八年级英语下册unit2单元教案 - 副本

八年级英语下册unit2单元教案 - 副本
八年级英语下册unit2单元教案 - 副本


Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.

I.Analysis of the teaching material

本单元主要围绕“V olunteer and Charity”这两个相关话题展开,在offer help 的这一系列活动中学习应用一系列动词短语或句型。Section A主要是基础语言应用,Section B在Section A的基础上进一步拓展和延伸,尤其是阅读篇目能大大提高学生阅读文章的技能和技巧。

II.Teaching Aims

学生学会一些表达“向别人提供帮助”的动词短语,并学会使用“I will…”,“I would like…”等句型,向别人提供帮助。

单词advertisement, fix, repair, pleasure, blind, deaf, shut, carry, specially, fetch hunger, homeless, cheer, clean-up, sign, establish, major, commitment, elementary, veterinarian, coach, similar, call-in, strategy, disabled, organization, unable, support, appreciate, donation, part of speech, pronoun, adverb, preposition, conjunction, donate, Jimmy, Sally

词组clean up, cheer up, give out, put off, set up, think up, take after, fix up, give away, put up, hand out, work out, at once

熟练使用下列日常用语:1)I hope to work outside.

2)I’d like to help homeless people.

3)You could help to clean up the city parks.

4)You could ask hospitals to let you visit the kids and cheer them up.

5)She volunteer there once a week to help kids learn to read.

6)She decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program.

III.Teaching Important and Difficult points





IV.Teaching Periods

Period1: Section A 1a -2d

Period2:Section A 3a -4c

Period3: Section B 1a-1e

Period4: Section B 2a -2e

Period5:Section B 3a-3b

V.Teaching Procedures

Period I: Section A 1a -2d

1.Analysis of the teaching material

该部分有三个模块:第一个模块围绕 ways in which you could help people

这个话题展开叙述( 1a),听力(1b),口语( 1c)训练;第二个模块围绕 Talk about

ways to tell people about the Clean-Up Day 进行听力( 2a, 2b),口语( 2c)


2.Teaching Aims

1)学习使用与“volunteer and charity”有关的单词和短语,能正确运用




3.Teaching Difficult and Important Points


4.Teaching Procedures


展示几张需要帮助的人或事的图片。(如:sick people,homeless children,dirty park,hunger)通过图片让学生充分展开想像力,针对每一幅图片进行描述,激起学生的同情心和对以下内容的兴趣

Step2.(Presentation and practice)

What can you do to help sick people?

I could visit them in the hospital.

I’d like to buy them some flowers.

I hope to cheer them up.让学生给出不同的回答,强调I’d like to,hope to,volunteer to,could和其他动词的搭配。老师不断强化句型,让学生有个模式进行训练.

Step3. 1a, 1c, 2c.

让学生根据内容对话,引出volunteer,work outside,cheer up,help sb. with sth.,give out,clean up,in the 1aospital.并用刚刚学到的目标句型来操练。(若有学生不明白,老师可先示范一次。)

Step4 1b, 2a,2b.

听力练习,学生根据录音内容完成1b,2a and 2b。


Step5 2d




Step6 Homework



Period II: Section A 3a-4c

1.Analysis of the teaching material

该部分有三个模块:第一个模块是关于volunteers的一个阅读材料,训练形式为阅读( 3a),阅读练习(3b),单词短语练习( 3c);第三个模块为Grammar Focus 是对Section A 重点句型的整理,在以练习的方式进行巩固。

2.Teaching Aims

进一步熟悉与“volunteer and charity”话题相关的词汇和句型,并能根据提示写出简单的句子。


3.Teaching Important and difficult points



4.Teaching Procedures

Step1:Lead in 通过谈论志愿者活动,复习前期所学的目标语言,导入本节课话题

Step2:Reading 通过层层深入的任务型阅读,引导学生完成对3a文本的学习,提取和处理相关信息,提高阅读技能,并初步认识和理解动词不定式。讨论就volunteer为话题写作文的方法。

Step3:Grammar Focus 师生共同完成对单元语法知识的学习,明确其功能意义及用法。

Give out food, give out the money, put up signs, put off my plan, hand put notices, come up with some ideas, cheer up the sick children, clean

up the city parks, give up several hours, care for animals, care for them, cheer them up





Step4:Practice 完成4a,4b,4c的训练任务,在实践运用中巩固所学目标语言及语法。

Step5:Self Check 检查学生对Section A的主要语言点的掌握情况。

Step6:Homework 复习巩固Section A所学的动词短语,并加以实践运用。

Period III(Section B 1a-1e)

1.Analysis of the teaching material

该部分有二个模块:第一模块是词汇的学习( 1a)与运用(1b);第二个模块以听力训练形式强化第一模块中所学词汇( 1c, 1d)和口语训练( 1e)

2.Teaching Aims

学习使用与“volunteer and charity”话题相关的词汇短语,如:run out of, take after, fix up, give away等等。


3.Teaching Important and Difficult Points



4.Teaching Procedures

Step1:lead in 师生一起复习Section A中的动词短语,进一步明确动词短语的用法。Check the homework. Review the phrasal verbs learned in Section

A and talk about the usage of the phrasal verbs.

