





Since its inception some 30 years ago, Environmental Cost Accounting (ECA) has reached a stage of development where individual ECA systems are separated from the core accounting system based an assessment of environmental costs with (see Fichter et al., 1997, Letmathe and Wagner , 2002).

As environmental costs are commonly assessed as overhead costs, neither the older concepts of full costs accounting nor the relatively recent one of direct costing appear to represent an appropriate basis for the implementation of ECA. Similar to developments in conventional accounting, the theoretical and conceptual sphere of ECA has focused on process-based accounting since the 1990s (see Hallay and Pfriem, 1992, Fischer and Blasius, 1995, BMU/UBA, 1996, Heller et al., 1995, Letmathe, 1998, Spengler and H.hre, 1998).

Taking available concepts of ECA into consideration, process-based concepts seem the best option regarding the establishment of ECA (see Heupel and Wendisch , 2002). These concepts, however, have to be continuously revised to ensure that they work well when applied in small and medium-sized companies.

Based on the framework for Environmental Management Accounting presented in Burritt et al. (2002), our concept of ECA focuses on two main groups of environmentally related impacts. These are environmentally induced financial effects and company-related effects on environmental systems (see Burritt and Schaltegger, 2000, p.58). Each of these impacts relate to specific categories of financial and environmental information. The environmentally induced financial effects are represented by monetary environmental information and the effects on environmental systems are represented by physical environmental information. Conventional accounting deals with both – monetary as well as physical units – but does not focus on environmental impact as such. To arrive at a practical solution to the implementation of ECA in a company’s existing accounting system, and to comply with the problem of distinguishing between monetary and physical aspects, an integrated concept is required. As physical information is often the basis for the monetary information (e.g. kilograms of a raw material are the basis for the monetary valuation of raw material consumption), the integration

of this information into the accounting system database is essential. From there, the generation of physical environmental and monetary (environmental) information would in many cases be feasible. For many companies, the priority would be monetary (environmental) information for use in for instance decisions regarding resource consumptions and investments. The use of ECA in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) is still relatively rare, so practical examples available in the literature are few and far between. One problem is that the definitions of SMEs vary between countries (see Kosmider, 1993 and Reinemann, 1999). In our work the criteria shown in Table 1 are used to describe small and medium-sized enterprises.

Table 1. Criteria of small and medium-sized enterprises

Number of employees Turnover

Up to 500 employees Turnover up to EUR 50m

Management Organization

- Owner-cum-entrepreneur -Divisional organization is rare

- Varies from a patriarchal management -Short flow of information style

in traditional companies and teamwork -Strong personal commitment

in start-up companies -Instruction and controlling with

- Top-down planning in old companies direct personal contact

- Delegation is rare

- Low level of formality

- High flexibility

Finance Personnel

- family company -easy to survey number of employees

- limited possibilities of financing -wide expertise

-high satisfaction of employees

Supply chain Innovation

-closely involved in local -high potential of innovation

economic cycles in special fields

- intense relationship with customers

and suppliers

Keeping these characteristics in mind, the chosen ECA approach should be easy to apply, should facilitate the handling of complex structures and at the same time be suited to the special needs of SMEs.

Despite their size SMEs are increasingly implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems like SAP R/3, Oracle and Peoplesoft. ERP systems support business processes across organizational, temporal and geographical boundaries using one integrated database. The primary use of ERP systems is for planning and controlling production and administration processes of an enterprise. In SMEs however, they are often individually designed and thus not standardized making the integration of for instance software that supports ECA implementation problematic. Examples could be tools like the “eco-efficiency” approach of IMU (2003) or Umberto (2003) because these solutions work with the database of more comprehensive software solutions like SAP, Oracle, Navision or others. Umberto software for example (see Umberto, 2003) would require large investments and great background knowledge of ECA – which is not available in most SMEs.

The ECA approach suggested in this chapter is based on an integrative solution –meaning that an individually developed database is used, and the ECA solution adopted draws on the existing cost accounting procedures in the company. In contrast to other ECA approaches, the aim was to create an accounting system that enables the companies to individually obtain the relevant cost information. The aim of the research was thus to find out what cost information is relevant for the company’s decision on environmental is sues and how to obtain it.


Setting up an ECA system requires a systematic procedure. The project thus developed a method for implementing ECA in the companies that participated in the project; this is shown in Figure 1. During the implementation of the project it proved convenient to form a core team assigned with corresponding tasks drawing on employees in various departments. Such a team should consist of one or two persons from the production department as well as two from accounting and corporate environmental issues, if available. Depending on the stage of the project and kind of inquiry being considered, additional corporate members may be added to the project team to respond to issues such as IT, logistics, warehousing etc.

