



I.Translate the following words into Chinese.

1.New York Times

2. National Geographic


4. Weekly News

5. BUP

6. House of Representatives

7. Secretary of Defence

8. Department of State

9. Claim Court10. Parliament 11. Chancellor of the Exchequer 12. Metropolitan District 13. Annual Session 14. multinational 15. lobbyist 16. HBS

17. CIA 18. NATO

19. OPEC 20. WIPO

II.Translate the following two short paragraphs.

1.This Independent Day, we express

gratitude for our many blessings and we celebrate the ideals of freedom and

opportunity that our Nation holds dear. 2中. 国完人成民统的一神祖圣国职的责大。业是包括台湾同胞在内的全

III.Rewrite the following headlines if necessary.

1. Alaskan Oil for Japan?

2.Have Dollars, Will Sell

3.West Point Makes a Comeback

4.Volunteer, Terrorist Killed in an Ambush

- 1

5.Chinese Cooks: Masters at Turning a Turnip

into a Flower

IV.Read the following news and then choose the right answer to each question.

News Item 1

A 15-year-old schoolboy, Peter Emerson, of Strafford-on-Avon, was recovering at home yesterday after being trapped all night in a cold store at the butcher 's shop where he works after school. The door swung shut as he was putting meat into the store. He realized that he was left all alone after he had shouted, kicked the door and no one answer. He kept warm by jumping and running for about ten of the fourteen hours. 1. What happened to the schoolboy?

A.He forgot to lock the cold store door.

B.He was forced to work throughput the night.

C.He caught cold while working at the butcher 's.

D.He was locked up by accident in a cold


News Item 2

Secretary of State Warren Christopher has wrapped up his latest trip to the Middle East, saying the peace process is


Mr. Christopher says he will leave the region Thursday assured that the picture is much less gloomy than suggested by recent reports.

During two days of talks, Mr. Christopher met with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Perez in Israel, and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat in the Gaza Strip. He also met with Syrian President Hafez al-Assad in Damascus.




A.believes there is hope for peace

B.will report to the UN on Thursday

C.will hold more talks before leaving

the region

D.is not sure that the peace process

will succeed

3.With whom did Christopher NOT meet?

E.The Syrian

President. F.



G. The Jordanian President.

H. The Israeli Prime Minister.

News Item 3

Prison service staff in Britain have been severely criticized in an official report for the escape of five IRA prisoners and an armed robber from White mall Prison, Cambridge shire. Bomb-making equipment was subsequently discovered at the jail. The government has announced a major review of prison security throughout England and Wales. A new task force will be set up under the Home Office and a detailed list

of recommendations is expected to be issued at the end of the year.

4.The number of the escaped prisoners is








5.Following the prison breakout, the Government is to .

A.r estructure

the prison

service. B.

discipline some

prison officers. C.

recruit more

security staff.

D. look into security conditions.

News Item 4

The Canadian police say that the new North American Free Trade Agreement which is to open frontiers across the continent has been exploited by drug smugglers from South America. The mafia can now move drugs across the continent with minimum supervision. Police estimate

60% of the cocaine which came through Canada this year has been brought through the east coast. Last year it was 10%. Police say the mafia are benefiting from the declining fishing industry.

There are more boats available to move the drugs.

6.The aim of the agreement is to .

A.encourage trade in the region.

B. crack down on drug smuggling.

C. save the declining fishing industry.

D. strengthen cross-boarder police


7. W hich group of people is now taking advantages of the agreement?



n police. B.



C. Drug traffickers.

D. Customs


News Item 5

German Chancellor Helmut Kohl is

promising more aid for flood victims along the Oder River in Eastern Germany. As high waters slowly continue to go down, Mr. Kohl told lawmakers, he expects emergency payoffs to rise to 270 million dollars. Officials had already pledged

8. a s


000 e s r i c n e c n r t e a a g s e e d o f b c y o caine brought

through the


120 million dollars to help thousands of residents who have lost homes and farms to the raging currents. Mr. Kohl said the disaster did have a bright spot by helping bring citizens in the East and West closer together. The two halves have been slowly integrated for the six years after the collapse of the Berlin Wall. Mr. Kohl and President Roman Herzog have traveled and toured several flood-ravaged areas.

