


对于旅行者而言,餐桌礼仪(table manners)可是必修课下面是干货资源社小编特地为旅行者们盘点了各国的餐桌英文使用礼仪,以便他们能更好地“入乡随俗”。

Table manners are how to behave when you eat a meal. They include how to handle cutlery and how to eat in a civilized manner. The world’s largest travel and digital publisher, Lonely Planet has assembled etiquette tips. It warns of blunders you should av oid at table. “It celebrates the fun of travel. Sometimes they are funny and sometimes they are informative,” said US editor Robert Reid, whose team pulled together tidbits from various cross-cultural books.


Eating 进餐

Japan 日本

Lonely Planet: It is “perfectly” okay to slurp when you eat noodles.


Tradition: Unlike making big noises, slurping mildly is not rude but is a com#pliment to the chef. Japanese also say it tastes better if you slurp.


What else to watch: It’s important to say traditional phrases of thanks before and after a meal.


Eat sushi whole. Dip the fish part rather than the rice into soy sauce.


Russia 俄罗斯

Lonely Planet: Your wrists should be placed on the edge of the table while eating, fork in left hand, knife in the right.



Tradition: Keep your hands in sight. It is not good manners to rest them on your lap. Keep your elbows off the table.


What else to watch: Leave some food on your plate to show that the host has given you enough to eat. Or the host will ask if you’d like to have a second helping. It’s polite to mop up excess sauce or gravy with bread.


Portugal 葡萄牙

Lonely Planet: Don’t ask for salt and pepper if it is not on the table. “Asking for any kind of seasoning or condiment” will offend the cook.


Tradition: Cooks are highly respected in Portugal.


What else to watch: Place your napkin on your lap, and don’t eat with your fingers. Don’t switch cutlery between hands.


France 法国

Lonely Planet: never discuss money or religion over dinner. Going Dutch is considered “the height of unsophistication”.


Tradition: In France, a meal is like a ceremony. People relish it and make it’s a special o ccasion.

What else to watch: In contrast to the etiquette in Russia, it’s considered good manners to finish everything on your plate.


People often cut bread directly on a table cloth rather than on a plate. Tear your bread into bite-sized pieces

before eating. Taking a bite from the whole piece is very impolite。



Mexico 墨西哥

Lonely Planet: Whenever you catch the eye of someone who’s eating, even a stranger, it’s good manners to say “provecho”, which means enjoy.



Tradition: In Mexico, dining is more than a meal. It’s a social occasion - lunches are rarely quick and suppers

can last for hours.



What else to watch: Where you sit matters in the country. Before you get seated, look for place cards, or

wait until the host seats you.



And you must say “enjoy your meal” before you leave the table.


Drinking 饮酒

Lonely Planet has offered helpful drinking tips.


America 在美国

If you empty a bottle into someone’s glass, it obliges that person to buy the next bottle. It’s polite to put the last drops into your own glass.



Australia 在澳大利亚

In a pub it’s customary to buy a round of drinks for everyone in your group. When it’s your turn say “It’s my round”. They’ll make it up to you when it’s their round. Don’t leave before you’ve bought a round.



Japan 在日本

Don’t fill your own glass of alcohol, instead, you should pour for others and wait for them to reciprocate.


Russia 俄罗斯

Adhere to the vodka rituals. Vodka is for toasting, not sipping. Men, but not women, are expected to down shots in one gulp. Never mix vodka with another beverage or dilute it. And don’t place an empty bottle on the table - it must be placed on the floor.




Sweden 在瑞典

It’s considered impolite to clink glass es unless you say “cheers”.



