caused the conflict? 2. What would you do to resolve the conflict if you were the general manager? 矛盾冲突 这位年长的中国女士投入极大的热情和精力开发产品.却在最后的关键时刻拒绝与年轻的同事一同去向议员做推介:当经理和同事问其原因.她并未做任何明确的回答:而当经理改变策略,不再直接询问原因,而是迂回地讲起自己的困境时,她才道出自己的顾虑。在这位资深年长的中国女士看来,同一位比她年轻的同事一同去国会,并且由对方来做推介会影响到她的地位和威信,因此她无法同意: 原因分析 造成这一矛盾的文化因素有两方面.对地位、年龄的不同态度以及这种不同的表达方式。人对权力的认识因文化背景的不同而不同。根据霍夫斯特的调查研


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 商务英语谈判的翻译技巧 2 浅析《宠儿》中人物塞丝的畸形母爱产生的根源 3 海明威在《永别了,武器》中的反战情绪 4 《呼啸山庄》中凯瑟琳的悲剧分析 5 中英姓氏差异及其原因探究 6 小说的织体--论《了不起的盖茨比》的叙事线索和叙事艺术 7 从酒文化中透析中西文化差异 8 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 799 75 79 38 9 等效原则视角下的汽车商标中译探析 10 衔接理论在高中英语阅读教学中的应用 11 简析文化意识在高中英语学习中的重要性 12 弗吉尼亚?伍尔夫《海浪》的叙事技巧分析 13 从《雾都孤儿》看查尔斯?狄更斯的善恶观 14 英汉禁忌语的文化内涵比较 15 论英语演讲开场的决定性因素和相关策略 16 论科技英语翻译中科学性与艺术性的和谐统一 17 英汉翻译中的增词技巧 18 福克纳《我弥留之际》的寓言意义 19 The Relationship Between Oscar Wilde and Dorian Gray 20 排比的修辞功能在政治演讲辞中的应用 21 广告英语的修辞特点 22 《莫比.迪克》中的象征意义 23 《榆树下的欲望》和《雷雨》中悲剧性的差异 24 An Analysis on Teacher Talk in EFL Classroom Context 25 从电视剧《绝望主妇》看委婉语的交际功能 26 观音与圣母之比较 27 广告英语的语言特征 28 论汉语缩略语的英译 29 从上海迪士尼的兴建看中西文化异同 30 影视字幕翻译原则——从文化角度进行研究 31 英汉“去除”类运动事件表达异同的对比研究 32 苔丝的悲剧命运分析 33 救赎之旅—浅析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿?考菲尔德的成长经历 34 浅析简?奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中的女性主义 35 关于英语口语纠错的研究与建议 36 学生英译汉翻译中的英式汉语及其改进方式 37 透析《洛丽塔》中的性 38 目的论视角下新闻标题汉译英研究 39 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响 40 从中英文动物隐喻看中国与英语国家的文化差异 41 An Analysis of the Characters in the Call of the Wild from the Perspective of Social Darwinism


《跨文化交际学概论》第七章社会交往五、宴请招待p132 Case One: Setting Rules for a Guest – American Hospitality 案例: When Zhang Tao traveled in America, he lived in the home of his American friend, Bill. Once after he had traveled back, he found Bill was in a bad mood. When he asked what the problem was, Bill told Zhang Tao that his son Adam got furious about the noise Zhang made when walking upstairs and also because he was using too much water in the solar powered shower and Adam had to have his shower in cold water. Bill told Zhang Tao that he should walk more softly in future, and have a fast shower to save water. Zhang Tao felt uneasy. How could the host set such rules for his guest! Question: Why did Zhang Tao feel uneasy? 分析: 1) In China, when people host someone, they put the guest in the place of honor to show hospitality. They try to take care of the guest,and try to make the guest feel comfortable and at ease. 2) In America, people tend to give the guest great freedom and treat a guest more casually, naturally and truthfully. 3) Zhang Tao knew he was a guest, and thought in terms of Chinese expectations of hospitality. He thought Bill should treat him courteously instead of setting rules for him. 4) Since Zhang Tao lived in American surroundings, he should have known about the customs there sooner. Case Two: 案例: Lin had traveled 20 hours from Beijing to New York. He needed a good meal. His American friend, Mike, met him. But Mike only offered him a plate of roasted chicken and a glass of orange juice. Lin was used to having a main course, and asked Mike if he had any rice. Mike said he only had fried noodles, and Lin had to make do with it. Though Lin knew Americans didn’t care very much about what food they ate, he still felt surprised because he had taken Mike to the most famous duck restaurant in Beijing -- Quanjude -- when he arrived in Beijing. Question: Why did Lin feel surprised? Offer some advice to him about adjusting to his new environment in America.


