

Paris attacks: France calls on EU to 'wake up' to threat


French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has said European countries must "wake up" to terror threats, following the attacks in Paris that left 129 people dead.

He spoke after it emerged that the suspected Belgian ringleader of the attacks had entered France undetected.

Belgian PM Charles Michel has defended Belgium's security services amid claims the attacks were organised there.

It comes as EU interior ministers are due to hold emergency talks.

The meeting in Brussels is expected to tighten checks at the external borders of the EU's passport-free Schengen area.

Key questions remain after attacks

On Thursday, French prosecutors confirmed that Islamic State (IS) militant AbdelhamidAbaaoud was among those killed in a police raid the previous day.

His bullet-riddled body was found in the wreckage of a flat in the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis.

Investigators had identified him as the most likely organiser of last Friday's attacks, but it was initially thought he was in Syria.

At a news conference, Mr Cazeneuve said "no information" had been received from other European countries about his arrival on the continent.

But he said he had received intelligence that Abaaoud had passed through Greece on his return from Syria.

"It is urgent that Europe wakes up, organises itself and defends itself against the terrorist threat," Mr Cazeneuve told reporters.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said some of those involved in the attacks had taken advantage of the migration crisis in Europe - which has seen thousands of asylum seekers arrive on the continent - to "slip into" France unnoticed.

One of the attackers, who blew himself up outside the Stade de France, has been traced by his fingerprints to Greece where he was registered as a migrant.

A draft resolution for Friday's EU meeting says ministers will agree to implement "necessary systematic and co-ordinated checks at external borders, including on individuals enjoying the right of free movement".

Correspondents say Belgium has found itself under pressure after the attacks. French President Francois Hollande said they were "planned in Syria, prepared and organised in Belgium".

A former senior French intelligence official has also been quoted in French media as saying that "the Belgians just aren't up to it".

In an address to parliament on Thursday, Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said it was intelligence from his country's security services that had led to the huge raid in Saint-Denis.

"I do not accept the criticisms which were aimed at denigrating the work of our security services," he said.

Mr Michel unveiled new security measures including jailing jihadists returning from Syria and extending detention periods for terror suspects.


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BBC新闻10篇 BBC News Item1政治:吉尔吉斯斯坦总统逃亡国外 The President of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev has left the country and flown to neighboring Kazakhstan almost a week after his political opponents seized power.The authorities in Kazakhstan said his departure had been organized with the help of Russia and the United States. Rayhan Demytrie reports. A plane carrying the ousted Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev took off from Jalalabad Airport on Thursday evening.Within an hour,the foreign ministry of Kazakhstan issued a statement,saying Mr Bakiyev landed in the Kazakh city of Taraz.His departure,the statement said,was a result of negotiations between the US,Russia,Kazakhstan and a number of other international diplomats.And it was done for the prevention of civil war and further unrest in the country. BBC News Item2灾难:哀悼遇难波兰总统 The pavement in front of President Kaczynski’s palace in central Warsaw has nearly disappeared from sight,covered now with thousands of small glass pots containing candles laid as a mark of respect.The president’s body has been brought back from Russia and is due to lie in state later today.More details of the funeral arrangements are expected over the next day or so. Poland’s health minister has said that only14of the96victims of Saturday’s air crash in Russia are identifiable.Crash investigators say data from the flight recorders appear to show there was no technical fault on the plane,suggesting pilot error may have been a factor in the crash. BBC News Item3灾难:莫斯科地铁连环爆炸案 The Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin have vowed to track down those behind the suicide bombings on the Moscow underground.The attacks by two female suicide bombers killed at least37people.President Medvedev spoke to reporters outside the Lubyanka underground station where one of the bombs exploded. “These were simply beasts and regardless of their motives,what they did is a crime under any law and in accordance with any morals.You know I have no doubt that we will find them and destroy them all.” Russia officials believed the bombs were the work of Muslim groups from the Northern Caucasus where rebels in a number of regions including Chechnya and Ingushetia have been waging violent campaigns for independence from Moscow. BBC News Item4健康:亚马逊土著部落受HINI袭击 An outbreak of swine flu among the relatively isolated tribes of the Amazon is of particular concern to the authorities because of the potential speed with which it could spread among the indigenous population. Now the London-based international organisation,Survival,says that is already happening among the Yanomami Indians in the border region between Venezuela and Brazil. The NGO claims that seven members of the Yanomami in Venezuela have died from the


