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1 早上学习还是下午学习 I prefer studying in the morning because when I just get up, I have a clear and fresh mind. It is easier for me to be more focused. However, if I study in the afternoon, I would feel sleepy and tired. Last time, our professional assigned us to write a paper in one week about ten pages. Every morning I got up very early like six o’clock and I begin to work on my paper. I just really got high e fficiency writing the paper because I could totally concentrate on my paper. and then it only took me several days to finish my paper on time. What’s more, if I study in the morning then I can use the afternoon time to do other thing s like, doing sports, going out with friends, reading books and so on. It is a good way to use time. 2. 图书馆,家还是宿舍 I prefer studying in the library because in a library I can check some reference books when I am writing my paper. And, to be honest, when I studying at home or dormitory, it just seems so easy for me to get distracted. Like, I remember last time when was I was about to write a paper. I just went to the school library, it's very convenient for me to check reference books and journals. It provided me great convenience to write my paper. What’s more, I think the library is very quiet, no one can talk or walk around. I can totally keep my eyes on the ball. That’s why I prefer studying in the library. 3.speak out还是quietly observe in the class I prefer to speak out in class because my problems can be solved immediately if I can communicate with the professor directly. However, if I observe quietly, I guess it would be much easier for me to get distracted and forget my problems after class. Now, I am a university student who majors in business management. And I take different courses, like business management, counting, marketing and so on. In the class, every time when I have some problems, I will raise my hands waiting to be caught to raise my questions because my professor can help mu solve the problems immediately. It’s very efficient. It can help me understand the whole class. So that’s why I think speaking out in class is much better. 4. work in the group or alone I prefer to work in a group because we can solve the problem together. However, if I work alone, I guess it would be much easier for me to get distracted. I remember, last time, our professional assigned us to write a paper in one week about ten pages. I decided to write a paper with my partner. During the process, we can do a lot of things together, like searching for information, finding the topic, writing the outline and something like that. We could get high efficiency in writing our papers and when we encounter some problems, we can solve them together. See, that’s why I prefer to working in a group. 5把暑假分开 Disagree. Because it is a waste of time. I mean I can’t use the whole summer to do things I enjoy. Last summer vacation, I had a two-month holiday. I could use the time to travel to different palces. Like, I went to Hongkong, I spent about 15 days there. During the process, I did a lot of things to know better about the city and people there, such as visiting museums, eating local foods, visiting the Disney land and so on. However, if I had shorter breaks throughout the year in summer vacation, I can’t do those things. 6本国室友还是外国室友 I prefer to have a roommate from my own country because it is easier for us to get along well. I mean we have a lot in common. However, if I have a foreign roommate, it may be not easier for us to understand each other well because we have some cultural differences. For example, now I study in Beijing far away from my hometown and I live with my roommates. We come from the same country. So it is easier to communicate with each other. Like last week, the toffee test example. In our own language; understand me well; encourage me. 7成功靠天赋还是努力 I believe that people can achieve success through hard work because practice makes perfect. However, natural talent can be wasted. Taking me as an example. Public speaking example 8成功要读大学吗 I agree with the statement…because college education is very important. It can let you learn a lot of knowledge and make friends with


托福口语避开雷区巧妙备考 音节读得不准和读错是两回事儿,重音把握错误是更为严重、也更为常见的现象,另外一个使语流难以理解的因素,也是更重要、更普遍的因素,是不合理的意群划分。下面就和大家分享托福口语避开雷区巧妙备考,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 优秀的托福口语应该长啥样避开雷区巧妙备考 托福口语是中国考生普遍低分的单项,关于优秀的托福口语应该长啥样,OG 中有这样一段描述: Raters listen for the following features in test taker responses: Delivery: How clear was the speech? Good responses are fluid and clear, with good pronunciation, natural pacing, and natural-sounding intonation patterns. Language use: How effectively does the test taker use grammar and vocabulary to convey ideas? Raters determine the test taker’s ability to control both basic and more complex language structures, and use appropriate vocabulary.

Topic development: How fully do test takers answer the question and how coherently do they present their ideas? How well did the test taker synthesize and summarize the information in the integrated tasks? Good responses generally use all or most of the time allotted, and the relationship between ideas and the progression from one idea to the next are clear and easy to follow. 归纳上述内容,我们认为好的口语答案包含以下几个要点:表达:流利和清晰。(有良好的发音,以及自然的节奏和语调) 语言:语法和词汇使用得当。(能驾驭好长句和短句,并且恰当地使用词汇) 内容:答题充分、条理分明,能对给定的内容进行归纳和总结。 既然是口语考试,当然要考核考生的发音。然而,在托福考试中,考生讲话的时候,带一点口音是没有问题的——事实上,几乎所有的外语使用者都或多或少带有一些自己特定的口音——在《新托福考试官方指南》附带的CD光盘中,可以找到若干个口语考试的录音Sample,大抵听上一遍之后就会发现那些得了满分的考生,都各自有各自的特殊口音,他们的发音都不够标准、不够地道,然而这个事实并未影响他们获得满分;这是因


