

分享经济sharing economy

共享单车bike sharing, shared bike

互联网租赁自行车(internet bike rental

实名登记real name registration

拼车car pooling

公共交通public transport

押金管理deposit management

用户安全client security

停车管理parking management

分享经济sharing economy


扫码解锁单车scan the QR code to unlock a bike 违规停车illegal parking

停放点parking lot/area

解决"最后一公里"问题solve the "last mile" problem 艾滋病考生HIV-positive examinees

母婴传播mother-to-child transmission

经输血传播transmission by blood transfusion

艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防和治疗HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment

“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation

促进人文交流合作”enhance people-to-people exchange and cooperation

互利互惠、共同安全的目标(the objectives of mutual benefit and common security 议程agenda

全体会议plenary session

平行会议parallel meeting

专题讨论会panel discussion

取得重要成果yield major outcomes

明确合作方向identify cooperation directions

实现共赢发展achieve win-win development

中国品牌日Chinese Brands Day

网络百科全书online encyclopaedia



空气质量等级air quality rating



空气质量评级air quality ratinganti

沙尘天气sand and dust weather

细颗粒物fine particulate matter

弱冷空气weak cold front

国产客机homemade passenger jet

全网络售票online-only ticket sale

入学面谈admission interviews

扫码打赏tipping via QR code

旺季busy season


安全问题safety concern

文化创意产品creative cultural products

扫描二维码购票purchase ticket by scanning a QR code

分时段控制客流control the number of visitors during different time periods

类脑智能brain-inspired intelligence

慢就业delayed employment

支教participate in a volunteer teaching program

躲过应届毕业生求职高峰期的激烈竞争(delay job hunting to avoid the competition 就业压力employment pressure

就业歧视employment discrimination

隐性就业unregistered employment

求职job hunting


典型用户typical user

僵尸粉zombie/phantom follower

虚假粉丝fake/artificial follower

无效帐号invalid account


中等职业学校secondary vocational school 未受过良好教育的under-educated

向命运屈服obey destiny

正能量positive energy

签订劳动合同sign labor contract

出境游outbound travel

全域旅游all-for-one tourism

旅游保证金travel deposit

生育旅游fertility tourism

可再生能源renewable energy


节能energy conservation

环保environmental protection

新能源new energy

反恐行动anti-terrorist operation

独狼恐怖分子lone-wolf terrorist

极端组织extremist group

自杀式袭击suicide attack

自制炸弹homemade bomb

声称负责claim responsibility

恶意代码malicious code

僵尸电脑zombie machine


点击欺诈click fraud

钓鱼网站phishing site

公共健康问题public health problem 综合干预comprehensive intervention

预防为主prevention first

营养代谢nutrition metabolism

无地沟油"行动("No Gutter Oil" campaign

食品安全food safety

非法食品添加剂illegal food additives

农药残留pesticide residues

捍卫欧洲团结champions European unity


极右翼民粹主义者far-right populists

一股政治新力量a new political force

自由、平等、博爱Liberty, Equality and Fraternity 单通道飞机single-aisle plane

宽体飞机wide-body aircraft

市场主流market mainstream

适飞证书airworthiness certificate

.国产客机homemade passenger jet

量子卫星quantum satellite


高速运算high-speed computation

人工智能artificial intelligence

. 网游实名real name registration for online games 手游mobile phone game

桌游desktop game

主机游戏console game

电脑游戏PC game

网页游戏browser game

发射场launch site

永久载人空间站permanent manned space station 遥感系统remote sensing system

通信卫星communications satellite

月球车lunar/moon rover

火星探测器Mars probe

自然地理(学) physical geography

人文地理(学) human geography, anthropogeography 测绘信息mapping information

人口普查(population) census

数据共享机制data sharing mechanism

信息服务平台information services platform

地理国情普查national geoinformation survey 总统就职典礼presidential inauguration

宣誓就职仪式swearing-in ceremony

宣誓就职take the oath of office

即将上任的总统incoming president

竞选口号campaign slogan



支持率approval rating





上台come to power

迷你KTVmini karaoke booth

包房private room

点歌pick/choose a song

麦霸mic hog

打发时间kill time

对唱sing a duet

情歌love song


反腐剧anti-corruption TV series

收视率audience rating

黄金档prime time slot

纪检disciplinary probe

反腐运动anti-graft/anti-corruption campaign

官商勾结collusion between officials and businessmen 出租车叫车服务taxi-hailing service

叫车软件car-hailing app

专车服务tailored taxi service

乘用车passenger vehicles

巡游cruise on the street

调度服务站dispatching station

顺风车ride sharing

快车fast ride

共享充电宝sharable charger

赞赏功能reward feature/tipping function

八项规定eight-point austerity rules

非法利益illegal profit

挪用公款embezzle public money

徇私枉法bend the law for personal gain

高铁调价adjust the ticket prices for high-speed trains

月光族moonlight clan

空巢老人empty nester


想家get homesick

啃老族NEET (not in employment, education, or training) group, people who are financially dependent upon their parents

