


理查德?L.拉特利夫、理查德?L.詹森、詹姆斯 C.弗拉格

管理审计杂志,第8 卷,第2章,2006 年,第9-16页

? MCB 大学出版社,0268-6902 引言

















Kearns 和Myott也讨论到关于在整体行政管理的审计环节中作业控制号、作业控制日志的使用。就目前而言,还未出现定位在具体的审计项目监督技术方面的课题研究。













An Empirical Comparison of Internal and External Audit


Richard L. Ratliff, Richard L. Jenson and James C. Flagg

Source: Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 8 No. 2, 2006, pp. 9-16.

? MCB University Press, 0268-6902 Introduction

Audit project supervision includes all activities necessary to assure that audits are conducted efficiently and effectively. Supervising an audit project starts with the initial plan and ends only upon completion of any follow up requirements related to the audit report presented to management. The New Zealand Society of Accountants prescribes in its Auditing Standards that audit engagements be properly planned and supervised. The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), with headquarters in the United States and regional chapters in New Zealand, also provides in its Standards for Professional Practice of Internal Auditing that audit work should be properly planned and supervised.

An important part of overall audit project supervision is the supervision of audit work once the plan has been approved. The IIA standards specifically provide that audit projects should be "properly supervised", which includes[2]:

●instructing auditors on their assignments;

●seeing that the approved audit programme is carried out;

●determining the adequacy of audit working papers;

●determining the adequacy of audit report;

●determining that the audit objectives are met;

●documenting and retaining evidence of audit supervision.

The New Zealand Society of Accountants, in Auditing Standard 4, prescribes that "The auditor should carefully direct, supervise and review work which is delegated to assistants. For the purposes of this study, the term supervision includes "direction", "supervision", and "review" as prescribed in AS 4.

Direction, according to AS 4, includes "informing assistants of their responsibilities and the objectives of the procedures" assigned to them, and

"informing them of matters . . . that may affect the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures". The standard lists time budgets, planning memoranda, and written audit programmes as appropriate means to direct audit work.

Supervision, according to AS 4, should include monitoring the progress of audit work, being alert to conditions requiring modifications in planned audit work, and resolving questions of professional judgement among personnel. The standard also specifies that the work of each assistant should be reviewed.

While these provisions by the IIA and the New Zealand Society of Accountants offer some guidance regarding objectives of audit supervision, they do not give much guidance on how those objectives are to be achieved, beyond the Society's very brief and undefined list of time budgets, planning memoranda and audit programmes. How should audits be managed and audit teams supervised? What common devices are actually used to supervise audit projects for both external and internal audits? Both the Society's and the IIA's standards are very quiet in answer to these questions. Academic and Professional Literature

Likewise, the academic and professional literature is remarkably quiet in answer to these questions, and is essentially silent of empirical evidence regarding audit supervision. Several studies have been reported related to audit planning and scheduling.

Kearns and Myott also discuss the use of job control numbers and job control logs in the overall executive management of audit functions. Yet none of these studies addresses specific supervision techniques for individual audit projects.

Defji[9], in a short treatise on the effective management of audit engagements, using as a reference the International Audit Guideline No. 3, specifies certain procedures which should be applied on all audits for effective and efficient quality control. These procedures include instructions concerning the form and content of working papers, the construction and use of audit programmes, the use of standardized internal control questionnaires and flowcharts, and checklists covering statutory disclosure requirements and accounting standards.

Willson and Root[11] recommend a variety of audit management tools and

techniques in their manual. These techniques include: audit manuals, questionnaires and checklists, assignment authorization forms, project time budgets, project reports, audit programmes, and project quality control reviews. Ratliff et al. discuss 12 audit project management aids, including: job authorization forms, audit checklists, auditor assignment forms and assignment boards, job time control sheets, working paper indexes, audit programmes, meeting agendas, working papers, working paper review sheets, summary finding sheets, report review sign-off sheets, and report release control sheets.

Bacsik and Rizzo[13] encourage timely review of audit working papers, recommending "review control sheets" to identify each reviewer's area of responsibility as well as for monitoring open review areas. The authors further suggest an "open items list" to monitor unresolved audit issues.

