







Model Test One

Part ⅠVocabulary and Structure

Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.

Section A

Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C)

and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a

single line through the center. (本题共10个小题,每题1分,共10分)

1. We will have to pay them a large ________ of money for their service.

A. size

B. set

C. amount

D. series

2. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me how_______the machine.

A. operate

B. to operate

C. operating

D. operated

3. I'm sorry to tell you that the materials you wanted are_______.

A. taken off

B. put up

C. sold out

D. got off

4. It is obvious that these small businesses are _______need of technical support.

A. in

B. on

C. with

D. to

5. _______I am concerned,it is important to get a job first.

A. As long as

B. As well as

C. As soon as

D. As far as

6. Some companies might not let you rent a car _______ you have a credit card.

A. where

B. because

C. since

D. unless

7. In his opinion,success in life mainly _______on how we get along with other people.

A. keeps

B. depends

C. insists

D. spends

8. We _______ building the bridge by the end of next month.

A. are finishing C. would finish

B. have finished D. will have finished

9. Our company’s service is _______in nearly 80 countries around the world.

A. available

B. natural

C. relative

D. careful

10. It was in Jonson’s hotel _______ the business meeting was held last year.

A. this

B. that

C. what

D. which

Section B

Directions: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the

corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. (本题共10个小题,每题1分,共10分)

11. To start your own business is usually (cheap) _______ than to buy one.

12. The foreign professor spoke slowly and (clear) _______ so that we could follow him.

13. The money (borrow) _______from the bank has already been paid back.

14. The (manage) _______said that their company wouldn’t be responsible for the loss of the


15. When we get his telephone number,we (tell) _______you immediately.

16. It won’t make any (different) _______whether he comes to the meeting or not.

17. The machine should (test) _______before it is put to use.

18. We look forward to (meet) _______you and wish you every success in your career.

19. My (person) _______experience suggests that we should contact the customers first.

20. After the lecture yesterday,they (realize) _______how important company culture was.

PartⅡReading Comprehension

Directions:this part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.


Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 21to 25. For each question or statement there are 4 choices

marked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the correct choice and mark the

corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

A car is made up of more than 30,000 parts.Each part in a new car is as weak as a baby.So a new car requires proper care and servicing.If you’re unfamiliar with the parts,you have to read through the owner's instructions carefully.

First of all, the brakes(刹车)of your car are important for safety(安全)reasons.Having them checked regularly can reduce the risks of accidents.Another important thing to consider is engine care.Always remember that the life and performance of your car engine depend on the engine oil.Replace the engine oil when recommended.If you feel the engine is very hot especially during summer it is probably because the cooling system doesn’t work well.You’d better get the cooling system serviced before the start of summer.

In a word,timely and proper servicing is an important task for car owners.Good servicing can not only extend the life of your newborn baby,but also ensure your safety,and the safety of those who share the road with you.

21. To get familiar with the parts of a new car, the owner should .

A) regard the ear as a new—born baby

B) have the car serviced before driving it

C) read through the instructions carefully

D) examine all of the parts of the new car

22. The brakes should be checked regularly .

A) to avoid accidents

B) to raise speed

C) to reduce cost

D) to save gas

23. For a car engine to work long and well,the owner should .

A) replace the engine oil as recommended

B) reduce the use of the car in summer

C) clean the engine parts regularly

D) change the brakes frequently

24. It is recommended to have the cooling system checked when .

A) you buy a new car

B) summer is coming

C) the engine oil is replaced

D) the brakes are out of order

25. The last paragraph tells us that the purpose of carefully servicing a car is .

A) to let you sell your car at a good price

B) to extend its life and ensure safety

C) to reduce the cost of car servicing

D) to make the car run faster

Task 2

Directions: This task is the same as task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 26to30.

Ticket-booking Policies

General Policies

*Once the flight ticket has been issued,the name on the ticket cannot be changed.

*Ticket is non—refundable(不能退款的).

*Please review your itinerary(行程安排)immediately.If any problems arise before or during your trip,you must call our booking offices right away.If you wait until you return,it’s too late.

*There are times when we are unable to confirm a booking.In that case we will attempt to reach you by phone and email.You must call us back within 48 hours or we may not be able to offer you the booking price.

Change Policies

*If you change your booking, airlines may charge a fee--S150 to$200.

*Some tickets do not allow any changes.

Need to change or cancel your trip? Visit our website to check the fees and rules before you decide.

Cancellation(取消) Policies

*If you cancel your booking you will not receive any money back.

*You may apply part of your ticket price towards future travel (for a limited time,usually a year).

26. According to the policies,the name on the ticket cannot be changed once the ticket

is .

A) booked

B) issued

C) cancelled

D) confirmed

27.If you have any problems during a trip,you should .

A) ask for a refund

B) change your itinerary

C) call the booking office

D) return the ticket to the office

28.What happens when your ticket booking cannot be confirmed?

A) You should make another booking immediately.

B) You can change your booking free of charge.

C) You will be informed by phone and email.

D) You will still enjoy the booking price.

29.If you want to change a booking,you may have to pay——.

