



作家: 这么说你是在动物园里长大的So, you were raised in a zoo?

派:我是在本地治里出生长大的Born and raised...in Pondicherry, 当时

里属于法属印度in what was the French part of India. 我父亲是动物园园

My father owned the zoo.

我出生的时候还是一位爬虫学家临时接生的And I was delivered on short notice by a herpetologist,

他原本是来检查孟加拉巨蜥的who was there to check on the Bengal

monitor lizard. 好在母子平安Mother and I were both healthy,

可惜那只蜥蜴却溜了but the poor lizard escaped,

结果惨死在某个体型巨大的物种脚下and was trampled by a frightening category. 这是因果报应吧The way of Karma, huh?

也是神的意志The way of God.

作家: 这故事挺不错的That's quite a story.

光看你名字I'd assumed your father

我还以为你父亲是位数学家was a mathematician, because of your name.

派:差不多吧我这名字取源于一个泳池的名字Not far from it, I was

named after a swimming pool.

作家: 有叫"派"的游泳池吗There was a pool named "Pi"?

派:话说我叔叔弗朗西斯You see, my uncle Francis

刚出生时肺积水很严重was born with too much water in his lungs. 听人说医生抓住他脚踝They say the doctor swung Francis

倒过来晃来晃去才把水给清干净around by the ankle, to clear the water out. 也正因为这样And that's what gives him

他才四肢纤细却有着硕大的胸肌his huge chest and skinny legs,

他靠着身材成了游泳健将that made him such a great swimmer.

作家: 弗朗西斯是你亲叔叔吗Is Francis actually your uncle,

他说自己只是你父亲的朋友罢了he said he was friend with your father?

派:我们亲如叔侄我叫他"玛玛吉" Well, he's my "Honorary" Uncle. I call him "Mamaji".

他是我父亲的挚友也是我的游泳导师My father's best friend, my swimming guru. 我跟着他去进修所游三次I trained with him three times a week at the ashram. 他的谆谆教导最后救了我一命His lessons would save my life in the end.

( 弗朗西斯: 呛几口水倒死不了A mouthful of water will not harden you.

慌了就完了But panic will.

记得先呼吸别憋着And remember to breath now, don't hold your breath.

好孩子Good boy.)

派:我吃素食你不介意吧I hope you don't mind vegetarian.

作家: 没事不介意No, no. Not at all.

- 那名字的事呢- 什么- And your name? - Uh?

你刚打算说你名字的由来You were going to tell me how you got your name, I think.

派:对了Oh yes!

我这名字是玛玛吉跟我父亲说起的I got it from something Mamaji once

told my father. 一般人出游收集明信片You see, most travelers collect postcards 茶杯珠宝之类的东西or tea cups and their jewelries,

但玛玛吉不同but not Mamaji.

他喜欢收集游泳池Mamaji collects swimming pools.

每到一处他就去当地的泳池游泳He swims in every pool he comes upon.


有一天玛玛吉对我父亲说One day, Mamaji said to my father,

放眼世界各地的游泳池that of all the pools in the world,

当属巴黎的一个公共游泳池最美the most beautiful was a public pool in

Paris. 那里的水清澈至极That the water there was so clear,

你甚至可以拿里面的水煮早咖啡you could make your morning coffee with it. 就是这次游泳改变了他一生That a single swim there changed his life.

我出生之前他说道Before I was born, he said:

" 要想让你儿子有颗纯洁的心灵"If you want your son to have a clean soul, (Piscine 法语意为泳池)

就要带他去莫利托公共泳池游泳you must take him one day to swim in the "Piscine Molitor".

我一直没搞懂父亲为何对这句话如此上心I never understood why my father took this so much too heart.

但事实如此But he did.

所以我就被取名为"皮辛?莫利托?帕特尔" And I was named "Piscine

Molitor Patel". 你想想光解释名字就够累的Imagine me trying to explain

that name. 好不容易熬到 11 岁 结果 I barely made it to the age of eleven, before...

(" 便辛" Hey, "Pissing"!

你在小便吗 Are you pissing right now?

瞧 他在小便呢 Look at him, he is pissing.

一字之别 With one word,

我的名字就从优雅的法国泳池名 my name went from an elegant French

swimming pool 沦为了肮脏的印度公厕 to a stinking Indian latrine.

我到哪儿都成了 "小便" I was "Pissing" everywhere.

操场里不准随地小便 No pissing in the schoolyard!

就连老师也这么叫 Even the teacher started doing it.

的 Not deliberately, of course.

那么... So then...

是什么让壶里的气体快速蒸发呢 What made the kettle to release gas too quickly?

等到第二年开学第一天 When we returned the next year for our first day

of school,

我早有准备 I was prepared.

到 Present, sir!

皮辛?帕特尔 Piscine Patel.当然 他不是故意 小便 Pissing? 听啊 老师也叫他小便 He said pissing, guys.

小便 Pissing!

够了 That's enough!

早上好Good Morning.