Case 1 Girl-ness As a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give a lecture to a group of American students. He talked about university students in China. During the question-and-answer period after the lecture, one female student asked a question that surprised Zhang Hua. “When you talked about female students, you referred to them as girls. Why?” “Because they are girls. That’s what they are called,” Zhang Hua tried to answer, but he knew he did not really understand the intent of the question. “ I don’t quite understand your question, I’m afraid.” “In the States, we call ourselves ‘ women’ if we’re old enough to go to the university. Calling us ‘girls’ is insulting.” Do Chinese female college students prefer to be called women? Case 2 Many years ago, a Chinese man showed a photo of his wife to some American visitors. Out of courtesy, they all said,” She is very beautiful.” Also out of courtesy, the man replied with what he would have done in Chinese under the circumstance,” Where! Where!” Quite taken aback, nobody said anything for a moment, until the most ingenious one among the visitors, taking another look at the photo, said, “Oh, everywhere!” What did the Chinese intend to mean by replying with “ Where! Where!”? Case 1 Girl-ness As a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give a


汉硕案例分析答题技巧 最近很多人问关于汉语国际教育考试中的案例分析题该怎样答,我根据自己的粗浅经验,现总结如下: 1.答题思路:按照发现问题-- 分析问题-- 解决问题的思路。具体如下:(1)发现问题:也就是提出问题。在所给的案例中,某个出国教汉语的志愿者教师或来中国教外语的外教等,遇到了什么样的困难。遇到的困难可能是课堂教学时的,比如学生上课都不积极回答问题,不愿意参与老师精心设计的课堂活动,或者问老师一些可能涉及到“隐私”的问题;也可以是这位老师在生活上遇到的问题,比如无法与当地人沟通或交流(语言障碍,文化障碍),无法适应当地人的生活,或不理解当地人做某事时为什么会采取那样的方式,等等。注意:遇到的问题可能是多方面的,要从多角度分析,一般情况下,也不只是一个问题,所以,要按条来答。 (2)分析问题:要求你具体分析一下这位老师或某人遇到这种困难是什么原因引起的,主要是文化方面的原因,可能还涉及到一些他所采用的文化策略等。比如,他由于对对方国家文化不了解,对方国家可能很注重“隐私”,而在我们国家这不被看做是“隐私”。同时要求你分析出我们的母语文化具有什么样的特点,最主要的是和对方国家有什么不一样,哪里不一样,因此造成了他在文化方面的不适应,以至于教学和生活中都出现了问题或遇到了困难。关于他所使用的文化策略,主要就是他自身有没有做到尊重当地的文化,有没有试着去融入这种文化,接受这种文化,还是一味的采取排斥策略,认为自己的一切都好,别人的一切都不好。这就是分析问题了。 (3)解决问题:这是最关键的部分了。怎么解决他遇到的问题或困难?你自己提出个对策就行了,当然,要根据一些你所知道的文化常识和应对策略。比如首先尊重当地文化,多和当地人交流,努力让自己适应当地人的文化和生活方式,做到求同存异,等等。这里需要注意的就是,有些文化的知识是很灵活的,比如中国人的谦虚、中庸的思想等等,都是我们日常生活就知道的,就是稍微总结一下,理顺一下,就能答题了。关于这个,如果时间还来得及,就看一下程裕祯的《中国文化要略》,看一下中国文化的特点等,很多东西是很细致的,自己要稍加总结。如果时间不是很充分了,就把刘珣的《对外汉语教育学引论》上的关于“跨文化交际”的那个章节仔细看一下,我觉得应对这道题应该够用了。 2.答题方法:其实思路清晰了就很好弄了,老师会看你的逻辑分析能力。强烈建议大家一定要分条论述,千万别想到哪说到哪,写出一大片,阅卷老师还得自己去给你找点,这样,老师会很疲劳的,老师最不喜欢的就是这种思维混乱的。所以说,大家答题时我觉得可以按两种方法来写: 第一种:按发现问题---分析问题---解决问题来写,一共三条,然后在每条的下边分几个小点,因为发现的问题肯定不止一个,相应的分析问题和解决问题也会不止一条。 第二种:按一共出现了几个问题分条,第一条,问题1:发现问题--分析问题--解决问题;问题2:发现问题--分析问题--解决问题;问题3--以此类推。 总结一下,以上两种方法都各有利弊,因为有时不同的问题是由同一个原因产生的,或者需要同一种解决策略。所以,大家可以根据自己的喜好来选择其中一种。按以上的问题全部分析完以后,最好再来个综述,大致总结一下,字数不用太多,就是有个小结尾。 最后,要跟大家说的是,字数和字迹的问题。这个案例分析要求是1000字以上