Item 1. T rue or False. 1.( ) Military strikes on the Islamic State extremists began a campaign against the Islamic State jihadists. 2.( ) Last night, four nations including the United States attacked on IS positions in Syria. 3.( ) The airstrikes in Syria was very successful in targeting militant training centers, commander control facilities and storage hubs. 4.( )The people that were killed last night were militants from Islamic State and an al-Qaeda affiliate. 5.( )This campaign would end very soon. Item 2. Blank-filling. The United Nations Refugee Agency says it's preparing for 6. several hundred thousands Syrian refugees in Turkey as the Islamic State militants are 7. the border town of Kubani.Imogen Foulkes has more. Dozens of villages across Syria's Kurdish north are already 8. . Now Islamic State has approaching the major border town of Kabani, population 400,000. The UN is preparing for all of those people to flee into Turkey. Amid widespread reports of serious 9. including the deliberate killing of women and children, no one wants to risk waiting for Islamic States to arrive. Syria's refugees already number a 10. , now that could rise by another half a million. Item 3. T rue or False 11.( )Enough efforts have been made to curb the change of the climate. 12.( ) the United States will take more responsibility to reduce carbon emissions. Item 4. Questions. 13.Why have the former papal ambassador been arrested inside the V atican City? 14.Whom was the senior V atican diplomat charged by? 15When will Josef Wesolowski be tried by a V atican tribunal? 16.What did the conservative Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy wanted heavy restrictions on? 17.In Mariano Rajoy’s opinion,in what case women are allowed have the rights to abortion ? Item 5. Multiple choices 18. ( ) Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said concluding with Western powers would expand the possibility of cooperation in different areas. A. a nuclear deal B.a clear deal C. a dear deal D.a deal 19.( ) Teheran and Western powers have until Nov to seal a long term agreement that would end sanctions on . A. 6 25th Iraq B. 5 24th Iran C. 6 24th Iran D. 5 25th Iraq 20( ) The army in has said the country's borders with and have been sealed off in a bid to control the spread of Ebola. A. Sierra Leone Guinea Liberia B. Liberia Guinea Sierra Leone C. Guinea Liberia Sierra Leone D. Sierra Leone Liberia Guinea


