

疯狂动物城英文影评 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

D re am in th e fo rm er,gr owt h in t he po st -Z oo to pia

PART1:This is a great family film that everyone needs to watch

because of all the teaching moments within the film. Let me phrase that: the entire movie is a teaching moment. Zootopia is a film that is all about inclusion, about putting away the stereotypes and prejudices aside to live in a better society and how negative they are, how much they blind someone to see something but hatred and anger.

Dickens said it was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.In "zootopia", animals are also experiencing the best and worst of times.Their city has been modernized. They have been separated from the savage state, there is no carnivores and herbivores of chasing and killing.Courts, police, shops and all kinds of advertisements make up the the

world.But the world is not perfect,and there is a variety of

injustice and discrimination,while full of civilization and

order.Fortunately,there are still dare to challenge the courage of

the unfair.

A modern urban animals, each animal in here have their own homes, Plaza Sahara desert climate, year-round cold glacier town and so on, it is like a big melting pot, the animals here Peaceful Coexistence -- whether it was an elephant or a little mouse, as long as you work hard can break some tricks. Rabbit Judy grew up on the dream can become animal city police, despite all the people around feel rabbit impossible when the police, but she still through their own efforts, among the to the whole is bigger animal town police station, became the first officer for rabbits. In order to prove himself, she decided to solve a mystery case. Follow the truth on the road, Judy forced in animal town to swindling fox Nick to help himself, but found behind the pile cases hidden an intended to subvert the huge conspiracy Town animal, and Judy and Nick is in jeopardy of investigative process become a good partner.

PART2:The story is just amazing as it follows Judy Hopps (voiced

by Ginnifer Goodwin) a small town bunny who wants to be a part of the big leagues as an officer with all the other large big animals that work together to solve crime in the big city. But she's a bunny, what the heck can a bunny do as a crime? It's a stereotype the resonates so strongly with the audience, with anyone who was thought of as being too weak to do what the "big boys" do. Judy is breaking those

barriers, breaking those stereotypes to show that even though she may be tiny, she can do their job twice as good as they can. And boy,

does she do it. She is suck a great character and the film has so much heart to it because of who she is and how she develops in the film. She's so single minded on her quest to do something right, to prove herself, that she becomes lost within the prejudices that now surpass the. It's a growing moment for her and the audience because they see her mistakes and they see her fix them.

As for Nick (voiced by Jason Bateman), he faces many of the same challenges as Judy, but his are based more on the prejudices of a fox. He's a predator, and no one gives him the chance to be anything more than that, so he stopped trying. This is something everyone faced in their life, bullies to geeks, jocks and cheerleaders; society has a way of bunching the few alongside with the few bad apples. Nick represents that side of society that many people don't realize is

even there because it is just part of how culture tends to work. And the fact that this film is addressing that makes is such a profound film.

The two lead characters Judy and Nick, have great chemistry and

you'll find yourself rooting for them throughout (some even want more chemistry *ahem*. A lot more). Chief Bogo (voiced by Idris Elba) and Ben Clawhauser (voiced by Nate Torrence) were nice additions to the cast, though the lack of focus on them is understandable. J.K. Simmons and Jenny Slate also lends their unique voices to Mayor Lionheart and Asst Mayor Bellweather, both of which are remarkably


To make it more fun, the movie is also riddled with references (both

in pop culture and biological), hidden jokes and easter eggs. However, adults will probably have a lot more fun with these as they cater to the older audiences, like with the Godfather reference.

This movie should be applauded on the story itself, because these writers and the directors, together they were able to create this

very time- appropriate story that has a very powerful theme to it. It is simply such an amazing story about inclusion that doesn't play nice. This is may a kids movie, but that did not stop the writers

from adding in some very dramatic scenes to highlight the negativity that comes from watching life through stereotypes and prejudices, how dangerous and hurtful they can be to an individual. It's all about

not to judge the book by its cover.

Although the whole movie exciting adventure with the arrest and gripping plot, but there is no doubt, rabbit Judy and fox nick from contradiction outbreak to reconciled the emotional ups and downs is most striking. Most of the time, we are not because of the great

cause of the adventure and grow, we are often the real growth of

friends, is often the people around us. Beat themselves with Nick

Judi and again have better detection in the performance also be not

at all surprising.

