




I.Translate the following terms into Chinese(15points,1point each):


2.OECD countries

3.bailout loans


5.venture capital


7.carbon footprint

8.forensic medicine

9.key encryption technology

10.United Arab Emirates

11.extradition treaty

12.seismic monitoring


14.flip phone'

15.Mack Daddy

II.Translate the following terms into English(15points,1point each):
















III.Translate the following passages into Chinese(60points)

1.Never before had the world such a tremendous scientific-technical potential,such

a capacity to generate wealth and well-being.Authentic technological wonders that have made any place in the world to be always close with regard to distances and communications have not been capable of bringing well-being for everybody,but only for a meager15%living in the countries of the North.The abysm between North and South is now so huge,that the unsustainability of the current economic order and the blindness of the people who try to justify continuing to enjoy opulence and waste, are evident.

The great possibilities that a globalization of solidarity and true cooperation could bring to all people in the world through the scientific-technical wonders,have been reduced by the neo-liberal model to this grotesque caricature full of exploitation and social injustice.We were asked to be ultraliberal in trade and to lift any barrier, which may obstruct the imports coming from the North,but the oral champions of free trade actually are the champions in the praxis of protectionism.The North spends one billion dollars a day in practicing what has been banned from doing,that is, subsidizing inefficient products.Today,vis-a-vis the obvious failure of neoliberalism and the great threat that the International Economic Order represents for the South,it is necessary to retake the Spirit of the South by forming an alliance among ourselves.

2.After months of speculation,the final22,000-character overview of China’s“third plenum”was published on November15th.In the economic sphere the document turned out to be bolder than the initial summary suggested,but the document’s interest lies not just in the economic reforms,which were anticipated.More striking were some of the social changes the document announced,such as the relaxation of the one-child policy.A couple in which one parent is an only child will be allowed to have two children,and the policy is likely to be loosened even further.In another widely welcomed move,labour camps are to be abolished.

But possibly the most important announcements were buried deep in the document and grabbed fewer headlines.Two moves in particular,namely allowing the development of“social organisations”or NGOs in essence and the separation of judicial jurisdiction systems from administrative areas,showed that the party is sensitive to the ferment in Chinese society and the demands for greater liberty and accountability that accompany it.That these two gestures towards reform were mentioned at all is encouraging,and the world is keen to know*whether Chinese leadership will honor their words in the plenary document that they u dare to gnaw through even tough bones,dare to ford dangerous rapids,break through the fetters of ideological concepts with even greater resolution.



I R产权代理机构、信息咨询公司、会计事务所、法律事务所、投资和管理咨询等专业服务机构为科技型企业提供支持,推动其创新发展。



AMIS声讯交互规范(Audio Message Interactive Specification)

BHD黑鹰坠落(Black Hawk Down)CBRC中国银监会

DPOB(date and place of birth)出生时间和地点

MTN多边贸易谈判MSP(Managing Successful Programme)成功的项目群管理


debenture债券balance sheet资产负债表tax agent税务代理人

international arbitration国际仲裁gross weight毛重或总重

generalized system of preference普惠制fixed cost固定成本

stock listings股票上市random access随机存取profit before tax税前利润

按揭Mortgage薄利多销SPQR small profits,quick returns补贴subsidy

动产抵押(Chattel Mortgage)进口报关单declaration for importation

房地产(Real Estate)分包合同subcontract股息dividend

国民待遇national treatment市场调查market research

Academy award奥斯卡金像奖animated movie动画片


Bermuda Triangle百慕达神秘三角Consumerism消费者保护主义

East End东伦敦,伦敦东区Broadway百老汇


碳酸饮料sodas特洛伊木马Trojan horse垃圾文化junk culture

中古英语Middle English《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》Guinness World Records