陕西国际商贸学院英语话剧决赛落下帷幕 2012年5月7日星期一,在国际经济团总支学生会的组织下,我们在学术报告厅三楼举 办了陕西国际商贸学院英语话剧决赛。 比赛之前,同学们做了充分的准备。在比赛中,同学们用英语再次演绎了“三打白骨精” “灰姑娘”等经典桥段。这次比赛充分的锻炼了同学们的英语口语能力与现场表演能力,也 体现了我们陕西国际商贸学院对我校学生英语成绩的重视。 英语的话剧也锻炼了台下同学们的听力,演到“潘金莲与西门庆”的时候,大家捧腹大 笑。演到“我想有个家”时,大家潸然泪下。台上的同学带动了全场的气氛,使全场的气氛 一次又一次的达到了高潮。 这次活动在学校领导的指导和国际经济学院的组织下办得非常出色,在锻炼了同学们英 语口语的同时也增加了他们的舞台表演经验,使同学们受益匪浅,可谓是一举多得。 国际经济学院 郭亚程 英语话剧比赛全体演员合影篇二:英语演讲比赛通讯稿1 英语演讲比赛通讯稿 昆明理工大学材料科学与工程学院英语演讲比赛于2012年4月23日下午在多媒体202 拉开帷幕。11级辅导员黄国雄老师到场致辞,本次比赛由外国语文化学院老师陈老师担任评 委,此次比赛旨在丰富同学们的课余生活、更好的激发同学们学习英语的热情,为同学们提 供一个英语实际运用的平台,也为大家提供一个展示自我风采、彰显自我魅力的舞台。同时, 为校级英语演讲比赛选拨优秀选手。 此次比赛得到了11级全体同学的广泛关注和积极响应,赛前同学们纷纷积极报名并竭尽 全力准备材料。在学院办公室的精心策划与组织下,此次演讲比赛成功举办,并得到了学院 老师和同学们的一致好评。 比赛在主持人杨巧柔和李国成同学流畅而简短的英文介绍后,选手们闪亮登场。第一位 选手 围绕主题声情并茂的演讲,为 此次比赛开了一个好头,增加 了比赛的看点。随后的选手各 显神通,每个人都展现出他们 最出色的一面,他们以其清晰 的发音、自然的表达、优美的 语言,娴熟的口语能力和自信的微笑, 展现出他们对于英语学习的热爱和执着,同时也 展现出了他们昔日的努力和对未来的憧憬。 整个比赛秩序井然,过程中不乏高潮涌现, 现场气氛十分热烈, 观众和选手亲密互动,同学们用热烈的掌声表达了他们对选手的支持与鼓励。通过本次 比赛同学们诠释了材料学子们的自信与风采,在欢笑中收获一份难忘的青春记忆,更在比赛 中学习,在比赛中成长。此次竞赛更加深了同学们对自身英语实力客观认识,评委陈老师的 经典 讲评使参赛的全体 同学清晰地认识到 自己与一个真正的 英语演讲者的差距, 也为我们在今后的


1. China?has?announced?the?end?of?its?decades?long?policy?ofrestricting?most?families?to ?have?only?one?child.?The?officialXinhua?News?Agency?says?that?all?couples?would?be ?allowed?tohave?two?children?citing?a?statement?from?the?rulingcommunist?party.?Joh n?Sudworth?reports?from?eastern?China. “China?is?obsession?with?birth?control?began?with?Chairman?Mao?and?became?nationa l?law?afterhis?death.?Few?policies?anywhere?can?have?affected?so?many?lives?so?prof oundly.?This?mothertells?me?she?had?no?choice?but?to?have?abortion.?You?either?go? willingly?or?the?governmentcomes?for?you,?she?says.?In?recent?years,?the?one?child?p olicy?had?already?been?relaxed?with?anincreasing?number?of?exceptions?and?exemptio ns.?Now?it’s?finally?going,?but?its?replacement?by?atwo-child?policy?is?a?sign?that?the? communist?Party?is?not?yet?ready?to?fully?relinquish?controlover?female?fertility.”birth?control?计划生育 abortion?堕胎,流产 中国宣布取消已实施数十年的独生子女政策。官方新闻机构新华社称,中国执政党共产党发表声明,允许夫妇生育两个子女。约翰?萨德沃思从中国东部城市报道。“从毛主席时代开始,中国便实行计划生育政策。他过世后,计划生育成为了国家法令。鲜有政策可以如此深入的影响到多代人的生活。这位妈妈告诉我,怀上二胎后除了流产她没有其它办法。她说,要么自愿流产,要么等政府办事人员找上门。近年,随着越来越多生育政策上的例外与豁免,独生子女政策有所放松。现在终于有正式消息了,不过取代独生子女政策的二胎政策,意味着 中国并没有全面放开对妇女生育的管控。 2. A?corruption?watch?dog?says?nearly?all?countries?in?the?MiddleEast?and?North?Africa? have?opaque?defense?budgets?withalmost?no?parliamentary?accountability.?In?a?new?r eport,?theLondon?based?Transparency?International?says?secrecy?acrossdefense?and?s ecurity?establishments?remains?the?norm?in?theregion.?And?the?ensuing?corruption?wa s?having?a?big?impact?on?the?rise?of?terrorism.?He?said?onlyJordan?and?Tunisia?publi shed?their?defense?budgets.?BBC?news. 一所贪污监察机构表示,中东及非洲北部地区国家的国防预算几乎都处于不受国会问责的非透明状态。据总部在伦敦的“国际透明组织”最新报告显示,上述地区在国防和安全设施中讳莫如深是常态。确凿的贪污现象对日渐突出的恐怖主义活动负有重大责任。报告还称,只有 约旦和突尼斯公布其国防预算。BBC新闻。 3. Hello,?I’m?Julie?Candler?with?the?BBC?news.?Poland’sConservative?Law?and?Justice?Pa rty?has?won?a?decisive?victoryin?parliamentary?elections?following?a?campaign?in?whic