PART3:Why do I like this movie so much? That is because within its

entertaining buddy cop facade, it shows a lot more and has a lot of relevant messages to tell. It unfolds at an engaging pace and will manage to surprise viewers.This is a full of dreams and warm story, this is a story of growth philosophy. It allows us to appreciate the laughter of friendship, in the sense of humor. The pursuit of a dream, never give up, brave forward at the same time down to earth, growth

is natural with you. This is probably the best animal city.And the

end of the dialogue may be the most happy growth -nick:You know you love me!judy: I do?Yes I do!Last but not least, the animation is beautiful. Everything, from characters to architecture to effects, looks spot on.

Well I could go on and on but I just want to say that Zootopia far exceeded my expectations. It hit the mark on every single category.

I've never laughed so Wholeheartedly and loud. I never lost interest and it had mystery and great fluidity.

Story and amazing voice acting aside, A movie filled with heart, laughs, and plenty of teaching moments for a better society is amazing, and to make it even more amazing were the graphics of the film. Animated movies just get better and better, and Disney works amazingly with their graphics putting so much work into it, they deserve the recognition for their hard work. Everyone deserves something for this film because all together, this film was just an amazing piece of animation that had such a strong story. This is the perfect family film and is the perfect film for everyone of any age, gender, or race because of what it teaches: inclusion。


G i v e p e a c e a c h a n c e(o r i g i n a l) As a synonym of "ideal society", "Utopia" was originated from the book named by the British writer Thomas Moore in the sixteenth Century. In that book, there is an island with a perfect social system, apart from the poverty and evil. Under the protection of the ideal system, all the residents of the island shares equality and brotherhood. Zootopia is also a city of idealism like Utopia. All animals live together without the distinction of race, and every animal can be what it wants to be. Just like the movie shows Zootopia is a place where anyone can become everything. Although the room is small and old, the wall is greasy, and the neighbors are quarrelling all day, I really love it. This is the Zootopia, a place all animals look forward to. Zootopia is not only an abstract concept of utopia. It also reflects the real society. The thing most of us always do is to stick labels to others. For example, we think rabbit is a kind of small and cute animal. How can a rabbit be a policewoman! That is surely impossible. Big animals, such as elephants, polar bears and bulls, should be responsible for that dangerous work. And so is our society. We have the prejudice that the weak is weak, and the strong is strong. Is it really like this? I take a different opioion. As a fable, there are many characters that are nonmasked(脸谱化) in the movies. The lion is always a ruler in the reality, but the lion in this movie is not competent for mayor. The fox is always cunning in the reality, but the fox in this movie is full of justice and integrity. The mouse is always tiny and weak, but the mouse in the movie unexpectedly becomes a gang boss. And the sheep is always a compliant animal, but the sheep is the ultimate criminal beyond imagination. All of this in the movie indicates that don’t judge a man by his face. Man is not always what he looks like. So is our society. Regardless of their height, the tiny giants, Churchill and Napoleon, did the world famous thing all the same. There is no necessary connection between your shape and your success. It is your effort that counts. Although born in the ideal city with freedom and equality, Judy has still received the discrimination from others. It is said that the archetype of Judy is a policewoman from America. Because of her sex, there is no one who want to be her partner in the police station. And the reason is those policemen don’t think a woman can protect them. It’s obviously sex discrimination. Besides, the sheep deputy mayor has also suffered the discrimination from the lion mayor. She was only used as a secretary. Prejudice can lead to unfairness and many other conflicts. And getting rid of prejudice is what this movie advocated. So throw away the prejudice and discrimination, which will make our life better. Another theme I personally think is the racialism. In this grand city all animals, both the carnivorous animals and the herbivorous animals, live together. But there is an impassable gap between the carnivorous