十条应该遵守的西方礼仪How to behave at table in western society? 1.When helping a woman pull her chair to the table, hold it and guide it. Don't shove it against the back of her legs. 为女士拉椅子的时候,要把椅子抓住了,留个角度,让女士好走过去。别让椅子腿碰到女士的腿。 2.If you're seated at a table with eight or fewer guests, wait for everyone to be served and for the hostess to begin eating before you dig in. At a long banquet table, it's OK to start when several people are seated and served. 如果就餐人数少于等于八人,那就等所有人都坐好了,女主人开始用餐了,再开动。如果是长餐桌,那么只要有几个人入座进食了,你也就可以开始吃了。 3.All things not having to do with food should remain off the table: keys, clutch bags, cigarette packs, sunglasses, BlackBerrys. 一切和食物无关的东西都不应该出现在餐桌上,包括:钥匙、手袋、烟盒、墨镜还有手机。 4.Don't snap your napkin open or unfurl it showily like it's an Olympic flag. 不要把餐巾展开,看起来像是在展示奥林匹克会旗一样。 5.If you prefer not to have wine while dining out, don't turn your glass upside down, and don't make a big deal of saying you don't drink. Simply place your fingertips on the rim of the glass and say "Not today, thanks." 如果在用餐时你不想饮酒,不要把酒杯倒过来放,也不要很在意地宣布你不喝酒。只要轻轻地把指尖放在酒杯边缘,说一句"今天不喝,谢谢。" 6.If you're eating and want to take a sip, dab your mouth with your napkin to avoid staining the rim of the glass. 如果你在吃东西的时候,想要啜一口饮料的话,那就先拿餐巾把嘴擦干净了,以免在杯子边缘留下残迹。 7.Grabbing a bowl of salad or a saltshaker as it's being passed to someone who asked for it is the equivalent of cutting in line: greedy and rude. 7.把原本要递给别人的沙拉碗或者盐瓶从半道截下来,这基本上就等于在说:你是个既贪婪又粗鲁的人。 8.On the subject of passing: Dishes go counterclockwise, but if someone to your left asks for something, you can hand it directly to him. 8.餐桌上要传递东西的话,规则一般是逆时针传递。不过,如果坐在你左手边的人想要什么东西时,你也可以直接递给他。 9.When you excuse yourself to go to the restroom, just say "Please excuse me."


西餐英语礼仪学习 对于旅行者而言,餐桌礼仪(table manners)可是必修课下面是干货资源社小编特地为旅行者们盘点了各国的餐桌英文使用礼仪,以便他们能更好地“入乡随俗”。 Table manners are how to behave when you eat a meal. They include how to handle cutlery and how to eat in a civilized manner. The world’s largest travel and digital publisher, Lonely Planet has assembled etiquette tips. It warns of blunders you should av oid at table. “It celebrates the fun of travel. Sometimes they are funny and sometimes they are informative,” said US editor Robert Reid, whose team pulled together tidbits from various cross-cultural books. 餐桌礼仪指的是你的用餐行为准则,包括如何使用餐具以及如何文明进餐。全球最大的旅行指南数字出版商“孤独星球”最近汇集了各类餐桌礼仪,并列出了餐桌禁忌警示。美国编辑罗伯特?瑞得同自己的团队将各类跨文化书籍中的珍闻搜集起来,他说:“此举用来宣扬旅行的乐趣,有时很有趣,有时也可以增长见闻。” Eating 进餐 Japan 日本


西餐餐桌礼仪英语 1) As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin(餐巾), pick yours up and lay it on your lap. Sometimes a roll of bread is wrapped in it; if so, toke it our and put it on your side plate. 2) The Soup Course Dinner usually begins with soup. The largest spoon at your place is the soup spoon. It will be beside your plate at the right-hand side. 3) The Fish Course If there is a fish course, it will probably follow the soup. There may be a special fork for the fish, or it may be similar to the meat fork. Often it is smaller. 4) The Meat Course The main Course is usually served by the host himself, especially if it is a fowl(鸡禽) or a roast which need to be carved. He will often ask each guest what piece he prefers, and it is quite proper to state your preference as to lean or fat, dark(红肉) or light(白肉). 5) Using Knife and Fork If you have English and American friends you will notice a few differences in their customs of eating. For the main or meat curse, the English keep the fork in the left hand, point curved downward, and bring the food to the mouth either by sticking the points onto it or in the case of soft vegetables, by placing it firmly on the fork in this position with the knife. Americans carve the meat in the same position, then lay down the knife and taking the fork in the right hand with the point turned up, push it under a small piece of food without the help of the knife and bring it to the moth right-side-up. 6) Helping Yourself and Refusing If a servant passes food around, he will pass the dish in at your left hand so that you can conveniently serve yourself with your right hand. Never serve yourself while the dish is on your right; it is then the turn of your neighbor on the right. It is polite to take some of everything that is passed to you. But if there is something you may not like, you may quietly say: "No thank you." 7) Second Helpings The hostess may or may not ask if you would like a second helping, according to the formality of the meal. If she does and you accept it, you should pass your plate to her or to the servant with the knife and fork still lying on it.


