


1. In addition to the revolution in new classes of drugs, an equally momentous revolution is taking place in drug delivery.


2. The body can make about a trillion different antibodies, produced by shuffling and reshuffling their constituent parts.


3. Under current law, all new drugs need proof that they are effective, as well as safe, before they can be approved for marketing.


4.There is no agreement whether nursing mothers could use Alexan.


5. The prescription must be signed and dated by the practitioner and include his address.


6. Cells possess a nucleus which contains genetic information in the form of DNA.


7. A drug that is not covered by patent rights may be available in several proprietary formulations of the same generic preparation.


8. When a drug is used by millions, there are certain to be adverse reactions even though the risk to any individual is small.


9. The end point is also called equivalent point, since the titrant and tested sample are chemically equivalent.

滴定终点也称为等当点,因为测定剂和被测样本在化学量上是相等的。10. It is estimated that less than 30% of the hypertensive patients have their blood pressure adequately controlled.


11. Based on the data collected, numerous valuable compounds can be determined without reference to specimens of that same compound.


12. General-sales-list preparations are medicines that can be supplied by most retailers in supermarkets, etc.


13. The maintenance dosage is determined by response of the patient.


14. There is a possibility that some patients may show hypersensitivity to the drug.


15. Such small molecule agents are simpler to develop and many be clinically superior.


16. The range of novel chemical entities developed has occasionally led to unexpected toxicity.


17. Living cells continually transform materials.


18.To continue to exploit natural sources for drug candidates, the focus must be on exploiting newer approaches for natural product drug discovery.


19.No physician should rely on the package insert as his sole source of drug information.


20. Drugs with such serious potential dangers as these should be used only if life is threatened and nothing else will work.


21. It has been assumed that the plasma drug concentration is directly proportional to the clinical effect of that drug.


22. Absorption is the process of a drug entering systemic circulation from its site of administration.


23.Water for injection is the most widely used vehicle for parenteral



24. Dietary supplements containing ephedra present an unreasonable risk of illness or injury, and should not be consumed.


25. The world of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccines has suffered a baffling setback. The first trial of a vaccine designed to elicit strong cellular immunity has shown no protection against infection.


26. Mean peak serum concentrations of tobramycin occur between 30 and about 60 minutes after intramuscular administration.


27. Migraine and symptoms that may suggest a vestibular disorder (vestibular symptoms-VS) often co-exist. In part due to a lack of standardized diagnostic criteria, this relationship remains unknown to many physicians.


28.O TC drugs play an increasingly vital role in America's health care system by

providing easy access to certain drugs that can be used safely without the help of a health care practitioner.


29.P rolonged and high levels of corticosteroids are used by Western medical

practitioners to help in the treatment of SARS.


30. Relatively insoluble amine salts of penicillin, such as the procaine salt, are also stable as dry powders for a period of 3 years or more at room temperature, as are combinations of procaine and potassium penicillin.


31. The purpose of the FDA control of the package insert is not to legislate thepractice of medicine.


32. The basic unit of DNA is a linear polymer of four different monomeric subunits, deoxyribonucleotides, arranged in a precise linear sequence.


33. Drug development aims to produce a novel therapeutic agent which is superior in efficacy to existing remedies and which causes less frequent or less severe adverse effects.


34.The endocrine system consists of a widely distributed group of glands that release specific chemical substances called hormones.


35. It is an interesting development that an old technique sometimes achieves new importance when it is modified with the incorporation of modern advances in instrumentation.


36. The fact that the physician followed the recommendations in the package insert does not absolve him from responsibility for harm resulting to his patient, nor does failure to follow the recommendations in the package insert necessarily render him legally culpable.


37. The foregoing situation must be distinguished from use of the drug when the package insert states that the drug is contraindicated in infants or children on the basis of studies showing it to be unsafe or ineffective in these age groups.


38. A senior executive with Britain's biggest drugs company has admitted that most prescription medicines do not work on most people who take them.


39. Studies in animals have not demonstrated a teratogenic effect; however, in the absence of clinical data, the risk of malformation cannot be excluded. Therefore, for safety reason, it is preferable to avoid prescription during pregnancy.


40. Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose, just carry on with the next dose at the usual time.


41. Calcium ion plays a critical role in coupling surface membrane depolarization to muscle contraction.


42.When the hospital started extensive use of erythromycin, however, resistant staphylococcus strains began to appear.