电影疯狂动物城观后感作文650字 《疯狂动物城》乍一看是个卖萌片。最开始,我是被兔子毛绒绒的耳朵吸引去看的。毛绒绒软绵绵的小动物,谁会不喜欢呢?这里给大家整理了一些有关疯狂动物城的观后感,希望对大家有所帮助. 疯狂动物城观后感1 今天,我和妈妈看了大电影《疯狂动物城》,在这部电影里有着优秀可爱,坚持理想的警察朱迪和心地善良的狐狸尼克,缤纷多彩的舞台和情节告诉我很多强而有力的信息,种族团结,地位平等,遇事不要放弃,坚持自己的理想等。水懒闪电是一大亮点。看完后妈妈告诉我说,这是一部现实生活的写照,是一部值得观看的动画电影。 人之初,性本善,性相近,习相远。这个道理不止适用于人类,也适用于动物草木。凡事皆有由,有果必有因。惊叹迪士尼的认真,认真的笔触,认真的音乐,认真的情节,认真洒落在每一个角落。作为一个动画片的老资格,一位耄耋老人,迪士尼依旧如此的诚挚,真的让我很佩服。大概这就是“热爱”吧。

当然,片中传达给我的一些信息更是让我觉得微妙。一部小小的动画能够融合进如此丰富的信息,用心良苦。(当然,也有可能是我脑洞太大了) 首先是歧视。种族歧视,很巧妙借动物的种群矛盾推了出来。食肉动物和食草动物之间的隔阂、偏见,不正是我们当今对待有色人种的那不言而喻的情感吗?副市长她不算一个真正的负面角色,她其实是象征着现实世界里,那些被迫反抗被迫去做一些染红双手的事的人。但是,既然食肉动物与食草动物这对天敌都能happy ending,我们为什么不可以?我们为什么就要战火纷飞、血肉模糊呢?尽管中国的崛起可能还是需要战争作为跳板,我依然向往鸽子。 然后,议论文的常客——变与不变。朱迪对梦想的执着以及对警察这个职位的认识的转变,牛局长的一向的严肃带点小幽默以及对”小动物“态度的转变,尼克本性里不变的善良以及对社会的认识的转变……实践这一人类特有的伟大符号让我们能够创造,创造就能够改变,改变就能够不朽。 哦,对了,当然还有真善美,还有热爱与激情,还有音乐和活力。这是动画片不变的主旋律。 All in all,我从片子里,看到的最大的两个字,就是“本性”。中国古代文化里的“人之初,性本善”,西方古典文化的“性善论”,


电影《疯狂动物城》观后感700字 《疯狂动物城》讲述了在一个所有动物和平共处的动物城市,兔子朱迪通过自己努力奋斗完成自己儿时的梦想,成为动物警察的故事。以下是为大家推荐的关于一些电影《疯狂动物城》观后感700字,希望能帮助到大家! 电影《疯狂动物城》观后感700字1 上周五,我和同学一起去看了《疯狂动物城》。这部电影十分好看,班上看过的同学都在议论纷纷。同桌告诉我,这部电影里有一只树懒,名字叫闪电,但动作却十分慢,他模仿了一下闪电盖章时的动作,真的非常慢,我不禁对这部电影产生了浓厚的兴趣。 上周五,同学的妈妈打来电话,原来阿姨买了《疯狂动物城》的电影票,问我有没有时间一起去看。我每周五都闲着的,而且这部电影现在非常火,我自然想看。得到爸爸妈妈的批准后,我高兴地答应了同学。 晚上七点钟,我准时来到同学家楼下,一起步行去电影院。 电影主要讲了这样一件事:疯狂动物城是一座独一无二的现代动物都市。每种动物在这里都有自己的居所,比如富丽堂皇的撒哈拉广场,或者常年严寒的.冰川镇。它就像一座大熔炉,动

物们在这里和平共处——无论是大象还是小老鼠,只要你努力,都能在此闯出一番名堂。不过乐观的警官兔朱迪却发现,作为史上第一任兔子警官,要和一群强硬的大块头动物警察合作可不是件容易事。为了证明自己,她决心侦破一桩神秘案件。追寻真相的路上她被迫与口若悬河、谎技高超的狐尼克联手,却发现这桩案件背后隐藏着一个意欲颠覆动物城的巨大阴谋午夜嚎叫,于是兔朱迪和狐尼克一起卷入了这场由羊副市长谋划的风波看了这部电影,我的感触颇多:在这部电影中,无条件帮助兔朱迪、工作勤勤恳恳的羊副市长却是阴谋背后的主使;狡猾的狐尼克最后却成了兔朱迪的警察同事;一堆北极熊的大先生却是一只鼹鼠反转太多,让我来不及反应。 我印象最深刻的几句话,就是:在动物城,每一个动物都有无限的可能。我们唯一要害怕的就是害怕本身。光有志向是不够的,重要的是你的能力。永远要保持淡定。现实生活可比墙上的标语复杂多了。心比天高,看看自己的能耐。 在动物城,每一个动物都有无限的可能。同样,在生活中,每一个人都有无限的可能。 电影《疯狂动物城》观后感700字2