A) 10%of the booking price

B) a fee of $150 to $200

C) half the ticket price

D) a fixed fee

30.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the cancellation policies?

A) You Can use part of the ticket price for future travel.

B) You can refund the money from the booking office.

C) You can keep the booking effective for one year.

D) You cannot cancel your booking in any case.


Directions: Read the following passage. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 31 to 35 (in no more than 3 words) in the table below.

If you are staying in the UK for more than 6 months, it may be useful to open a UK bank account. There are a lot of advantages of having a UK current (checking) account:

Paying bills

Many landlords prefer to collect rent directly from a bank account.

You may be able to obtain cheaper services if you pay bills directly from a bank account,e. g. telephone, gas/water/electricity.

If you are given a chequebook, you can also write cheques as a safe way of paying for things.


You can easily obtain money from cash machines,or pay directly from your account using a debit card(借记卡).

Saving money

It is generally cheaper to use a UK account than it is to pay by credit card(信用卡)or withdraw (提取) cash from a foreign bank.


If you work in the UK,some employers require you to have a bank account so that you can get your pay.


Directions: The following is a list of terms related to the human resources management. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与﹍﹍等同) those

given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters

in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered36 through 40.

A--Employee relations B—Basic salary

C—Night shift D—Attendance book

E—Human resources management F—W0rk permit

G--Employment injury insurance H--Housing fund

I—Annual salary J—Year end bonus K--Contract of service

L--Evaluation of employees M—Sick leave

N—C0ffee break O--Unemployment insurance

P--Minimum wage Q—Quality management

Example: (L) 员工考核- (E) 人力资源管理


Directions: The following is a letter of recommendation. After reading them, you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions (No. 41 to No. 45). You should write

your answers (in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.

Dear Mr. Brown,

Thank you for your letter of 6 September regarding Mr. John Green who has been employed by this company for the past 10 years.

Mr. Green served his apprenticeship(学徒) with Vickers Tools Ltd. in Manchester, followed by a three-year course of engineering for Production Engineers. He is technically well —qualified and for the past five years has been our Assistant Works Manager responsible for production and related business in our Sheffield factory. In all his job duties he has shown himself to be hard-working, responsible and in every way a very dependable employee.

I can strongly recommend Mr. Green as I feel sure that if he were to be chosen to manage your factory in Nairobi he would bring to his work a true atmosphere of teamwork, which would be found necessary and helpful by all who would work with him.

Sincerely yours,

Tom Smith

41. How long has Mr. Green been employed by the writer's company?

For .

42. What kind of course did Mr. Green take?

A three-year course in engineering for .

43. What job position has Mr. Green held in the past five years?

. 44.What does the writer think of Mr. Green as an employee?

He is hard-working, and dependable. 45.What is the purpose of this letter?

To Mr. Green to manage a factory in Nairobi.

PartⅢTranslation---English to Chinese

Directions: This part, numbered 46 to 50, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the four sentences (No. 46 to No.49) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Make the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph (No. 50) in the corresponding space on the Translation /Composition Sheet. (共5小题,其中46-49每题2分,50题7分,共15分)

46. With fuel prices going up,car buyers are changing their idea of buying a car.

A. 燃料的价格正在随着购车者买车想法的改变而上涨。

B. 燃料价格的涨落正在不断改变着购车族人群的构成。

C. 随着燃料价格的上涨,购车者买车的想法正在改变。

D. 燃料价格上涨的时候,购车者买车的想法也会改变。

47. You have to raise the quality of your products because buyers in those countries

are very much quality-minded.

A. 你们的当务之急是提高产品质量,因为这些买家对质量都很挑剔。

B. 质量第一对你们很重要,因为所有国家的人都非常在乎产品质量。

C. 你们要让那些国家的买家对产品感兴趣,就必须要明确质量优先。

D. 你们必须提高产品质量,因为那些国家买家的质量意识都非常强。

48. Trading companies need to ensure their ability to handle orders efficiently, making an

online system an essential sales channel.

A. 贸易公司需要得到公司的明确指令,才能把重要的网络销售系统建立起来。

B. 贸易公司需要保证他们有能力来处理订单,才能使网上销售渠道变得重要。

C. 贸易公司需确保拥有高效处理订单的能力,使在线系统成为重要销售渠道。

D. 贸易公司需要有办法来执行公司的指令,以便建立起基本的网络销售系统。

49. It is necessary to have a good understanding of all the terms and conditions before signing

a contract.

A. 先好好讨论一下各项条款,看是否有必要签合同。

B. 在签订合同之前必须充分理解合同中的所有条款。

C. 对所有合同条款都已正确理解,现在可以签合同。

D. 合同的所有条款要更好地解释之后方能签字生效。

50.Thank you for coming to the job interview at our office yesterday.

Within two weeks we will tell you our decision on your application. We want you to know that we will seriously consider your application. If, for some reason,we cannot offer you a position at this time,we will keep your application on record. When there is a job opening, we will inform you immediately.


Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Memo (内部通知)according to the instructions given in Chinese below.