None of these references, however, offers a cohesive structure in which to consider the supervision of audit projects. Nor do they offer empirical evidence regarding what techniques, either those recommended or others, are actually used on internal or external audits. Nor is there any suggestion as to how complete the lists are. Therefore, this study empirically examines which audit supervisory techniques are practised on external and internal audits.

Considerations for Hypotheses

A variety of factors would seem to suggest that external audits probably are more closely supervised than are internal audits. For example, the risks facing external audits seem greater than those of internal audits, especially in terms of risk exposure to the individual auditor and the firm. An individual internal auditor may lose his or her job due to serious error in audit work, but an external auditor, because of a much broader public constituency, may be subject to legal penalties as well.

Similarly, erroneous internal audit reports may misinform management, restricting direct harm to the individual organization. Consequently, the risk posed by internal audit reports to the individual firm is relatively restricted. On the other hand, external audit reports are issued publicly, exposing the auditing firm to extensive general scrutiny and possible legal action and penalties.

Further, the profit motivation of external auditing firms in an increasingly competitive environment would seem to put extensive pressure on individual audits for economy and efficiency at the same time as what has come to be known as an "expectation gap" is exerting extensive pressure for greater audit assurances. While internal auditing groups, because of similar economic pressures against their employers, certainly also must be experiencing such pressures for economy, efficiency, and effectiveness, at least indirectly, the direct threat to those internal auditing groups would not seem to be as great.

The greater risk and economic pressures could reasonably lead to tighter control of the audit project on the part of external auditors.

Finally, internal auditing is practised over a much broader range of activities than is external auditing, which focuses almost exclusively on matters related to financial reporting. Also the purposes of internal audits vary considerably, including testing compliance, examining performance, or even simply exploring potential risks. Depending on the nature of the audit work and the skills of the assigned auditors, the degree of audit supervision is likely to vary considerably from audit to audit. Such variation is even prescribed by IIA standards (IIA, 280.04)[1].

External audits are conducted to express opinions on the integrity of financial statements. The range and focus of audit activity among different external audits is likely to be narrower than on internal audits, leading to more consistent audit supervisory requirements.

In addition to examining empirically which audit supervisory techniques are actually practised on external and internal audits, this study compares the relative degree of supervisory control exercised over external audits with that of internal audits. The study also compares the variability of supervisory control within each classification — internal and external. The study is restricted to New Zealand.


Heavy Oil Development Technology of Liaohe Oilfield Han Yun (Scientific Research Information Department Exploration&Development Research Institute,Liaohe Oilfield Company) Liaohe Oilfield,the largest heavy oil production base in China,features in various reservoir types,deep burial,and wide range of crude oil viscosity.For many years,a series of technologies have been developed for different oil products and reservoir types of the oilfield,of which water flooding,foam slug drive,steam stimulation,steam drive,and SAGD are the main technologies. After continuous improvement,they have been further developed and played an important role in the development of heavy oil in the oilfield. Liaohe Oilfield is abundant in heavy oil resources,46%of the total proved reserves of Liaohe Oilfield Company. Horizontally the resources concentrates in the West Depression and the southern plunging belt of the Central Uplift in Liaohe Rift. Vertically,it is mainly distributed in Paleocene Shahejie Formation(ES). The distinctive geological feature of Liaohe 0ilfield is manifested in three aspects:first,the heavy oil reservoirs are deeply buried and 80%of them are buried more than 900m deep;second,the heavy oil viscosity ranges widely.For most of the reservoirs.the dead oil viscosity ranges in 100~100000mPa·s with the maximum 650000mPa·s.Third the reservoir types are various with complicated oil—water relationship,most of the reservoirs are edge water and bosom water reservoirs and there are also edge water reservoirs,top water reservoirs and bosom water reservoirs.For more than 20 years of development,Liaohe Oilfield has developed series of heavy oil development technologies for different oil products and different types of reservoirs,such as water flooding, foam slug drive,steam stimulation steam drive and SAGD.The most difficult issues have been overcome in the development of the super


