




?Sphygmomanometer (Blood pressure gauge)[血压计] ?Thermometer[体温表]

?Tongue depressor (spatula)[压舌板]



?Cotton stick (ball)[棉签(球)]


?Elastic bandage[弹力绷带]

?Esmarch`s bandage[橡皮绷带]



?Adhesive plaster[橡皮膏]



?Rubber glove[橡皮手套]

?Sand bag[沙袋]

?Ice bag[冰袋]

?Hot water bottle[热水瓶]




?Rectal tube[肛管]


?Gastric tube[胃管]

?Lavage tube[洗胃管]

?Oxygen tube (cylinder)[吸氧管]

?Sengstaken-Blakemore tube[三腔二囊管]

?Visual testing chart[视力表]


?Plaster bed[石膏床]





?Pillow case[枕套] ?Bedside table[床头柜]






?Rubber cushion[橡皮圈]

?Air cushion bed[气垫床]





?Sputum cup[痰杯]

?Test tube[试管]

?Infusion support[输液架]

?Infusion drip monitor[输液滴速监护仪] ?Micropump[微泵]

?Operating table[手术台] ?Shadowless lamp[无影灯]

?Slit lamp[裂隙灯]


?Silk sutures[丝线]

?Rubber drainage[引流管] ?Operating gown[手术衣]


?Operating sheet[手术床单]


?Hemostatic forceps[止血钳]

?Needle forceps (holder)[持针钳] ?Dressing forceps[敷料钳]

?Smooth forceps[无齿镊]

?Tissue forceps[组织镊]

?Anesthesia machine[麻醉机] ?Electrocardiograph[心电图机]

?X-ray machine[X线机]




?Rescue carrigae[抢救车]


?Bedside monitor[床边监护仪]




?Hyperbaric oxygen chamber[高压氧仓]












?Thoracentesis set[胸穿包]

?Lumbar puncture set[腰穿包]

?Bone marrow puncture set[骨穿包] ?Abdominocentesis set[ [腹穿包]

?Venosection set[静切包]

?Transfusion set[输血包]


?Microwave oven[微波炉]

?Blood pressure monitor[血压监护仪]

?Automatic blood pressure meter( ABPM)[自动血压机]医学英文缩写一览表【单词缩写】

aa.-of each[各]



?ABG-arterial blood gas[动脉血气]


?ABp-arterial blood pressure[动脉压] ?Abs.-absent[无]


?a.c.-before meals[饭前]


?ACH.-adrenal cortical hormone[肾上腺皮质激素] ?ACT.-active coagulative time[活化凝血时间] ?ACTH.-adrenocorticotripic[促肾上腺皮质激素] ?ad.(add.)-adde[加]

?ad effect.-ad effectum [直到有效]

?ADH.-antidiuretic hormone[抗利尿激素]

?ad lib-at liesure[随意]


?ad us est.-for external use[外用]

?af.-atrial fibrillation[房颤]

?aF.-atrial flutter[房扑]

?A/G ratio.-albumin-globulin ratio[白-球蛋白比] ?AIDS.-acquired immune deficiency syndrome[爱滋病] ?al.-left ear[左耳]


?AM.-before noon[上午]





?ap.-before dinner[饭前]

?appr.(approx.)-approximately [大约]

?AR.-aortic regurgitation[主闭]

?AS.-aortic stenosis[主狭]


?ASD.-atrial septal defect[房缺]

?AST.-aspartate transaminase[谷草转氨酶]


?ATS.-antitetanic serum[抗破伤风血清]



?BBT.-basal body temperature[基础体温]

?BCG.-bacille Calmette- Guerin[卡介苗]


?bid.-twice a day[每日二次]

?b.m.-basal metabolism[基础代谢]

?Bp.-blood pressure[血压]

?bpm-baets per minute[次/分]

?BS.-blood sugar[血糖]

?BW.-body weight[体重]

?C.- centigrade[摄氏温度计]



?Cal. –calorie[卡]

?Cap. –capsule[囊]

?C.B.C-complete blood count[血常规]

?CC.-chief complaint[主诉]

?CC. list.-critical condition list[病危通知单]

?CCU.- Coronary care unit[冠心病监护室]

?CD.-caesarean delivered[剖腹产]

?CDC.-calculated date of confinement[预产期]

?CEA.-carcinoembryonic antigen[癌胚抗原]

?CG.-control group[对照组]

?CK.-creatine kinase[肌酸激酶]



?CNS.-central nervous system[中枢神经系统]



?CT.- computerized tomography[计算机断层扫描]