Phase 1: Production Process Visualization

At the beginning, the project team must be briefed thoroughly on the current corporate situation and on the accounting situation. To this end, the existing corporate accounting structure and the related corporate information transfer should be analyzed thoroughly. Following the concept of an input/output analysis, how materials find their ways into and out of the company is assessed. The next step is to present the flow of material and goods discovered and assessed in a flow model. To ensure the completeness and integrity of such a systematic analysis, any input and output is to be taken into consideration. Only a detailed analysis of material and energy flows from the point they enter the company until they leave it as products, waste, waste water or emissions enables the company to detect cost-saving potentials that at later stages of the project may involve more efficient material use, advanced process reliability and overview, improved capacity loads, reduced waste disposal costs, better transparency of costs and more reliable assessment of legal issues. As a first approach, simplified corporate flow models, standardized stand-alone models for supplier(s), warehouse and isolated production segments were established and only combined after completion. With such standard elements and prototypes defined, a company can readily develop an integrated flow model with production process(es), production lines or a production process as a whole. From the view of later adoption of the existing corporate accounting to ECA, such visualization helps detect, determine, assess and then separate primary from secondary processes.

Phase 2: Modification of Accounting

In addition to the visualization of material and energy flows, modeling principal and peripheral corporate processes helps prevent problems involving too high shares of overhead costs on the net product result. The flow model allows processes to be determined directly or at least partially identified as cost drivers. This allows identifying and separating repetitive processing activity with comparably few options from those with more likely ones for potential improvement.

By focusing on principal issues of corporate cost priorities and on those costs that have been assessed and assigned to their causes least appropriately so far, corporate procedures such as preparing bids, setting up production machinery, ordering (raw) material and related process parameters such as order positions, setting up cycles of machinery, and order items can be defined accurately. Putting several partial processes with their isolated costs into

context allows principal processes to emerge; these form the basis of process-oriented accounting. Ultimately, the cost drivers of the processes assessed are the actual reference points for assigning and accounting overhead costs. The percentage surcharges on costs such as labor costs are replaced by process parameters measuring efficiency (see Foster and Gupta, 1990).

Some corporate processes such as management, controlling and personnel remain inadequately assessed with cost drivers assigned to product-related cost accounting. Therefore, costs of the processes mentioned, irrelevant to the measure of production activity, have to be assessed and surcharged with a conventional percentage.

At manufacturing companies participating in the project, computer-integrated manufacturing systems allow a more flexible and scope-oriented production (eco-monies of scope), whereas before only homogenous quantities (of products) could be produced under reasonable economic conditions (economies of scale). ECA inevitably prevents effects of allocation, complexity and digression and becomes a valuable controlling instrument where classical/conventional accounting arrangements systematically fail to facilitate proper decisions.

Thus, individually adopted process-based accounting produces potentially valuable information for any kind of decision about internal processing or external sourcing (e.g. make-or-buy decisions).

Phase 3: Harmonization of Corporate Data – Compiling and Acquisition

On the way to a transparent and systematic information system, it is convenient to check core corporate information systems of procurement and logistics, production planning, and waste disposal with reference to their capability to provide the necessary precise figures for the determined material/energy flow model and for previously identified principal and peripheral processes. During the course of the project, a few modifications within existing information systems were, in most cases, sufficient to comply with these requirements; otherwise, a completely new software module would have had to be installed without prior analysis to satisfy the data requirements.

Phase 4: Database concepts

Within the concept of a transparent accounting system, process-based accounting can provide comprehensive and systematic information both on corporate material/ energy flows

and so-called overhead costs. To deliver reliable figures over time, it is essential to integrate a permanent integration of the algorithms discussed above into the corporate information system(s). Such permanent integration and its practical use may be achieved by applying one of three software solutions (see Figure 2).

For small companies with specific production processes, an integrated concept is best suited, i.e. conventional and environmental/process-oriented accounting merge together in one common system solution.

For medium-sized companies, with already existing integrated production/ accounting platforms, an interface solution to such a system might be suitable. ECA, then, is set up as an independent software module outside the existing corporate ERP system and needs to be fed data continuously. By using identical conventions for inventory-data definitions within the ECA software, misinterpretation of data can be avoided.

Phase 5: Training and Coaching

For the permanent use of ECA, continuous training of employees on all matters discussed remains essential. To achieve a long-term potential of improved efficiency, the users of ECA applications and systems must be able to continuously detect and integrate corporate process modifications and changes in order to integrate them into ECA and, later, to process them properly.