43. Halcion is a potent short-acting hypnotic agent, which produces its hypnotic activity from the first night of administration.


45.Failure of the kidney to eliminate potassium leads to hyperkalemia along with other electrolyte imbalance and acidosis.


46.The compounds discovered suffer from inadequate diversity, have low hit rates, and some of them are of poor bioavailability or toxicity profiles.


47. Patients with well established pneumococcal pneumonia appear acutely ill. 确诊肺炎球菌性肺炎的患者呈急性病容。

48. Although there is no doubt that microbes were observed and discovered as early as the 17th century, microbiology is only getting started as a science.


49. A variety of early detection methods have been introduced to identify adverse drug reactions as swiftly as possible.


50. Other factors that influence the efficacy of different drugs must be taken into account, and appropriate therapies should be made according to the particular conditions of different patients.


51. This method provides a means of evaluating the potency of many pharmaceutical products.


52. For instance, insulin is an example of a hormone that experiences triggered release in the body.


53.The benefit of the treatment should be assessed after 3 months.


54. To fight disease, the immune system generates proteins known as antibodies that bind to invading organisms.


55. In patients with this disease the daily dose should be reduced and the patients carefully followed.

对于患有该病的病人,应减少每日用药剂量,并对病人进行仔细观察。56. There is great economy of parts and processes, achieved by regulation of the catalytic activity of key enzymes.


57. When an enzyme is synthesized in response to chemical stimulus, the phenomenon is known as induction.


59. Nor should they discourage certain preventive uses of antibiotics which have proved extremely valuable.





















意译(Free Translation) 直译(Literal Translation ) 异化( Foreignization ) 归化(Domestication)

语法衔接(grammatical cohesion) 连接(conjunction) 搭配(collocation) 词汇衔接(lexical cohesion)

语意翻译(Semantic Translation) 交际翻译(Communicative Translation)

元语言功能(the metalingual function) 诗意功能(the poetic function) 呼唤功能(vocative function) 表达功能(expressive function) 信息功能(informative function) 人际功能(the phatic function) 功能对等(Functional Equivalence) 形式对等(Formal Equivalence) 动态对等(Dynamic Equivalence)

专门用途英语(English for Specific Purpose) 汉藏语系(Sino-Tibetan) 印欧语系(Indo-European) 形合语言(hypotactic ; hypotaxis) 方块字(ideographic) 外显性(overtness) 隐含性(covertness) 意合语言

(paratactic ; parataxis) 拼写文字(alphabetic)

药量(dosage) 药剂师(pharmacist) 用药过量(overdosage) 日常用量(daily dosage) 活性成分(Active ingredients)药品说明书(Package Insert) 不良反应(Adverse Reaction) 用药建议(medical advice) 罕见病用药(orphan drug) 后遗症(sequel)药典( Pharmacopoeia) 常用药(common drug)

