



1. 本试卷共四部分,十一大题,满分150分,考试时间为120分钟。

2. 全卷包括“试题卷”(8页)和“答题卷”(2页)两部分。

3. 请务必在“答题卷






1. A. turn B. learn C. know

2. A. purpose B. progress C. problem

3. A. crazy B. easy C. noisy

4. A. support B. surprise C. success

5. A. pay for B. care for C. ask for

II. 短对话理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


6. How is the man going to New York?

A. B. C.

7. When is Tom’s birthday?

A. B. C.

8. How is the weather now?

A. B. C.

9. What does Michael like doing on Saturdays?

A. B. C.

10. Which kind of fruit is the cheapest?


11. What does the boy’s mother want him to do?

A. Do his homework.

B. Answer the phone.

C. Help with the housework.

12. What does the man think of country music?

A. Exciting.

B. Strange.


13. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a classroom.

B. In a restaurant.

C. In a library.

14. What did Kate tell Nancy in the email?

A. Her new address.

B. Her travel plan.

C. Her phone number.

15. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Hometown.

B. Tea.

C. Hobby.

III. 长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



16. What is Linda going to do tomorrow afternoon?

A. See a film.

B. Go to school.

C. Meet her parents.

17. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Friends.

B. Strangers.

C. Doctor and patient.


18. What is Tony thinking about?

A. Evening classes.

B. Mid-term exams.

C. Business projects.

19. What language does Tony want to learn?

A. German.

B. Chinese.

C. French.

20. What does the woman advise Tony to do?

A. Use the language often.

B. Go abroad for study.

C. Give up his plan.

IV. 短文理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


21. Where did Lisa go for the weekend?

A. Her brother’s farm.

B. Her cousin’s house.

C. Her grandparents’ village.

22. What did Lisa think of swimming?

A. Interesting.

B. Helpful.

C. Tiring.

23. What did Lisa do on Saturday afternoon?

A. She did some cooking.

B. She went shopping.

C. She played football.

24. What did Lisa’s brother buy in Oxford Street?

A. A hamburger.

B. Some summer clothes.

C. A computer game.

25. When did they go to the fast food restaurant?

A. On Sunday evening.

B. On Saturday evening.

C. On Friday evening.






31. —Remember to write the key words here.

— ______.

A. With pleasure

B. That’s right

C. Not at all

D. Sure, I will

32. — Why are you still waiting in line?

—I’ve missed my _______.

A. place

B. order

C. turn

D. time

33. Dear Rita, long time no see! Do you know ______ I want to see you again?

A. how much

B. how long

C. how many

D. how often

34. Almost everything ______ be done online. And the life today has changed a lot.

A. must

B. can

C. should

D. would

35. —Dad, it’s a long way from our home to the park!

—You mean it’s ______ to take a taxi?

A. popular

B. necessary

C. important

D. possible

36. — Should I give medicine to my baby as soon as it catches a cold?

— Not really. Our bodies can ______ the cold, so sometimes we just give it some water to drink.

A. fight

B. hide

C. cause

D. keep

37. Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge ______ already. However, we don’t know what time it will

be open to traffic.

A. is built

B. was built

C. will be built

D. has been built

38.It’s better not to stand ______the young tree, for you may hurt it.

A. behind

B. under

C. against

D. near

39. The soup tastes terrible because I put too much salt into it______.

A. simply

B. exactly

C. carelessly

D. properly

40. Do more exercise and ______ from sugar and fat food, then you’ll be fitt er.

A. send away

B. stay away

C. give away

D. take away

41. She is talking about the school and teachers ______ we visited last month.

A. who

B. which

C. where

D. that

42. The charity showlasted nearly three hours, but ______ left the hall early.

A. nobody

B. somebody

C. anybody

D. everybody

43. I can’t tell you how fantastic the film Secret Superstar is! It’s the ______ one I have ever seen.

A. better

B. best

C. worse

D. worst

44. — Did Lisa notice you enter the house?

—I don’t think so. She ______ to a MP3 with her eyes shut.

A. listens

B. listened

C. was listening

D. is listening

45. — I will give you a gift if you keep the secret for me.

— OK. ______.

A. It’s a deal

B. Just so-so

C. of course not

D. I’m afraid so VII.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。


Once upon a time, there was an owl(猫头鹰)in the middle of a dark forest. All the animals knew that he was the wisest among 46 of them. So they often went to him and told him their problems. Then the owl always told them 47 to solve their problems.

