

A Brief Instruction to the Topic of

“1a-2c Section A Unit 6, Book 7A”

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I’m very glad to have the chance to stand here to talk about the topic of “Do you like banan a s?” The topic is selected from the book 《Go For It》Stu dents’ Book 7A. The content I’ll talk about is from 1a-2c in Section A. I’ll divide the instruction into four parts: they are Analysis of Teaching Material; Analysis of Students’ Advantages and Disadvantages; Analysis of Teaching Methods and Analysis of Teaching Procedures.

Part One Analysis of Teaching Material

The topic mainly talks about likes and dilikes by using the target language: “Do you like…?Yes,I do. No ,I don’t. The language goals are to develop the students’ oral English abilities. The new w ords and expressions in this section are banana ,hamburger,tomato, broccoli, French fries, orange, ice cream, salad, strawberry, pear, have, food .We are asked to tell the differences between the countable nouns and uncountable nouns. what’s more, the teac her should teach the students to express their own likes and dislikes. For one thing, some may think it is delicious to eat oranges but others may think it’s sour. As a teacher, I should foster students’ consciousness to respect others’ preferences. And I’ll try my best to stimulate the students’ interest of learning English.

The analysis of teaching focus and difficulties

Focus:In this part students should master the vocabulary about foods: such as banana ,hamburger, tomato, broccoli, French fries, orange, ice cream, salad, strawberry, pear, and so on. On the other hand, they must know how to talk about likes and dislikes using the target language.

Difficulities: First: Make sure the students know how to use tag question: Do you like…?Yes,Ido/ No,I don’t .S econd, they are asked to learn the third personal of the Simple Present Tense .Third. make sure they know the differences between the countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

Part Two Analysis of Students’ Advantages and Disadvantages

In this topic, there are some advantages for the students. First, there are not many new words and expressions in this section. Students can remember them easily. Second, the students have already learned the sentence patterns: “Do you have… Yes ,I do .No I don’t”. I think it is helpful to help the students to use what they have learned in Unit 5 .Besides, the Grade Seven students have great interest in learning English, they always want to show off themselves. They can also get ready for what their favorite fruits for my English class.

But there are also some disadvantages for the students. The third personal of the Simple Present Tense is a big problem. We don’t use it in Chinese, which brings us an important influence. As a teacher, I need to do great efforts. So during my t eaching, I’ll help my students overcome the difficulties and let them learn the language goals fully. I’ll get my students to drill more sentences using the third personal of the Simple Present Tense.

Part Three Analysis of Teaching Methods

In this top ic I’ll mainly use Five-step Teaching Method and Task-based Language Learning. Because 《New English Curriculum Criterion》points out: The general aim of English teaching in this stage of Junior Education is to cultivate students’ comprehensive ability of using English. To achieve the language goals, I’ll give them enough chances to practice a nd I’ll create many kinds of situations to the students and make full use of multimedia to provide a lively and vivid learning atmosphere.

During my teaching, I’ll also use pair work, group work and team work to let the students take an active part in all kinds of activities. That is “Learning by doing, learning by using”. Let students be the masters of the class teaching, stimulate their learning interest, thus, student-centered teaching pattern is well shown. So I think my teaching methods are in line with the requirement of《New English Curriculum Criterion》.

Part Four Analysis of Teaching Procedure

Step1 Lead-in

1, Greetings I will greet the students as usual

2, T hen I will Say: Let’s play a guessing game .Bring a box of all

kinds of fruits and t hen help them guess: What’s in the box? Help Ss to answer. When they answer, I will teach the new words by showing the objects. In this way, I lead my students into the topic we’ll learn.

So today, let’s learn Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

3, Then I’ll lead the Ss to see the goals. Then ask them to finish 1a Step2 Teach new words.

Show some pictures of the new words on multimedia. At the same time ask: W hat’s this? What are these? Help the Ss master the differences between countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Let Ss pay attention to plural forms of countable nouns. It’s one difficulty of this class. Then ask them to finish 1a.

