
Protocol Introduction

MIPI Development Team


What is MIPI?

v MIPI stands for M obile I ndustry P rocessor I nterface §MIPI Alliance is a collaboration of mobile industry leaders.

§Objective to promote open standards for interfaces to mobile application processors.

§Intends to speed deployment of new services to mobile users by establishing Spec.

v Board Members in MIPI Alliance

§Intel, Motorola, Nokia, NXP,Samsung, ST, TI

What is MIPI?

v MIPI Alliance Specification for display

§DCS (D isplay C ommand S et)

?DCS is a standardized command set intended for command mode

display modules.

§DBI, DPI (D isplay B us I nterface, D isplay P ixel I nterface)?DBI:Parallel interfaces to display modules having display

controllers and frame buffers.

?DPI:Parallel interfaces to display modules without on-panel

display controller or frame buffer.

§DSI, CSI (D isplay S erial I nterface, C amera S erial I nterface)?DSI specifies a high-speed serial interface between a host

processor and display module.

?CSI specifies a high-speed serial interface between a host

processor and camera module.


?D-PHY provides the physical layer definition for DSI and CSI.

DSI Layers

DCS spec

DSI spec

D-PHY spec




§Lane Module, State and Line


§Operating Modes

?Escape Mode

§System Power States

§Electrical Characteristics


Introduction for D-PHY

v D-PHY describes a source synchronous, high speed, low power, low cost PHY v A PHY configuration contains

§ A Clock Lane

§One or more Data Lanes

v Three main lane types

§Unidirectional Clock Lane

§Unidirectional Data Lane

§Bi-directional Data Lane

v Transmission Mode

§Low-Power signaling mode for control purpose:10MHz (max)

§High-Speed signaling mode for fast-data traffic:80Mbps ~ 1Gbps per Lane

v D-PHY low-level protocol specifies a minimum data unit of one byte § A transmitter shall send data LSB first, MSB last.

v D-PHY suited for mobile applications

§DSI:Display Serial Interface

? A clock lane, One to four data lanes.

§CSI:Camera Serial Interface

Two Data Lane PHY Configuration

Lane Module

v PHY consists of D-PHY (Lane Module)

v D-PHY may contain

§Low-Power Transmitter (LP-TX)

§Low-Power Receiver (LP-RX)

§High-Speed Transmitter (HS-TX)

§High-Speed Receiver (HS-RX)

§Low-Power Contention Detector (LP-CD)

v Three main lane types

§Unidirectional Clock Lane

?Master:HS-TX, LP-TX

?Slave:HS-RX, LP-RX

§Unidirectional Data Lane

?Master:HS-TX, LP-TX

?Slave:HS-RX, LP-RX

§Bi-directional Data Lane

§Master, Slave:HS-TX, HS-RX,LP-TX, LP-RX, LP-CD

Universal Lane Module Architecture

Lane States and Line Levels

§The two LP-TX’s drive the two Lines of a Lane independently and single-ended.

?Four possible Low-Power Lane states (LP-00, LP-01, LP-10, LP-11)

§ A HS-TX drives the Lane differentially.

?Two possible High Speed Lane states (HS-0, HS-1)

§During HS transmission the LP Receivers observe LP-00 on the Lines §Line Levels (typical)


?HS:100~300mV (Swing:200mV)

§Lane States

?LP-00, LP-01, LP-10, LP-11

?HS-0, HS-1

Operating Modes

§There are three operating modes in Data Lane

?Escape mode, High-Speed (Burst) mode and Control mode

§Possible events starting from the Stop State of control mode ?Escape mode request (LP-11→LP-10→LP-00→LP-01→LP-00)?High-Speed mode request (LP-11→LP-01→LP-00)

?Turnaround request (LP-11→LP-10→LP-00→LP-10→LP-00)

Escape Mode

v Escape mode is a special operation for Data Lanes using LP states.

