

Four beauties

The Four Beauties are four ancient Chinese women, renowned for their beauty. Though actual historical figures, their stories have been greatly embellished by legend. According to legend, they are the most beautiful women of ancient China, and among the most significant as well. They have remained famous because of their effect on the emperors and kings with whom they were involved. Some brought kingdoms or dynasties to their knees. Most ended their lives in tragedy or mystery.

In chronological order,I want to introduce firstly is Xi Shi:

Xi Shi was said to have lived during the end of Spring and Autumn Period in Zhuji(诸暨),the capital of the ancient State of Yue.She was said to be "so beautiful as to make swimming fish sink".There also goes a saying ”Beauty lies in the lover's eyes”In chiese,we can say Xi Shi lies in the lover’s eyes.

King Goujian of Yue was once imprisoned after a defeat in a war by King Fuchai of Wu.The state of Yue later became a tribulatory to Wu.Secretly planning his revenge,Goujian's minister Wen Zhong suggested training beautiful women and offering them to Fuchai as a tribute.His other minister,Fan Li,found Xi Shi and Zheng Dan,and gifted them to Fuchai.

Bewitched by the beauty of Xi Shi,Fuchai forgot all about his state affairs, on their instigation,and killed his best advisor,the great general Wu Zixu.In 473 BC Goujian launched his strike and put the Wu army to full rout.King Fuchai lamented that he should have listened to Wu Zixu,and then committed suicide.

There is another well-known figure of unknown origin,probably fictional and parodical,named Dong Shi (东施).The "Dong" in her name means "east" contrasting to Xi Shi's "Xi",which means "west".Apart from her name,she is said to be the exact opposite of Xi Shi in being extremely ugly and,in modern depictions,fat.This in turn has created the saying "Dong Shi imitates a frown",meaning to attempt imitating another work only to show up one's own weaknesses.

The second is Wang Zhaojun:

Wang Zhaojun was said to be "so beautiful as to make flying geese fall". Wang Zhaojun is perhaps the best known of China's "political brides". she entered the imperial harem during the reign of Emperor Yuan of Western Han (48-33 BC). The emperor chose companions from his vast harem of maidens by looking at their portraits. As a result of this practice, it had become the custom for palace ladies to offer large bribes to court artists to ensure that they painted a flattering likeness. Wang Zhaojun, however, was confident in her natural beauty and refused to pay money to court painter. As a result, she seemed to be the ugliest of all the palace ladies from her portrait, and thus never received the emperor's favour.

When the Xiongnu chieftain came to ChangAn, he told Emperor Yuan: "I wish to

take a Han beauty as my empress”. To cement relations with this barbarous nation, Emperor Yuan agreed to the request. However,the emperor was unwilling to pick out a real beauty,and ordered to select an ordinary woman in the harem for the chieftain. When the unflattering portrait of Wang Zhaojun was sent to the emperor, he merely glanced at it and nodded his approval.

Her life became the story of "Zhaojun Departs the Frontier" (昭君出塞). Peace was maintained for over 60 years between China and the Xiongnu. However, China eventually lost touch with her and her descendants.

Since the 3rd century the story of Zhaojun had been elaborated upon and she had been touted as a tragic heroine. The Communist government of the People's Republic of China uses her as a symbol of the integration of Han Chinese and ethnic minorities of China. Zhaojun Tomb still exists today in Inner Mongolia.

The third is Diao Chan:

Diao Chan (c. third century, Three Kingdoms period), said to have "a face that would make the full moon hide behind the clouds".Diao Chan is a singer of Wang Yun in the Eastern Han Dynasty,and she has beautiful appearance.When Eastern Han Dynasty manipulated by the traitor Dong Zhuo, she pray to God for helping her master Wang Yun. Wang Yun secretly promised Diao Chan to Lv Bu,but then to Dong Zhuo.Lv Bu was very young and handsome at that time,and Dong Zhuo was an old hand at trickery and deception person. In order to win over Lv Bu, Dong Zhuo recognized Lv Bu as a son.However,they are all lecherous. Since then, Diao Chan began to drive a wedge between Lv Bu and Dong Zhuo.

Lv Bu was very angry since Dong Zhuo married Diao Chao. One day, Lv Bu entered into Dong Zhuo’s house secretly and invited Diao Chan to meet. Diao Chan cry to Lv Bu for what Dong Zhuo did. When Dong Zhuo returned home and caught Lv Bu,he was very angry and grabbed spear to kill Lv Bu.Fortunately, Lv Bu escaped from death.Since then,there was suspicion and even downright hatred between them.After that,Wang Yun sucessfully persuaded Lv Bu to kill Dong Zhuo.

It should be noted that no historical accounts mention a person named Diao Chan. Moreover, "Diao" is not a common Chinese last name.

The last one is Yang Guifei:

Yang Gui Fei is one of the most beautiful ladies of ancient China, but she got the most unfortunate compare to those three.Yang Gui Fei was named Yang Yuhuan, she was a daughter of a nobleman in the little village.When her was 16 years old, her father sent her into the palace to be a wife of the emperor’s son.