荒诞派戏剧absurd theatre手稿manuscript

红楼梦A Dream of Red Mansion寿桃birthday peaches/longevity peaches

春卷spring roll国有企业State Owned Enterprise

国库券treasury bill国家外汇储蓄foreign exchange reserve

综合国力comprehensive national strength/power

温带大陆性气候temperate continental climate科幻片science fiction movie

污水处理sewage treatment海峡两岸关系Cross Strait relations

activated carbon活性碳Blu-ray disc蓝光光盘

government procurement政府采购业务deposit reserve ratio存款准备金率

TPP泛太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定(Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership)

magnetic resonance imaging[电子][临床]磁共振成象

carbon credit碳信用额lending rate贷款利率;[金融]放款利率

total fertility rate合计出生率;总生育率辛亥革命the Revolution of1911

蚁族ant tribe限购令

京海高速铁路rapid transit railway经济适用房economically affordable houses

挖墙脚undermine the foundation of sth贪多嚼不烂bite off more than one can chew Patriotic missile爱国者导弹the Falungong cult法轮功邪教

the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere大东亚共荣圈

legal code法律条款Hypertext超文本

mortgage/secured loan按揭贷款;抵押借款historical materialism历史唯物主义Buddhist scriptures佛经

澳门特别行政区基本法Macao Special Administrative Region Basic Law

八国联军The Eight-power Allied Forces半封建社会semi-feudal society

春运transport during the Spring Festival核反应堆事故reactor disaster

思想道德修养Cultivation of Ethic Thought/Morals and Ethics

大病统筹comprehensive arrangement for serious disease/social pooling for catastrophic disease 豆腐渣工程jerry-build project暴力犯罪Violent Crime

文化产业culture industry产业结构失调the maladjustment of industry structures

文化主旋律cultural main theme历史文物historical relics

繁文缛节red tape/unnecessary and overelaborate formalities

继往开来continue with the past and open up the future/carry forward our cause into the future extensive development粗放增长nanotechnology纳米技术

lose one's shirt丧失全部财产pull one's leg同…开玩笑

all-in-one ticket

paternity test亲权认定;父权检验opinion poll民意测验;选举投票

粮食安全food security产业结构调整adjustment of industrial structure

学分制the credit system金砖5国BRIIC

政治体制改革political restructuring节能减排Energy saving and emission reduction

换届选举General Election自主研发self-research and development

循环经济circular economy/recycle economy

高素质人才High Quality Talent洗钱money laundering

媒体炒作media hype各界人士personages of all circles

Applied translation studies应用翻译研究Back translation回译/还原翻译

Bilateral interpreting双边口译Communicative translation交际翻译

Stylistic translation文体翻译论Contextual consistency上下文语境

Corpora语料库Covert translation隐性翻译

Domesticating translation归化翻译Foreignizing translation异化翻译

Free translation意译Literal translation直译

Pragmatic translation语用翻译Source text源文本

Abstract translation

Loan translation直译语;借译Under-translation欠额翻译

列车时刻表train schedule;timetable环形路线path of circulation

换乘站commuter station;transfer station铁路网railway network

TOEFL托福考试(Test of English as a Foreign Language)

the voice of people is the voice of god人民之声即为上帝之声

diplomatic etiquette外交礼节summer resort避暑地;避暑圣地software developer软件工程师

同学会fellow-students association;Class reunion

自助者天助God helps those who help themselves

经济一体化economic integration

小康社会Well-off Society;moderately prosperous society

带薪假期paid holiday项目经理Project Manager

借用Borrowing可比语料库comparable corpora

文化置换Cultural Transposition;Cultural Displacement

自然语言natural language语法分析syntax analysis;syntactic analysis

中间语言intermediate language;interlanguage

隐形Invisibility术语库TDB Terminology Database

视译Sight Interpretation配字幕caption冗余excessiveness;redundance

AFP法新社(Agence France Presse)

FAO联合国粮食与农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization)

SME中小企业(small medium enterprise)

UNGA联合国大会(the United Nations General Assembly)

PBOC中国人民银行(People's Bank of China)

UPU万国邮政联盟(Universal Postal Union)

national city bank of new york花旗银行force majeure[保险]不可抗力

taewondo跆拳道state-of-the-art最先进的;已经发展的;达到最高水准的Cathay Pacific国泰航空公司

Mahatma Gandhi圣雄甘地Bretton Woods System布雷顿森林体系

plurality rule简单多数原则

先发制人战略preemptive strategy;emptie strategy民进党Democratic Progressive Party “一站式”办公one stop service