托福口语万能模板 为了让同学们在短期内可以快速有效地提高托福口语水平,天道小编特为大家搜集整理了一些比较常用、比较简单的托福口语模板,希望对大家复习托福口语备考有所帮助。 Q1 Personally, I would like to say that my favorite is … And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that… What’s more… So that’s why Q2 Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that… The first reason I want to say is that… More importantly… So, that’s why I choose… for the two reasons listed above Personally speaking, I prefer… for several reasons. I think …is more appropriate for… for several reasons. Firstly, … Besides, in my experience Bur probably the most important reason for my preference is that… In a word, that’s the reason of my preference./ that’s why my preference is… I think it is important to … For one thing, …. By doing… Another thing is the advantage of… As for… I agree that, but unless…, … Q3 The school has implemented a new policy that… due to… And the woman/man holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that… And the second one is based on the fact that…


托福口语备课资料: Task 1 I.话题分类及相关词汇,固定搭配 两种描述手法:describe,narrate 1.人(people) 2.活动(activity) 3.事件(event) 1.1人(people) 人的种类: 身份: family and friends, celebrity 社会: parents, son or daughter, boss, leader, team player, co-worker, roommate 职业: teacher, doctor, engineer, artist, scientist, politician, 描述人的词汇与句型: 外貌(look/appearance): General : She/he is gorgeous. She has a/an _______ face with _________ complexion, and her hair is ___________ . Her two _______ eyes twinkle like stars when she winkles. Face Shape (have/has, with) ?Square ?Oval ?Round/moon ?Triangular ?Heart-shaped Skin/Face/Complexion (Complexion is the natural appearance and color of the skin, especially of the face; e.g. Mary has a soft, creamy complexion. ?Freckled: sprinkled or covered with light brown spots ?Rosy: pink-cheeked; fair complexion that glows with a hint of pink ?Ruddy: skin that has a healthy reddish tint; may have the appearance of sunburn


托福口语备考要点分析 托福口语备考的要点是什么?除了打好语音和语法基础外,还要保持思维的敏锐,掌握好答题时间。下面就和大家分享托福口语备考要点分析,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语备考要点分析口语备考的三大要点是什么 一.打好语音语法基础 很多中国考生理解为说得快就是英语流利的体现,结果发音时出现含混不清的现象,很多托福考官重点考察的单词发音不到位,并且在托福词语的运用上过于简单,信息含量低,影响考官打高分。因此,考生在托福考试的陈述过程中应该要有丰富的抑扬顿挫。对于语句重音、语调及停顿等,需要掌握得自然飘逸。 二.思维逻辑一定要敏锐 西方人在口语表达时通常会事先在头脑中形成类似于写作一样的大致的逻辑框架。所以学生只要有了逻辑思维的开头,以此来陈述立场,进而发展论点,就会让托福考官形成思想上的认同,认为你这个人的逻辑思维到位,从而取得高分。 三.把握好口语答题时间

平时考生在准备托福口试的时候应该要强迫自己对于某个托福话题在最短的时间内形成一个清晰、有逻辑的观点以及其证明过程,并尝试先用汉语表达出来,之后再慢慢过渡到英语。 托福口语范文:实地接受采访还是电话采访 题目 A company plans to interview you. You can go to their company for the interview, but the company is far from where you live. Or you can have a telephone interview. Which do you prefer? Why? Sample Response I would rather have an interview at a company than over the telephone for two reasons. First, I show the company that I am really interested in working there because I am willing to go to the effort of traveling far. Therefore, the company may be more willing to hire me. Second, I can learn more about the company if I visit it. I may even be able to get a tour. Seeing the company will help me decide if I really want to work there or not.


2020年12月12日托福口语真题 Task1 Whose lecture would you like to attend ? Scientist’s , businessman’s or government official’s? Task2 If there is misunderstanding between you and your friend, do you prefer to solve the problem in public places or private places like home? Task 3 阅读:学校安排周六授课的programs 原因1):学生有能够选择 的时间表;原因2):课程有折扣。 听力:女生同意该建议,因为1):很多人是一边工作一边上课, 平时没有时间,只能晚上上课,现在多了选择;2)现在学费很贵,有了 折扣肯定能吸引充足的学生。 Task 4 阅读:loss aversion 损失规避心理 听力:教授举自己的例子,他用credit card 买水果应该花20美元,结果被刷了30美元。他非要把那10美元要回来,但那个地方很远,后来有个朋友告诉他有个咖啡馆试喝咖啡给10美元,他去试喝了。 Task5 问题:女生要组织camp trip,但是气象预报说天要下雨。方案1:改时间,但是他们已经改过一次时间了,期末忙再改就没人去了。方案2:带防雨设备坚持去露营。 Task6

