

01英语听力练习题目:A Fun Day

1. Where does the young girl want to go with her father?

A. to the park

B. to the movies

C. to the swimming pool

2. Who are they going with?

A. the girl's mother

B. the girl's best friend

C. the girl's older brother

3. Based on the conversation, what time will they most likely leave?

A. 9:30 AM

B. 12:45 PM

C. 2:00 PM

4. What does the girl want to do later?

A. She wants to walk to the ice cream store.

B. She wants to swim at the park.

C. She wants to go down to the beach.

5. What does the father suggest they do at the end of the day?

A. go to a restaurant

B. watch a fireworks display

C. play a board game


1. to the movies

2. the girl's mother

3. 2:00 PM

4. She wants to go down to the beach.

5. go to a restaurant


Girl: Dad, I'm bored today. I want to go to a movie?

Dad: A movie today? Well, I don't know. Here. Let me look at the newspaper. Okay. Ah, here's a movie that starts in the afternoon at 2:45. Well, should we take mommy with us?

Girl: Yeah.

Dad: Okay, we have to wait for mommy because she's at a meeting right now.

Girl: Okay.

Dad: Alright. And what should we do after we see the movie?

Girl: Go on a walk.

Dad: Well, where would you like to go on a walk? Would you like to go down to the beach or through the park?

Girl: To the beach.

Dad: To the beach. Well, that sounds great. And then maybe we can go

out to eat tonight. Does that sound okay?

Girl: Yeah.


1. yeah (adverb): informal for yes; also yep

- May I use your pen.

Yeah, sure.

2. mommy (noun): an informal word for mother usually used by children; also mom.

- Mommy. May I watch TV?

02英语听力练习题目:Family Activities

1. In addition to paper books, what did the little girl make with paper at school ?

A. an animal

B. a person

C. a building

2. What thing did she NOT talk about when making the object in Question 1?

A. paper

B. glue

C. scissors

3. What did the girl do after school?

A. She rode her bicycle.

B. She watched television.

C. She went to the store.

4. Who did she meet and play with at the junior high school?

A. her teacher

B. her cousins

C. her father

5. Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A. at a house

B. at school

C. at a park


1. an animal

2. scissors

3. She rode her bicycle.

4. her cousins

5. at a house


Emily: Welcome home, Dad.

Dad: Oh, Emily. How are you today?

Emily: Fine.

Dad: Good. And how was school today?

Emily: Really fun.

Dad: Good. And what did you do?

Emily: We made things.

Dad: Like what types of things did you make?

Emily: We made books.

Dad: You made books! Okay. And what else?

Emily: We . . . we made paper kangaroos.

Dad: You made paper kangaroos? Okay, and what did you need to make your paper kangaroos? What kind of supplies did you need?

Emily: We used crayons, papers, glue, and we had to follow directions. Dad: Well good. And what did you do after school?

Emily: We went home, played games.

Dad: And did . . . Mom said you went to the junior high school.

Emily: I rode my bike in the tennis court.

Dad: Did you go by yourself?

Emily: I went with the whole family, and we went with Nathan, Sara, Racheal.

Dad: You went with your cousins.

Emily: And my mom.

Dad: Well, that's great. Well, let's get ready for dinner. Emily: Okay.

03英语听力练习题目:Family Relationships

1. Where is Poncho from?

A. Paraguay

B. Peru

C. Portugal

2. How many brothers and sisters does Poncho have?

A. 11

B. 12

C. 13

3. What is his father's job?

A. taxi driver

B. dentist

C. police officer

4. What does his mother do?

A. She owns a beauty salon.

B. She runs a small family store.

C. She works at a bread shop.

5. Which thing does Poncho NOT say?

A. His brothers and sisters help his mom.

B. His mom sells food like eggs and sugar.

C. His mother enjoys her job very much.


1. Peru

2. 13

3. taxi driver

4. She runs a small family store.

5. His mother enjoys her job very much.


Carl: Hi. My name's Carl. Nice to meet you.

Poncho: Nice to meet you, too. My name is Francisco.

Carl: What?

Poncho: Francisco, but all my friends and family back in Peru call me Poncho.

Carl: Okay, Poncho. So, tell me about your family?

Poncho: Well, I have seven brothers and six sisters.

Carl: Wow. That is a big family. So are you the oldest, Poncho? Poncho: No. I'm the second oldest in my family.

Carl: So, what do your parents do?

Poncho: My father is a taxi driver in Lima, Peru. It's a hard job, but he

works hard to support the family.