自从成立三十年以来,环境成本会计差不多进展到一定时期,环境会计成本体系差不多从以环境成本评估为基础的会计制度核心中分离出来(参考Fichter et al., 1997, Letmathe 和Wagner , 2002)。

由于环境成本经常被评估为一样治理费用,传统观念的完全成本会计或者直截了当成本都没有为环境成本会计的实施描述一个适当的基础。与传统会计进展类似,自从20世纪90年代以来,环境会计在概念和理论领域的重点放在了基于流程的会计中(参考Hallay和Pfriem,1992年,Fischer 和Blasius,1995年,德国环境部,1996年,Heller 等人。1995 ,Letmathe,1998年,Spengler和H.hre,1998年)。

考虑到环境成本会计可行的概念,基于流程的观念看起来是制定环境成本会计的最好选择(参考Heupel 和Wendisch,2002年)。然而这些概念必须确保能够在中小企业中正常运行。





















除去企业的规模,中小型企业也在不断增加实施他们的信息治理系统,例如SAP R/3,人事软件。信息治理系统支持跨组织的,同时时刻和地域限制使用一个统一的数据库的业务流程。信息治理系统的要紧用途是进行规划和操纵企业的生产和治理过程。然而在中小企业中,它们常常单独设计,从而与环境成本会计的事实问题的一体化达不到一个标准。类似的案例有,如生态效益的惯性测量法IMU(2003)者Umberto(2003)这类工具,因为这些解决方案与更多的如SAP,甲骨文,Navision的全面的软件解决方案或其他数据库的工作。例如Umberto软件,需要大量的投资方面的知识以及大背景下的环境成本会计的知识,而这在大多数中小企业中是不可行的。









通过重点集中在成本的要紧问题,并就这些公司企业的成本进行评估且进行适当的分配,到目前为止,如预备投标程序,建立生产机械,订货(原)材料和相关工艺参数,如订单的立场,设立机器周期,并能够为项目准确地加以界定。把他们的情形与成若干部分分离成本的要紧工序流程综合出现,这些构成了面向过程的会计基础。最终,在评估过程的成本驱动因素是分配和治理费用占实际参考点。诸如劳动力成本的附加费百分比也由工艺参数测量效率取代(参考Foster 和Gupta,1990年)。











企业环境成本会计外文翻译 ACCOUNTING IN SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED COMPANIES 1.ENVIRONMENTAL COST ACCOUNTING IN SMES Since its inception some 30 years ago, Environmental Cost Accounting (ECA) has reached a stage of development where individual ECA systems are separated from the core accounting system based an assessment of environmental costs with (see Fichter et al., 1997, Letmathe and Wagner , 2002). As environmental costs are commonly assessed as overhead costs, neither the older concepts of full costs accounting nor the relatively recent one of direct costing appear to represent an appropriate basis for the implementation of ECA. Similar to developments in conventional accounting, the theoretical and conceptual sphere of ECA has focused on process-based accounting since the 1990s (see Hallay and Pfriem, 1992, Fischer and Blasius, 1995, BMU/UBA, 1996, Heller et al., 1995, Letmathe, 1998, Spengler and H.hre, 1998). Taking available concepts of ECA into consideration, process-based concepts seem the best option regarding the establishment of ECA (see Heupel and Wendisch , 2002). These concepts, however, have to be continuously revised to ensure that they work well when applied in small and medium-sized companies. Based on the framework for Environmental Management Accounting presented in Burritt et al. (2002), our concept of ECA focuses on two main groups of environmentally related impacts. These are environmentally induced financial effects and company-related effects on environmental systems (see Burritt and Schaltegger, 2000, p.58). Each of these impacts relate to specific categories of financial and environmental information. The environmentally induced financial effects are represented by monetary environmental information and the effects on environmental systems are represented by physical environmental information. Conventional accounting deals with both – monetary as well as physical units – but does not focus on environmental impact as such. To arrive at a practical solution to the implementation of ECA in a company’s existing accounting system, and to comply with the problem of distinguishing between monetary and physical aspects, an integrated concept is required. As physical information is often the basis for the monetary information (e.g. kilograms of a raw material are the basis for the monetary valuation of raw material consumption), the integration


当代企业环境会计报告研究 【摘要】会计环境与会计报告的关系密不可分,本文阐述发展及现状,分析了我国企业环境会计报告研究的重要性和存在的问题。运用对比分析的方法,在借鉴国外研究成果的同时,结合我国实际情况,提出了我国企业环境会计要素的确认条件和计量方法。 [关键词]环境会计;会计要素;环境会计计量;会计报告 引言: 近年来,环境保护问题引起了世界各国的高度重视,人们在对现行发展模式进行反思的过程中已充分认识到,企业的生产经营活动是导致资源枯竭、环境污染的主要原因之一,企业应当披露相关的环境会计信息,编制环境会计报告。由于环境会计是一个新兴的研究领域,目前各国的研究仍存在着许多差异,致使企业对环境会计信息披露内容与方式即环境会计报告的内容和编制方法、要素的确认与计量等方面大不相同。对此,本文将就我国环境会计报告及其相关问题,即环境会计要素的确认和计量,做一些研究探讨,并提出自己的思考、建议。 1.企业环境会计研究的现状分析 1.1当代企业环境会计研究现状 许多国家都开展了环境会计的研究。如在北美,美国环保署、美国财务会计准则委员会、加拿大特许会计师协会等都在进行环境管理会计、环境费用、环境负债与环境业绩报告等方面的研究。在欧洲,德国环境局等则致力于“环境成本价格计算手册”等的研究。联合国的可持续发展委员会及联合国贸易发展委员会等开展的关于环境会计国际合作研究也在进行着。 相比之下,我国环境会计的研究较为滞后,实务方面更是进展缓慢。当前我国环境会计研究与应用中存在的突出问题是: (1)从研究方面看,科学合理、系统完整并符合我国国情的企业环境理论和方法体系仍未建立起来。 (2)从观念上看,企业环境责任的道德理念尚未真正形成,对环境会计在建立健全我国环境信息公开化制度中的重要作用缺乏认识。 (3)从制度方面看,目前仍缺乏可操作性的环境会计准则。环境会计的研究有很多方面,如环境管理会计的研究、环境会计理论框架的研究、环境会计计量研究、环境会计报告研究、


