





Unit 1 The Great Wall


These postcards are great!

It‘s a picture of the Great Wall





老师热情地问候学生们,欢迎他们在暑假过后回到学校。老师可以询问学生们在假期里都去了哪些地方,做了哪些事情,有没有特别有趣的经历。建议他们通过展示图片和照片介绍相关的情况,可以使用句型?It’s a picture of.__It's very…?等。





?Do you know this place?"引导全班学生自由回答,例如:

T:Do you know this place?


T:Can you tell me something about it?

Ss:Yes, It's…

T: Can you tell me more about it?


问答完毕后,老师可以总结说:?These photos/pictures are great!?老师再拿出一张来自纽约的明信片,复习单词

?postcard"。老师问:?Do you know this place??学生应该能够回答:?Yes,it’s New York.?老师引导学生说出:?It’s a picture of New York.?



将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音或动画,呈现SB活动1。请学生看图或动画,听听Daming和Simon的对话。听完以后,请学生说一说:Simon是谁? Daming在哪里?两人在做什么?






出示几幅相同物品的单复数对比图片,让学生学会使用并区分is 和are的用法。知道?单数 is 复数 are 的基本规则。

5. 活动三:

学生四人小组内开展小记者调查活动,调查学校的一位任课教师或某位自己喜爱的明星。上课时组织开一个新闻发布会。让发言的学生说说调查的结果,并由其他组的学生向该组的同学发问,如:Tell me more about Miss Long’s age? 等等。因为是学生熟悉和喜爱的人,所以学生发问的积极性很高,有效地运用了?Tell me about…?的句型。

6. 学生理解和掌握对话后,全班一起完成AB练习1。先请学生读懂各个问题,然后放录音,请学生们认真听,然后口头回答并书写问题。最后全班一起核对答案。


8. 课后作业:


Unit 2 New York is in the east of America


Where is New York?

It‘s here in the east.

Canada is north of America and Mexico is south of America. 功能:



1. 热身复习

老师出示一张中国地图进行介绍:?This is a map of China. I’m from Guizhou. It’s in the south of China?如果有必要,可以用中文稍加解释和说明,然后向学生们提问:?Where are you from? Where is your pen friend from?’’如果学生能说


老师出示Simon的图片,向学生提问:?Who is he???Where is he from?

引导回答:?Simon’s from New York, America.?老师把单词写在黑板上,领读,然后提问:?Where is New York??老师出示美国地图并向学生提问:?This is a map of America. Can you find New York??引导学生在地图上找到纽约的位置。可以向学生说明:?纽约是美国的一个重要城市。大家已经在地





Please turn to the north.

Please turn to the south.

Please turn to the east.

Please turn to the west.


老师放录音,请学生边听边看SB Unit2活动1的地图。把录音中提到的几处美国城市名称和周边国家名称写在黑板上帮助


带领学生学习表达地理位置的方法。老师用彩色笔或其他方式在地图上标出纽约的位置,并通过问展现?Where is New York? It’s in the east of America.?用同样的方式讲述?What about San Francisco? It’s in the West of America.?

学生们掌握本语言点后,老师教授第二种位置表达法。老师说:?Where is Canada? It’s north of America. Where is Mexico? It’s south of America.?引导学生发现这种表达法与第一种表达法的不同。肯定他们的尝试,并帮助学生总结:?因为加拿大和墨西哥在美国领土以外,而纽约和旧金山是美国的一部分.在美国境内,所以两种表达法有所不同。?

4. 活动一:



如:S: Canada is in the north of America.

T: Thank you .please put the puzzle in the map.


如:T: Where is Canada?

Ss: It is in the north of America.

5. 全班一起完成AB Unit 2练习1。先请学生仔细看图,然后老师故录音,请学生们认真听,把方框中提供的单词填写在正确的答题框中。完成后全班一起核对答案。



请学生把书翻到SB Unit 2活动4。请学生边听边看,熟悉韵诗的大致内容。然后向学生讲解他们不理解的内容,如单词

?Tennessee?等。再放录音,请学生看着书小声地跟读。可以请男生和女生分组读.也可以请单个学生读。掌握chant之后,可以全班起完成AB Unit2练习3。再听录音,根据录音判断练习中的陈述是否正确。

7. 活动三:


如:S1:Guizhou is in the south of China. It is in the east of Xingjiang.

S2: Xingjiang is in the west of China. It is in the west of Guiyang.


8. 课后作业:


2)SB Unit 2活动3。听录音模仿语音语调,特别注意句子中的重音部分。


新标准英语第七册Module 2

Unit 1 Chinatown in America.


