上海市中考英语英语 完形填空专题练习(附答案)

上海市中考英语英语 完形填空专题练习(附答案)
上海市中考英语英语 完形填空专题练习(附答案)




It was a very foggy morning in London. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxis were stopped along the roadside, unable to move because the drivers couldn't 1 . People were trying to walk to their destinations, but most were losing their 2 in the fog.

Mr. Smith had a very important meeting at the House of Commons, but he was not familiar with the area and 3 could take him there in such heavy fog. So he was a little 4 .

He was trying to find his way in the fog. Soon, however, he realized that he was lost. 5 he bumped into a stranger. Mr. Smith said sorry to the stranger and then asked him whether he 6 help him find his way. The stranger said it was a piece of cake and 7 to take Mr. Smith to the meeting place. Mr. Smith thanked him and they started to walk. The fog was getting thicker and thicker every minute but the stranger had no difficulty in finding the way. They went along one street, turned down another, 8 a square and at last, after about half an hour, they arrived at the meeting place.

Mr. Smith couldn't understand how the stranger found his way. "It is wonderful," he said. "But 9 do you find the way in the thick fog?"

"It is no trouble at all 10 me," said the stranger. "I am blind."

1. A. see B. touch C. guess D. follow

2. A. way B. interests C. lives D. money

3. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody

4. A. relaxed B. Surprised C. excited D. worried

5. A. Usually B. Suddenly C. Probably D. Especially

6. A. need B. must C. could D. should

7. A. offered B. Continued C. dreamed D. hated

8. A. chose B. knew C. missed D. crossed

9. A. how B. why C. where D. when

10. A. by B. to C. about D. against




个人在茫茫大雾中没有费什么力气就找到了Smith先生要去的地方,原来他是一个盲人。(1)动词辨析。句意:公共汽车,小汽车和出租车在路边停着不能移动因为司机看不见路。根据The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so. 雾太浓厚了




根据The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so. 雾太浓厚了以致于看见一英寸左右都是不可能的。人们看不见路,辨别不了方向,所以迷路了。lose one's way迷路,固定短语,way方法,路上;interest兴趣;lives生活;money钱,故选A。(3)不定代词辨析。句意:史密斯先生在下议院有一个非常重要的会议,但是他对这个地区不熟悉,没有人能在这么大的雾里把他带到那里。根据根据The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so. 雾太浓厚了以致于看见一英寸左右都是不可能的。可知雾太大了,没有人能把他带到那里。somebody某人;anybody任何人;nobody 没有人;everybody每个人,故选C。

(4)形容词辨析。句意:因此他有一点着急。根据上文Mr. Smith had a very important meeting at the House of Commons, but he was not familiar with the area and nobody could take him there in such heavy fog.可知他很着急。relaxed轻松的;surprised感到吃惊的;excited 激动的;worried焦急的,故选D。

(5)副词辨析。句意:突然他碰上一个陌生人。根据Soon, however, he realized that he was lost. 很快他意识到他迷路了。可知在不经意的情况下突然发生的,usually通常;suddenly突然;probably或许;especially尤其是,故选B。


(7)动词辨析。句意:陌生人说这是小菜一碟主动带史密斯先生到达开会的地方。offer 提供;continue继续;dream做梦;hate不喜欢。offer to do sth.主动做某事,固定短语,故选A。


(9)特殊疑问词辨析。句意:但是你怎么在浓雾中找到路的。此处表示做事方式,how 如何;why为什么;where在哪里;when何时,故选A。

(10)介词辨析。句意:“这对我来说没有困难”,陌生人说。by通过;to对于;about关于;against反对;紧靠,to sb.对某人来说,故选B。



Hecomes from a small village far from any big town. He is the son of a farmer. Heis Wu Yulu, an ordinary 1 from a village.

Evenwhen he was a child, he took a great interest 2 robots. He made his first mini-electrical machine at the age of 8.He worked on robots all day. Localvillagers thought Wu Yulu was crazy. 3 , he never gave up hisdream. He 4 most of his time on robots and didn't careabout farming.

Hehas made more than thirty robots with different functions. Some clean, somewash the

dishes, and 5 light cigarettes, pour water or serve food.

"Iwill never stop 6 robots and I'm glad that I have 7 ,"said Wu Yulu."In 2009, I was invited to an exhibition inShijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province, with my robots. I am 8 that my robots were on show along withShenzhou Ⅶ."

Influencedby Wu Yulu, his son Wu Wangyang loves robots, 9 .Theman is a college student, majoring in some robots design, and always helps hisfather make robots. 10 , he and his father Wu Yulu will surelyinvent more and more useful robots.