案例二、企业财务管理环境分析 “楼市奇才”与玫瑰园 位于北京以北昌平境内的玫瑰园别墅区始建于1992年,是北京市第一个赴港招商的房地产项目。在它身上,几乎浓缩了中国早期房地产业成长的历史,也承载着曾经是香港第一楼市奇才的邓智仁兵败京城的辛酸血泪。 玫瑰园项目是由北京市政府批准兴建,由内地商人刘常明的香港飞达公司跟昌平县房地产开发总公司合资开发,两家分别占股45%和55%。该项目规划建设别墅800余套,每套售价300万元以上,总投资3.5亿元. 刘常明靠权力背景赢得了这一项目, 然而由于缺乏楼盘开发经验及后续资金, 他一直在寻找后续接盘的人. 邓智仁在香港靠经营房地产代理业务起家, 1990年, 他所经营的利达行已成为香港最大的房地产代理公司, 他本人也成为香港一时无人能及的金牌代理人. 92年小平南巡后, 在香港弹丸之地已感发展受限的邓智仁在第一时间嗅到了商机.在考察了内地的上海和北京后, 他认为:”上海很开放, 房地产太热了, 不适合全面进入. 而北京很保守, 保守的城市房地产市场的潜力就大.”在香港屡战屡胜的他已经不满足于赚取百分之几的佣金了, 他要谋求更大的发展. 他俯瞰北京城, 以他那独特而高远的目光一眼就瞄上了玫瑰园. 他认为: 第一, 这是当时北京城最好的房地产项目, 第二, 它是全中国最大的别墅项目,第三,它经过了5位香港著名地产行业律师的一致论证和看好。就这样,他以香港利达行40%的股权做抵押,通过4家公司集资1亿港币,首期动用6000万,以投资的形式购买了北京玫瑰园2万多平方米的别墅,并借此成为该项目的销售总代理。 邓智仁接手后,挟资1000万先后组团赴香港、美国、韩国推介,吸引华商的注意,凭借其出色的营销能力和人缘,项目一开盘就卖出了80套,相当于不久前他以投资形式购入的2万平方米。这时候发生了刘常明挪用首批购房款的丑闻,邓智仁处心积虑,通过一系列的股权转让最终以8000万港币冲抵债务整体收购了玫瑰园的开发权。 从房地产代理业进入房地产开发业后不久,邓智仁就突然发现,刘常明提供给他的许多批文竟多处违规,玫瑰园的销售许可证是刘打通高官关节由北京市特批的,可是审批文件则是昌平县的地方文本而并未得到北京市政府的复核。在北京没根没底、原本指望靠刘常明的钻营借梯上楼的邓智仁很快掉进了跑批文、走关系的旋涡中。此外,刘常明留下的一堆烂账也超出了他的想象,别墅还没卖出几套,经济纠纷就冒出了10多起。 就在此时,由于各地脱离实际大上工程,以至于通货膨胀提前到来,宏观景气突然逆转,中央提出了“宏观调控,治理整顿”的方针,并严令停建“楼堂馆所”,像玫瑰园这样的外销别墅项目首当其冲地遇到冲击。银根紧缩导致业已开业的项目停停建建,陷入进退无度的窘境。邓智仁只得一次次地拿利达行的钱给玫瑰园输血。 在北京呆了一段时间的邓智仁渐渐明白了“官效应”的重要性,为了取得土地出让证,他四处寻找有较深政府背景的公司做靠山,可在与这些公司的合作中又屡屡受骗吃亏,打起官司来更是回回落败。他颇为感慨地对朋友说:“在大陆做房地产,不仅要应付市场,还要应付政府、应付银行、应付形形色色的人。我已经厌倦与人打交道……香港人喜欢用法律解决问题,但我们告到法院就从来没有成功过,还要赔进更多的时间和金钱。” 1994年,在邓智仁的上百次奔波下,北京市土地管理局终于与利达行达成了土地出让协议。根据规定,土地出让年限为70年,利达公司向土地管理局支付土地使用权出让金共计1.5亿元,到1995年底分3笔付清。一面要支付源源不断的工程建设款,一面要缴清巨额的土地出让金,邓智仁欲哭无泪,只好走上负债经营的道路。然而,在银根日益紧缩的大环境中,邓智仁的借款都是通过非正常渠道拆借的短期高息资金,他不熟悉大陆在资金运作