中英文对照外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) OIL UNDER ICE DETECTION: WHAT IS THE STATE-OF-THE-ART? Abstract. Since the exploration for oil and gas in the Canadian and US arctic commenced in the early 1970s, a need has been identified to develop technology to detect oil under ice. Both electromagnetic and acoustic sensors have been tried, but a practical field instrument has not been identified. Most proposed systems require that the equipment be operated from the ice surface in order to get adequate coupling and, for some systems, the snow must be removed from the ice. For many ice

situations, surface access is difficult and poses a severe safety issue. Two recent spills in Alberta used “high technology” ice augers to detect the presence of oil under the ice. Some potential new techniques are discussed and the basic principles of their operation described. Keywords: arctic, oil spill response, oil in ice, detection 1. Introduction The detection of oil under continuous ice cover has presented one of the most difficult challenges to the oil-spill technological community for the past two decades and there is still no operationally proven system available. Dickins (2000) under the sponsorship of the US Minerals Management Service conducted an excellent review of the status of oil-under-ice detection and this paper complements this review with a more detailed analysis of some systems. Dickins identified many false start concepts, which will not be discussed in this paper. In order to determine the design of a suitable oil-under-ice detector, the various situations under which oil may be found under a continuous ice sheet need to be considered. The oil must come from a sub-surface release since any surface release would either be on the ice surface or in a lead or other opening in the ice. Potential sources of sub-surface oil are a leak in a pipeline, the leakage from a submerged tank or vessel or a natural seep. Oil when trapped under ice does not spread rapidly or cover a large area due to natural


文献综述 题目:酒店服务业的发展专业班级:市场营销3班 学号: 07090313 姓名:孙涛

摘要:随着我国经济的不断发展和时市场需求的不断变化,经济型饭店已经成为饭店业发展的热点领域。那么我们该如何发展经济型饭店,就成了迫切需要研究解决的问题。我们必须探讨它的理论实质和发展途径,发现其经营的客观规律,为理论创造和实践运营提供理论指导,这对我国经济型饭店的发展乃至整个旅游业的发展都有着重要意义。笔者在阅读相关研究资料的基础上,对经济型饭店的界定、问题、对策及战略这几个方面分析、说明,最后提出了自己的见解。 关键词:经济型饭店;问题;策略;集团化 引言 我国发展旅游业的最初目的是赢得外汇收入,因此,入境旅游是早期旅游业经营的主要内容。作为旅游业三大支柱产业之一的饭店业,为了适应国外游客的需求也必然优先发展高档饭店。随着我国社会经济的发展,国内旅游逐渐发展壮大、国际大众化旅游逐渐成熟。但是目前,我国在满足大众化旅游需求的市场供给方面却存在着巨大断层:质好价高的高星级饭店和质次价低的社会旅馆数量大,而干净、安全、价格适中的饭店少。饭店业的发展急需改变以高档饭店为主的局面,逐步形成高、中、低全面发展的行业结构。 随着我国加入WTO,以及2008年北京奥运会和2010年上海世博会 的相继召开,我国旅游业的发展舞台将更为广阔,饭店需求量十分巨

大,其中经济型饭店的需求增加最快。经济型饭店的良好发展势头受到了业内人士的关注,越来越多的饭店转向了经济型饭店,也获得了较好的效益。从1997年中国第一个真正意义上的经济型连锁饭店品牌诞生至今,已经形成了三大阵营。第一大阵营:全国性的经济型饭店品牌,例如如家、锦江之星;第二大阵营:一些区域性的经济型饭店品牌,例如上海的莫泰168、广州7日饭店连锁、南京的金一村等;第三大阵营:国际饭店管理集团,例如法国雅高的宜必思和美国速8。相对的近十年来,关于经济型饭店的研究也越来越多,其中讨论和研究最多的是经济型饭店发展存在的问题、对策和前景这几个方面。 一、我国经济型饭店的产业界定 目前,经济型饭店并没有一个确切的界定。根据史密斯旅行研究定义,经济型饭店指的是保持低廉价格,针对20%低端市场的价格敏感消费者的饭店。 在《WTO现代饭店及餐饮业管理百科全书》中,经济型饭店的定义是:经济型饭店一般为廉价饭店,该饭店通常只经营客房。饭店本身没有餐饮管理设施或仅有十分有限的餐饮服务,价格低廉。欧美饭店业发达地区在划分饭店类型时较为普遍的一种方法是将饭店划分为,豪华型/高档饭店、中档饭店和经济型饭店。一般而言,经济型饭店提供的是相对于中高档饭店的全套服务的有限服务。一些经济型饭店只提供早餐,只有一个餐厅甚至没有餐厅;浴室分享;不配备公共休息室、夜总会、美容美发室、健身房、商场等设施,只向客人提供满足其住宿要求的基本的服务。