After she got into the palace, her beautiful appearance was well-known. After the Emperor Tang Xuanzong heard, he went to his son’s palace to see this girl; once Xuangzong saw Yang Yuhuan, he suddenly fell in love with her and accommodated her into his palace. In that time Xuanzong was 56 years old and Yang was 22 years old.Yang was not only beautiful but also very clever,and she learned fast and talented in music and dancing.She was said to have"a face that would make all flowers feel shameful".

Eventually,the emperor began to neglect state affairs. She adopted An Lushan as her son and helped her brother win power at court. The power struggle eventually over controlled by the central government. Therefore,the emperor fled the capital before the rebels occupied.The loyal soldiers were angry and blamed Yang Yuhuan and her brother for the rebellion.Finally,the emperor was forced to order their execution to kill her.

Question and answer

1.How do you evaluate Wang Zhaojun?

She is beautiful, bravery and selfless.

2.Could you tell me where did Xi Shi go eventually?

It is said that she live with Fan Li eventually.

3.What have you learned from Dong Shi?

We should have our own features and shouldn’t always imitate others.

4.Does Diao Chan really exist in history?

No,she didn’t exist in history,but her story was recorded in The Three Kingdom.

5.Did Lv Bu and Diao Chan get married in the end?

Yes,Lv Bu and DiaoChan get married in the end.

6.What did Tang Xuanzong do after Yang Yuhuan was killed?

He was very sad,and dream of her every night.

7.Witch beauty do you like best?

Wang Zhaojun

8.What musical instrument is Wang Zhaojun good at?

Pipa(kind of lute)


西施简介 篇一:中国四大美女貂蝉,杨贵妃,王昭君,西施简介 四大美女是指中国古代的貂蝉,西施,王昭君和杨贵妃。四大美女享有“闭月羞花之貌,沉鱼尽雁之容”。“闭月、羞花、沉鱼、落雁”是一个个精彩故事组成的历史典故。“闭月”,是述说貂婵拜月的故事。“羞花”,说的是杨贵妃观花时的故事。“沉鱼”,讲的是西施浣沙时的故事。“落雁”,就是昭君出塞的故事。后来人们用沉鱼,落雁,闭月,羞花来形容女子的美丽。 【貂蝉】 小耳朵 貂蝉,山西并州(今忻州)人。是东汉末年司徒王允的歌女,国色天香,有倾国倾城之貌。见东汉王朝被奸臣董卓所操纵,於月下焚香祷告上天,愿为主人担忧。王允眼看董卓将篡夺东汉王朝,设下连环计。王允先把貂蝉暗地里许给吕布,在明把貂蝉献给董卓。吕布英雄年少,董卓老奸巨猾。为了拉拢吕布,董卓收吕布为义子。二人都是好色之人。从此以后,貂蝉周旋於此二人之间,送吕布於秋波,报董卓於妩媚。把二人撩拨得神魂颠倒。 吕布自董卓收貂蝉入府为姬之后,心怀不满。一日,吕布乘董卓上朝时,入董卓府探貂蝉,并邀凤仪亭相会,貂蝉见吕布,假意哭诉被董卓霸占之苦,吕布愤怒。这时董卓回府撞见,怒而抢过吕布的方天画戟,直刺吕布,吕布飞身逃走,从此两人互相猜忌,王允便说

服吕布,铲除了董卓。京剧有《凤仪亭》就是叙述这段故事的。 闭月说的是貂禅,貂婵在后花园拜月时,忽然轻风吹来,一块浮云将那皎洁的明月遮住。这时正好王允瞧见。王允为宣扬他的女儿长得如何漂亮,逢人就说,我的女儿和月亮比美,月亮比不过,赶紧躲在云彩后面,因此,貂婵也就被人们称为“闭月”了。 【杨贵妃】 狐臭 (719~756)唐代蒲州永乐人(陜西华阴县人)。通晓音律,能歌善舞。最初为唐玄宗的第十八子寿王的王妃,唐玄宗见杨玉环的姿色后,欲纳入宫中,着为女,号太真。天宝四年(745)入宫,得唐玄宗宠幸,封为贵妃,(时玄宗年六十一,贵妃年二十七)父兄均因此而得以势倾天下。贵妃每次乘马,都有大宦官高力士亲至执鞭,贵妃的织绣工就有七百人,更有争献珍玩者。岭南经略史张九章,广陵长史王翼,因所献精美,二人均被升官。于是,百官竟相仿效。杨贵妃喜爱岭南荔枝,就有人千方百计急运新鲜荔枝到长安。 后安史之乱,唐玄宗逃离长安,途至马嵬坡,六军不肯前行,说是因为杨国忠(贵妃之堂兄)通于胡人,而致有安禄山之反,玄宗为息军心,乃杀杨国忠。六军又不肯前行,谓杨国忠为贵妃堂兄,堂兄有罪,堂妹亦难免,贵妃亦被缢死于路祠。安史治乱与杨贵妃无关,她成了唐玄宗的替罪羔羊。 “羞花”,说的是杨贵妃。唐朝开元年间,唐明皇骄奢淫逸,派出人马,四处搜寻美女。当时寿邸县的宏农杨元琰,有一美貌女儿