译文: 在价值链的成本控制下减少费用和获得更多的利润 摘要: 根据基于价值链的成本管理理念和基于价值的重要因素是必要的。首先,必须有足够的资源,必须创造了有利的价值投资,同时还需要基于客户价值活动链,以确定他们的成本管理优势的价值链。其次,消耗的资源必须尽量减少,使最小的运营成本价值链和确保成本优势是基于最大商业价值或利润,这是一种成本控制系统内部整个视图的创建和供应的具实践,它也是一种成本控制制度基于价值链,包括足够的控制和必要的资源投资价值的观点,创建和保持消费的资源到合理的水平,具有价值的观点主要对象的第一个因素是构造有利的价值链,从创造顾客价值开始;第二个因素是加强有利的价值链,从供应或生产客户价值开始。因此它是一个新型的理念,去探索成本控制从整个视图的创建和供应的商品更盈利企业获得可持续的竞争优势。 关键词:成本控制,价值链,收益,支出,收入,成本会计 1、介绍 根据价值链理论,企业的目的是创造最大的顾客价值;和企业的竞争优势在于尽可能提供尽可能多的价值给他们的客户,作为低成本可能的。这要求企业必须首先考虑他们是否能为顾客创造价值,和然后考虑在很长一段时间内如何创造它。然而,竞争一直以“商品”(或“产品”)作为最直接的载体,因此,传统的成本控制方法主要集中在对“产品”和生产流程的过程。很显然,这不能解决企业的问题,企业是否或如何能为客户创造价值。换句话说,这至少不能从根本上解决它。 因此,企业必须首先投入足够的资源,以便他们能够创建客户值取向,然后提供它以最少的资源费用。所以在整个视图中对价值创造和提供整体的观点来控制成本,它可以为客户提供完美的动力和操作运行机制运行成本的控制,也可以从根本上彻底克服了传统的成本控制方法的缺点,解决了无法控制的创造和供应不足的真正价值。基于此,本文试图从创作的整体观讨论成本控制提供价值并探讨实现良性循环的策略,也就是说,“创造价值投资成本供应价值创造价值”。 2、成本及其控制的基于价值链理念 2.1基于价值链的成本观念 根据价值链理论,如果企业是要被客户接受,它必须创造和提供能满足其客户的价值。因此,成本(价值或资源支付费用)这不离为创造和提供顾客价值的活动,其活动的价值链。因此,我们应该从价值链角度看成本的重要。


成本管理外文文献 China's Enterprise Cost Management Analysis and Countermeasures Abstract: With the progress and China's traditional Cost Management model difficult to adapt to an increasingly competitive market environment. This paper exists in our country a number of Cost Management and finally put forward to address these issues a number of measures to strengthen Cost Management. Keywords:: Cost Management measures In a market economy conditions, as the global economic integration, the development of increasingly fierce market competition, corporate profit margins shrinking. In this case, the level of high and low business costs directly determines the size of an enterprise profitability and competitive strength. Therefore, strengthen enterprise Cost Management business has become an inevitable choice for the survival and development. First, the reality of China's Enterprise Cost Management Analysis Cost Management in our country after years of development, has made many achievements, but now faces a new environment, China's Cost Management has also exposed some new problems, mainly in the following aspects: (A) Cost Management concept behind the Chinese enterprises lag behind the concept of Cost Management in pervasive phenomenon, mainly in Cost Management of the scope, purpose and means from time to biased. Many enterprises will continue to limit the scope of Cost Management within the enterprise or even only the production process at the expense of other related companies and related fields cost behavior management. We supply side, for example. The supply side of the price of the product cost of doing business, one of the most important motives. As the supply side of the price of the product and its cost plus profit, so the supply side of price in the form of its own costs to the enterprise. However, some enterprises to the supply side too much rock bottom price, as their source of high profits, without considering each other's interests, resulting in supply-side to conceal their true costs, price increase in disguise. This increase in procurement costs, thereby increasing commodity costs, making goods less competitive. The purpose of Cost Management from the point of view, many enterprises confined to lower costs, but less from the perspective of cost-effectiveness of the effectiveness of the means of cost reduction mainly rely on savings, can not be cost-effective. In traditional Cost Management, Cost Management purposes has been reduced to cut costs, saving has become the basic means to reduce costs. From the perspective of Cost Management to analyze the Cost Management of this goal, not difficult to find cost-reduction is conditional and limits, and in some cases, control of costs, could lead to product quality and enterprise efficiency decline. In addition, the vast majority of enterprises in the overall concept of lack of Cost