中等分辨率制备分离的 快速色谱技术 W. Clark Still,* Michael K a h n , and Abhijit Mitra Departm(7nt o/ Chemistry, Columbia Uniuersity,1Veu York, Neu; York 10027 ReceiLied January 26, 1978 我们希望找到一种简单的吸附色谱技术用于有机化合物的常规净化。这种技术是适于传统的有机物大规模制备分离,该技术需使用长柱色谱法。尽管这种技术得到的效果非常好,但是其需要消耗大量的时间,并且由于频带拖尾经常出现低复原率。当分离的样本剂量大于1或者2g时,这些问题显得更加突出。近年来,几种制备系统已经进行了改进,能将分离时间减少到1-3h,并允许各成分的分辨率ΔR f≥(使用薄层色谱分析进行分析)。在这些方法中,在我们的实验室中,媒介压力色谱法1和短柱色谱法2是最成功的。最近,我们发现一种可以将分离速度大幅度提升的技术,可用于反应产物的常规提纯,我们将这种技术称为急骤色谱法。虽然这种技术的分辨率只是中等(ΔR f≥),而且构建这个系统花费非常低,并且能在10-15min内分离重量在的样本。4 急骤色谱法是以空气压力驱动的混合介质压力以及短柱色谱法为基础,专门针对快速分离,介质压力以及短柱色谱已经进行了优化。优化实验是在一组标准条件5下进行的,优化实验使用苯甲醇作为样本,放在一个20mm*5in.的硅胶柱60内,使用Tracor 970紫外检测器监测圆柱的输出。分辨率通过持续时间(r)和峰宽(w,w/2)的比率进行测定的(Figure 1),结果如图2-4所示,图2-4分别放映分辨率随着硅胶颗粒大小、洗脱液流速和样本大小的变化。


当今世界竞争是人才的竞争,高素质的人力资本是酒店业得以健康持续稳定发展的根本保证。随着酒店从业人员素质,思想观念及自我发展意识和民主观念的不断增强,酒店这一以人为本的服务行业在人力资源管理中暴露出员工积极性低服务意识低人员流失率升高等方面的题。因此本文从现状分析、物质激励、精神激励、以及激励体系的建立四个方面又结合了星级酒店人力资源管理的实际情况对现代酒店管理中的激励机制做了初步的研究。另外还提出一些开发酒店人力资本,提高酒店人力资本水平的策略及措施。 第1章酒店业的现状分析 酒店业的竞争,归根结底是人才的竞争。管理的核心问题,是人的问题。在酒店管理中运用人力资源管理获得竞争优势的案例越来越多。 案例:报纸杂志不断刊登文章报道服务业的不良状况,一线员工错误不断、 态度恶劣简直是置顾客于不顾。缺少技术熟练的员工,面对高人员的流失率,深受其苦的服务业必须向那些与顾客接触的企业注入新的生命力。分析研究表明:当一个人被高度激励时,他会努力工作主动向顾客提供尽可能好的服务;而没有被激励时,他会尽可能的节省精力。现代管理者的首要任务就是要点燃员工内心的工作热情之火,以此驱动员工在工作中展现的出色,从而实现组织所期望的最佳绩效。在企业中出色的领导者已经认识到这点,只有以人为本”的企业管理, 才能在如今激烈的竞争中生存、发展、兴旺。管理是一门艺术,员工激励是艺术中的艺术,员工是企业的灵魂。设计有效的员工激励机制,才能提高员工的积极性。使其才能在不同的企业文化不同的组织结构和不同的企业环境中发挥其最大」的潜能,从而实现组织的期望目标。首先姑且让我把激励方法分为三类:物质激励、精神激励和激励机制的设计,通过对这三类的分析和了解,才能让我们理解激励机制的作用和意义,从而才能为企业建立有效激励体系。下面我们把激励的方法分为两类:物质激励和精神激励;通过对这些激励方法的了解和认识,才能让我们意识到激励机制的作用。 第2章物质激励物质激励是指通过物质刺激的方法鼓励职工工作。 它的主要表现形式有正激励,如发工资、奖金、津贴、福利等;负激励如罚款等。物质需要是人类的第一需要,是人们从事一切社会活动的基本动因,所以,物质激励是激励的主要模式,也是目前我国企业内部使用的非常普遍的一种激励模式。 2.1正激励法 奖励是指饭店组织对员工的良好行为举止或工作表现给予的积极肯定与表彰。奖励作为员工激励的一种手段,目的在于促使受奖励的员工将他们的模范行为加以保持和发扬,并成为全体员工的表率,为奋员工队伍的士气起到积极的推动作用。 运用好这一手段还要注意以下几点:(一)奖励要及时,且奖励方法要不断创新。 (二)注意对其他员工的心理疏导化。不断定下新的目标,淡化过去着眼未来,树立正