四. 段落翻译

1. 课文第6章段落翻译部分1至5篇

2. 课文第6章篇章翻译部分1、3、5篇


多媒体技术教程》(第三版)习题解答 第1章绪论 1.多媒体信息系统和多媒体计算机有什么不同?在概念上应如何看待两者之间的关系?多媒体信息系统是新一代高度集成的、功能强大的、智能化的计算机信息系统,它是提供多媒体信息、辅助人们对环境进行控制和决策的系统,是基于计算机、通信网络等现代化的工具和手段,服务于管理领域的信息处理系统。而多媒体计算机指的是硬件设施,多媒体计算机是多媒体信息系统得以应用的平台。 2.试归纳叙述多媒体关键特性以及这些特性之间的关系。 多媒体的关键特性主要包括信息载体的多样性、交互性和集成性这三个方面,这既是多媒体的主要特征,也是在多媒体研究中必须解决的主要问题。 信息载体的多样性是相对于计算机而言的,指的就是信息媒体的多样化,有人称之为信息多维化;多媒体的第二个关键特性是交互性,多媒体系统将向用户提供交互式使用、加工和控制信息的手段,为应用开辟更加广阔的领域,也为用户提供更加自然的信息存取手段;多媒体的集成性主要表现在两个方面,一是多媒体信息媒体的集成,二是处理这些媒体的设备与设施的集成。 信息载体的多样性是集成性的基础,没有多种信息媒体,也就无法进行多媒体信息的集成化处理;而处理多媒体的设备与设施的集成性是实现交互性的前提,没有系统、网络、软硬件设施的集成,就无法为用户交互式使用、加工和控制信息提供平台。 3.为什么说多媒体缩短了人类信息交流的路径?人类与计算机进行信息交流的目的是什么? 与以往的方法相比,计算机在数据处理方面有了很大的改善。计算机所提供的功能强大的数据组织和构造技术,如传统数据结构中的数组、向量、队列、堆栈、树和堆等,为动态地加工和处理数据提供了基础。高效的算法和高速的网络通信,大大地加强了用文字和数据表示概念的能力并加速了它的传递过程。但人类并不是仅仅依赖文本这一类单一的数据形式来传递所有的信息和接受概念的,图像、声音等多媒体信息都是人类获取和传递信息极为重要的渠道。图像的信息量最大,一幅画胜过千言万语,最直观、最能一目了然。而动态的影像视频和动画则更生动、更逼真、更接近客观世界的原型、更能反映事物的本质和内涵。声音和文字也是信息的重要媒体,综合应用不仅有利于接受,也有利于存储(记忆)和保留。这就意味着必须同时启动大脑的形象思维和逻辑思维,才能更好地获得更多更有用的信息。因此,通过多种感觉器官用多种信息媒体形式向人提供信息才算是更好的表达方法,它不仅加速和改善了理解,并且提高了信息接受的兴趣和注意力。多媒体正是利用各种信息媒体形式,集成地用声、图、文等来承载信息,也就是缩短信息传递的路径。 人类与计算机进行信息交流的目的是为了高效的获取、传递以及使用信息。计算机的发展使得人类的信息处理手段得到加强,高速的计算能力扩展了对数据进行重复计算的能力,大规模的存储扩展了记忆信息的范围,高速通信网使得我们可以同远在异地他乡的同事、朋友、亲人甚至陌生人进行快速的信息交换。这些机器成为我们与他人进行交流的中介。 第2章媒体及媒体技术 1.为什么说媒体具有不同的抽象层次?对媒体的抽象层次和性质进行小结。 在获得媒体语义的过程中,抽象起着十分重要的作用,这种抽象是复杂的,而且与任务有关。通常包括若干抽象层,每一个抽象层都包含着与具体的任务和问题域有关的模型。从接近具体感官的信息表示层到接近符号的信息表示层,信息的抽象程度递增,而数据量则递减。语义就是在从感官数据到符号数据的抽象过程中逐步形成的。对不同媒体来说,媒体的语义是处于不同层次上的。抽象的程度不同,语义的重点也就不同。


个人履历 教育背景: 2002-9---2006-02 在医学院药学系学习了所有药学专业的课程。 在医院中药房、西药房、住院药房、门诊药房、药库实习。熟 悉了医院工作环境和规章制度,及相关药事管理方面的工作。 在针剂,片剂和中药车间实习。熟悉了药品生产流程,质量控 制程序等相关方面的工作。使得在销售工作中对客户提出的相 关问题能够给出专业的答案。 2006-3---2006-6 在中药室学习。增加了对药品检验,鉴定等相关实验室知识。 并在此期间完成了毕业论文的设计,获得毕业答辩“优秀论 文”评定。 证书及技能 2004.9全国计算机等级三级证书 2005.12大学英语六级证书 能够熟练使用word,excel,PPT等各种办公软件,有良好的英语基础,但是口语欠佳,平时一直在努力学习spoken english 业务经验: 2007.5 在北京丰台区组织举行产品终端宣传会议 邀请终端药店,诊所及小医院共60多家参加,宣传公司的产品, 销售政策及未来市场规划,加强客户对公司品牌的认知以及对我公 司产品市场情况反馈。 2007.7在北京顺义区组织举行产品终端宣传订货会议 邀请终端药店,诊所及小医院共88家加,对公司各主要产品进行展 示,并举行了现场订货签单。进一步加强公司产品在北京地区的宣传 和推广。 2007.8 在石家庄和保定组织二级客户终端分销工作,进行了礼品促销;加