英语餐桌礼仪 本文是关于英语餐桌礼仪,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 英美餐桌礼仪差异 1.让客人和长辈先吃每一道菜 let the elder people and the customer eat first 2.不要用筷子敲碗 don't use the chopsticks hit the bowl 3.不要将手伸到饭桌对面夹菜 don't reach to get the food on the opposite side 4.等大家到齐了,才开始吃 don't eat until everyone is there 5.为主人的长寿、健康、成功干杯 wish for the people who host the dinner 中国饮食在世界上是很有名的。Ibelieve the Chinese food is famous around the world. 假如你来到中国,中国朋友请你吃饭,你就需要了解一下有关宴会中的座次问题。Andif you are in China and you are asked by your Chinese friend to a dinner, youmay want to know how to pick up your seat at the table and what is the properway to sit at the table. 这个位子一般是主位,是主人的。Well,normally this seat is the seat for the host or the hostess. 这个位子面朝着门。(面朝着门的一般是主位。)Theseat is facing the door of this room. 也可以根据餐巾的样式来辨别座位。Onemay also distinguish the seats at the table from the style in which the napkinsare folded. 无论餐巾折成什么样式,最高的餐巾对应的座位,一定是主位。Regardlessof how the napkins are arranged.,thetallest arrangement will always


In China, as with any culture, there are rules and customs that surround what is appropriate and what is not when dining, whether it is in a restaurant or in someone’s home. Learning the appropriate way to act and what to say will not only help you feel like a native, but will also make those around you more comfortable, and able to focus on you, instead of your interesting eating habits. 同其他国家文化一样,在中国,无论是在餐馆还是在家,用餐时也有很多禁忌。适当了解一些中国的餐桌礼仪,不仅能让你更加入乡随俗,融入其中,而且能让别人注意到你,而不是你特别的用餐习惯。The customs surrounding Chinese tables’ manners is ingrained with tradition, and some rules are not to be broken. Failing to understand and follow all of the rules could result in offending the chef and ending the night in an unfavorable way. 有些餐桌礼仪是随着传统延续下来的,是决不能违反的。如果不了解这些餐桌礼仪并且破坏了这些规矩,到时可能得罪厨师,扫兴而归哦。 1. The food is served via large communal dishes, and in nearly every case, you will be supplied with communal chopsticks for transferring food from the main dishes to your own. You should use the communal chopsticks if they are supplied. If they are not or you are unsure, wait for


基本的餐桌礼仪英文 基本的餐桌礼仪英文 1.让客人和长辈先吃每一道菜 let the elder people and the customer eat first 2.不要用筷子敲碗 dont use the chopsticks hit the bowl 3.不要将手伸到饭桌对面夹菜 dont reach to get the food on the opposite side 4.等大家到齐了,才开始吃 dont eat until everyone is there 5.为主人的长寿、健康、成功干杯 wish for the people who host the dinner 中国饮食在世界上是很有名的。 I believe the Chinese food is famous around the world. 假如你来到中国,中国朋友请你吃饭,你就需要了解一下有关宴会中的座次问题。And if you are in China and you are asked by your Chinese friend to a dinner, you may want to know how to pick up your seat at the table and what is the proper way to sit at the table. 这个位子一般是主位,是主人的。Well, normally this seat is the seat for the host or the hostess. 这个位子面朝着门。(面朝着门的一般是主位。)The seat


