大学英语语法 第二十四讲 否定

大学英语语法 第二十四讲 否定
大学英语语法 第二十四讲 否定



英语中的否定结构形式多样, 有部分否定、全部否定、几乎否定、双重否定等。在译成

汉语时, 有时要将否定结构译成肯定含义, 有时又要将肯定结构译成否定含义; 有时在英语中否定主语, 可是译成汉语时就转换成否定谓语。诸如此类的现象很多, 值得探讨。


1. 部分否定

代词或副词如all, both, every, everybody, every day, everyone, many, everything, entirely, altogether, absolutely, wholly, completely, everywhere, always , often 等与not 搭

配使用时, 表示部分否定, 意为“并非都是, 不是每个都是”等。例如:

Both of them are not my brothers . 他们两个不全是我的兄弟。

这一句是部分否定, 不可译成“他们两个都不是我的兄弟”。如要表达这个意思, 要说: Neither of them is my brother .

All is not gold that glitters .

= Not all is gold that glitters . 发光的并非都是黄金。

Every man can not do it .

= Not every man can do it . 不是每个人都能做这件事。

I do not remember all these formulas . 这些公式我并非全都记得。

This kind of tree is not found everywhere . 这种树并非哪里都能找到。

Everyone can not answer this question . 并非每个人都能回答这个问题。

The rich are not always happy . 富人未必总是幸福的。

Every couple is not a pair . 成对成双多, 珠联璧合少。( = Not every couple is a pair . )

Not all her work is successful . 并非她所有的工作都是成功的。

Not every child wants to become a film star . 并非所有的孩子都想成为电影明星。

Every man cannot be a writer . 并非每个人都可成为作家。

She is not always excited . 她并非总是兴奋。

I don..t altogether agree with you . 我并不完全同意你。

He is not absolutely wrong . 他并不完全错。

I don..t wholly believe it . 我并不完全相信它。

She is not entirely mistaken . 她并没有完全弄错。

Note: 汉语有句成语:“明修栈道, 暗度陈仓”, 指的是一种虚虚实实、声东击西、使人莫辨真

相的战术, 表现了虚指与实指、形式与实质的不同。说来也巧, 英语语言中的否定结

构也往往具有这种形与实不符的现象, 形式上否定的是A, 但实际意义上否定的却

是B, 等等。这种否定的虚实移位, 往往造成歧义, 须细加辨别。

①否定主语, 但否定词not 在形式上往往否定谓语, 也就是上文所说的“部分否定”。

全称代词all , both 等作否定句主语时, 都可能产生否定移位, 形式上否定全体, 但

实际上否定部分, 参阅上文。再如:

Everybody can not enjoy the music . ( = Not everybody can enjoy the music . )并非


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②否定表语和宾语, 但否定词not 在形式上往往否定谓语。这种否定也是用否定全体的形式来否定部分, 常同all , everyone 等连用。例如:

I don..t agree with all of you . ( = I agree with some of you . )我并不完全同意你们。

I don..t like both of the books . ( = I like not both of them . )这两本书我并非都喜欢。(只喜欢其中的一本)

The cloth does not feel very soft . ( = The cloth feels not very soft . )这布摸起来不


③否定状语, 但否定词not 在形式上往往否定谓语。例如:

He has not come to the decision quickly . ( = He has come to the decision not

quickly . )他并不是匆忙作出决定的。

I did not do it for myself . ( = I did it not for myself . )我做那件事并非为了自己。

The student did not sit there listening to the teacher . 那个学生坐在那里, 并没有


She didn..t return the same person that she left . 返回时, 她同先前离开时判若两


.. 但是, 谓语中的否定词not 并非只能否定其后的状语, 如上面的句子也可理解为For myself, I did not do it . (我为了自己, 没做那件事)。为避免歧义, 可以将状

语提前, 并在其后加逗号。如果是遇到not . . .because 句型, 若否定主句, 可将because 从句提到主句前, 或在because 从句前加逗号同主句隔开; 若否定从句,

可在because 前加not , 或用It is(was ) . . .that . . .结构。在口语中, 否定主句时,

主句谓语动词用降调, 否定从句时, 主句谓语动词读升调。下面几个句子均能产

生歧义, 试加以分析, 并调整句子结构以排除歧义。

The poem is not found in this volume .

She didn..t come to the meeting by t rain .

He didn..t buy the picture because it was cheap .

④happen , prove, pretend 等后有否定不定式时, 否定词not 往往移位否定谓语。例如:

She didn..t happen to be present . 她当时恰巧不在场。

He didn..t pretend to notice the misprint . 他假装没注意到那个印刷错误。

⑤在not . . .and . . .结构中, 否定的往往是and 后的部分, 但否定词not 往往否定谓语。例如:

The house is not big and comfor table . 这房子很大, 但不舒适。

He does not speak Russian and French . 他说俄语, 但不说法语。

Don..t drink and drive . 不要酒后开车。(喝了酒就不要开车。)

We cannot put on airs and make people like us . 要是摆架子, 人们就不会喜欢我


.. 但要注意, all, both , everybody 等用在谓语为decline, fail 等否定意义动词的句子中, 或用在有否定前缀的词作表语的句子中, 是全部否定, 不是部分否定。例如:

All of them were unhappy . ( = None of them was happy . )他们都不幸福。

Both girls disbelieve in his words . 两个女孩都不信他的话。

⑥在古雅的文体中, 还常用“行为动词+ not”这种否定结构。例如:

I know not what else she can do for you . (相当于do not know)

He doubted not but that she would regret some day . (相当于did not doubt )


827 一、常用否定表示法

2 . 全部否定

英语中表示全部否定时常用no, not , none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither, never 等。例如:

None of my friends smoke . 我的朋友都不抽烟。

Neither of the substances dissolves in water . 这两种物质都不溶于水。

Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it . 世上无难事, 只怕有心人。

Never have we been daunted by difficulties . 我们任何时候都没有被困难吓倒过。

.. 正确理解和区分部分否定和全部否定是很重要的, 稍一疏忽, 就会出现译文上的错误。比较:

I don..t know anything about her . 我对她的情况一无所知。(全部否定)

I don..t know everything about her . 她的情况我并不完全知道。(部分否定)

None of the answers are right . 所有的答案都不正确。(全部否定)

All the answers are not right . 并非所有的答案都是正确的。(部分否定)

I do not know any of them . 他们我全不认识。(全部否定)

I do not know all of them . 他们我并非个个都认识。(部分否定)

3 . 双重否定, 意义肯定

双重否定是指同一个句子里出现两个否定词, 即否定之否定。双重否定句表示的意思是肯定的, 通常比肯定句的语气要重。译成汉语时可以译成肯定形式, 也可以保持双重否定的形式。例如:

No one can command others who cannot command himself . 正人先正己。

There was never a great genius without a tincture of madness . 伟大的天才总有点癫狂。It is not impossible to master a foreign language within a short period of time if you use

a good study method . 如果你学习方法对头, 那么在短时期内掌握一门外语并不是不可能。

Variation outside the range given are not unlikely . 变化超出规定范围并非不可能。

He doesn..t lend his books to nobody . 他的书没有哪个不借。

You can..t make something out of nothing . 巧妇难为无米之炊。

What..s done cannot be undone . 做过的事后悔也无用。

Nothing is nothing at all . 没有一件事情是微不足道的。

It is impossible not to do it . 不做这件事是不可能的。

Not in f requently did they quar rel . 他们经常吵架。( = many times)

He was not weak never to resume his work again . 他的身体还没有虚弱到以后不能恢


Nothing is impossible to a willing mind . 有志者事竟成。

He went out as usual , though not without some fear . 他照常出去了, 虽然有些害怕。It..s not uncommon for the students to make spelling mistakes . 学生们出现拼写错误是


.. 可用于表示双重否定的词、结构有no . . .not (不..不) , no ( not ) . . .without (不.. 不..) , no . . .but (没有..不) , cannot but + v(不得不) , cannot help + v-ing, cannot help

but + v, without doubt , without exception, without fail, nothing less but(正是) , none but (除..外..别无..) , no one but (除了..外没有别人) , none too(一点也不) , no

alternative but(除..以外别无选择) , there be no doubt that , there be no denying that ,

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there be no question that , not seldom(常常) , not infrequently(经常) , not unlike(跟..一样) , not displeased(满意)等。再如:

Nobody does nothing . 人人都要做事的。

He is not displeased with my answer . 他对我的回答感到满意。

Now no spaceship cannot be loaded with man . 现在没有任何宇宙飞船不能载人了。

No machine ever runs without some friction . 从来没有一台机器运转时没有摩擦。

At the beginning of learning English you can not speak it without making mistakes . 开始学英语时讲英语不可能不犯错误。

There is nothing so difficult but it becomes easy by practice . 无论多么困难的事, 只要实践便会变得容易了。