强了同二级客户的关系,加深了二级客户对我们的信任。 2007年,全年销量做到2700多万,居普药部门首位。 2008年,开始团队建设,负责北京,唐山,保定和石家庄区域团队协作。加强管理各区域业务员的二级客户分销工作,将分销工作做得更细致,更 深入。 2009.5,在北京平谷区组织举行产品终端宣传订货会议;6月在石家庄组织二级客户终端分销工作。 2010年—至今,依然负责北京及其周边地区的销售工作。 自我评价: ◆乐观、自信、积极向上 ◆很强的学习能力,能快速接受新事物 ◆较强的执行能力、沟通能力和良好的团队合作精神 求职意向:山西运城,西安或北京地区商务代表 Resume . Certifications and Skills 2004/09 National Computer Rank Examination Certificate. 3 2005/12 College English Test-6 2008/05-2008/07 The purchases/sales License of pharmaceuticals. Skillful in Microsoft Office(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc); Fluently in oral English and skillful in listening、reading、writing. Assignment experience

药学英语第五版原文翻译 (2)(2020年7月整理).pdf

Introduction to Physiology Introduction Physiology is the study of the functions of living matter. It is concerned with how an organism performs its varied activities: how it feeds, how it moves, how it adapts to changing circumstances, how it spawns new generations. The subject is vast and embraces the whole of life. The success of physiology in explaining how organisms perform their daily tasks is based on the notion that they are intricate and exquisite machines whose operation is governed by the laws of physics and chemistry. Although some processes are similar across the whole spectrum of biology—the replication of the genetic code for or example—many are specific to particular groups of organisms. For this reason it is necessary to divide the subject into various parts such as bacterial physiology, plant physiology, and animal physiology. To study how an animal works it is first necessary to know how it is built. A full appreciation of the physiology of an organism must therefore be based on a sound knowledge of its anatomy. Experiments can then be carried out to establish how particular parts perform their functions. Although there have been many important physiological investigations on human volunteers, the need for precise control over the experimental conditions has meant that much of our present physiological knowledge has been derived from studies on other animals such as frogs, rabbits, cats, and dogs. When it is clear that a specific physiological process has a common basis in a wide variety of animal species, it is reasonable to assume that the same principles will apply to humans. The knowledge gained from this approach has given us a great insight into human physiology and endowed us with a solid foundation for the effective treatment of many diseases. The building blocks of the body are the cells, which are grouped together to form tissues. The principal types of tissue are epithelial, connective, nervous, and muscular, each with its own characteristics. Many connective tissues have relatively few cells but have an extensive extracellular matrix. In contrast, smooth muscle consists of densely packed layers of muscle cells linked together via specific cell junctions. Organs such as the brain, the heart, the lungs, the intestines, and the liver are formed by the aggregation of different kinds of tissues. The organs are themselves parts of distinct physiological systems. The heart and blood vessels form the cardiovascular system; the lungs, trachea, and bronchi together with the chest wall and diaphragm form the respiratory system; the skeleton and skeletal muscles form the musculoskeletal system; the brain, spinal cord, autonomic nerves and ganglia, and peripheral somatic nerves form the nervous system, and so on. Cells differ widely in form and function but they all have certain 生理学简介 介绍 生理学是研究生物体功能的科学。它研究生物体如何进行各种活动,如何饮食,如何运动,如何适应不断改变的环境,如何繁殖后代。这门学科包罗万象,涵盖了生物体整个生命过程。生理学成功地解释了生物体如何进行日常活动,基于的观点是生物体好比是结构复杂而灵巧的机器,其操作受物理和化学规律控制。 尽管从生物学整个范畴看,生物体某些活动过程是相似的——如基因编码的复制——但许多过程还是某些生物体群组特有的。鉴于此有必要将这门学科分成不同部分研究,如细菌生理学、植物生理学和动物生理学。 要研究一种动物如何活动,首先需要了解它的构成。要充分了解一个生物体的生理学活动就必须掌握全面的解剖学知识。一个生物体的各部分起着什么作用可通过实验观察得知。尽管我们对志愿者进行了许多重要的生理调查,但是实验条件需要精确控制,所以我们当前大多生理知识还是源于对其它动物如青蛙,兔子,猫和狗等的研究。当我们明确大多数动物物种的特定生理过程存在共同之处时,相同的生理原理适用于人类也是合理的。通过这种方法,我们获得了大量的知识,从而让我们对人类生理学有了更深入的了解,为我们有效治疗许多疾病提供了一个坚实的基础。 机体的基本组成物质是细胞,细胞结合在一起形成组织。组织的基本类型有上皮组织,结缔组织,神经组织和肌组织,每类组织都有各自的特征。许多结缔组织中细胞量相对较少,但是有大量的细胞外基质。相比而言,光滑的肌组织由大量密密麻麻的肌细胞通过特定的细胞连接组成。各种器官如脑,心脏,肺,小肠和肝等由不同种类的组织聚集而成。这些器官是不同生理系统的组成部分。心脏和血管组成心血管系统;肺,器官,支气管,胸壁和膈肌组成呼吸系统;骨骼和骨骼肌组成骨骼肌系统;大脑,脊髓,自主神经和神经中枢以及