Four beauties The Four Beauties are four ancient Chinese women, renowned for their beauty. Though actual historical figures, their stories have been greatly embellished by legend. According to legend, they are the most beautiful women of ancient China, and among the most significant as well. They have remained famous because of their effect on the emperors and kings with whom they were involved. Some brought kingdoms or dynasties to their knees. Most ended their lives in tragedy or mystery. In chronological order,I want to introduce firstly is Xi Shi: Xi Shi was said to have lived during the end of Spring and Autumn Period in Zhuji(诸暨),the capital of the ancient State of Yue.She was said to be "so beautiful as to make swimming fish sink".There also goes a saying ”Beauty lies in the lover's eyes”In chiese,we can say Xi Shi lies in the lover’s eyes. King Goujian of Yue was once imprisoned after a defeat in a war by King Fuchai of Wu.The state of Yue later became a tribulatory to Wu.Secretly planning his revenge,Goujian's minister Wen Zhong suggested training beautiful women and offering them to Fuchai as a tribute.His other minister,Fan Li,found Xi Shi and Zheng Dan,and gifted them to Fuchai. Bewitched by the beauty of Xi Shi,Fuchai forgot all about his state affairs, on their instigation,and killed his best advisor,the great general Wu Zixu.In 473 BC Goujian launched his strike and put the Wu army to full rout.King Fuchai lamented that he should have listened to Wu Zixu,and then committed suicide. There is another well-known figure of unknown origin,probably fictional and parodical,named Dong Shi (东施).The "Dong" in her name means "east" contrasting to Xi Shi's "Xi",which means "west".Apart from her name,she is said to be the exact opposite of Xi Shi in being extremely ugly and,in modern depictions,fat.This in turn has created the saying "Dong Shi imitates a frown",meaning to attempt imitating another work only to show up one's own weaknesses. The second is Wang Zhaojun: Wang Zhaojun was said to be "so beautiful as to make flying geese fall". Wang Zhaojun is perhaps the best known of China's "political brides". she entered the imperial harem during the reign of Emperor Yuan of Western Han (48-33 BC). The emperor chose companions from his vast harem of maidens by looking at their portraits. As a result of this practice, it had become the custom for palace ladies to offer large bribes to court artists to ensure that they painted a flattering likeness. Wang Zhaojun, however, was confident in her natural beauty and refused to pay money to court painter. As a result, she seemed to be the ugliest of all the palace ladies from her portrait, and thus never received the emperor's favour. When the Xiongnu chieftain came to ChangAn, he told Emperor Yuan: "I wish to


如何用英文介绍中国传统文化 春节文化 In the old days, New Year's money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one would live to be a hundred years old. Today, money is placed inside red envelopes in denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth。 辞旧岁:bid farewell to the old year 扫房:spring cleaning; general house-cleaning 新春佳节 1.传统中国节日:traditional Chinese festival 2.农历:lunar calendar 3.腊八节:Laba Festival 4.小年:Little New Year 5.除夕:Lunar New Year's Eve 6.春节:the Spring Festival 7.正月初一:Lunar New Year's Day 8.元宵节:the Lantern Festival 9.正月:the first month of the lunar year 10.二月二:Dragon Heads-raising Day 传统习俗 11.喝腊八粥:eat Laba porridge 12.扫尘:sweep the dust 13.扫房:spring cleaning 14.祭灶:offer sacrifices to the God of Kitchen 15.守岁:stay up 16.拜年:pay a New Year's call 17.祭祖:offer sacrifices to one's ancestors 18.祭财神:worship the God of Wealth 19.春联:Spring Festival couplets 20.贴倒福:paste the Chinese character "Fu" upside down 21.去晦气:get rid of the ill-fortune 22.辞旧岁:bid farewell to the old year 23.兆头:omen 24.禁忌:taboo 25.烧香:burn incense 阖家团圆


杨玉环的故事英文 荔枝最著名的故事 与美女有关。 中国历史上的四大美女, 其中之一就是唐代皇帝李隆基的爱妃 ——杨贵妃。唐明皇和杨贵妃的爱情故事在中国家喻户晓。 It was told that there were four most famous beauties in ancient China, one of which was the Tang Dynasty Emperor Longji Lee’s (685-762) favorite concubine Yang Guifei (her child name was Yuhuan=Jade-ring). Most people know her romantic love in China’s history. 杨贵妃出生于 719 年, 今山西永济人。 她身材丰满 , 天生丽质 , 性格温柔, 善解人意 ,从小就精通音乐 和舞蹈 ,17 岁的时候成为唐玄宗第十八子寿王的 王妃。唐玄宗宠爱的武惠妃病逝后,十分悲伤 ,见到倾国倾城 的杨贵妃后,便 将她纳入宫中。有了杨贵妃的陪伴,唐玄宗渐渐疏于朝政。 Yang Guifei was born in today’s Yongji County, Shanxi Province, in 719. The girl was a little bit fat but extremely beautiful in appearance of bearing. She behaved in polite and lovely manner. From her childhood, she was good at singing and dancing, especially at pandering and catering in public or private surrounding. At first she was selected as a concubine of the Emperor’s son at her age of 17. However, the old emperor’s original concubine Wu Hui died and substituted by Yang years later. Actually, Yang became the first wife of the Emperor falling in love with her all day long. Although he was at the age of 61, still his mind and heart were full of the 27-year-old beauty. The Emperor had been lazy to manage public affairs every day since his favorite beauty joined his life. 唐玄宗整天沉迷于酒色,杨贵妃家族一时权力显赫 ,政治越来越腐败 ,边 地将领势力逐渐增强,最后爆发 了“安史之乱”。756 年,杨贵妃 被士兵陕西兴平市西马嵬坡缢死。“安史之乱”时间持续 7 年之久, 唐朝由强盛开始走向衰败。 As a Chinese saying goes, "An old husband married a young wife." the Emperor was deeply intoxicated in debauchery. The "new bridegroom" spent much more time in leading his life of indulgence in sensual pleasures; therefore he neglected his