关于《疯狂动物城》电影观后感范文 五篇 《疯狂动物城》讲述了在一个所有动物和平共处的动物城市,兔子朱迪通过自己努力奋斗完成自己儿时的梦想,成为动物警察的故事。接下来就是给大家带来的《疯狂动物城》电影观后感,欢迎大家阅读参考! 《疯狂动物城》电影观后感一 上周五,我和同学一起去看了《疯狂动物城》。这部电影十分好看,班上看过的同学都在议论纷纷。同桌告诉我,这部电影里有一只树懒,名字叫“闪电”,但动作却十分慢,他模仿了一下“闪电”盖章时的动作,真的非常慢,我不禁对这部电影产生了浓厚的兴趣。 上周五,同学的妈妈打来电话,原来阿姨买了《疯狂动物城》的电影票,问我有没有时间一起去看。我每周五都闲着的,而且这部电影现在非常火,我自然想看。得到爸爸妈妈的批准后,我高兴地答应了同学。 晚上七点钟,我准时来到同学家楼下,一起步行去电影院。

电影主要讲了这样一件事:疯狂动物城是一座独一无二的现代动物都市。每种动物在这里都有自己的居所,比如富丽堂皇的撒哈拉广场,或者常年严寒的冰川镇。它就像一座大熔炉,动物们在这里和平共处——无论是大象还是小老鼠,只要你努力,都能在此闯出一番名堂。不过乐观的警官兔朱迪却发现,作为史上第一任兔子警官,要和一群强硬的大块头动物警察合作可不是件容易事。为了证明自己,她决心侦破一桩神秘案件。追寻真相的路上她被迫与口若悬河、谎技高超的狐尼克联手,却发现这桩案件背后隐藏着一个意欲颠覆动物城的巨大阴谋“午夜嚎叫”,于是兔朱迪和狐尼克一起卷入了这场由羊副市长谋划的风波…… 看了这部电影,我的感触颇多:在这部电影中,无条件帮助兔朱迪、工作勤勤恳恳的羊副市长却是阴谋背后的主使;狡猾的狐尼克最后却成了兔朱迪的警察同事;一堆北极熊的“大先生”却是一只鼹鼠……反转太多,让我来不及反应。 我印象最深刻的.几句话,就是:“在动物城,每一个动物都有无限的可能。”“我们唯一要害怕的就是害怕本身。”“光有志向是不够的,重要的是你的能力。”“永远要保持淡定。”“现实生活可比墙上的标语复杂多了。”“心比天高,看看自己的能耐。” “在动物城,每一个动物都有无限的可能。”同样,“在生活中,每一个人都有无限的可能。” 《疯狂动物城》电影观后感二