One day, a little bird came to the owl. She was 48 .

“What’s wrong with you?” asked the owl.

“I’m not happy at all, Mr. Owl. I don’t want to be a bird any more.” the bird49 .

“Why don’t you want to be a(n) 50 ?” asked the owl.

“Because I am so small and weak,” she cried. “I want to be as big and strong as the lion. He is important, but I am not.”

The owl said 51 in her ear. Then the bird dried her tears and 52 away. One week later, the bird came back. “Thank you very much, Mr. Owl. You are so 53 ,” she said to the owl. “I’m very happy now. Every day, I watch out for lions and tigers. When they come 54 , I shout as loudly as I can. Then my friends all run and hide. They often 55 me for that. I am useful and important now.”

The wise owl smiled and said: “Dear, no one in the world is useless.”

46. A. both B. all C. either D. none

47. A. how B. why C. what D. when

48. A. crying B. smiling C. singing D. sleeping

49. A. agreed B. advised C. replied D. asked

50. A. lion B. bird C. tiger D. owl

51. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something

52. A. ran B. flew C. drove D. swam

53. A. bright B. bored C. polite D. active

54. A. late B. slow C. far D. near

55. A. hate B. leave C. thank D. worry


Children today have many things to play with. They can watch television,56what they like on the Internet, or play video games. But what do you think children did for57long ago? They read books.

Some of you might ask,“Are books real ly fun? ” Believe it or not, books58many things that television or computers cannot.Most books use 59to tell a story, theycan make progress in your imagination(想象力). You can60the characters(人物)and background in your head and youcan also imagine61the characters feel.

The words and sentences that areused in storytellingare also very interesting and usually cannot be62often on television or on websites. They are sometimes so beautiful and63that they can bring tears to your eyes.

Books also help us to think harder and64. As we continue to read, we ask questionsto ourselves and try to find answers.

These are some of the 65why books are so fun to read and why people always look forward to good books.

Remember: the more you read, the more you grow.

56. A. look over B. look after C. look through D. look out

57. A. fun B. work C. skills D. exercise

58. A. afford B. explain C. translate D. provide

59. A. words B. drawings C. letters D. signs

60. A. study B. picture C. visit D. remember

61. A. where B. how C. what D. when

62. A. found B. kept C. watched D. spoken

63. A. relaxing B. smiling C. moving D. frightening

64. A. higher B. deeper C. longer D. faster

65. A. examples B. problems C. subjects D. reasons



根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A: Hi, Mark. I want to have a class party. 66 Array B: Sure, Andy. When shall we have the party?

A: 67

B: No, it is too early today. If we have it today, half

the class won’t come.

A: OK, let’s have it tomorrow.

B: Hmm. 68 Students will leave early to study

forthe test. It’s better to make it on the weekend.

A: OK, let’s have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.

B: No, 69 Some students will be bored. Why not play party games?

A: OK, good idea. Can you think about the party games to play?

B: Sure, I can do that. 70

A: Yes, no problem.



71. Two members and one non-member should pay for the program.

A. ¥690

B. ¥710

C. ¥730

D. ¥750

72. Free lunches aren’t provided because .

A. the lunches cost too much

B. they may bring lunch-boxes

C. there are many restaurants

D. people have different tastes

73. If there is a rainstorm on 14th February, Program A will start on .

A. 15th February

B. 17th February

C. 2nd March

D. 4th March

74. What can we know from the passage?

A. Y outh Explorer is the name of the program.

B. More than 15 students are in each program.

C. Y ou need to hand in an application for the program.

D. We can only see three kinds of animals in the program.


Called the “Afghan Bruce Lee,”Alizada looks very much like Hong Kong action film star and Chinese Kung Fu artist Bruce Lee.

He became interested in Chinese Kung Fu at a very young age. However, he had to study it by himself as his family could not afford the training. His family was not rich to give him a good coach.

“It was when I was around eight years old that I saw a Bruce Lee movie for the first time. I became crazyabout those movies, which served as a drive for me to learn Chinese Kung Fu,”Alizada said.

Alizada has studied Kung Fu for more than 10 years.The 23-year-old had a great influence online a few years ago when he posted a video named “Bruce Lee appears in Afghanistan” on Facebook.

Alizada has now appeared in two films, with one in Azerbaijan and the other in India.