我名叫皮辛?帕特尔I am Piscine Molitor


大家都叫我Know to all as:

"派" "Pi"

" 派" 是希腊字母表的第16 个字母The sixteenth letter of the


alphabet. 也在数学领域用来表示Which is also used in mathematics to

represent 圆周与直径之比the ratio of any circle circcomference to its


是一个无限不循环小数An irrational number of infinite length, 常取小数点后两位usually rounded to three digits, 记为 3.14 as 3.14, "派" Pi.

很有意思... 派Very impressive (i)

回座吧Now sit down.

- 阿瓦鲁? 萨米- 到- Arvelu Sami? -


之后你就成了" 派" 吗And from then on, you were


也不尽然Well no, not quite.

得了吧小便Nice try, Pissing.

但我还有一整天时间But I still had the whole day ahead of me. 接着是法语课French class was next.

我叫皮辛?莫利托?帕特尔Je m'appelle Piscine Molitor Patel.

派" Pi.


接着是地理课Then geography.

这是"派"小数点后前二十位These are the first twenty decimal places

of Pi. 最后一堂课是数学My last class of the day was mathematics. 4...


3.. . 3...

5.. . 5...

8.. . 8...

5.. . 5...

8.. . 8...

5.. . 5...

8.. . 8...

没错他真背出来了It's right! He's really doing this!

等放学的时候By the end of that day,

我就成了学校的传奇人物"派?帕特尔" I was "Pi Patel", school legend.) 作家: 玛玛吉跟我说你有段传奇航海经历是吗Mamaji tells me you're a legend among sailors, do you?

一个人漂洋过海Out there, all alone.

派:我不懂航海Oh, I don't even know how to sail.

再说我也不是一个人还有理查德?帕克And I wasn't alone out there, Richard Parker was with me.

作家:理查德?帕克Richard Parker?

玛玛吉没跟我细说Mamaji, he didn't tell me everything,

只说让我回蒙特利尔的时候来找你he just said I should look you up when I got back to Montreal.

派:那你在本地治里的时候都干些什么呢So what were you doing in Pondicherry?

作家: 写小说Writing a novel.

派:顺带一提我很喜欢你第一部小说By the way, I enjoyed your first book.

新书打算以印度为背景吗So this new one is set in India?

作家: 其实是葡萄牙No, Portugal actually.

在印度待着可以省些开销But it's cheaper living in India.

派:好吧我很期待你的新书Well, I look forward to reading it.

作家: 等不到了You can't.

我放弃了I threw it out.

我花了两年时间构思小说Two years I was trying to bring these things to

life, 结果它残喘了没多久就胎死腹中了and they one day... Sputtered caughed and died.

派:节哀顺变Oh, I'm sorry.

作家: 一天下午So I was sitting

怀念我我就坐在本地治里的咖啡屋in this coffee house in Pondicherry

那早逝的小说one afternoon mourning my lost,

就在那时when this

一位旁桌的老伙计跟我攀谈起来old man at the table next to me, struck up

a conversation.

派:玛玛吉就喜欢这样Yeah, Mamaji he does that.

作家: 我说起了那本没写成的小说他说道When I told him my abandoned book, he said: " 原来是加拿大人一起去法属印度吧"So, a Canadian. Let's

come to French India, 到那里搜集故事and search for a story.

伙计我有个印度朋友Well, my friend, I know an Indian

就住在加拿大法语区in French Canada,

少年派台本 台词中英文全

少年派台本整理 作家:这么说你是在动物园里长大的 So, you were raised in a zoo? 派:我是在本地治里出生长大的 Born and raised...in Pondicherry, 当时那里属于法属印度 in what was the French part of India. 我父亲是动物园园主 My father owned the zoo. 我出生的时候还是一位爬虫学家临时接生的 And I was delivered on short notice by a herpetologist, 他原本是来检查孟加拉巨蜥的 who was there to check on the Bengal monitor lizard. 好在母子平安 Mother and I were both healthy, 可惜那只蜥蜴却溜了 but the poor lizard escaped, 结果惨死在某个体型巨大的物种脚下 and was trampled by a frightening category. 这是因果报应吧 The way of Karma, huh? 也是神的意志 The way of God. 作家:这故事挺不错的 That's quite a story. 光看你名字 I'd assumed your father 我还以为你父亲是位数学家 was a mathematician, because of your name. 派:差不多吧我这名字取源于一个泳池的名字 Not far from it, I was named after a swimming pool. 作家:有叫"派"的游泳池吗 There was a pool named "Pi"? 派:话说我叔叔弗朗西斯 You see, my uncle Francis