1. A. inventor B. cleaner C. worker D. robot

2. A. for B. on C. in D. at

3. A. However B. Before C. After D. When

4. A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took

5. A. other B. theother C. another D. others

6. A. to do B. doing C. making D. to make

7. A. kept on B. keptout C. put out D. put on

8. A. interested B. proud C. happily D. carefully

9. A. only B. either C. also D. too

10. A. At first B. Attimes C. In the future D. In a minute




(2)句意:他对机器人有极大的兴趣。take a great interest in,对……有极大的兴趣,故选C。


(4)句意:他花费大部分时间在机器人上。spend+时间+on sth.花费时间在......,故选B。(5)句意:一些大扫除,一些洗碗,其他的点烟。other后面用可数名词复数=others;another后面用可数名词单数。根据前句some可知是表达复数,故选D。

(6)句意:我从不停止制作机器人。stop doing sth.停止做某事,指同一件事;stop to do sth.停止去做另一件事,根据句意可知是制作机器人这同一件事,故选C。









Not only adults but also teenagers have problems in their life. Here is a survey showing the main problems of 1 .

They feel stressed because they have 2 homework to do both at school and at home. They have lots of exams 3 .And parents usually send them 4 different classes at weekends. As a result, so many of them almost become bookworms(书虫). During the holidays, they could hardly have 5 time to do what they are interested in. Now more and more teenagers 6 short-sighted. They often read in bed or keep 7 for a long time without having a rest. Some of them are crazy about playing computer games. Some 8 too much time watching TV. 9 serious problem among teenagers is that many of them are becoming fat. They eat too much junk food, but they take little exercise.

I think teenagers should think of ways to 10 the problems. They should make a plan for study and hobbies and find time to relax as much as possible.

1. A. adult B. adults C. teenagers

2. A. too many B. too much C. much too

3. A. join B. to be taken C. to take

4. A. to B. for C. of

5. A. our own B. their own C. his own

6. A. is getting B. are getting C. got

7. A. red B. read C. reading

8. A. pay B. cost C. spend

9. A. Another B. Other C. Others

10. A. doing with B. do with C. deal with







不可数名词,所以用too much修饰,故选B。

(3)句意:他们参加许多考试。A.加入;B.被参加;C.参加。take exams参加考试,to take做exams的定语,故选C。

(4)句意:父母通常在周末送他们去上不同的课。send sb. to+地点名词,把某人送到……,故选A。


自己的;B.他们自己的;C.他自己的。主语是they,所以用their own他们自己的,故选B。


明时态是现在进行时,结构是be doing,所以be用are,故选B。

(7)句意:他们经常在床上读书或者没有休息一直读很长时间。keep doing sth.一直做某事,故选C。

(8)句意:一些花费太多时间看电视。A.支付,主语是人,pay+金钱+for sth.为某物支付

多少钱;B.花费,主语是物;C.花费,主语是人,spend+时间或者金钱+doing sth.做某事花

费多少时间或者金钱。spend too much time watching TV花费太多时间看电视,故选C。




(10)句意:我认为青少年应该思考处理问题的方法。A.处理;B.处理;C.处理。ways to

do sth.,做某事的方法,故选C。



4.阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

This morning I got an email from Roy. It seems that my boy really enjoys his new life at the University of Harvard.

The 1 made me think of the first day when we moved into this house.

Little Roy ran around the new house with great excitement and tried to move his own things into the house such as his toys, books and clothes. 2 , his little hand knocked over(打翻)a bottle of paint on the shelf. The paint made the tidy floor and white wall a terrible mess. "Oh, my God!"My wife rushed in angrily. I looked at my son, and his small face was filled with 3 .

I 4 and held his hand, "Take it easy, Roy. Now let's do something to make it look

5 ."I took out a

6 ."You see, Dad is a magician(魔术师).I can change it into a big tree."

His mother soon helped paint some butterflies and flowers on the wall.

We spent the whole afternoon 7 and laughing. The wall became a beautiful forest with plants, birds and small animals. Blue sky and white clouds were also painted by Roy. On that day, everybody in the house knew something 8 happened.

The night before Roy left for the University of Harvard, he asked me if I still remembered the day when he knocked over the paint." Since then I've 9 worried about making mistakes, "he continued, "I believe I can always 10 ways to solve all the problems."

1. A. call B. email C. card

2. A. Suddenly B. Luckily C. Gladly

3. A. happiness B. hope C. fear

4. A. cried B. smiled C. shouted

5. A. nice B. bad C. wrong

6. A. drum B. brush C. clock

7. A. washing B. cooking C. painting

8. A. dangerous B. boring C. special

9. A. never B. always C. sometimes

10. A. put B. hand C. find



(1)句意:这张电子邮件使我想起了我们搬进这个的房子的第一天。A.打电话;B.发电子邮件;C.卡片。根据I got an email可知是电子邮件让作者想起了往事,根据故选B。





(7)句意:我们花了整个下午画画和笑。A.洗;B.烹饪;C.画画。根据helped paint,可知他们一起画画,故选C。





What's your idea about success? Some people say that beginners have all the luck, while others believe that success 1 only with practice. In fact, I feel both of these statements (陈述)are

not true all the time. Each is true in some ways 2 not in others.