“I want to star in a film produced by Afghanistan when I am well-known all over the world,”Alizada said.

75. How old was Alizada when he was crazy about Chinese Kung Fu? Around ______.

A. 8 years old

B. 10 years old

C. 13 years old

D. 23 years old

76. Alizada learnt Chinese Kung Fu by himself because ______.

A. his family couldn’t afford its training

B. he was clever enough to learn by himself

C. his father didn’t like Chinese Kung Fu at all

D. there was no good Kung Fu coach in his country

77. The underlined word “drive” in Paragraph 3 probably means “______”.

A. 迫使

B. 驾车

C. 驱使

D. 驱赶

78. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Chinese Kung Fu is useful.

B. Everyone should have their own dreams.

C. Afghanistan is a rich country.

D. Many people like Bruce Lee very much.


An “egg-laying”cliff (产蛋岩)in Southwest China has attracted(吸引)a lot of interest online recently.

The cliff, in Sandu County, Guizhou Province, has many egg-shaped rocks sitting on it. Most rocks are the size of a football, while smaller ones are still half inside the cliff, with only parts of them standing out.

According to the local government, the cliff is in a place of interest that has been open to public since 2010. It is about 100 meters long and five meters high. Local people said that some “eggs”fall off the cliff every 30 years, “like a hen laying eggs.”

At the bottom of the cliff lie many rocks that fell down in the past. Most of them are round or egg-shaped with a diameter(直径)of up to 50 centimeters. The green rocks are hard.

“In the past, people t hought the rocks were symbols of good luck and

took them home,” said the local people. The largest rock weighs about 300

kg, with a diameter of 60 centimeters.It’s called “the king of eggs.”

It’s said that Guizhou was once a large ocean, and that the rock eggs

could have been produced byanimals from the ocean. But nobody is sure

about how they are formed.

79. The “egg-laying” cliff is famous because ______.

A. the rock eggs are very beautiful

B. it is now in the sea

C. it can lay “eggs” every 30 years

D. it is colorful and


80. The cliff has been open to public as a place of interest for about ______.

A. 5 years

B. 8 years

C. 30 years

D. 50 years

81. Which is right about the “eggs”?

A. The “eggs” are black and hard.

B. All the “eggs” are almost the same size.

C. Most “eggs”weigh over 300kg.

D. Many “eggs” are at the foot of the cliff.

82. What can we know from the passage?

A. The cliff is as big as a football field.

B. The “eggs” were “bad luck eggs”.

C. The cliff lays many eggs every year.

D. The cliff was in the ocean in ancient times.


“Without music, life would be a mistake,” famous German philosopher(哲学家)Friendrich Nietzsche said over a century ago. Music is a big part of our lives. But in recent years, some US schools have cut music classes to control budgets(预算).

For example, Chicago public schools hurt arts education when it firedover 1,000 teachers. Among them, 10 percent of the teachers taught art or music, according to The Washington Times. In fact, this is not just a problem in the US. In other countries, such as China and the UK, music classes are not thought to be as important as ones like science, math and history. That’s partly because music is not seen as a very important life skill, and it isn’t tested. Many stude nts are busy with schoolwork, so parents and students choose to focus(关注)on subjects that are tested more often.

However, learning music is useful in many ways.

When playing music, you need different abilities to work together. It is not as simple as it looks, according to Kenneth Guilmartin of Music Together, an early childhood music development program. For example, when playing the piano, people see music notes and decode(解码)them in their brains. They also use their fingers to make sounds. You need to deal with all these things at the same time.

Music has a special connection with science as well. You can see that many scientists are good at playing music: Einstein played the violin, and German physicist Max Planck did well in playing the piano.

83. Some schools in the US cut music classes, because ______.

A.they were too difficult to learn

B. students in the US weren’t interested in music

C. the schools wanted to control budgets

D. there weren’t enough music teachers in the US

84. In Paragraph 2,what d oes the underlined word“them” refer to(指代)?

A. Fired teachers.

B. Public schools.

C. Parents in Chicago.

D. Students in Chicago.

85. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 4?

A. Playing the piano needs people to see music notes.

B. Playing the piano needs people to use fingers to make sounds.

C. Decoding music notes is needed while we are playing music.

D. Different abilities are needed to work together while we are playing music.

86. How many scientists who are good at playing music are mentioned in this passage?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.