9. The total government aid for flood victims in Eastern Germany is likely to be

A. 390


n dollar s B.


million dollar s C.


million dollar s D.




10. Mr. Kohl described the flood as

A. a great disaster in 6 years after

the collapse of the Berlin Wall

B.a nightmare in which thousands of

people lost their homes and farms to

the raging currents

C. a positive thing to bring the two

halves of Germany closer together

D. a temporary difficulty that

could soon be overcome

V. Read the following article and then answer the questions below.

About Flu Shots

It sounded like a good idea when New York City 's mayor, Rudolph Giuliani, advised New Yorkers recently to get a flu shot. After all, 20,000 Americans each year die of influenza. And this year in particular, the mayor suggested, getting a flu shot might be an especially good idea, since it could help doctors distinguish between flu and the deadly inhalational form of anthrax. How? Both anthrax and flu exhibit strikingly similar symptoms —fever, chills and muscle aches —in the early days of the infection. Physicians


be quick to suspect anthrax in anyone who was

vaccinated against flu and still developed fever and chills. That would give them a better chance to identify any new victims of terror while their infection was still in

its earliest, most treatable stages.

Or so the mayor 's reasoning went. Unfortunately, there are a couple of problems with his logic. For one thing, getting vaccinated against influenza doesn't guarantee you won 't get sick. Although highly effective, the flu vaccine protects against only the dominant strains and even then does not provide 100% protection. It takes a couple of weeks for your body to respond to the vaccine with a sufficient number of antibodies. Each year thousands of Americans who get the vaccine nevertheless still get the flu.

There are also plenty of reasons you might develop fever, chills and muscle aches that have nothing to do with wither anthrax or flu. Indeed, doctors estimate that more than 80% of all flulike ailments each winter are

caused by other groups of viruses, like the parainfluenza and picornavirus families. Getting vaccinated against flu can 't protect you against suffering from these other respiratory ailments.

In the worse case, asking all healthy adults to get vaccinated could actually backfire, leading to even more deaths if it means we run out of shots for those who are most vulnerable to the infection. Already there have been delays in getting this

year's shipment of vaccine to clinics and doc tors ' offices. Those who should be at the front of the line include folks who are 65 or older, nursing-home residents and adults and children with chronic health problems, including asthma, kidney disease, heart disease and diabetes, as well as anyone who cares for or lives with such people. Flu shots are also important for men and women whose immune system is weakened by HIV or other conditions.

The best reason to get the flu vaccine is that it protects against most flus —not

that you' re worried about contracting anthrax. While inhalational anthrax has killed only five people so far, many more could be at risk from flu-related complications. There 's no need to compound the tragedy by making this year 's influenza epidemic any worse.


1.Paragraph 1 mainly illustrates

A.the necessity of persuading New Yorkers

to get a flu shot

B.the reason why the mayor especially

advised his citizens to get a flu shot

this year

C.the fact that flu and anthrax have many

similar symptoms

D.the advantage of getting a flu shot

2.What is the main idea of paragraph 2 and 3?

A.Getting a flu shot cannot ensure that vaccinated people won 't get flu or

flulike ailments. B. It 's wrong for the mayor to advise people to get a flu shot.

C. You have many chances to develop

flulike symptoms.

D. The symptoms of many other respiratory

diseases are similar to those of anthrax.

3.Paragraph 4 mainly illustrates

A. another unreasonable aspect of the

major 's opinion

B.the risk of being short of flu shots

C.the unexpected result brought about by the mayor 's appeal

D.the necessity for people with poor

health to get flu shots

4.What is the main idea of paragraph 5?

A. It's wrong for the mayor to advise his

citizens to get flu shots.

B.Getting a flu shot would give rise to

many problems.

C.People should not get flu shots, for it can 't provide better protection against anthrax.

D.A sking all healthy adults to get flu

vaccine could make things go contrary to what the mayor expected.

5.W hich of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage?