基于低碳经济的企业环境成本会计研究,毕 业,毕业专题, 基于低碳经济的企业环境成本会计研究 基于低碳经济的企业环境成本会计研究刘颖内容摘要:本文从低碳经济理念出发,阐述了企业环境成本确认、计量、披露的相关理论,着重研究分析了与低碳经济关系密切的碳成本及低碳经济背景下环境成本核算与披露问题。 关键词:低碳经济环境成本碳排放成本 低碳经济与环境会计的概述 环境成本会计是指企业在获得经济利益的基础上,承担社会责任,预防、控制、治理环境污染及承担污染带来的损害而发生的一切支出或代价。环境成本按空间可以分为内部环境成本和外部环境成本。低碳经济对企业环境成本会计的影响:第一,低碳经济推动环境成本会计新发展。环境成本会计在我国经过近二十多年的发展,无论在理论层面还是在实务层面,都有了长足的进展。低碳经济的出现,将推动环境成本会计进入一个新的发展阶段,体现在:环境成本会计的受重视程度得以提升;环境成本会计成为低碳经济对企业会计影响的落脚点;低碳经济是环境成本会计走向实践的助力。第二,低碳经济下环境成本会计的新变化。低碳经济下的环境成本会计是对现有环境成本会计研究的一种继承、补充、发展和创新,是对现有环境成本会计研究理论的

丰富和完善。主要体现在:节能减排成本将成为企业环境成本会计研究中的又一新亮点;企业环境成本的核算方法需要变革;企业环境成本信息披露的内容与方式也将发生变化。 低碳经济视角下环境成本的确认与计量 (一)环境成本的确认 环境成本的确认,是指企业结合自身的环境目标,根据国家有关环境保护法律法规的规定,对由于自身经营活动对环境产生影响的支出进行确认。企业发生的与环境有关的支出,根据支出是否实际发生,可分为实际支出和或有支出两大类。实际支出又根据支出受益期的长短分为资本性支出与收益性支出两类。如果考虑企业未来可能发生的损失,则可以将企业的环境支出分为以下三类: 1.资本性支出。资本性支出是指其受益期涉及两个或两个以上会计年度的各项支出,应由各收益期间的营业收入分期负担。如企业为实现节能减排目标而购买的环保设施和污染控制设备等固定资产、无形资产的各项支出。如果企业的环境支出符合资产的确认标准,应该将其资本化,这部分支出因而就转化成为企业的环境资产,并且在其受益期内按一定的方式进行摊销。 2.收益性支出。收益性支出,也称为营业支出,是指其受益期仅涉及一个会计年度的各项支出,应与当期收入相配比,计入当期的成本费用中,例如企业的绿化费、环保人员的工资费用支出等。 3.或有性支出。在企业,或有性环境支出主要有以下几种情况:企业为防止更严格的污染治理规定而增加的支出、企业预计未来可能会因环境疏忽而造成的意外赔偿或罚金、企业预防因未符合环保技术标准而造成歇业或停工的损失等等。按照权责发


4、基于日本富士通及我国企业环境会计实例分析 4.1日本企业环境会计分析 日本富士通公司属于世界500强的日本大型信息通信技术企业,是日本第一个导入环境会计的企业,也是日本第一个公开环境报告书的企业,是上世纪90年代第一批顺应国家政策,实行环境报告由第三者认证制度的企业。 4.1.1具体实施 ⑴根据企业环境会计基本原则实施环境会计管理 富士通企业根据成本效益原则,责任划分明细原则,配比原则来组织实施企业环境会计。 ⑵结合相关制度和企业实际情况,设置环境会计成本分类,完善科目设置,量化环境会计实施。 环境成本分类是建立环境会计制度最关键最复杂的部分,富士通的成本主项目主要从降低环境负荷的角度来划分,站在企业整体的视角上考虑问题。富士通公司环境成本分类项目如表所示。 日本富士通公司环境成本分类项目表 主项目分类子项目分类 直接成本环境保护活动的成本安全制造活动的成本 间接成本环境提升的成本 取得与维护ISO14001认证等活动的成本 能源节省成本能源节省的成本 再循环使用成本产品收集及再循环使用的成本处理废弃物的成本 研发费用研发环保意识产品的成本环境对策技术的成本 社会活动成本提升绿环的成本环境宣传的成本 其他环境相关成本土壤整治的成本其他成本 ⑶采用独立的环境报告信息披露模式,突出其作用意义。 采用独立的环境会计信息披露模式,编制独立的企业环境报告,使用定量分析和定性描述相结合的方式披露环境成本、环境收益等环境财务信息。 ⑷借鉴美国的经验结合企业自身的创新。 富士通借鉴了美国环境成本确认和计量指南,并进行了自我创新,制定了本公司的环境会计指南。自成立之日起,富士通每隔三年就制定一项渐进式的具体目标,一步步取得进展。 4.2我国煤炭上市企业环境会计分析 近些年来,随着社会经济发展与自然环境不匹配问题的突出,环境问题已经引起了广泛关注和重视,就我国而言,环境问题己经严重影响了人们的生活质量以及社会的和谐发展。企业作为社会经济活动的主体,是环境问题的主要肇事者,理应担负相应的社会责任,而煤炭类企业作为重污染企业的典型代表,更是我们需要重点关注的对象。