大学英语跨文化交际案例分析 Case 2 (P8) White Dress 女王的白色长裙:Case analysis: The Indian women might think the wedding ceremony is a funeral if they see the western bride in white gown. The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text. 案例分析:印度女人可能觉得婚礼是一个葬礼,如果他们看到西方的新娘的白色礼服。这个案例反映了明喻和隐喻在文本。 Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values underneath. Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of different colors for different context but they usually take it for granted and never ask why . 文化是 像冰山:我们可以辨认颜色衣服的妇女所穿不同的文化,但我们不知道下面的值。文化是像水鱼游 在: 人们穿不同颜色的衣服为不同的上下文, 但他们通常是理所当然的,从不问为什么。 Case 4 (P18) Coconut-skating 椰子-溜冰:Case analysis: The case reflects the characteristics of culture. We Can tell from the CaSe that CUItUre is PerVaSiVe and it 案例分析Ie 这个e事件反映了文化 的特点。我们可以告诉从案件,文化是普遍的,这是学习。 People may invent different ways for things even as simple as the issue of floor moping. The Philippine woman must have learned this way of mopping from her own culture. 人们可能发明东西 甚至不同的方式为这样简单的问题的地板闷闷不乐。菲律宾女人必须学习这种方式从她自己的文化的拖地。 Case 7 (P30) Clean UP the Bathroom! 清理浴室!:CaSe analySiS: CUltUral differenCeS deCide the two StUdentS are going to CommUniCate in different wayS. 案例分析:文化差异决定这两个学生要沟通的方式不同。 The Chinese student wants the American student to understand the underlying means of his words, but the American student is used to the direct style of communication. This is decided by culture. In Chinese culture, people want to save face of both themselves and others, so they would not express their ideas directly. However, in the United States, unless you express yourself clearly and directly, the OtherS CannOt Understand you.中国学生想要美国学生理解底层的手段,他的话,但是美国学生用来 直接的交流方式。这是由文化决定的。在中国文化中,人们想要挽回面子的两个自己和他人,所以 他们不会直接表达自己的想法。然而,在美国,除非你清楚地表达自己,别人不能直接理解你。 Case 8 (P34) She HaS Three HandS 她有三个指针:ThiS CaSe Can refleCt the different CommUniCation StyleS between ChineSe and CanadianS. In weStern CUltUreS, CommUniCation iS the meanS of tranSmitting ideaS. WeStern PeoPle USUally CommUniCate direCtly with eaCh other. 这种情况下可以反映出不同的沟通方式在中国和加拿大人。在西方文化中,沟通是传播方式的想法。西方的人们通常直接彼此通信。 That is why the Canadian in this Case says what is in his mind direCtly in frOnt Of the Chinese wOman withOut hiding anything. While Chinese Culture stresses harmOny and emphasizes the relatiOnships between the COmmuniCatOrs. Chinese peOple view COmmuniCatiOn as a prOCess where all parties are searChing tO develOp and maintain a sOCial relatiOnship. SO the Chinese wOman in this Case tries nOt tO argue With the Can adia n face to face to keep the “ harm OnioUS relati On Sh这就是为什betwee n them. 么加拿大在这种情况下说什么是在他的脑海里的正前方的中国女人没有隐瞒任何事。虽然中国 文化强调和谐,强调了沟通者之间的关系。中国人民视图通信作为一个过程,各方正在寻求开发和维护一个社会关系。所以中国女人在这种情况下努力不认为与加拿大面对面保持“和谐关系”他们。 Case 12 (P57) Why Don‘ tYou Eat the Pizza? 你为什么不吃比萨饼?: This case can reflect the problems appearing during intercultural communication and how ignoring cultural differences can affect communication. 种情况下可以反映