穿靴子的猫 马尔科姆·阿瑟 献给尼科——弗雷德·马塞利诺 有个磨坊主生了三个儿子。他死后,留给三个儿子的遗产只有磨坊、驴和猫。三个儿子没有请律师,因为他们知道,要是请了律师,他们就会花光所有的遗产。没过多久,他们就把遗产分配好了。大儿子分到了磨坊,二儿子分到了驴,留给小儿子的只有一只猫。 小儿子因此很不高兴。:“我的两个哥哥可以一起干活,过上体面的生活。”他说,“可是我呢,等我吃掉猫肉,再用猫皮做副手套之后,就会饿死。” 那只猫听了他的话,却装作没听见,它带着严肃和同情的神情说:“别担心,我的主人。你只要给我一个口袋和一双靴子,让我能穿过荆棘,那么你就会知道,情况没有你想得那么糟糕。” 猫的主人不太相信这番话,可是他很快想起来,这只猫曾有过一些非常机敏的表现,比如,它能直立行走,还曾藏在面粉里装死来抓老鼠。于是他心想:好吧,干嘛不让它试一下呢? 那只猫得到了它要的东西。它穿上了漂亮的靴子,把口袋搭在肩上,用两只前爪握住袋口的绳子,去兔子多的林子了。 猫在口袋里装了些糖和苦菜,诱捕那些年幼的兔子。因为幼兔没有经验,会毫不顾忌地把鼻子伸进口袋里。 不一会儿,一只傻乎乎的幼兔就走进了口袋。猫一抽袋口的绳子,毫不留情地杀死了兔子。 猫得意地带着兔子去了王宫,要求见国王。 它被带到了国王的房间里,一到那儿,它便深深鞠了个躬,说:“陛下,我家主人卡拉巴斯侯爵(这是猫为它主人捏造出来的头衔)吩咐我将这只野兔献给陛下,以示敬意。” “告诉你的主人,”国王说,“我非常高兴接受他的礼物,代我衷心的谢谢他。” 猫拿着口袋出去了,这一次,它藏在一片麦田里。当两只山鹑走进口袋里的时候,它一抽绳子,把它们双双全捉住了。


PUSS IN BOOTS Act 1 Only a cat Miller: My sons,I am very sick. I am going to die . Oldest Son:Father,you must not die. Second Son and Youngest Son:(crying)Father… Miller: My sons,I have a mill, a donkey and a cat. My oldest son, I give the mill to you. My second son, I give the donkey to you. My youngest son, I give the cat to you. (The miller dies.) Youngest son:(sighing)Oh no,only a cat! Puss: What can I do with it? I will die of hunger. Don't worry, Master. Give me boots and a bag. Then I will work for you. (The youngest son buys boots and a bag for his cat.) Youngest son: Here are the boots and the bag. Puss: (wearing them)Master, do I look good? From now call me Puss in Boots! 请学员用语言点造句(每个句型造至少3个)1、病了be sick (1)我病了 (2)他病了 (3)你病了 (4)我们病了 (5)他们病了


奥斯卡励志电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》经典台词 alloflifeisanactoflettinggo,butwhathurtsthemostisnottakingamomenttosay goodbye.人生也许就是不断地放下,然而令人痛心的是,我都没能好好地与他们道别。 pi:religionisahousewithmanyrooms.”writer:butnoroomfordoubt?”pi:ohyes! oneveryfloor.”派:信仰就像一座房屋,可以有很多楼层、很多房间。 ”作家:那有怀疑的空间么?”派:当然,怀疑在每一层都占了几间。 ”imustsayawordaboutfear.itislife’sonlytrueopponent.onlyfearcandefea tlife.这里必须说说恐惧,它是生活惟一真正的对手,因为只有恐惧才能打败生活。 ifeveryunfoldingweexperiencetakesusfurtheralonginlife,then,wearetrulyex periencingwhatlifeisoffering...如果我们在人生中体验的每一次转变都让我们在生活中走得更远,那么,我们就真正的体验到了生活想让我们体验的东西。 i'mgrateful.it'stheplaintruth:withoutrichardparker,iwouldn'tbealivetodayto tellyoumystory.我非常感恩。

说实话,如果没有理查德?帕克,我也不可能活到今天跟你讲述我的故事。 itwasatimefilledwithwonderthati'llalwaysremember.那是一段充满着奇幻的经历,我会永生铭记。 pi:w hichstorydoyouprefer?”writer:theonewiththetiger.”pi:andsoitgoeswith god.”派:两个故事你更喜欢哪一个?”作家:我喜欢有老虎那个,因为那个故事更精彩。 ”派:所以,你跟随上帝。 ”thenrichardparker,companionofmytorment,awful,fiercethingthatkep tmealive,movedforwardanddisappearedforeverfrommylife.然后,那个让我生存下来的理查德?帕克,那个让我痛苦、使我害怕的凶狠的伙伴,径直向前走没有回头,永远消失在我的生命里。