Step3 Teach how to use tag question: Do you like…? Yes, I do / No, I don’t.

1, In this part, I’ll play a game with my Ss. First, I will say“I like apples.” The students who like apples stand up and say “That’s me.” The same as I like oranges. I like bananas. I like ice cream. and so on。If time is enough I will also say :I don’t like broccoli. I don’t like hamburgers. Let the students know the negative forms of like.

2, Then let the students guess what my favorite food is. This step is in order to let them know how to use the question forms of Do you like….? 3, Next do some listening of 1b, 2a and 2b

Present tag question “Do you like…?”while listening

After listening, ask Ss to read the conversations in pairs and then ask some of them to act.

Step4 Teach how to use tag question: D oes he /she like …?

1, Another difficulty of this class is the usage of the third personal of the Simple Present Tense. So I set up a pilot to drill” Do you like…?”After they are familiar with this one, I will guide them to learn the third personal, using this to make conversations and produce information gap.

2, Then there is a group work: Make your own conversations.

Students in groups of four or five make conversations.A asks B: Do you like apples? B answers:Yes. I do. Then A asks C: Does she/he like

apples? C answers: Yes, she/he does.

Step5 Practice

1, First I will let the Ss practice the target languages by interviewing others.

Let the students ask if they like or don’t like this kind of food, and then fill in the chart using the happy faces and unhappy faces. Tell them when they are asking questions, they should say “Do you like …?” When they are reporting the answers, they should use the statements and negative forms of the third personal.

2, Then I’ll ask Ss to do some e xercises

In this part, I designed two exercises in order to practice the third personal. If time is enough, I’ll give them an exam to know how much they have learnt.

Step6 Homework

Get the Ss to ask their family what food they like and make a shopping list. This task is not only a stretch of this class, but also a preparation of next class.

English teaching is to have the students use English to do things. In the process of teaching, I carry on the communication principles and Task-based Language Learning. In class the students are the masters of the study, teachers are just the directors. During my teaching, I’ll try my best to get my class alive and encourage the students to promote cooperation and communication with each other.

That’s all.

Thanks for listening!


Unit 4 Where’s my backpack 一、说教材 (一)、教材分析 本课是人教版新目标英语七年级上册第四单元的第一节课时。本单元的话题是谈论物品的位置。通过单元学习,要求学生在掌握物品名称的基础上用方位介词熟练地表达物品的位置,并能对where问句进行提问并回答。本课SectionA分为两部分,第一部分主要围绕物品名称及位置进行思维(1a)、听力(1b)、会话(1c)三方面对Where’s/ Whereare…?句型进行训练。第二部分是通过谈论位置展开听力(2a—2b)、会话(2c)训练。我根据教材特点,将一些内容进行整合,把1b、2a和2b合起来训练学生的听力,1c和2c合起来训练学生的口头表达能力,让学生系统地学好本课的目标语言。 (二)、教学目标 根据英语新课标,教材大纲的要求和学情(学生对感兴趣的话题较愿意表达)确立教学目标如下: 1、知识目标 (1)、掌握本课的重点词汇。 chair, sofa, table,bed,dresser,drawer,plant,bookcase, where under,on, they. (2)、掌握并灵活运用重点句型。 Where’s the backpack? It’s under the table. Where are the books? They are on the sofa. (3)、掌握方位介词in , on , under的用法。 2、能力目标 (1)、学会描述物品的位置,并能就物品位置进行提问和回答。 (2)、能对方位介词in,on,under加以灵活运用。