Step2:Presentation 利用图片引导学生学习新的动词短语,准确理解其意义及用法,并丰富话题词汇。Ask the students to look to look at the pictures and learn the following phrasal verbs: run out of, take after, fix up, give away.

Step3:Practice 通过1a,1b的训练,进一步理解,巩固和运用新学的动词短语,充实语言知识,提高语言技能。

Step4:Listening 通过1c,1d的听力练习,学生进一步感知话题情境,并提升其听的技能技巧。Listen to the recording the first time and do the exercises. Then listen to it again and try to read after it.

Step5:Pair Work 通过1e的对话练习进一步理解巩固听力内容,同时提升学生的口头表达能力。Ask students to role-play the conversation.


Do a survey about your classmates and friends’volunteering after school. Make a note using the target language you learned in this unit.

Write a passage about Jimmy’s volunteering, using the information in 1c and 1d.

Period IV(Section B 2a-2e)

1.Analysis of the teaching material

该部分有两个模块:第一个模块围绕中心展开阅读( 2a,2b) a volunteer’s work 并再次强化了第一模块中的词汇学习,第二模块仍就这一话题以小组活动形式进行口语训练(2e)。

2.Teaching Aims

学习使用与“volunteering and charity”话题相关的词汇和句型


能就“trained animals”这一话题与同伴进行交流和讨论。

3.Teaching Important and Difficult Points



4.Teaching Procedures

Step1:Lead in 就“如何感谢帮助我们的人”这一话题展开师生,生生之间的谈话,并引入课时“I’ll Send you a photo of lucky”这一阅读文章。

Step2:Reading 引导学生运用适当的阅读策略展开阅读训练,完成2b的阅读任务。Point out the leaning strategy: Understanding Parts of Speech. Explain the strategy and make sure the students can understand it well.Then let the students use the learning strategy to read the letter individually,silently, and very carefully. Try to understand the letter well.

进一步提取文本的细节信息,完成true or false的阅读任务,把握文段主题,熟悉文本意义。


解析文段中重点,难点词汇,短语及句型。Ask the students to read the letter again, find some key words and sentences. In pairs or in groups they discuss firstly. After that the teacher should emphasize something important and difficult.

Set up

Lucky makes a big difference to my life.

Help sb. Out

Get, bring, take, carry

Be able to

Because of

Step3:Self Check 综合训练语言技能,拓展运用目标语言,提高语用能力。Step4:Homework:以“Helping others is happy”为题,写一篇英文短文。

Period V(Section B 3a-self-check)

1.Analysis of the teaching material



2.Teaching Aims




3.Teaching Important and Difficult Points




4.Teaching Procedures

Step1:Revision 学生在小组内交流各自的作业,互评,互助修改上一节课课后的写作。Ask the students to check their writing in groups. And they should correct their mistakes individually. Then the best article in each group can be presented to the class.

Step2:Presentation 与学生谈论自己志愿者工作的选择意向及相关看法,引入本课时的语言实践学习。

Write some kinds of volunteer work on the blackboard and talk to the students.

Step3:Writing 学生就志愿者工作的选择意向展开小组讨论,激活话题语言,为下一节的写作做好准备。


Step4:Self Check 完成对本单元重点词汇的检测和对功能语言的实践运用。The students complete the phrasal verbs in Part 1 individually firstly, then check the answers together. The answers are various. The teacher should ask them to make a list of phrasal verbs in groups.

The students complete the passage in Part 2 individually and check the answers together .Then ask the students to read the short passage


Step5:Homework 对课堂学习内容的进一步巩固、延伸,让学生将所学的目标语言转化为语言的实践运用能力。

Write a report about your best friend’s volunteer job.(at least 6o words)

冀教版八年级英语下册教案Unit 2 第2课时

第二课时Lesson 8Why Are Plants Important?课时目标 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词。 1.She provides a pleasant and comfortable office for us. 2.The trees provide shade for the animals in the summer. 3.We must fulfill (完成) the task,whatever happens. 4.The government tries to satisfy their basic (基本的) needs.