Remember to write your memo on the Translation/Composition Sheet.(共1小题,


说明:假定你是秘书Linda Wang,请按下列内容填写给经理John Brown的电话留言。


1. 来电人:APP公司Mr.Peter Margin

2. 来电时间:12月13日上午10:30

3. 来电内容:Mr.Peter Margin将于下周一去纽约,下周没有时间与您见面。他希望在

本周五上午9:30能见到您.讨论双方合作事宜。您是否有空?希望您收到留言后尽早回电给Mr..Peter Margin。

南开大学(2020-2021 )《大学语文》在线作业-答案2

南开大学(2020-2021 )《大学语文》在线作业 提示:本科目有多套试卷,请认真核对是否是您需要的材料!!! 一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分) 1.《归园田居》的作者是() [A.]谢灵运 [B.]陶渊明 [C.]孟浩然 [D.]王维 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:B 2.下列对于《儒林外史》的说法不正确的是 [A.]出于对魏晋风度的仰慕和追崇,对文人群体人格复归的强烈愿望,才使得吴敬梓在《儒林外史》中写出了与魏晋风度相似和对立的两组人物。 [B.]《儒林外史》对讽刺艺术最大的贡献就是从儒林群丑可笑的喜剧表面去挖掘其内在的悲剧意蕴 [C.]《儒林外史》结构独特。它没有贯穿全书的中心人物和主要情节,而是分别以一个或几个人物为中心,其他一些人物作陪衬,形成一个个相对独立的故事 [D.]其主要缺陷施缺少主干情节和中心人物,所以受到一些人的批评和否定 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:D 3.《世说新语》是中国古代( )的代表作品 [A.]志怪小说 [B.]章回小说 [C.]志人小说 [D.]话本小说 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:A 4.被鲁迅称为“晚周诸子之作,莫能先也”的是( ) [A.]《孟子》 [B.]《韩非子》 [C.]《庄子》 [D.]《荀子》 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:C 5.下列是常州词派代表人物的是 [A.]纳兰性德 [B.]陈维崧

[C.]朱彝尊 [D.]张惠言 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:D 6.下列对于清代公案小说的说法不正确的是 [A.]清代公案小说沿袭明代传统 [B.]反映民间冤苦和政治腐败 [C.]宣扬封建道德的主题却得到加强 [D.]《施公案》是其代表作品 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:D 7.《花间集》产生的时代是() [A.]南北朝时期 [B.]唐代 [C.]五代十国 [D.].宋初 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:A 8.《诗经??卫风??氓》中运用了比兴的艺术手法,下列句子中没有体现比兴手法的有() [A.]桑之未落,其叶沃若 [B.]于嗟鸠兮,无食桑葚 [C.]桑之落矣,其黄而陨 [D.]及尔偕老,老使我怨 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:D 9.下列不属于《水浒传》与绿林文化的政治特征的是 [A.]“逼上梁山”是多数梁山好汉上山聚义的共同原因 [B.]路见不平,拔刀相助 [C.]“替天行道”是梁山好汉的政治行动纲领 [D.]“接受招安”是梁山起义的必然结局 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:B 10.____________, 直挂云帆济沧海 [A.]金樽清酒斗十千 [B.]长风破浪会有时 [C.]两朝开济老臣心 [D.]天生我材必有用 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:B


南开大学现代远程教育学院考试卷 2014-2015年度秋季学期期末(2015.3) 大学英语(二) 一、单选题(共15小题,每题2分,共计30分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,请答案填写在“客观题答题纸”上,否则成绩无效。 1. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen __D__ comfortably. A. is worn B. wears C. wearing D. are worn 2. The lawyer advised him to drop the __C___, since he stands little chance to win. A. event B. incident C. case D. affair 3. He always shows haughty ___C___ toward his colleagues. A. behavior B. action C. conduct D. benefit 4. ___A___ at the station when it got dark, the passengers found there were no buses ________ home. A. Arriving, to take B. Arriving, to ride C. Having arrived, riding on D. Having been arrived, to go on 5. The boy spent as much time watching TV as he ___D__ studying. A. does B. had C. was D. did 6. The goals __B__ he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him. A. after which B. for which C. with which D. at which 7. It ___C___ that the boss was angry again. A. appeared B. looked C. seems D. appears 8. When does the new law come into ___A___? A. action B. act C. activity D. operation 9. Young as he was, he showed his capability of __A___ various problems. A. dealing with B. dealing up C. dealing in D. dealing out 10. We ___C___ our journey after a short rest. A. presumed B. consumed C. resumed D. assumed 11. ___D____ she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist. A. That was from Stephen B. It was Stephen whom C. While comparing D. It was Stephen that 12. They tried to ___D__ the old man whose son died in an aircraft. A. thrill B. tease C. console D. encourage 13. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and __B__ in a quiet neighborhood. A. all in all B. above all C. after all D. over all