A. Is New York

Mayor Right? B.

Flu and


C. Flu Shots or Not?

D. Epidemic Diseases and Vaccine

Word Study

Complete each sentence with a word or phrase given below (in its appropriate form if necessary).

flu symptom chronic

ailment vulnerabl


shot dominant backfire

distinguis h vaccinate

1.I t is not easy to a genuine antique from a reproduction.

2.T he doctor made his diagnosis after studying the patient 's _.

3.A fter years e'fforts, she finally reached

a position of in the big family.

4.T he spoiled little boy never went to school when stricken by trifling .

5.I f a plan or action on you, it has the opposite

effect to the one you intended.

6.A ll who have not been vaccinated are to the

infectious disease.

7.T he father had developed a pneumonia, which made the miserable condition of the family even worse.

8.I n this season, is prevalent in the southern part of our country.

9.H aving coughed terribly for days, he asked the doctor to give him a of penicillin.

10.Freshmen are required to be against some infectious diseases such as hepatitis B virus on the first week.

VI. The following questions are connected to your reading course

studies. Write down in English your own opinions, using 100-120 words each.

Question: What do you know of the problems that can arise in marriage, and how they

can best be managed?


I. Translate the following words into Chinese.


2. 《国家

3. 《观察家

4. 《每周

5. 英国合作社

6. 众议院

15. 院外活动(游说)人员 16. 哈佛大学商 学院

17. (美)中央情报局 18. 北大西洋公约组 织

19. 石油输出国组织 20. (联合 国)知识产权组织 II. Translate the

1. 在这个独立日里, 我们为得到的无数美好祝福 而心存感激, 为我们崇尚的对自由和机遇 的 梦想而庆祝。

2. Accomplishing the great task of

reunifying the motherland is the sacred duty of all Chinese people, the Taiwan compatriots included.

III. Rewrite the following headlines if necessary.

7. 国防部长

9. 索赔法院

11. 财政大

臣 11. 13. 8. 国务院 10. 议会 12. 都市区 14. 跨国公

following two short paragraphs.



《英语报刊阅读》试题(A 卷) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Part Ⅰ Reconstruct the messages of the following headlines of news stories: (1% for each, 10%) Example: Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered ---An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered 1. ________ US ________ told not exploit ________ Tibet issue. 2. Rubin ________ Greenspan ________ at odds. 3. Visitors ________ flocking to Mao ’s birth place. 4. ________ man ________ quizzed after ________ wife is knifed in ________ sports store. Part Ⅱ Read the following passage and answer the Questions A 5-34 (1% for each,30%) and B 35-44 (2% for each,20%) A Tuition Reform for Higher Education Chinese institutions of higher learning have quickened their pace of reform in recent years. Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition fees constitute and important part of the reform. Schools which once admitted students almost exclusively according to state plans are becoming more accepting of students sent by work groups for further training and those who pay their own fees. Regular universities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year, up 158 200 or 25 percent over last year's figure. Of these, 216 000, or 27.4 percent, will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way. In the past, the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students, a matter of policy since New China was established in 1949. Although this practice guaranteed the supply of qualified personnel, it brought a heavy burden to the sate, hindering further development of higher education. Since higher education is non —compulsory education in China, to charge appropriate fees will help improve school facilities and expedite the development of education in this stage. As an added benefit, paying their own way will encourage students to study harder. The reform will take effect in two directions. State —financed students will begin


《英语报刊选读》期末复习指导 一、课程说明 本课程为本科开放教育英语专业的选修课程之一,开设时间为第五学期。教学对象是广播电视大学英语本科学生或具有同等水平的自学者。本课程采用的教材为《美英报刊文章阅读》和《〈美英报刊文章阅读〉学习辅导》(周学艺主编,北京大学出版社出版,2001年10月第2版)。 二、考试说明 本课程终结性考核方式为闭卷考试,考生不得携带任何形式的参考资料和电子读物或工具。考核范围为: 第1单元Chinese Affairs Lesson One Exploding Touris m Eroding China’s Riches Lesson Two Beijing Dreams of 2008 Lesson Three Home at Last 第2单元American Affairs (I) Lesson Four Best Graduate Schools Lesson Five Is Harvard Worth It ? 第3单元American Affairs (II) Lesson Eight Judge Sees Politics in Los Alamos Case Lesson Ten Big Crimes, Small Cities Lesson Eleven Hollywood Demons 第4单元American Affairs (III) Lesson Thirteen Lobbyist Out Of Shadow Into The Spotlight Lesson Fourteen The Rich Get Richer and Elected ---1---