There‘s a Chinatown in New York!

There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. 功能:

用?There be?句型描述事物





老师再拿出一张纽约唐人街的图片,询问学生:?Do you know where it is? What can you see in this picture??请学生回答你的问题。有些学生可能对唐人街有所了解,肯定他们的发言和大胆尝试。对学生说:?Daming现在在美国表兄的家里,他正在给家人发送email。他想念家人吗?他今天了解到了关于美国的什么情况呢?让我们一起看看。学过今天的课文。我们要试着使用这些语言介绍一个我们自己去过的有趣的地方.?




老师将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,或是通过播放动画呈现SB活动l。请学生认真听Daming和Simon的对话,然后判断Daming是否想念中国,为什么?通过文中的对话?Do you miss China ? Sometimes.?以及Daming迫不及待地想要去唐人街的表现,老师可以引导学生得出肯定的回答,并引出?Chinatown?的话题。老师提问:?Where is Chinatown? What is it like??再放一

遍录音,请学生看着书听.并试着从书中找出问题的答案。引导学生用文中的句子回答问题:?There’s a Chinatown in New York. There’re lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. There’s Chinese dancing.?老师板书以上三个重点句子,并




学生大胆尝试。然后放录音,请学生仔细听,并注意对话中所使用的语言。引导学生回顾井比较?there is?和?there are?





5. 活动二:

这课主要运用?找不同?的方法来实现用?There be?句型描述事物的目的。学生观察演示文稿中两幅图的相同点与不同。用

?There be?句型表述出来。注意单复数be动词的用法以及就


6. 全班学生两人一组完成运用任务l,从三幅图所画的教室(computer room,classroom, music room)中挑选自己最喜欢的


7. 活动三:





Unit 2 Postcards from China.


There are lots of bicycles in China.

There is a very famous river.


用?There is/There are?介绍事物

1. 热身复习

向全班问好,请几位学生把上节课的家庭作业读给全班同学听。请学生回忆Daming与Simon的对话,并提出相关的问题:?Do you remember Chinatown from the last unit? Where is it??引导学生做出相应的回答。

2. 导入:让学生先观察图片,猜猜都是中国的什么地方。然后播放录音,让学生给所听到的录音图片排序。接着让学生跟读。

3. 试着让学生用自己的语言描述图片上的内容。


5. 重音的学习:请学生听SB unit 2活动3的录音,之后让学生试着跟读一遍。要求他们注意重读的地方。请学生把书翻到SB unit 2活动3,仔细看书上的句子以及每句话中用黑体标出的地方,比较一下自己刚才跟读时重读的位置与书上的标注是否一致。老师再放录音,学生边听边看书,认真体会。

6. 活动一:


让其他学生用?There be?句型来描述学生衣服上的图案.

如: There are some ducks on her dress.

7. 活动二:

四人小组,运用?There be?句型描述自己所带的照片,也可以是收集的他人的照片,或风景人物照等.

如: There are some children are playing football in the playground.


完成SB unit 2活动4,请学生欣赏并学习一首歌曲。放录音前,请学生们先试着通



9. 课后作业



新标准英语第七册Module 3

Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.


I‘ve got lots of stamps.

These are some stamps from Canada.

This stamp is from China.







T: What’s your favoutite sport/games/food…?

Ss:My favourite sport/games/food… is…

T: Do you like…?

Ss:Yes I do/No, I don’t. I like…

2.导入:对话之后,老师拿出一本集邮册给学生们看。老师问学生:?What’s this??然后回答…It s a stamp album.?引导学生通过实物理解?stamp?和?album?的意思。老师一边向学生们展示集邮册里的邮票一边讲述:?I like stamps very much.

I collect them. Look, this is a Chinese stamp. It’s very beautiful. Do you like these stamps? These stamps are from Canada. I like them very much. Collecting stamps is my hobby.‖


文中,Darning和Simon谈论起了Simon的一项兴趣爱好。Simon 会向Daming和我们介绍他自己的爱好。听过他的介绍后,大家也要试着介绍自己的爱好。




将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,通过播放录音呈SB 活动1,请学生们仔细听一听Darning和Simon之问的对话。听完以后向学生提问:?What’s Simon’s hobby??老师放第二遍录音,学生边听边看书,同时用笔勾出课文中的生词,根据上下文猜猜每个生词的意思。学习新单词,老师领读,再请学生跟读。可以采用全班齐读、分组读、分男女生读,集体读和个别读等方式。注意纠正学生语音和语调的错误。采用个别读的方式,了解学生掌握单词的情况。当学生出现读音问题时,应及时纠正。

请学生试着回答老师刚才提出的问题:?What’s Simon’s hobby??学生此时应该能够回答出: ?Simon’s hobby is collecting stamps.?可以再分段放录音,向学生提出一些更加具体的问题,帮助他们理解课文内容,例如:

Where are the stamps from?