一、单选题(共15小题,每题2分,共计30分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,请答案填写在“客观题答题纸”上,否则成绩无效。 1. They failed to pass the exam last time, I regretted ________. A. being unable to help B. to be not able to help C. being not able to help D. not be able to help 2. She was busy last weekend. Otherwise, she _______ to the party. A. would have gone B. would go C. had gone D. would be gone 3. The book, ________ cover is broken, is not mine. A. who B. whose C. that D. which 4. I would have told him the answer if it ________ possible. A. had been B. were C. was D. have been 5. If the bridge is built, the local people will greatly benefit ________ it. A. against B. for C. from D. in 6. He entered the classroom cheerfully, ________ a book in his hand. A. to carry B. carrying C. carry D. carried 7. Some scientists say it is essential that mankind ________ the amount of air pollution in big cities A. reduce B. be reduced C. reduced D. will reduce 8. Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital, _____ they have no schedules to keep. A. even though B. for C. as if D. since 9. I have trouble________ their meaning. A. understanding B. to understand C. understood D. be understood 10. She should spend _____ one hour practicing spoken English every day if she hopes to pass the College Spoken English Test in November. A. at last B. at best C. at most D. at least 11. Many college students like to chat on the Internet. They think talking with friends on the Internet is _____ casual and exciting ______ face to face. A. not only----but also B. less------than C. more-----than D. neither------nor 12. Although Tom has many personal problems, he _______ present every day since the first day of class. A. has been B. had been C. is D. was 13. You shouldn’t have called me while I was giving my class. You ______ me after my 2014年2月期末《大学英语(二)》共6大页-第1页

南开大学 18秋学期(1709、1803、1809)《税法》在线作业满分答案

18秋学期(1709、1803、1809)《税法》在线作业 根据营业税法律制度的有关规定,交通部门有偿转让高速公路收费权行为,属于营业税征收范围,应按()税目征收营业税。 A.服务业 B.转让无形资产 C.文化体育业 D.交通运输业 正确答案:A 从事生产、经营的纳税人、扣缴义务人未按照规定的期限缴纳或者解缴税款的,纳税担保人未按照规定的期限缴纳所担保的税款的,由税务机关发出限期缴纳税款通知书,责令缴纳或者解缴税款的最长期限不得超过(????)。 A.10日 B.15日 C.30日 D.60日 正确答案:B 位于县城的甲企业2013年7月委托位于市区的乙企业加工化妆品,由乙企业代收代缴消费税6万元,则甲企业当月应被代收代缴城市维护建设税()万元。 A.0.06 B.0.18 C.0.3 D.0.42 正确答案:D 税收法律关系的产生、变更与消灭是由()来决定的。 A.税收法律制定 B.税收法律实施 C.税收法律事实 D.税收法律本身 正确答案:C 根据契税的有关规定,下列情形中应征收契税的是()。 A.以自有房产作价投入本人经营的独资企业 B.非债权人承受破产企业土地和房屋权属

C.有限责任公司整体改建为股份有限公司,改建后的公司承受原企业的土地和房屋权属 D.国有控股公司以部分资产组建新公司,该国有控股公司占新公司股份90%,新公司承受该国有控股公司的土地和房屋权属 正确答案:B 纳税人销售货物或者应税劳务适用免税规定的,可以放弃免税,依照《增值税暂行条例》的规定缴纳增值税。放弃免税后,()个月内不得再申请免税。 A.12 B.24 C.36 D.48 正确答案:C 根据车船税的规定,下列表述不正确的是()。 A.依法应当在车船管理部门登记的机动车辆和船舶属于车船税的征收范围 B.依法不需要在车船管理部门登记的机动车辆和船舶不属于车船税的征收范围 C.在单位内部场所行驶的机动车辆和船舶属于车船税的征收范围 D.在单位内部场所作业的机动车辆和船舶属于车船税的征收范围 正确答案:B 下列关于企业以前年度发生的资产损失在企业所得税前扣除的表述中,不正确的是()。 A.企业以前年度发生的法定资产损失未能在当年税前扣除的,准予追补至该项损失发生年度扣除 B.准予追补扣除的实际资产损失,其追补确认期限一般不得超过五年 C.企业因以前年度实际资产损失未在税前扣除而多缴的企业所得税税款,可在追补确认年度企业所得税应纳税款中予以抵扣,不足抵扣的,向以后年度递延抵扣 D.企业实际资产损失发生年度扣除追补确认的损失后出现亏损的,应先调整资产损失发生年度的亏损额,再按弥补亏损的原则计算以后年度多缴的企业所得税税款 正确答案:A 甲企业由于经营不善,将本企业价值100万元的办公楼向银行抵押,从银行取得抵押贷款80万元,签订借款合同。由于甲企业资金周转困难,到期无力偿还贷款本金,按照贷款合同约定将办公楼所有权转移给银行,双方签订产权转移书据,按照市场公平交易原则注明办公楼价值为100万元,银行另支付给甲企业20万元差价款。已知借款合同印花税税率为0.05‰,产权转移书据印花税税率为0.5‰。针对上述业务,甲企业应缴纳印花税()元。 A.500