《英语报刊阅读》试题(A 卷) Part I Reconstruct the messages of the following stories: (1% for each, 10%) Example: Italia n Ex-Mayor Murdered headli nes of news ............. . : 号 学 ... ....................... ? .;名 :级班 :级年 :点学教 ---An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered 1. ________ US ________ told not exploit 2. Rubin________ Greenspan ________ at odds. 3. Visitors _______ flocking to Mao ' birth place. 4. sports store. Tibet issue. man ________ q uizzed after _______ wife is knifed in Part n Read the following passage and answer the Questions A 5-34 (1% for each,30%) and B 35-44 (2% for each,20%) A Tuiti on Reform for Higher Educati on Chinese institutions of higher learning have quickened their pace of reform in recent years. Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition fees constitute and importa nt part of the reform. Schools which once admitted stude nts almost exclusively accord ing to state pla ns are beco ming more accepti ng of stude nts sent by work groups for further training and those who pay their own fees. Regular universities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year, up 158 200 or 25 perce nt over last year's figure. Of these, 216 000, or 27.4 perce nt, will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way. In the past, the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students, a matter of policy since New China was established in 1949. Although this practice guaranteed the supply of qualified personnel, it brought a heavy burden to the sate, hindering further development of higher education. Since higher education is non —— compulsory education in China, to charge appropriate fees will help improve school


2018年春旅游英语报刊选读第二次作业 你的得分: 完成日期:2018年07月12日 15点42分 说明:每道小题选项旁的标识是标准答案。 一、单项选择题。本大题共15个小题,每小题分,共分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.According to WTO''s definition of tourism, outbound tourism refers to __B__. A.visits to country by nonresidents B.visits by residents of a country to another country C.visits by residents of a country to their own country D.internal tourism plus outbound tourism 2.As the domestic tourism industry ____,competition will become increasingly __C__. A.grows, intent B.develops, intent C.matures, intense D.strengthens, intense 3.Tourism contributes to both ___D___ of the world''s cultural heritage. A.knowledge B.preservation C.development D. B and C 4.In 1981 the WTO has urged national tourism organizations ____A__ foreign nationals in their country as domestic travelers. A.to include B.included C.not to include D.including


延安大学西安创新学院期末考试命题专用纸 延安大学西安创新学院 2010 ~2011 学年第二学期期末考试试卷 课程名称:英语报刊阅读命题教师姓名:赵贯丽 系别、专业、班级:外语系英语09级本科0901班、0902班 卷面总分: 100 分考试时长: 100 分钟考试类别:闭卷□√开卷□其他□注:答题内容请写在答题纸上,否则无效。 I.Matching (1*10=10) Directions: Choose from the list A-O the correct correspondence for each of the abbreviations in the list 1-10. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet. 1. AP A. 北大西洋公约组织 2. IPOs B. 石油输出国组织 3. GATT C. 国际货币组织 4. Yawns D. 美国钱币协会 5. NATO E. 美联社 6. IMF F. 国内生产总值 7. OPEC G. 下院议员 8. ANS H. 原始股 9. GDP I. 无趣族