We cannot but read books to increase our knowledge . 我们不得不读书以增长知识。

We cannot help admiring his courage . 我们不能不佩服他的勇敢。

I can..t help but feel sor ry for her . 我不得不为她感到遗憾。

4 . 几乎否定

几乎否定(又称半否定)表示整个句子的意思接近于否定。常用的词有little( few) (很少,

一点儿) , barely(仅仅, 几乎不) , hardly (几乎不, 简直不) , rarely (很少) , scarcely( 几乎没有, 简直不) , seldom(不常, 很少)等。例如:

This problem has been little studied . 对这个问题几乎还没有研究过。

He little realizes the danger he is in . 他几乎还没有意识到所面临的危险。

He would hardly recognize his hometown if he saw it now . 如果他现在看到了他的家乡, 他将很难辨认了。

I seldom get any sleep . 我几乎不能入睡。

Scarcely anybody believes that . 几乎没有人相信这件事。

It is hardly right . 这几乎是不对的。

Little remains to be said . 简直没有什么可说的了。

Note: 这些词后常插入if ever , if any, if at all 等表示让步概念。例如:

They rarely, i f ever, tour to that country . 他们难得到那个国家去旅行。

The manuscript has few, i f any, misspellings . 这部手稿的拼写错误即使有也是极


5 . 形式否定, 意义肯定

英语中有些形式上否定而内容含义却是肯定的结构, 译成汉语时不能拘泥于原文表层结

构的否定, 要忠实于原文含义, 即译出此类否定结构的肯定含义。

1) cannot . . .too

意为“越.. 越.. , 非常, 无论怎样.. 也不过分( It is impossible to overdo, The

more . . .the better )”。在此结构中, cannot 也可改用can hardly , scarcely, never , impossible;

too 也可改用over, enough, sufficient 等。例如:

You cannot be too cautious 你越谨慎越好。

We can hardly praise his achievement too much . 对他的成就我们无论怎样赞扬也不过


A man can never have too many fiends . 朋友越多越好。

Newton..s cont ribution to modern science can scarcely be overrated . 牛顿对现代科学的


He can..t see you quickly enough . ( = He desires to see you as soon as possible . )


829 一、常用否定表示法

Note:“cannot wait + 不定式”意为“be eager to . . .急于做”, 表示强调的肯定意义。例如:

I cannot wait to read the book . 我非常渴望读到这本书。

He couldn..t wait to see her . 他渴望见到她。

2) no( nobody) . . .but

意为“都.., 没有..不.. , 只有..才..”。例如:

There is no man but has his faults . 人皆有过。

There is no material but will deform more or less under the action of forces . 各种材料在

力的作用下, 多少都会有些变形。

There is no rule but has exceptions . 凡是规则都有例外。

Nobody reads the book but will be moved . 这本书谁读了都会受感动。

There exists no man but has an enemy . 人不树敌世上无。

Note: ①这种结构中的but 起关系代词的作用, 相当于that , which , who does ( will , have . . .) not。

②在疑问词或否定词后面, but 都含有否定意义, 不论是作代词还是连词均表示双

重否定, 也就是肯定, 意为“没有..不”等。参阅有关章节。比较:

No one believes that she will succeed . 没有人相信她会成功。(否定)

No one believes but she will succeed . 人们相信她会成功。

(直译为“没有人相信她不会成功”, 为双重否定表示的肯定)

There is no one who knows him . 没有人认识他。(否定)

There is no one but knows him . 人人都认识他。(肯定)

There is no man that errs . 人都没有错。(否定)

There is no man but errs . 人人都会有错。(肯定)


You will not find the answer but( that ) you study it thoroughly . 你不深入研究就

找不到答案。( = 只有..才能, 条件状语)

He is not such a fool but he can tell a friend from a foe . 他并没有蠢到敌友不分。


But ( that) you lent him a large sum of money , he would have gone bankrupt . 要不

是你借给了他一大笔钱, 他早就破产了。(条件状语, 这种结构中的主句要用虚拟


3) never ( not) . . .but ( that)

意为“每当..总是.. , 没有哪次不是..”, but ( that ) 可以引导名词从句、结果从句、


I never see you but I think of my mother . 每当看见你时, 我总是想起我的母亲来。

It never rains but it pours . 每次下雨都是倾盆大雨。(谚语: 祸不单行。)

I never think of summer but I think of my school days . 想到夏天就想起了我的学生时代。

Never a day passed but brought us good news . 我们每天都有好消息。

He will not be angry but that he is offended . 人们惹了他他才会生气。(条件状语)

I never walked in the park but( that ) I thought of her . 我每次从公园里走过总会想到她。(结果状语)

4) nothing but 与none but

意为“仅仅, 只, 只有..才”, 与nothing other than 同义。nothing but 后接非指人的名

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词, none but 后接指人的名词或非指人的名词。例如:

We can see nothing but (或nothing other than) water . 我们只能看见水。

The children want to do nothing but watch television . 孩子们只想看电视。

None but me knew what happened . 只有我知道发生了什么事情。

You can find that sort of bird nowhere but in Australia . 你只有在澳大利亚才能找到那种鸟。

None but a fool would do such a thing . 只有傻瓜才愿干这件事。

Nothing was heard but the dripping of water . 只听见雨水的滴嗒声。

He chose none but the best . 他只选最好的。

.. 这种形式有时也可用疑问句来表示。例如:

What is coal but a kind of stone ? 煤只不过是一种石头。

Whose fault is it but your own ? 这只不过是你自己的过失。

Note: 下面一句也是形式否定, 意义肯定:

She can hardly be other than grateful . 她非常感激。

5) nothing else than

意为“仅仅, 完全”。例如:

His failure was due to nothing else than his own carelessness . 他的失败完全是他的粗


6) no( none) other than

意为“正是, 仅仅是”。例如:

This is no other than the book we want to buy . 这正是我们要买的那本书。

She is none other than my adviser . 她正是我的导师。

The anonymous letter was written by none other than the author himself . 写匿名信的正是作者本人。

7)more often than not

意为“常常, 往往”。例如:

John is a fairly good swimmer . He wins more o f ten than not . 约翰是个游泳健将, 他常


During foggy weather the t rains are late more o f ten than not . 在有雾的天气里, 火车常常晚点。

The st reet is crowded more o f ten than not . 那条大街常常很拥挤。

Note: ①as often as not 意同more often than not 相近, 意为quite often , fairly often。例如:

As o f ten as not , he gets up late . 他时常晚起床。

②as likely as not 意为“很可能, 或许”, 相当于maybe, very likely。例如:

She will forget all about it as likely as not . 她很可能忘得一干二净。

8) It was all ( that) one could do not to + 动词


It was all she should do not to tell the whole story . 她不得不说出全部实情。

It was all she could do not to cry . 她禁不住失声痛哭。

9) can..t keep from 与can..t ref rain from

意为“禁不住, 不得不”。例如:

She couldn..t keep f rom laughing . 她不禁大笑起来。

I can..t re f rain f rom rejecting his proposal . 我不得不否决他的建议。


831 一、常用否定表示法

10)否定词+ 比较级(相当于最高级)

I couldn..t agree more . 我非常同意。

He couldn..t feel better . ( He felt best . )他感到好极了。

To her , nothing is more humiliating than being laughed at by others .

There is nothing he likes more than a glass of beer . 他非常喜欢啤酒。

Nothing is more valuable than health . ( = Health is the most valuable . )

Nothing is more precious than health . 健康是最宝贵的。

Never have I seen more beauti ful scenery than this ! 我从来没见过如此美的景色!

Never was a man more fortunate than he . 世上没有一个人像他那样幸运。

Nobody is more sel f ish than the merchant . 没有比那个商人更自私的人了。

He wants nothing more than time . 他最需要的是时间。

Note: 比较no more than(只能, 仅仅) , no less than(不亚于, 同样, 正是)和no worse than (同..一样好)。例如:

He could no more than go there alone . 他只能独自一人去那里了。(只能, 仅仅)

She is no less beautiful than her sister . 她同她妹妹一样漂亮。(同样, 不亚于)

He is no less a person than the man you are looking for . 他正是你在找的那个人。


Her paper is no worse than his . 她的论文同他的一样好。(同..一样好)

11)否定词+ without

There is no smoke without fire . 有烟必有火。

He believed, not without reason, that the project will be a success . 他有理由相信, 这项


He did it not without reason . 他做那件事不是没有理由。( = with)

12)否定词+ till , until , unless , before 等


Draw not your bow till( before) your arrow is fixed . 箭搭好了才拉弓。

You can never gain your aim, unless you work hard . 你只有努力工作才能达到目的。

13)否定句+ and + 否定谓语


No one will see the film and not be moved .

= Everyone will be moved when he sees the film . 这部电影谁看了都会受感动。

One can not see her and not love her .

= Anyone that sees her will love her . 谁见到她都会爱上她。

14)疑问句+ and + 否定谓语

这种结构表示“只要..就.. , 只要..能不.. ?”。例如:

Can you read the book and not be moved ?

= Can you not be moved when you read the book ?你读了这本书能不受感动? (意

为: 一定会受感动)

Can anybody see the girl and not be charmed ?