[南开大学]20秋学期《大学语文》在线作业 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分) 1.王实甫为元杂剧文采派的代表作家,其剧作语言被朱权的《太和正音谱》称为“如花间美人”。下列说法错误的是 [A.]语言雅中有俗,自然流畅,善于吸收民间口语 [B.]人物语言个性化,作者用不同的语言表现不同人物的思想性格 [C.]语言本色自然,善于化用前人诗词句 [D.]情景交融,意境优美,名曲为《西厢记》第四本第三折《[正宫] 端正好 提示:难度适中,请根据所学知识,完成上述题目 【正确答案是】:A 2.下列属于清初入仕诗人的是 [A.]施闰章 [B.]顾炎武 [C.]黄宗羲 [D.]王夫之 提示:难度适中,请根据所学知识,完成上述题目 【正确答案是】:A 3.下列诗人不属于宋代白体诗人的是 [A.]李昉 [B.]林逋 [C.]徐铉 [D.]王禹偁 提示:难度适中,请根据所学知识,完成上述题目 【正确答案是】:B 4.____________, 直挂云帆济沧海 [A.]金樽清酒斗十千 [B.]长风破浪会有时 [C.]两朝开济老臣心 [D.]天生我材必有用 提示:难度适中,请根据所学知识,完成上述题目 【正确答案是】:B 5.下列不属于罗贯中在对作品进行艺术虚构时,主要采用的技法是 [A.]细心穿插、巧于构思 [B.]于史无征、采用传说 [C.]类型化的人物塑造方法 [D.]本末倒置、改变史实。 提示:难度适中,请根据所学知识,完成上述题目

【正确答案是】:C 6.《红楼梦》的悲剧意义不包括 [A.]从小说的题材表层意义看,《红楼梦》写出了由家庭悲剧构成的社会悲剧 [B.]道德文化悲剧,对以仁爱为核心和以个人服从社会为前提的儒家思想提出了 [C.]《红楼梦》抛弃了那种自欺欺人,始终幻想喜从天降的浅薄悲剧意识,而是将人生无所不在的悲剧现象上升到哲学高度来认识其永恒的不幸。 [D.]曹雪芹不仅昭示了人生无所不在的悲剧,而且认为解决人生悲剧的方法是不存在的。提示:难度适中,请根据所学知识,完成上述题目 【正确答案是】:D 7.“辩丽横肆”是()的主要特色,标志着先秦叙事散文语言运用的新水平 [A.]《左传》 [B.]《尚书》 [C.]《国语》 [D.]《战国策》 提示:难度适中,请根据所学知识,完成上述题目 【正确答案是】:D 8.高启《秋柳》是一首咏物抒怀的绝句,诗中借用晋代典故、抒发感时伤事情怀的诗句是() [A.]欲挽长条已不堪,都门无复旧毵毵 [B.]此时愁杀桓司马,暮雨秋风满汉南 [C.]秋来何处最销魂?残照西风白下门 [D.]愁生陌上黄骢曲,梦远江南乌夜村 提示:难度适中,请根据所学知识,完成上述题目 【正确答案是】:A 9.宋代词人李清照的号为() [A.]东坡居士 [B.]易安居士 [C.]淮海居士 [D.]稼轩居士 提示:难度适中,请根据所学知识,完成上述题目 【正确答案是】:B 10.以下不属于唐宋八大家的是 [A.]苏轼 [B.]曾巩 [C.]黄庭坚 [D.]王安石 提示:难度适中,请根据所学知识,完成上述题目 【正确答案是】:C


南开大学现代远程教育学院考试卷 大学英语(一) PartⅠ答题纸:请将1-20题答案填写在如下表格中,否则成绩无效。 PartⅡ答题纸:请将21-45题答案填写在如下表格中,否则成绩无效。

PartⅢ答题纸:请将46-50题答案填写在如下表格中,否则成绩无效。 PartⅣ答题纸:请将(1)-(6)题答案填写在如下表格中,否则成绩无效。

Model Test One Part ⅠVocabulary and Structure Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections. Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. (本题共10个小题,每题1分,共10分) 1. We will have to pay them a large ________ of money for their service. A. size B. set C. amount D. series 2. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me how_______the machine. A. operate B. to operate C. operating D. operated 3. I'm sorry to tell you that the materials you wanted are_______. A. taken off B. put up C. sold out D. got off 4. It is obvious that these small businesses are _______need of technical support. A. in B. on C. with D. to 5. _______I am concerned,it is important to get a job first. A. As long as B. As well as C. As soon as D. As far as 6. Some companies might not let you rent a car _______ you have a credit card.