Carl: How about your mother?

Poncho: She helps run a small family store with some of my older brothers and sisters.

Carl: What kind of store?

Poncho: We mainly sell food, like bread, eggs, soft drinks, rice, sugar, and cookies. Things that people buy every day.

04英语听力练习题目:Good Old Blues

1. What kinds of music does this radio station play?

A. rhythm and blues

B. heavy metal

C. Latin

2. What is the disk jockey's first name?

A. Harold

B. Harvey

C. Harry

3. Listeners can win ___________ by identifying the name of music numbers.

A. music CDs

B. concert tickets

C. money

4. How many times will listeners have a chance to win?

A. less than four times

B. four or five times

C. more than five times

5. To win, listeners must identify the name of the musical number and ________.

A. when it was recorded

B. where it was recorded

C. who recorded it


1. rhythm and blues

2. Harry

3. concert tickets

4. more than five times

5. when it was recorded


Disc Jockey:

"Ah, nothing like good old rhythm and blues to soothe the soul this late Wednesday night. This is Harry Williams, and I'll be with you throughout the night here on KQ1150. Oh, and don't forget that I'll be giving away

tickets on the hour from now until sunup for those of you who can identify this tune:

[ jazz music ]

Call me at 693-3019 and be the seventh caller. And if you can tell me the name of that piece and the year it was recorded, you'll enjoy the tunes of one of the best bands ever a week from this Saturday night downtown at the Silver Palace.

Now sit back, relax, and enjoy listening to KQ1150."


1. soothe (verb): to relax or calm

- You should trying listening to classical music to soothe your nerves. It works for me.

2. sunup (noun): sunrise or the point where the sun comes up in the morning

- We'll leave tomorrow before sunup, so please be ready.

3. identify (verb): to name

- Greg can identify the names of almost all the constellations in the sky.

4. tune (noun): usually, a song or musical number

- This radio station plays some really good tunes.


英语六级听力真题及答案 【篇一:2006-2014历年大学英语六级听力真题及答案 (完整版)】 s=txt>答案集合在全部真题之后(复合式听写中的长句无答案) 200606 1. a) she met with thomas just a few days ago. b) she can help with orientation program. c) she is not sure she can pass on the message. d) she will certainly try to contact thomas. 2. a) set the dinner table.b) change the light bulb. c) clean the dining room. d) hold the ladder for him. 3. a) he’d like a piece of pie.b) he’d like some coffee. c) he’d rather stay in the warm room. d) he’d just had dinner with his friends. 4. a) he has managed to sell a number of cars. b) he is contented with his current position. c) he might get fired. d) he has lost his job. 5. a) tony’s secretary. b) paul’s girlfriend. c) paul’s colleague. d) tony’s wife. 6. a) he was fined for running a red light. b) he was caught speeding on a fast lane. c) he had to run quickly to get the ticket.


Lesson One Section One: Tapescript. Dialogue 1: —Hello, I want a cab. —OK. What address is it —1120 East 32nd Street. —Right. The cab will be there in a few minutes. Dialogue 2: —What’s your job —I’m an accountant. —Oh! Do you enjoy it —No. I don’t really like it.It’s boring. Dialogue 3: —Where do you come from —Indonesia. —Oh! Which part —Jakarta. —Really Dialogue 4: —Can you speak German —Yes, I can. I speak it very well. —Where did you learn it —I lived in Germany when I was a child. —What else can you speak —Well, I know a little Italian. Dialogue 5: —I think a businessman should be good-looking.—No, I don’t agree. Dialogue 6: —Would you like a drink —No, thank you. I don’t drink. —Are you sure —Yes. I’m quite sure. Thank you very much.—What about a soft drink then —Oh, alright. Lemonade would be fine. Dialogue 7: —Thank you very much for the meal. —Not at all. I’m glad you could come. —You must come and have a meal with me some time.—Yes. That would be nice. Dialogue 8:


绝密★启用前 2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 全国I卷英语听力 2016年高考 全国I卷 英语听力音频 双击图标打开收听.mp3 (请用电脑,双击上面图标,打开收听) 使用地区:安徽、湖北、福建、湖南、山西、河北、江西、广东、河南、山东 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是C。 1. What are the speakers talking about? A. Having a birthday party. B. Doing some exercise. C. Getting Lydia a gift. 2. What is the woman going to do? A. Help the man. B. Take a bus. C. Get a camera. 3. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Tell Kate to stop. B. Call Kate’ s friends. C. Stay away from Kate. 4. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a wine shop. B. In a supermarket. C. In a restaurant. 5. What does the woman mean? A. Keep the window closed. B. Go out for fresh air. C. Turn on the fan. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the man going to do this summer? A. Teach a course. B. Repair his house. C. Work at a hotel. 7. How will the man use the money?