= Anybody that sees the girl will be charmed . 谁见了这个女孩都会迷上她的。

15) no otherwise

no otherwise 表示“只是, 不会其它”, 相当于only, nothing but 等。例如:

He is no otherwise afraid than of his father . 他只是怕他父亲。( = only afraid)

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He does no otherwise than fool around all day . 他整天只是到处转悠。( nothing but ) She will be a good ar tist , and no otherwise . 她将成为一名优秀的艺术家, 一定会。( = surely)



Who does not know it ? 人人都知道这个。

What has he not suf f ered ? 他受过很多的苦。

Does no one understand me ? 肯定会有人理解我的。

Wasn..t it a wonderful match ! 比赛真是太精彩了! ( = It was really a wonderful

match !)

Can..t man change the world ? 人类能够改变世界。( = Man can change the world . )


What bad deeds would he not do ! 他什么坏事都能干得出来。

Isn..t it wonderful ! 真好啊!

18) nothing if not———否定的习惯用语表示的肯定

nothing if not 表示的是肯定, 相当于very, much, extremely, above all(极其, 特别是, 主要特点是, 首先) , 多用来强调作表语的形容词或名词。参阅有关章节。例如:

He was nothing i f not modest . 他是个很谦逊的人。

She is nothing, i f not friendly . 她为人处事极为友善。

He is nothing, i f not a musician . 他确实是个音乐家。

.. 这类表示肯定的习惯用语还有not slightly(很) , as likely as not (很可能) , all to nothing (完全) , as often as not (常常) , nothing very much(平平常常) , worse than nothing (十分


Note: 下面几个句子, 形式是否定, 但意义上均为肯定, 或是表示礼貌, 或是表示强调: Won..t you have some beer ? 请喝点啤酒吧!

How many feet , I wonder , have not trodden that path . 不知道曾有多少人走过这条


She asked me whether she would not do anything for me . 她问我她是否能为我做点


19) not a bit , not a little, not a few, no little, no few 和no small 等

在肯定句中, a bit 和a little 意义相同, 表示“有点儿”。例如:

I feel a bit (或a little) cold . 我感到有点冷。

.. 但是, 在否定句中, not a bit 表示否定的意思, 是not 的强语势, 相当于not in the least , not

at all, 意为“毫不, 一点也不”。而not a little 则表示肯定的意思, 相当于much, a lot , considerably,

意为“很, 很多的”。比较:

no little = much

no few = many

no small = great

no common = very peculiar

not a little = much

only a little = little

not a few = many

only a few = few

quite a little = much

but a little= only a little = little

quite a few = many

but a few= only a few = few

He is not a bit tired . ( = He is not tired at all . )他一点也不累。

He is not a little tired . ( = He is very tired . )他非常累。


833 一、常用否定表示法

She has not a bit experience . ( = She has no experience at all . )她没有什么经验。

She has not a little experience . ( = She has much experience . )她有着丰富的经验。

He is not a bit like his father . 他一点也不像他父亲。

She hasn..t changed a bit . 她一点也没变。

He has not a f ew books . 他有许多书。

She is not a little frightened . 她非常害怕。

She likes a man of no little humour . 她喜欢幽默风趣的人。

He is a person of no little importance . 他是个相当重要的人物。

He is a man of no common type . 他可不是一般的人。( = very peculiar )

It added no little to his pride . 这极大地增加了他的自豪感。

To my no little astonishment , they got divorced . 我大为吃惊的是, 他们离婚了。

I am no little pleased . 我非常快乐。

They talked no little . 他们谈了很多。

He is no little of a statesman . 他是个了不起的政治家。

He knows no f ew famous scholars . 他认识许多著名学者。

No f ew friends broke off with him . 不少朋友都同他绝交了。

No f ew of them were absent . 他们许多人都缺席了。

To her no small delight , she came out first . 她得了第一名, 非常高兴。

Not once or twice have I advised her . 我多次劝过她。( = many times)

The affair has given her not a little t rouble .

The affair has given her quite a little t rouble . 这件事给她带来许多麻烦。

The affair has given her only a little t rouble .

The affair has given her but a little trouble . 这件事没给她带来什么麻烦。

He has but a f ew f riends . 他没有什么朋友。

He has quite a f ew friends . 他有很多朋友。

Note: ①在某些句子结构中, 谓语动词可以用肯定式或否定式, 但句意不变。例如:

I wonder if you can( not) help her in her work . 我不知道你是否能在工作中帮帮


He talked with her again and again , to see if he can( not) persuade her into doing

it .

I don..t know whether he has ( no) f riends here .

②下面两对句子, 用肯定式和否定式都可以, 表示的意思基本相同:

He t ries to buy a pair of shoes that will wear . ( = wear well)

He t ries to buy a pair of shoes that will not wear . (not wear out easily)他想买


第一句中的wear 意为“耐用( endure continued use)”; 第二句中的wear 意为“磨损( become less useful)”。

She excused my doing the work .

She excused my not doing the work . 她同意我不做那项工作。

第一句中的excuse 意为dispense (免除) , 本身有否定含义, 全句相当于She dispensed me from doing the work . (她免除我做那项工作)。第二句中的excuse 意

为pardon(原谅) , 全句相当于She pardoned me not doing the work . (她原谅我不


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③not 与数量词连用时, 有时表示否定含义, 相当于less than, 意为“不足, 少于”, 但有时表示肯定含义, 相当于more than, 意为“多于, 不止, 远多于, 绝非”。例如:

She does not get 500 dollars a month . 她一个月挣不到500 美元。( not 否定500 dollars, 意为“不足”)

She does not live on 500 dollars a month . 她一个月靠500 美元是活不下去的。

( not 否定live, 意为“多于”)

I have seen her not once or twice . 我见过她不止一两次。

④not half 通常表示“根本不, 一点也不”, 但有时也可以表示肯定含义, 意为“非常”( extremely) , not half good 表示“非常好”, not half bad 表示“相当好”。例如:

He can not hal f speak English . 他根本不会说英语。(否定)

I do not hal f like the book . 我一点也不喜欢这本书。(否定)

He did not hal f cry . 她嚎啕大哭。(肯定)

She is not hal f willing to help you . 她非常愿意帮助你。(肯定)

A: Do you like the scenery ?

B: Oh, not hal f ! 啊, 太喜欢了! (肯定)

It..s not hal f bad . 这很好。

The film is not hal f good ( bad) . 这部电影非常好。( = very good , not bad at all)

It is not hal f raining now . 雨正下得很大。

⑤not the least 和not the least of sth . 可以表示肯定意义, 意为“尤其, 最大的, 最重


That is not the least of her anxieties . 那是她最担心的。

They differed in many ways . Not the least was the difference in character . 他们在

许多方面不同, 最主要是性格不同。

6 . 形式肯定, 意义否定

英语中某些结构形式上是肯定的, 而内容却是否定的。对于这些形式肯定、意义否定的

结构, 我们在阅读理解时同样不应拘泥于原文的表层结构, 翻译时要译出它们的否定含义。

1)more than . . .can

相当于can not , 意为“简直不, 无法, 难以”。例如:

The beauty of the park is more than words can describe . 这公园美得无法形容。

The boy has become very insolent and it is more than his parents can bear . 这男孩变得

非常无礼, 到了他父母不能忍受的地步。

This is more than I can tell . 这件事我是不能讲的。

He has bitten off more than he can chew . 他承担了力所不及的事情。

The t raveller entertained his host with stories, some of which were really more than could be believed . 旅行者讲了一些故事给他的主人听, 其中一些简直不能使人相信。Tom seemed to enjoy the danger, which was more than could be said of Jim and Polly . 汤姆似乎喜欢那种危险, 而吉姆和波莉可不喜欢那危险的事。

2)more than one can help

相当于as little as possible, 意为“尽量不, 绝对不”。例如:

Don..t tell him more than you can help . 能不跟他讲就尽量不跟他讲。

She never does more work than she can help . 能不做的事她是绝对不会做的。

3)more A than B


835 一、常用否定表示法

意为“是A 不是B; 与其说是B, 不如说是A”。例如:

Everything in the world should be regarded more as in motion than as at rest . 世界上万物都应该看成是在运动之中, 而不是处于静止状态。

The book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar . 这本书看起来与其说是一本

语法书, 不如说是一本词典。

He is more brave than wise . 他有勇无谋。

I was more angry than frightened . 我不是害怕了, 而是生气了。

The growth of the separate sciences has been more developmental than intentional . 各门学科的成长是自然发展的, 而不是人为促成的。

4)比较级+ than + to + v

意为“不至于.., 懂得..不该..”。例如:

I am wiser than to believe that . 我不至于蠢到竟然相信这种事情。

She knew better than to go out alone on such a night . 这样的夜晚, 她不至于连不该单


You ought to know better than to go swimming immediately after a meal . 你应该知道刚吃过饭不宜立即去游泳。

Fools may believe you, but I know better . 傻子才会相信你, 但我可不相信你的话。(省略了不定式)

5) anything but

意为“绝对不, 根本不是, 一点也不”。例如:

The wooden bridge is anything but safe . 那座木头桥一点也不安全。

It..s a sick joke if the West thinks he..s a liberal—he is anything but liberal . 如果西方把

他看作一个自由派人士, 那无异是开令人厌恶的玩笑, 他根本不是什么自由派。

He is anything but a scholar . 他决不是什么学者。

I will do anything but that . 我决不干那种事。

6) have yet to + 动词

这种结构相当于have not yet + 过去分词。例如:

I have yet to hear the story .