Dear distinguished chief judge; As the defense attorney of my client, I have made many surveys in secret after I took over the case. According to my client and all the information I have inspected about the case, now I have an deep and comprehensive understanding about the case . Therefore , I want to show my opinions to you, and I hope the chief would accept them . . 1. The stolen car was found abandoned three hours after the theft with the engine still warm; at the time the car was found, my client was at the airport to meet the flight of a friend who was flying into town. 2. Lab analysis of muddy shoe prints on the floor mat of the car indicates that the prints came from a size 27 shoe; your client wears a size 25. 3. Lab analysis shows the presence of cigarette smoke in the car, but your client does not smoke. 4. The only eyewitness to the crime, who was 20 meters from the car, said the thief "looked like" your client; yet the eyewitness admitted that at the time of the theft she was not wearing her contact lenses, which had been prescribed for improving distance vision. 5. The car was stolen at about I p.m.; your client testified that he was in a town 400 kilometers away at 11 a.m. 6. In a statement to police, the eyewitness described the thief as tall; your client is short. Because of all the doubtful points , I think it is unfair to found guilty of theft to my client. Moreover, the basic standard of criminal sanction is that taking facts as a basis and laws as the criterion, so I hope the chief judge will give a reasonable judgment to my client finally. That’s all ,thanks.


民国四大美女阮玲玉简介 阮玲玉出生在中国的民国时期,著名影星,民国四大美女之一,下面是为你收集整理的阮玲玉简介,希望对你有帮助! 阮玲玉,原名阮凤根,广东香山县人,民国四大美女之一,中国无声电影时期非常著名的影星。 1910年4月26日,阮玲玉出生于上海,父亲早逝,幼时随母亲为人做帮佣为生,母亲节衣缩食供其上学。1926年,十六岁的阮玲玉为了自立、奉养母亲,经由张慧冲介绍,考进了明星影片公司,开始了其电影艺术的生涯,期间主演了《挂名夫妻》等五部电影。之后相继转入大中华百合影片公司、联华影业公司,因主演《野草闲花》而一举成名,奠定了她在影坛的地位,其中代表作有《神女》、《新女性》等。 阮玲玉的母亲在张家当帮佣,阮玲玉因此结识了张家的小少爷张达民,张达民追求她,且得到了她母亲的支持,尽管家中父母反对,但二人毅然决然地走到了一起。但张达民游手好闲,之后得很多年里,都是阮玲玉在养着他。阮玲玉成名之后,结识了唐季珊,很快被他所吸引而走到了一起,也因此陷入了同张达民与唐季珊的名誉诬陷纠纷案中。1935年的妇女节,阮玲玉终于因为不堪舆论诽谤而服安眠药自杀,年仅二十五岁,在她的遗书中留有“人言可畏”。 阮玲玉是怎么死的阮玲玉的死因离不开两个男人,他们就是张达

民和唐季珊,他们都是阮玲玉的追求者,看似会对她好给予她幸福的未来,却终究把她推向了死亡。 张达民和唐季珊是何人呢?张达民是阮玲玉的首个丈夫,他们的姻缘与阮玲玉从小的遭遇有关。阮玲玉还很小的时候父亲便去世了,留下了她与母亲生活,他们两人没有了依靠便来到了别人家当了佣人,这家人就是张家,张达民是张家最小的少爷。他有着优越的条件,生活得衣食无忧还可以去上大学,可是张达民其实并不上进,他每天都在混日子,混完了大学就呆在家里。他在18岁的时候遇上了15岁的阮玲玉,随后便爱上了她,因为他虽然学业不精但也是受过新潮教育的年轻人,所以他没有轻视阮玲玉是佣人的女儿,还发誓一定要娶到她。后来他们真的结婚了,阮玲玉的单纯让她并没有真正地看清这个男人,导致婚后甚至是她在养家。 阮玲玉是一代影星,工作的时候难免会遇到有钱的男人,唐季珊就是其中之一。因为阮玲玉美丽,所以唐季珊很喜欢她,长期处下来两人产生了感情,可是阮玲玉其实并不知道唐季珊和她在一起的同时还有别的女人。单纯的阮玲玉还采纳唐季珊的意见和张达民离了婚,本以为条件只是给张达民生活费,可是张达民见阮玲玉生活滋润便开始敲诈她,甚至无端地制造一些事情来污蔑她而唐季珊并没有真正地给她解决问题,只是一味地希望这些事都与自己撇清关系。长久以往在阮玲玉受尽了伤害,最终再也承受不去,带着遗憾离开了人世。 用“遇人不淑”这个成语来形容阮玲玉遇到张达民与唐季珊再恰当不过了,他们曾经都是阮玲玉以为能给她幸福的人,他们却把她带