Has Simon got any stamps from China?




5. 活动二:


如:My hobby is collecting stamps from America.

My hobby is collecting Jay‘s CD.

6. 活动三:


7. 课后作业:



Unit 2 I‘ve got a hobby.


Have you got any my dolls from Japan?

Yes, I have/No, I haven’t.




1) Say two chants.

2) Greeting

3) Read the words in module3.Pay attention to one word. spell it and help them to remember it.



T: Now, look at the picture. You know ,I like dolls. I have many many dolls. I like collect dolls. So I can say: My hobby is collecting dolls.

T: Could you tell me what is your hobby?


T: I like Jay. I like to listen to his music. So collecting Jay‘s CD is also my hobby.

T: Have you got any Jay‘s CDs?



S: My hobby is play football.

T: Have you got a football?

S: My hobby is collecting books.

T: Have you got any books?


4. 出示幻灯片,帮助学生区分单复数的概念.分清何时用?a?,何时用?any?.以及为什么不用?some?。


1. 听录音,读出单词的重音。以及单词在句子中重读的情况。

2. 出示幻灯片,提出编写对话的要求。


A: What‘s your hobby?

B: My hobby is … .

A: Have you got a / any … ?

B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven‘t.

A: Do you … ?

B: Yes, I do. / No, I don‘t like it.

6. 活动三:学生四人为一组,两人编写对话并书写在卡纸上,两人上台演示他们自己编写的对话。(注意纪律的控制)展示学生的成果,并给予评价。

7. 课后作业:

1. 小结今天学到的知识;

2. 总结评价的结果,给获胜组盖印章;

3. 完成表格,调查组内学生的爱好,并调查各自拥有的开展该爱好的物品,成立周末活动俱乐部。





Your hobbies

What do you have?

新标准英语第七册Module 4

Unit 1 Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving is my favorite festival.

We always have a special meal.

We say ―thank—you‖ for our food, family and friends. 功能:





2.导入:全班齐唱歌曲?We wish you a happy Christmas.?引导学生进入教学环境。老师可适当把歌曲音乐延长,烘托今天教学中节日的主题。引导学生说出他们了解的西方节日名称,学生可能会说出一些,例如: Christmas, Halloween等等。再引导学生说一说关于这两个节日的情况,例如:它们分别在什么时间?按照传统,人们在这两个节日里会做些什么?



外研版小学英语《 Robots will do everything. 》教学设计 整个教学过程我采用了听、说、玩、演、唱一系列的教学活动, 具体设计为:课前复习——教授新课——巩固练习——总结并布置作 业。 Step1:课前复习 1、师生之间问候。 2、利用所学短语复习句型:“ Will you.?”,“Can you?”。 Step2:教授新课 1、导入 用多媒体课件出示机器人的图片,师问“What’s this?”, “what are they ?”。生回答,“It ’s a robot.”,“They are robots”.。从而引出今天的课题。 2、教授新知 1)、根据预习情况,师生共同学习新课。“One day,robots will do everything. What will his robot do?”You can say “They will”(使用多媒体 ) 2)、出示多媒体课件。“Talk about the pictures.you can say: He/they/She/ It will” 3)、出示问题。让学生带问题听录音。个别学生回答问题, 表现好的发帖画,以激励学生。生两人一组,一问一答,复

习本单元重点。 4)、听录音,跟读。纠正自己的发音,分角色朗读,小组 展示。 Step3巩固练习 1)练习:我理想中的机器人能干什么,It will. 2)把图片与句子连线。 以上两个练习,即检查学生的掌握情况又达到复习巩固的目的。 Step4、课堂总结并布置作业 1)、以知识树的形式出现本单元的重点内容。单词有生拼读,句子由生翻译。 布置作业 2)、自己设计一种新型物品:,例如:多功能书、 22 世纪的电视机等,把这些物品画出来,然后使用“This is .. It can .. It will ”等句型实行描述。