16. UAL Corp’s United Airlines and Continental Airlines Inc are discussing a possible merger as the industry moves toward finishing the consolidation begun after the 2001 terror attacks, two people familiar with the talks said, according to Bloomberg News. 17. All the 14 fishermen from Zhejiang Province, who had floated at sea in a lifeboat for about 20 hours after their vessel capsized at the mouth of the Yangtze River, are safe. 18. A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy suffocated to death in an apartment his parents had locked him and his older brother in during a fire yesterday. 19. HUNDREDS of workers at a state-owned wildlife park in south China’s Guangdong Province are on strike over pay disputes, leaving the animals unfed. 20. GENERAL Motors Corp is moving past the cost cuts of 2006 to transform itself into a company that puts car and truck design above everything, company officials said. A. GM aims to be design leader B. Merger talk hits US airlines C. The fishermen were rescued after 20 hours in icy ocean D. Park workers strike over pay E. Boy dies locked in burning dwelling F. General Motors Corp aims to be the design leader G. More changes in store ahead of merger H. A boy died locked in burning dwelling I. Fishermen rescued after 20 hours in icy ocean J. Animals unfed IV. Brief Reading (2*5=10) Directions: Read the five briefs from China Daily and answer questions 21-25 with a correct choice A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet. 21. ANAHEIM, California Artificial eyeballs that move like real ones have been implanted in 4000 people and may help many people embarrassed by odd movements of the traditional “glass eye,” experts say. This story is about A. eyeballs. B. artificial eyeballs. C. 4000 people. D. the traditional “glass eye”. 22. MAASTRICHT, Netherlands A historical European Community summit expected to set the 12-nation group on the road to a single currency and a joint foreign policy opened yesterday with Britain standing firm against a federal Europe. This story is about A. a summit. B. the 12-nation group.


英语报刊选读试题3 I. Translate the following items into Chinese. (2 points for each from 1 to 15; 5 points for 16 and 17 respectively; 40 points in total) 1. as a tribute to a distinguished graduate 2. three years in a row 3. a double-digit cut in critical defense research programs 4. political lobbying 5. electoral college 6. harmless entertainment 7. have a real problem separating reality from fantasy 8. capital punishment 9. cram for an exam 10. Higher Education Act 11. a fellow student of Fisher’s 12. the give-and-take of the traditional classroom 13. a standard brick-and-mortar university 14.Predicting the future takes insight and dedication. 15. worth a lot of money for a lot of people 16. Don Wise wandered into the living room of his home in Leewood one evening last Semptember. His ten-year-old son, Mike, and a 12-year- old friend were sitting in front of a large-screen television set. They were playing a vedio game they had rented called 007. 17. Ms. Stuart says her experience with online learing was wonderful but also served to challenge one of the false ideas about Internet study: the notion that it doesn’t require as much commitment and discipline as conventional classroom courses. If anything,


英语报刊选读参考答案英语报刊选读 Journalistic Reading 教师用书 Teacher’s Book 总主编王嘉褆 主编林玫刘雁

BOOK ONE (2) UNIT 1 Campus (2) UNIT 2 Entertainment (5) UNIT 3 Entertainment (9) UNIT 4 Food (12) UNIT 5 Crime (15) UNIT 6 Disaster (19) UNIT 7 Sports (23) UNIT 8 Art (28) UNIT 9 Economy (31) UNIT 10 Ecology (36) UNIT 11 Health (39) UNIT12 Automobile & Driving (43) UNIT 13 Quality problems (48) UNIT 14 Shopping (52) UNIT 15 Gun control (56) UNIT 16 Psychology (59)

BOOK ONE UNIT 1 Campus I.Vocabulary Builder 1.Definition 1)chaotic: extremely disorganized; badly organized; be in mess 2)primary: main; most important; key; major; chief; prime; principal 3)seduce: attract; tempt 4)highlight: the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of something such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition 5)reluctant: unwilling 6)compelling: very interesting or exciting, so that you have to pay attention 7)reveal: show; indicate 8)mainstream: accepted by or involving most people in a society; normal; ordinary 9)critical: important; crucial 10)evolution: a long, gradual process during which something develops and changes, usually becoming more advanced; a gradual change and development 2. Terms translation 1) a bipartisan consensus