EVOLUTION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT PROGRAM J. H. Maday T. L. Kuusinen October 1991 Presented at the Environmental Auditing Conference October 22-23, 1991 Seattle, Washington Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-ACO6-76RLO 1830 Pacific Northwest Laboratory Richland, Washington 99352

DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States。Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. Evolution of an Environmental Audit Program Joseph H. Maday, Jr. (ASQC-CQA) Technical Group Leader - Quality Verification Department and Tapio Kuusinen Senior Research Scientist Environmental Policy and Compliance Group Pacific Northwest Laboratory Richland, Washington 99352


IMPLEMENTING ENVIRONMENTAL COST ACCOUNTING IN SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED COMPANIES 1.ENVIRONMENTAL COST ACCOUNTING IN SMES Since its inception some 30 years ago, Environmental Cost Accounting (ECA) has reached a stage of development where individual ECA systems are separated from the core accounting system based an assessment of environmental costs with (see Fichter et al., 1997, Letmathe and Wagner , 2002). As environmental costs are commonly assessed as overhead costs, neither the older concepts of full costs accounting nor the relatively recent one of direct costing appear to represent an appropriate basis for the implementation of ECA. Similar to developments in conventional accounting, the theoretical and conceptual sphere of ECA has focused on process-based accounting since the 1990s (see Hallay and Pfriem, 1992, Fischer and Blasius, 1995, BMU/UBA, 1996, Heller et al., 1995, Letmathe, 1998, Spengler and H.hre, 1998). Taking available concepts of ECA into consideration, process-based concepts seem the best option regarding the establishment of ECA (see Heupel and Wendisch , 2002). These concepts, however, have to be continuously revised to ensure that they work well when applied in small and medium-sized companies. Based on the framework for Environmental Management Accounting presented in Burritt et al. (2002), our concept of ECA focuses on two main groups of environmentally related impacts. These are environmentally induced financial effects and company-related effects on environmental systems (see Burritt and Schaltegger, 2000, p.58). Each of these impacts relate to specific categories of financial and environmental information. The environmentally induced financial effects are represented by monetary environmental information and the effects on environmental systems are represented by physical environmental information. Conventional accounting deals with both – monetary as well as physical units – but does not focus on environmental impact as such. To arrive at a practical solution to the implementation of ECA in a company’s existing accounting system, and to comply with the problem of distinguishing between monetary and physical aspects, an integrated concept is required. As physical information is often the basis for the monetary information (e.g. kilograms of a raw material are the basis for the monetary valuation of raw material consumption), the integration


外文翻译 原文 Cost Control Material Source:Encyclopedia of business,2 and ed. Author:Anthony, Robet N 1 Cost Control Cost control, also known as cost management or cost containment, is a broad set of cost accounting methods and management techniques with the common goal of improving business cost-efficiency by reducing costs, or at least restricting their rate of growth. Businesses use cost control methods to monitor, evaluate, and ultimately enhance the efficiency of specific areas, such as departments, divisions, or product lines, within their operations. During the 1990s cost control initiatives received paramount attention from corporate America. Often taking the form of corporate restructuring, divestment of peripheral activities, mass layoffs, or outsourcing, cost control strategies were seen as necessary to preserve—or boost—corporate profits and to maintain—or gain—a competitive advantage. The objective was often to be the low-cost producer in a given industry, which would typically allow the company to take a greater profit per unit of sales than its competitors at a given price level. Some cost control proponents believe that such strategic cost-cutting must be planned carefully, as not all cost reduction techniques yield the same benefits. In a notable late 1990s example, chief executive Albert J. Dunlap, nicknamed "Chainsaw Al" because of his penchant for deep cost cutting at the companies he headed, failed to restore the ailing small appliance maker Sunbeam Corporation to profitability despite his drastic cost reduction tactics. Dunlap laid off thousands of workers and sold off business units, but made little contribution to Sunbeam's competitive position or share price in his two years as CEO. Consequently, in 1998 Sunbeam's board fired Dunlap, having lost confidence in his "one-trick" approach to management. A complex business requires frequent information about operations in order to plan for the future, to control present activities, and to evaluate the past performance of managers, employees, and related business segments. To be successful,