For example, I went to a drawing competition many years ago and 3 surprisingly. As a prize, I got a film ticket to see "Titanic". I was really 4 because it was the first time I had taken part in any competition. Thinking that I might be lucky again, I 5 joining in other art competitions, but the result was that I 6 won again. I accepted the fact that the other people had a 7 artistic ability than I did. Art was not something I was especially interested in and I had never practiced the different art skills. So, the 8 I produced were not of a very high standard.

These experiences taught me a lot. Though I might have been lucky 9 , I also need to put in hard work. As we know, 10 makes perfect. So I believe success builds on less luck and chance.

1. A. moves B. comes C. returns D. leaves

2. A. or B. so C. and D. but

3. A. won B. began C. failed D. ended

4. A. sorry B. active C. lucky D. nervous

5. A. tried B. forgot C. stopped D. remembered

6. A. often B. ever C. seldom D. never

7. A. greater B. smaller C. lower D. more common

8. A. ends B. films C. prizes D. drawings

9. A. at last B. at most C. at first D. at least

10. A. chance B. practice C. difference D. experience




(2)句意:在某些方面每一种说法都对,但在其它方面则不正确。or 或者;so所以;and和;But但是。前半句是肯定,后半句是否定,二者之间明显构成了转折关系,故用but,故选D。

(3)句意:例如,多年前我去参加一次绘画比赛,令人惊讶地获了奖。won获胜;赢得;began开始;failed失败;ended结束;结尾。根据As a prize可知获了奖,故选A。(4)句意:我确实很幸运,因为那是我第一次参加竞赛。sorry抱歉的;active ;积极的;lucky幸运的;nervous紧张的。根据Thinking that I might be lucky again想着我可能会再次幸运,可知是幸运,故选C。

(5)句意:考虑到我可能会再次走运,我试着又参加了一次美术比赛。tried尝试;forgot忘记;forgot停止;remembered记住;想起。根据Thinking that I might be lucky again想着我可能会再次幸运可知此处是再尝试一次,故选A。

(6)句意:但是结果却是我再也没有获过奖。often经常;ever曾经;seldom很少;几乎没有;never 绝不;从来不,根据I accepted the fact that the other people had a52artistic ability than I did可知作者接受了别人比自己更有艺术能力的事实。这说明我


(7)句意:我接受了别人比自己更有艺术能力的事实。greater更大的;smaller更小;lower更低的;more common更普通的。根据than可知此处是表比较的句子,根据前句“但是结果却是我再也没有获过奖”可知在艺术能力方面别人比我强,故选A。

(8)句意:因此,我创作的画并不是高水平的作品。ends结果;films电影;prizes奖金;奖品;奖章;drawings画。根据For example, I went to a drawing competition many years ago可知作者是以自己参加绘画比赛的事情为例的,故选D。

(9)句意:尽管我在刚开始时可能已经很幸运了,但是我还需要全身心地投入到艰苦的创作中去。at last最后;at most至多;at first最初;开始;首先;at least至少。根据短文内容可知,作者在刚开始时很幸运地获了奖,但随后却没有获过奖,故此处应用“开始”一词,故选C。

(10)句意:众所周知,实践出真知。chance机会,practice练习,实践difference不同,experience经验;经历,practice makes perfect,实践出真知,是固定习语,故选B。



English is important in our society. Different people have 1 ideas on how to learn English well. Some think you must learn grammar well 2 you want to learn English well. Others believe that you can't learn English well unless you 3 as many English words as possible.

As for me, I don't think so. Grammar rules, new words and phrases are very important, but they are not 4 . You still need to learn something else, or you cannot be good at English. For example, many of my classmates 5 grammar. They have learned a lot of English words and phrases by heart, yet they can't express 6 in English when they meet foreign friends. So I think the best way to learn English well is to learn and 7 English all the time. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and be 8 . Unless you keep practicing it again and again, you can't learn it well. That means we'd better practice listening, speaking, reading and writing as much as possible. What's more, if we can form the habit of thinking and writing 9 English all day, we are sure to learn English well.

What's your opinion? Do you have any ideas on this topic? Please 10 us and give us your advice.