87. What’s the writer’s opinion according to this passage?

A. Music is as simple as it looks.

B. Music classes should be cut in some schools.

C. Music is a big part of our lives.

D. Music isn’t a very important life skill for us.



Much meaning can be carried clearlywith our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.Do you

have such kind of experience? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too long. And if he finds that he is being looked at, he may feel uncomfortable. It’s the same in daily life. If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is something wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward the person who is looking at you that way. Eyes do speak, right?

Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite. But sometimes things are different. If a man looks at a woman for more than 10 seconds, it may mean that he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he loves her. When two people are in a conversation, the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what he or she is saying. Lovers will enjoy looking at each other or being looked at for a long time, to show something that words cannot express.

Clearly, eye contact(接触)should be done according to the relationship between two people and the place where you stay.

88. What can our eyes carry clearly according to the passage? (不超过5个词)


89. Why will the speaker look at the listener from time to time when they are in a conversation?



90. What should we think about doing eye contact? (不超过15个词)





91. A s________(简单的)“thank you” and a smile are all he wants.

92. We go to school every day e________(除了)Saturday and Sunday.

93. He b________(买)his mother flowers every Mother’s Day.

94. At the age of five, he showed his t________(天赋)in math.

95. It wasn’t a recorded show, it was l________(直播).


李华所在的国际学校正在开展“My Favourite Traditional Festival”交流活动,假定你是李华,请你向来自不同国家的同学介绍中国传统节日——端午节,内容包括:


2.节日由来:纪念(be in memory of)屈原

3.吃粽子,赛龙舟,挂菖蒲和艾草(calamus and Ay Tsao)……

4. 欢迎大家一起体验这个传统节日

注意:1. 词数80~100; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 文中不能出现与本人相关的信息;

4. 开头已写好,不计入总词数。

Dear fellows,

The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinesecalendar. _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________.


2018年全国一卷试题答案解析 A篇: 21.A由题目中的book in advance可对应第一段最后reserve your spot before availability可推知答案。reserve→预订,出现在2016年全国三卷语法填空中。 22.D由题目可定位到文章第三段原文“entertain you with the most interesting stories”可知答案。 23.D由bicycle tour可定位到文章最后一段provide v.提供(八年级下册unit3)由文 章最后两句,可知答案。 B篇: 24.B由文章第一段but后可知,这是题目的答案“but she is cooking up storm in her latest role”但是她正在烹饪在她最新的角色中。latest最新的(七年级上册)late迟的,晚的→latest adj.最新的。 25.C.由题目定位到第二段“with the help of chef Matt Tebbutt offers top tips on how to reduce food waste.”厨师Matt Tebbutt帮忙提供好的建议关于怎样减少食物浪费。 C选项“Matt”在做饭问题上给susanna提供帮助。 26.由第四段可知,在这里由8部分组成的系列节目中susanna主持.save money:good food.这个节目是紧跟着ITV’s save money:good heal+n这个节目的,交代了Good Food这一部分产生的背景。 27.文章多次体现出文章的主旨:1.第一段最后:how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals on a tight budgetc预算,济源市高三二模完形填空发现。2.susanna 主持的节目Save Money。3.最后一段中的on a budget,less expensive。 干扰项C:让你自己成为一个完美的厨师,有些片面,文章主旨是在有限的预算下, 做出同样美味的食物。 C篇: 28.B:由hunter-gatherer times定位到文章第一段第三行“devdoped their own patterns of speech independent of each other代出他们自己的独立于别人的语言类型”及最后一句“they spoke perhaps 12000 languages between them”他们彼此之间讲 说的语大概12000种。


2019年广州二模英语试题 A The country is India. A large dinner party is being given in an up-country station by a colonial official and his wife. The guests are army and government officers and their wives, and an American naturalist. At one side of the long table, a spirited discussion springs up between a young girl and an army officer. The girl insists women have long outgrown the jumping- on- a- chair -at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era, and that they are not as anxious as their grandmothers were. The officer says they are, arguing women haven't the actual nerve control of men. “A woman's reaction in any crisis, "the officer says, “is to scream. And while a man may feel like it, he has that ounce more of control than a woman has." The American scientist does not join in the argument but sits and watches the faces of the other guests. As he stares, he sees a slight, though strange look of anxiety come over the face of the hostess. With a small gesture she summons the servant standing behind her chair. She whispers to him. The servant's eyes widen. He turns quickly and leaves the room. No one else sees this, nor the servant when he puts a bowl of milk on the balcony outside the glass doors. The American understands. In India, milk in a bowl means only one thing. It is bait for a snake. He realizes there is a cobra in the room. The American's eyes move across the room but he sees nothing. He realizes the snake can only be in one place-under the table. His first reaction is to jump back and warn the others. But he knows any sudden movement will frighten the cobra and it will strike. He speaks quickly, the quality of his voice so arresting that it quietens everyone." I want to know just what control everyone at this table has. I will count three hundred-that's five minutes-and not one of you is to move a single muscle. Now! Ready!"