Unit 1 Green pharmacy-herbal medicine 1) Plant kingdom once was mere pharmacy of the human race, but now when you get into the modern pharmacy, plant-derived drugs have been hardly found. 2) Although today the number of plant-based drugs has been decreased, the effective chemicals in many tables, capsule and bottle-contained drugs are originated from plant kingdom. 3) Among chemical substances contained in plants, some must be toxic, but some must be drugs available to us. 4) During the millions of years since man came to the earth, he has been doing experiments on a variety of plants about him. 5) There exist mistrust, suspicion and hostility between the orthodox medicine and herbal practitioners for many years, which are threatening the possibility of establishing good working relationship. 6) When we think of the effectiveness of quinine, the great contributions made by herbal medicine to medical science are quite evident. 7) However, in the past few decades, the number of newly-introduced drugs has obviously decreased. 8) The medical legacy of our motherland is an inexhaustible new-drug treasure, which remains us to tap with new methods. 9) If pharmacological method had not been introduced to the study of vinca rosea, the discovery of vincaleukoblastine would have been postponed by many years. 10) Western medicine hardly believes that someone who knows nothing of a disease mechanism could be capable of curing it. Unit 2 How does human body fight disease? People tend to believe that antibiotics were invented by human being, but in fact, they are purely natural products. Since Alexander Fleming, a British biologist discovered anti-microbial substance released by the Penicillium fungi in 1928, it has been learned that this substance can produce powerful antibiotic effect. In fact, antibiotics, are exactly manufactured by organisms, namely, bacteria and fungi, which people aim to destroy. After Fleming’s discovery of penicillin, Selma Walksman in 1943 isolated Streptomycin from a soil bacterium, Streptomycus griseus. Scientists have not made it clear completely why organisms can produce antibiotics. This question has become the topic for discussion. Why antibiotics are useful in medicine is that they can not only kill microbes, but also not kill the body cells as they do to the microbes, body cells are entirely different from those of bacteria cells, so that they can avoid being destroyed at the same time. Thus, antibiotics are called “magic bullet”because they may be particularly used to aim at certain microbes. This feature of antibiotics also makes them essentially different from anti-microbial agents: the latter tends to have poison to a majority of cells, whether the cells of bacteria or the body cells. Unit 3 Drug dependence Studies indicate that drug dependencies both a health problem and a social concern. The drug dependence affects not only individual’s health but also the public health at the same time. The drug use has obviously and severely negative effects on the human brain and physical health. But drug abuse and addiction have huge and potential threat, because whether the drug is used directly


《药学英语》课程教学大纲 一、课程教学目的与任务 开设药学英语旨在从培养高级应用型人才的目标出发,结合药学及相关专业学生毕业后的工作实际,力求为他们提供其未来工作岗位所需要的专业英语知识和技能。通过教学,提高学生借助辞典和其他工具书籍,阅读国外文献的能力,并为将来我国执业药师与国际接轨做准备。 二、理论教学的基本要求 学完该课程后,在知识、技能和能力上分别应达到的以下程度: 了解英文药学文献的写作特点和格式,学习如何分析和理解英语长句。英国药典和美国药典的背景知识和使用方法,了解FDA的职责和功能;理解各章节PartA部分课文意思及PartB部分药品说明书中的常见例句;掌握掌握药品说明书必须书写的10个项目及其常用词汇,能够归纳出一些常见的化学基团的英文词缀;能用所学知识书写简单的英语药品说明书。 三、实践教学的基本要求 本课程实践学时全部以课堂对话形式进行,无单独实验项目。 四、教学学时分配