1. 元宵节:Lantern Festival 2. 刺绣:embroidery 3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day 5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting 6. 书法:Calligraphy 7. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets 8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 9. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow 10. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 11. 战国:Warring States 12. 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 13. 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 14. 函授部:The Correspondence Department 15. 集体舞:Group Dance 16. 黄土高原:Loess Plateau 17. 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals 18. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 19. 结婚证:Marriage Certificate 20. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 21. 附属学校:Affiliated school 22. 古装片:Costume Drama 23. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 24. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup) 25. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems 26. 火锅:Hot Pot 27. 四人帮:Gang of Four 28. 《诗经》:The Book of Songs 29. 素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education 30. 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 31. 大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement) 32. 《西游记》:The Journey to the West 33. 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 34. 针灸:Acupuncture 35. 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery 36. 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics 37. 偏旁:radical 38. 孟子:Mencius 39. 亭/阁:Pavilion/ Attic 40. 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises 41. 火药:gunpowder 42. 农历:Lunar Calendar 43. 印/玺:Seal/Stamp 44. 物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization


《我的家乡作文100字》 我的家乡作文100字(一): 我的家乡春天,百花盛开,争奇斗艳。夏天绿树成荫,人们在下面乘凉,有的在河水里游泳,有的在抓小鱼。当秋天到来的时侯,?稼开始收获了,金黄的玉米,粒粒饱满的大豆,人人都喜笑颜开,今年又大丰收了。冬天到了,雪花在天空中满天飞舞,地上挤满了白雪,小孩子在堆雪人,有的在打雪仗。 这就是我的家乡。 我的家乡作文100字(二): 我的家乡很美丽,我爱我的家乡;我的家乡有小清河,清清的河水,四季流淌,奔流不息。 我的家乡盛产玉米,芝麻,大豆,小麦等农作物,环境优雅卫生整洁,道路宽阔。人人都为建设漂亮的家乡出了不少力。人人讲卫生,讲礼貌,懂礼貌。 这就是我的家乡。 我的家乡作文100字(三): 我喜欢家乡的山。它没有桂林山的秀美,没有泰山的挺拔,却也连绵不断。那儿是一个没有人文加工的天然公园:杂草丛生,杨柳稀稀疏疏地分布在山上,没有人工的刻意修剪,却呈现出一种错落有致的别样之美。在微风的抚摸下,一切都那样美丽。呦!你看那星星点点地分布在草丛中,杨柳下的不知名的小花,多么像一群婀娜多姿的美少女在翩翩起舞。好一片风景胜地! 我喜欢我的家乡,我爱我美丽的家乡! 我的家乡作文100字(四): 我的家乡在巴林右旗,是一个山清水秀、风景如画的好地方。 那里有青青的大草原,像绿色的地毯铺向远方。地毯上牛羊成群,犹如流动的画卷。 夏天,草原上的草长得十分茂盛,那些五颜六色的不知名的野花一朵朵争奇斗艳,把大草原点缀的十分美丽。成群的牛羊时而悠闲地大口大口吃草,时而撒欢追逐。 这就是我的家乡巴林草原,巴林草原真是个好地方。

我的家乡作文100字(五): 我的家乡在河南南阳市,那里历史文化悠久,有科学家张衡,他发明了能预测地震的地动仪,有医圣张仲景、智圣诸葛亮,还有发明了五笔字型输入法的发明家王永民。 我的家乡不仅仅人杰地灵,而且物产丰富。有丰富的石油,还是中国的粮仓,盛产雪白的棉花,金黄的麦子,碧绿的青菜。 啊,我爱南阳,我爱我美丽的家乡! 我的家乡作文100字(六): 我的家乡,那是一个山清水秀的城市,整个城市充满了绿的气息。 。长长的马路中央一条条绿化带里一棵棵绿叶繁茂的树显得那么生机勃勃,它们像一个个士兵一样庄严的立着。翠绿的枝叶在阳光的照耀下熠熠生辉,它们绿得那样新鲜耀眼。微风拂过叶子漾起阵阵绿波,好看极了。树旁的花草、蜜蜂、蝴蝶都像赶集似的聚拢来共同组成一道慈溪亮丽的风景线。 我的家乡作文100字(七): 我的家乡在六朝古都南京,南京是个风景优美的大都市。 南京有许多名胜古迹和风景区,比如:梅花山、夫子庙、雨花台、珍珠泉、玄武湖、中山陵其中最吸引人的就是梅花山和夫子庙了。 一到休息日,夫子庙就人声鼎沸,人一走进去,就感觉挤得快要透但是气来了。每年春节这儿都会举办花灯展览,有荷花灯、兔子灯、狮子灯等各种各样的花灯。 如果你不信的话,能够来我的家乡做客哦! 我的家乡作文100字(八): 我赞美我的家乡美景,因为在我眼里多美的家乡,一个亲切的词;家乡,一个温暖的家;家乡,一个优雅的地方。地方。也及不上家的温暖。我的家乡四面彬都是绿油油的景田野,人们天天都忙得不可开交。田野里,一到春天,到处都是高大的大棚铁架,像一座小部落;夏天,大棚的塑料一取,里面全是绿油油的瓜枝和金灿灿的甜瓜;秋天,村子里飘着成熟地气息,眺望去田野一片金黄,村子人人都笑开了花;冬天,大雪纷飞,为村子穿上了一件雪白棉袄。田野,更是一片美景,雪花落在景田野上,田野显得分外美丽辽阔。 我的家乡作文100字(九):