BOOK ONE (2) UNIT 1 Campus (2) UNIT 2 Entertainment (3) UNIT 3 Entertainment (5) UNIT 4 Food (6) UNIT 5 Crime (8) UNIT 6 Disaster (10) UNIT 7 Sports (11) UNIT 8 Art (13) UNIT 9 Economy (15) UNIT 10 Ecology (17) UNIT 11 Health (18) UNIT12 Automobile & Driving (20) UNIT 13 Quality problems (23) UNIT 14 Shopping (25) UNIT 15 Gun control (27) UNIT 16 Psychology (28)

BOOK ONE UNIT 1 Campus I.Vocabulary Builder 1.Definition 1)chaotic: extremely disorganized; badly organized; be in mess 2)primary: main; most important; key; major; chief; prime; principal 3)seduce: attract; tempt 4)highlight: the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of something such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition 5)reluctant: unwilling 6)compelling: very interesting or exciting, so that you have to pay attention 7)reveal: show; indicate 8)mainstream: accepted by or involving most people in a society; normal; ordinary 9)critical: important; crucial 10)evolution: a long, gradual process during which something develops and changes, usually becoming more advanced; a gradual change and development 2. Terms translation 1) a bipartisan consensus 2)high school diploma 3)drop-out rate 4)college wage premium 5)the K-12 system 6)more academically rigorous 7)well-rounded citizens 8)certification tests 9)career and technical education 3. Blank filling 1) persevered 2) persisted 3) insisted 4) insisted 5) persevere 6) agony 7) adversity 8) torment 9) plight 10) assure/reassure 11) insure/ensure 12) insure 13) insure/ensure 14) assured/reassured II.Translation 1.选择圣路易斯的华盛顿大学是个不错的决定,但真正让我享受到理想大学生活的,(不 是大学本身)是我到了大学后作的一些决定。 2.《人类进化》这门课本来是我迫于学校规定选的,但它却成了我所有课程中最大的亮点,


期末考试题型: 1.Re-organizing sentences for a news report (10%) 2.Matching headlines to lead paragraphs (10%) 3.True or False questions about English journalism (cf. Appendix I below) (10%) 4.Reading Comprehension (3 passages with 15 multiple-choice questions) (30%) 5.Abbreviations in News reports (complete forms +Chinese translation) (10%) 6.News Headline Analysis (10%) (Analyzing the stylistic features of 3 news headlines) 7.News comment writing (20%) (about 200 words) 1.Definition of journalism, medium, news 报刊(p1)、媒介(p2)、新闻(p4)的定义 2.Functions of mass communication vs functions of newspaper 大众传播工具(p2)与报纸(p1)的功能 3.News value; public interest; principles of newsworthiness 新闻价值;公众兴趣;衡量新闻价值的原则(p4) 4.Classification of news 新闻的分类(p6) 5.Five basic elements of news 新闻的五个基本要素(p6) 6.Legal concerns; codes of ethics 法律关系;道德规范(p7) (General knowledge is enough. No need for word by word memorization.) (一般知识就够了。不需要的逐词记忆。) 7.Tabloid and broadsheet 小报和报纸(p21) (the distinctions between tabloid and broadsheet) (区分小报和大报) 8.Major newspapers in the UK and US 英国和美国的主流报纸(p13-34) 9.Major magazines in the UK and US 英国和美国的主流杂志(p13-34)同上 10.Lexical features in headlines:small words; abbreviations; etc. 在标题的词汇特点:小词;缩略语;等。(p37)