= I have not yet heard the story . 我还没听过那个故事。

I have yet to learn the new skill .

= I have not yet learnt the new skill . 我还没有学那项新技术。

7 .“It is a + 形容词+ 名词+ that”结构的谚语表示的否定

It is a long lane that has no turning . 没有不拐弯的长路。

It..s an ill wind that blows nobody good . 没有使人人都遭殃的恶风。

It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest . 没有自毁其巢的恶鸟。(脏鸟多污窝。)

It is a wise father that knows his own child . 无论怎样聪明的父亲也未必了解自己的孩子。

It is a poor man that never rejoices . 从未快乐过的才是可怜人。

8 .“as+ 形容词原级+ as”表示的否定

A nod is as good as a wink to the blind horse . 根本不必点头。

I was as surprised as anyone on hearing the news . 听到这个消息没有人比我更吃惊了。

9 .“may (might) as well”表示的否定

It is still raining hard outside; we may as well stay here over the night . 外面依然在下大

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雨, 我们还不如呆在这里过夜呢。

How slow the bus is !We might as well walk . 这汽车开得多慢呀! 我们还不如步行呢。You might as well throw the money into the sea as lend it to him . 你把钱借给他还不如


You might as well burn these books than give them to her . 你把这些书给她还不如烧毁


Note: 下面since 从句中的动词肯定式具有否定含义:

It has been five years since he worked there . 他不在那里工作已经5 年了。

It has been twenty years since I was in the countryside . 我离开农村已经20 年了。

10 . 名词引起的否定

常见的有: neglect (忽视) , failure (失败) , refusal(拒绝) , absence (缺少) , shortage, reluctance,

ignorance, loss, exclusion, lack, negation, Greek to (或all Greek to) (对..一无所


Shaking the head is a sigh of negation . 摇头是不同意的一种表示。

The f ailure was the making of him . 这次不成功是他后来成功的基础。

A few new instruments are in a state of neglect . 一些仪器处于无人管理的状态。

Latin is Greek to her . 她对拉丁文一无所知。

That..s all Greek to me . 我对那一点不懂。

11 . 动词或动词短语引起的否定

常见的有:miss(没有击中) , deny( 否认) , lack (缺乏) , refuse (拒绝) , escape, baffle, resist , reject , decline, negate, doubt , wonder, grudge, spare, fail, exclude, overlook , cease, neglect ,

defy, forbid, give up, refrain from, lose sight of, keep up with(不落后于) , save . . .from( 使..不受) , shut one..s eyes to(不看) , to say nothing of(更不用说) , not to mention(更不用说) , protect( keep, prevent) . . .from(避免..) , keep off (不接近) , keep out (不使入内) ,

turn a deaf ear to( 对.. 根本不听) , fall short of . . .(不足) , live up to ( 不辜负) , dissuade

. . .from(劝..不要) , keep . . .dark(不把..说出去)。例如:

We will live up to the expectations of the people all over the count ry . 我们决不辜负全


The first bombs missed the target . 第一批炸弹没有击中目标。

The specification lacks detail . 这份说明书不够详细。

The value of loss in this equation is so small that we can overlook it . 在此方程中, 损耗

值太小, 可以忽略不计。

The error in calculation escaped the accountant . 这个计算上的错误没有被会计看出。

The scene ba f f led all description . 这景色(美得)无法描述。

I rather doubt if her words are t rue . 我一点也不敢确定她的话是否真实。

Please re f rain f rom smoking in public places . 请勿在公共场所吸烟。

I wonder if she will come . 我不知道她是否来。

The mean man grudged the food his horse ate . 这个吝啬鬼不肯让他的马吃饱。

The lady couldn..t spare the car . 这位女士没有汽车不行。

She forgot to mail the letter . 她没有把信寄出。

He tried to avoid falling into the t rap . 他设法不落入圈套。

He just lost the t rain . 他刚好没赶上火车。

The lazy man shunned work . 那个懒汉不干活。


837 一、常用否定表示法

Please keep the news dark . 请不要把这个消息说出去。

12 . 形容词引起的否定

常见的有: far from(一点也不) , free from( of) (不受..影响) , safe f rom(免于) , short of

(缺少) , ignorant of (不知道) , independent of (不受..支配) , impatient of (对..不耐

烦) , deficient in(缺乏) , clear of( from) , devoid of , alien to, foreign to, blind to(看不见) , a far cry from(完全不同于) , far and few between(很少) , absent f rom, different f rom, reluctant

to, less than(少于) , dead to(对..无反应)。例如:

She is reluctant to leave her hometown . 她不愿离开家乡。

Her explanation is f ar f rom satisfactory . 她的解释不能让人满意。

Short of equipment , we made our own . 没有设备, 我们就自己制造。

Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their children . 做母亲的有时不能觉察自


All music is alike to him . 他不懂音乐。

Far be it f rom me to assert that he is a criminal . 我决不想断言他是个罪犯。

The first computer was a far cry f rom a modern one . 早期的计算机同今天的相比有天


Holidays are f ar and f ew between . 假日很少。

Note: ①the least . . .和the last . . .结构亦可表示否定, 相当于the most unlikely, the least unlikely , 后接不定式或定语从句, 意为“最不配, 最不愿, 决不..”, 是一种强有


He is the last man she wants to meet . 她最不愿意遇见的就是他。

That is the least of his wor ries . 那是他最不担心的事情。

She is the last woman to eat her words . 她决不会认错的。

②be all thumbs, leave much to be desired 等短语可以表示否定。例如:

I..m all thumbs as far as drawing is concerned . 谈到绘画, 我可是一窍不通。

The paper leaves much to be desired . 这篇论文很不完善。

③no small chance 和no smallest chance

no small 表示的是肯定意义, 相当于a great。英语中, 否定式同形容词或副词原

级、比较级或最高级连用, 常常表示强调的肯定意义, 而不是表示否定。例如:

She has no small chance of success . 她极有可能会成功。

He has no small reputation as a writer . 作为一个作家, 他的声誉是很高的。

She never felt happier in her life . 她那时最高兴。

④下面no smallest 等表示的是强否定, 相当于not the least . . .。例如:

She has no smallest chance of success . 她完全没有成功的可能。

I have not the faintest suspicion of his honesty . 我一点儿也不怀疑他的诚实。

He has not the slightest hope of winning the match . 他赢得这场比赛是毫无希望


13 .Catch me doing that ! ———反语等表示的否定

反语( reverse remark)指的是用正面的话来表达反面的意思。Catch me doing that ! 一

句形式肯定, 但含义否定, 相当于You won..t catch me doing that . 或I won..t do that . 反语语势很强, 常用来表示讽刺、强调等, 多用感叹句形式。例如:

Catch me saying that ! 我可不会说那个的!

You..re telling me . ( = I don..t need you to tell me . )我不用你指教。

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A fat lot you know ! ( = You know nothing !)你懂得真多! (你什么都不懂。)

You may ask him for all I care . ( = I don..t care if you ask him . )你想问就问他吧, 我才


Much I care . ( = I don..t care at all) . 我才不在乎呢。

Do that again if you dare . (You dare not do that again . )量你也不敢再做那件事了。

I am damned if it is true . 绝对没有这回事。

I shall be hanged if I go there . 我死也不去那里。

I should worry . 我才不放在心上呢。

A: Is he an expert ? 他是专家吗?

B: The devil he is . 他绝对不是。

Note: ①as . . .as 结构有时亦可用作反语, 肯定的形式表示否定的意义。例如:

He knows as much of himself as a blind man does of colours . 他没有自知之明, 犹


You might as well expect a river to flow backwards as hope to change his idea . 你

不能使他改变主意, 正如不能使河水倒流一样。

②if 从句独立使用作感叹句时, 肯定谓语表示否定意义, 否定谓语表示肯定意义, 这

种用法的if 从句往往表示强调、惊奇、恼怒、沮丧等感情色彩。例如:

I f this is human life ! ( = This is not human life at all . )这真不是人过的生活!

Try it i f you dare . (You don..t dare to try it . )你不敢试。

I f it isn..t the picture she has been looking for ! 天哪! 这不就是她一直在找的照


I f it isn..t a pity ! ( = It is a pity indeed . )真可惜!