1. A. same B. different C. interesting D. surprising

2. A. if B. though C. because D. until

3. A. remember B. meet C. realize D. forget

4. A. good B. easy C. enough D. bad

5. A. are good at B. are born with C. are poor in D. are worried about

6. A. ourselves B. yourselves C. themselves D. itself

7. A. listen B. read C. speak D. use

8. A. looked after B. laughed at C. taken away D. dressed up

9. A. on B. to C. with D. in

10. A. think of B. lay out C. put on D. write to


【解析】【分析】文章大意:英语在生活中很重要,有人认为学习单词重要,作者认为单词,语法和短语都很重要,但是并不够,必须要使用英语,用英语思考,用英语写作。(1)句意:关于英语学好,不同的人有不同的观点。A.相同的;B.不同的;C.有趣的;D 令人吃惊的。根据下面的陈述可知,不同的人有不同的观点,应使用different,故答案是B。


D.直到。设空的前后句构成的是条件关系,应使用if构成条件状语从句,故答案是A。(3)句意:其他人相信,除非你记住尽可能多的单词,否则你不会学好英语。A.记住;B.见面;C.意识到;D.忘记,根据as many English words as possible.可知是尽可能多的记住单词,故答案是A。






(10)句意:请给我们写信给我们你的建议。A.想起;B.铺开;C.穿上;D.给某人写,write to sb.给某人写信,固定短语,故答案是D。


7.完形填空 I have had the pleasure of meeting a few neighbors . They seem to be quite kind people . For Christmas , I thought I would do something nice for each of the neighbors that I

knew . I sat down and counted . There were nine neighbors , and I also knew which houses they lived 1 .

However , I decided to add one more person to my list , the lady I met every morning walking to work when I drove down the street . She always gave me a sweet smile and a friendly wave (挥手), 2 I had no idea about her address .

My gift idea was to make small 3 baskets and leave them on each of my neighbor's front porches(门廊)the night of Christmas Eve . I kept the last one for the friendly lady because I was still not sure about where she lived . It was 4 the house down about where I met her each morning . Finally I decided to put it there . My neighbors really enjoyed the baskets and a couple even came by to thank me .

This morning I got a Thank you card.

The card said , “ Thank you for those lovely apples and strawberries you left on the porch of Thomas . He 5 on January 19 , but he never stopped 6 about how nice it was that he was remembered in his time of illness . He really enjoyed it . ”

I was very 7 . Why he sent a card to me ? I had no idea 8 Thomas was or that he had been seriously ill . I had left that nice lady's basket on Thomas' porch by accident . I believe Thomas never expected to have that basket . I feel sorry that the nice lady didn't get a basket from me , but I believe if she knew what had happened , she would 9 me .

I feel lucky to have helped Thomas be more cheerful in his last days . This just makes me further believe that sometimes 10 in life are beautiful .

1. A. / B. to C. with D. in

2. A. but B. so C. unless D. because

3. A. flower B. Food C. vegetable D. fruit

4. A. clearly B. maybe C. certainly D. sure

5. A. dead B. has been dead C. died D. has died

6. A. talk B. talked C. to talk D. talking

7. A. nervous B. surprised C. relaxed D. Excited

8. A. where B. when C. what D. Who

9. A. understand B. punish C. stop D. tell

10. A. gifts B. mistakes C. problems D. questions



(1)句意:有9个邻居,我也知道他们住在那个房子里。短语:live in住在……里面。故答案为D。


(3)句意:我的礼物是做一个小的果篮,在圣诞前夕放在邻居家的前门廊上。A、flower花儿;B、Food食物;C、vegetable蔬菜;D、fruit水果。根据下文apples and strawberries可知,故答案为D。





(6)句意:但是他从不停止谈论在他生病期间是多么的好。stop doing 停止做某事,故答案












处的最佳选项。I still remember my first Christmas adventure(冒险) with Grandma. As we walked into a store, Grandma game me ten dollars. That was 1 money in those days. “Take the money,” she said, “and buy 2 for someone who needs it. I'll wait for you in the

3 .” Then she walked out of the store.

I was only eight years old then. I had often gone shopping with my mother, but I had 4 shopped for anything alone. I didn't know what 5 or who to buy it for.

I 6 everybody I knew. Finally, I had an idea. I would buy Bobby a 7 ! He needed one. I knew that 8 he never went out during the winter. His mother always 9 a note, telling the teacher that he was ill, but all we kids knew that was not 10 .

I chose a red coat. It looked really 11 .

When I retu rned to Grandma's car, she helped me write a note “To Bobby, 12 Father Christmas''. Then she drove me over to Bobby's house.

Some time later, Grandma 13 her car near Bobby's house. We got off and hid in the bushes(灌木). The n Grandma said to me, “All right, Father Christmas, get going.”

I ran to Bobby's front door, put the 14 down, rang his doorbell and flew back to Grandma. Together we waited for the front door 15 …

That night, I realized that Father Christmas was alive(活着), and we were on his team. I felt so happy.

1. A. lot B. a lot C. a lot of D. lot of

2. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything

3. A. hotel B. bus C. store D. car

4. A. never B. already C. always D. still

5. A. buy B. bought C. to buy D. buying