中国古代“四大美女”:西施、貂蝉、王昭君、杨玉环。四大美女享有“闭月羞花之貌,沉鱼落雁之容”的美誉。“闭月、羞花、沉鱼、落雁”是由精彩故事组成的历史典故。“闭月”,是述说貂蝉拜月的故事。“羞花”,谈的是杨贵妃观花时的故事。“沉鱼”,讲的是西施浣纱时的故事。“落雁”,指的就是昭君出塞的故事。 贵妃醉酒: 唐玄宗先一日与杨贵妃约,命其设宴百花亭,同往赏花饮酒。至次日,杨贵妃遂先赴百花亭,备齐御筵候驾,孰意迟待移时,唐玄宗车驾竟不至。迟之久,迟之又久。乃忽报皇帝已幸江妃宫,杨贵妃闻讯,懊恼欲死。杨贵妃性本褊狭善妒,尤媚浪,且妇女于怨望之余,本最易生反应力。遂使万种情怀,一时竟难排遣,加以酒入愁肠,三杯亦醉,春情顿炽,忍俊不禁。于是竟忘其所以,放浪形骸,频频与高力士、裴力士二太监,作种种醉态,及求欢猥亵状,乃始倦极回宫。 传说杨玉环初入宫时,因见不到君王而终日愁眉不展。有一次,她和宫女们一起到宫苑赏花,无意中碰着了含羞草,草的叶子立即卷了起来。宫女们都说这是杨玉环的美貌,使得花草自惭形秽,羞得抬不起头来。唐明皇听说宫中有个“羞花的美人”,立即召见,封为贵妃。从此以后,“羞花”也就成了杨贵妃的雅称了。含羞草“羞”于见人,是由于植物电的缘故。含羞草的叶栖基部,有一个薄壁细胞组织叫做“叶褥”,平时里面充满了足够的水分。当叶片受到刺激时,薄壁细胞里的水分,在植物电的指令下,立即向上部与两侧流去。由于叶片的重量增加,就产生了叶片闭合,叶柄耷垂的现象。含羞草植株纤细

娇弱,为了生存,它在长期的自然选择中,形成了这种适应环境的特殊本领。 貂蝉拜月: 貂蝉是东汉末年司徒王允的歌女,国色天香,有倾国倾城之貌。见东汉王朝被奸臣董卓所操纵,於月下焚香祷告上天,愿为主人担忧。王允眼看董卓将篡夺东汉王朝,设下连环计。王允先把貂蝉暗地里许给吕布,在明把貂蝉献给董卓。吕布英雄年少,董卓老奸巨猾。为了拉拢吕布,董卓收吕布为义子。二人都是好色之人。从此以后,貂蝉周旋於此二人之间,送吕布於秋波,报董卓於妩媚。把二人撩拨得神魂颠倒。 潘迎紫版貂蝉(6张) 吕布自董卓收貂蝉入府为姬之后,心怀不满。一日,吕布乘董卓上朝时,入董卓府探貂蝉,并邀凤仪亭相会,貂蝉见吕布,假意哭诉被董卓霸占之苦,吕布愤怒。这时董卓回府撞见,怒而抢过吕布的方天画戟直刺吕布,吕布飞身逃走,从此两人互相猜忌,王允便说服吕布,铲除了董卓。传说貂蝉降生人世,三年间当地桃杏花开即凋;貂蝉午夜拜月,月里嫦娥自愧不如,匆匆隐入云中;貂蝉身姿俏美,细耳碧环,行时风摆杨柳,静时文雅有余,貂蝉之美,蔚为大观。正是因了这种美貌,让弄权作威的董卓、勇而无谋的吕布反目成仇,使得动乱不堪的朝野稍有安宁之象。 西施浣纱 春秋战国时期,越国有一个叫西施的浣纱美女,五官端正,粉面桃花,相貌过人。她在河边浣纱时,清彻的河水映照她俊俏的身影,