一、公司领导职务英文翻译集团公司:China National Petroleum Corporation 总经理:President 副总经理:Vice President 总会计师:Chief Financial Officer 纪检组长:Chief of Discipline & Inspection Group 、Vice President 总经理助理:Assistant President 总法律顾问:General Counsel 副总会计师:Deputy Chief Financial Officer 副总经济师:Deputy Chief Economist 副总工程师:Deputy Chief Engineer 股份公司:PetroChina Company Limited 董事长:Chairman, Board of Directors 副董事长:Vice Chairman, Board of Directors 董事:Director, Board of Directors 监事会主席:Chairman, Board of Supervisors 总裁:President 副总裁:Vice President 财务总监:Chief Financial Officer 总工程师:Chief Engineer 总地质师:Chief Geologist 董事会秘书:Secretary, Board of Directors 二、机关部门及处室职务英文翻译一、机关部门职务: 1、办公厅、直属党委、×办公室、××部、××局: 主任(总经理):Director-General 副主任(副总经理):Deputy Director-General 副总工程师:Deputy Chief Engineer 副总经济师:Deputy Chief Economist 副总会计师:Deputy Chief Accountant 副总审计师:Deputy Chief Auditor 2、专业公司:总经理:President 副总经理:Vice President 总工程师:Chief Engineer 总经济师:Chief Economist 总地质师:Chief Geologist 总会计师:Chief Financial Officer 3、董事会助理秘书:Assistant Secretary, Board of Directors 纪委书记Secretary, Disciplinary Inspection 工会主席Chairman, Worker ' s Union 4、处室主任、处长:Director 副主任、副处长:Deputy Director 二、下属子公司、分公司职务:总经理:President 副总经理:Vice President (副)总工程师:(Deputy) Chief Engineer (副)总经济师:(Deputy) Chief Economist (副)总地质师:(Deputy) Chief Geologist (副)总会计师:(Deputy) Chief Accountant 处室、处级办公 室: Department 处室主任、处长:Director 副主任、副处长:Deputy Director 科室:Division ;科长:Chief ;副科长:Deputy Chief 三、机关部门及处室名称英文翻译集团公司机关机构编制总表办公厅General Office 、总裁办President's Office 总值班室(应急协调办公室) General Reception(Emergency Response Coordination Office)、秘书一处Secretariat 秘书二处Secretariat 综合处(办公室)Administration 文电处(保密办公室)Document Management 、公共关系处Public Relations 、网站管理处Website Management 、档案处(史志办公室)Filing Management 、行政事务处Logistic Support 、扶贫援藏办公室Poverty Alleviation & Tibet Assistance 政策研究室Policy


文献出处:Borkar S, Koranne S. Study of Service Quality Management in Hotel Industry [J]. Pacific Business Review International, 2014, 6(9): 21-25. 原文 Study of Service Quality Management in Hotel Industry Borkar; Sameer Abstract It is an attempt to understand the role of quality improvement process in hospitality industry and effectiveness in making it sustainable business enterprise. It is a survey of the presently adopted quality management tools which are making the hotels operations better focused and reliable and meet the customer expectations. Descriptive research design is used to know the parameters of service quality management in hospitality industry. Exploratory research design is undertaken to dig out the service quality management practices and its effectiveness. Data analysis is done and presented; hypothesis is tested against the collected data. Since the industry continuously tries to improve upon their services to meet the levels of customer satisfaction; Study presents tools for continuous improvement process and how it benefits all the stake holders. It can be inferred from the study that the hotel implement continuous improvement process and quality management tools to remain competitive in the market. The study involves hotels of highly competitive market with limited number of respondents. This limits the study to hotel industry and has scope of including other hospitality service providers as well. Keywords:Customer Satisfaction, Perception, Performance Measurement, Continuous, Improvement Process. Introduction It has brought paradigm shifts in the operations of hospitality industry. The overall perspective of the industry is changed due to introduction of new techniques