少年派台本整理台词中英文全 少年派台本整 理 作家: 这么说你是在动物园里长大的So, you were raised in a zoo? 派:我是在本地治里出生长大的Born and raised...in Pondicherry, 当时 那 里属于法属印度in what was the French part of India. 我父亲是动物园园 主 My father owned the zoo. 我出生的时候还是一位爬虫学家临时接生的And I was delivered on short notice by a herpetologist, 他原本是来检查孟加拉巨蜥的who was there to check on the Bengal monitor lizard. 好在母子平安Mother and I were both healthy, 可惜那只蜥蜴却溜了but the poor lizard escaped, 结果惨死在某个体型巨大的物种脚下and was trampled by a frightening category. 这是因果报应吧The way of Karma, huh? 也是神的意志The way of God. 作家: 这故事挺不错的That's quite a story. 光看你名字I'd assumed your father 我还以为你父亲是位数学家was a mathematician, because of your name. 派:差不多吧我这名字取源于一个泳池的名字Not far from it, I was named after a swimming pool. 作家: 有叫"派"的游泳池吗There was a pool named "Pi"? 派:话说我叔叔弗朗西斯You see, my uncle Francis 刚出生时肺积水很严重was born with too much water in his lungs. 听人说医生抓住他脚踝They say the doctor swung Francis


《轻松英语名作欣赏》小学版——穿靴子的猫 Puss in Boots(穿靴子的猫) Chapter1 Only a Cat (第1章只有一只猫) 词汇总结 本章节词汇 old 年老的 miller 磨坊主 three 三(个) son 儿子 sick 生病的 die 死 soon 很快 本章节拓展词汇 there is 有,那儿有 has有;吃(have的第三人称单数现在式); three三,三个 本章节词汇 call 叫,呼唤 mill 磨坊 donkey 驴 give 给 second 第二(个) young 年轻的 本章节拓展词汇 and 和 oldest最老的(old的最高级);最旧的 to到;向;(表示时间、方向)朝…方向 youngest最小的儿子;年纪最小的人 本章节词汇 sigh 叹气 hunger 饥饿 worry 担心 master 主人 boot 靴子 bag 口袋 work 工作 本章节拓展词汇 only只,仅仅; for为,为了

本章节词汇 buy 买 wear 穿,戴 call 称呼,取名 puss 猫 本章节拓展词汇 本章节24个词汇 Chapter2 Presents for the King(第2章给国王的礼物)词汇总结 本章节词汇 put 放 some 一些 food 食物 into 到…里 rabbit 兔子 see 看见 jump 跳 catch 捉住 本章节拓展词汇 本章节词汇 sire 陛下(旧称) ask 问 marquis 侯爵 answer 回答 本章节拓展词汇 goes 前进;行走(go的第三人称单数形式) King 国王;最有势力者 present 礼物 from来自,从 who 谁 本章节词汇 day 天 skylark 云雀 third 第三(个) parrot 鹦鹉 本章节拓展词汇 本章节词汇 happy 高兴的 with 对于


I’m afraid with me and humpty the scars are too deep.恐怕我们俩之间的伤痕太深了。 I’m afraid with me and you the mistakes are too deep.(误会) You don’t have to tell me your whole life story, please. It was the year in which the rain had not fallen. 那是闹旱灾的一年。 She was an angel of kindness她像天使般温柔He stood up for me, I decided that I would always have his back. 他为我挺身而出,我决定永远保护他。 Those money could set me for life.这些钱够我一生享用了。 It’s my destiny 这就是我的命。 Well, this is awkward. 这有些难为情 And as years passed, the quest for magic beans seemed more and more like a dreams of a child. You’re better than this, I believe in you with all my heart. An instinct, I reacted 本能的,我就行动了。

Wear them as a symbol of honor and justice. I’ll make you proud. And as the light of my path grew brighter, humpty’s road grew ever darker. 当我的路越走越光明时,他却越来越阴暗。 You disgrace those boots. I lost everything I cared about that day. All I thought about was the disappointment in my mama’s eyes. His lies cost me everything. 他的谎言让我失去一切。 You think I don’t want to fix the past? 你以为我不想弥补过去吗? Please, puss. Let me show you what our friendship mean to me. 让我来证明我们的友情对我是多么重要。Don’t screw it up! 别搞咂了 You gotta start look in at the big picture. 我们该为未来着想了。 No, that’s just a rumor spread by dogs. Le t’s not panic 我们不要惊谎 They’re laying on a hill staring at the clouds


少年派的奇幻漂流台词 少年派的奇幻漂流台词 1、如果我们在人生中体验的每一次转变都让我们在生活中走得更远,那么,我们就真正的体验到了生活想让我们体验的东西。 2、我们就像哥伦布一样远航。但是哥伦布不就是来寻找印度的吗? 3、上帝,感谢你给我生命,我准备好了。 4、我确信它会回头看我,垂下耳朵,对我咆哮着跟我道别,但他只是看着森林里,然后永远的离开了我。 5、我非常感恩。说实话,如果没有理查德·帕克,我也不可能活到今天跟你讲述我的故事。 6、最重要的是不要绝望。 7、派:“如果没有它,我无法生存下去。 8、我失去了家人,我失去了一切,我臣服,你还想要什么? 9、人生也许就是不断地放下,然而令人痛心的是,我都没能好好地与他们道别。 10、语言是我们最后的救命索。 11、怀疑作用巨大,它使信仰永葆活力。 12、人生就是不断的放下,但最遗憾的是,我们来不及好好告别! 13、这里必须说说恐惧,它是生活惟一真正的对手,因为只