§With this mode some additional functionality becomes available:LPDT, ULPS, Trigger

§ A Data Lane shall enter Escape mode via LP-11→LP-10→LP-00→LP-01→LP-00

§Once Escape mode is entered, the transmitter shall send an 8-bit entry command to

§indicate the requested action.

§Escape mode uses Spaced-One-Hot Encoding.

§means each Mark State is interleaved with a Space State (LP-00).

§Send Mark-0/1 followed by a Space to transmit a ‘zero-bit’/ ‘one-bit’

§ A Data Lane shall exit Escape mode via LP-10→LP-11

v Ultra-Low Power State

§During this state, the Lines are in the Space state (LP-00)

§Exited by means of a Mark-1 state with a length TWAKEUP(1ms) followed by a Stop state.

Escape Mode

Clock Lane Ultra-Low Power State

v A Clock Lane shall enter ULPS via


v exited by means of a Mark-1 with a length TWAKEUP followed by

a Stop State

§LP-10 →TWAKEUP →LP-11

§The minimum value of TWAKEUP is 1ms

High-Speed Data Transmission

v The action of sending high-speed serial data is called HS transmission or burst.

v Start-of-Transmission


§HS Data Transmission Burst

§All Lanes will start synchronously

§But may end at different times

§The clock Lane shall be in High-Speed mode, providing a DDR Clock to the Slave side

v End-of-Transmission

§H Toggles differential state immediately after last payload data bit

v and keeps that state for a time THS-TRAIL

High-Speed Clock Transmission

v Switching the Clock Lane between Clock Transmission and LP Mode

§ A Clock Lane is a unidirectional Lane from Master to Slave

§In HS mode, the clock Lane provides a low-swing, differential DDR clock signal.

§the Clock Burst always starts and ends with an HS-0 state.

§the Clock Burst always contains an even number of transitions

Summary for D-PHY

v Lane Module, Lane State and Line Levels

§Lane Module:LP-TX, LP-RX, HS-TX, HS-RX, LP-CD

§Lane States:LP-00, LP-01, LP-10, LP-11, HS-0, HS-1

§Line Levels (typical):LP:0~1.2V, HS:100~300mV (Swing:200mV)

v Operating Modes

§Escape Mode entry procedure :LP-11→LP-10→LP-00→LP-01→LP-00→Entry Code →LPD (10MHz)

§Escape Mode exit procedure:LP-10→LP-11

§High Speed Mode entry procedure:LP-11→LP-01→LP-00→SoT(00011101) →HSD (80Mbps ~ 1Gbps)

§High Speed Mode exit procedure:EoT→LP-11

§Control Mode -BTA transmission procedure:LP-11→LP-10→LP-00→LP-10→LP-00§Control Mode -BTA receive procedure:LP-00→LP-10→LP-11

v System Power States

§Low-Power mode, High-Speed mode, Ultra-Low Power mode

v Fault Detection

§Contention Detection (LP-CD), Watchdog Timer, Sequence Error Detection (Error Report) v Global Operation Timing Parameter

§Clock Lane Timing, Data Lane Timing

§Other Timing –Initialization, BTA, Wake-Up from ULPS

v Electrical Characteristics

§HS-RX, LP-RX, LP-TX, LP-CD, Pin characteristic, Clock signal, Data-Clock timing

§DC and AC characteristic




§Lane Distributor/Merger Conceptual

§Packet Structure

§Data Transmission Way

§Processor-Sourced Packets

§Peripheral-Sourced Packets

§Reverse-Direction LP Transmission

§Video Mode


Introduction for DSI

v DSI is a Lane-scalable interface for increased performance.

§One Clock Lane / One to Four Data Lanes

v DSI-compliant peripherals support either of two basic modes of operation §Command Mode (Similar to MPU IF)

?Data Lane 0:bidirectional

–For returning data, ACK or error report to host

?Additional Data Lanes:unidirectional.

§Video Mode (Similar to RGB IF)

?Data Lane 0:bidirectional or unidirectional;

?Additional Data Lanes:unidirectional.