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BBC news 新闻稿

BBC news 2014-05-07--------- Police in the Philippines have arrested 58 people involved in an Internet extortion network. They are accused of posting fake profiles to social network sites, luring mostly elderly men into exposing themselves in video chats which then filmed and used to blackmail them for money. Basically what's been going on here is that criminals have now taken advantage of technology and in particularly, social networking site where they are creating multiple fake profiles to befriend as many people as possible. And the aim was of this is to encourage the person that befriended into having sex over the Internet in front of the webcam and unknown to the person this is filmed and recorded it. And then she used a blackmail further on. Many of these firms are so well-organized like a traditional business with the staff that they have got. So they really are very well-organized. And it enables them to commit crime all over the world rather than traditionally where they may have been confined to their own country. And these are mostly men, it seems, to think they are striking up kind of interval relationship over the Internet with a woman. It turns out that they are not. What kind of money is extorted from them? It varies anything from a few hundred pounds through to few thousand dollars. And it's whatever they think that they can afford. It's very similar and very specialized to some of the other form we've seen in particular countries, some countries where teams have got together and they are specialized in skimming cards. Others have specialized in other types of fraud. I guess it's possibly also the fact that Philippines does well in tourist from westernized countries to the Philippines. The US Secretary of States John Kerry says the South Sudan President Salva Kiir has agreed to peace talks aimed at ending the conflict there. Mr. Kerry was speaking after the talks with the president in the capital Juba. I've told President Kiir that the choices that both he and the opposition face are stark and clear and that the unspeakable human costs that we have seen over the course of last month and which could even grow if they fail to sit down are unacceptable to the global community.