六年级PEP上册知识点总结 Unit 1 How can I get there? 知识点归纳 library 图书馆 post office 邮局 hospital 医院 turn left 左转 turn right 右转places: cinema 电影院 ( 地点) bookstore 书店 science museum科学博物馆 go straight 直行 pet hospital 宠物医院 school 学校 supermarket 超市 crossing 十字路口 shoe store 鞋店 Italian restaurant 意大利餐馆 问路的重点句型: 1.Where is the cinema, please? 请问电影院在哪儿? next to the bookstore 紧挨着书店 in front of the school. 在学校的前面. behind the park 在公园的后面 It’s near the zoo. 在动物园的附近. on D ongfang S treet 在东方大街上 over there 在那边 2. Excuse me, is there a cinema near here ?请问这附近有电影院吗? Yes, there is. /No,there isn’t. 有./没有。 3. How can I get to the hospital? 我该怎样到达医院呢? How can I / we get there?我/ 我们怎样到那? 回答Turn right/ left at the … 在… 地方向右/ 左转. 或Go straight 向前直走. 或You can take the No.31 bus. 你可乘坐31路公交车去。 4. Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.是的很远/ 不是很远。


Module 1 Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday? Function: Talking about past activities Target Language: When did you come back? We came back… Vocabulary: when, back, home, those, ice cream, with, finish, hurry up, wait for, drop Procedures: Step 1: Warm-up 1. Say “Hello” to the pupils and ask them several questions. 2. Review more verbs or verb phrases. Step 2 :Introduction 1. Talk with the children about the summer vacation, such as: What did you do? What did you see? What did you eat? What did yo u drink? When did you come back? Etc. 2. Tell the children that they are going to listen to the dialogues among Lingling, Sam and Amy and we are going to learn how to tal k about the past activities. Step 3: Presentation 1. Put the chart on the blackboard and ask the children to look a t the picture carefully. Ask the children some questions: Do you kno w this place? Are Lingling, Sam and Amy in London or in China? T hey are in a park. They are in London. 2. Point to John and tell the children that he is John. Now listen and look. 3. Play the cassette and ask some questions.


PEP小学英语五年级下册2017-2018学年度第二学期教案 备课教师: XX年XX月

五年级英语下册教学计划 一、学生情况分析 学生已学过两年多的英语,已有一定的基础。但是教材难度偏大,教学内容与课时不成比例,两极分化较严重。因此,本学期应注重转化后进生,因材施教,基础教学,分层教学,保持学生的学习兴趣。 二、教学目的与要求: 1、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心。 2、培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯。 3、使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。 4、培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。 5、适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生的爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。 三、教学内容与目标: 1、能听、说、读、写81个短语和单词以及16组句子和11个单句。 2、能听、说、认读21个单词。 3、能听懂、会唱8首歌曲。 4、能完成6个自我评价活动。 5、能理解6个幽默小故事。 6、能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。 四、教学措施: 1、认真备课,钻研教材,抓紧课堂教学,做到当堂内容当堂掌握。 2、运用各种不同的肢体语言来辅助教学。 3、在课堂上多开展一些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在活动中学习英语,在生活中学习英语。 4、多为学生营造一引起学习氛围,如:创设英语角等等。 5、要求学生在课余时间尽量的运用已经学习的英语进行对话。 6、多看英语画报,多读英语故事,多看英语书籍。 7、多与学生交流,进行口语交际训练。 五、学困生教学措施 1、了解学困生心理,建立师生感情。 2、尊重、理解、宽容、善待学困生。 3、借助集体力量感染学困生。 4、给学困生制定适合他们发展的学习目标,充分肯定他们完成教学目标的能力,以达到培养其自信心。 5、家庭的配合是学困生转化的外部条件,通过家长会议、家访等多种形式及时与家长相互沟通,交流信息。 六、学优生教学措施 英语是一门交际工具,是一门实践性很强的课程,大量反复地训练对学优生来说会很快产生学习上的疲倦,不利于他们的学习激情。所以我制定了相应的措施。


2016人教版小学六年级上册英语时态专项习题 look , read and write 1. There ( is / are ) some bananas ( on / near ) the table . 2. There ( is / are ) a football (in / under ) the bed . 3. There (is / are ) some tall buildings in the ( village /city ). 4. My teacher is ( strong / thin ) . And she’s(old / young ) . 5. I have ( onions / mutton ) and cabbage for lunch . 6. Mike ( has / have ) English and ( science / math ) on _________________ ( Friday / Sunday ) . When , Where , What , Who , How , Why 1. ---- Can I get to the zoo ?---- You can ride a bike there . 2. ---- do you go to school on foot ?---- Because my home is near . 3. ---- are you going after lunch ?---- I am going to the bookstore . 4. ---- are you going ? ---- I am going at 4 o’clock . 5. ---- are you going to do ? ---- I am going to play football . 6. ---- are you going to play with ? ---- My brother . 一般现在时专项练习 一.写出下列各词的复数 I _________him _________this ___________her ______ watch _______child _______photo ________diary ______ day________ foot________ book_______ dress ________ tooth_______ sheep ______box_______ strawberry _____ thief _______yo-yo ______ peach______ sandwich ______ man______ woman_______ paper_______ juice___________ water________ milk________ rice__________ tea__________ 二、写出下列动词的第三人称单数 drink ________ go _______ stay ________ make ________ look _________ have_______ pass_______ carry ____ come________ watch______ plant_______ fly ________ study_______ brush________ do_________ teach_______ 三、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 1. He often ________(have) dinner at home. 2. Daniel and Tommy _______(be) in Class One.