有恐惧才能打败生活。我非常清楚地知道,恐惧是狡黠危险的敌人,它不懂情理,无视法规,也毫不留情;它轻轻松松毫无差错就能找到并攻击你的软肋。恐惧永远都源自你的内心。 14、当你明白,人生和自我都不是用来战胜而是用来相处的!你就会明白有些东西虽然并不合理,但你必须相信,那些东西并不牢固,你必须依靠! 15、我们就像哥伦布一样远航。 16、这里必须说说恐惧,它是生活惟一真正的对手,因为只有恐惧才能打败生活。 17、信仰就像房子,可以有很多房间。 18、别被这些事物和光景蒙骗了,孩子们,社会很复杂。 19、然后,那个让我生存下来的理查德·帕克,那个让我痛苦、使我害怕的凶狠的伙伴,径直向前走没有回头,永远消失在我的生命里。 20、但是哥伦布不就是来寻找印度的吗? 21、发生了就发生了,为什么一定要有意义。 22、派:“信仰就像一座房屋,可以有很多楼层、很多房间。”作家:“那有怀疑的空间么?”派:“当然,怀疑在每一层都占了几间。” 23、科学让我们看到更多外在世界,而信仰让我们了解内心。 24、动物和人有本质区别,忘记那一点的人就会没命。 25、当你明白。人生和自我都不是用来战胜而是用来相处的!你就会明白有些东西虽然并不合理,但你必须相信,那些东西并不牢


【主持词大全】 《穿靴子的猫》这篇格林童话故事,大家知道?下文是相关的中英文对照,欢迎大家阅读与学习。 从前,有一个磨房主,死的时候给他那三个儿子留下的唯一财产仅仅是一个磨坊,一头驴和一只猫。这点儿遗产很快就被儿子们瓜分一空,既没有公证人也没有律师到场,因为他们一来,肯定就会把这些东西据为己有。 老大拿走了磨坊,老二带走了那头驴,最后只有那只猫留给了老三。老三只分得了这么一丁点儿财产,难免伤心难过,他可怜巴巴地说“我的两个哥哥只要合伙就不难谋生,我呢,只有一只猫,如果我把它吃了,只能用它的皮做个手筒来暖手,最终免不了还得饿死街头。” 这些话都让那只猫听了去,它却假装什么也没有听见,只是一本正经地对他说“我的主人,你用不着垂头丧气,只要你给我一个口袋,再让人给我做一双能穿着它在树丛中走动的靴子就行了。你也会发现,你分得的这份财产并不是那么糟糕。” 不管怎么说,这只猫还确实有点表演的天赋和狡猾的心眼。它在捉老鼠的时候,不管是大老鼠,还是小耗子,都逃不出它的手掌心。它总有办法藏在面粉里或是倒挂着装死,就在老鼠放心大胆地走进它时,它才会突然跃起抓住老鼠。主人对它的所作所为还是有点了解的,所以并没有丧失信心。尽管对猫的话将信将疑,主人还是按照猫说的将它要的东西准备齐全了。 猫拿到靴子后,马上就穿在了脚上。它将口袋悬挂到脖子上,用爪子将口袋上的绳子勒紧,然后就跑进了一个到处都是兔子的养兔场。它将麸子和生菜叶放进口袋中,四仰八叉地躺在地上装死。它计划着在那里守株待兔,等着某个不谙世事的年轻兔子前来自投罗网。口袋里的那些东西是用来吸引兔子上钩的。 它刚一躺下去,就有一只不怎么聪明的小兔子钻进了它的口袋,机灵的猫立即收紧绳子,将兔子装在了口袋里。猫很是洋洋自得,带着它的战利品到王宫里求见国王。猫被引领到楼上国王的房间,只见它卑躬屈膝地对国王说“尊敬的国王陛下,我仅代表卡拉巴司侯爵向您敬献他最珍爱的兔子。”这只猫竟然自作主张将它的主人封为卡拉巴司侯爵。 王回答说“告诉你的主人,很感谢他的礼物。我很高兴他能惦记着我。” 还有一次,猫躲在一片麦田里,依旧张开着它的那个大口袋。这次,居然逮着了两只鹌鹑。猫如法炮制,同样以卡拉巴司侯爵的名义将这两只鹌鹑进献给国王。国王仍旧高高兴兴地收下了这份礼物,还给了猫一点赏钱。 猫在两三个月里持续不断地以卡拉巴司侯爵的名义向国王进献不同的礼物,当然这些礼物都是它用相同的手段获得的。 终于,有一天,它得知国王将要带着宝贝公主到河边游玩,那个公主可是世上独一无二的大美女。猫对它的主人说“如果你能照着我说的话做,你的好运气就会来了。很简单,你