学校举办“青春·梦之show”大学生英语风采大赛 5月10日,由校团委主办,医学人文学院团总支承办的我校第25届大学生科技文化艺术节系列活动之“青春·梦之show”大学生英语风采大赛圆满结束。校团委副书记张玉丽、医学人文学院党总支副书记宋彦出席大赛并为获奖选手颁奖。 经过激烈角逐,医学人文学院第二代表队、药学院代表队力压群雄,荣获本次大赛一等奖;护理学院代表队、医学人文学院第一代表队、基础学院第一代表队荣获二等奖;卫生管理学院代表队、特殊教育学院代表队、中西医结合学院代表队、口腔学院代表队、基础学院第二代表队获得三等奖。英美文学与文化教研室副主任赵宝河副教授对大赛进行了点评。 本次比赛还邀请到了华兹华斯国际教育、杰奇外语烟台李阳疯狂英语培训学校人力资源部负责人来到比赛现场。比赛中,医学人文学院王婕,基础学院赵玉钏,护理学院陈熠馨,卫生管理学院孙文涛等四位同学因表现优异,当场获得由两个单位颁发的2013年暑期英语带薪实习授权书。 本次大赛的成功举办进一步激发了学生的英语学习兴趣,为同学们搭建了展示英语应用能力的平台。篇二:英语组通讯稿 随着新学期钟声的敲响,*****学校的教研活动也紧锣密鼓的进行开来。随着一节节示范课和公开课的结束,评课活动也随之展开。 月日,由英语科组长***老师伟主持人的科组评课活动开始了。在会上,大家对***老师的示范课,还有***老师和***老师的公开课进行了评课活动。首先由极为老师讲述自己的教学设计以及反思,然后展开评课。各位老师针对极为老师的课提出了由针对性的建议,提出宝贵的意见。各位老师的课堂驾驭能力,多媒体应用技术,精彩好玩的游戏都给大家留下了深刻的印象。最后由***老师总结,大家应该利用这个难得的好机会来充实自己,战士自己。评课活动给我们提供了一个舞台,可以尽情展示自己的风采;也给我们提供了一个平台,让我们有机会进行交流,沟通,集思广益;也是一个窗口,让我们把英语科组建设成一个窗口,让学生,让社会了解我们的!篇三:英语角通讯稿 英语协会举办英语角活动 10月31日下午3:00由我院英语协会主办的英语角在学校国际文化村的咖啡吧举行。整个英语角持续了一个多小时。活动期间气氛热烈,同学们反映热烈。在本次活动中有幸邀请了一名外教。他同大家一起分享了他的大学生活,一起和他玩游戏。也问了大家一些favourite singers or favourite movies .同学们表现都相当踊跃。此外他还和我们分享了一些学英语的技巧和方法,让我们受益匪浅。直到活动结束,大家仍是兴致勃勃,意犹未尽。 英协举办英语角的目的在于,让每个人都参与进来,快乐的学习英语,让每个人都大胆地讲英语。本次英语角取得了成功,希望协会可以在其中积累和总结经验,争取努力搞好每一次活动,使活动更加精彩。篇四:英语演讲比赛通讯稿 “imagine your future”英语演讲比赛落下帷幕 2014年4月3日晚上6:30在3208教室计算机与信息科学院英语演讲比赛决赛拉开帷幕。本次比赛邀请的嘉宾及评委有:计信学院团总支书记彭婷老师、校英语老师冒凌艳、外国语学院优秀演讲者、计信学院上届优秀演讲者。由郭世团担任主持。本次比赛的主要流程是:第一,围绕主题进行三分钟的演讲;第二,主题演讲完毕之后,随机抽取题目进行即兴演讲。 参加本次比赛的选手总共有8位同学,他们用自己独特的英语口语水平给大家带来了不一样的听觉盛宴,非常精彩,获得在场的观众掌声连连,同时,为了能使各位观众能够轻松愉快地观看整场比赛,更重要地是消除选手们的紧张感,特在中间(转载于:英语活动通讯稿)穿插了友情节目,沙建宏的吉他弹唱赢得了满堂合唱,最后压轴节目的小品更是引起了现场


心痛与身痛,孰更痛? You've broken up with your girlfriend or boyfriend, your wife or husband has left you and you feel rejected, dejected, broken-hearted. Well, new research suggests that intense feelings of rejection are as hurtful as physical pain. The lead author of the study Ethan Kross said the reason is because the same regions of the brain that become active in response to painful sensory experiences are also activated during intense experiences of social rejection. The researchers hope their findings will offer new insigh t into how the experience of intense social loss may lead to various physical pain symptoms and disorders. They also confirmed the notion the people from different cultures all around the world use the same language, words like "hurt" and "pain", to describe the experience of both physical pain and social rejection. Glossary 词汇表 to break up with someone (情侣)分手 dejected 感到沮丧的 hurtful 令人感到伤痛的 sensory 感官的 findings 研究结果 insight 对事情的了解 loss 丧失 symptom 症状 disorder 紊乱 notion 概念