小学英语六年级上册复习资料 Unit1OurTeachers 重点词汇: young 年轻的thin瘦的;苗条的kind 好心的 old 年老的 active 活跃的 clever 聪明的 handsome friendly 英俊的 友好的 pretty funny 漂亮的有 趣的 相关词汇: tall 高的short 矮的strong 强壮的beautiful美丽的 looklike 看起来像;看上去像 重点句型: 1. ---Whatdoesyourunclelooklike? 你的叔叔长什么样? ---He’stallandhandsome. 他又高又帅。 2. ---Whatdoesshelooklike? 她长什么样? ---She’sthinandpretty. 她又瘦又漂亮。 3. Heistallandstrong,alsoheisveryfriendly.他又高又壮,而且他非常友好。 Unit2MonthsofaYear 重点词汇: January (Jan.) 一月February (Feb.) 二月March (Mar.) 三月

April(Apr.)四月May(May)五月June (Jun.) 六月July(Jul.) 七月August(Aug.)八月 September(Sept.)九月October(Oct.)十月 November(Nov.)十一月December(Dec.)十二月 first(1st)第一second(2nd)第二third (3rd) 第三fourth(4th)第四fifth (5th) 第五sixth (6th) 第六seventh(7th)第七eighth(8th) 第八ninth (9th) 第九twelfth(12th)第十二twentieth(20th)第二十 twenty-first (21th)第二十一 重点句型: 1. ---Whenistheschooltrip? 学校旅行是什么时候? ---It’sinSeptember. 它在九月份。 2. ---Whenisyourbirthday? 你的生日是什么时候? ---MybirthdayisonJune5th. 我的生日在六月五日。 Unit3OurHobbies 重点词汇: collectingstamps 集邮climbingrocks 攀岩 keepingpets 养宠物takingphotos 照相 watchingbirds 观鸟playingchess 下象棋 makingthings 做手工growingflowers 种花


人教版PEP小学英语三年级下册教案(全册) 一、教材分析本教材的教学目标是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心;培养学生装一定的语感和良好的语音、语调,书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯;使他们形成初步用英语进行简单交流的能力,同时,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维和创造的能力。 二、教材特点 1、强调语言运用本教材吸收了交际教学思想,注重学生语言应用能力的培养。在整体构思、内容安排、活动设计和教学方法选用等方面都紧密联系学生的生活实际,体现语言的交际功能,把话题---功能---结构---任务结合起来,并根据学生的年龄特点,采用“全部动作反应法”让学生在有节奏的说唱中体验语言。 2、注重能力培养本教材在内容安排、活动设计和学习评价上都贯穿“学会学习”的主题。分注重培养学生自主学习和独立运用所学语言去做事情的能力。 3、突出兴趣出发本教材从内容、形式、方法、插图及装帧设计等方面都以最大限度地激发学生的学习动机和兴趣。教学内容紧密联系学生装生活与实际。选择话题充分考虑小学生的需求。

4、重视双向交流本教材重视双向交流,中西方文化知识的渗透,在教学内容中选编了一些适合学生年龄特点和认知能力的中西方文化知识。 本教材分重视在学习内容上与其他学科知识的兼容闭并蓄,精选学生最需要了解的最感兴趣的,最易学会的,最有普及价值的,与学生日常生活联系最紧密的学科知识内容融入语言材料之中。 三、教学目标 1、能听懂、会说会话,并能进行简单的交流。 2、能听、说、认读单词,并能简单地运用。 3、能听、做、演游戏。 4、能听、做“TPR”活动。 5、能唱歌曲。 6、能听、说、唱歌谣。 7、以完成自我评价活动。 8、能听懂幽默故事。 9、能了解简单的中西方文化知识。 四、教学措施本册会话教学部分均设计在各种真实自然的情景之中,并以连环画的形式出现。其目的在于分散教学难点,循序渐进,便于表演。三年级学生的特征就是爱玩,了表现自己。因此,用表演和游戏的形式来进行交流,学习语言,运用语言是