Unit 5 Culture and Verbal Communication Case 17 When these two men separate, they may leave each other with very different impressions. Mr Richardson is very pleased to have made the acquaintance of Mr Chu and feels they have gotten off to a very good start. They have established their relationship on a first-name basis and Mr Chu‘s smile seemed to indicate that he will be friendly and easy to do business with. Mr Richardson is particularly pleased that he had treated Mr Chu with respect for his Chinese background by calling him Hon-fai rather than using the western name, David, which seemed to him an unnecessary imposition of western culture. In contrast, Mr Chu feels quite uncomfortable with Mr Richardson. He feels it will be difficult to work with him, and that Mr Richardson might be rather insensitive to cultural differences. He is particularly bothered that, instead of calling him David or Mr Chu, Mr Richardson used his given name, Hon-fai, the name rarely used by anyone, in fact. It was this embarrassment which caused him to smile. He would feel more comfortable if they called each other Mr Chu and Mr Richardson. Nevertheless, when he was away at school in North America he learned that Americans feel uncomfortable calling people Mr for any extended period of time. His solution was to adopt a western name. He chose David for use in such situations. Case 18 Even if the American knew Urdu, the language spoken in Pakistan, he would also have to understand the culture of communication in that country to respond appropriately. In this case, he had to say ―No at least three times. In some countries, for instance, the Ukraine, it may happen that a guest is pressed as many as seven or eight times to take more food, whereas in the UK it would be unusual to do so more than twice. For a Ukrainian, to do it the British way would suggest the person is not actually generous. Indeed, British recipients of such hospitality sometimes feel that their host is behaving impolitely by forcing them into a bind, since they run out of polite refusal strategies long before the Ukrainian host has exhausted his/her repertoire of polite insistence strategies. Case 19 Talking about what‘s wrong is not easy for people in any culture, but people in high-context countries like China put high priority on keeping harmony, preventing anyone from losing face, and nurturing the relationship. It seems that Ron Kelly had to learn a different way of sending message when he was in China. At home in Canada he would have gone directly to the point. But in China, going directly to the problem with someone may suggest that he or she has failed to live up to his or her responsibility and the honor of his or her organization is in question. In high-context cultures like China, such a message is serious and damaging. In low-context cultures, however, the tendency is just to ―spit it out, to get it into words and worry about the result later. Senders of unwelcome messages use objective facts, assuming, as with persuasion, that facts are neutral, instrumental, and impersonal. Indirectness is often the way members of high-context cultures choose to communicate about a problem. Case 20 It seems that the letters of request written in English as well as in Chinese by Chinese people are likely to preface the request with extended face-work. To Chinese people, the normal and polite way to form a request requires providing reasons that are usually placed before the requests. Of course, this is just the inverse of English conventions in which requests are fronted without much face-work. In the view of the English-speaking people, the opening lines of Chinese requests and some other speech acts do not usually provide a thesis or topic statement which will orient the listener to the overall direction of the communication. Worst of all, the lack of precision and the failure to address the point directly may lead to suspicions that the Chinese speakers are beating around the bush. To them, the presence of a clear and concise statement of what is to be talked about will make the speech more precise, more dramatic, and more eloquent. However, the Chinese learning and using English in communication may find it difficult to

跨文化交际 英文

Analysis of Deferent V iews on “Filial P iety” Between China and American from Movie Guasha Abstract:“While one’s parents are alive, one should not travel to distant places.”“The gentleman works hard on the basic principles, thereafter comes morality; filial piety is the basic principle of a human being.”These are our Chinese traditional filial piety. But are these standards or rules suitable for every nation? The movie Guasha shows us many about the differences of filial piety between China and American. There are many misunderstanding and coincidence in this movie and those are the cause of the circuitous of the characters’fate. All of these are rooted in the cultural differences between China and American. In this assay, I made the differences of filial piety as the point of entry to analyze the reason why the differences come and their similarity. Key words: Guasha, the culture in china and America, piety, filial piety, object The movie Guasha tells a story that a Chinese couple who lived in American for 8 years took the hero’s father in American after they think they had realized their American dream. But a few days later, their son got ill; the old father used Guasha to treat the little boy for he didn’t know how to read English. The bruises were noticed by the child welfare bureau, and all the rough broke out after that. Finally, they had a universal satisfactory ending. The end of the story is to the satisfaction of all, but a variety of cultural conflict is the apparent. What we see is the initial irreconcilable to accept, understand. Many people will think that Chinese and Western have cultural differences, I think so, but I also think that behind these differences, there are many similarities. The following, I will be on the film to talk something about filial piety plot makes concrete analysis, and explore how cultural differences reflected in the filial piety? Why is it? What are the similarities? But before that, we will first do a general understanding of filial piety. In the ancient clan and tribal society, meaning of "filial piety" is very wide. It refers to the family of the elder respect, love, support and sacrifice. With the family as the basic unit of society and social development in a long time, "filial piety" changes from the family elder respect to parental care, and become an important ethical rule to do with family relations. Today, "filial piety" to living gets more attention. We often say that the parents contribute to our