?Video data should only be transmitted using HS mode.

v Transmission Mode

§High-Speed signaling mode

§Low-Power signaling mode

?Forward/Reverse direction LP transmissions shall use Data Lane 0 only

?For returning data, DSI-compliant systems shall only use Data Lane 0 in LP Mode v Packet Types

§Short Packet:4 bytes (fixed length)

§Long Packet:6~65541 bytes (variable length)

Two Data Lanes HS Transmission Example


Protocol Introduction MIPI Development Team 2010-9-2

What is MIPI? v MIPI stands for M obile I ndustry P rocessor I nterface §MIPI Alliance is a collaboration of mobile industry leaders. §Objective to promote open standards for interfaces to mobile application processors. §Intends to speed deployment of new services to mobile users by establishing Spec. v Board Members in MIPI Alliance §Intel, Motorola, Nokia, NXP,Samsung, ST, TI

What is MIPI? v MIPI Alliance Specification for display §DCS (D isplay C ommand S et) ?DCS is a standardized command set intended for command mode display modules. §DBI, DPI (D isplay B us I nterface, D isplay P ixel I nterface)?DBI:Parallel interfaces to display modules having display controllers and frame buffers. ?DPI:Parallel interfaces to display modules without on-panel display controller or frame buffer. §DSI, CSI (D isplay S erial I nterface, C amera S erial I nterface)?DSI specifies a high-speed serial interface between a host processor and display module. ?CSI specifies a high-speed serial interface between a host processor and camera module. §D-PHY ?D-PHY provides the physical layer definition for DSI and CSI.


理解mipi协议 完成mipi信号通道分配后,需要生成与物理层对接的时序、同步信号: MIPI规定,传输过程中,包内是200mV、包间以及包启动和包结束时是1.2V,两种不同的电压摆幅,需要两组不同的LVDS 驱动电路在轮流切换工作;为了传输过程中各数据包之间的安全可靠过渡,从启动到数据开始传输,MIPI定义了比较长的可靠过渡时间,加起来最少也有600多ns;而且规定各个时间参数是可调的,所以需要一定等待时间,需要缓存,我们用寄存器代替FIFO,每通道128Byte。 串行时钟与数据差分传输的过渡时间关系如下:


UI 的值:

数据与时钟的相位关系: 根据前面文章:mipi差分信号原理介绍。 CLKp是高电平,CLKn是低电平的时候,差分信号表现为高电平。CLKn是高电平, CLKp是低电平的时候,差分信号表现为低电平。所以结果就可以等效成红线描述的正弦。 从正弦可以看出,data在clk的高电平和低电平都有传输数据。

数据通道进入和退出SLM(即睡眠模式)的控制: mipi信号传输分为单端和差分传输。例如: LP-00, LP-01, LP-10, LP-11 (单端) HS-0, HS-1 (差分) Ultra-Low Power State entry command: 00011110 是差分传输,读取方法和上面提到的clk是一样的,需要注意的是Dp和Dn如果同时是高电平或同时是低电平的时候是无效数据,这个时候大概对应的是clk正弦的峰值,只有其中一个是高一个是低才是有效的差分数据。 总结: 对应于同步信号完成并串转换; *HS 状态为高速低压差分信号,传输高速连续串行数据; *LP 状态为低速低功耗信号,传输控制信号和状态信号; *MIPI要求HS 工作在1GHz 的频率下,完成共模信号为0.2v 差模信号为0.2v 的差分

MIPI 中文协议

对于现代的智能手机来说,其内部要塞入太多各种不同接口的设备,给手机的设计和元器件选择带来很大的难度。下图是一个智能手机的例子,我们可以看到其内部存储、显示、摄像、声音等内部接口都是各不相同的。即使以摄像头接口来说,不同的摄像头模组厂商也可能会使用不同的接口形式,这给手机厂商设计手机和选择器件带来了很大的难度。 MIPI (Mobile Industry Processor Interface) 是2003年由ARM, Nokia, ST ,TI等公司成立的一个联盟,目的是把手机内部的接口如摄像头、显示屏接口、射频/基带接口等标准化,从而减少手机设计的复杂程度和增加设计灵活性。 MIPI联盟下面有不同的WorkGroup,分别定义了一系列的手机内部接口标准,比如摄像头接口CSI、显示接口DSI、射频接口DigRF、麦克风 /喇叭接口SLIMbus等。统一接口标准的好处是手机厂商根据需要可以从市面上灵活选择不同的芯片和模组,更改设