SectionⅠUse of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered b lank and mark [A],[B], [C] or [D] on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things t hat will obviously be painful? Because humans have an inherent need to 1 uncertainty, according to a recent study in Psychological Science. T he new research reveals that the need to know is strong that people wil l 2 to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will 3 . In a series of experiments, behavioral scientists at the University of Ch icago and the Wisconsin school of Business tested students’ willingness t o 4 themselves to unpleasant stimuli in an effort to satisfy curiosity. Fo r one 5 , each participant was shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment. The twist? Half of the pens w ould 6 an electric shock when clicked. Twenty-seven students were told with pens were electrified; another tw enty-seven were told only that some were electrified.7 left alone in th e room. The students who did not know which ones would shock them cli cked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew t hat would 8 . Subsequent experiments reproduced this effect with other stimuli, 9 the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects. The drive to10 is deeply rooted in humans, much the same as the basic drives for 11 or shelter, says Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago. Curiosity is often considered a good instinct—it can 12 ne


2016年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(二) 英语 第I卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A The best of adventure and sport in NSW If you want adventure, then the state of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia is the place to go. No matter what the season, you can choose from a wide variety of landscapes, climates, activities and experiences all with easy access to tour operators and local guides. For snow lovers, there’s no better place than the Snowy Mountains. Skiers and snowboarders can hit the slopes for some downhill thrills in Kosciuszko National. Park. Non-skiing adventure-seekers will enjoy hiking or snowshoeing. If water sports are more your thing, there are plenty of places to go. Surfers you’re your surfboards and head to Byron Bay, Shellharbour, or Newcastle's Merewether Beach. To see spectacular sea life up close, visit Lord Howe Island, a world-famous destination for underwater diving. The oceans, lakes and rivers around NSW offer a lifetime’s worth of exciting fishing and boating challenges. Want more Experience the rush of whitewater rafting in Jindabyne and Penrith, or go barefoot waterskiing in Port Stephens. For adventure in NSW, the sky’s the limit! Book a hot-air-balloon or helicopter ride over the stunning vineyards of the Hunter Valley, go skydiving in Wollongong, or try hang-gliding in Stanwell Park. Get to know the State’s unique and tough landscapes on a caving, canoeing or rock climbing adventure. Four-wheel-driving and off-roading tours are popular in both Country NSW and Outback NSW. Or explore parts of the State on horseback ―you’Il find great horse riding options in Sydney and throughout NSW. 21. What is the purpose of this article A. To advertise a new holiday tour. B. To describe the geography of NSW. C. To promote NSW's tourist attractions. D. To encourage people to move to NSW.

2018年英语高考2卷 试题及答案

2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 作答时,务必将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效。 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Summer Activities Students should read the list with their parents/careers, and select two activities they would like to do. Forms will be available in school and online for them to indicate their choices and return to school. Before choices are finalised, parents/careers will be asked to sign to confirm their child’s choices. 1 / 18

2 / 18

21.Which activity will you choose if you want to go camping? A.OUT. B.WBP. C.CRF. D.POT. 22.What will the students do on Tuesday with Mrs. Wilson? A. Travel to London. B. See a parade and fireworks. C. Tour central Paris. D. Visit the WWI battlefields. 23.How long does Potty about Potter last? A. Two days. B. Four days. C. Five days. D. One week. B Many of us love July because it’s the month when nature’s berries and stone fruits are in abundance. These colourful and sweet jewels form British Columbia’s fields are little powerhouses of nutritional protection. Of the common berries, strawberries are highest in vitamin C, although, because of their seeds, raspberries contain a little more protein (蛋白质), iron and zinc (not that fruits have 3 / 18