I shall never tell her the secret . See i f I do . ( I shall never tell her . )

I shall tell her the secret . See i f I don..t . (Surely I shall tell her . )

I..m damned ( jiggered, a villain) i f I let him know it . ( I will never let him know

it . )我要是让他知道这件事, 我就不是人。

14 . 介词或介词短语引起的否定

常见的有: past (超过) , above (超出..之外) , without (没有) , beyond (超出) , instead of

(代替) , in vain(无效, 徒然) , in the dark(一点也不知道) , at a loss(不知所措) , but for (要不是) , in spite of (不管) , at fault(出错) , against (提防) , before (与其..宁愿) , below(低于) , beside(与..无关) , but (除..之外) , except (除..之外) , f rom(阻止, 使不做某

事) , off (离开, 中断) , under (在..下, 不足) ,within(不超出(范围、时间等) ) , beneath (不如, 在..下) , beneath one..s notice (不值理睬) , out of (不在..里面, 不再处于某种状

态) , out of the question(不可能) , in the dark about (对..不知) , off the beaten t rack (不落俗套)。例如:

Her memory is at f ault . 她想不起来了。

The book is beyond me . 这本书我看不懂。

Test showed that the machine was in order . 测试表明, 这台机器没有毛病。

I was quite in the dark about the matter . 这件事我一点也不知道。

His statement was entirely out o f place on such an occasion . 在这种场合, 他说的话是


Please lend me that dictionary instead of this one . 请借给我那本字典而不是这本。

I found myself at a loss for words of consolation . 我简直想不出安慰的话来。


839 一、常用否定表示法

You..d better stay out o f that affair . 你最好不要去管那件事。

A great man is above f lattery . 一个伟大的人是不屑于阿谀奉承的。

I warned him against going there . 我提醒他不要去那里。

She..d choose death be fore dishonour . 她宁死而不受辱。

He is below her in intelligence . 他的智力不如她。

Such behaviour is beneath him . 这种举动同他的身份不相称。

What she said is beside the question . 她说的话与这个问题无关。

Whose fault is it but hers ? 不是她的错又是谁的错?

Everybody is down on him except you . 人人都对他进行攻击, 但你却没有。

She persuaded him f rom taking the foolish step . 她劝他不要采取愚蠢的行动。

He went his own way in spite of all the gossip . 他不顾各种闲言碎语, 走着自己的路。She is o f f duty today . 今天她不值班。

The pain is almost past bearing . 疼痛简直无法忍受。

All the children here are under eight . 这里所有的孩子都不到8 岁。

The work is not within man..s power . 这项工作非人力所能及。

There is no smoke without fire . 没有火, 就没有烟。

The performance is of f the beaten track . 这表演不落俗套。

Note: 介词before 可以表示否定, 连词before 也可以表示否定。例如:

The bird flew away be fore he shot . 他还没有开枪, 鸟就飞走了。(不等..就)

He got up be fore the moon set down . 月亮还未落他就起床了。(尚未..就)

He would die be f ore he betrayed his country . 他宁肯死也不愿背叛国家。(宁愿


Another week passed be fore he knew it . 又一个星期不知不觉地过去了。( before

sb . knew it 意为“不知不觉, 还没弄清”)

She fell off the boat into the river be fore she knew it . 她还没弄清怎么回事就从船上


15 . 副词短语引起的否定

常见的有:much less ( still less, let alone) (更不用说) , by no means(决不) , in no way(决

不) , no longer (不再) , no more ( 也不, 不再) , on no account ( 决不) , under no circumstances(

决不) , in vain(徒劳) , not . . .at all(根本不) , not . . .in the least (一点也不)。例


He can..t speak English at all . 他根本不会说英语。

Youth lost will return no more . 青春不再。

He is by no means selfish . 他决不自私。

You must on no account lend money to him . 你决不能把钱借给他。

She is not wor ried in the least . 她一点也不担心。

16 . 在修辞性问句中, 肯定的形式表示强烈的否定

Who knows ? ( = Nobody knows . )谁又知道呢?

Is there a reason for despair ? 难道有绝望的理由吗? ( = Surely there is no reason for despair . )

What can mean more than life ? 没有什么东西比生命更重要。( = Nothing can mean

more than life . )

Who would have thought of that ? 谁也不会想到那个。( = No one would have thought

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840 第二十四讲

of that . )


汉英两种语言在表达否定方面有一定的差异。有些句子, 在英语中否定主语, 而译成汉语

时却否定了谓语, 在英语中否定谓语, 而译成汉语时却又否定了状语。这种现象我们称之

为否定语气的转移。在阅读和翻译的过程中, 只有注意到这种否定语气的转移, 才能正确

理解原文并使译文通顺, 合乎习惯。

1 . 否定主语转换为否定谓语

No energy can be created, and none destroyed . 能量不能创造, 也不能毁灭。

Neither plan is practicable . 两个方案都行不通。

No sound was heard . 没有听到声音。

No signal is detected . 没有检测到信号。

2 . 否定谓语转换为否定状语

He doesn..t study in the classroom . 他不在教室里学习。

I was not playing all the time . 我没有一直在玩。

Metals do not change their form as easily as plastic bodies do . 金属不像塑料物体那样


Contrary to what is thought , the earth does not move round in the empty space .

与通常的想法相反, 地球并不是在空无一物的空间中运转的。

3 . 主句部分的否定转换为从句部分的否定

The motor did not stop because the electricity was off . 电机停止运转, 并非因为电源中


The object did not move because I pushed on it . 该物体移动, 不是因为我推了它。

I didn..t buy the book because it is cheap . 我买了那本书, 并不是因为它便宜。

The mountain is not valuable because it is high . 山并不因为高才有价值。

4 . 否定主句的谓语转换为否定宾语从句的谓语

1)这类否定的转移多出现在动词think , believe, expect , suppose, imagine, reckon, fancy 等后面的宾语从句中

I don..t think John will come . 我认为约翰不会来。(当然也可以说I think John won..t come . 下同)

I don..t suppose they will object to my suggestion . 我想他们不会反对我的建议的。

We do not consider that neutrons have charges . 我们认为中子不带电。

I don..t believe the paper is written by him . 我以为这篇论文不是他写的。

I don..t calculate that he has said that before . 我以为他没有说过那种话。

I don..t expect that you..re right . 我认为你不对。

I didn..t anticipate that he would come to the meeting . 我估计他不会来开会的。

I don..t reckon he..ll go there again . 我以为他不会再去那里的。

I don..t f eel the food can last us through the winter . 我以为食物不够我们过冬的。

He didn..t imagine that she would go abroad . 他料想她不会出国了。

I don..t f igure he can pass the examination . 我认为他不会考及格。

I shouldn..t say your choice is right . 我看, 你的选择是不对的。

I wouldn..t say the novel is worth reading . 我认为这部小说不值得读。

2)当view, wish, belief, thought , opinion 等名词作主句的表语时, 可以把从句中谓语的否定


841 三、几种易引起误解的否定结构及否定形式


It is not my opinion that he is the best man for the job . 我认为他并非是做这项工作的


It is not my thought that he can finish the work within a week . 我认为他不可能在一周


It is not my belie f that you can make something out of nothing . 我相信你不能做无米之炊。

It is not my wish that you should break your word . 我希望你不要违背诺言。

Note: 习惯用语It looks like(看起来) , It seems(似乎) , It sounds as if (听起来好像)作主

句时, 也可把从句谓语中的否定转移到主句的谓语上。比较:

It looks like it..s not going to snow .

It doesn..t look like it..s going to snow . 看起来好像不会下雪。

5 . 否定介词宾语转换为否定谓语

The circuit should be overloaded on no conditions . 电路在任何情况下都不得过载。

In no circumstances must a soldier leave his post . 士兵在任何情况下都不得擅离自己的


Under no circumstances would he yield . 在任何环境下他都不会屈服。

6 . 否定宾语转换为否定谓语

At no time and under no circumstances will China be the first to use unclear weapons . 中


We know of no e f f ective way to store solar energy . 我们不知道贮藏太阳能的有效方



1 . no + 名词与not a (an, any) + 名词

no 是形容词, 用来否定名词, not 是副词, 用来否定动词、副词或形容词。no 否定名词时往往带有感情色彩, 用在表示职业或人物的名词前常含贬义, 意为“无资格, 外行, 不会”等。比较:

He is no doctor at all . 他对医道一窍不通。

He is not a doctor . 他不是从医的。(可能是教师或商人)

He is no artist . 他决不是个艺术家。(根本算不上艺术家)

He is not an artist . 他不是艺术家。(可能是个数学家)

John is no honest man . 约翰是个很不老实的人。

John is not an honest man . 约翰不是个老实人。

They are no f riends of ours . 他们决非我们的朋友。

They are not our f riends . 他们不是我们的朋友。(可能是别人的朋友)

He is no fool . 他很精明。( = He is anything but a fool . )

He is not a fool . 他不是呆子。

He is no scholar . 他没有文化。(无知)

= He is illiterate .

He is no genius . 他愚笨。

= He is dull .

He is no millionaire . 他穷。

= He is poor .