《英语》(新标准)(三起)第一册Module 1 Unit 1 郑慧颖Purpose Knowledge aim: To learn to introduce names. Ability aim: To train them to say hello to their friends and introduce with “I’m….” Ideological aim: To improve the students’ basic English about greetings. Main points: The way of greetings : I’m …. Difficult points: To introduce happily and convincingly. Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder, masks Teaching process: Step One: Greeting with students. T: Hello, my dear children. This is your first English class. I’m very happy to teach you English this term. Speaking English is a piece of cake. Please remember that. Let’s say “Hello” to each other first. Please stand up, all of you.( 教师边说边翻译,做手势示意全体起立) T: (教师边挥手边走向学生。) Hello, my dear children! S: Hello! T: Do what I do like this. ( 挥手,微笑,大声) S: ( 在教师的指导下模仿) T: It’s interesting to speak English. Sit down, please. T: (面带微笑,朝向一个小女孩) Hello! Lovely girl! S: Hello! T: Good girl! Say it like this, please! It’s easy to speak English. T: (朝向另一男孩) Hello! Cool boy! S: Hello! T: Good boy! See, it’s easy. Let’s try again. ( 再叫几名学生,师生挥手打招呼) T: Now please say “hello” to your classmates like this. Who can try? ( 叫几名学生到前面来,面向全体问好,注意表情和动作,并且要声音 洪亮) T: Then say “hello” to your neighbors and your friends. You can go out of your seat and move around the classroom. S: (学生自由活动问好) T: You did a good job! Step Two: New course T: Next I want to know your name. How do you introduce your name then? Listen! I’m Ellen. ( 说三遍) Please say hello to me. (Some excellent students can answer like the following) S1: Hello, Ellen. S2: Hello, Ellen. T: Hello! Your name, please?


小学英语教案全英版 英语在日常的使用是很广泛,在国外也是一样的。范文,欢迎大家阅读参考。一: Unit 1 Lesson 3 Part A Let’s say, Let’s chant Part C Culture Teaching Aims : 1. Be able to listen, say, recognize the words: apple, ant, boy, bag, Coke, coffee. 2. Be able to listen, say, read and write these three letters: A a; B b; C c 3. Through the chant review the letters of ABC, train a sense of group identity. Focus Points & Difficult Points : Read the letters: Big letter C, small letter c; Write down them correctly and handsomely. Teaching Preparation: 1. Letter cards ,some word pictures, word cards: apple boy eraser ant crayon body head cake Coke coffee bag ball 2. A little blackboard with four-line format and a ball.

Designing for the blackboard: panda beaver eagle kangaroo (pictures) China Canada America Australia (words) Teaching Steps: Step1. Warm –up 1. Sing a song. 2. Free talk T: Hello. I’m Wendy. I’m from Hangzhou. S1: Hello! I’m ... I’m from Hangzhou,too. T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too. T: Let’s play. Ok? S: Great! T: Watch out! (T throws the ball.) S: Oh, no. Make a similar dialogue with your partner. 1. 1)T : Today, we will learn letters. Do you know letters? Just as A,B,C…… They are letters. What’s the meaning of letters? S: 字母。 T: Great! A is the first letter. ( T shows letter A.)

(完整word版)重大版小学英语六年级Mid-term Test

小学英语六年级上册半期测试题 第一部分听力20分 一.听音,选择你所到的单词或短语,每题读一遍。10% ()1.A.June B .July C. May ()2.A.2nd B.3rd C.1st ()3.A.month B. mouth C. mice ()4.A.young B. library C. school ()5.A.ship B. trip C. tree ()6.A.back B. black C. book ()7.A.where B. there C. here ()8.A.beautiful B. interesting C. nice ()9.A.go hiking B. go swimming C. go skating ()10.A.bake B. date C. eight 二.听音,选择你所听到的句子, 每题读一遍。10% ()1.A. He’s young and handsome. B. He’s pretty and handsome C. He’s old and young ()2.A. It will be sunny on September 1st. B. It will be cloudy on October 2nd. C. It will be rainy on December 3rd ()3. A. He’s my aunt B. He’s my ancle C. She’s our mom ()4.A.Ms.Liu is my Chinese teacher. B. Mr. Liu is my P.E. teacher. C. Ms. Liu is my English teacher ()5.A.No wonder you like singing B. No wonder he likes singing C. No wonder you like dancing


外研版小学英语第一册全册教案课题:M1U1 I’m Sam. 教学 重点1、功能:问好和道别,简单的自我介绍 2、单词:hello, hi, goodbye, bye-bye, I, am, I’m(I am), Sam, Amy, Daming, Lingling 3、句子:Hello. Hi. Goodbye. Bye-bye. I’m Sam. 教学 难点I’m, Sam的读音 Step 1: 组织课堂 Step 2:课堂用语 Step 3:Presentation and practice 1、T: Hello! I’m … Ss: Hi! I’m… 2、整体输入,介绍Sam, Amy, Daming, Lingling 3、AB 4、Listen and point. 5、Listen and say. 6、Act Step 4: Homework Listen and repeat. 课题:M1U2 How are you? 教学 重点1、功能:见面问候 2、单词:good, morning, how, are, you, fine, thank 3、句型:Good morning. How are you? I’m fine, thank you. 教学 难点I’m fine, thank you.