第I卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 A Many people would love to leave their jobs behind and have a life-changing adventure overseas. They imagine lying under palm trees as the sun goes down. However, life overseas is not always easy, and many are not prepared for the shock of living in an alien culture. The honeymoon period At first, for those who actually decide to move abroad, life is an exciting adventure. They enjoy exploring their new surroundings, and life seems like an extended holiday. They don’t mind trying the local cuisine and discovering the local culture. They can even afford to practice their foreign-language skills without fear of making mistakes. Trouble in paradise In many cases, when people consider moving to another country, they often fail to realize how different life will be. As time goes by, they become frustrated when language and cultural misunderstandings become a daily headache. In this stage, the visitors begin to withdraw from life in the host country and avoid spending time with local people in favor of mixing with others from their own cultural background. The road to recovery Gradually, most visitors realize they must accept the differences and not fight against them. This change encourages them to improve their language skills and slowly they manage to do the things they could easily do at home, such as opening a bank account. This new-found confidence enables them to see a side of life which very few tourists get to witness. Adjusting to life abroad can often be a real problem. The secret to overcoming it is to stop trying to change your host country: you will not succeed. If not, you risk losing your dream and having to return to the old life you wanted to leave behind. 21. Why do people moving abroad feel excited at first? A. They find foreign living much easier. B. They have the necessary language skills. C. They love the adventure and exploration. D. They enjoy meeting people from different cultures. 22. According to the author, what is the main problem many people moving abroad face? A. Homesickness. B. Culture shock C. Health problems. D. Lack of employment. 23. What would the author suggest people moving abroad do? A. Study the local language. B. Go on holidays frequently. C. Learn how to open a bank account. D. Seek out people from their home country. B Australia loves interesting money. In 1988, it was the first country to replace paper money with special plastic banknotes. Now it’s introduced a new five-dollar bill so technologically advanced that many experts are calling it the money of the future! At first glance, the new note looks much like the old one. It has the same pink colour and main pictures on the front and back. But look closer, and you will notice a clear window running down the middle, surrounded by images of the yellow Prickly Moses, a type of Australian plant. Tilt(使倾斜)the note a little and you will see the Eastern Spinebill, an Australian bird, beating its wings as if trying to fly away. Turn the bill from side to side, and you will notice the picture of a small building at the bottom of the note spins, and the image of “5” changes position. While these moveable features are impressive and entertaining, that was not the reason Australian government officials spent ten years developing them. Their primary purpose was to make it impossible for criminals to produce their own fake notes. The new five-dollar note also has something to help blind people easily identify the money. It has a raised bump alongside the top and bottom, enabling blind people to quickly determine its value. The credit for persuading the Australian government to add this all-important bump goes to 15-year-old Connor McLeod. The blind Sydney teenager came up with the idea in 2014 after being unable to tell how much money he had received for Christmas. Connor says he was so embarrassed at not being able to see the difference between notes that he only carried coins to pay for food at the school cafeteria. To


广州二模英语试题及答 案精选文档 TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-TTMSHHJ8】

第I卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 A Many people would love to leave their jobs behind and have a life-changing adventure overseas. They imagine lying under palm trees as the sun goes down. However, life overseas is not always easy, and many are not prepared for the shock of living in an alien culture. The honeymoon period At first, for those who actually decide to move abroad, life is an exciting adventure. They enjoy exploring their new surroundings, and life seems like an extended holiday. They don’t mind trying the local cuisine and discovering the local culture. They can even afford to practice their foreign-language skills without fear of making mistakes. Trouble in paradise In many cases, when people consider moving to another country, they often fail to realize how different life will be. As time goes by, they become frustrated when language and cultural misunderstandings become a daily headache. In this stage, the visitors begin to withdraw from life in the host country and avoid spending time with local people in favor of mixing with others from their own cultural background. The road to recovery Gradually, most visitors realize they must accept the differences and not fight against them. This change encourages them to improve their language skills and slowly they manage to do the things they could easily do at home, such as opening a bank account. This new-found confidence enables them to see a side of life which very few tourists get to witness. Adjusting to life abroad can often be a real problem. The secret to overcoming it is to stop trying to change your host country: you will not succeed. If not, you risk losing your dream and having to return to the old life you wanted to leave behind. 21. Why do people moving abroad feel excited at first? A. They find foreign living much easier. B. They have the necessary language skills. C. They love the adventure and exploration. D. They enjoy meeting people from different cultures. 22. According to the author, what is the main problem many people moving abroad face? A. Homesickness. B. Culture shock C. Health problems. D. Lack of employment. 23. What would the author suggest people moving abroad do? A. Study the local language. B. Go on holidays frequently. C. Learn how to open a bank account. D. Seek out people from their home country. B Australia loves interesting money. In 1988, it was the first country to replace paper money with special plastic banknotes. Now it’s introduced a new five-dollar bill so technologically advanced that many experts are calling it the money of the future! At first glance, the new note looks much like the old one. It has the same pink colour and main pictures on the front and back. But look closer, and you will notice a clear window running down the middle, surrounded by images of the yellow Prickly Moses, a type of Australian plant. Tilt(使倾斜)the note a little and you will see the Eastern Spinebill, an Australian bird, beating its wings as if trying to fly away. Turn the bill from side to side, and you will notice the picture of a small building at the bottom of the note spins, and the image of “5” changes position. While these moveable features are impressive and entertaining, that was not the reason Australian government officials spent ten years developing them. Their primary purpose was to make it impossible for criminals to produce their own fake notes.