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842 第二十四讲


I have no English book . (一般句型)

I have not an English book . (强调句式)

2 . no more . . .than 与not more . . .than

1) no more . . .than 含有消极、否定的意思, 译为“A 与B 都不.., 不..也不”等, 相当于not . . .just as . . .not

He is no more diligent than you . 你不勤奋, 他也不勤奋。(都不勤奋)

= He is not diligent just as you are not diligent .

He is no more a teacher than we are . 我们不是教师, 他也不是教师。

= He is not a teacher just as we are not teachers .

2) no more . . .than 句型对比较的双方A 与B 即than 的前后两部分在意义上都给予否定。特别应注意的是, than 后面的从句在形式上是肯定的, 但在意义上却是否定的, 所以译为“A 与B 都不..”, 着重点往往是than 前的部分

I am no more an expert than he . 他跟我一样不是专家。

This book is no more interesting than that one . 这本书和那本书一样都没有趣。

A student can nomore obtain knowledge without studying than a farmer can get harvest without ploughing . 学生不学习不能获得知识, 正如农民不耕种不能得到收获一样。

Your story today is no more convincing than the one yesterday . 你今天讲的故事和昨天


He can no more ride than fly . 他不能骑马正像他不能飞翔一样。

You are no more a general than I am a statesman . 你不是将军, 犹如我不是政治家。

A home without love is no more a home than a man without soul . 无爱之家庭犹如无灵


3) no more . . .than 与not . . .any more than 意思相近

上面第3 句可改写成:

A student cannot obtain knowledge without studying any more than a farmer can get harvest without ploughing .


The Chimpanzee is not genetically designed to speak any more than humans are designed

to fly . 从遗传学的角度讲, 正如人生来就不能飞行一样, 黑猩猩也天生就不会讲话。

He is not a poet any more than I am a novelist . 他不是诗人, 正如我不是小说家一样。

A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is . 鲸不是鱼, 正如马也不是鱼一样。

Note: no more . . .than 可用于表示同一个人的两个方面择其一, 意为“与其说.., 倒不如说”。例如:

He is no more a teacher than a worker . 说他是个教师, 倒不如说他是个工人。

He is no more a wise man than an intelligent man . 说他是个明智的人, 倒不如说他


4) not more . . .than 句型说明比较的双方A 与B都是好的, 都给予肯定。意为“A 比不上B,

A 不像B..或没有到..的程度”等。本句型着重点往往在后一个分句, 译成汉语时,


He is not more diligent than you . 他没有像你那样勤奋。(意指两个人都勤奋, 但你更


This book is not more interesting than that one . 这本书不如那本书有趣。(两本书都有


843 三、几种易引起误解的否定结构及否定形式


Xiao Wang is not more careful than Xiao Li . 小王比不上小李仔细。(小王和小李都仔

细, 但小王仔细的程度不如小李)

Note: not more . . .than 与less . . .than 或not so . . .as 的意思相同。上面一句可改为: Xiao Wang is less careful than Xiao Li .

Xiao Wang is not so careful as Xiao Li .

3 . no more than 与not more than

no more than 强调“少”, 译作“只有, 不过, 仅仅”。not more than 是客观叙述, 意为“不超


He is no more than five years old . 他只有5 岁。(有嫌“小”的意思)

He is not more than five years old . 他不会超过5 岁。


大学英语语法系列讲座 情态动词 中国地质大学(武汉)外语系许峰 情态动词(Modal V erbs)又称为情态助动词(Modal Auxiliaries)。英语中助动词主要有两类:一是基本助动词,如have,do,be等;二是情态助动词,如may,must,need等。情态动词与其他动词连用表示说话人的语气,可表达建议、要求、可能、意愿等。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。在大学英语考试中,情态动词部分主要重点测试以下内容:情态动词+动词完成式。 情态动词must, should, may(might),ought to, can(could),need, would等都可以与动词完成式连用作谓语,其模式为“modal verb+ have+ v-ed”。这类结构表示对过去所发生动作的推测或判断。但是,不同的情态动词所表示的意思又有所不同。 1.must+have+v-ed和can't/couldn't +have+ v-ed “must+ have+ v-ed”表示对过去事情较有把握的、肯定性的推测,常译为“一定”,“准是”,“肯定”。当must用于推测意义时,其否定形式通常不是must not,而是can/could not。“can't/couldn't + have+ v-ed”表示对过去事情的否定性推测,常译为“决不可能”,“不太可能”。 例1:Since the ditch is full of water, it must have raine d last night.既然水沟里积满了水,可见昨天夜里一定是下过雨了。 例2:—You realize that you were driving at 100 mph, don't you? —No, officer, I couldn't have been. This car can't do more than 80. ——“你刚开车的速度为每小时100英里,不知道吗?” ——“不,警官先生,我不可能开那么快,因为这辆车每小时的速度不可能超过80英里。” 经典考点1:Mary's score on the test is the highest in her class; She have studied very hard.(CET-4,1989年6月) A)may B)should C)must D)ought to 巧解 本题应选C。must have v-ed表示推测过去某事一定发生了;may/might have v-ed 表示推测过去某事也许发生了;should/ought to have v-ed表示“本应该…”,表达的是对过去所发生的事情的一种责备、埋怨、反悔的情绪。C项符合题意。本题句意是:玛丽的考试分数是班上最高的;她一定学习非常用功。 经典考点2:You her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.(CET-4,1996年1月) A)needn't have seen B)must have seen C)might have seen D)can't have seen 巧解 本题应选D。can't have v-ed表示对过去发生事情的否定推测;D项符题意。needn't+ have v-ed表示过去做了本不必做的事。本题句意是:上星期你不可能在她办公室见到她,她去外地已经两个星期了。 经典考点3:Mary my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.(考研,1991年)

大学英语语法 第二十四讲 否定

第二十四讲 否定 英语中的否定结构形式多样, 有部分否定、全部否定、几乎否定、双重否定等。在译成 汉语时, 有时要将否定结构译成肯定含义, 有时又要将肯定结构译成否定含义; 有时在英语中否定主语, 可是译成汉语时就转换成否定谓语。诸如此类的现象很多, 值得探讨。 一、常用否定表示法 1. 部分否定 代词或副词如all, both, every, everybody, every day, everyone, many, everything, entirely, altogether, absolutely, wholly, completely, everywhere, always , often 等与not 搭 配使用时, 表示部分否定, 意为“并非都是, 不是每个都是”等。例如: Both of them are not my brothers . 他们两个不全是我的兄弟。 这一句是部分否定, 不可译成“他们两个都不是我的兄弟”。如要表达这个意思, 要说: Neither of them is my brother . All is not gold that glitters . = Not all is gold that glitters . 发光的并非都是黄金。 Every man can not do it . = Not every man can do it . 不是每个人都能做这件事。 I do not remember all these formulas . 这些公式我并非全都记得。 This kind of tree is not found everywhere . 这种树并非哪里都能找到。 Everyone can not answer this question . 并非每个人都能回答这个问题。 The rich are not always happy . 富人未必总是幸福的。 Every couple is not a pair . 成对成双多, 珠联璧合少。( = Not every couple is a pair . ) Not all her work is successful . 并非她所有的工作都是成功的。 Not every child wants to become a film star . 并非所有的孩子都想成为电影明星。 Every man cannot be a writer . 并非每个人都可成为作家。 She is not always excited . 她并非总是兴奋。 I don..t altogether agree with you . 我并不完全同意你。 He is not absolutely wrong . 他并不完全错。 I don..t wholly believe it . 我并不完全相信它。 She is not entirely mistaken . 她并没有完全弄错。 Note: 汉语有句成语:“明修栈道, 暗度陈仓”, 指的是一种虚虚实实、声东击西、使人莫辨真 相的战术, 表现了虚指与实指、形式与实质的不同。说来也巧, 英语语言中的否定结 构也往往具有这种形与实不符的现象, 形式上否定的是A, 但实际意义上否定的却 是B, 等等。这种否定的虚实移位, 往往造成歧义, 须细加辨别。 ①否定主语, 但否定词not 在形式上往往否定谓语, 也就是上文所说的“部分否定”。 全称代词all , both 等作否定句主语时, 都可能产生否定移位, 形式上否定全体, 但 实际上否定部分, 参阅上文。再如: Everybody can not enjoy the music . ( = Not everybody can enjoy the music . )并非 每个人都能欣赏这首曲子。


简单句 谓语动词的变化-时态 So Charles was ahead of the game there, too. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section A) The marketers are also seeing big opportunities. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 2) 这些以竹为食的动物正面临许多威胁。(CET 4, 2014.12,Translation) The bamboo-eating animals are facing a lot of threats. … the process of urbanization will only accelerate in the decades to come… (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 1) But the Internet ’ s tremendous impact has only ju st begun. (CET 4, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 1) The royal environmentalist has been promoting radical ideas for most of his adult life. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section A) 谓语动词的变化-情态- 3 - …we can reduce urbanization ’s impact on the environment. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 1) 谓语动词的变化-语态 They are only limited by their curiosity and ambition. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 2) Silicon Valley executives are being shamed into adding women to their boards. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 2) 谓语动词的变化-否定 Governments don ’ t need informers any more. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 2) Sports cannot explain these similarities in performance. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section B) 谓语动词的变化-综合 The urbanization wave can ’ t be stopped … (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 1) 土豪和大妈可能会被收入新版牛津(Oxford)英语词典。(CET 6, 2014.06,Translation) The words tuhao and dama may be included in the new edition of Oxford English Dictionary. 主语宾语表语的变化 名词作主语 Many students entering college have weak skills in mathematics. (CET 4, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section A) That change is the rapid acceleration of urbanization. (CET 6, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 1) doing作主语 Finding ways to improve the lives of the remaining 20 percent seems more realistic than trying to restore an imaginary golden age. (CET 4, 2014.12, Reading Comprehension, Section C, Passage 2) to do作主语