公益文化事业public cultural undertakings生态足迹ecological footprint

贴现率discount rate海水淡化desalination of sea water

安居工程Comfortable Housing Project

西电东送transmission of electricity from the western to the eastern region

古兰经the Koran习惯法common law;皮影戏shadow play

鱼和熊掌不可兼得You can`t have your cake and eat it

官场现形记Exposure of the Official World

Human Genome Project人类基因组计划Cloud Computing云计算

party animal派对动物;舞会狂人crowdsourcing众包;群众外包

收视率audience rating;Television rating载人空间站manned space station

大学城college town;University City试婚trial marriage

ah hoc特别的;临时的;特设的socrates数据库管理系统

worst-case scenario最差情况 a.d.a在指定日期后;公元

Ponzi scheme庞氏骗局(指骗人向虚设的企业投资,以后来投资者的钱作为快速盈利付给最初投资者以诱使更多人上当)

consumer defection

prenupial agreement

拳头产品hit product;knock-out product不良资产NPL(non-performing loan)

国家发改委NDRC(National Development and Reform Committee)

可持续发展sustainable development和谐社会harmonious society


美国证券交易委员会U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission

大规模停电Widespread Blackout

户籍改革制度household registration reforming system

调整产业结构adjust the industrial structure

《论语》The Analects of Confucius旋律与歌词Melody and lyric

Austerity Measures[财政]紧缩措施

APEC亚太经贸合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)

the US Senate参议院Arab Spring阿拉伯春天

Gary Locye

十二五规划The12th Five-Year Plan第十七届六中全会

全国人民代表大会NPC(National People's Congress)

珠江三角洲PRD(Pearl River Delta)

西气东输transport the natural gas from the West to the East

新华社the Xinhua News Agency

北京共识Beijing Consensus上海合作组织SCO(Shanghai Cooperation Organization)

中美战略经济对话US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue

C.I.F到岸价格;成本、保险加运费(cost,insurance,and freight)

NNP国民净产值(Net National Production)

R.URugby Union(英国)橄榄球联合会ZPG人口零增长(Zero Population Growth)

IQ智力商数(intelligence quotient)DOF自由度(Degree of Freedom)

house bill[金融]总公司汇票;内部汇票customhouse broker海关代理人

date of expiration失效日期,限期,截止日期

单价UNIT PRICE船上交货free on board(FOB)承运人carrier;shipper

花旗银行Citibank;National city Bank of New York

输出港delivery port;outport出口价格指数export price index

bill of exchange[金融]汇票knockout product拳头产品

OPEC石油输出国家组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

经适房economically affordable housing人文交流cultural and educational exchanges

廉租房low-rent housing;tenement house载人航天manned space flight

法人juridical person;corporation;artificial person

违法征地拆迁illegal land requisition and demolishing


Budweiser百威啤酒Al Jazeera Network半岛电视台

中央党校Party School of the CPC Central Committee

九三学社Jiusan Society卫生部ministry of health

中组部the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPC

国家体育运动委员会State Physical Culture and Sports Commission

最高人民法院the Supreme People's Court

中国工商银行ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)

体委Physical Culture and Sports Commission翻译标准Criteria of translation

体裁genres;types or forms of literature

回教Mohammedanism;Islam祠堂ancestral hall;Shrine

端午节Dragon Boat Festival

第三产业tertiary industry;service sector['t?:??ri]

Arab spring阿拉伯春天;阿拉伯春

IDD国际直拨长途电话(International Direct Dial)

CCP中国共产党(Chinese Communist Party)

CAAC中国民航(Civil Aviation Administration of China)

NIC网络信息中心(Network Information Center);全国工业理事会(National Industrial Council)UNESCO联合国教科文组织

ILO国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization);

IMF International Monetary Fund(联合国)国际货币基金组织

GSM全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile Communications)

UPU万国邮政联盟(Universal Postal Union)

Notary office公证处;公证机关Reciprocal Tariff互惠税率

Venture Capitalist风险资本家Revolving Fund循环基金;周转金

备用资金reserve fund本土化localization

蹦极Bungee Jumping保证金earnest money;cash deposit

被动吸烟passive smoking比基尼bikini

闭路电视closed circuit television边缘科学boundary science;peripheral science

贬值devaluation便携式电脑portable computer

便衣警察plain-clothes man包装业package industry

兵马俑Terra-Cotta Warriors;soldier and horse figures

保监会China Insurance Regulatory Commission步行天桥pedestrian overpass

EU欧盟(European Union)APEC亚太经贸合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)