2018年考研英语一真题及答案 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24

的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 译文】莎士比亚出生之时,欧洲宗教戏剧正在消逝,在古典悲剧和戏剧的推动下,很多新的戏剧形式应运而生。 (47) no boy who went to a grammar school could be ignorant that the drama was a form of literature which gave glory to Greece and Rome and might yet bring honor to England. 【题目考点】定语从句;宾语从句;并列结构 【句子结构】主句主干:no boy…could be ignorant that…。who引导的定语从句修饰boy,that引导为形容词ignorant的宾语从句,which引导的定语从句修饰a form of literature,gave…and might bring honor…为先行词a form of literature的并列谓语结构。 【重点词汇】grammar school 文法学校ignorant忽视literature文学glory 荣耀 【参考译文】任何文法学校的学生都知道戏剧是一种文学形式,它曾给希腊和罗马带来荣耀,也许同样会给英格兰带来殊荣。


试卷类型:B 2012年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(二) 英语 本试卷共12页,三大题,满分135分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必用2B铅笔在“考生号”处填涂考生号。用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字 笔将自己所在的市、县/区、学校以及自己的姓名和考生号、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(B)填涂在答题卡相应位置上 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑, 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答卷纸各题目指定区域 内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅 笔和涂改液不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I woke up this morning with a fright! There appeared to be a mouse in my bed tickling my nose and 1 ____ scratching me. It had to be a mouse, for those tiny sharp little nails were scratching me all across my 2 ____. It couldn't have been a(n) 3 ____ as I didn't own any pets;it couldn't have been a rat, because if what I had read about rats was 4 ____,their sharp teeth could 5 ____their way through solid stone. They do this because their front teeth never stop growing and this is the only way to keep them 6 ____. I didn't dare to open my eyes and face the 7 ____of the disgusting mouse in the bed with me. I felt so dirty and 8 I didn't want to change my position cither, 9 ____the mouse would slide onto other areas of my body, which would 10 ____give me horrible dreams for years to come! Despite my fears, I finally decided to swiftly 11 the mouse away. But it 12 __!I did