All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye. 人生也许就是不断地放下,然而令人痛心的是,我都没能好好地与他们道别。 Pi: “Religion is a house with many rooms.” Writer: “But no room for doubt?”Pi: “Oh yes! On every floor.” 派:“信仰就像一座房屋,可以有很多楼层、很多房间。”作家:“那有怀疑的空间么?”派:“当然,怀疑在每一层都占了几间。” I must say a word about fear. It is life’s only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. 这里必须说说恐惧,它是生活惟一真正的对手,因为只有恐惧才能打败生活。 If every unfolding we experience takes us further along in life, then, we are truly experiencing what life is offering... 如果我们在人生中体验的每一次转变都让我们在生活中走得更远,那么,我们就真正的体验到了生活想让我们体验的东西。 I'm grateful. It's the plain truth: without Richard Parker, I wouldn't be alive today to tell you my story. 我非常感恩。说实话,如果没有理查德?帕克,我也不可能活到今天跟你讲述我的故事。


猫:In the days following my adventures with the Golden Goose , I found myself at a crossroads . Was I destined to be an outlaw … or a hero ? I did not know . only one thing was certain . I am Puss In Boots ! 侍卫:Are you Puss In Boots ? 猫:I am … No . This is outrageous ! What am I charged with , anyway ? Because I’m pretty sure you got the wrong gato . 侍卫:Presenting Princess Alessandra Bellagamba ! 猫:Your Majesty . I throw myself upon your mercy . 侍卫:Silencio ! 公主:My heart has been stolen . 猫:I am innocent . I’ve seen you before in my life .

公主:No , Signore Boots . The Heart of Fire ruby is missing . It’s the crown jewel of my kingdom . Now there is only a hole where the Heart once was . I want to hire you to find the Heart and bring it back to me . 猫:You want to hire me ? 公主:Yes . Your reputation is that of a cat who fears nothing . 猫:Yep . This is me . Back off ! So , tell me more . 公主:The Heart was stolen by the notorious French thief , Le Chuchoteur 猫: Le what ? 公主:Le Chuchoteur . The Whisperer . 猫: Why are we whispering ?


《少年派》经典台词 1、世界上那么多女人,你为什么就会娶她当老婆,还要带上我? 2、会的全不考,考的全不会。 3、想吃烧烤因为体寒需要。 4、我以为你是两个B。 5、与其说是我们陪你,不如说是让你多陪陪我们。 6、大部分孩子还是顽强地从寄宿学校活着出来了。 7、钟点工阿姨,看你殷勤的、爬上爬下费劲讨好的,人家就当你个不要钱的钟点工阿姨,看见漂亮妖娆的女人就走不动。 8、清水出芙蓉,污水处腐乳。 9、你头发帘这么厚,能看得见未来么你?10、我天生就乐于助人,不像你以貌取人,长得漂亮就是我图谋不轨,要长得难看我就是为人民服务了。11、孩子在家是吃啥有啥,孩子不在家是有啥吃啥。12、你们大人呀,得自立,不能老依耐孩子。13、有一种冷,叫你妈觉得你冷;有一种饿,叫你妈觉得你饿。14、每个月总有那么28天不想上学。15、你说对了,理科真不是人学的!情景二(37):还有四个月就要高考了,林妙妙迷恋上了网上直播,决定放弃高考,父母不同意,林妙妙的父亲林大为与林妙妙的对话:妙妙:爸,剩下的时间我还能做什么?大为:做什么不重要,重要的是努力和合时宜,努力可能会撒谎,但绝不会白费;剩下的这四个月如果你全力以赴,在你的余生一定会记住这一段。妙妙:我觉得我考不上大学了。大为:考不上就考不上呗。妙妙:那还要复读吗?大为:读,哪有复读一说,就是读一百遍也是苟日新,日日新,又日新;爸爸看了你的全部直播,想听听我的观后感吗?你活泼