Dream in the former,growth in the post -Zootopia PART1:This is a great family film that everyone needs to watch because of all the teaching moments within the film. Let me phrase that: the entire movie is a teaching moment. Zootopia is a film that is all about inclusion, about putting away the stereotypes and prejudices aside to live in a better society and how negative they are, how much they blind someone to see something but hatred and anger. Dickens said it was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.In "zootopia", animals are also experiencing the best and worst of times.Their city has been modernized. They have been separated from the savage state, there is no carnivores and herbivores of chasing and killing.Courts, police, shops and all kinds of advertisements make up the theworld.But the world is not perfect,and there is a variety of injustice and discrimination,while full of civilization and order.Fortunately,there are still dare to challenge the courage of the unfair. A modern urban animals, each animal in here have their own homes, Plaza Sahara desert climate, year-round cold glacier town and so on, it is like a big melting pot, the animals here Peaceful Coexistence -- whether it was an elephant or a little mouse, as long as you work hard can break some tricks. Rabbit Judy grew up on the dream can become animal city police, despite all the people around feel rabbit impossible when the police, but she still through their own efforts, among the to the whole is bigger animal town police station, became the first officer for rabbits. In order to prove himself, she decided to solve a mystery case. Follow the truth on the road, Judy forced in animal town to swindling fox Nick to help himself, but found behind the pile cases hidden an intended to subvert the huge conspiracy Town animal, and Judy and Nick is in jeopardy of investigative process become a good partner. PART2:The story is just amazing as it follows Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin) a small town bunny who wants to be a part of the big leagues as an officer with all the other large big animals that work together to solve crime in the big city. But she's a bunny, what the heck can a bunny do as a crime? It's a stereotype the resonates so strongly with the audience, with anyone who was thought of as being too weak to do what the "big boys" do. Judy is breaking those barriers, breaking those stereotypes to show that even though she may be tiny, she can do their job twice as good as they can. And boy, does she do it. She is suck a great character and the film has so much heart to it because of who she is and how she develops in the film. She's so single minded on her quest to do something right, to prove herself, that she becomes lost within the prejudices that now surpass the. It's a growing moment for her and the audience because they see her mistakes and they see her fix them. As for Nick (voiced by Jason Bateman), he faces many of the same challenges as Judy, but his are based more on the prejudices of a fox. He's a predator, and no one gives him the chance to be anything more than that, so he stopped trying. This is something everyone faced in their life, bullies to geeks, jocks and cheerleaders; society has a way of bunching the few alongside with the few bad apples. Nick represents that side of society that many people don't realize is even there because it is just part of how culture tends to work. And the fact that this film is addressing that makes is such a profound film.


实现梦想需要勇气 ——《疯狂动物城》影评 It takes courage and commitment to live your deeam ——《Zootopia》review 在疯狂动物城的世界里,世界拥有无限的可能,只要我们拥有勇气,我们可以做到我们想做的自己。 As a saying goes,“ you can’t cross a chasm in two small steps.”It takes courage and commitment to live your dream. In Zootopia, the world are magical, colorful and nothing can be impossible.If you have courage, you can become what you want to be. 我非常喜欢这一部电影,这部电影已经看了三遍了。第一遍是清明的时候,和女朋友去电影院看。第二遍是自己从网上把电影下载了,再看一遍。第三遍是在课堂上,老师播给大家看。虽然看了三遍,但是每一遍都会给我不一样的感觉,以及不一样的惊喜。每一次,你都可以从中发现一些新的东西。 I like the film very much, so I have seen the movie for three times. The first time , I with my girl went to see the movie at the Muge International Cinema on Tomb-sweeping day. And the second time, I watched it again on the Internet. The last time to see the movie


疯狂动物城英文影评 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

D re am in th e fo rm er,gr owt h in t he po st -Z oo to pia PART1:This is a great family film that everyone needs to watch because of all the teaching moments within the film. Let me phrase that: the entire movie is a teaching moment. Zootopia is a film that is all about inclusion, about putting away the stereotypes and prejudices aside to live in a better society and how negative they are, how much they blind someone to see something but hatred and anger. Dickens said it was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.In "zootopia", animals are also experiencing the best and worst of times.Their city has been modernized. They have been separated from the savage state, there is no carnivores and herbivores of chasing and killing.Courts, police, shops and all kinds of advertisements make up the the world.But the world is not perfect,and there is a variety of injustice and discrimination,while full of civilization and order.Fortunately,there are still dare to challenge the courage of the unfair. A modern urban animals, each animal in here have their own homes, Plaza Sahara desert climate, year-round cold glacier town and so on, it is like a big melting pot, the animals here Peaceful Coexistence -- whether it was an elephant or a little mouse, as long as you work hard can break some tricks. Rabbit Judy grew up on the dream can become animal city police, despite all the people around feel rabbit impossible when the police, but she still through their own efforts, among the to the whole is bigger animal town police station, became the first officer for rabbits. In order to prove himself, she decided to solve a mystery case. Follow the truth on the road, Judy forced in animal town to swindling fox Nick to help himself, but found behind the pile cases hidden an intended to subvert the huge conspiracy Town animal, and Judy and Nick is in jeopardy of investigative process become a good partner. PART2:The story is just amazing as it follows Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin) a small town bunny who wants to be a part of the big leagues as an officer with all the other large big animals that work together to solve crime in the big city. But she's a bunny, what the heck can a bunny do as a crime? It's a stereotype the resonates so strongly with the audience, with anyone who was thought of as being too weak to do what the "big boys" do. Judy is breaking those