中英文对照资料外文翻译文献 平设计任何时期平面设计可以参照一些艺术和专业学科侧重于视觉传达和介绍。采用多种方式相结合,创造和符号,图像和语句创建一个代表性的想法和信息。平面设计师可以使用印刷,视觉艺术和排版技术产生的最终结果。平面设计常常提到的进程,其中沟通是创造和产品设计。共同使用的平面设计包括杂志,广告,产品包装和网页设计。例如,可能包括产品包装的标志或其他艺术作品,举办文字和纯粹的设计元素,如形状和颜色统一件。组成的一个最重要的特点,尤其是平面设计在使用前现有材料或不同的元素。平面设计涵盖了人类历史上诸多领域,在此漫长的历史和在相对最近爆炸视觉传达中的第20和21世纪,人们有时是模糊的区别和重叠的广告艺术,平面设计和美术。毕竟,他们有着许多相同的内容,理论,原则,做法和语言,有时同样的客人或客户。广告艺术的最终目标是出售的商品和服务。在平面设计,“其实质是使以信息,形成以思想,言论和感觉的经验”。

在唐朝(618-906 )之间的第4和第7世纪的木块被切断打印纺织品和后重现佛典。阿藏印在868是已知最早的印刷书籍。在19世纪后期欧洲,尤其是在英国,平面设计开始以独立的运动从美术中分离出来。蒙德里安称为父亲的图形设计。他是一个很好的艺术家,但是他在现代广告中利用现代电网系统在广告、印刷和网络布局网格。于1849年,在大不列颠亨利科尔成为的主要力量之一在设计教育界,该国政府通告设计在杂志设计和制造的重要性。他组织了大型的展览作为庆祝现代工业技术和维多利亚式的设计。从1892年至1896年威廉?莫里斯凯尔姆斯科特出版社出版的书籍的一些最重要的平面设计产品和工艺美术运动,并提出了一个非常赚钱的商机就是出版伟大文本论的图书并以高价出售给富人。莫里斯证明了市场的存在使平面设计在他们自己拥有的权利,并帮助开拓者从生产和美术分离设计。这历史相对论是,然而,重要的,因为它为第一次重大的反应对于十九世纪的陈旧的平面设计。莫里斯的工作,以及与其他私营新闻运动,直接影响新艺术风格和间接负责20世纪初非专业性平面设计的事态发展。谁创造了最初的“平面设计”似乎存在争议。这被归因于英国的设计师和大学教授Richard Guyatt,但另一消息来源于20世纪初美国图书设计师William Addison Dwiggins。伦敦地铁的标志设计是爱德华约翰斯顿于1916年设计的一个经典的现代而且使用了系统字体设计。在20世纪20年代,苏联的建构主义应用于“智能生产”在不同领域的生产。个性化的运动艺术在2俄罗斯大革命是没有价值的,从而走向以创造物体的功利为目的。他们设计的建筑、剧院集、海报、面料、服装、家具、徽标、菜单等。J an Tschichold 在他的1928年书中编纂了新的现代印刷原则,他后来否认他在这本书的法西斯主义哲学主张,但它仍然是非常有影响力。Tschichold ,包豪斯印刷专家如赫伯特拜耳和拉斯洛莫霍伊一纳吉,和El Lissitzky 是平面设计之父都被我们今天所知。他们首创的生产技术和文体设备,主要用于整个二十世纪。随后的几年看到平面设计在现代风格获得广泛的接受和应用。第二次世界大战结束后,美国经济的建立更需要平面设计,主要是广告和包装等。移居国外的德国包豪斯设计学院于1937年到芝加哥带来了“大规模生产”极简到美国;引发野火的“现代”