二、写出下列画线短语的汉语意思。 1.There are so_many trees and plants.如此之多 2.They help us fulfill our basic_needs.基本需求 3.Look,there is an apple tree over_there! 在那边 4.That way,the wind and water don't carry the soil away.带走 教学过程 环节1新课导入 教师请三名学生起来表演上一课时的对话,然后教师在PPT上呈现上一课时的重点单词和短语,点名请学生来回答它们的意思,并用这些单词和短语造句。 设计意图:通过表演对话和复习单词、短语,帮助学生巩固所学内容;同时检查学生对上节课的掌握情况,为新课做准备。 环节2新课学习 1.教师让学生阅读Lesson 8中“THINK ABOUT IT”里的两个问题,然后思考在自己的家附近有些什么树,以及我们为什么需要这些树。思考完后可以和同桌讨论这两个问题。 2.教师请两名学生谈谈自己的想法。 3.教师给学生两分钟时间,阅读本课时的对话,把握对话大致意思。教师播放录音,学生注意录音的语音语调和句子的停顿并小声跟读。 4.教师让学生再次阅读对话,勾画出其中的生词、重要短语以及句子,然后教师进行讲解。 5.学生三人一组进行对话练习。学生先熟读对话,然后和其余两名搭档一起表演这个对话。 6.学生浏览活动1的题目和下方的内容,勾出文中提到的信息,然后教师核对答案。 7.教师让学生浏览活动2方框中的单词以及下方的短文,然后把短文内容补充完整,教师请几名学生起来回答,同时订正答案。 8.学生四人一组进行活动。学生讨论树木的功能,并把活动3的信息补充完整。 9.教师请几名学生分享他们的答案,然后归纳人类需要树木的原因以及树木在人类生活中起到的作用。 10.要点点拨。 There are so many trees and plants. so ad v.如此;这么。它主要有以下三种用法: ①“so+many/much/few/little+名词”表示“如此多/少的……”,其中,many/few修饰可数名词复数,much/little修饰不可数名词。例:It's hard to believe that he ate so much food

人教八年级英语上册Unit 2第2课时教案

人教八年级英语上册Unit 2第2 课时教案 第二课时Section A(2a-2d) 重点单词once ad v.一次;曾经 twice ad v.两次;两倍 Internet n.(国际)互联网;因特网 重点单词program n.节目 full adj.忙的;满的;充满的 swing n.摆动;秋千v.(使)摆动;摇摆 重点短语once a week一周一次swing dance摇摆舞play tennis打网球 重点句子1.How often do you watch TV?你多久看一次电视? 2.How come?怎么会? 教学 难点 掌握how often句型的提问和回答 根据句意及音标提示写出单词及其汉语意思。 1.I often go shopping once /w?ns/ a week.一次 2.Dave helps his mom do housework twice /twa?s/ a week.两次

环节1新课导入 T:We know every week has weekend. What do you usually do on weekends? S1:I often stay at home and watch TV. S2:I often go to the movies with my friends. S3:... T:How often do you do these activities? Ss:... 设计意图:复习上一课时的句型,通过课前的师生问答互动环节引入新话题。 环节2学习2a-2d 1.让学生朗读2a的题干和方框中的单词及短语,理解其意思,预测听力内容。 2.播放录音,完成2a的练习。 3.再次播放录音,完成2b的练习。 4.让学生两人一组,朗读2c的对话,并就自身的实际情况完成2c的表格。 5.两人一组,就完成的表格信息进行问答练习。老师挑选两三组学生当堂表演对话。 6.让学生朗读2d的对话,掌握其大意,并标出其中的生词、重点短语及难句,老师对其进行讲解。 7.结对练习,分角色有感情地表演对话。老师挑选两三组学生当堂表演对话。 8.要点点拨。 (1)How often do you watch TV? 【辨析】how often、how long、how soon与how far How come?怎么会呢?它是英语交际应用中的一个常用句型,用来表示说话者觉得某件事有点奇怪,想不明白。它既可以单独使用,也可用来提问,以how come开头的问句使用的是陈述句语序。

人教八年级英语上册Unit 6第2课时教案

人教八年级英语上册Unit 6第2课时教案第二课时Section A(2a-2d)

根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词。 1.玛丽明天可能会来,但我对此没有把握。 Maybe Mary is coming tomorrow, but I am not sure about it. 2.一定要在学校大门口等你的父母。 Make sure to wait your parents at the school gate. 环节1新课导入 T:Hello, everyone! Last class we talked about our dreams. Can you describe your dream job?