南开大学 18秋学期(1709、1803、1809)《概率论与数理统计》在线作业满分答案

18秋学期(1709、1803、1809)《概率论与数理统计》在线作业 某班级学生的年龄是右偏的,均值为20岁,标准差为4.45.如果采用重复抽样的方法从该班抽取容量为100的样本,那么样本均值的分布为 ( ) A.均值为20,标准差为0.445的正态分布 B.均值为20,标准差为4.45的正态分布 C.均值为20,标准差为0.445的右偏分布 D.均值为20,标准差为4.45的右偏分布 正确答案:A 设随机变量X~N(μ,81),Y~N(μ,16),记p1=P(X=μ-9),p2=P(Y=μ+4),则() A.p1=p2 B.p1<p2 C.p1>p2 D.无法确定 正确答案:A . A. B. C. D. 正确答案:D 下列说法正确的是() A.二维连续型随机变量是指两个随机变量的取值是连续变化的 B.二维连续型随机变量是指两个随机变量的取值是不连续的 C.二维离散型随机变量的取值是有限个数对或无限对 D.二维离散型随机变量的取值是无限个数对 正确答案:C

2017南开 大学语文 离线作业答案

南开大学现代远程教育学院考试卷 2017年度春季学期期末(2017.9) 大学语文 考试形式:当堂开卷考试时间:90分钟 一、填空题(每题1分,共5分) 1、《牡丹亭》的作者是明代大曲家汤显祖的代表作。 2、误落尘网中,一去三十年。 3、残雪压枝犹有橘,冻雷惊笋欲抽芽。 4、被称为“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》的史传名著是《史记》。 5、窈窕淑女,琴瑟友之。 二、单项选择题(每题1分,共5分) 1.中国古代最早的一部诗歌总集是( A ) A.《诗经》 B.《楚辞》 C.《离骚》 D.《乐府诗集》 2.《诗经??卫风??氓》中运用了比兴的艺术手法,下列句子中没有体现比兴手法的有( D ) A.桑之未落,其叶沃若 B.于嗟鸠兮,无食桑葚 C.桑之落矣,其黄而陨 D.及尔偕老,老使我怨 3.《蒹葭》选自《诗经》中的( C ) A.《周南》 B.《卫风》 C.《秦风》 D.《郑风》 4.《天狗》是著名诗人郭沫若的作品,这个作品选自( A ) A.《女神》 B.《神曲》 C.《燃烧的天空》 D.《再别康桥》 5.《兰亭集序》对生死的看法是( C ) A.一死生 B.齐彭殇 C.死生亦大矣 D.淡漠生死 三、多项选择题(每题1分,共5分) 1. 陶渊明《归园田居》的风格特色有( ABCD ) A.质朴真率 B.平淡自然 C.自然之趣 D.绚丽语言 2. 下列作品属于“临川四梦”的有( AB ) A.《紫钗记》 B.《牡丹亭》 C.《蝴蝶梦》 D.《红楼梦》 3. 柳永词对词体开拓的贡献有( ABC ) A.大力提倡慢词,改变小令一统天下的局面,使慢词与小令平分秋色; B.变雅为俗,运用通俗的语言表达市民化的生活情调; C.创造性的运用了白描和铺叙的手法; D.是创用词调最多的词人。 4. 魏晋南北朝小说的代表形式是( AC )


南开大学现代远程教育学院考试卷 2015-2016年度秋季学期期末(2016.2) 大学语文 考试形式:当堂开卷考试时间:90分钟 一、填空题(每题1分,共5分) 1、《牡丹亭》的作者是汤显祖。 2、误落尘网中,一去三十年。 3、残雪压枝犹有桔,冻雷惊笋欲抽芽。 4、被称为“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》的史传名着是《史记》。 5、窈窕淑女,琴瑟友之。 二、单项选择题(每题1分,共5分) 1.中国古代最早的一部诗歌总集是( A ) A.《诗经》 B.《楚辞》 C.《离骚》 D.《乐府诗集》 2.《诗经??卫风??氓》中运用了比兴的艺术手法,下列句子中没有体现比兴手法的有( A ) A.桑之未落,其叶沃若 B.于嗟鸠兮,无食桑葚 C.桑之落矣,其黄而陨 D.及尔偕老,老使我怨 3.《蒹葭》选自《诗经》中的( C ) A.《周南》 B.《卫风》 C.《秦风》 D.《郑风》 4.《天狗》是着名诗人郭沫若的作品,这个作品选自( A ) A.《女神》 B.《神曲》 C.《燃烧的天空》 D.《再别康桥》 5.《兰亭集序》对生死的看法是( C ) A.一死生 B.齐彭殇 C.死生亦大矣 D.淡漠生死 三、多项选择题(每题1分,共5分) 1. 陶渊明《归园田居》的风格特色有( ABC ) A.质朴真率 B.平淡自然 C.自然之趣 D.绚丽语言 2. 下列作品属于“临川四梦”的有( AB ) A.《紫钗记》 B.《牡丹亭》 C.《蝴蝶梦》 D.《红楼梦》 3. 柳永词对词体开拓的贡献有( ABCD ) A.大力提倡慢词,改变小令一统天下的局面,使慢词与小令平分秋色; B.变雅为俗,运用通俗的语言表达市民化的生活情调; C.创造性的运用了白描和铺叙的手法; D.是创用词调最多的词人。


[南开大学]20秋学期《大学英语(一)》在线作业 提示:请认真学习本资料,并完成课程复习!!100 一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分) 1.She ( )work next Monday. A.is starting B.starts C.started [本题参考选择是]:A 2.The quality inspector ____ finished products carefully to make sure each was in good condition. A.looked over B.found out C.held up D.stuck to [本题参考选择是]:A 3.I go swimming on ( ) Thursdays for two hours. A./ B.a C.an [本题参考选择是]:A 4.( ) people are my friends. ( ) people are my husband's friends. A.These, Those B.This, That C.Here, There [本题参考选择是]:A 5.Do you have( ) friends in Shanghai? A.many B.any C.not [本题参考选择是]:B 6.A:( ), Polly? B:I'd like a glass of wine, thank you. A.Do you want B.What would you like C.What you like [本题参考选择是]:B 7.I'm a nurse. I work ( )David ( )the same hospital.