当前酒店服务质量管理的文献综述 作者:戎千 来源:《当代旅游》2018年第05期 摘要:在旅游饭店飞速发展的大背景下,我国星级饭店数量却在逐年减少,一方面是因为星级饭店的评选规则更严格了,但更重要的是,我国星级饭店的服务质量水平提升缓慢,难以跟上服务消费发展的步伐。为巩固客源市场,各酒店都需要充分挖掘自身优势,提高服务质量,最大限度地满足顾客需求,培养忠诚的顾客。面对新的环境,如何提升饭店的服务质量、提高顾客的满意度、留住老顾客并吸引更多的新顾客,成为当下星级酒店亟待解决的问题。 关键词:酒店业务;服务质量管理;顾客满意度 截止到2015年,我国星级饭店总数12327个,相比于2014年的12803个,数量有所下滑。但数据显示,我国近十年旅游饭店营业额逐年上升,从2008年的1932.70亿上升到2016年的3001.19亿,旅游饭店业务发展速度飞快[1]。

一、研究现状 对于酒店服务质量管理的方法,不同的学者给出的不同的看法和规则: 首先,针对服务质量管理,格朗鲁斯认为质量管理属于主观范畴,取决于顾客对服务质量的期望与实际感知的服务水平的对比。他将服务质量分成两类:技术质量和功能质量[2]。技术质量是顾客通过服务所得(即服务过程的产出)来评价的。这是格朗鲁斯对服务质量的论述,而酒店服务质量属于服务质量的一部分,需要基于酒店特殊的环境进行特殊分析,从而准确地酒店的层面来提升质量。Parasuraman等人指出,服务质量是顾客感知的关键,定义服务质量的应该是顾客,开始了从顾客感知方面提升服务质量的研究。 学者彭玲認为,我国酒店业普遍存在平均利润率低、服务质黄不高的状况,需要从全面质量管理的视角去寻求有效治理酒店服务业质量管理和质量控制的途径。她提到,酒店业的全面质量管理,必须根据消费者的需要和酒店服务业的特点,推出一系列以顾客满意为主的服务方式,通过服务过程的控制、组织、改进和激励等方面的工作,建立起全


混合动力汽车毕业论文中英文资料对照外文翻译文献 混合动力汽车毕业论文 中英文资料对照外文翻译文献 对插电式混合动力电力车技术成本效益分析 安德鲁辛普森国家可再生能源实验室 摘要 插入式混合电动汽车(PHEVs)已经成为一个很有前途的技术,使用电取代石油消费。然而,有一个非常广泛的混合动力汽车的设计与大大变成本和效益。特别是电池成本,燃料成本,车辆性能属性和驾驶习惯大大影响PHEVs相对价值。本文提出了一种成本(车辆购置成本和能源成本)和收益减少(对比石油消费PHEVs)相对于混合动力电动汽车和传统。详细仿真模型,用于预测石油和混合动力汽车的成本削减设计相比,基于中型轿车。两个动力总成技术方案被认为是探索短期和PHEVs长期前景。分析认为,石油减少超过45%,每台车辆可以达到20英里(32公里),或储存更多的能量配备PHEVs。然而,这些车辆长期增量成本预计将超过8,000美元,比近期成本高得多。一个简单的经济分析表明,高石油价格和低成本的电池需要PHEVs做出引人注目的业务案例。然而,大油气PHEVs为政府加快混合 动力汽车技术的部署提供强大的理由。 关键词插入式混合动力;混合动力电动汽车;二次电池的电池;1 介绍插入式混合动力电动汽车 插入式混合电动车最近出现了有希望的替代方案,使用电要取代石油消费的车队相当一部分[1]。插件的混合电动汽车(混合动力汽车)是一种混合动力电动汽车充电的能力,其电化学能源(戊肝)从一板外源产品,如电力公司电网(电力储存)。车辆可以当时正处在一个电荷消耗(CD)的模式,降低了系统的状态充电(SOC)的,从而使用电力,以取代液体燃料,否则将被消耗。这是液体燃