You can use the following sentences: I want to be a ... when I grow up. I am going to be ... and I am going to work in... S1:... S2:... T:Ok, I think your dreams are all good. 设计意图:通过复习上一节课所学知识,进一步引导学生谈论自己的职业理想和未来计划。 环节2学习2a-2d 1.让学生观察教材第42页2a的图片,预测听力内容。 2.听一遍录音,完成2a的任务并核对答案。 3.再听一遍录音,完成2b的表格并核对答案。 4.再播放一遍录音,让学生跟读对话,整体感知。 5.结对练习,先浏览2c中的对话模板,然后用2a和2b中的信息来编对话,最后邀请两三组学生当堂表演对话。 6.让学生轻声跟读2d的录音,理解其大意。 7.教师引导学生朗读2d的对话,并讲解其中的难点。 8.让学生两人一组,分角色有感情地练习2d的对话,老师走访指导;然后邀请一组学生当堂表演该对话。 9.要点点拨。 Not everyone knows what they want to be. ①该句中含有一个what引导的宾语从句,作动词know的宾语。 ②not everyone是不完全否定,意为“不是每个人”。 10.学以致用。(根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词) 并不是每个人都喜欢去度假。 Not everyone likes to go on a holiday. 设计意图:通过先观察图片和预览题目,预测听力内容,让学生做到心中有数,有的放矢。在听的过程中先听后读,指导学生快速捕捉并记录有用的信息,同时引导学生注意语音语调,为下面的口语练习做好准备;通过2c和2d的任务,让学生进行语言实践,鼓励学生大胆开口,巩固所


第二课时Section A(3a-4c) 课时目标

患有心脏病,需要马上去医院。 7.Should I put some medicine on it? 我应该在上面敷些药吗? 教学难点学会持正确的态度去帮助别人;能够利用情态动词should询问及给出建议 自主学习 观察下列句子的画线部分并总结规律。 1.— Tom,I have a toothache. — You should see a dentist. 2.— I’m not feeling well these days.I have a bad cough. — You shouldn’t smoke so much,I think. 3.— Should I put some medicine on it? — Yes,you should./No,you shouldn’t. 结论:should的用法 should为情态动词,无人称和数的变化,不能单独作谓语,必须和后面的动词原形一起构成谓语。其否定形式为should not(shouldn’t)。表示劝告或建议时,意为“应该,应当”,这时与ought to、be supposed to用法相当,但语气不如ought to强烈,且should更侧重个人主观的看法,而ought to更侧重客观情况。 教学过程环节1新课导入 教师向学生展示四幅有关病症的图片并问学生,然后学生根据图片回答教师所提的问题。 T:What’s the matter with him? Ss:He has a sore throat.

T:What’s the matter with him? Ss:He has a stomachache. T:What’s the matter with her? Ss:She has a sore back. T:What’s the matter with him? Ss:He has a toothache. 设计意图:教师通过展示图片并提问,不仅帮助学生复习了上一课时所学的重点知识,而且还激发了学生的学习兴趣,活跃了课堂氛围,为之后的学习做好了铺垫。 环节2学习3a-3c 1.教师先向学生展示3a中的图片,然后让学生相互讨论发生了什么,面对这种情形应该做什么,最后教师请几名学生来回答。 T:What happened in the picture? Ss:A man was lying on the side of the road. T:What should we do to help them? Ss:We should call an ambulance. T:Did you think the bus driver would help him? S1:Yes. S2:Yes. S3:No. ... 2.通过讨论后,快速地浏览一遍3a的文章,核对下和自己刚刚讨论后的回答是否相近。

八年级英语下册第 1单元第2课时【教案】

八年级英语下册第1单元第2课时教案 Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section A 3a—3c 一、【教材分析】 二、【教学流程】

passenger, off, get off, to one’s surprise, onto, trouble, hit (hit), right away, get into (2) Finish off the exercises to check the new words. get off hit trouble to my surprise passengers ①He often helps others an d he isn’t afraid to get into ____________. ②It was National Day yesterday, and there were too many ____________ on the train. ③Unluckily, bus No. 26 _______ the old man yesterday. ④He will __________ the bus at the next bus stop. ⑤I was worrying about what to cook for lunch. _________________, lunch was ready when I got home. Answers: ①trouble ②passengers ③hit ④get off ⑤To my surprise Ⅱ. 阅读 训练 1. Pre-reading Look at the picture, read the title of the passage and then discuss the following questions. (Activity 3a) The title of the passage: Bus Driver and Passengers Save the Old Man Questions: ①Can you guess what’s wrong with the old man? ②What is the woman next to him doing? ③Who do you think is going to save him? 2. While-reading (1)Read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with the main meaning. (Activity 3a) Para 1 Accident result Para 2 Something happened at 9:00 a.m. yesterday Para 3 Bus driver’s and passengers’ reactions (2)Read the passage quickly and answer the questions. ①What did the bus driver see on the side of Zhongshan Road? He saw an old man lying. ②Did the bus driver help the old man? Yes, he did. ③Was the old man dead or alive (活的)? He was alive. (3)Read the passage carefully and check the things that happened in the story. (Activity 3b) Answers: 1, 3, 5, 6 Ⅲ. 强化 巩固 1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. without happened quickly sad help surprise only when At 9:0 a.m. yesterday, bus No. 26 was going along Zhongshan Road ________ the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for ________. The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus _________ thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what _________. She said