五、教学内容 Unit1 教学目的和要求:通过本章节学习,理解课文意思;掌握药品说明书的作用、项目;能够归纳出一些常见的化学基团的英文词缀。 教学重点:常用专业单词,如Pharmaceutical等的用法。 教学难点:文章翻译;常见的化学基团的英文词缀。 主要内容:PartAForeign Investment in Chinese Pharmaceutical Sector;PartB第1节药品名称;PartCChina—from self-sufficiency to World Leadership。 Unit 2 教学目的和要求:通过本章节学习,使学生理解课文意思;掌握常用专业单词,如supervision等的用法;掌握描述药物性状的常见句型;掌握药物性状的常用表达方式。 教学重点:常见的药物性状。 教学难点:常见描述药物性状的单词或短语。 主要内容:PartAFDA: Policeman or Teacher;PartB第2节药物性状;PartC Data Required for Drug Approval。 Unit 3 教学目的和要求:通过本章节学习,使学生掌握英文药品说明书中描写适应症的常见描短语或句型,常用专业单词,如临床药理(Clinical Pharmacology)、药效(Potency)、毒性(Toxicity)等。 教学重点:英文药品说明书中描写适应症的常见描短语或句型。 教学难点:文章翻译。 主要内容:PartA Pharmacological Tablet;PartB第2节药物性状。 Unit 4 教学目的和要求:通过本章节学习,使学生理解课文意思;掌握英文药品说明书中常见描写适应症、禁忌症的短语或句型。 教学重点:英文药品说明书中常见描写适应症、禁忌症的短语或句型。 教学难点:文章翻译。 主要内容:PartA Chemistry and Matter;PartB第4节适应症、第5节禁忌症。 Unit 5 教学目的和要求:通过本章节学习,使学生掌握英文药品说明书中描写用法用量及不良反应的常见短语或句型。常用专业单词,如常用表示剂量的术语平均剂量(average dose)、常用的剂量单位表示法、每次给药次数的表示方法:每隔…小时(every …hours)、每日三次(three times a day /daily)等。 教学重点:英文药品说明书中描写用法用量及不良反应的常见短语或句型。


本篇包括人卫第四版Unit 3B,Unit4A,5A,8A,10A,12AB,13A等七篇课文Unit 3 Text B The Other Side of Antibiotics 抗生素的另一面 Antibiotics have eliminated or controlled so many infectious diseases that virtually everyone has benefited from their use at one time or another. Even without such personal experience, however, one would have to be isolated indeed to be unaware of the virtues, real and speculative, of these “miracle” drugs1. The American press, radio, and television have done a good job of reporting the truly remarkable story of successes in the chemical war on germs. What′s more, any shortcomings on their part have been more than made up for by the aggressive public relations activity of the pharmaceutical companies which manufacture and sell antibiotics. 抗生素可以消除或控制很多种感染疾病,以致几乎每人生病时都习惯于使用它而受益,但是如果一个人没有这样的亲身经历,他必定是离群索居才会不知道这些“特效药物”或真实或推测的优点。美国的出版物、电台或电视台用大量的篇幅报道了有关对细菌的化学战中获得的这些显着功绩。而它的缺点却被生产和销售抗生素的制药公司通过公关活动掩藏了。 In comparison, the inadequacies and potential dangers of these remarkable drugs are much less widely known. And the lack of such knowledge can be bad, especially if it leads patients to pressure their doctors into prescribing antibiotics when such medication isn’t really needed, or leads them to switch doctors until they find one who is, so to speak, antibiotics-minded2. 相比而言,使用这些药物的危险性并不广为人知。对这种知识的缺乏将更糟糕,特别是当患者要求医生开处方用抗生素而事实并不需要,或患者频繁地更换医生直至找到一个同意开抗生素处方的医生。 Because the good side of the antibiotics story is so very well-known, there seems more point here to a review of some of the immediate and long-range problems that can come from today’s casual use of these drugs. It should be made clear in advance that calamities from the use of antibiotics are rare in relation to the enormous amounts of the drugs administered. But the potential hazards, so little touched on generally, do need a clear statement. 因为抗生素的好的一面已广为人知,今天抗生素的滥用导致短期或长期问题。我们预先应该知道与抗生素的巨大的使用量相比,它产生危害的例子是少见的。但是,尽管十分少见,需要对这种潜在的危险作一个清楚的说明。 The antibiotics are not, strictly speaking, exclusively prescription drugs. A number of them are permitted in such over-the-counter products as nasal sprays, lozenges, troches, creams, and ointments. Even if these products do no harm there is no point whatsoever in using them. If you have an infection