Zootopia is a wonderful cartoon movie. The movie is about a brave bunny named Judy. She has dreamed of becoming a police officer in the Animal City since she was a child. On the way to achieve her dream, she meets a fox called Nick by accident. In the end, Judy successfully solves the problems with the help of Nick. And also, they get the true friendship and become the perfect partners. Judy is a common bunny, but she makes the impossible possible! And so I admire her very much. She tells me that you never know until you try something. If you face the difficulties, don’t be afraid a nd just believe in yourself and your partners, you will be better than you think. And no matter what happens, do not give up yourself. Do you like cartoons? And if you are not sure what you are going to be when you grow up , you can just enjoy this inspiring movie. It can not only cheer you up, but it also can bring you a lot. The movie review about Zootopia Zootopia is an exciting cartoon movie It is about a rabbit named Judy who works hard to be the first bunny policeman and devotes herself to making the world better. She manages to find out the truth of the crime with her friend Nick. The movie shows us that we should get on well with our partners and trust each other. That way we can get the real friendship. I like Judy very much. she is the hero in my eyes for she never gives up on the way to success and dreams. If you plan to watch a movie this weekend, I suggest you should watch it. I am sure you will learn a lot from it.


《疯狂动物城》观后感 《疯狂动物城》观后感 《疯狂动物城》观后感1 《疯狂动物城》,在疯狂动物城里,有一句话众所周知,就是拥有无限可能。所以狐狸作为一个猥琐男的化身,竟然最终和女主兔子来了一场纯洁浪漫的革命友谊。并且成功撩得无数妹子叫着要跟他,不对,是它,生猴子。对此,我真诚的奉劝各位妹子,死了这条心吧,人类和狐狸是生不出一只猴子的。更何况,我觉得狐狸和兔子产生跨种族暧昧已经够上天的了。当然,不要忘了,疯狂动物城拥有无限可能。兔子作为警察局唯一一只素食动物,最后成功获得领导肯定,成为一名真正的,还是女警察。从午夜嚎叫这个耸人听闻的名字开始,惊悚开始出现,作为一部永远不缺幼稚的动画电影,竟然把几个成年人吓得猛一哆嗦,我觉得,这是这部动画电影厉害的地方。然后刚才提到兔子是素食,其实这部电影,就是在讲,素食动物和肉食动物之间战争。当然,动物城拥有无限可能,这一次反派不是狮子老虎非洲豹。而是一群山羊。是的就是山羊,在我们的正常思路里,要颜值没颜值,要智商没智商的动物。这些套路映射到我们现实生活中,也有迹可寻,那些不起眼的反而是最具威胁力的,所以不要低估一只山羊,也不要错看一只狐狸。更不要以为,狐狸和兔子之间不会产生友谊。 眼下的世界,需要我们像看这部电影似的,用心去看,用心体会。 《疯狂动物城》观后感2 星期天傍晚,妈妈提议带我和妹妹去看电影。一听到这个消息,我俩顿