(3)、培养学生的语言运用能力和绘画能力。 3、情感目标 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,乐于参与课堂活动的积极情感。 (三)、教学重点和难点 根据本课在教材中所处的地位和作用,我确立本课的重难点如下: 1、重点:学习掌握用Where’s/Where are…?句型询问物品的位置和运用方位介词in、on、under描述物品所在的位置。 2、难点:能够确凿运用方位介词in/on/under描述物品所在的位置。 (四)、学情分析 初中学生的抽象思维能力较低,形象思维能力强,但注意力简易分散。因此,在教学过程中我精心设计各种游戏活动;给学生展示丰富多彩的画面,从而增强学生的兴趣和唤起他们的学习注意力,进而充分调动学生的学习积极性和主动性。 二、说教法 为了达到本课的教学目标,更好地突出重点、突破难点,根据英语新课标的要求并结合教学内容。我主要采用的教学法是: 1、情景交际法:课堂教学以情景交际法为主,尽量给学生以足够的听说读的机会。本课我利用课件展示一些图片为学生创设真实的语境,让学生在真实或模拟真实的情境中感知语言,体会语言,掌握语言的应用,同时,在学生运用语言过程中学会和他人进行交际。 2、游戏法:本课我为学生设计了快速说单词和接龙游戏,启发学生的思维,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生大胆地参与游戏活动,巩固已学知识。 3、听说法:通过听录音,pairwork巩固句型,加强听说训练。

pep小学英语 说课稿全英文版

pep小学英语Unit5 B Let’s talk说课稿全英文版 The Lecture Notes of 《PEP Primary English 》 Book4 Unit5 B Let’s talk Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is《PEP Primary English 》Book4 Unit5 B Let’s talk, asking the price and inquiring the clothes size.First, let me talk about the teaching material. Part 1 Teaching Material: This lesson is about a shopping topic. By study of this unit, the Ss know how to ask the price in English and how to describe the size and price with simple words and sentences. The sentence patterns of this lesson “ What size?” “How much are they?” and“We’ll take them .”are the key and difficult points of this unit.The study of this lesson will help the Ss with daily communication. Moreover, this lesson completes the transition of the phrase “a pair of… ”to the sentence pattern “A pair of… for …” ,and helps the Ss further consolidate the knowledge of words of clothing appearing in plural form. Therefore, on studying the teaching material and analyzing the regulation of children’s growing of mind,I put forward the teaching objectives according to new English lesson standard. 1.Perception objective: a)The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns “A pair of … for …” “What size?” “How much are they?” “We' ll take them.” b)The Ss can understand and read the conversation of the lesson. 2.Ability objective: a)The Ss can use the sentence pattern of inquiring the price, and further develop their language ability of “shopping”; b)The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper scene. 3.Emotion objective: a)By completing the task,the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in language study; b)Teach the Ss what is “love” and “ managing money matters”, put the moral education in the language study. Next,the key points of this lesson: First of all, to study and use the sentence patterns “What size?”“How much are they ?”“A pair of … for … .” “We' ll take them.”To improve the Ss’ abilities in “shopping”; Secondly, teach the Ss how to study independently as well as by cooperation. Difficult points: The Ss can use the words and patterns to describe the clothes in the proper scene, and make simple dialogues of shopping. Well, how to achieve the teaching objectives better, to stress the key points and break through the difficult points? The key is how to make use of the proper teaching methods, I’ll talk about my teaching methods below. Part 2 Teaching Methods:


英语说课稿模板(一)全英文 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is (). I come from () Middle School in ().Today I’m going to talk about the topic” What should I do?”I will divide the instruction into seven parts:they are Teaching m aterial Analysis, Teaching aims, Teaching emphasis, Teaching difficulties, Te aching methods, Teaching aids and Teaching procedures. 一、说教材(教材分析)Analyzing teaching material 1. 说课型lesson type (Dialogue/ reading/ listening/ revision) 2. 本课在教材中的地位status and function Lesson 33 Saving the Earth is a dialogue. The lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth and the functional items of Supposition/ Intentions/ conjecture/ Prohibition. Since it is a dialogue / reading. It’s helpful to improve the Ss communicative/ reading ability. 3. 说教学指导思想teaching guideline (Teaching syllabus: Language is for communication, develop their four skills, lay special emphasis on reading; Grellet put it well in his book developing reading skills: develop reading skill/ discourse analysis; get them to understand the western culture better; improve the ability to discover, analyze & solve the problems; Reading is for information, for fun; Use Top- down model or Bottom- up model to activate Ss schemata; Interactive model) 4. 说教学目标和要求Teaching aims an d demands (…be intended for Ss in key schools) 1)认知目标knowledge objects a. Enable the Ss to remember the following new words & phrases: Damage, lecture, pollute, pollution, room, standing room, be fit for, hear about, turn into b. Get the Ss to be familiar with this sentence pattern: If the population keeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room left… Give the Ss a reinforced practice on the functional item Supposition.