广东药学院 精品课程、优质课程申报书 课程名称药学专业英语 课程性质□公共必修课□基础必修课 □专业主要课程□其它 申报类型□精品课程□优质课程 课程负责人曾爱华 所属二级学院药科学院(盖章) 所属教研室药学综合教研室 申报日期2009 年 5 月18 日 广东药学院教务处制


课程教育思想观念 《药学专业英语》课程是药学英语特色专业的一项重要专业课,是学生在学完公共英语之后的延续,其要旨在于帮助学生完成从基础英语到专业英语的过渡。 药学专业英语是一门英语与药学交叉的科目,在讲授专业英语课时,首先主要通过教师在课堂上用英语讲授,配以课堂讨论,并要求学生以英语发言,提高学生的英语听说能力;其次布置大量阅读材料让学生自学,通过教师的适当检查,或让学生在课堂上讲解,提高学生阅读专业英语书籍的能力;最后将部分专业阅读材料布置给学生做学习翻译的课外练习,在课堂上讨论学生作业中的错误和翻译技巧问题,提高学生翻译的技能。在教学过程中,注意培养学生独立思考和学习的能力,使学生在课程结束后,在实际工作中,能较流畅地阅读专业英语资料,为进一步的工作和科研奠定基础。 我们认为,在当今社会发展日新月异的情况下,在授课过程中我们力争做到面向每个学生,充分考虑学生的个性,充分发挥每一位学生的主动性和潜能,进而建立平等、和谐的师生关系。从教师的职责而言: (1)教师是学生学习的设计者与帮助者。 (2)教师应成为创新思维型、学者型教师。 (3)教师要与时俱进,终身学习。

为了提高教师本身的素质,我们认为: (1)积极参加教学研究活动是转变教师教育观念的最有效途径,鼓励教师参与教学研究,尤其是参与教学方法改革、课程改革等方面的研究。多参加教学课题的申报、实施和积累。 (2)观察学习。要求年轻教师积极参加听教学经验丰富老教师的授课,使教师能在学习别人良好经验的过程中更新自己的教育方式。观察学习是学习者通过有意识的观察和学习,并对自己观察到的内容进行消化和吸收,在此基础上加以创新。 (3)教学小组研讨会。 针对某一有代表性的教育、教学事件,教师之间可以展开小组讨论。教研室要积极进行教师教学集体备课。 说明:1、本申报书各项内容阐述时请注意以事实和数据为依据,各表格不够可加页。 2、申报精品课程必须有课程网站,未被评选为精品课程者自动参与优质课程评选。 2. 师资队伍


一、熟悉下列句子的翻译 1. In addition to the revolution in new classes of drugs, an equally momentous revolution is taking place in drug delivery. 除药物种类的革命外,药物给药系统也在进行一场同样令人震撼的革命。 2. The body can make about a trillion different antibodies, produced by shuffling and reshuffling their constituent parts. 通过对构成成分的改组和再改组,机体可以产生约一万亿个不同的抗体。 3. Under current law, all new drugs need proof that they are effective, as well as safe, before they can be approved for marketing. 现有法律要求,所有的新药都必须具有其有效、安全的证据才能被批准上市。 4.There is no agreement whether nursing mothers could use Alexan. 哺乳期妇女是否能用爱力生尚无统一意见。 5. The prescription must be signed and dated by the practitioner and include his address. 处方必须由医生亲笔签名,并注明日期和医生的地址。 6. Cells possess a nucleus which contains genetic information in the form of DNA. 细胞含有一个细胞核,其中含有以脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)形式表达的基因信息。 7. A drug that is not covered by patent rights may be available in several proprietary formulations of the same generic preparation. 没有专利权保护的药物可以用于同一个仿制剂型的多个专利配方中。 8. When a drug is used by millions, there are certain to be adverse reactions even though the risk to any individual is small. 当某种药物被数百万人使用时,肯定会有不良反应出现,尽管具体到个人,这种危险性并不大。 9. The end point is also called equivalent point, since the titrant and tested sample are chemically equivalent. 滴定终点也称为等当点,因为测定剂和被测样本在化学量上是相等的。10. It is estimated that less than 30% of the hypertensive patients have their