时喜笑颜开。到了电影院,我们不约而同地选择了《疯狂动物城》,于是,妈妈买好了票,领着我们走进了影厅。 电影好看极了,我最喜欢的就是一只名叫朱迪的兔子。她敢于尝试,她的梦想是当一个警察,经过她自己的不懈努力,朱迪如愿以偿地成为史上第一任兔子警官。后来,她来到了美丽的“动物城” ,在那里找到了一个搭档狐尼克。他们一起并肩作战,克服了很多困难。一次,他俩走进一个大车厢里,发现一个大坏蛋,这个阴险的家伙把有毒的花做成一些子弹,然后把毒子弹射向无辜的动物们,使动物变得凶恶。更可恶的是,副市长羊心怀鬼胎,他把狐尼克也变得凶恶了,还好朱迪和狐尼克把子弹换成了蓝莓。就在这时,警察来了,把羊抓走了,坏人终于得到了应有的下场。 我真喜欢这部《疯狂动物城》,它既搞笑,又饱含哲理。看了这个电影,我懂得了:无论是什么人,只要努力,都能闯出一番名堂。是呀,小兔子朱迪都能在警察局脱颖而出,成为一名优秀的警官。只要我努力,还有什么梦想实现不了呢? 《疯狂动物城》观后感3 迪士尼的电影素来都是动物形象为主,而作为堪称是20xx 年经典大作的《疯狂动物城》亦不例外。一次偶然的契机,让我有幸前往影院观看这部电影,感到收获颇丰。 疯狂动物城是一座独一无二的现代动物都市。每种动物在这里都有自己的居所,比如富丽堂皇的撒哈拉广场,或者常年严寒的冰川镇。它就像一座大熔炉,动物们在这里和平共处——无论是大象还是小老鼠,只要你努力,都能在此闯出一番名堂。不过乐观的警官兔朱迪却发现,作为史上第一任兔子警官,要和一群强硬的大块头动物警察合作可不是件容易事。为了证


疯狂动物城观后感共5篇_3000字 篇一:《疯狂动物城》观后感600字 今天妈妈终于带我去看《疯狂动物城》了,好开心。 电影讲的是一只有梦想的兔子,面对父母的不理解、朋友的嘲讽以及各种的刁难,经过不懈努力,终于实现梦想成为第一个兔子警察,来到梦寐已久的动物城。这是一个和谐的城市,不管是凶猛的食肉动物还是温柔的食草动物以及所有的动物都已经进化到共产主义社会阶段了,褪去恶之本性,只有善的一面,所以所有动物都能在这个美好的城市和谐共存。(难怪这部电影的英文直译为动物托邦,动物的乌托邦)。兔警官深深被这个城市吸引,再破的墙壁,再烂的床,再吵的邻居在她眼里都是那么的美好,就和所有的追梦的年轻人第一天面对地下室出租房的新鲜和兴奋。但是纵使在这么美好的城市里,并不是所有的事物都是美好啊。就算你是警校第一名,也不免被上司看扁,只好去当交警。这点兔警官也不必悲哀,想当年飞虎队的周星星也有过相似的经历。虽然和梦想有差距,但是她还是很努力工作,希望能靠自己的努力改变什么,直到那只狐狸的一番话,让她被残酷的现实打得体无完肤。狐狸说的没错,你再努力还是个交通警察。面对冰冷的房间,面对父母的关心只能强颜欢笑,多么相似的画面啊。还好,兔警官没有因此沉沦,勇敢面对挑战,

依靠自己的坚毅和智慧破获了失踪大案,揭穿了今天大阴谋,成为了城市的英雄。 这个动物乌托邦里很多都是不美好的,甚至是残酷的。狐狸和“儿子”的骗术,水牛局长的傲慢,狮子市长的逃避, 绵羊副市长的狡诈阴险,与这个美好的城市格格不入。 看完电影后,妈妈意味深长地对我说:“以后你面对的也会是一个可怕的世界,你要做好准备。” 篇二:《疯狂动物城》观后感1000字 不断跌倒,不断失败,也要不断重头再来,不断尝试,终将有所获得。 当《疯狂动物城》这部作品结束,整个电影院里回荡着主题曲《Try Everthing》,观众们却迟迟不肯散场时,这是我心底里浮现出来的一句话。 朱迪作为一只瘦小的食草类动物,兔子,原本应该像她的父母辈以及两百七十五个兄弟姐妹一样安分得成为一 个弄明,但她却梦想着将来有一天能够在最繁华的城市——ZooToPia,成为一名光荣的警察。 让她放弃安稳,选择动荡未来的理由很简单——尽她自己的努力,让世界变得更美好。 朱迪的父母曾劝诫她,选择安稳才是最好的方式,不想要受到伤害,那就不要去尝试未知的道路。就好比,在朱迪之前,就从未有过任何一种小型食草类动物渴望乃至成为