YOG也门石油公司ISBN国际标准图书编号(International Standard Book Number)

sovereign credit rating主权信用评等;主权信用评级webcasting网路广播

no smoke without fire无风不起浪look for a needle in a haystack大海捞针

不可再生资源non-renewable resources泡沫经济bubble economy

通货紧缩deflation财政赤字financial deficit

参政议政participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs

人才流失the brain drain扶贫help[aid]the poor

春蕾计划Spring Buds Program按揭贷款mortgage loan

网民netizen(net citizen)

ASEAN东南亚国家联盟(东盟)(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)

NMD国家导弹防御系统(National Missile Defense)

COO首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer)GNP国民生产总值(gross national product)

DNS域名服务器(Domain Name Server)BBS电子布告栏(Bulletin Board System)

IOC国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)

video on demand视频点播telegraphic transfer[金融]电汇

marginal revenue[会计]边际收入,边际收益corporate image企业形象;公司形象

customs declaration[贸易]报关单;[税收]申报关税

Organization of American States美洲国家组织

局域网LAN local area network和谐共赢all-win harmony

三下乡"a program under which officials,doctors,scientist and college students go to the countryside to spread scientific and literacy knowledge and offer medical service to farmers"


到…挂职take a temporary post(in order to temper oneself);serve in a lower level unit for a period while retaining one's position in the previous unit

主任科员Principal Staff Member解决民生问题improve people's well-being

自主创新self-dependent innovation基层民主democracy at the grassroots level

全方位外交multifaceted diplomacy;all-directional diplomacy

沿江沿边areas along the Yangtze River and the borders

生态文明ecological civilization主要功能区main functional areas

现场服务field service依法行政administration according to the law


broken society道德沦丧的社会PIIGS欧猪五国game theory博弈论

ghost estate鬼宅指的是因经济衰退而停工的未建成的住宅区。

defriend删除好友cultural pluralism文化多元主义;文化多元性


敲门砖astepping-stone to success;First Thing First蜗居Dwelling Narrowness

富二代rich second generation;affluent second generation

房奴house slave汉化英语Chinese-colored English

典故{语}(classical)allusion典籍英译translation of Chinese classics

陪同口译Escort Interpretation

建设中国特色社会主义to build socialism with Chinese characteristics

偏方{中医}folk prescription;effective folk remedy

隐婚族marriage concealers;Hidden Marriage

农家乐Agricola;happy farmhouse;rural home inns



.功能对等function equivalence学术翻译academic translation

孝道filial piety穿越剧Traversing drama/time-travel TV series

京沪高铁Beijing-Shanghai express/high-speed railway

非物质文化遗产intangible cultural heritage;non-material cultural heritage

以房养老house for pension scheme自主知识产权proprietary intellectual property rights

customs declaration[贸易]报关单;[税收]申报关税

settlement currency[金融]结算货币smart power智能电源,巧实力

中小企业small-and medium-sized enterprises洗钱money laundering

人民币升值appreciation of the RMB次贷危机sub-prime crisis

水土流失water loss and soil erosion贸易顺差trade surplus

企业社会责任Corporate Social Responsibility主权信用评级sovereign credit rating

贩卖人口traffic in persons美国驻华大使American Ambassador to China

温室效应greenhouse effect投资回报率ROI(=return on investment)

供应链supply chain劳动密集型产业labour-intensive industry

防止核扩散条约Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

Capital chain资金链Humanitarian intervention人道主义干涉

Credit facilities信用便利Exclusive interview独家采访

Clean governance洁治Poll民意测验选举投票

Double-dip recession连续两次下降的经济衰退The State Council国务院

Debt limit债务限额A Palestinian巴勒斯坦的

proposal to apply for statehood国家地位Social security社会保障

An earthquake of9.0magnitude in the Richter Scale里氏震级

A cease-fire agreement停火协定Oil leak/spill漏油

Organizing committee组织委员会subprime mortage crisis次贷危机

Christian Science Monitor基督教科学箴言报

SWOT analysis四点(优势、劣势、机会、威胁)分析

appeal court上诉法院The Tale of Two Cities双城记

the China-US business council美中贸易全国委员会

liaison interpretation联络口译World Heritage Organization世界遗产组织Closed-circuit News Network有线新闻网Kyodo News Service日本共同通讯社Savings portfolio储蓄投资组合Summer Davos World Economic Forum夏季达沃斯论坛cost-consciousness成本意识strategic alignment战略策应