2017年6月六级真题一 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A. Doing enjoyable work. B. Having friendly colleagues. C. Earning a competitive salary. D. Working for supportive bosses. 2. A. 31%. B. 20%. C. 25%. D. 73%. 3. A. Those of a small size. B. Those run by women. C. Those that are well managed. D. Those full of skilled workers. 4. A. They can hop from job to job easily. B. They can win recognition of their work.


初级英语听力练习精选合集 英语听力的水平,不进则退,就好像如果不写字久了,那个字怎么写都忘了。下面是给大家整理的初级英语听力练习,供大家参阅初级英语听力练习篇1听录音,回答以下两个问题: 1. What do you know about Ravi? Tick all the phrases that you think are true. There may be more tha n one right an swer. a) he&rsq uo;s from Man Chester b) he likes football c) he likes ridi ng his mountain bike d) he&rsq uo;s 23 2. What do you know about Tess? Tick all the phrases that you think are true a) she&rsq uo;s from London b) she likes dancing c) she&rsq uo;s 23 d) she&rsq uo;s a great cook 答案及听力文本: Section 1 - “Susan, this is Paul ” – introducing your friends

Ravi: Hello, and welcome to the Lear nEn glish eleme ntary podcast. My n ame&rsq uo;s Ravi & hellip; Tess: … and l’m Tess. We’re your prese nters and we&rsqu o;ve got lots of thi ngs for you to liste n to today, but before we start, I think we should introduce ourselves. Ravi? Ravi: OK … erm … I’m Ravi. Tess: Or, I tell you what, I&rsq uo;ll in troduce you and you can in troduce me. How about that? Ravi: Well, OK then. Erm, this is Tess. She’s from London. She&rsq uo;s … how old are you? Tess: None of your bus in ess, Ravi! Ravi: And she loves dancing and riding her mountain bike. OK? Tess: OK. And this is Ravi. He comes from Manchester. He&rsq uo;s 23. Oh … aren&rsq uo;t you? Ravi: Oh yes. Tess: He likes football, and … he’s a great cook. Ravi: Than ks! And there&rsq uo;s one more pers on for you to meet. I&rsq uo;d like to in troduce our producer, Gordon. Say hello to every one Gordon! Gordon: Hello! Pleased to meet you! Ravi and Tess: Hi Gordon


2010年12月大学英语六级考试真题 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My Views on University Ranking. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 目前高校排名相当盛行; 2. 对于这种做法人们看法不一; 3. 在我看来…… My Views on University Ranking . . . Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Into the Unknown The world has never seen population ageing before. Can it cope? Until the early 1990s nobody much thought about whole populations getting older. The UN had the foresight to convene a “world assembly on ageing” back in 1982, but that came and went. By 1994 the World Bank had noticed that something big was happening. In a report entitled “Averting the Old Age Crisis”, it argued that pension arrangements in most countries were unsustainable. For the next ten years a succession of books, mainly by Americans, sounded the alarm. They had titles like Young vs Old, Gray Dawn and The Coming Generational Storm, and their message was blunt: health-care systems were heading for the rocks, pensioners were taking young people to the cleaners, and soon there would be intergenerational warfare.


2015年3月全国英语等级考试二级听力 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时 间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is Jack going to do? A. Hurry to his office. B. Meet Professor Johnson. C. Help Mary carry the books. 2. What do we know about Mr. Smith? A. He missed the meeting. B. He was late for the meeting. C. He wasn't invited to the meeting. 3. Why did the man fail to answer the phone? A. He went to sleep early. B. The TV was too noisy. C. His phone was broken. 4. Why is the woman going to Germany? A. To work there. B. To visit friends. C. To study German. 5. What is the man trying to do? A. Tell Sarah when the picnic ends. B. Persuade Sarah to go to the picnic. C. Ask Sarah to drive him to the picnic. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。 6. Who is the woman? A. A tourist. B. An actress. C. A musician. 7. On what has the woman got information? C. A theatre. B. A house. A. A play. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10题。


英语六级真题听力原文 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】

2016年6月英语六级真题听力原文(一) Part ⅡListening?? Comprehension Section A Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. M: (1)So, how long have you been a market research consultant?W: Well, I started straight after finishing university. M: Did you study market research? W: Yeah, and it really helped me to get into the industry, but I have to say that it’s more important to get expe rience in different types of market research to find out exactly what you’re interested in. M: So what are you interested in? W: (2)Well, at the moment, I specialize in quantitative advertising research, which means that I do two types of projects. (3)Trackers, which are ongoing projects that look at trends or customer satisfaction over a long period of time. The only problem with trackers is that it takes up a lot of your time. But you do build up a good relationship with the client. I also do a couple of ad hoc jobs which are much shorter projects. M: What exactly do you mean by ad hoc jobs?