用英语写看疯狂动物城观后感 这两天想必大家一定被一部电影刷爆了屏,对,就是传 说中的《疯狂动物城》,英文为"Zootopia",即“动物园”的"zoo"和“乌托邦”的"utopia"的混合体。那么用英语写 看疯狂动物城观后感怎么写呢? zootopia was phenomenal!when this movie was first announced,i was so skeptical,even up to the point of being at the theatre it was incredible and ,yes,i cried like i always do at desney and pixar adderessed so many of the crazy and scary things that our happening in our society today,in a funny way but with a serious to heart ,disney!well look back at this movie someday and think,"was that really how the world was?" in spite of being a powerhouse company,disney can really do some good when they use their plstform to inspire our society. 这两天想必大家一定被一部电影刷爆了屏,对,就 是传说中的《疯狂动物城》,英文为"Zootopia",即“动物园”的"zoo"和“乌托邦”的"utopia"的混合体。那么大家 又对这些动物英文名称知多少捏? 在《疯狂动物城》中,大概有不少于50种动物登场。 下面,XX来扒一扒这些毛茸茸的动物们吧! 首先,影片有个设定,这是个拟人化哺乳动物的世界,


《疯狂动物城》观后感4篇 观后感,就是看了一部影片或连续剧后,把具体感受和得到的启示写成的文章。如下是《疯狂动物城》的观后感,欢迎阅读! 《疯狂动物城》观后感1 今天下午我和爸爸妈妈一起去电影院看一部电影,名字叫《疯狂动物城》,下面我就把这部电影介绍给大家。 这部电影主要讲在兔窝村里有一只小兔子叫“朱迪”,它很想成为一名警察,它这个梦想,从来都没有放弃过,因为在兔窝镇里从来没有兔子当过警察,尽管有人嘲笑它,它也没有放弃。最终经过朱迪的不懈努力,它成为了一名最优秀的警察。 朱迪来到动物城的警察局,那里的局长和同学们都看不起它。朱迪被分配到大街上,执行交通、贴罚单任务里,它很是不高兴,牛局长正在批评朱迪时,这时有人来报案,说已经有十四个动物失踪,正在生气的牛局长看到朱迪,就让朱迪在两天内破这个案子,如果完成不了就滚回兔窝村。 聪明的朱迪用录音的形式,让狐狸骗子来帮助它完成这个案子,最有趣的事他们去查车牌,在车管所里上班的树懒,那真叫一个慢啊!它的每一个动作都象是在做慢动作,正常人的情况下会急出毛病的,结果一个车牌从早上查到了晚上。 它们经过了艰难的险境,成功的破了这个案子,但这个案子还有

没有完成,在朱迪回兔窝村的时候,发现了一种花叫“牛夜嚎叫”,听说朱迪的舅舅吃了这个花后,咬了兔妈妈,朱迪突然发现案子另有隐情,找到狐狸说明了误会,原来真正的幕后黑手是羊副局长,所有的一切都是她一手策划的。 看完这部电影后,我觉得“不管你是大是小,只要你肯向着你的梦想努力,一切都会实现的。” 《疯狂动物城》观后感2 在疯狂动物城里,有一句话众所周知,就是拥有无限可能。 所以狐狸作为一个猥琐男的化身,竟然最终和女主兔子来了一场纯洁浪漫的革命友谊。并且成功撩得无数妹子叫着要跟他,不对,是它,生猴子。对此,我真诚的奉劝各位妹子,死了这条心吧,人类和狐狸是生不出一只猴子的。更何况,我觉得狐狸和兔子产生跨种族暧昧已经够上天的了。当然,不要忘了,疯狂动物城拥有无限可能。兔子作为警察局唯一一只素食动物,最后成功获得领导肯定,成为一名真正的,还是女警察。从午夜嚎叫这个耸人听闻的名字开始,惊悚开始出现,作为一部永远不缺幼稚的动画电影,竟然把几个成年人吓得猛一哆嗦。 我觉得,这是这部动画电影厉害的地方。然后刚才提到兔子是素食,其实这部电影,就是在讲,素食动物和肉食动物之间战争。当然,动物城拥有无限可能,这一次反派不是狮子老虎非洲豹。而是一群山羊。是的就是山羊,在我们的正常思路里,要颜值没颜值,要智商没智商的动物。这些套路映射到我们现实生活中,也有迹可寻,那些不