冀教版八年级上册英语教案 Unit 1 第2课时

第二课时Lesson 2It's Getting Warmer!课时目标 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.The sun rises (rise ) at six this morning. 2.Did you know lightning is some times hotter (hot) than the sun? 3.When he grew up,he became (become) a doctor. 4.The snow doesn't melt (not melt) easily in winter. 5.Can you tell the difference (different) between them? 二、写出下列画线短语的汉语意思。 1.I need neither my heavy winter coat nor my boots now!既不……也不……2.On my way to school this morning,I saw some winter jasmine blossoming.迎春花

3.Children run around or play_on_the_swings.荡秋千 4.My class is also planning a_field_trip to the countryside.野外旅游;远足;(学生)实地考察旅行 教学过程 环节1新课导入 T:What is spring weather like? S1:In spring,the weather becomes warmer.The temperature goes up! S2:In early spring,it sometimes snows.But the snow melts quickly because of the warm sunshine. S3:In April,showers begin.Sometimes there are storms with thunder and lightning. T:Which season is your favourite?And why? Ss:Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter.Because... T:OK! Today we will learn more information about spring. 设计意图:通过教师提问、学生回答的形式谈论春天的天气以及学生喜欢的季节,可以激发学生的兴趣,循序渐进地引入本课时的话题。同时,活跃的课堂氛围为接下来的学习作了铺垫。 环节2新课学习 1.将学生分成若干小组,选出组长,然后一起讨论教材第4页上方“THINK ABOUT IT”中的问题。 2.教师邀请每个小组的组长展示小组讨论后所得的结果,并对学生表述有误的地方予以指正。 3.让学生快速阅读教材中本课时的书信,了解其主旨大意。 4.教师播放课文的录音,让学生模仿录音的语音语调小声进行跟读;然后学生在文中标记出本课时的生词、重要短语以及句子。 5.教师讲解本课时的主要内容。在讲解的过程中可邀请学生尝试翻译其中的重难句。 6.让学生根据书信内容,完成活动1和活动2的练习。教师请学生分享答案,然后订正答案。 7.让学生浏览一遍活动3方框中的单词并知道其意思,然后用这些单词完成活动3中的五个句子。 8.教师请五名学生分别读一读这五个句子,全班一起核对答案。 9.学生四至五人为一组进行讨论。学生可根据活动2和活动3的内容讨论春天及其相关的户外活动。


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? New York City; Central Park,exam,were,rainy,delicious,expensive,inexpensive.crowded.flew,kite,later,felt,little, corner, discuss,etc Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains. Did she go to Central Park?Yes,she did.No, she didn’t 语法:一般过去时特殊疑问句、一般疑问句及肯、否定回答。 根据初中英语新课程标准和本科教材内容,我确定了以下目标: 1.Master the vocabulary 2.Master the key patterns: Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains ? Did she go to Central Park?Yes,she did.No, she didn’t 单元教学重难点 1.Vocabulary and Expressions 2. Grammar Focus:Where did you go on vacation?I went to the mountains. Did she go on Central Park?Yes, she did. No, she didn’ t Use the past tense to talk about activities that happened in the past in E nglish with the following sentences: Where did you go on vacation? Did you go to…?Yes. …/No,… Such as; go abroad, go hiking, go climbing, summer camps, and so on接近学生的 生活,They are all interested in talking about it. Section A中1a. 1b. 1c. 2a. 2b. 2c. Grammar focus 教学目标 知识与能力 1. Match the vocabulary:New York City,Central Park,exam. 2. Master and use:Where did you/ they /he / she go, vacation? I / They /He /She went to the mountains\New York City\beach\ summer camp. Did you go to the beach?Yes,I did.No, I didn’t. 过程与方法 通过例子Who went to the movies last Saturday?引出动词go的过去式went,从而引出一般过 去时态。 教学重、难点及教学突破重点 l. The vocabulary:New York City, Central Pads,exam. 2. Language: Where did you/they/he/she go on vacation? I/They/He/She went to the mountains/ N ew York City/ beach /summer camp Did you go to the beach? Yes,I did. No, I didn’t. 难点 Use the language to talk about past events. Language: Where did you go on vacation?及答语的学习 step 1 Greetings


Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. The second period Section A (3a—3c) 一、【教材分析】 教学[来源:学&科& 网Z&X&X&K][来源:学§科§网] 目标[来源:学科网ZXXK] [来源:Z_xx_https://www.360docs.net/doc/116531910.html,] 知识 目标 1. 学习并掌握下列单词: junior clear clear out bedroom no longer own railway part part with certain as for honest to be honest while truthful 2. 能正确使用以下常用表达: seem to get smaller, part with certain toys, a train and railway set, do with the money,homemade, 3. 能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式: 1)We have de cided to each sell five things we no longer use. 2)As for me , I didn’t want to give up my football shirts, but, to be honest, I have not played for a while now. 3) It has special meaning to me becau se Grandma gave it to me.[来源学科网] 能力 目标 通过阅读训练,能从阅读中获得个人物品的相关信息。 情感 目标通过本课的学习,正确处理并充分利用自己的废旧物品。 教学重点与庭院售卖、生活中的常用物品相关的词汇以及现在完成时表示持续性动作和状态的用法。 教学难点理解延续性动词可用于表达持续性动作和状态,能够与since和for搭配使用。 教学方法情景教学法;任务型教学法。 二、【教学流程】 环节师生活动 I. Preparation 准备课前3分钟检查单词预习情况,教师根据学生读的状况,适当领读,帮助学生正音。 1. Free talk “自由交际” 2. Revision “复习检查” 通过检查上节课布置的作业落实作业完成情况,进而为新课的导入铺路搭桥。 通过检查“学案”中“新知预习”内容检查预习效果。

人教版-英语-八上-人教新目标版八年级英语上 第10单元 第2课时 教案

八年级英语上第10单元第2课时教案 Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a good time . Section A Grammar Focus—3c 一、【教材分析】 教学目标知识 目标 1. 让学生能听、说、读、写下列词汇和短语。 chocolate, upset, taxi, advice, potato chips 2. 学习并熟练掌握下列句型。 1) I don’t know what to do about going to Mike’s birthday party tomorrow night. 2) If I go to the part y, they will be upset. 3) Also, I’m not sure how to go to the party. 4) Can you give me some advice please? 3.学习if引导的条件句构成的规律;情态动词should的用法。 能力 目标 学会运用if引导的条件状语从句、情态动词should和一般将来时等语法讨论话题“聚会”;学会运用所学句型对将来要发生的事进行假设和推断。 情感 目标 通过角色扮演、分组探究等活动,培养学生的合作意识;通过与他人交流、相互学习与帮助,培养学生的团队精神。 教学重点 1. .学习运用will构成的一般将来时。 2. if 引导的条件状语从句。 教学难点 1. if 引导的条件状语从句的构成和用法。 2. 情态动词should的用法。 教学方法情境教学法;任务型教学法。 二、【教学流程】 环节师生活动二次备课 I.复习热身1.让学生2人一组,用if造句子进行问答练习。 A: What will happen if you go to school late? B: If I go to school late, my teacher won’t ha ppy. A: what will you do if you are happy? B: I will laugh if I’m happy. 2. 用动词的适当形式填空。 1. I f it _____________ (not rain) tomorrow, we’ll go to the zoo. 2. If she __________ (finish) her work early, she _________ (go) home. 3. I don’t know if it _____ (rain) tomorrow. If it _____ (rain), we _________ (not go) fishing. 4. He can’t pass the exam if he _________________ (not work) harder. 5. I am learning how_______(swim). 6. Please __________ (take) the message to her when you _________ (meet) Mary. Ⅱ.感知 体验1. 教学本课生词: chocolate, upset, taxi, advice, potato chips 2. 让学生默读Grammar Focus 表格中的例句,如有可能,教师可以提


Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Section A 2 (Grammar Focus-3c) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 学习掌握下列词汇:invite, accept, refuse 2)进行一步复习巩固运用Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。3)进一步学习运用所学的知识来表达邀请;学会如何回答别人对自己的邀请,以及学会如何有礼貌地拒绝他人的邀请,并陈述理由。 4) 掌握情态动词can, must, have to, might的用法。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 进一步学习运用所学的知识来表达邀请;学会有礼貌地答复他人对自己的邀请。 2) 掌握情态动词can来表达邀请;运用情态动词have to, must, might等有礼貌地说明拒绝他人邀请的理由。 2. 教学难点: 1) 能熟练进行邀请及应答。 2) 运用情态动词have to, must, might等有礼貌地说明拒绝他人邀请的理由。 三、教学过程

Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision 1. Have a dictation of the new words learned in the last class. 2. Ask some Ss to invite some Ss to his/her party. The partners give some answers. S1: Can you come to my party? S2:Sure. I’d love to. S3: Sorry, I can’t. I have to look after my sister at home. S4: … 3. Role-play the conversation in 2d. Ⅱ. Grammar Focus. 1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。 ①─星期六你能来我的聚会吗? ─____ you _____ to my party on Saturday? ─当然,我乐意来。Sure. ____ _____ _____. ─对不起,我必须为数学考试而学习。 Sorry, I _____ _____ _____ a math test. ②─明天晚上你能去看影剧院吗? ─ _____ you ____ to the movie ___________ night? ─当然可以,听起来很棒。 ─ ______, that _______ ________. ─恐怕不行,我得了流感。 ─I’m ______ not. I have the ______. ③─他能去聚会吗?

八年级英语上册Unit 3 第2课时(教案)

自主学习方案 1. 2. 3. 课堂导学方案 Step 1 复习(1分钟) eg: A:Who is funnier, A or B?

B:I think B is funnier. Step 2 情景导入(2分钟) Who sang better? Why did he/she sing well? 环节说明:通过师生互动既复习了上节课的内容,又锻炼了学生 Step 3 完成教材2d的任务 1.学生自读对话,根据对话内容完成下列句子。(5 (1)There was a singing competition yesterday. (2)Julie thinks Lisa sang better than Nelly. (3)Anna thinks Nelly danced better than Lisa. (4)The girl with shorter hair is Lisa. 环节说明:将对话转化成填空题,这样能对所学的比较级起到复 2.大声朗读2d对话,读熟后与同伴结对练习,分角色表演对话。(3 3.邀请三组学生表演对话。(5 4.小结训练。(3 ( B )(1)This box is _________heavier than that one. A. lots of B. a lot C. a lot of D. more ( C )(2)—Do you know _________girl is Lisa?

—The girl in a red skirt. A. who B. what C. which D. whom ( D )(3)The coat I bought last week is too big for me. I’d like to change it for a _________one. A . small B. larger C. nicer D. smaller ( D )(4)Tom draws _________better than his brother. A. more B. most C. many D. much Step 4 完成教材Grammar Focus及3a 1.参考学案中语法精讲精练部分。(5 2.让学生用单词写出3a中问句及答句。提示:as+原级+as;比较级+than。(3 环节说明:通过对学案上语法的讲解与作业练习及3a的练习,使学生 Step 5 完成教材3b—3c的任务 1.根据3b的提示,要求学生模仿句子I’m taller now than I was two years ago.写出4个句子表达自己和两年前的变化。(3 2.对比自己的父母,完成3c表格内容,然后用Who is …your mother or your father?来询问你的搭档父母的情况。(3


八年级英语教学案例分析 2009-12-18 12:33:28| 分类:学习交流| 标签:|字号大中小订阅 案例一:Section A (第二课时) 一、本节课教学重点: 1、继续巩固六个一般现在时的时间副词always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never 以及涉及学生日常生活的几个词:exercise, watch TV, go shopping, do homework, go skateboarding等。 2、在巩固学习的基础上,引入表时间频率的词组:once a week, twice a week, three times a week, every day 等以及本单元 的主要句型:How often do you exercise? I exercise …… 二、教学分析:我在进行本节课的教学时,感觉有些别扭,由于和学生之间的陌生造成了学生极为的不配合,使我在这节课的教学陷入极大的被动。不得不杀个回马枪对于所学内容进行强化训练,然后再布置任务,结果不仅不令人感到满意,弄得学生也很疲倦。课下通过仔细的分析,大致原因如下:1、导入不成功。没有把本节课的教学内容与上节课的内容进行必要的衔接,完全违背了学生知识构建的规律,因此使得学生在课堂上的学习有些迷惘,有些被动。2、操练不够。在导入新的教学内容之后,应该及时地进行适当的句型操

练,但是由于缺乏对学生的水平的了解而只是蜻蜓点水似的带过。从而导致自己的课堂教学步入一个僵局。费时费力还没有任何收效。 三、教学策略:总结以上几点失败的教训之后,我认为在以后的教学中应该注意以下几点:1、再次面对新的学生时,应该先对学生的实际情况和上英语课的常规习惯进行一个大致的了解,并且针对学生的学情对自己的教学模式进行适当的调控。2、本节课的导入应该以always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never 入手,然后再通过对话让学生明白How often do you exercise? 的意思。 3、本节课应该强化操练的句型为:H ow often do you …? How often does she…? 等I exercise every day/once a week / twice a week /three times a week / once a month.通过手势告诉学生该怎样配合。 4、在对学生不了解的情况下,课堂教学用语应该尽量简单明了,必 要时可以使用汉语教学,不必拘泥于英语教学的硬框框。 案例二:Section A (第三课时) 一、教学重点:1、巩固词汇:every day , once ,twice, three times, how often surf the Internet等2、帮助学生学会调查,并通过调查培养学生的两个习惯。一是养成良好的日常生活和学习的好习惯。二是培养学生的合作能力以及与别人共享信息的习惯。另外,培养学生学会分析数据,得出结论的能力。 二、教学分析:我在组织本节课教学时是以一个简单的调查入手:Who likes English?/maths?/Chinese?/Computer? 可能是因为这个