Step 1:Warm-up and revision 1、Greeting T-Ss 2、Free talk Ss-Ss Step 2:Presentation and practice 1、Listen to the song. 2、Learn the words: how, are, you, fine, thank 3、Practise: How are you? I’m fine, thank you. 4、Listen and point. 5、Listen and repeat. 6、Game: AB Ex1 7、Act: SB Activity 3 Step3: Song Step 4: Homework 1、Listen and reapeat. 2、AB Ex 2、3 课题:M2U1 I’m Ms Smart. 教学 重点1、功能:自我介绍和日常问好 2、单词:Ms Smart, too, and, boy(boys), girl(girls) 3、句子:How are you? I’m fine. And how are you? I’m fine, too. Thank you. 教学 难点1、boys and girls的发音和区别 2、And how are you? I’m fine, too.的正确朗读 Step 1: Warm-up and revision 1. Sing a song. 2. Greeting with the teacher: (Try to say in English as more as you can.) (1) S1: How are you? T: I’m fine. And how are you? (引导) S1: I’m fine, too. (2) T-S2,S3,S4 ( 当他们反问时,提示使用and, too)


, 人教版小学三年级英语下册 全英文教案 教学内容teachingcontent , 教学目标Teaching goal ,教学重点及难Teaching key and difficulty, 教具Teaching aid ,教学方法Teaching method, 教学过程teaching procedure热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)新课呈现presentation 练习/操练practice巩固 consolidation总结Sum up/ Summary课堂评价 (Assessment)课型(听说课)class(Hears the class)对话dialogue 自由谈话free talk阅读reading复述retelling背诵reciting 默写writing from memory做练习do exercises 教学内容:Unit one WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL(1) 教学目标和要求: 1、Learn the names. 2、Learn to say “I am from America/Canada/China.” 3、Learn to introduce yourself. 教学重点:Learn to say “I am from America/Canada/China.” 教学难点:Learn to introduce yourself. 教学用具:word cards/pictures。

教学过程: Step1: 1、Look at the picture: WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL 2、Say out the English in the pictures Step2: Learn the names. 1、Look at the people. 2、Learn the names:Amy 3、Look and say. Step3: Learn to say : WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL I am from America/Canada/China. Step4: Introduce yourself Step5: Summary Step6: homework 板书设计: Unit 1 WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL I am from America/Canada/China. 作业布置: 1、Revise the names ;


Book6 A Unit 1 How Do You Go There ? 一. 知识点归纳 (一)、 词汇 bike ( 自行车 乘坐) 公共汽车(脚) 火车(怎样) 飞机(上学) 轮船) 地铁) ( 交通工具前加by , 表示乘坐但步行要用on foot ) fifth 第五 remember 记住 find 找到 difference 不同 same 相同的 every 每个 所有的 三会 country 国家 mean 意思是 drive 驾驶 right 右边的 side 边 England 英国 Australia 澳大利亚 however 但是 left 左边的 if 如果 must 必须 (二)、重点句型 ① 询问交通方式用疑问代词how ? —— How do you go to school ? 你怎样去上学? —— I go to school on foot . 我走路去上学。 ? —— How do you go to Canada ? 你怎么去加拿大。 —— I go by plane . 我坐飞机去。 ? —— How does your father go to work ? 你父亲怎样去上班? —— He goes to work by subway . 他坐地铁去上班。 ② 询问地点,用疑问代词where ? —— Where is your home ? 你家在哪里? —— It’s near the post office . 在邮局旁边。 ? —— Where are the teachers ? 老师们在哪儿? —— They are in th e teacher’s office . 在老师的办公室。 ③ 问路 ? —— How can I get to Zhongshan Park ? 我怎么去中山公园? —— You can go by the No.1 bus. You can take the No .1 bus . ④ 交通规则(traffic rules ) ? Stop at a red light . 红灯停 ? Wait at a yellow light . 黄灯停 ? Go at a green light . 绿灯行 ? In China and the US , drivers drive on the right side of the road . 在中国和美国,司机靠右行驶。 ? In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of the road. 但是在英国和澳大利亚,司机靠左边行驶。