计和功能时更加快捷方便。下图是按照 MIPI的规划下一代智能手机的内部架构。 MIPI是一个比较新的标准,其规范也在不断修改和改进,目前比较成熟的接口应用有DSI(显示接口)和CSI(摄像头接口)。CSI/DSI分别是指其承载的是针对Camera或Display应用,都有复杂的协议结构。以DSI为例,其协议层结构如下:

CSI/DSI的物理层(Phy Layer)由专门的WorkGroup负责制定,其目前的标准是D-PHY。D-PHY采用1对源同步的差分时钟和1~4对差分数据线来进行数据传输。数据传输采用DDR方式,即在时钟的上下边沿都有数据传输。


MIPI DSI协议介绍 2015.12.1jcl整理添加一、MIPI MIPI(移动行业处理器接口)是Mobile Industry Processor Interface的缩写。MIPI(移动行业处理器接口)是MIPI联盟发起的为移动应用处理器制定的开放标准。 二、MIPI联盟的MIPI DSI规范 1、名词解释 ?DCS(DisplayCommandSet):DCS是一个标准化的命令集,用于命令模式的显示模组。?DSI,CSI(DisplaySerialInterface,CameraSerialInterface ?DSI定义了一个位于处理器和显示模组之间的高速串行接口。 ?CSI定义了一个位于处理器和摄像模组之间的高速串行接口。 ?D-PHY:提供DSI和CSI的物理层定义 2、DSI分层结构 DSI分四层,对应D-PHY、DSI、DCS规范、分层结构图如下: ?PHY定义了传输媒介,输入/输出电路和和时钟和信号机制。 ?Lane Management层:发送和收集数据流到每条lane。 ?Low Level Protocol层:定义了如何组帧和解析以及错误检测等。 ?Application层:描述高层编码和解析数据流。 3、Command和Video模式 ?DSI兼容的外设支持Command或Video操作模式,用哪个模式由外设的构架决定?Command模式是指采用发送命令和数据到具有显示缓存的控制器。主机通过命令间接的

控制外设。Command模式采用双向接口 ?Video模式是指从主机传输到外设采用时实象素流。这种模式只能以高速传输。为减少复杂性和节约成本,只采用Video模式的系统可能只有一个单向数据路径 三、D-PHY介绍 1、D-PHY描述了一同步、高速、低功耗、低代价的PHY。 ?一个PHY配置包括 ?一个时钟lane ?一个或多个数据lane ?两个Lane的PHY配置如下图 ?三个主要的lane的类型 ?单向时钟Lane ?单向数据Lane ?双向数据Lane ?D-PHY的传输模式 ?低功耗(Low-Power)信号模式(用于控制):10MHz(max) ?高速(High-Speed)信号模式(用于高速数据传输):80Mbps~1Gbps/Lane ?D-PHY低层协议规定最小数据单位是一个字节 ?发送数据时必须低位在前,高位在后. ?D-PHY适用于移动应用 ?DSI:显示串行接口 ?一个时钟lane,一个或多个数据lane ?CSI:摄像串行接口 2、Lane模块 ?PHY由D-PHY(Lane模块)组成 ?D-PHY可能包含: ?低功耗发送器(LP-TX) ?低功耗接收器(LP-RX) ?高速发送器(HS-TX) ?高速接收器(HS-RX)


