













有些同学在听力测试时,不是听材料大意,而是专注于听个别单词。有个别词没听懂, 往往停下来去思索,随即产生急躁焦虑心理,头脑一片空白,等回过神来时,录音早已放完。因此要学会顾全大局,局部放弃而取整体,并借助“精神胜利法”给自已释压减负。


考生可以根据每个小题的问题及选项的提示来预测和推测录音材料的内容。从而做到心中有数,提前做好心理准备,获得主动。最佳选项往往是所听到词语的同义或相关词语, 而不是直接听到的词语。









例:Why is Mary angry today?

A.Because her friend Jack fell down.

Because she carried her boxes.

C? Because Jack refused to help hen


W: Mary is so angry today. What happened?

M: That,s because her friend Jack turned her down when she asked him to help her carry her boxes.

例:Will the woman come to the party?

A? Maybe. B. No. C? Certainly.


M: We are having a little party at the weekend. Can you and Tom come?

W: That sounds nice. Thank you, but V 11 have to check with Tom.



例:Who does the woman consider the least famous?

A? Davis< B. Peterson. C. Johnson.


M: Johnson is a very well-known artist and Davis is famous, too.

W: Do you think so? And in my opinion,Peterson is the last one V d regard as famous.



例:What was the normal price of the T-shirt? (2010 高考全国卷)

A. $15

B. $30

C. $50


VV: So what did you buy?

M: A T-shit, it was a real bargain. I got it half price,saving 15 dollars*


例:When did the two speakers plan to meet Jane?

A. At2:00.


C. At2:30. (2010 北京卷)


W: Where' s Jane? It' s two fifteen?

M: Yeah. We planned to meet here at two o' clock. Maybe she missed the train.

W: I can wait for another fifteen minutes. But then,I have to leave.

M: Okay,let,s wait until two thirty.

例:What are they talking about?

A. A book.

B. An American.

C. A. dub.


W: What' re you doing?

M: Reading The Joy Luck Club.

W: What' s it about?

M:s about a group of American ?bom Chinese women.

例:Where does the conversation take place?

A. In the library.

B. In the office?

C. In the bookstore.


M: Excuse me. Is Harry Potter VII available?

VV: Harry? Potter VII? Sorry, we, re sold out.

M: Sold out? Oh, that' s too bad!

例:What has the woman decided to do on Sunday afternoon? (2010 年全国卷I)

A.To attend a wedding.

B.To visit an exhibition.

C> To meet a friend>


M: I am going to the museum Sunday afternoon. There is a new exhibition of Indian art.

Want to come with me?

W: r d love to. But my best friend is getting married on Sunday and I won' t miss it for anything.



例:What relation is the woman to Mr. Cooper? (2010 全国卷I)

A. His wife.

B. His boss.

C. His secretary.


W: Hello, Thomas Brothers.

M: Hello, this is Mike Landon here. Is Jack Cooper there by any chance?

W: I am afraid not, he is away for a day or two, back on, let,s see,Monday morning.

M: Oh, well perhaps I can live a message for him.

W: Yes,of course, just a minute. Now, let" s see,to Jack Cooper from Mike London.

M: No, Landon, L-a-n-d-o-n.

W: Sorry, yes, got that,and what,s the message?

M: Well it,s just this: could he come to a meeting on Monday afternoon at 5:00 pm?

VV: That, s this coming Monday, October 12th ?

M: Right, it,s to discuss the new factory in France.

W: Fine, V ve got that I will see that he gets it as soon as he comes in on Monday.

M: Good,thank you,good by e>

例:Where are the speakers? (2010 高考全国卷)

A? In a store B. In a classroom C? In a hotel.


W: May I help you, sir.

M: Yes,I seem to have lost my room key.

W: In that case, you need to go to the front desk to get another one.

例:Where do the two speakers work?

A. At a store.

B. At a hotel.

C. At a school.


M: Hi, I am Martin. Are you new here? I haven,t seen you around*

W: Yes. I only started on Monday.

M: Great So what department are you in?

W: House keeping.

M: Oh, yeah. I work on reception. (2010 年北京卷)



例:What is the message about? (2010 高考全国卷)

A? A meeting. B? A visit to France?C? The date for a trip.

VV: Hello, Thomas Brothers?

M: Hello, this is Mike Landon here. Is Jack Cooper there by any chance?

W: I am afraid not,he is away for a day or two, back on,let,s see, Monday mornings M: Oh, well perhaps I can live a message for him.

W: Yes,of course,just a minute. Now,let' s see,to Jack Cooper from Mike London.

M: No, Landon,L-a-n-d-o-n.

W: Sorry, yes, got that, and what,s the message?

M: Well it' s just this: could he come to a meeting on Monday afternoon at 5:00 pm?

W: That' s this coming Monday, October 12th ?

M: Right, it' s to discuss the new factory in France.

W: Fine, I,ve got that I will see that he gets it as soon as he comes in on Monday.

M: Good, thank you, goodbye.

例:What is the talk mainly about? (2010 高考全国卷)

A. The history of the school ?

The courses for the term.

C.The plan for the day.


Welcome to Montfort School, thank you for choosing our school and for joining the happy Montfort family, which has been educating boys since 1916. We are so happy that you have taken time off to be with us today. It is with great pleasure that we have prepared some events that we hope will please you. At 9:00 am,our headmaster will give a welcome speech; this will be in the school hall. Please be sited by 8:45 am. Following the speech, it' s the guide tour of the exhibition at 9:3(),here you can see the proud history of our school and our achievements in the field of education. The exhibition is laid out in the classrooms on the 2nd floor

Then the guide tour of science labs at 10:20 am, here you can see the subjects that new students will be studying. You will also notice that our labs have excellent equipment. At 11:00 am,you will be guided to the tool to practical areas. This covers our technical workshops, music, and other areas of our school life. At Montfort, we believe in all around development of our students*

Lunch will be at 12:00. It has been specially prepared for our guests. All our teachers and student leaders will be present to answer any questions that you have in your minds. We are so happy that you could be with us today.



例:What is the woman s attitude towards the film?

A? Disappointed. Interested. C. Indifferent.

M: What do you think of this film?

W: Well, the story is OK, but the acting is just so-so<

例: Why does the woman plan to go to town?

A. To pay her bills in the bank.

B? To buy books in a bookstore.

C. To get some money from the bank. (2009 年全国卷I)


M: Did you say you were driving to town this morning?

W: Yes. I have to withdraw some money from the bank to pay my bookstore bills. 例:What

does the woman think of the talk?

A. Wonderful.

B. Uninteresting.

C. Full of facts.

W: Don' t you think his talk was boring?

M: No, not at all. He gave us plenty of facts.