南开大学(2020-2021 )《大学语文》在线作业-答案

南开大学(2020-2021 )《大学语文》在线作业提示:本科目有多套试卷,请认真核对是否是您需要的材料!!! 一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分) 1.下述哪一组人员都属于创造社成员?( ) [A.]郭沫若、鲁迅、周作人 [B.]周作人、郁达夫、林语堂 [C.]沈雁冰、成仿吾、许地山 [D.]郭沫若、成仿吾、郁达夫 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:D 2.古代小说的艺术巅峰之作指的是 [A.]《红楼梦 [B.]《水浒传》 [C.]《三国演义》 [D.]《西游记》 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:A 3.主旨是“尊王灭寇”,维护封建统治的《水浒》续书是 [A.]《续水浒传》 [B.]《水浒后传》 [C.]《后水浒传》 [D.]《结水浒传》 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:D 4.《世说新语》是()组织门人编纂的一部笔记体小说 [A.]葛洪 [B.]刘义庆 [C.]陶渊明 [D.]吕不韦 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:B 5.抗战初期散文最有战绩的是 [A.]抒情散文 [B.]报告文学 [C.]杂文 [D.]小品文 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目

【参考选择】:B 6.关于清代散文与骈文下列说法错误的是 [A.]最为突出的特点就是清代散文与骈文的争奇斗艳。 [B.]制约二者之间消长变化的内在杠杆则是文以载道的传统文学观念和强调文学独立价值和抒情功能的进步文学观念之间的交锋和对峙 [C.]从时间上看,清初散文的走向主要是正统文学观念在封建政权的支持下扭转晚明的鲜活文风,同时骈文则在酝酿中兴。 [D.]清代散文从质量上看明显已经超过了唐宋散文的水平 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:D 7.《花间集》产生的时代是() [A.]南北朝时期 [B.]唐代 [C.]五代十国 [D.].宋初 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:A 8.明代最早以传奇样式反映忠奸斗争这一主题的作品是() [A.]《宝剑记》 [B.]《浣纱记》 [C.]《鸣凤记》 [D.]《香囊记》 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:C 9.下列诗人不属于宋代白体诗人的是 [A.]李昉 [B.]林逋 [C.]徐铉 [D.]王禹偁 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:B 10.与楚辞共同构成中国诗歌史源头的诗歌总集是() [A.]《诗经》 [B.]《文选》 [C.]《离骚》 [D.]《乐府诗集》 提示:认真复习课本知识302,并完成以上题目 【参考选择】:A


【奥鹏】[南开大学]18秋学期(1709、1803、1809)《大学英语(一)》在线作业 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第1题,Jane and Paul like good coffee, so go and get some good coffee for ( ). A、they B、them C、their 正确答案:B 第2题,The government introduced new regulations ____inflation(通货膨胀)might be brought under control. A、for B、because C、so that D、as for 正确答案:C 第3题,Mary and Xiaoyan ( )a housewarming party from 1pm-5pm on Saturday. A、are having B、is having C、have 正确答案:A 第4题,Rose is ( ) easy-going than Frank in the interview. A、much B、many C、much more 正确答案:C 第5题,I can’t stand the ____ of being left alone and having no friends coming around. A、intention B、reaction C、potential D、misery 正确答案:D 第6题,A: I saw Tom just now at the café B:It ( )be him. He went to U.S.A. yesterday. A、mustn't B、can't