在金鹅之后的冒险日子里. In the days following my adventures with the Golden Goose, 我走到了一个人生的十字路口I found myself at a crossroads. 我注定要成为亡命之徒还是英雄? Was I destined to be an outlaw... or a hero? 我不得而知I did not know. 我只能确定一件事Only one thing was certain. 我是剑客靴猫I am Puss In Boots! 你是剑客靴猫吗Are you Puss In Boots? 我是I am... 不是No. 真是没天理了我到底犯了什么法This is outrageous! What am I charged with, anyway? 你们肯定捉错猫咪了Because I'm pretty sure you got the wrong gato. 亚历山德拉·贝拉冈巴公主驾到Presenting Princess Alessandra Bellagamba! 公主殿下草民恳求您的宽恕Your Majesty, I throw myself upon your mercy. 肃静Silencio! 我的心被偷走了My Heart has been stolen. 草民冤枉啊草民与您素昧平生I am innocent. I've never seen you before in my life. 不是靴子先生No, Signore Boots. 熔火之心红宝石不见了The Heart of Fire ruby is missing. 它是我王冠上的宝石It is the crown jewel of my kingdom. 现在王冠上只剩下个洞了Now there is only a hole where the Heart once was. 我想雇你把宝石找回来给我I want to hire you to find the Heart and bring it back to me. 您想雇我You want to hire me? 是的你勇敢无惧威名远播Yes. Your reputation is that of a cat who fears nothing. 没错正是在下Yep. This is me. 闪开Back off! 那么好好跟我说说So, tell me more. 宝石是被那个臭名昭著的法兰西盗贼偷的The Heart was stolen by the notorious French thief, -Le Chuchoteur -啥- Le Chuchoteur. - Le what? Chuchoteur指喜欢窃窃私语的人 Le Chuchoteur 耳语大盗Le Chuchoteur. The Whisperer. 我们为啥要耳语Why are we whispering? 那是他的名字That is his name! 你一定要找到他You must find him. 你想要什么都行I'll pay you anything. 不错Yeah. 您的泪水足以支付我的费用了Your tears are payment enough. 谢谢谢谢Grazie! Grazie! 靴子先生耳语大盗作案时Signore Boots, during the robbery 我们捉获了他的三个跟班we captured three of The Whisperer's henchmen. 只有他们才知道他的秘密巢穴在哪They are the only ones who know the location of his secret hideout, 但他们守口如瓶but they will not talk. 我是专业开瓶器啊I will make them talk. 食物Food. 水Water! 厕纸Toilet paper. 我得提醒你I must warn you,


穿靴子的猫 在金鹅之后的冒险日子里. In the days following my adventures with the Golden Goose, 我走到了一个人生的十字路口 I found myself at a crossroads. 我注定要成为亡命之徒还是英雄? Was I destined to be an outlaw... or a hero? 我不得而知 I did not know. 我只能确定一件事 Only one thing was certain. 我是剑客靴猫 I am Puss In Boots! 你是剑客靴猫吗 Are you Puss In Boots? 我是 I am... 不是 No. 剑客靴猫 萌猫三剑客 真是没天理了我到底犯了什么法 This is outrageous! What am I charged with, anyway? 你们肯定捉错猫咪了 Because I'm pretty sure you got the wrong gato. 亚历山德拉·贝拉冈巴公主驾到Presenting Princess Alessandra Bellagamba! 公主殿下草民恳求您的宽恕 Your Majesty, I throw myself upon your mercy. 肃静 Silencio! 我的心被偷走了 My Heart has been stolen. 草民冤枉啊草民与您素昧平生 I am innocent. I've never seen you before in my life. 不是靴子先生No, Signore Boots. 熔火之心红宝石不见了 The Heart of Fire ruby is missing. 它是我王冠上的宝石 It is the crown jewel of my kingdom. 现在王冠上只剩下个洞了 Now there is only a hole where the Heart once was. 我想雇你把宝石找回来给我 I want to hire you to find the Heart and bring it back to me. 您想雇我 You want to hire me? 是的你勇敢无惧威名远播 Yes. Your reputation is that of a cat who fears nothing. 没错正是在下 Yep. This is me. 闪开 Back off! 那么好好跟我说说 So, tell me more. 宝石是被那个臭名昭著的法兰西盗贼偷 的 The Heart was stolen by the notorious French thief, -Le Chuchoteur -啥 - Le Chuchoteur. - Le what? Chuchoteur指喜欢窃窃私语的人 Le Chuchoteur 耳语大盗 Le Chuchoteur. The Whisperer. 我们为啥要耳语 Why are we whispering? 那是他的名字 That is his name! 你一定要找到他 You must find him. 你想要什么都行 I'll pay you anything. 不错 Yeah. 您的泪水足以支付我的费用了 Your tears are payment enough. 谢谢谢谢 Grazie! Grazie! 靴子先生耳语大盗作案时 Signore Boots, during the robbery 我们捉获了他的三个跟班 we captured three of The Whisperer's henchmen. 只有他们才知道他的秘密巢穴在哪 They are the only ones who know the location of his secret hideout, 但他们守口如瓶 but they will not talk. 我是专业开瓶器啊 I will make them talk. 食物 Food. 水 Water! 厕纸 Toilet paper. 我得提醒你 I must warn you, 他们是我们遇到过的最穷凶极恶的佣兵 these are the most vile and ferocious mercenaries we have ever encountered. 我是无所畏惧的剑客靴猫 I am Puss In Boots. I fear nothing! 开门 Open up! -开玩笑吗-没开玩笑他们是魔鬼 - Is this a joke? - It's no joke! They are devils. 这些家伙 These guys? 先生要是这三个魔头帮你 Signore, if these diablos help you 找到了耳语大盗的秘密巢穴 find The Whisperer's secret hideout, 我就赐予他们自由 I will grant them their freedom. 怎么样猫咪们愿意帮忙吗 So, kitties, will you help Puss? 公主您的宝石如探囊取物了 Princesa, your ruby is as good as found. 你们给猫叔我指出耳语大盗住在哪里 You show Uncle Pusswhere The Whisperer lives. 稍后我们就去吃炸鱼排 Later, we will all go out for fish sticks! 我知道你想玩儿但是 I know you want to play, but... 你在干什... Hey, hey, what are you...? 不 No! 等等这是我的东西 Wait! Those are mine! 别 No! 快停下猫猫们 Stop it! Gatos! 我的名声要臭了 This is very bad for my reputation. 祈求上帝保佑吧魔头们 Pray for mercy... diablos! 什么 What? 有没有搞错 Why did you do that? 你们别想吃炸鱼排了 No fish sticks for you! 天一亮你们就会重归牢狱永无天日 In the morning, you are going back to jail forever. 想想你们的妈妈她会多么失望 Think of your mama. She's going to be very disappointed. 你们没有妈妈 You have no mama. 我早该想到你们是孤儿