广交会Canton Fair上海合作组织Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO)

司法部Ministry of Justice中国译协ChinaTranslators Association

中国银监会CBRC(China Banking Regulatory Commission)亚运会the Asian Games 创业板GEM(growth enterprise market)通胀压力inflationary pressure

市场定位market positioning三农问题Issues of agriculture,farmer and rural area 零关税待遇zero-tariff treatment民事诉讼civil action;civil procedure

孙子兵法The Art of War;Master Sun's Art of War

史记Records of the Grand Historian;Shih Chi

Wipo世界知识产权组织(World Intellectual Property Organization)

academic award奥斯卡金奖carve her name with pride女英烈传

holiday inn假日酒店;假日旅馆environmentally-friendly product环保产品

west point西点军校

中国人民政治协商会议the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

司法公正judicial fairness黄金储备gold reserve

抗洪救灾fight floods and provide disaster relief论语The Analects of Confucius

道德经The Tao Te Ching;Tao Teh King

科教兴国develop the country through science and education

外向型经济outward-looking economy;export-oriented economy


Santa Claus圣诞老人Sir Walter Scott瓦尔特司各特

Stamp Tax印花税Sydney悉尼


Suez Canal苏伊士运河Vancouver温哥华

West Indies西印度群岛phonetics语音学

translation after sense翻译后的意义Eurasia Land Bridge欧亚大陆桥

载人航天manned space flight行政问责administrative accountability

公务接待费dinner-party expenses for public affairs

法人代表corporate representative;legal representative

工业三废three industrial wastes潜规则casting couch;underlying rules

发动机排量engine capacity公民健康档案citizen Health record

增值税value-added tax;increment value duty住房信贷政策housing credit policy

颐和园the Summer Palace法律硕士Master of Law


SPCA动物保护协会(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

a potluck supper锅运餐会;家常便饭speak in tongues言语不清

the clockwork orange《发条橙》AU任意单位(Arbitrary Unit);原子单位(Atom Unit)

sleep debt睡眠债Yogi瑜珈修行者;瑜珈信徒

Kuala Lumpur吉隆坡(马来西亚首都)

裸捐all-out donation畅通重庆smooth-traffic in Chongqing

物流logistics辛亥革命the Revolution of1911

中国农村扶贫anti-poverty drive保障性安居工程government-subsidized housing

家电下乡home appliances going to the countryside叙利亚危机Syrian Crisis

占领华尔街occupy the Wall Street醉驾drunk driving

双赢Win-win医患纠纷Medical Dispute

人民币汇率RMB exchange rate面子工程face job;vanity project

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)政府间气候变化专门委员会

WWF世界野生动物基金(World Wildlife Fund);世界摔跤联合会(World Wrestling Federation)TPP接近峰值性能(Toward Peak Performance)

MOFCOM中华人民共和国商务部(The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China)MOCA民政部(Ministry Of Civil Affairs)


Chemical Oxygen Demand[环境][化学]化学需氧量,化学氧需求量

solar photovoltaics光电子能;太阳光电

debt ceiling【经济学】债务限额carbon footprint碳足迹;碳排放量

ISO国际标准化组织(International Standardization Organization);国际科学组织(International Science Organization)

地沟油illegal cooking oil;swill-cooked dirty oil剩男剩女Surplus Male Surplus Female


海峡两岸经济合作框架协议经济合作架构协议(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement);

中国载人航天计划China's manned space program

廉租房low-rent housing紧缩性货币政策tight-money policy

智能城市Smart City;intelligent city

《中庸》Doctrine of the Mean;Moderation

非关税壁垒[税收]non-tariff barrier民心工程project supported by commen people平

板电视FPTV(flat-panel tv);FTV(flat television)