英语初级听力材料《A minute 一分钟英文》(100课时)

《一分钟英文》一分钟的英语听力,每天根据一个单词,听一段美文,加强词汇,练听力,一举夺得。 目录 第1课:一分钟英文:Avatars-阿凡达 第2课:一分钟英文:Autumn-秋天 第3课:一分钟英文:Art-艺术 第4课:一分钟英文:Apartments-公寓 第5课:一分钟英文:Anti-aging Creams-减龄面霜 第6课:一分钟英文:Animals-动物 第7课:一分钟英文:Aliens-外星人 第8课:一分钟英文:Alcohol-酒 第9课:一分钟英文:Airports-机场 第10课:一分钟英文:Airplanes-飞机 第11课:一分钟英文:Advice-建议 第12课:一分钟英文:Advertising-广告 第13课:一分钟英文:Actors-演员 第14课:一分钟英文:Accid ents-事故 第15课:一分钟英文:Bl ood-血液 第16课:一分钟英文:Birthdays-生日 第17课:一分钟英文:Being Singl e-单身 第18课:一分钟英文:Being Married-结婚 第19课:一分钟英文:Being Afraid-害怕 第20课:一分钟英文:Beauty-美丽 第21课:一分钟英文:Baths-淋浴 第22课:一分钟英文:Banks-银行 第23课:一分钟英文:Bad Habits-坏习惯 第24课:一分钟英文:Babysitting-照顾婴儿

第25课:一分钟英文:Cyber Crime-电脑犯罪 第26课:一分钟英文:Cyber-bullying-网霸 第27课:一分钟英文:Current Events-时事 第28课:一分钟英文:Culture——文化 第29课:一分钟英文:Crime-犯罪 第30课:一分钟英文:Credit Cards-信用卡 第31课:一分钟英文:Cosmetics-化妆品 第32课:一分钟英文:Cosmetic Surgery-整容手术第33课:一分钟英文:Computers-电脑 第34课:一分钟英文:Coffee-咖啡 第35课:一分钟英文:Cl othes-衣服 第36课:一分钟英文:Climate Change-气候变化第37课:一分钟英文:Christmas-圣诞节 第38课:一分钟英文:Chocolate-巧克力 第39课:一分钟英文:Chil dren-孩子 第40课:一分钟英文:Chickens-鸡肉 第41课:一分钟英文:Cars-汽车 第42课:一分钟英文:Careers-职业 第43课:一分钟英文:Carbon Footprint-碳排放 第44课:一分钟英文:Calories-卡路里 第45课:一分钟英文:dancing-跳舞 第46课:一分钟英文:Danger-危险 第47课:一分钟英文:Death-死亡 第48课:一分钟英文:Dentists-牙医 第49课:一分钟英文:Diamonds-钻石 第50课:一分钟英文:Digital Cameras-数码相机第51课:一分钟英文:Directions-方向 第52课:一分钟英文:Disability-残疾


2017年12月大学英语六级听力真题解析 2017.12月份的六级考试已经落下帷幕,以下是对听力部分考题的一个解析,希望对同学们有所帮助. Conversation One M: And now, for the latter side of the news, Europe is setting an example for the rest of the world when it comes to food waste. W: That’s right, John. This week, the Italian government passed legislation that aims to dramatically reduce the amount of food waste in the country. Q1:New laws have been put into place that will make it easier for farms and supermarkets to donate and sell foods to those who are in need. M: Yes, in an addition to this, businesses will now be rewarded for successful efforts to cut food waste. W: Italy is not the only country to focus on reducing food waste. Just earlier this year, Q2:the European parliament voted in favor of legislation that would stop grocery giants from unfair trading practices that result in overproduction, thus creating waste. M: In France, Q3:the government has banned supermarkets from throwing away edible foods and imposed harsh penalties on businesses that fail to comply with the regulations. W: While there is still much progress to be made, other countries could learn a thing or two from the example set by France and Italy. In the United Sates, up to 40% of all food goes uneaten. Despite the fact that one in seven American households lacks regular access to good food, Q4:one major cause of this problem is the confusion over food expiration labels, which are currently not regulated by the government. M: All this could change soon. This wave of new laws in Europe will definitely put more pressure on law makers to reduce food waste here. We turn now to a