空巢青年empty-nest youths

被强制拒载be involuntarily denied boarding

被暴力拖下飞机be violently dragged off a plane

值机时间check-in time

公关灾难PR disaster


中美元首会晤meeting between the heads of state of China and the US 建设性对话constructive dialogue

双赢合作win-win cooperation

互相尊重mutual respect

建交establish diplomatic relations

求同存异seek common ground while reserving differences

吸引高端人才attract high-level talent

公共资源超负荷overburdened public resources

城市病urban ill

土地使用权转让transfer of land-use rights

首套房贷款loans for first-time homebuyers

首付款down payment

按揭贷款mortgage loans

经济适用房affordable housing

炒房者property speculator

节能conserve energy

减排reduce emission

碳排放carbon emission

生态环境ecological environment

环境监测environmental monitoring

非法排污illegal discharge of pollutants

春游spring outing

樱花季cherry blossom season

长途游long-haul travel

传统热门旅游目的地traditionally hot tourism destination 住宿加早餐(旅馆) bed and breakfast, B&B

度假预订holiday booking

赏花游trips to admire the beauty of flowers

优质教育high-quality education

教育改革education reform

失学discontinue schooling

农村义务教育rural compulsory education

流动人口mobile population

户籍人口registered population


政治危机political crisis

支持率approving rate

在幕后behind the scene


包容的全球化inclusive globalization


区域一体化regional integration

一带一路倡议the Belt and Road Initiative

可持续发展sustainable development

核反应堆nuclear reactor

核电站nuclear power station/plant

核安全峰会Nuclear Security Summit

核武器nuclear weapon

核武扩散nuclear proliferation, spread of nuclear weapons 大规模杀伤性武器weapons of mass destruction

诊疗费consultation fee

公立医院public hospital

医疗支出health expenditure

基本医疗保险制度basic medical insurance system 大病医保critical illness insurance program


因病致贫fall into poverty because of illnesses

医改healthcare reform

免除学杂费waive tuition and miscellaneous fees 贫困生poor/financially disadvantaged student 课外活动extracurricular activity

课程表curriculum schedule

必修课compulsory course

选修课optional course


犯罪记录rap sheet, criminal record

自杀式炸弹袭击者suicide bomber

紧急状态state of emergency





暗访undercover interview

饥饿营销hunger marketing

恶意营销smear campaign

商业炒作commercial speculation

明星代言celebrity endorsement

独家冠名权exclusive naming right

广告时间commercial break/interruption

学科实力subject strength

高校扩招the expansion of college enrollment

名牌大学prestigious university

野鸡大学diploma mill, bogus college

争抢优质生源battle for top students, poaching of talented students 学术不端academic misconduct


脱欧公投Brexit referendum

脱欧派Brexit campaigner

退出协议exit deal

欧洲单一市场European single market

环境污染environmental pollution

节能conserve energy

减排reduce emission

生态环境ecological environment

低碳发展low-carbon development

消费者权益保障protection of consumer interests 工作报告work report

产权保护protection of property rights

民事责任civil responsibility


公用电话pay phone

话费账单phone bills

资费套餐payment scheme

隐性收费hidden charges

接听免费free incoming call

流量不清零服务rollover data service

长途漫游费long-distance and roaming fees

高端游high-end travel

深度游in-depth travel

跟团游package tour

旅游收入tourism revenue

长线目的地long-haul destination

旅游从业人员tourism service provider

出境游outbound trip, trip to overseas destination

旅游不文明行为inappropriate/uncivilized tourism behavior 媒体中心media center

传统媒体traditional media

独家新闻exclusive news

上头条make headlines

第一手信息first-hand information

舆论public opinion

奥斯卡金像奖Oscar award

奥斯卡最大赢家major Oscar winner

金球奖the Golden Globes

奥斯卡最佳外语片奖the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film 收视率ratings

男/女配角supporting actor/actress