论企业环境成本的确认及会计处理 随着我国经济的快速发展,我国的环境污染现象也日趋严重。在某些行业,如化工、化肥、造纸、酿酒、橡胶、染料和油漆等,其环境成本是一个相当惊人的数字。如果进行严格的统计,其中一些行业的环境成本恐怕比生产总值要大得多,单位环境成本比单位产品价格要高几倍,甚至几十倍。只有将环境成本列入企业成本,才会引起企业的高度重视,采取各种防范手段加强对环境污染的控制。 标签:环境成本确认核算会计 由此可见,环境问题对我国的会计制度提出了挑战。要求我们将环境会计纳入会计体系;要求我们制定关于环境方面的会计准则;要求我们将环境会计的内容列入会计核算内容的范围;要求会计信息应包含环境会计信息在内。而我国目前在环境会计制度建设方面尚未起步,也没有将环境会计列入会计内容的先例,本文拟就与环境成本相关的问题进行初浅的分析。 一、环境成本的确认 环境成本是指在某一项商品生产活动中,从资源开采、生产、运输、使用、回收到处理,解决环境污染和生态破坏所需的全部费用。在权责发生制原则下,环境成本的确认应符合以下条件。 1、环境成本的发生起因于环保 环境成本必须是因环境原因而引起的。这有两种情况:一是为达到环境保护法规所强制实施的环境标准所发生的费用。二是国家在实施经济手段保护环境时企业所发生的成本费用。有些国家实施环境税、征收环境保护基金、对超标准排污企业征收排污费,我国在这方面还亟待加强。 2、环境成本的金额能够计量或估计 由于计量是会计的属性,因此作为环境成本也必须是可计量或可估计的。如采矿企业所产生的矿渣及矿坑污染,每年需支付相应的回填、覆土、绿化的费用就很容易确认和计量;而有些需采用定性或定量的方法。如水污染、空气污染的治理费用,则需要通过合理的估计。环境成本的确认是环境会计的基础,有助于环境会计的核算。 二、企业环境成本的核算问题 环境成本通常有两类,一类是从企业产生环境负荷的影响因子——物质流转和能源消耗的角度出发,采用环境资源输入企业和企业活动对环境输出的资源流转平衡理论来进行环境成本的分类核算,以谋求环境成本降低与环境负荷减少的协调。另一类则是从环境成本效果现出发,在环境会计报告中按费用产生效果的


我国企业环境会计的应用现状及其改进 随着经济的飞速增长,环境污染日益严重、资源浪费仍然十分严重。环境会计及其应用问题逐渐受到关注。本文从环境会计的产生及发展现状、及其在企业应用中存在的问题进行了分析,结合我国的实际,提出了强化环境意识、培养专业人才、以及加强理论和实践的应用研究的改进建议。 标签:环境会计发展现状问题与对策 1概述 环境会计,是以环境资产、环境费用等会计要素为核算内容,以货币为主要计量单位,以相关法律、法规为依据,计量环境污染、环境开发等的成本费用,同时对形成的环境效益进行合理计量与报告,最后综合评估环境活动对企业财务成果的影响的一门新兴学科。环境会计是从社会利益的角度计量和报导社会活动对环境的影响,旨在提高经济资源的优化配置和合理利用,以提高社会整体效益。 传统的会计对象是企业资金运作有关的所有经济事项,而环境会计的对象不仅仅包括企业的资金运作,它还考虑了除资金之外的资源环境、整个社会生产消费以及生态循环价值。 环境会计的理论研究在我国已有十几年的历史,发表的学术成果也有一定的数量。顾署生将环境会计的目标分为基本目标和具体目标[1]。孟志华对环境会计的原则进行了论述,提出实施环境会计应遵循社会性原则、强制性与灵活性原则、经济效益和环境效益兼顾原则、多种计价基础并用原则[2]。这些原则要求企业在公布报表、提供会计信息时,必须客观公正地反映企业对生态环境的作用、保护或者污染、损耗等情况,要兼顾环境效益与经济效益,不得有意忽略或隐瞒重要的数据资料,使信息使用者发生误解。肖序、辛鑫、赵家国、潘颖等分别主张环境会计三要素[3]、四要素[4]、五要素[5]、和六要素[6],加入了环境会计要素论的论战之中。我国在环境会计的理论研究方面成果颇丰,但相比之下,有关环境会计在企业应用研究方面比较匮乏。本文采用文献分析和规范研究的方法,对我国的环境会计的研究现状及其存在的问题,进行了分析,并结合我国的国情,提出了具体的改进建议。 2环境会计的产生及其发展现状 经济全球化和城市化的快速发展,使得环境问题已经越来越成为当今世界关注的焦点。环境会计的思想起源可追溯到古典经济学家庇古(Arthur Cecil Pigou,1877-1959)在二十世纪初关于福利经济学的分析中。在20世纪70年代,以英国《会计学月刊》1971年比蒙斯的《控制污染的社会成本转换研究》和1973年第2期马林的《污染的会计问题》论文,揭开了环境会计研究的序幕[7]。 目前发达国家对环境会计的研究方兴未艾,取得了一定的成果。相比之下,