警方击毙法国杀人男子 BBC News with Jonathan Izard The man who said he killed seven people in al-Qaeda-inspired attacks in France has been shot dead by a police marksman. Mohammed Merah was hiding in the bathroom of his apartment in Toulouse when commandos broke in after a 30-hour siege. A French prosecutor said he fired more than 30 bullets at them before being killed. Our correspondent Christian Fraser reports from Toulouse. The final acts of the most dramatic siege that had lasted over 30 hours. It was thought Mohammed Merah had taken his own life in the early hours of this morning. But as elite commandos moved in to clear the apartment, picking their way through each room with fibre-optic cameras, the gunman suddenly appeared at the bathroom door. There was an intense shoot-out. Merah advanced wearing a bullet-proof vest, firing wildly before he jumped out of the window. But outside was a police marksman who shot him dead. 国际社会纷纷谴责马里军队 President Sarkozy said French Muslims must not be stigmatised because of the gunman's actions. There's been international condemnation of Malian troops who've overthrown the government of President Amadou Toumani Toure. A rebel spokesman said the soldiers would return the country to democracy as soon as national unity and integrity were assured. The United States joined France and the African Union in denouncing the coup. The American position was expressed by the State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland. "The United States condemns the military seizure of power in Mali. We echo the statements of the African Union, of Ecowas and of other international partners in denouncing these actions. We've called for calm; we've called for restoration of the civilian government under constitutional rule without delay so that the elections can proceed as scheduled."


英语新闻稿范文 精品文档 英语新闻稿范文 总有一部分同学提高自己英语写作的途径是通过看英 文版本的新闻报道提高的。下面是学习啦小编带来英语新闻 优秀范文,以供大家学习参考。 英语新闻稿范文篇1:军队有偿服务计划明年6月底前 全停 The Central Military Commission (CMC) will cease allpaid services provided by the military by the end ofJune018, Jiang Luming, professor at the NationalUniversity of Defense Technology, said in aninterview with Xinhua. 国防大学教授姜鲁鸣近日在接受新华社记者采访时称, 中央军委将在2018年6月底前全面停止军队有偿服务。 Jiang believes that services in 10 fields will be cut atthe end of this month, including pre-schooleducation, press and publications, culture andsports, communications, personnel training,barracks projects, storage and transportation facilities, militia armament repair, repairtechnology and driver instruction, he said. 姜鲁鸣认为,涉及幼儿教育、新闻出版、文化体育、通 信、人才培训、营房工程、储运设施、民兵装备修理、维修


BBC新闻听力100篇 News Item 1 The Japanese government has played down concern about a possible nuclear meltdown, following a big explosion at a nuclear power station in the north of the country. The blast occurred a day after the area was hit by a powerful earthquake and tsunami. A top government of? cial, Yukio Edano, said a steel container encasing the nuclear reactor had not been ruptured by the blast. News Item 2 Fifty thousand Japanese military personnel had been ordered to join the huge rescue and relief operation following the earthquake and tsunami. More than 1,000 people are feared dead. About 400 bodies were found in the town of Rikuzentakata, and Japanese media reports say 10,000 people are unaccounted for in Minamisanriku. Damian Grammaticas in the port of Sendai says the scenes of devastation there are astonishing. News Item 3 International disaster relief teams have been sent to Japan. The United Nations said a nine strong UN team of experts would include several Japanese speakers. Britain said it was sending expert assistance after receiving a request from Japan. Singapore is also deploying an urban search and rescue team. American forces stationed in Japan have already been involved in rescue operations, and more than 50 territories and countries have offered assistance. News Item 4 As of? cials in Japan struggle to assess the extent of the damage following the tsunami caused by a massive earthquake, it’s been announced that some 300 people are known to have been killed and more than 500 are unaccounted for in the area around the northern coastal city of Sendai. The 8.9-magnitude quake, the biggest ever recorded in Japan, sent a wave of water several meters high sweeping far inland. Its epicenter was about 130km off Japan’s east coast. In the capital Tokyo, several hundred kilometers away, buildings swayed violently during the quake, which was followed by a series of powerful aftershocks. News Item 5 Slowly but relentlessly, Colonel Gaddafi’s forces seem to be winning the battle for Ras Lanuf. Opposition ? ghters are still in the town, but they are under intense pressure. The bombing from government warplanes continued today, and there’s a big plume of smoke from the oil installation which was hit a couple of days ago. There’s no sign of either the rebel ? ghters or the local population beginning to ? ee the area. If Ras Lanuf falls, it brings the frontline closer to the main opposition-held city of Benghazi.