热带雨林之所以能够support 多样物种生存的两个characteristics。 一是热带雨林环境温暖潮湿,很多植物不能在干冷的地方生村。举例某种植物遇到冷天就会死,但在亚马逊的热带雨林就能够活。二是茂密的树叶会遮住阳光,形成canopy,所以地面环境和高处环境大不相同,举例一种植物能够在高处生存,但落到地上就会死。


托福口语Task3的考试时间及内容 在托福口语考试中,从第三题开始就进入了综合口语的部分。这部分考生除了要用口语表达出来,同时还有阅读和听力的内容,并且时间上也不是太多。考生想要在这部分考生出好的成绩,那么对于托福口语的答题技巧以及考试内容就要有一个清晰的了解,这样才能从容应对题目。下面就跟小编一起来学习一下吧。 》》》点击查看:托福口语评分标准 托福口语第三题阅读: 时间:40秒至45秒 阅读内容:校园生活话题 (75至100words)(大学的政策,规定或者办事程序,大学的计划,校园设施或校园内生活质量)。 托福口语第三题听力: 时间:60s至80s。 内容:话题同阅读,说话者会针对相关话题持鲜明观点,观点分支持反对两种。 托福口语第三题作答: 依据阅读和听力材料说明学生的观点和学生所给出的理由,考生不需要说明自己的观点。 考察的关系:阅读和听力中综合信息的能力:听力必然和阅读相关;答题必须与听力相关,必须清楚听力和阅读之间的关系; 准备时间:30s;陈述时间:60s。 托福口语第三题备考TIPS: 1、阅读的时候要注意记录主题和支撑的观点 2、听力的部分主要记清楚主要人物的观点,以及他支持或反对的理由 3、结构一定要清楚,要用计时软件,多锻炼几次才能在规定时间内把要点说全说清楚。 托福口语第三题备考模版: 注:模版只是参考,请同学们自己总结 1、The school has implemented a new policy that ... due to ... . And the man/woman holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement.

新托福口语黄金80题万能理由之五:get emotional ...

新托福口语黄金80题 万能理由之五:Let’s get emotional… 我们先来看下上期的答案: (第36题Do you prefer to do your school assignments alone or in a group? Doing school assignments with a group is much better than doing them alone It is more interesting ?doing assignments alone is very bor ing ?exchanging ideas and feelings is full of fun ?it also enhances your relationships with peers 点评:中国古话说的好,“独乐乐不如众乐乐”。当题目里面出现“一和多”的对立时,我们一般总是选择“多”,而其中的一个强大理由就是full of fun或more interesting. (第42题Would you like to attend class regularly or study by oneself? I think attending class regularly is much better than self-studies Interacting with people is fun ?can often have interesting discussions ?have frequent face to face communication ?make friends with classmates or even professors 点评:该题的出题和解答思路跟上题完全一样,仍旧是选择“多”的模式,在分支理由中加入了face to face communication和make friends等思路。 (第60题Describe the favorite room in your home. The living room of my home is my favorite as there is a big TV screen


people (人) 1.Describe a person that you admire. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to support your response. 2.Describe the famous person you admire most. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to support your response. 3.Describe a person who had a positive impact on you. Explain how this person influenced your life. Give specific reasons and details to support your explanation. 4.Describe a person whom you would like to spend time with. Explain why you would like to spend time with this person. Include reasons and details to support your response. 5.Describe a person whom you would like to talk with often (this person could be one of your close friends, family members or teachers). Explain why you’d like to talk with this person and what you talk about? 6.Describe a special friend in your childhood, why he or she is special to you? Include reasons and details to support your response. 7.Describe an elder person that you respect. This person could be one of your grandparents or neighbors. Explain why you admire this person,and how this person influenced you. 8.Describe the person to whom you would like to turn for advice when you are in trouble. And explain why you would like to turn to this person for advice? 9.Describe your favorite performer or musician. Explain why you like this performer or musician most. Include reasons and examples to support your response. 10.In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good leader? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these qualities are important. 11.In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good friend? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important. 12.In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good teacher? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important. 13.In your opinion, what are some important qualities of a good team member? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why this characteristic is important.