中国古代四大美女的故事 导读:本文中国古代四大美女的故事,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 中国古代四大美女的故事 (一)沉鱼 “沉鱼”,讲的是西施的故事。春秋战国时期,吴越相争,吴国兵强马壮,很快打败越国,把越王勾践和宰相范蠡押作人质。越王为报灭国之仇,暂栖于吴王膝下,装得十分老实忠诚。一次吴王肚子疼,请来郎中也没有看出哈病。越王勾践得知后就当着吴王夫差的面,亲口尝了他的粪便,说:“大王没什么病,是着了凉喝点热酒暖暖就会好的。”吴王照勾践说的,喝了点热酒,果然好了。吴王看到勾践这样忠心,就将他放回越国。勾践回国后接受了范蠡献的复国三计一是屯兵,加紧练武,二是屯田,发展农业,三是选美女送给吴王,作为内线。当时,有一个叫西施的,是个浣纱的女子,五官端正,粉面桃花,相貌过人。她在河边浣纱时,清彻的河水映照她俊俏的身影?使他显得更加美丽,这时,鱼儿看见她的倒影,忘记了游水,渐渐地沉到河底。从此,西施这个“沉鱼”的代称,在附近流传开来。西旌被选送到吴国后,吴王一看西施长得如此漂亮,对西施百依百顺,终日沉溺于游乐,不理国事,国力耗费殆尽。越王勾践乘虚而入,出兵攻打吴国,达到了复国报仇的目的,这里边有西施的很大功劳。 (二)落雁

“落雁”,是昭君出塞的那段故事。汉元帝在位期间,南北交兵,边界不得安静。汉元帝为安抚扯匈奴,选昭君与单干结成姻缘,以保两国永远和好。在一个秋高气爽的日子里,昭君告别了故土,登程北去。一路上,马嘶雁鸣,撕裂她的心肝:悲切之感,使她心绪难平。她在坐骑之上,拨动琴弦,奏起悲壮的离别之曲。南飞的大雁听到这‘悦耳的琴声,看到骑在马上的这个美丽女子,忘记摆动翅膀,跌落地下。从此,昭君就得来“落雁”的代称。 (三)闭月 “闭月”,是貂婵的代称。她是三国时汉献帝的大臣司徒王允的歌妓,能歌善舞,很受王允的宠爱。当时,董卓专权,挟天子以令诸侯,大臣们敢怒而敢言。王允每天闷闷不乐,茶不饮,饭不进。貂婵很为主人优愁。在一个月明星稀的夜晚,他在后花园烧香跪地,为主人祈祷,“月亮啊月亮,你虽清白如洗,可哪知我们老爷心中的烦恼!苍天啊苍天,你虽那样深邃,却难容我们老爷如火如焚的心情。我是老爷的婢女,愿为国为民,万死不辞。”赶巧,王允也来花园散心。顿时,他感情激动,赶忙走上前去将貂婵扶起。王允说:“你能为我分忧,我忧在何处,你知道吗?”“知道,大人。”“那你时哲我讨国贼,杀董卓吗?”“只要大人信得过奴婢,奴婢拐肝脑涂地。”王允听罢,两手一合,当即给貂婢一拜。从此、便和貂婵以父女相称。一年多以后,王允先将其女许给董卓,后又许给吕布。董、吕二人争风吃醋,发生火并,董卓被杀。这就是王允巧使连环计,一女二聘杀国贼。那么貂婵怎么叫“闭月”呢?貂婵在后花园拜月时,忽然轻风


民国四大美女编辑 民国四大美女包括指的是中华民国在中国大陆时期(1912-1949年)的四个美女,包括“校园皇后”陆小曼,有才气与美貌并重的林徽因,有“金嗓子”之称的周璇和“电影皇后”阮玲玉。 中文名 民国四大美女 外文名 The Republic of China in Four beauties 主要人物 林徽因、陆小曼、周璇、阮玲玉 所属年代 1912-1949年 所在国家 中国大陆 目录 1林徽因 2陆小曼 3周璇 4阮玲玉