新目标英语全英说课稿七年级Unit6 It’s raining!

Go For It Unit6 It’s raining! Good morning, everyone!I’m Yang Xiaoying from Longj iadian Middle School.It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you .The content of my lesson is Section A of Unit 6 It’s raining.It’s from Grade 7 in Go For It.I’ll prepare to say the lesson from five parts. 一. Analysis of the teaching material 1. Status and function: The main topic of unit 6 is “the weather”and What’s happening? In this unit,the students will learn to talk about different kinds of weather.This is a topic that is related to their daily life,so it can raise their learning interests and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English. 2. Teaching aims and demands: A.: Knowledge objects To learn the target words raining, windy, cloudy, sunny, snowing in this lesson. The target sentence construction in this lesson is: How is the weather? It’s……. B.: Ability objects : (1) To develop the Ss' abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. (2) To train the Ss' abilities of working in pairs. (3) To develop the Ss' abilities of communication by learning the useful structures. C.:Emotion objects: To train the students to love nature, and develop their good friendship. 3. Difficult and important points: To get the local weather information by using their knowledge which they have learnt. 4. Teaching aids: Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, They will be needed in this lesson. 二. Analysis of the students The Ss have learned English for about one year so far. They can understand some words and some simple sentences. The Ss have taken a great interest in English


Good afternoon, ladies. I am number_______. I’m glad to share my lesson with you. My teaching content today is Part of Unit of PEP Primary English, Book . (Recycle_) This unit is mainly about Now, I will explain the lesson from the following aspects. 1.教学内容(Contents) Firstly, let’s focus on the analysis of teaching content. The lesson is a new one of Unit .This unit introduces and develops the theme of “___________”, Ss are expected to master the new words___________________ and to use the sentence patterns___________________ in proper situation. The teaching material mainly describes ___________________ , and it shows all of the new knowledge points. Therefore, it is in the important position of this unit. If Ss can master it well, it will be benefit for them to learn the rest of the unit. 2.< 3.教学目标(Teaching aims) Secondly, it is about the teaching aims. According to the new curriculum standard and the syllabus, and after studying the teaching material and the facts of the Ss, I set the teaching aims as follows: 1, Knowledge objects 1) Ss can understand the content correctly. They can read and play the dialogue; 2) Ss can listen, read, speak and write the core words_______________; 3) Ss can use the sentence patterns ____________- properly. 2, Ability objects , 1) To train Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking; 2) To train Ss’ ability of working in groups. 3, Moral objects To foster Ss’ consciousness of good cooperation and proper competition.


人教版七年级英语上册全英文说课稿 TeachingPlanforInterpretation(GoForIt,Book1A) ?Unit3Thisismysister(Period1) ?Contents ?Teachingmaterial ?Teachingmethods ?Studyways ?Teachingprocedures ? ?Part1Understandingoftheteachingmaterial ?1.Backgroundanalysis ?Thediscussionofthisunitiscenteredonthelistening- speakingactivities.Inthisperiod, wejustlearnSectionA(1a,1b,1c,1d,2a,2b.).Andthecentraltopicis“Thisismysister”.Allt hestudents’activitieshappensinreal- lifescenes.ThegrammarfocusontheformofSingularnounandPluralnoun,thegrammarp ointswillrunthroughtheteachingactivities.Theteachingcontentsprovidethenecessary materialsforlearningfocusgrammar.Thisunitalsoshowsthefeather,whichisthecombin ationofgrammarandcommunicativesituation. ?2.Contentsanalysisoftheperiod: ?Thecentraltopicis“Introducingandidentifyingpeople”,andthefocusgrammaristheformofSingularnounandPluralnoun,theverb“be”,therelatio nshipsofthesePronouns(this、that、these、