绝密★启用前 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语(Ⅰ卷) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt A. £. B. £. C. £. 答案是C。 — 1. What will James do tomorrow A. Watch a TV program B. Give a talk. C. Write a report. 2. What can we say about the woman A. She’s generous. B. She’s curious C. She’s helpful. 3. When does the train leave A. At 6:30. B. At 8:30. C. At 10:30. 4. How does the woman go to work A. By car. B. On foot. C. By bike. ! 5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers A. Classmates. B. Teacher and student C. Doctor and patient. 第二节(共15小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What does the woman regret A. Giving up her research. B. Dropping out of college. C. Changing her major. ~ 7. What is the woman interested in studying now A. Ecology. B. Education. C. Chemistry.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What is the man A. A hotel manager. B. A tour guide. C. A taxi driver. 9. What is the man doing for the woman A. Looking for some local . Showing her around the seaside. C. Offering information about a hotel. ¥ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. Where does the conversation probably take place A. In an office. B. At home. C. At a restaurant. 11. What will the speakers do tomorrow evening A. Go to a concert. B. Visit a friend. C. Work extra hours. 12. Who is Alice going to call A. Mike. B. Joan. C. Catherine.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 > 13. Why does the woman meet the man A. To look at an apartment. B. To deliver some furniture. C. To have a meal together. 14. What does the woman like about the carpet A. Its color. B. Its design. C. Its quality. 15. What does the man say about the kitchen A. It’s a good size. B. It’s newly painted. ’s equately equipped. 16. What will the woman probably do next A. Go downtown. B. Talk with her friend. C. Make payment. \ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. Who is the speaker probably talking to A. Movie . News reporters. C. College students. 18. When did the speaker take English classes A. Before he left his hometown. BAter he came to America C. When he was 15 years old. 19. How does the speaker feel about his teacher A. He’s proud. B. He’s sympathetic. C. He’s grateful. 20. What does the speaker mainly talk about { A. How education shaped his life. B. How his language skills improved. C. How he managed his business well. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Washington, . Bicycle Tours & Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, . Duration: 3 hours This small group bike tour is a fantastic way to see the world-famous cherry trees with beautiful flowers of Washington, . Your guide will provide a history lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom. Reserve your spot before availability – and the cherry blossoms – disappear! Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour Duration: 3 hours (4 miles) Join a guided bike tour and view some of the most popular monuments in Washington, . Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares unique facts and history at each stop. Guided tour includes bike, helmet, cookies and bottled water. Capital City Bike Tour in Washington, . Duration: 3 hours ; Morning or Afternoon, this bike tour is the perfect tour for . newcomers and locals looking to experience Washington, . in a healthy way with minimum effort. Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories about Presidents, Congress, memorials, and parks. Comfortable bikes and a smooth tour route (路线) make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing. Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour Duration: 3 hours (7 miles) Join a small group bike tour for an evening of exploration in the heart of Washington, . Get up close to the monuments and memorials as you bike the sites of Capitol Hill and the National Mall. Frequent stops are made for photo taking as your guide offers unique facts and history. Tour includes bike, helmet, and bottled water. All riders are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights. 21. Which tour do you need to book in advance A. Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, . B. Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour. } C. Capital City Bike Tour in Washington, . D. Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour. 22. What will you do on the Capital City Bike Tour A. Meet famous people. B. Go to a national park. C. Visit well-known museums. D. Enjoy interesting stories. 23. Which of the following does the bicycle tour at night provide A. City maps. B. Cameras C. Meals. D. Safety lights. B ) Good Morning Britain’s Susanna Reid is used to grilling guests on the sofa every morning, but she is cooking up a storm in her latest role – showing families how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals on a tight budget. In Save Money: Good Food, she visits a different home each week and with the help of chef Matt Tebbutt offers top tips on how to reduce food waste, while preparing recipes for under £5 per family a day. And the Good Morning Britain presenter says she’s been able to put a lot of what she’s learnt into practice in her own home, preparing meals for sons, Sam, 14, Finn, 13, and Jack, 11. “We love Mexican churros, so I buy them on my phone from my local Mexican takeaway restaurant,” she explains. “I pay £5 for a portion (一份), but Matt makes them for 26p a portion, because they are flour, water, sugar and oil. Everybody can buy takeaway food, but sometimes we’re not aware how cheaply we can make this food ourselves.” The eight-part series (系列节目), Save Money: Good Food, follows in the footsteps of ITV’s Save Money: Good Health, which gave viewers advice on how to get value from the vast range of health products on the market. With food our biggest weekly household expense, Susanna and Matt spend time with a different family each week. In tonight’s Easter special they come to the aid of a family in need of some delicious inspiration on a budget. The team transforms the family’s long weekend of celebration with less expensive but still tasty recipes. 24. What do we know about Susanna Reid A. She enjoys embarrassing her guests. B. She has started a new programme. C. She dislikes working early in the . She has had a tight budget for her family. ~ 25. How does Matt Tebbutt help Susanna A. He buys cooking materials for her. B. He prepares food for her kids. C. He assists her in cooking matters. D. He invites guest families for her. 26. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 4 A. Summarize the previous paragraphs. B. Provide some advice for the readers. C. Add some background information. D. Introduce a new topic for discussion. 27. What can be a suitable title for the text A. Keeping Fit by Eating Smart B. Balancing Our Daily Diet ] C. Making Yourself a Perfect Chef D. Cooking Well for Less C Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going. When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers, small, tightly knit (联系) groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other. Some language experts believe that 10,000 years ago, when the world had just five to ten million people, they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them. Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their languages too became more settled and fewer in number. In recent centuries, trade,