福建广播电视大学2014—2015学年度第二学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语报刊选读模拟试题 2015年7月 I. Translate the following into Chinese 40% 1. Popular vote 2. Joint venture 3. Cover Story 4. most favor nation trading status 5. Stealth Bomber 6. Lobbyist 7. The House of Lord 8. the House of Commons 9. Senate 10. Secretary of State II. Read the following passage and then choose the right answer to each question 30% GOING BACK AND GETTING IT RIGHT By almost every measure, Paul Pfingst is an unsentimental prosecutor. Last week the San Diego County district attorney said he fully intends to try suspect Charles Andrew Williams, 15, as an adult for the Santana High School shootings. Even before the tragedy, Pfingst had stood behind the troversial California law that mandates treating murder suspects as young as 14 as adults. So nobody would have wagered that Pfingst would also be the first D.A. in the U.S. to launch his very own Innocence Project. Yet last June, Pfingst told his attorneys to go back over old murder and rape victions and see if any unravel with newly developed DNA-testing tools. In other words, he wanted to revisit past victories--this time playing for the other team. "I think people misunderstand being servative for being biased," says Pfingst. "I sider myself a pragmatic guy, and I have no interest in putting innocent people in jail." Around the U.S., flabbergasted defense attorneys and their jailed clients cheered his move. Among prosecutors, however, there was an awkward pause. After all, each DNA test costs as much as $5,000. Then there's the unspoken risk: if dozens of innocents turn up, the D.A. will have indicted his shop. But nine months later, no budgets have been busted or prosecutors ousted. Only the rare case merits review. Pfingst's team siders victions before 1993, when the city started routine DNA testing. They discard cases if the defendant has been released. Of the 560 remaining files, they have re-examined 200, looking for cases with biological evidence and defendants who still claim innocence. They have identified three so far. The most compelling involves a man serving 12 years for molesting a girl who was playing in his apartment. But others were there at the time. Police found a small drop of saliva on the victim's shirt--too small a sample to test in 1991. Today that spot could free a man. Test results are due any day. Inspired by San Diego, 10 other counties in the U.S. are starting DNA audits. By Amanda Ripley ez ncisco sijevic rtwell; Lisa McLaughlin; Joseph Pierro; Josh Tyrangiel and Sora Song 注(1)本文选自Time; 03/19/2001, V ol. 157 Issue 11, p62, 1p, 2c, 3bw 注(2)prosecutor n.检察官,检察员,起诉人,原告 troversial adj.争论的, 争议的 mandate v.批准制订一个训令,如通过法律;发布命令或要求: wager v.下赌注, 保证 viction n.定罪, 宣告有罪 unravel v. 阐明, 解决 flabbergast v.<口>使大吃一惊, 哑然失色, 使目瞪口呆 indict v.起诉, 控告, 指控, 告发 bust v.破产或缺钱 oust v.剥夺, 取代, 驱逐 discard v.抛开;遗弃;废弃 molest v.骚乱, 困扰, 调戏 saliva n.口水, 唾液 1. How did Pfingst carry out his own Innocence Project? [A]By getting rid of his bias against the suspects. [B]By revisiting the past victories. [C]By using the newly developed DNA-testing tools. [D]By his cooperation with his attorneys. 2. Which of the following can be an advantage of Innocence Project? [A]To help correct the wrong judgments. [B]To oust the unqualified prosecutors. [C]To make the prosecutors in an awkward situation. [D]To cheer up the defense attorneys and their jailed clients. 3. The expression “flabbergasted”(Line 1, Paragraph 3) most probably means _______. [A]excited [B]competent [C]embarrassed


《英语报刊阅读》试题(A卷) Part Ⅰ Reconstruct the messages of the following headlines of news stories: (1% for each, 10%) Example: Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered ---An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered 1. ________ US ________ told not exploit ________ Tibet issue. 2. Rubin ________ Greenspan ________ at odds. 3. Visitors ________ flocking to Mao’s birth place. 4. ________ man ________ quizzed after ________ wife is knifed in ________ sports store. Part Ⅱ Read the following passage and answer the Questions A 5-34 (1% for each,30%) and B 35-44 (2% for each,20%) A Tuition Reform for Higher Education Chinese institutions of higher learning have quickened their pace of reform in recent years. Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition fees constitute and important part of the reform. Schools which once admitted students almost exclusively according to state plans are becoming more accepting of students sent by work groups for further training and those who pay their own fees. Regular universities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year, up 158 200 or 25 percent over last year's figure. Of these, 216 000, or 27.4 percent, will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way. In the past, the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students, a matter of policy since New China was established in 1949. Although this practice guaranteed the supply of qualified personnel, it brought a heavy burden to the sate, hindering further development of higher education. Since higher education is non—compulsory education in China, to charge appropriate fees will help improve school facilities and expedite the development of education in this stage. As an added benefit, paying their own way will encourage students to study harder.