最新教学资料·人教版英语 Unit 2I'll help to clean up the city parks. 第一课时 教学目标 能运用以下句型进行交际: I'd like to work outside. You could give out food at a food bank. 教学过程 一、导入(Lead-in): 展示几张需要帮助的人或事的图片。(如:sick people,homeless children,dirty park,hunger) 通过图片让学生充分展开想像力,针对每一幅图片进行描述,激起学生的同情心和对以下内容的兴趣。 二、句型引入和操练(Presentation and practice) 1.版书:What can you do to help sick people? I could visit them in the hospital. I’d like to buy them some flowers. I hope to cheer them up. 让学生给出不同的回答,强调I’d like to,hope to,volunteer to,could和其他动词的搭配。老师不断强化句型,让学生有个模式进行下面的训练。 2.结对练习对话 另外再让学生结对操练句型:

通过反复操练,巩固句型,体会以上句型的结构,为后面的讨论作铺垫。 三、教学操练(Practice) . 1.教学 1a, 1c, 2c. Step1: 让学生根据内容对话,引出volunteer,work outside,cheer up,help sb. with sth.,give out,clean up,in the 1aospital.并用刚刚学到的目标句型来操练。(若有学生不明白,老师可先示范一次。) Step2: 抽查几对学生,让他们在全班面前,按要求进行对话。 2.教学1b, 2a,2b. Step1: 帮助学生明确题目的要求。接着,听力练习,学生根据录音内容完成1b,2a and 2b。 Step2:重放一遍录音内容,学生跟读。学生通过听力练习,进一步熟悉本课的目标语言。 四、教学巩固 通过版书引导学生完成一个任务: 假设你有个朋友周末生日,他打算在家开个生日舞会。他现在有很多事情忙不过来,你能给他提供什么帮助? 说明:通过来完成一个任务。让学生运用所学内容,既巩固了本课所学的语言目标,又开拓了学生的思维,使学生的语言运用源于书本又高于书本,培养学生在实际生活中运用本课所学内容,来解决现实生活中的实际问题的能力,达到新课标提出的培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 五、作业 (Homework): 1.下周你们班将去老人院,去那里有什么可以做的,罗列4~5点。 2.翻译下列短语。 (1)打扫 (2)张贴 (3)去医院看望生病的小孩 (4)在外面工作 (5)提供帮助 (6)推迟 (7)分发 (8)无家可归的人


八年级英语(下)第2单元第1课时 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. Section A 1a—2d 一、【教材分析】 二、【教学流程】

II. Presentation 呈现1. Learning tasks“示标定向” 出示这节课的三维学习目标。 (1)学习并掌握下列单词: clean up; cheer; cheer up; give out; volunteer; come up with; put off; sign; notice; hand out; call up; used to; lonely; care for (2)能正确使用以下常用表达: clean up; cheer up; give out; come up with; put off; hand out; used to; care for (3)能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式: The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up. The boy could give out food at the food bank. We need to come up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up. 2. Leading-in“导入新课” (1) Learn some words and expressions about health problems according to some pictures: A: What could I help others? B: You could help to clean up the city parks. (work outside, visit sick children in the hospital, give out food at the food bank) ) (2) Play a game: Listen to the teacher carefully, according to the teacher’s descriptions , find the most likely results: A. I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn’t put on my jacket. B. I ate too much junk food at my friend’s birthday party. C. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. D. I didn’t sleep well. I can’t really eat anything. It hurts a lot. E. I talked too much yester day and didn’t drink enough water. F. I don’t look well. My face looks a bit red. And my head feels very hot. (3) Learn some words and expressions: A: What should I do to be a volunteer? B: I think you should visit the old people in old people’s home.. (write the stories for the newspaper, cheer up the children, tell the stories, clean up the city parks) III.Practice 操练1. 机械操练(Mechanical Drills) 1) 1a Practice the conversation in the picture according to 1a: A. What could I do? B: You could visit sick children in the hosp ital. Or: I think you should… (help clean up the street, sing songs for the children in the hospital, help stop hunger) 2. 有意义操练(Meaningful Drills)