初一英语全英文说课稿 Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Cuijing Yan. I'm an English teacher from Mudanjiang Teachers’ College. Now I'll say Unit one of Module Five in Book seven. I'll prepare to say the lesson from four parts. Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material (一) STATUS AND FUNCTION 1.This is an important lesson in Book One. From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each Sample. To attain "four skills" request of listening, speaking, reading and writing. To start listing "Word Bank" and tell the Ss to remember the new words. To start asking the Ss to write the English sentences well. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material. 2. This lesson is the first one of Unit 2.So if the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit. 3. Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English. (二)ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS The Ss has learned English for about one month so far. They can understand some words and some simple sentences. The Ss have taken a great interest in English now. (三)TEACHING AIMS AND DEMANDS The teaching aim\'s basis is established according to Junior School English syllabus\' provision. 1. Knowledge objects (1) To make the Ss know how to use the affirmative sentence "This is. . . ." and the negative sentence "This is not."Everyday expressions for "Apologies""I\'m sorry""That\'s all right". (2) To study the new words "six, hey, sorry, it's, that's", etc. by learning the dialogue of this lesson. (3) To finish some exercises. 2.Ability objects (1) To develop the Ss' abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. (2) To train the Ss' ability of working in pairs. (3) To develop the Ss' abilities of communication by learning the useful structures. 3.Moral objects (1) To enable the Ss to be polite and love life. (2) To enable the Ss to look after their things well. (四)TEACHING KEY AND DIFFICULT POINTS The teaching key and difficult points' basis is established according to Sample A of Lesson Six in the teaching material\'s position and function. 1.Key points:


Good morning, everyone. My name is Zhang Meiying. I come from Huishe Middle School. It’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson. My teaching topic is Sports Star Eats Well . I’ll talk about it by 6 parts: Part 1 the analysis of teaching material; Part 2 the analysis of teaching students; Part 3 the analysis of teaching methods; Part 4 the analysis of studying ways; Part 5 the analysis of teaching procedures; Part 6 blackboard design. Well, firstly, I’ll talk about Part 1, the analysis of teaching material. 1. Status and function: The lesson is the fourth period of Unit 6. The main content of this lesson is likes and dislikes .It’s related to food. 2. Teaching aims and demands, there are knowledge aims, ability aims and emotional aims. The knowledge aims are to enable the students to master the new words, star, eat, well, habit, healthy, really, question, want, be, fat. the phrases,eat well, eating habit, sports star, after dinner, one last question. the sentences,What do you like for breakfast?/What fruit do you like? The ability aims are to develop the students’ abilities of reading and writing, to train the students’abilities of using language, to guide the students to talk about likes and dislikes and to develop the students’ abilities of creative thinking and cooperative study. The emotional aims are to arouse the students’ interest in learning English, to enable the students to form good eating habits. 3. Teaching key points and difficult points: The teaching key points are to enable students to use the new words, phrases and sentences in English, The difficult points are to enable students to talk about other’s eating habits.. Then I’ll talk about Part 2 the analysis of students. The students have learned English for several years so far. But they are new in middle school. They are curious about new things and have a strong desire to learn better. However, their English learning level are different from each other. They need teacher’s help and encouragement in their further study.