托福黄金口语80题 十大万能理由 在这里,小站为您从托福80道真题中,精心挑选和梳理了十个万能话题理由,其中囊括了几乎所有常规题和部分另类题。考生如果掌握了这串十个万能理由的钥匙,就如同拥有了打开任意门的钥匙,使你通往一扇又一扇高分的大门。 让我们启程吧。 key 1 Expand one’s horizons Money, finance & economy Learn, learn, learn Let’s get emo-tional Relax, enjoy & have fun! Communi -cation Efficient Health & wealth Trait & characte-ristic Interest

Expand one’s horizons 作为万能理由的第一条,expand one’s horizons 绝对是不二之选。究其本意,单数的horizon 是“地平线、海平线”的意思,但复数的horizons 却指人们的“眼界、视野”,其英文注释为: the limit of your ideas, knowledge and experience. 略举一例:World history is a course of study that will broaden your horizons. 先看一个具体话题:(第10题)Should the government help to build more museums and theaters?下面以表格的形式给出其中一条主干理由:enrich citizens’ cultural life(丰富公民的文化生活) 再来看一个抽象话题:(第3题)Describe the most important decision in your life. 面对此类抽象话题,最佳策略是将其具体化,变成一个日常生活话题,然后套用我们的万能理由。 请看思路:I think I made the most important decision of my life by choosing to go to an overseas university after graduation from high school in China.而其中的一条主干理由就是:it will broaden my horizons. 参见下表: 作为主干理由的broaden my horizons,之下又有made friends, travelled a lot, visited various museums等三条分支理由,思路极易展开。


托福口语20个常用短语词组资料整 理 托福口语想要回答得地道有水平,用词造句方面下点功夫总是没错的。今天给大家带来托福口语20个常用短语词组资料整理,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 高分精选】托福口语20个常用短语词组资料整理 托福口语20个常用短语词汇整理 1.With the help of 在~~帮助下 under the leadership / care of 在~~领导/关心下 2.be strict with sb. 对~人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对~事要求严格 3. at present=at the present time 目前 for the present 暂时 4. in the sun/sunshine 在阳光下 under the sun 在世界上 5. lie in 位于~~之内

lie on 同~~接壤 lie to 位于~~之外 6. at least 至少 in the least 丝毫,一点 7. by name 名叫 in the name of 以~~名义 8. in the air 空中,在流传 on the air 播出 9. in the way 挡路,障碍 in a way 在某点上,在某种程度上get one’s own way to do 随心所欲give way 让步,屈服 lose one’s way 迷路 by the way 顺便说一下 on one’s way to 在去~~的路上Come this way 这边走

10. at the corner 在拐角处(外角) in the corner 在角落里(内角) on the corner 在角落上(外角上) 11. judge by / from 根据~~来判断 judge for oneself 由某人自己来判断 12. at the end (of) 在~~结束时 at the beginning of 在~~开始时 at the back of 在~~背后,支持 at the age of 在~~岁时 at the foot of 在~~脚下 at the bottom of 在~~底部 at the top of 在~~顶上 at/on the edge of 在~~边上 13. in the course of 在~~过程中 in the eyes of 从~~观点看来,在~~眼里in the face of 面对~,尽管,纵使


新托福口语考试试题小范例 (发布时间:2007-8-7 15:31:00 来自:模考网 实例: Narrator: “Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree with this statement? Please give reasons for your answer. You may begin to prepare your response after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Preparation time: 15 seconds Response time: 45 seconds Narrator: Please begin speaking after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Suggested Answer: With the improvement of living standards, some people can afford to buy their own cars. They drive to work or drive to the suburbs, enjoying the happy holidays. Yet, private cars can’t replace public transportation, such as buses or subways. Compared with private cars, buses and subways have several advantages. First, they are very cheap. A


托福口语科技类话题5个万能理由分 享 托福口语科技类话题5个万能理由分享, 综合独立题型都能用,今天给大家带来了托福口语科技类话题5个万能理由分享 综合独立题型都能用,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语科技类话题5个万能理由分享综合独立题型都能用 托福口语科技类话题万能理由分享 1、convenient 人类世界的大部分发明 2、efficiency 科技发明也让我们的生活变得更加便利,比如以前人类想要获得知识需要查很多很多的书籍,但是现在只要在网络上一搜索就可以找到自己想要的答案。科技确实让我们的学习和工作变得更加高效,便利。 3、健康

健康可以分为身体健康和精神健康。任何新事物的出现都是一把双刃剑,有好的地方就一定会有坏的地方。科技的发明在提高人类的工作效率的同时,也对人们的健康造成了一定的影响. 4、personal relationship 科技最终要在人类的世界中应用,只要有人,就会有人际关系,科技在实际生活中也会影响人与人之间的关系 5、money 钱涵盖了我们生活中的方方面面,科技产品的出现也不例外。如果想要使用科技产品,首先需要购买,而且科技产品的出现也促使了很多物品进行价格的调整。 托福口语:还在很土的用I think表达“我认为”? I maintain/suppose/presume that 除了think这种老旧的说法,我们可以用 maintain/suppose/presume 这几个词来替换。这些词都比think、believe 要高大上、听上去有质感,比如: I presume the director has already heard the news. 我觉得主管已经知道这件事了吧。 I maintain that all workers should be treated eqaully.
