

System interchange is the most advanced node in the expressway network or the functional road network system with trunk, and is responsible for the important function of the conversion of traffic flow between the expressway network and the trunk highway network. With the continuous expansion of the city scale and the rapid construction of expressways throughout the country, the number of System interchanges has continuously increased. In order to reduce the proportion of accidents at the exit of the System interchange, the traffic safety and traffic efficiency of interchange are improved. Based on the analysis of relevant domestic and foreign researches. This paper points out the requirements and problems existing in the application of the signage system of China's guideline system in the System interchange, and selects from the layout information of the optimized guide sign. The layout of the layout, the setting position of the mark and the selection of support methods were studied. The classification method of hub interchange and the principle of selecting layout information were proposed; a new ramp control point was selected, and a driver’s drive was established based on a two-lane direct exit ramp. The out-of-the-road model is used to optimize the setting of the guide sign.

Finally, set up 6 sets of different exit warning signs optimization programs. Through UC-Win/Road modeling and driving simulator experiments, related data indicators of experimental vehicles were obtained, the differences of different setting schemes were studied, and the most Reasonable setup plan; research results show that the rationality of the status quo setup plan for China's hub interchange exit signage system needs to be improved. This paper gives a relatively good comparison of the status System interchange signposting signage system. Setting plans have certain reference value for the improvement of relevant technical standards in China.

Key words:System interchange, Export guide sign system, Lane change model,

UC-Win/Road, Driving simulation


第一章绪论 (1)

1.1 研究背景 (1)

1.2 研究目的及意义 (2)

1.3 国内外研究现状 (2)

1.3.1 国内研究现状 (2)

1.3.2 国外研究现状 (6)

1.3.3 国内外研究现状总结 (8)

1.4 论文主要研究内容及技术路线图 (8)

1.4.1 论文主要研究内容 (8)

1.4.2 论文技术路线 (10)

第二章枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志设置基础理论分析 (11)

2.1枢纽互通式立交出口匝道处易发事故行为及原因分析 (11)

2.1.1枢纽互通式立交出口匝道处易发事故行为分析 (11)

2.1.2枢纽互通式立交出口匝道处易发事故原因分析 (12)

2.2枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志系统的设计目标及影响因素 (13)

2.2.1出口指路标志系统的设计目标 (13)

2.2.2出口指路标志系统设计影响因素分析 (14)

2.3枢纽互通式立交出口匝道类型及控制点选取研究 (14)

2.3.1枢纽互通式立交出口匝道分类 (14)

2.3.2枢纽互通式立交出口匝道控制点选取 (16)

2.4驾驶人对枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志系统的认知分析 (17)

2.4.1驾驶人对枢纽互通出口指路标志的视认过程 (17)

2.4.2车辆驶出匝道过程分析 (19)

2.4.3枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志视认影响因素分析 (20)

2.5本章小结 (21)

第三章枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志版面设置研究 (22)

3.1枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志版面设置存在的问题 (22)

3.1.1枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志信息选取存在的问题 (22)

3.1.2枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志版面设置存在的问题 (23)

3.2枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志版面设置原则及重点 (24)

3.2.1枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志版面设置原则 (24)

3.2.2枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志版面设置重点 (25)

3.3枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志版面信息分类 (26)

3.3.1确定枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志需要指示的信息 (26)

3.3.2枢纽互通式立交出口指路信息分类 (27)

3.4枢纽互通式立交出口指路信息选取 (28)

3.4.1基于连接方式的枢纽互通式立交分类 (28)

3.4.2枢纽互通式立交指路标志信息选取方式 (31)

3.5枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志版面设置 (32)

3.5.1枢纽互通式立交名称及双标识的使用 (32)

3.5.2下一出口预告标志及出口标志的使用 (33)

3.5.3高密度路网间接指引的使用 (35)

3.5.4多路径高速公路交通指引的使用 (36)

3.5.5枢纽互通式立交出口预告标志版面设置 (37)

3.5.6图形化标志设置研究 (39)

3.6本章小结 (40)

第四章枢纽互通式立交出口指路标志设置位置研究 (41)

4.1出口指路标志设置位置计算模型分析 (41)

4.1.1模型假设 (41)

4.1.2模型建立 (41)

4.2认读理解距离及标志视认距离求解 (43)

的求解 (43)


的求解 (43)



4.3车辆安全换道距离模型的求解 (44)

4.3.1安全换道距离模型 (44)

4.3.2可安全换道的最小车头间距求解 (45)

4.3.3安全换道距离的求解 (47)

4.4指路标志设置位置模型实例求解 (49)

4.4.1给定初始计算条件 (49)

4.4.2模型计算结果 (49)

4.5本章小结 (50)

第五章基于UC-win/Road的驾驶模拟仿真实验 (51)

5.1驾驶模拟实验介绍 (51)

5.1.1仿真软件及驾驶模拟器介绍 (51)

5.1.2模拟出口指路标志设置方案 (51)

5.1.3驾驶模拟实验场景建立 (55)

5.2驾驶模拟实验内容及实验过程 (57)

5.2.1驾驶模拟实验内容 (57)

5.2.2驾驶模拟实验过程 (57)

5.3驾驶模拟实验数据结果分析 (58)

5.3.1车辆行驶速度指标 (58)

5.3.2车辆换道位置指标 (61)

5.3.3车辆强制驶出比例指标 (62)

5.3.4驾驶模拟实验结果分析 (63)

5.4本章小结 (64)

结论 (65)

6.1主要结论及研究成果 (65)

6.2待进一步研究的内容 (66)

参考文献 (67)

攻读硕士学位期间取得的研究成果 (72)

致谢 (73)