Anti-Federalists反联邦党人;反联邦主义者affirmative action肯定行动,平权行动

Bermuda Triangle百慕达神秘三角lord chancellor(英国上议院的)大法官

Renaissance文艺复兴(欧洲14至16世纪)clinical psycology临床心理学

common-law marriage同居婚姻;习惯法婚姻

Black Death黑死病(14世纪蔓延欧亚两洲的鼠疫)

comfort station公共厕所lynching处以私刑;处私刑杀害

gold rush淘金热IQ智力商数(intelligence quotient)

MPA公共管理硕士(Master of Public Administration);职业会计硕士(master of professional accounting);公共事务硕士(master of public works);

社会主义市场经济socialist market economy航空航天医学aerospace medicine

文人画Literati Painting;painting of man-of-letters负翁spend-more-than-earn

主页home page临时工casual laborer;temporary workers;odd-jobbers;fill-in

集中营concentration camp;Detention Centre隐私权right of privacy

储蓄银行savings bank水利枢纽工程water-control project

“一国两制”基本国策the basic national policy of"one country,two systems"

文化产业culture industry高峰会议summit conference

中国社会科学院Chinese Academy of Social Sciences外汇foreign exchange

食品安全food safety插花(艺术)ikebana[,i:ke'bɑnɑ]

知识产权保护IPR(intellectual property protection)主权债务危机sovereign debt crisis

草根文化grassrooted culture;Folk Culture

贸易顺差trade surplus;Favorable Balance of Trade

“抑郁”的一代the depressed generation中国红十字会the Red Cross Society of China

国家新闻出版总署General Administration of Press and Publication(GAPP)

人民币升值appreciation of the RMB产业升级upgrade industries

打击盗版活动crackdown piracy网络上瘾nethead;net addict

裸官naked official滥用职权misuse of authority;breach of privilege

Central Ballet Troupe中央芭蕾舞团blue and white porcelain青花瓷

Currency manipulator货币操纵国;货币操纵者

illegal pyramid selling非法传销myth of China's peaceful rise中国和平崛起

anti-dumping investigation反倾销调查costume drama古装剧;古装戏

core competiveness核心竞争力intellectual property infringement知识产权侵权

Random House兰登书屋Unabridged dictionary足本词典

BA(旅游)British Airways英国航空公司;Bachelor of Arts(degree)文科学士(程度)

Housekeeping Department(旅游)客房部The lake poets(文学)湖畔诗人

Redwood tree红杉树Chic lit(文学)

Peking moment京华烟云chopsui(杂碎的意思

联合航空公司(缩写)United Airlines;UAL欧陆式早餐continental breakfast

哈尔滨Harbin小篆(calligraphy)small seal style穆斯林Muslim

《浮生六记》Six Chapters of a Floating Life《狂人日记》A Madman's Diary

捐款国家donor nations银河系Milky Way;The Galaxy

景泰蓝cloisonne enamel南北朝the Northern and Southern Dynasties(420-589)

保税区bonded area;exempt-zone;bonded zone

ATA航空运输协会(Air Transport Association);美国翻译协会(American Translators Association)MT主油箱(Main Tank);活字印刷术(Movable Type);冶金术(Metal Technology)

budget deficit[财政]预算赤字translation transference

price ceilings格上限;价格上限;最高限价

performance appraisal成绩评价,业绩评价Money laundering洗钱

full refund全额偿还;全部退款;全额退款

住房公积金housing fund房奴house slave

国际评级机构International credit rating agency实体经济substantial economy

债权人creditor;loaner;claimant不可抗力force majeure

政府采购[贸易]government procurement

NGD国家地理管理局National Geographic Directorate

NASA美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

UNEP联合国环境规划署(United Nations Environment Programme)

hedge fund避险基金;套保基金

stem cell[细胞]干细胞,骨髓干细胞cyber cafe网吧

高清电视HDTV;High Definition Television来电显示CID(Caller Identification)

裸婚naked marriage渣打银行SCB(Standard Chartered Bank)

全球500强企业Fortune500companies in the world

首期按揭down payment德班会议Durban Review Conference

交易数量trading capacity贸易壁垒trade barriers

IDD国际直拨长途电话(International Direct Dial)

NPC全国人民代表大会(the National People's Congress);

transliteration音译;直译UN security council联合国安理会

审美功能aesthetic function人际功能interpersonal function

下拉菜单drop-down list;pull-down menu软驱floppy drive

气虚deficiency of vital energy编码encoding

语用学pragmatics国际文献International Documentation