?C.V-curriculum vitae[简历]

?DBp-diastolic blood pressure[舒张压]

?DD.- differential diagnosis[鉴别诊断]



?DIC-disseminate intravascular coagulation[弥漫性血管内凝血]


?DM.-diabetic mellitus[糖尿病]

?DM.-diastolic murmur[舒张期杂音]

?D.O.A-dead on arrival[到达时已死亡] ?DOB.-date of birth[出生日期]


?DIW.-dextrose in water[葡萄糖液]

?D-5-W,-5% dextrose in water[5%葡萄糖液]

?DU-duodenal ulcer[十二指肠溃疡]

?ECG.(EKG.)- electrocardiograph[心电图]

?ECHO .-echogram[超声]

?EDD.(EDC)-expected date of delivery (confinement)


?ENT. –ears, nose and throat[五官科]

?EMG. –electromyogram[肌电图]

?ER. –emergency room[急诊室]

?et al.-and elsewhere[等等]

?etc. –and so forth[等等]

?F.(Fahr.)-Fahrenheit [华氏]

?F- Female[女性]

?F.B.S.- fasting blood sugar[空腹血糖]

?FDP.-fibrinogen degradation products[纤维蛋白原降解产物]

?FFA. –free fatty acid[游离脂肪酸]

?FUO. –fever of unknown origin[不明原因发热] ?FX. –fracture [骨折]

?GH. –growth hormone[生长素]

?GI.- gastrointestinal[消化]

?GITS. –gastrointestinal therapy system[胃肠治疗系统]

?gtt. –drops[滴]

?GU.- gastric ulcer[胃溃疡]

?Hb. –hemoglobin[血红蛋白]

?HBp.-high blood pressure[高血压]

?HCG. –human choroionic gonadotropic hormone[人绒毛膜促性腺激素]

?HDL.- high density lipoprotein[高密度脂蛋白]

?HR.-heart rate[心率]



?Hx.-history [病历]

?Hypo.-hypodermic injection[皮下注射]

?IABP.-intra –aortic balloon pacing[主动脉内囊反搏] ?I/O.-intake and output [进出量]

?ICU. –intensive care unit[重症监护病房]

?ie. –that is [即]

?Ig. –immunoglobulin[免疫球蛋白]

?Im. –iutramuscular[肌内的]

?INH.- inhalation[吸入]

?INH.- isoniazid[异烟肼]

?Inj.- injection[注射]

?Int.- intern[实习生]

?IP.- in-patient[住院病入]

?Iu.- international unit[国防单位]


?J.- joule[焦耳]


?LBp.-low blood pressure [低血压]

?LC. –laparoscopic cholecystectomy[腹腔镜胆囊切除术]

?LDL.-Low density lipoprotein[低密度脂蛋白]

?Liq. –liquid[液体]

?LMP.- last menstrual period[未次月经]

?LP. –lumbar puncture[腰穿]

?M. –male[男性]

?MCD.-mean corpuscular diameter[平均红细胞直径] ?MCH.-mean corpuscular hemoglobin[平均红细胞血红蛋白量]

?MCHC.-mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration[平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度]

?MCV.-mean corpuscular volume[平均红细胞体积] ?MI.-myocardial infarction[心梗]



?mmHg.- millimeters of mercury[毫米汞柱]

?MRI.- magnetic resonance image[核磁共振]

?MS.- mitral stenosis[二尖瓣狭窄]

?N/V.-nausea and vomiting[恶心呕吐]

?N.B –note bene [注意]

?NE.- norepinephrine [去甲肾上腺炎] ?neg.- negative[阴性的]

?NIDDM.- non-insulin-dependent diabetis mellitus[II型糖尿病]

?norm.- normal[正常的]

?NPN.-non-protein nitrogen[非蛋白氮]

?NPO.- non-peros[禁食]

?NS. –normal saline[生理盐水]

?OB.- obstetrics [产科学]

?OGTT.- oral glucose tolerance test[口服糖耐量试验] ?OP.- out-patient[门诊病人]

?OPC.- out-patient clinic[门诊]

?OR.- operating room[手术室]

?OT. –old tuberculin[旧结核菌素]


?P.C.- post cibum [饭后]

?PE. (Px.)- physical examination[体检]

?PG. –prostaglandin[前列腺素]

?PH. –past history [过去史]

?PHI. –present history illness[现病史]

?PM.- post meridiem[下午]

?Post-op.- postoperation[术后]

?pre-op.- preoperation[术前]

?priv. –private[私人的]

?prn.-pro re nata[必要时]