装订处 南开大学现代远程教育学院考试卷 2014-2015年度春季学期期末(2014.9) 《古代小说欣赏》 主讲教师:梁晓萍 学习中心:____________________________ 专业:_______________________ 姓名:_________________ 学号:_______________ 成绩:___________ 一、小说史(本题共 40 分,每小题40分) 请简要描述中国古代小说类型——志怪、志人、传奇的文体含义及其发展轨迹。 答: 志怪小说是中国古典小说形式之一,以记叙神异鬼怪故事传说为主体内容,产生和流行于魏晋南北朝,与当时社会宗教迷信和玄学风气以及佛教的传播有直接的关系。志怪,就是记录怪异,主要指魏晋时代产生的一种以记述神仙鬼怪为内容的小说,也可包括汉代的同类作品。志怪小说是受当时盛行的神仙方术之说而形成的侈谈鬼神、称道灵异的社会风气的影响之下形成的。汉代以后,道教和佛教逐渐盛行,鬼神迷信的说教广为流布,所以志怪的书特别多。六朝作品中就有不少以“志怪”命名的。如祖台之的《志怪》、曹毗的《志怪》、孔约的《孔氏志怪》,还有蒲松龄的聊斋志异(“志怪”一词出于《庄子·逍遥游》:“齐谐者,志怪者也。”)现代作家鲁迅的《中国小说史略》里就专门列了《六朝之鬼神志怪》上下篇。 志人小说是中国古典小说的一种,指魏晋六朝流行的专记人物言行和记载历史人物的传闻轶事的一种杂录体小说,又称清谈小说、轶事小说。数量上仅次于志怪小说。是在品藻人物的社会风气影响之下形成的。其中“志人”这个名称,是鲁迅从“志怪”推衍出来的。“志人”这个名目,为鲁迅《中国小说的历史的变迁》所设立,与“志怪”相对而言。《中国小说史略》又说:“记人间事者已甚古,列御寇、韩非皆有录载,惟其所以录载者,列在用以喻道,韩在储以论政。若为赏心而作,则实萌芽于魏而盛大于晋。虽不免追随俗尚,或供揣摩,然要为远实用而近娱乐矣。”这里提出的观点很重要,即所谓志人小说,其写作目的,虽仍有记录史实、供人揣摩的考虑,但欣赏和娱乐的特点已经很强。 传奇小说是中国古代文言短篇小说的一种,产生和流行于唐代,又称唐传奇。传奇小说是一种传录奇闻的文体,实际上是已具规模的小说。唐代传奇不仅数量很多,而且内容精彩,故事动人,文辞华丽,有些作品确实具有高度的文学价值,唐代许多著名的文学家都写过传奇。部分高水平的传奇且成为后代著名小说戏剧的蓝本。起初传奇并未与小说连在一起。传奇起于唐,唐传奇即唐代流行的文言笔记,作者大多以记、传名篇,以史家笔法,传奇闻异事。笔记乃是作者所见、所闻而纪录下来的故事,类似轶事掌故,颇有参考价值。“传奇”之名,

[南开大学]20秋学期(1709至2009 )《大学英语(三)》在线作业-辅导资料答案1

[南开大学]20秋学期(1709至2009 )《大学英语(三)》在线 作业 提示:本资料为南开大学学习辅导资料,只做参考学习使用!! 一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分) 1.An adviser said in China( )course should be developed in some Universities, one year at work, one year college. A.a sandwich B.a salad C.a macaroni D.a dinner 【标准选项是】:A 2.– Hello, Sally. How's everything? – ( ). A.Good for you B.Oh, I agree C.That's right D.Just so-so 【标准选项是】:D 3.– Are you free in July? – No, I( )with my parents in July. A.stay B.stayed C.have stayed D.am staying 【标准选项是】:D 4.It's not safe( )in the street. A.played B.play C.playing D.plays 【标准选项是】:C 5.He( )the children so badly that they were terrified of him. A.behaved B.treated C.dealt D.acted 【标准选项是】:B 6.Before she began to study at Beijing University, she( )in a factory for five years.


18秋学期(1709、1803、1809)《大学英语(三)》在线作业-2 试卷总分:100 得分:100分 一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分) 1.We consider( )the instrument be adjusted each time it is used. A.that it necessary B.it necessary that C.necessary that D.necessary of it that 满分答案:B 2.– Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit? – ( ). A.Hello! International Airline B.You'd better look up the schedule first C.I'm sorry, but it's completely booked D.I'm afraid you have to change 满分答案:C 3.He speaks so quickly that I didn't( )what he said. A.receive B.listen C.take D.catch 满分答案:D 4.– Are you free in July? – No, I( )with my parents in July. A.stay B.stayed C.have stayed D.am staying 满分答案:D 5.That's the( )gentleman I've been telling you about. A.rather B.quite C.very D.fairly 满分答案:C 6.– I'd like to know something about your life in Paris. – ( ).


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17秋学期(1709)《大学英语(三)》在线作业和答案 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。) V 1. – Oh, you're back at work? How was your holiday? – ( ).A A. We had rain every day and stayed at the hotel most of the time B. The ten-day holiday was not long enough C. I was missing you when I was on holiday D. I heard you were on holiday, too 满分:2 分 2. If the man( )succeed, he must work as hard as he can.B A. will B. is to C. is going to D. should 满分:2 分 3. – Hello, Sally. How's everything? – ( ).D A. Good for you B. Oh, I agree C. That's right D. Just so-so 满分:2 分 4. Jean could be a very attractive girl, but she( )to her clothes.A

A. pays no attention B. was paying no attention C. paid attention D. had paid attention 满分:2 分 5. I prefer the TV( )the radio.D A. to B. on C. at D. with 满分:2 分 6. – I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. – ( ).C A. The appointment is put off B. You look sick and weak C. Please wait for a minute. He is busy now D. Tell me your ID number 满分:2 分 7. – Hello, could I speak to Don please? – ( )?D A. Who are you B. What's the problem C. Are you Jane D. Who's speaking
