


With the collectivization trend of domestic enterprises, cross-regional management issues have become much more cumbersome. It also puts forward higher requirements for financial management system. The old decentralized financial management can’t meet the requirements of the development of modern enterprise groups any more. Therefore, it is imminent to develop a group financial management system to meet the needs of group management. In this paper, the group financial management system is designed and realized. The system not only integrates the scattered resources of enterprises, so that the resources can be managed and distributed scientifically; but also provides various kinds of financial data in the management process of enterprise group real time, accurately and systematically.

According to the requirement analysis of group financial departments and the heads and staff of various departments, the whole system is designed as four modules of financial accounting structure, signature authorization, operation business and cost business. The financial accounting structure module involves the adjustment of the new financial year organization structure and the BI data synchronization each year. The organization structure and data in the financial accounting structure module are the basis for the implementation of the other three modules. The signature authorization module is the core of the system, in which the department administrator will maintain approver information of every section through Excel tables, and it provides WebService interfaces. The operation business includes sale and procurement, while the cost business consists of loan and reimbursement. The approver information is obtained through WebService interface to complete the approval process. The development framework used in this system is SSH. The presentation layer uses the view techniques of JSP and Struts2 for user interaction with the system; the business layer runs on Tomcat server, Activiti is integrated with Spring on business layer. Hibernate provides underlying support for business layer.

At present, the financial management system has been formally launched, and the user experience is good, greatly improving the processing efficiency of all kinds of financial business of various departments.

Keywords: Financial Management System, workflow,Activiti workflow engine, SSH framework


摘要 .......................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ II 第1章绪论 .. (1)

1.1课题背景及研究的目的和意义 (1)

1.2与本课题有关的国内外研究状况 (2)

1.2.1工作流技术及其应用的现状 (2)

1.2.2 财务管理系统国内外研究现状 (3)

1.3本文的主要研究内容和论文结构 (4)

第2章财务管理系统需求分析 (6)

2.1功能性需求分析 (6)

2.1.1 财务核算结构模块 (6)

2.1.2 签字授权模块 (7)

2.1.3 运作类业务模块 (9)

2.1.4 费用类业务模块 (10)

2.2非功能需求分析 (10)

2.3关键技术简介 (11)

2.3.1 Activit工作流引擎 (11)

2.3.2 区块链技术的使用 (14)

2.4本章小结 (19)

第3章财务管理系统设计与实现 (20)

3.1系统总体架构 (20)

3.2系统总体功能设计与实现 (21)

3.3数据库设计 (21)

3.4功能模块的设计与实现 (26)

3.4.1 财务核算结构模块的设计与实现 (26)

3.4.2 签字授权模块的设计与实现 (29)

3.4.3 运作类业务模块的设计与实现 (32)

3.4.4 费用类业务模块的设计与实现 (35)

3.5本章小结 (37)

第4章财务管理系统测试 (42)

4.1测试工具和环境 (42)

4.1.1 测试工具 (42)

4.1.2 测试环境 (42)

4.2功能测试 (43)

4.2.1 财务核算结构测试 (43)

4.2.2 签字人检索功能测试 (44)

4.2.3 签字人维护功能测试 (45)

4.2.4 运作类业务审批功能测试 (47)

4.3性能测试 (48)

4.3.1 压力测试实施基本流程 (49)

4.3.2 混合业务场景 (50)

4.3.3 测试结果分析 (50)

4.4本章小结 (53)

结论 (54)

参考文献 (55)

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