中英文对照资料外文翻译文献 Hotel Management System Integration Services 1.Introduction It is generally accepted that the role of the web services in businesses is undoubtedly important. More and more commercial software systems extend their capability and power by using web services technology. Today the e-commerce is not merely using internet to transfer business data or supporting people to interact with dynamic web page, but are fundamentally changed by web services. The World Wide Web Consortium's Xtensible Markup Language (XML) and the Xtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) are standards defined in the interest of multi-purpose publishing and content reuse and are increasingly being deployed in the construction of web services. Since XML is looked as the canonical message format, it could tie together thousands of systems programmed by hundreds of programming languages. Any program can be mapped into web service, while any web service can also be mapped into program. In this paper, we present a next generation commercial system in hotel industry that fully integrates the hotel Front Office system, Property Management System, Customer Relationship Management System, Quality Management system, Back Office system and Central Reservations System distributed in different locations. And we found that this system greatly improves both the hotel customer and hotel officer’s experiences in the hotel business work flow. Because current technologies are quite mature, it seems no difficulty to integrate the existing system and the new coming systems (for example, web-based applications or mobile applications). However, currently in hotel industry there are few truly integrated systems used because there


Foreign material: Chemical Industry 1.Origins of the Chemical Industry Although the use of chemicals dates back to the ancient civilizations, the evolution of what we know as the modern chemical industry started much more recently. It may be considered to have begun during the Industrial Revolution, about 1800, and developed to provide chemicals roe use by other industries. Examples are alkali for soapmaking, bleaching powder for cotton, and silica and sodium carbonate for glassmaking. It will be noted that these are all inorganic chemicals. The organic chemicals industry started in the 1860s with the exploitation of William Henry Perkin’s discovery if the first synthetic dyestuff—mauve. At the start of the twentieth century the emphasis on research on the applied aspects of chemistry in Germany had paid off handsomely, and by 1914 had resulted in the German chemical industry having 75% of the world market in chemicals. This was based on the discovery of new dyestuffs plus the development of both the contact process for sulphuric acid and the Haber process for ammonia. The later required a major technological breakthrough that of being able to carry out chemical reactions under conditions of very high pressure for the first time. The experience gained with this was to stand Germany in good stead, particularly with the rapidly increased demand for nitrogen-based compounds (ammonium salts for fertilizers and nitric acid for explosives manufacture) with the outbreak of world warⅠin 1914. This initiated profound changes which continued during the inter-war years (1918-1939). Since 1940 the chemical industry has grown at a remarkable rate, although this has slowed significantly in recent years. The lion’s share of this growth has been in the organic chemicals sector due to the development and growth of the petrochemicals area since 1950s. The explosives growth in petrochemicals in the 1960s and 1970s was largely due to the enormous increase in demand for synthetic polymers such as polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon, polyesters and epoxy resins. The chemical industry today is a very diverse sector of manufacturing industry, within which it plays a central role. It makes thousands of different chemicals which


毕业设计附件 外文文献翻译:原文+译文 文献出处: Soliman M. The research of hotel service marketing strategy [J]. The Accounting Review, 2016, 2(3): 813-823. 原文 The research of hotel service marketing strategy Soliman M Abstract The continuous development of the tourism industry, also contributed to the hospitality industry at the same time has more development opportunities facing greater competition. On the tangible product of traditional competition is embodied in the hotel, because the alternative of tangible products and replication, the form of competition is transferred to the service, therefore, has become the hotel marketing service marketing one of the most important aspects. And how to build the perfect hotel service marketing system, how to adopt targeted services marketing strategy can make the hotel get comparative advantage in the fierce competition, gain long-term profits has become a hot topic in the research. Key words: Customer value; Service marketing; Strategy 1 Introduction Along with market competition intensifying, the hotel industry will also be marketing focus shift from the traditional product marketing to service marketing. And service marketing to win the key lies in whether the hotel can meet the needs of customers, to create more customer value. So this article in the perspective of customer value, customer value is analyzed and the relationship between the service marketing, build the theoretical framework and contents of the hotel service marketing, puts forward the hotel service marketing strategy based on customer value. This can not only link the interests of the demand and supply side of the hotel, meet the demand of the value of multiple stakeholders, but also to the hotel and enhance customer value, finally win the competitive advantage and long-term profits. Service marketing research is the general enterprise, there is no specific focus on the hotel