1林徽因编辑 林徽因 1904年6月10日,林徽因,一个集美貌与智慧一体的女子,降生在上有天堂下有苏杭美称的杭州。这是一个美丽着哀愁着的女子,一个不食人间烟火享受着世人崇拜的女子,她在寂寞中快乐,在快乐中寂寞,有着卓越才华和普通的性情。 林徽因,说她绝代美丽,也许有不妥之处,但说她才华傲世,决不过分。她清丽的文风所到之处无不留有余香,另人回味无穷。她细腻幽雅的文笔使枯燥的建筑都成为一首首美丽的诗篇。 林徽因的美,是一种整体的“美”,乃近于神。这种美无法用语言来形容,如果硬要诉诸文字,可以借用贾宝玉所作《芙蓉女儿诔》对晴雯的礼赞,聊窥一斑:“其为质则金玉不足喻其贵,其为性则冰雪不足喻其洁,其为神则星日不足喻其精,其为貌则花月不足喻其色。”当然,这个里面不仅有林徽因本人的资质,还有情人眼里出西施,还有时代和艺术的需要,还有美好的想象与传奇,共同书写一篇爱与美的童话,让人唏嘘慨叹,让人流连不已。 她的美,也是一种清丽的美,禁不住要让人联想到一轮弯弯的明月,高悬于天际。那决不是可以单单用外表来衡量的。有人说,女人的美是多样的,少女有少女的清纯,少妇有少妇的娇媚,中年有中年的成熟,而老年则有老年的风韵。而这些美的女子,尽管容颜凋谢,人们也认为她是美的。就像看到一位鹤发童颜的老婆婆,你仍会忍不住赞叹她的可爱一样。而林徽因便是如此的,发自内里的蕴涵的美,而且是美丽了一生一世的女子。 美,几乎是全天下女子毕生所追求的东西。如今美女遍地的时代,时尚包装也便成为了美的道具。在这里提到道具,全然没有贬低之意。道具乃生存必须之物,毋庸质疑。世上哪个女子不爱美呢?爱美乃女子之天性,就像男子对权利的追求一样。包装的效果自然很好,无数男子的垂青就是良证。但美也有千千万万种,而如今世上独少林氏之美。 读林徽因,会让你在纷繁复杂的世界里稍做片刻的休憩。你我皆凡人,在如今物欲横流的时代,常那以拒绝这变化莫测的世事。不是高居幽境,六根皆除的圣僧,就难免没有七情六欲。只是,让那颗浮躁之心稍得歇息吧。我于是感叹林徽因的美,这美,是那个时代才有的。 很欣赏那一时代的文风,林语堂,徐志摩,沈从文,那些生活在“窗户里面”的人们,给了我们很多人生的感悟,启迪。而林徽因则像是那个时代美的缩影,化身。她没有张爱玲身上大上海的浮华,也没有鲁迅对社会犀利深刻的笔触。而她的美是天然的,没有被染指的纯净。这也是我之所以欣赏林语堂的文人墨客之处——对于人性的挖掘,那是永恒的东西,那些不会因社会变迁而变化的东西。鲁迅的笔让我们看到了那个生灵涂炭的社会,而那些“窗子里的人”却带给我们一些关于人性的思考,感悟。就象我们在感慨古代的哲人早已在几百年前发现了我们尚在感知的真理一样,读“窗里人”的书我们也时时与其共鸣。此类文章的美如


Traditional Chinese Food There are so many traditional and special Chinese foods, according to the folk culture, district, religion, and festival. For the famous classes divided by district, there are style of Guangdong, Beijing, Shanghai, Sichuan, North-W est, and so on…or by folk, there are kajia, Yunan, Fujian, etc. These all above mentioned styles are well-known in the worldwide. Here, introduce some special dishes, perhaps you have had it, or you have never heard : Doufu(豆腐) Doufu is the most popular food in Chinese Society. It is also the main food in a faming family. The recipe shown : Unicorn Doufu with Yunnan Ham(烹调方法:云南火腿酿豆腐) Major Ingredients : Bean curd, Yunnan Ham, Black Mushrooms Steamed Fish(清蒸鱼) Chinese always make the fish recipes by steaming style. Just only with some light soy sauce and some seasoning.(用黄豆酱以及一些调料即可) The recipe shown : Steamed Snakehead in Chaozhou Style(潮州菜形式煮) Major Ingredients : Snakehead, Preserved Lemon, Spring Onion Dim Sum(点心,虾饺) Dim Sum is the most famous food in world-wide. It is a Guangdong Style snack which served as light meal. The recipe shown : Steam Shrimp Dumpling Major Ingredients : Shrimps, Pork, Wheat Flour for pastry Lobster(龙虾) Lobster is the famous style seafood in Hong Kong. Some difference from the traditional western chef's style.. The recipe shown : Lobster in High Stock Major Ingredients : Lobster, Chicken Stock, Garlic(大蒜) Dark Rice Vinegar With Ginger(姜醋黑米) You perhaps have never heard this.....this is Guangdong style. It is a supplementary diet for women who is weak, new mother.(给虚弱或者产后妈妈食用)The recipe shown : Pig's Fore Hands in Vinegar and Ginger Ingredients : Sweet Dark Rice Vinegar, Pig's Hands, Egg, Ginger Eggs In Tea(茶叶蛋) This is a very special snack of Guangdong.. It is very nice food for the party, gathering, with beer. The recipe shown : Eggs In Chinese Tea Ingredients : Eggs, Chinese Dark Tea Festive Dishes(节日食品) Because of the poor and hard lifestyle character of a farming society, the Chinese farming families would have food which were being get from the farming field, such as, potatoes, tomatoes, vegetable, sweet corn, mushrooms, etc. So, the Chinese will have many dishes of meat recipes like Chicken, Pork, Fish that they do not have in the normal days. The are some special snack, or to be said, festival food will be made during the Chinese festivals, Such as Sweet-Stick Cake and Turnip Pastry in Lunar New Year, Glutinous Rice Tamale in Dragon Boat Festival, Moon Cake in Middle Autumn Festival, etc, and Steamed Buns to the Birthday person……Main Food(主食)