大学英语语法专项练习题 大学英语语法专项练习题 一、时态 1. By the end of April Peter here for three months. A. will have stayed B. will stay C. stays D. has stayed 2. I'm awfully sorry, but I had no alternative. I simply _____ what I did. A. ought to have done B. have to do C. had to do D. must do 3. We ________our breakfast when an old man came to the door. A. just have had B. have just had C. just had D. had just had 4. Ever since the family moved to the suburbs last year, they________ better health. A. could have enjoyed B. had enjoyed C. have been enjoying D. are enjoying 5. I bought a new house last year, but I ______my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses. A. did not sell B. have not sold C. had not sold D. do not sell 6. I decided to go to the library as soon as I ________. A. finish what I did B. finished what I did C. would finish what I was doing D. finished what I was doing 7. He _________when the bus came to a sudden stop. A. was almost hurt B. was hurt himself C. was to hurt himself D. was hurting himself 8. I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all those old houses _______down. A. will have been pulled B. will have pulled C. will be pulling D. will be pulled 9. Bob's leg got hurt ________the Purple Mountains. A. while he is climbing up B. while we were climbing up C. while we climbed up D. while he climbed up 10. Pick me up at 8 o'clock. I _______ my bath by then. A. may have B. will be having C. can have had D. will have had 11. If you smoke in a non-smoking section people________. A. will object B. objected C. must object D. have objected 12. By the end of this month, we surely _______ a satisfactory solution to the problem A. have found B. will be finding C. are finding D. will have found 13. We __________to start our own business, but we never had enough money. A. have hope B. hope C. had hoped D. should hope 14. The gray building is where the workers live, and the white one is where the spare parts______ A. are producing B. are produced C. produced D. being produced 15. While people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that television __________the newspaper completely. A. will replace B. have replaced C. replace D. replaced 16. It's reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory ________by

大学英语语法 第二十五讲 句式与修辞

第二十五讲 句式与修辞 在英语语言的实际运用中, 不宜总是用“主—谓—表”、“主—谓—宾”等简单句结构。 简单句容量小, 有局限性, 用多了会使句型呆板、单调, 千句一面, 文章乏味, 没有可读性, 因 而也就不能较好地表达思想。要使语言新鲜、生动、富有吸引力, 不断地变换句子结构、句型及表达方式, 是非常必要的, 也是可能的。比如, 同一思想往往可以用简单句、复合句或并列句表达, 可用分词短语表达, 也可用介词短语表达; 可用主动语态表达, 也可用被动语态表达; 可用肯定形式表达, 也可用否定形式表达; 可用直陈语气表达, 也可用虚拟语气表达, 等等。另外, 从修辞学的角度讲, 英语句子有松散句( loose sentence )、尾重句( periodic sentence)和平衡句(balanced sentence )之分。在松散句中, 主要信息或实质部分先出现, 后跟修饰语或补充性细节; 在尾重句中, 主要信息或实质部分出现在句尾或句子后半部分; 在平行句中, 信息同等重要, 句式结构相同, 并驾齐驱, 相互独立。同时, 行文时, 还可使用某些修辞手法, 如明喻、暗喻、夸张、拟人等, 从而更加形象地描写事物, 更加生动地说明事理。 英语句式变化多样, 修辞手法丰富多彩, 我们完全可以根据思想表达的需要, 利用各种 词句表现手法, 安排句子的各种成分, 以达到理想的表达效果。下面对英语的典型句式和 修辞进行综合考察, 通过转换对比, 揭示出英语行文造句的灵活性和多样性。 一、统一性 1 . 从属关系准则 在一个句子中(指复合句) , 如果要表达的是两个或两个以上的思想, 而这些思想同等重 要, 互不依附, 处于并列的地位, 那就要把它们当作并列句处理, 用并列连词( and, but , or 等)连接起来。例如: His father is a professor and his mother is a musician . 他父亲是一位教授, 母亲是一位 音乐家。 We love peace, but we are not afraid of war . 我们热爱和平, 但是我们并不怕战争。 .. 但是, 如果句子中所表达的两个或两个以上的思想不是同等重要的, 而是一个为主要思想, 其余的为次要的、附属性的思想(用以说明或限定主要思想) , 那就不能把它们当成并 列句处理, 而要用主从复合句或别的结构来处理。主从复合句只能用从属连词( when , where, so, because 等)连接, 不能用并列连词连接。 1)第一原则: 勿将句子中主要思想和次要思想的位置颠倒 The snow stopped when the old man died . (不妥) The old man died when the snow stopped . (正)雪停的时候, 老人去世了。 The waiters were serving coffee when the ship struck the rock and sank . (不妥) When the waiters were serving coffee, the ship struck the rock and sank . (正)服务 员上咖啡的时候, 船触礁下沉了。 2)第二原则: 勿在主从复合句中插入并列连词 He came out first in the football match , and which delighted us . (误) He came out first in the football match , which delighted us . (正)他在足球赛中获得 第一名, 这使我们都很高兴。 I have two brothers, but who are younger than I . (误) I have two brothers, who are younger than I . (正)我有两个兄弟, 年龄都比我小。


大学英语语法专题练习 从句练习 1.Ihopealltheprecautionsagainstairpollution,_____suggestedbylocalgovernment, willbeseriouslyconsidered here. A)whileB)sinceC)afterD)as 2. The problem of ________ to select as his successor was quickly disposed of. A)whatB) whomC)whichD)how 3.____youropinionsareworthconsidering,thecommitteefindsitunwisetoplacetoo muchimportanceonthem. A )As B )Since C)ProvidedD) While 4. This is an ideal site for a university _______ it is far from the downtown area. A)provided thatB)so thatC)now thatD)in that 5. You will want two trees about ten feet apart, from _______ to suspend your tent. A)thereB)them C)whichD)where 6. _______quite recently, most mothers in Britain didn“t take paid w ork outside the home. A) BeforeB) UntilC)FromD)Since 7. ___________I admit that there are problems, I don“t think that theycannot be solved. A)UnlessB)Until


第一讲句子结构 改写句子(必考)!!! 1.WaldenPond, once praised by Thoreau for its natural beauty,is now the site of many stands. 2.Almost every summer night the cooling northeast wind swept through ou r bedroom windows,marking air conditioning unnecessary and a light blanket welcome. /Swepping through our bedroom windows almost every summer night,the cooling northeast wind madeв?| 3.The steep surrounding slopes were capped with snow,which fed two st reams plunging down to join in the valley below. 4.With the river on one side and a large tree providing shade,this is a good spot for a picnic,and we can spread our blanket on the grassy knoll. 5.Panting for breath after running up the stairs,Mr wood stood at his neighbourв? s door and knocked again and again till someone opened it. 6.The town folk envied horace,who had come into a small fortune with which he bought a big house and obtained a partnership in the biggest grocery in town. 7.Standing in front of the mirror,Jim looked at his image,wondering at the big change that had come over him in recent years. 8.The idea that his only daughter whom he had greatly wronged might never forgive him almost drove hime mad. 9.The story,written in plain language,consists of three parts with an interesting plot centering round an aristocratic family living in17th century France. 10.Mud-covered and shivering,John sat hunched over a bowl of hot brot h prepared by his father to drive off the chill. 11.Far above the waters of a beautiful lake and over the tops of the tall pime trees growing on the steep of a hill stand five Chinese-style pavilions. 12.Farther down the street,the old man stopped and leaned against a l amp-post, listening to a cheerful song coming out of a restaurant on the oppsite si de of the street. 13.Sarah sank in the nearest chair,completely exhausted,her limbs stiff with cold,