人教版七年级(2014版) 英语上册 全册说课稿 亲,欢迎您的光临哦。 2014-4-25 (版权所有,违法必究)

七年级英语上册目录: Starter Unit1Good morning!说课模版(一) (3) Starter Unit1Good morning!说课模版(二) (5) Starter Unit2 What’s this in English?说课模版(一) (7) Starter Unit2 What’s this in English?说课模版(二) (9) Starter Unit3What color is it? 说课模版(一) (11) Starter Unit3What color is it? 说课模版(二) (14) Unit1My name’s Gina说课模版(一) (15) Unit1My name’s Gina说课模版(二) (18) Unit2This is my sister 说课模版(一) (21) Unit2This is my sister 说课模版(二) (24) Unit3Is this your pencil? 说课模版(一) (26) Unit3Is this your pencil? 说课模版(二) (29) Unit4Where's my schoolbag? 说课模版(一) (32) Unit4Where's my schoolbag? 说课模版(二) (37) Unit5Do you have a soccer ball? 说课模版(一) (44) Unit5Do you have a soccer ball? 说课模版(二) (48) Unit6Do you like bananas? 说课模版(一) (53) Unit6Do you like bananas? 说课模版(二) (57) Unit7How much are these socks? 说课模版(一) (63) Unit7How much are these socks? 说课模版(二) (68) Unit8When is your birthday?说课模版(一) (71) Unit8When is your birthday?说课模版(二) (76) Unit9My favorite subject is science.说课模版(一) (82) Unit9My favorite subject is science.说课模版(一) (85)


高中英语全英文说课稿 Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】

Teaching plan for Unit 16 book1 Good afternoon, everyone, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is Senior English for China Book1B Unit 16 Scientists at work. I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure, and Blackboard design. First, let me talk about the teaching material. Part 1 Teaching Material: This unit is about science and scientists. By studying of this unit, we’ll Enable the students to know the serious attitude towards science and develop the interest in science. At the same time ,Let the students learn how to give instructions. this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in this is an important lesson in Book One. From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each passage. Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material. If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this we all know ,reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing . According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching


小学英语说课稿 ①Good afternoon , Ladies and Gentlemen ! My name is Wu Dan . I come from Tanggangzi School .I am very glad to be standing here and talking about Lesson 10 ,which is from Fun with English Book 3 Unit 2 . My teaching report includes four parts . Part 1 To analyze the book 1.There are 3 units in Book 3 . This is Lesson 10 . The central item is how to m aster another sentence to express “ What’s the tim e ? ” and how to buy som ething. Using “ What’s the tim e ? ” hungry, cakes, bread and so on . We’ll study and drill the sentences and the word ’s pronunciation . 2. According to the teaching outline and com bining the students ’ situation , I m ake the teaching aim s of this lesson as follows . a .The first is the aim of knowledge . It’s to learn and m aster two sentences. What tim e is it? I am hungry and then using them to express the time and go shopping fluently and freely b. The second is the aim of abilities The creative spirit is quite im portant to the students. So I will pay m uch attention to train it in m y class. Otherwise. I will try to train the students listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities, Mainly im prove their communicative abilities and encourage them to speak m ore English. C. The third is the aim of em otion Make the students have successful feeling and achievem ent. And m ake them be in English study. 3.Important points The first is to m aster and use the two sentences. What tim e is it? I’m hungry. The second is to m aster the usage of the words hungry, cakes and bread. 4.Difficult points. It’s the pronunciation of the two words. hungry, cakes, and how to use them fluently and freely . Part 2 . Teaching and learning m ethods Make the students take part in class . Ask and answer in pairs and groups . I’ll use com m unicative method , discussing m ethod and seeing and hearing m ethod to teach this lesson . Part 3 . Teaching aids . In order to interest the students . I’ll use a clock , recorder , cards and som e food as m y teaching aids . Part 4 . Teaching procedure . Step 1 Revision Before m y c lass , I’ll get the students to sing an English song to keep them selves relax . Then I’ll use a clock to act it . What’s the tim e ? What’s the tim e ? It’s eight o’clock . I’ll show three num bers . When the students answer It’s ten o’clock . I’ll say: It’s ten . Today we’ll learn Lesson Ten . Then I'll put the clock on the blackboard . Step 2 Presentation and drill First I’ll point to the clock and ask , what tim e is it ? Students answer It’s ten . Then I go on m oving the