药学英语翻译练习 I. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Chinese A Phrases translation 1. Lidocaine hydrochloride 盐酸利多卡因 2. procaine sulph(f)ate 硫酸普鲁卡因 3. APC: ( Aspirin Phe n acetin Caffeine) 阿司匹林,非那西丁,咖啡因 4. Di a zepam 地西泮 B Sentences translation 1. Despite problems of cultural, ethical and regulatory differences, a growing number of foreign companies have begun multi-centre phase III clinical trials in China. 尽管由于文化,伦理和规定的不同,越来越多的国外公司开始在中国进行3期临床试验。 2. The interest by US and European pharmaceutical companies in doing something more than a small phase IV trial to meet China’s minimal licensing criteria was modest at best. 美国和欧洲医药企业在中国进行超越4期临床试验达到中国注册标准的兴趣并不大。 3. By law, the FDA has responsibility to oversee the purity, quality, safety, usefulness, and related characteristics of the nation’s food, drug, and cosmetic supply. 根据规定,FDA负责监督国家食品,药品和化妆品的纯度,质量安全,效果和相关特性。 4. The FDA must primarily rely on the voluntary compliance of those who operate within the professions and industries that are responsible for the products which the FDA has jurisdiction. 对于属于FDA监管范围的产品,FDA主要依靠那些负责生产的工厂和企业自觉遵守。 5. According to the government’s strategic plan for 2006—2050, China’s total drug sales are expected to reach RMB 700 billion by 2010, an average growth rate of just over 16% from 200 6. 根据2006-2050政府的战略计划,到2010年中国总体药物销售量期望达到7000亿元,也就是说从2006年开始平均增长率超过16%。 6. The use of Western medicines in China is usually said to have begun in 1952, when the antibiotic chloram p henicol(氯霉素) was first synthesized and produced domestically. 人们通常说中国使用的西药始于1952年,当时中国首次生产氯霉素。 7. In fact over 1,500 bulk drugs, fine chemical ingredients and intermediates are currently made in China and sold in 3,500 finished formulations. 事实上有1500多种原料药,即化学原料和中间体在中国生产,并且有3500种成品药由中国销售。


Unit One 1. A full appreciation of the physiology of a living organism must be based on a sound knowledge of its anatomy. Anatomy does not merely study the separation of parts, but the accurate description of the morphologies and functions of different organs. 2.Our daily food intake must match requirements and any excess must be excreted for balance to be maintained. 3.The process of stabilization of the internal environment is called homeostasis and is essential if the cells of the body are to function normally. 4.Human cells have the ability to break down large molecules to smaller ones to liberate sufficient energy for their activities. 5.As long as normal conditions are maintained in this internal environment, the cells of the body continue to live and function properly. Unit Two 1.Biochemistry asks how the thousands of different biomolecules interact with each other to confer the remarkable properties of living organisms. 2.Enzymes are catalysts that accelerate the rates of biological reactions. Each enzyme is very specific in its foundation and acts only in a particular metabolic reaction. 3.One of the most fruitful approaches to understand biological phenomena has been to purify an individual chemical component, such as protein, from a living organism and to characterize its chemical structure or catalytic activity. 4.The chemical principles that govern the properties of biological molecules include the covalent bonding of carbon with itself and with other elements and the functional groups that appear in common biological molecules, etc. 5.The basic unit of DNA is a linear polymer of four different monomeric subunits, deoxyribonucleotides, arranged in a precise linear sequence. Unit Four 1.The science of the effects on the body is called pharmacology, and the scientists who study it are pharmacologists. Pharmacology is not a science that can be studied on its own, but that closely related to other branches of science. Pharmacologists should not only understand he normal processes that take place in the body, but know how the functions of the body are affected by disease. 2.For physicians and medical students, the scope of pharmacology is not so expansive as its common definition. The clinician is interested primarily in drugs that are useful in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of human disease, or in the prevention of pregnancy. 3.All physicians should share the responsibility to resolve kinds of sociological problems caused by the abuse of drugs. Properly used, drugs are great blessing to mankind; improperly used, they could destroy human race. When a patient, particular the elderly is prescribed frequently to take more than one therapeutic agent, drug interactions resulting in toxicity will occur. 4.At one time, it was essential for the physician to have broad botanical knowledge, because they had to possess the ability and skill to select proper plants from which to prepare his own