《英语语法》教学大纲 一、课程性质、地位与任务: 语法是语言的组织规则和结构形式,是结合语音文字系统和语义系统的枢纽。它是社会实际语言现象的科学概括。本专业的语法课程要帮助学生系统了解实用英语的语法规则和结构形式,以便能准确掌握英语语言,并用以指导英语语言实践,提高对语言的分析理解能力,有效提高英语实际应用能力。 二、课程的基本要求: 语法课程要传授知识,同时也要服务于培养语言素质和应用能力这个总目标。学习研究语法要着眼语言的社会实践运用,理论联系实际;了解当前语法也要适当了解语言的发展变化;精讲配合多练,从而让学生打好语言基础,提高语言素质。 三、本课程与其他课程的联系: 它是基础阅读课(精读、泛读)的基础,使学生通过大量的联系掌握语法基础,为听说读写提供基本的保障。该课程可使学生更加轻松的学习英语专业的学生在一、二年级精读、泛读课中所学过的语言材料。提升学生的学习兴趣。打下牢固的语言基础。 四、教学内容、基本要求及学时安排: 教学内容:本课程计划学时数为32学时,以赵萍主编的《新编高职高专英语语法教程》为教材。在语法内容结构上,循序渐进,从词素到单词,从单词到句子,从句子到语篇再到语段,环环相扣,从而使学生能够一面把握细节,一面掌握整个的英语语法体系。 课程内容和学时安排 授课次序授课内容学时数1导论、各个词类(名词、冠词、代词、数词、 8 动词、助动词、动名词、形容词、副词、连词 及其介词) 2 动词时态 2 3 被动语态 2

4 虚拟语气 2 5 非限定动词(不定式、-ING分词、-ED分词) 2 6 句子类型和直接、间接引语 2 7 名词性从句和定语从句 4 8 状语从句和it的用法 2 9 主谓一致 2 10 替代、省略、前置与倒装 2 11 复习及练习 4 教学要求: 第一讲导论、各个词类 1.教学目标:导论:让学生了解语法课程的性质、作用和学习方法 掌握名词、限定词、代词、助动词的定义及它们在句子中的功能和用法。形 容词的分类及用法、副词的分类及用法、介词的分类及用法 2.教学内容:导论:语法课程的性质、作用和学习方法 名词的类别、限定词的搭配、代词与其先行项的一致、情态助动词的意义。 形容词、副词、介词的类型,形容词作修饰语和补语,副词做修饰语和状语, 介词与其他词类的搭配 第二讲动词时态 1.教学目标:掌握英语中各个时态的用法和部分时态的异同 2.教学内容:动词的分类、一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行体、完成体、完成进行体 和将来时间表示法 第三讲被动语态 1.教学目标:掌握被动态的结构模式、被动态的英汉互译及其使用场合 2.教学内容:几种不同类型动词的被动模式,英汉被动意义表示法和使用被动态的制约因 素 第四讲虚拟语气 1.教学目标:掌握虚拟语气的用法 2.教学内容:虚拟语气的结构模式和在不同场合下的使用 第五讲非限定动词(不定式、-ING分词、-ED分词) 1.教学目标:掌握不定式、-ING分词、-ED分词的用法 2.教学内容:不定式的结构形式、不定式搭配和ING分词的搭配、ED分词作修饰语 第六讲句子类型和直接、间接引语 1.教学目标:掌握句子的类型,直接引语和间接引语的互换 2.教学内容:句子的的基本形式及其变体,各类句子的间接引语


大学英语语法专项练习题 一、时态 1. By the end of April Peter here for three months. A. will have stayed B. will stay C. stays D. has stayed 2. I'm awfully sorry, but I had no alternative. I simply _____ what I did. A. ought to have done B. have to do C. had to do D. must do 3. We ________our breakfast when an old man came to the door. A. just have had B. have just had C. just had D. had just had 4. Ever since the family moved to the suburbs last year, they________ better health. A. could have enjoyed B. had enjoyed C. have been enjoying D. are enjoying 5. I bought a new house last year, but I ______my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses. A. did not sell B. have not sold C. had not sold D. do not sell 6. I decided to go to the library as soon as I ________. A. finish what I did B. finished what I did C. would finish what I was doing D. finished what I was doing 7. He _________when the bus came to a sudden stop. A. was almost hurt B. was hurt himself C. was to hurt himself D. was hurting himself 8. I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all those old houses _______down. A. will have been pulled B. will have pulled C. will be pulling D. will be pulled 9. Bob's leg got hurt ________the Purple Mountains. A. while he is climbing up B. while we were climbing up C. while we climbed up D. while he climbed up 10. Pick me up at 8 o'clock. I _______ my bath by then. A. may have B. will be having C. can have had D. will have had 11. If you smoke in a non-smoking section people________. A. will object B. objected C. must object D. have objected 12. By the end of this month, we surely _______ a satisfactory solution to the problem A. have found B. will be finding C. are finding D. will have found 13. We __________to start our own business, but we never had enough money. A. have hope B. hope C. had hoped D. should hope 14. The gray building is where the workers live, and the white one is where the spare parts______ A. are producing B. are produced C. produced D. being produced 15. While people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that television __________the newspaper completely. A. will replace B. have replaced C. replace D. replaced 16. It's reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory ________by about 10%. A. will have risen B. has risen C. will be rising D. has been rising 17. Until then, his family___________ from him for six months. A. didn't hear B. hasn’t been hearing C. hasn't heard D. hadn't heard


虚拟语气 一.虚拟语气在虚拟条件句中的应用。 虚拟条件是相对于真实条件而言的。如果假设的条件有可能发生或发生的可能性很大,就用真实条件句;反之,则用虚拟条件句。 如:If you don’t mind, I’ll turn on the radio. (I’m going to turn on the radio, if you ag ree.)真实条件句 If I were you, I would do it some other way. (I’m not you, so I can’t do it some other w ay.)虚拟条件句。 1.虚拟从句与主句的谓语构成。 (1). 一般时态下的虚拟语气句子的谓语构成; 从句谓语:系动词be一律用were;行为动词一律用过去式 主句谓语:would; could; might; should + 动词原形 If I knew the truth, I would tell you. If I were you, I would receive his invitation. If there were no gravity, we should not be able to walk. (2). 与过去事实相反的假设 从句谓语:had +过去分词 主句谓语:should; would; might; would + have +过去分词 If I had known that you were coming, I would have met you at the airport. If I had more time, I would have finished my work. You could have done better if you had been more careful. (3). 与未来事实相反的假设 从句谓语:should; were to +动词原形 主句谓语:should; would; might; could +动词原形 If you should fail, what would you do? If you should encounter with any inconvenience, please don’t hesitate to let us know. If you were to try again, you might succeed. If the cover should have a crack in it, the harmful gas would come out and cause pollution. 注:1. 主句中第一人称用should,也可以用would,第二、第三人称只用would。要表达“能够”情态意义时,主句中要用could;要表达“可能”情态意义时,主句要用might。 2. If引导的含有were, should, had 的从句, if若省略,从句中的were, should, had前置,构成部分倒装,但部分谓语提前的话,否定词不能提前。 Ex. Had it not been for the reservoir we’d never been able to beat the drought. Had she been given some hints, she could have answered the questions. 2. 错综时间虚拟条件句 主句与从句所指的时间不一致,例如从句是过去的假设,而主句是现在的结果,或者相反,等等,这时就要按照各自表示的时间来调整动词的形式。 如:1. If I had a bike, I would have lent it to you yesterday. 2. If the weather had been more favorable, the crops would be growing still better. 3. If he had followed the doctor’s advice, he would be quite all right now. 3.含蓄虚拟条件句 有时句中并未出现引导的条件句从句,其假设情况是用以下的几种情况来表示或暗示的。 (1). 介词短语 Ex. I could not have fulfilled the task without your help.


《英语语法与写作》课程教学大纲 课程编码:学分:2 总学时: 40 说明 【课程性质】 英语语法与写作是高等学校英语语言学习的必修课程,是本科段的重点基础课程。 【教学目的】 其目的旨在使高校英语专业学生系统地认识英语从词到句乃至语篇的构造,提高英语写作的规范性,学会用英语准确地,有效地传递信息和表达思想。 【教学任务】 本课程是一门基础技能训练课,通过传授比较系统和完整地英语语法知识和英语写作技巧,使学生学会运用语法规则于写作实践之中,提高实际运用英语的能力。经过对语法知识系统的讲练,使学生对英语语法的基本结构与规律有一个明确完整的概念,能较熟练的运用这些语法的基本规则分析解释各种语法现象。通过大量练习,尤其是结合大量的写作训练,在语言实践中以文章背景为语境,纠正语法错误及语言的错误使用,使学生的英语语言综合技能在质量上有较大的提高。 【教学内容】 本课程将英语语法与写作相结合,通过句子合并学习语法规则,通过规则讲解提高句子写作。每章包括语法和写作两部分。语法部分系统讲述了句子成分、短语、从句和句子等重要语法点的功能、形式、种类、以及在句子中运用的位置与标点。写作部分又分改错与改写两块。改错包括残缺句、不间断句、杂乱句等常见的写作错误。各单元提供相关写作错误的描述、实例以及改正方法。改写部分介绍了句子合并策略、句子重心、句内句间关联等句子写作技巧,旨在通过技巧的讲解和操练使学习者改变英语写作中的中文行文习惯,并将语法规则具体运用到语篇写作之中。 【教学原则和方法】 教学原则: 一、语法教学应该抓住形式,意义和用法三个环节,正确处理三者之间的关系。明确让学生掌握语言形式是基础,了解其意义是关键,学会使用才是真正的目的。