Module 1 Unit 1 同步验收练习参考答案Part 1听力部分录音原文及参考答案: I. 1. These are my family and relatives. 2. This is a birthday card from Tom. 3. I have two sisters. They are twins. 4. I usually go shopping with my mother. 5. That is a photo of my brother. 6. Kitty has got a lot of presents from her parents. (1—6 BFEADC) II. 7. M: What’s this, Alice? W: It’s my family tree. M: Who are those two men? W: They are my uncles. Q: How many uncles does Alice have? 8. M: Who is the old woman? W: She’s Mary’s grandmother. M: How old is she? W: About 60. Q: How old is Mary’s grandmother? 9. W: Mike has got two birthday presents. M: Oh? Who are they from? W: They are from his mother and father. M: Has he got anything from his relatives? W: No, he hasn’t. Q: What has Mike got now? 10. M: Who are these birthday cards from? W: My grandmother and grandfather. M: Are those red cards from your grandparents, too? W: No, they are from my aunt and uncle. Q: Who are the red birthday cards from? 11. M: How many uncles do you have? W: I have two. How many uncles do you have? M: I have two, too. W: Do they usually play games with you? M: Sometimes do and sometimes don’t. Q: What are they talking about? 12. W: Do you know that girl under the tree? M: Which one? W: The one in a red skirt.


英语六级考试听力高频词汇 以下30个词汇都是我的老师精心整理出来的,都是常出现于大学英语六级考试听力题里的高频词汇,希望能对大家的英语学习有所帮助,谢谢大家的支持,希望大家多多提出宝贵意见,以便于我们一起更好的交流与进步。 以下单词均有多种含义,给出的只是最为常见的,未做标注的即为依具体语境而定。 1.schedule 时间表 2.skip 跳,略过 3.make sense 讲得通,有意义 4.fall shorts of one's expectation 出乎某人的意料 5.cater to 迎合,款待 6.supervisor 监督者,管理者 7.speak highly of 评价高 8.a million things to do 许多事情要做 9.discount 折扣

10.coundn't have played worse/couldn't agree more 玩得不能再差一点了/不能再多同意一点了 11.I understand the way you feel 我了解你的感受 12.go in one ear and out the other 一个耳朵听另一个耳朵冒出来 13.distractions 分心 14.I wish I could help 但愿我能帮助 15.submit 屈从,忍受 16.staff/stuff n.全体职员vt.为...配备人员/材料 17.register 登记,注册 18.deadline 最后期限 19.benefit 受益 20.Are you kidding 你在开玩笑吗 21.credit 信用,信誉 22.otherwise 否则 23.budget your money 预算开支


英语听力学习推荐“英语初级听力” 英语听力学习推荐“英语初级听力”英语听力学习推荐“英语初级听力”英语听力学习在大学英语学习过程中可谓是举足轻重,特别是在英语四六级考试中。通过与许多同学、朋友交流时,他们认为英语学习最头疼的地方就是听力。提高英语听力的方法有很多种,我仅就我自己学习的体会跟大家交流一下。 首先听力练习一定要有规律。我在大学入校时听力水平一般,基本属于聋子英语、哑巴英语,但第一学期我就定了个计划,并按照计划刻苦训练。我选的教材是《英语初级听力》,录了九盘磁带后,就开始了训练计划。每天中午午休时间我抽出一个小时,一般每天也均不少于一个小时,而且天天如此,周周如此,月月如此。三个月后,再听一般当时大学英语配套的听力教材甚至下学年的教材都感觉轻松多了。在进行其他形式的练习,比如听英文歌曲、看英文电影、收听广播等等的时候,也注意练习的规律性,尽量做到循序渐进、持之以恒,时间一长,效果就出来了。 其次是要有一定的方法。这里的方法是指在练习的过程中需要掌握的一些技巧。以笔者的《英语初级听力》为例,我当时仅仅买了一本学生用书,然后对照磁带反复练习,听不懂就多听几遍,实在不行就先放着,过几天再回过头来听。在练习听英语歌曲的时候,一定