少年派经典台词 1、吃饭不积极,思想有问题。 2、世界上那么多女人,你为什么就会娶她当老婆,还要带上我? 3、天道好轮回,苍天绕过谁。 4、会的他偏偏不考,考的又都不会。 5、天气这么热,别把孩子冻着。 6、你头发帘这么厚,能看得见未来么你? 7、你说对了,理科真不是人学的! 8、我也想咸鱼翻身,可惜粘锅上了。 9、麻烦吃东西的同学小点声,别影响了后面睡觉的同学。 10、我跟你说你个人的快乐,一生的快乐,都是有流量的,年轻的时候把甜头都吃完了,老了就只有吃苦头了。 11、与其说是我们陪你,不如说是让你多陪陪我们。 12、老师疯之前放假,家长疯之前开学。 13、你们大人呀,得自立,不能老依耐孩子。 14、会的全不考,考的全不会。 15、情商对一个人的影响,比智商要高出9倍。先处理好情绪,再处理好事情,一步一步来,先实现一个小目标。 16、孩子在家是吃啥有啥,孩子不在家是有啥吃啥。 17、一个月,总用那么28天不想学习。 18、生活不是苟且,是你读不懂的诗和到不了的远方。 19、我天生就乐于助人,不像你以貌取人,长得漂亮就是我图谋

不轨,要长得难看我就是为人民服务了。 20、计划赶不上变化,变化就是个笑话。 21、清水出芙蓉,污水处腐乳。 22、看了呢不一定记住,记住了又不一定会考,会考又不定能答对,我劝你还是边吃边看,论起成果,至少还吃过。 23、钟点工阿姨,看你殷勤的、爬上爬下费劲讨好的,人家就当你个不要钱的钟点工阿姨,看见漂亮妖娆的女人就走不动。 《少年派》剧情介绍 《少年派》是由刘惠宁、李少飞执导,六六、九枚玉编剧,张嘉译、闫妮、赵今麦、郭俊辰、王玉雯、姜冠南领衔主演的都市情感剧。于2019年6月9日在湖南卫视金鹰独播剧场首播,并在爱奇艺、腾讯视频、芒果TV、优酷视频同步播出。 该剧围绕四个家庭,讲述了家庭成员如何迎着阳光风雨努力奋斗,经历波折、找回方向,最终收获成长的故事。 精灵活泼的少女林妙妙中考超常发挥,意外考入重点高中,妈妈王胜男扬眉吐气。高一住校,挣脱妈妈掌控的林妙妙如鱼得水,结交了三个好友,校花邓小琪、学霸钱三一和江天昊,并且还成为了校园广播站的主播,俨然“人生赢家”。学神如云,林妙妙成绩惨遭碾压,面对来自“我儿子成绩全市第一”的裴音的正面暴击,王胜男的斗志被全面点燃,开启陪读生活。冤家路窄,竟和裴音家成了邻居。王裴二人冲突不断升级,却因婚姻问题惺惺相惜,成了闺蜜。高三来临,林妙妙经历了父母感情的震荡,钱三一隐忍着父母的貌合神离,江天


I am a puss in boots. I like the movie Puss in Boots very much. The leading role puss boots’ childhood give me a deep impression. I think puss boots’ childhood is miserable and happy. Why said so? Puss boots grow up in the orphanage , he had no parents and adopted by a kind-hearted woman. But he had a good brother ---an egg named Humpty Dumpty played with him in his chidhood. A strong wind blowed me to my new mom’s door . I had a loving mom since then .at the same time , I also possess a warming , harmonious family where I get acquainted with egg . egg is my best friend in the household. I rescue a old woman in a accident . so my mama gave me a pair of boots and a hat that were symbol of justice. From then on , my mom loved me very much and had strong feelings with me . But it was also an accident that Egg sold me which let me became a fugitive(逃犯) . so my dreaming of being a hero was burst . I was very sad and very guilty to let my mama down . I didn’t want to leave the warming family indeed, especially my loving mama . A friend in need is a friend indeed : my best friend is egg, we have known each other since childhood , and grow together , And go