MIPI接口简介 (Mobile Industry Processor Interface移动行业处理器接口) 对于现代的智能手机来说,其内部要塞入太多各种不同接口的设备,给手机的设计和元器件选择带来很大的难度。下图是一个智能手机的例子,我们可以看到其内部存储、显示、摄像、声音等内部接口都是各不相同的。即使以摄像头接口来说,不同的摄像头模组厂商也可能会使用不同的接口形式,这给手机厂商设计手机和选择器件带来了很大的难度。 MIPI 是2003年由ARM, Nokia, ST ,TI等公司成立的一个联盟,目的是把手机内部的接口如摄像头、显示屏接口、射频/基带接口等标准化,从而减少手机设计的复杂程度和增加设计灵活性。MIPI 联盟下面有不同的WorkGroup,分别定义了一系列的手机内部接口标准,比如摄像头接口CSI、显示接口DSI、射频接口DigRF、麦克风/喇叭接口SLIMbus等。 统一接口标准的好处是手机厂商根据需要可以从市面上灵活选择不同的芯片和模组,更改设计和功能时更加快捷方便。下图是按照MIPI的规划下一代智能手机的内部架构。

MIPI是一个比较新的标准,其规范也在不断修改和改进,目前比较成熟的接口应用有DSI(显示接口)和CSI(摄像头接口)。CSI/DSI分别是指其承载的是针对Camera或Display应用,都有复杂的协议结构。以DSI为例,其协议层结构如下: CSI/DSI的物理层(Phy Layer)由专门的WorkGroup负责制定,其目前的标准是D-PHY。D-PHY采用1对源同步的差分时钟和1~4对差分数据线来进行数据传输。数据传输采用DDR方式,即在时钟的上下边沿都有数据传输。


一、MIPI MIPI(移动行业处理器接口)是Mobile Industry Processor Interface的缩写。MIPI (移动行业处理器接口)是MIPI联盟发起的为移动应用处理器制定的开放标准。 已经完成和正在计划中的规范如下: 二、MIPI联盟的MIPI DSI规范 1、名词解释 ? DCS (DisplayCommandSet):DCS是一个标准化的命令集,用于命令模式的显示模组。? DSI, CSI (DisplaySerialInterface, CameraSerialInterface ? DSI 定义了一个位于处理器和显示模组之间的高速串行接口。 ? CSI 定义了一个位于处理器和摄像模组之间的高速串行接口。 ? D-PHY:提供DSI和CSI的物理层定义 2、DSI分层结构 DSI分四层,对应D-PHY、DSI、DCS规范、分层结构图如下: ? PHY 定义了传输媒介,输入/输出电路和和时钟和信号机制。 ? Lane Management层:发送和收集数据流到每条lane。 ? Low Level Protocol层:定义了如何组帧和解析以及错误检测等。 ? Application层:描述高层编码和解析数据流。

3、Command和Video模式 ? DSI兼容的外设支持Command或Video操作模式,用哪个模式由外设的构架决定 ? Command模式是指采用发送命令和数据到具有显示缓存的控制器。主机通过命令间接的控制外设。Command模式采用双向接口 ? Video模式是指从主机传输到外设采用时实象素流。这种模式只能以高速传输。为减少复杂性和节约成本,只采用Video模式的系统可能只有一个单向数据路径 三、D-PHY介绍 1、 D-PHY 描述了一同步、高速、低功耗、低代价的PHY。

mipi 协议(附图)

Application Report SWPA225 – November 2012 1 Demystify DSI I/F Erwan Petillon HW Systems Solutions ABSTRACT The purpose of this Application Note (APN) is to demystify the DSI I/F by presenting different configuration and their impact on the DSI protocol. The document is illustrated by numerous waveforms probe on an OMAP platform. This APN covers the DSI protocol in video mode (Non-frame buffer display) and in command mode (frame buffer display). A section dedicated to debugging tips is enumerating different method to measure various parameters and decode LP and HS packets. However the APN does not contain programming model and complete DSI protocol standard, for more details on programming model refer to the OMAP Technical Reference Manual and the MIPI DSI protocol standard. Document History Version Date Author Notes 1.0 November 2012 E. Petillon First release