外研版小学六年级英语半期测试题 姓名________ 班级_________ 总分________ 听力部分( 40分) 一.听音,选择。( 10分) ( ) 1. A. chips B. pizza C. sweet corn ( ) 2. A. sour B. bitter C. salty ( ) 3. A. cinema B. bank C. traffic lights ( ) 4. A. along B. across C. down ( ) 5.A. cloud B. snow C. lake 二.听对话,选出正确的答案。(10分) ( ) 1. It’s next to the _________________. A. cinema B. library C. bank ( ) 2. Is the hamburger ________________. A. sweet B. delicious C. salty ( ) 3. Can you draw ________________? A. wind B. lake C. cloud ( ) 4.I can see the ________________. A. moon B. earth C. rainbow ( ) 5. Where does _______ come from? A. rain B. vapour C. clouds 三.听问句,选择与之相符的答句。( 15分)。 ( ) 1. A. pizza B. Yes, please. ( ) 2. A . Fried chicken B. No, it isn’t.


Module 1 U nit 1 It’s the ABC song. Teaching aims: Describing the alphabets Teaching importance and difficulty: alphabets Vocabulary :favourite, song Letters: A------Z Teaching steps: 一.Warming up:sing a song 二.Revisions: Free talk 1. T: Hello… How are you? S1:… T: Hi, good morning! What’s this...? What colour is it? Oh, yes, it’s … Do you like….? I like …, too. We can also say, my favourite colour is …,What’s your favorite colour?你最喜欢的颜色是什么?启发学生用It’s …回答问题。教授新单词favourite。再问What’s your favourite song?你最喜欢的歌曲是什么?教授新单词song 三.New lessons: 1.T:My favourite song is the ABC song. OK, today we’ll learn the new lesson Module 1 Unit 1 It’s the ABC song.(板书课题)Now turn to page 2,listen to the tape carefully. OK , Can you find the new words. Ask the kids one by one. 2.教授字母,教师先按字母表的顺序教授,然后导入字母的歌曲。 四.Games: 读字母游戏,看谁迅速反应,然后把字母卡片送给他。另外让学生猜字母。 五.作业: 1.跟录音读课文,手指着。 2.把单词复习一遍. 教后记:


小学英语人教版PEP三年级上册教案全集(全 英文) your books、Point to the page“Welcome to English”、What’s your known?Listen and learn an English song: Lesson1 Teaching aims: 1、Try to make a self-introduction with the pattern “ I’m…”、 2、Learn to use Hello, Hi, Goodbye and Bye to communicate with others、 3、Learn to sing a song: Hello Preparation: Recorder and tape、 Steps:(1)、 Warm-up Listen to the song: Hello、(2)、 Presentationa、 Teacher shows and introduces a new friend: a bear、“Hello、 I’m Teddy、 You can call me Teddy Bear、” Goes to the pupils seat and greets to them, shake the hands、b、 Ask pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the front to act、 (3)、 Presentation a、 Listen to the song: Hello and pass a toy、 If a child get the toy when the song is stopping, he(she) say: Hello(Hi)! I’m… b、Some children who haven’t got the toy stand up and introduce himself(herself):


Unit 1 How do you go there? Period One Teaching contents: Part A let’s learn & let’s play Teaching aims: 1.To enable the students to master the four skills phrases: on foot,by bike,by bus,by train, by plane,by ship,by subway 2.To enable the students to ask about the ways of traffic with the following sentence patterns: How do you go to school? Or How do you go to Canada…?‖And answer with―I go by…‖ Teaching focus: To master the four skills phrases: by train, by plane, by subway, by ship, by bike, on foot Teaching difficulty: To differ ―subway‖ from―train‖ Teaching methods: Communicative Approach Teaching aids: 1.Word cards 2.Tape recorder and tape 3.Multi-media player Teaching procedure: 1. (Warm-up) Greeting: Good morning , class ! Glad to meet you again. How are you? What day is it? What ?s the date? What‘s the weather like today? 2. Presentation Show a picture of bus T: What‘s this? S: It‘s a bus. T: I go to school by bus. How do you go to school? (Show a picture of bike and help a student to answer with ―I go to school by bike.‖) (In the same ways)Teach ―by subway‖ and ―by train‖ ―by ship‖ ―by plane‖ ―on foot‖. Subway: It's an underground railway in a city.It travels very fast.We can see subway in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Gongzhou… Explain the differences between subway and train Pay attention to the pre. ― by‖& ―on‖