不要看歌词,这一点我认为至关重要。通过英语歌曲练习听力是一种潜移默化的过程,在日积月累的练习之后,自然会形成一种远比磁带、广播效果更为牢固的听觉。 再次是选择正确的途径。由于收听效果不佳,我对英文广播所听不多,我选择的基本是磁带、歌曲和电影这三种方式。磁带的效果不言而喻,训练耳朵的听觉更多的是靠磁带来完成。通过英文歌曲练习听力最初是我的大学外语老师推荐的。如前所述,通过英语歌曲练习听力是一种潜移默化的过程,其效果绝不比其他方式差多少,而且多听英文歌曲可以提高英语学习的兴趣,使英语学习成为一种乐趣。而看英文电影可以说是更高层次的练习,说实话我自己到现在看英文电影也听不大明白。但在一二年级的时候,笔者曾尝试过一段时间,在听了英文的《狮子王》、《人鬼情未了》等之后,感觉不错。尝试电影练习听力还可以更深入地体会到东西方文明的差异,提高交流水平。给我印象最深的电影是《theperfectworld》,看完以后感觉特别好。 由于本人不是英文专业,对英语学习的学习全凭爱好,所以所知不多,对于不当之处请各位指正。最后祝大家学习进步。 英语听力学习推荐“英语初级听力”相关内容:


全国英语等级考试二年级听力真题含录音原文 及答案 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

2014年3月全国英语等级考试二级听力 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What will the woman do about the dress? A. She’ll change it. B. She’ll return it. C. She’ll buy it. 2. What are the speakers talking about? A. Buying DVDs. B. Borrowing DVDs. C. Sharing DVDs. 3. What did the woman think of Dana’s speech? A. Boring. B. Important. C. Well-prepared. 4. What does the man mean? A. He is unable to give help. B. He will carry the boxes later. C. He refuses to pay for boxes. 5. When is Simon supposed to arrive? A. 7:30. B. 8:00. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。 6. Where do the speakers plan to go? A. The woman’s home. B. A museum. C. A library. 7. Why does the woman want to go on Saturday afternoon? A. To enjoy nice weather. B. To sleep late in the morning. C. To avoid the crowd. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10题。 8. Why did the man borrow the woman’s computer last time? A. He needed it for his paper. B. His computer was broken. C. He used it for his computer class. 9. Why does the woman feel happy? A. The man can lend her a computer now. B. The man will use his own computer. C. The man will study better. 10. What has the man been doing with his new computer? A. Doing homework. B. Searching for information. C. Watching DVDs. 听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13题。 11. Where did Tom get the idea of becoming a businessman? A. From the grown-ups around him. B. From his high school teachers.


Section A Directions:In this section.you will hear two long conversations,At the end of each conversation,you will, hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A , B , C and D .Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. ◆1.A.The restructuring of her company. B.The man’s switch to a new career. C.The updating of technology at CucinTech. D.The project the man managed at CucinTech. ◆2.A.Talented personnel. B.Effective promotion. C.Strategic innovation. https://www.360docs.net/doc/07953360.html,petitive products. ◆3.A.Innovate constantly. B.Expand the market.


1995年1月大学英语六级(CET-6)真题试卷Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A 1. A) She was given a new job. B) She was given a raise. C) She was criticized for being late. D) She was praised for her hard work. 2. A) Whether to employ the woman. B) Whether to take up the new job. C) Whether to ask for a raise. D) Whether to buy a new house. 3. A) A teacher. B) A psychologist. C) A librarian. D) A publisher. 4. A) To visit more places in the city. B) To take a lot of pictures of the beautiful city. C) To take some pictures of his friends. D) To spare some time to meet his friends. 5. A) In town. B) Out of town. C) In the man?s house. D) Outside Ann?s house. 6. A) Because she feels very hot in the room. B) Because she wants to avoid meeting people. C) Because she wants to smoke a cigarette outside. D) Because she doesn?t like the smell of smoke inside. 7. A) Painters hired by the man and woman. B) Painters hired by Mr. Jones. C) Mr. Jones. D) The man and the woman. 8. A) The woman enjoyed the movie very much. B) The woman saw a horror movie. C) The man asked the woman to be careful at night. D) The man went to the show with the woman. 9. A) He doesn?t write well enough. B) He is not a professional writer. C) He hasn?t got any professional experience. D) He didn?t perform well in the interview. 10. A) He doesn?t think it necessary to refuel the car. B) He can manage to get the gasoline they need. C) He hopes the woman will help him select a fuel. D) He thinks it is difficult to get fuel for the car.