?prog.- prognosis[预后]

?P.S. –postscript[附言]

?Psy.- psychiatry[精神病学]

?psychol. –psychology[心理学]

?PT. –physical therapy[物理疗法]

?PT.- prothrombin time[凝血酶原时间]

?qd.- quaque die [每日一次]

?qid.-quater in die [每日四次]

?qn.-quaque nocte[每晚]

?RBC.-red blood count[红细胞计数]


?RHD.-Rheumatic heart disease[风心病]

?RI.-regular insulin[正规胰岛素]



?SBE –subacute bacterial endocarditis[亚急性细菌性心内膜炎]





?SLE.-sgstemic lupus erythematosus[系统性红斑狼疮] ?SM.-systolic murmur[收缩期杂音]

?SR.-sinus rhythm[窦性节律]

?SSS.-sick sinus syndrome[病窦综合征]

?ST.- skin test[皮试]

?stat.- at once[立即]

?Sx.- symptom or sign[症状或体征]

?Syr.- syrup[糖浆]

?Tab.- stablet[片剂]

?TAT.- toxin-antitoxin[毒素抗毒素]


?tid.- three times daily[每日三次]

?TSH.- thyroid-stimulating hormone[促甲状腺激素] ?us.- ultrasound[超声]

?VIP.- very important person[贵宾]

?Vit.- vitamine[维生素]

?VSD.- ventricular septal defect[室缺]

?VMA.- hydroxymandelic acid[香草杏仁酸]

?WBC.- white blood cell[白细胞]

?Wt.- weight[体重]

?Y/O.- years old [岁]


?Medical university[医科大学]

?Medical collega[医学院]

?Collega of pharmacy[药学院]

?Teatch school[卫生学校]

?Nurses` (training) school[护士学校] ?Academic adviser[学术顾问] ?Chancellor (president)[校长]



?Department chairman (head)[系主任]



?Tutor (Counselor)[导师]






?Research fellow[研究员]

?School physician[校医]

?Graduate student[研究生]





?Family doctor[家庭医生]

?Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine[中医师] ?Gynecologist[妇科医生]





?ENT doctor[五官科医生]

?Internist (Physician)[内科医生]






?Cardiac surgeon[胸外科医生]

?Plastic surgeon[整形外科医生]



?Chief resident[总住院医师]

?Attending (physician in charge)[主治医生] ?Specialist[专家]




?Head nurse[护士长]






?Meeting room (Reference hall)[会议室] ?Parking Lot (shed)[停车处(棚)] ?Broadcasting station[广播站] ?Administration building[行政大楼] ?Office building[办公大楼]

?Classroom (Teaching) building[教学大楼] ?Bulletin board[布告栏]

?Canteen (Dining room)[食堂]



?English corner[英语角]



?Central laboratory[中心实验室]

?Lavatory (Toilet,Water-closet)[厕所] ?Lecture theatre[阶梯教室]

?News stall[报亭]

?Accounting office[财务室]

?Dean’s office[教务处]

?Foreign affairs office[外事处]

?General affairs office[总务处]

?Medical education office[医教处] ?Personnel office[人事处]

?President office[校长办公室]

?Reception office[接待室]

?Registration office[报到处] ?Teaching and research office[教研室] ?Platform[讲台]


?Boiler room[锅炉房]

?Janitor’s room[传达室]

?Mail room[收发室]

?Reference room[资料室]

?Projection room[放映室]

?Reading room[阅览室]

?School-run workshop[校办厂]



?Pharmaceutical factory[制药厂]

?Affiliated hospital[附属医院]

?Teaching hospital[教学医院]

?Blood bank[血库]

?Anesthesiology dept.[麻醉科]

?Cardiology dept.[心脏科]

?Dermatology dept.[皮肤科]

?Emergency room[急诊室]

?Dental dept.[牙科]

?ENT dept.[五官科]

?General surgery dept.[普外科]

?Infectious dept.[传染科]

?Neurosurgery dept.[神经外科]

?Neurology dept.[神经科]

?Obstetrics and gynecology dept.[妇产科] ?Oncology dept.[肿瘤科]

?Ophthalmology dept.[眼科]

?Nuclear medicine dept.[核医学科] ?Orthopedics dept.[骨科]

?Pediatrics dept.[小儿科]

?Pathology dept.[病理科]

?Skin (Dermatology) dept.[皮肤科]

?Plastic surgery dept[整形外科]

?Thoracic surgery dept.[胸外科]

?Traditional chinese medicine dept.[中医科] ?Traumatology dept.[创伤外科]