英美文化:10条不可不知的西方餐桌礼仪(双语) 1. When helping a woman pull her chair to the table, hold it and guide it. Don’t shove it against the back of her legs. 1.为女士拉椅子的时候,要把椅子抓住了,留个角度,让女士好走过去。别让椅子腿碰到女士的腿。 2. If you’re seated at a table with eight or fewer guests, wa it for everyone to be served and for the hostess to begin eating before you dig in. At a long banquet table, it’s OK to start when several people are seated and served. 2.如果就餐人数少于等于八人,那就等所有人都坐好了,女主人开始用餐了,再开动。如果是长餐桌,那么只要有几个人入座进食了,你也就可以开始吃了。 3. All things not having to do with food should remain off the table: keys, clutch bags, cigarette packs, sunglasses, BlackBerrys. 3.一切和食物无关的东西都不应该出现在餐桌上,包括:钥匙、手袋、烟盒、墨镜还有手机。 4. Don’t snap your napkin open or unfurl it showily like it’s an Olympic flag. 4.不要把餐巾展开,看起来像是在展示奥林匹克会旗一样。 5. If you prefer not to have wine while dining out, don’t turn your glass upside down, and don’t make a big deal of saying you don’t drink. Simply place your fingertips on the rim of the glass and say “Not today, thanks.” 5.如果在用餐时你不想饮酒,不要把酒杯倒过来放,也不要很在意地宣布你不喝酒。只要轻轻地把指尖放在酒杯边缘,说一句“今天不喝,谢谢。” 6. If you’re eating and want to take a sip, dab your mouth with your napkin to avoid staining the rim of the glass. 6.如果你在吃东西的时候,想要啜一口饮料的话,那就先拿餐巾把嘴擦干净了,以免在杯子边缘留下残迹。 7.Grabbing a bow l of salad or a saltshaker as it’s being passed to someone who asked for it is the equivalent of cutting in line: greedy and rude. 7.把原本要递给别人的沙拉碗或者盐瓶从半道截下来,这基本上就等于在说:你是个既贪婪又粗鲁的人。 8. On the subject of passing: Dishes go counterclockwise, but if someone to your left asks for something, you can hand it directly to him. 8.餐桌上要传递东西的话,规则一般是逆时针传递。不过,如果坐在你左手边的人想要什么东西时,你也可以直接递给他。 9. When you excuse yourself to go to the restroom, just say “Please excuse me.” 9.想去洗手间的时候,只要说“失陪一下”就可以了。 10. When out with friends or family — even at a fancy restaurant —it’s OK to ask for your leftovers to be wrapped. But don’t do it at a business lunch or dinner. 10.和朋友家人一起外出用餐,即使是到很高级的餐馆,也可以要求把吃剩下的食物打包带走。不过,如果是在商务宴会上,就不要这么做了。


西餐餐桌礼仪英语 Final approval draft on November 22, 2020

西餐餐桌礼仪英语 1)Assoonasthehostesspicksuphernapkin(餐巾),pickyoursupandlayitonyourlap.Sometimesarollofbreadiswrap pedinit;ifso,tokeitourandputitonyoursideplate. 2)TheSoupCourse Dinnerusuallybeginswithsoup.Thelargestspoonatyourplaceisthesoupspoon.Itwillbebesideyourplateattheri ght-handside. 3)TheFishCourse Ifthereisafishcourse,itwillprobablyfollowthesoup.Theremaybeaspecialforkforthefish,oritmaybesimilart othemeatfork.Oftenitissmaller. 4)TheMeatCourse ThemainCourseisusuallyservedbythehosthimself,especiallyifitisafowl(鸡禽)oraroastwhichneedtobecarved. Hewilloftenaskeachguestwhatpieceheprefers,anditisquitepropertostateyourpreferenceastoleanorfat,dark(红肉)orlight(白肉).


餐桌礼仪英语文章 Modern relatively popular Chinese meal etiquette is on traditional mid-north with reference on the basis of foreign manners. Its seating to borrow western dinner party for the law, the right first principal guest sat in the guest host, the second on the right or left in master first principal guest right, flexible processing, wine served on the right by guests, after the Philippines, master, guthrie female guests first, after male guest. Wine, not too full steamy quaver. Serving sequence remains tradition, after first cold heat. The guest of hot food should be the opposite seat left; Single gets or dishes on the table to have the first point and snacks, top whole chicken bingo, whole duck, whole fish, etc, not plastic food toward are emic head and tail. These programs can not only make the whole process, more make a harmonious and orderly subject-object identity and emotional expression and communication. Therefore, table etiquette can make feasts on active complete thoughtful and make the subject-object both sides get all-round display tutelage. Must wait until all the people here can begin any form of dining activities - even if someone was late, will have to wait. Once you are ready, they can do the host. Opening During dinner, the host


一、餐桌礼仪 导语;中西方餐桌礼仪的差异是很多的。下面就我所知道有一些方面与你共享一下:不少人在吃西餐时,都会担心“失礼”。其实,所谓餐桌礼仪是为了让餐膳可以不受阻碍和破坏,而得以顺利流畅地进行的实用守则。谨记“整齐、清洁和保持安静”三项原则便可无往而不利。 Blurbs; the difference is a lot of Western table manners. As far as I know there are some to share with you the following: when you have Western food, many people are worried about "rude". In fact, the so-called table manners to make meals without obstacles and destruction, and to facilitate the smooth flow of usable code. Remember the "neat, clean, quiet and" three principles will be no detriment. 1.在当你应邀赴宴时,你对同桌进餐的人和餐桌上的谈话,大概要比对饮食要更感兴趣。因此进餐时,应该尽可能地少一些声响,少一些动作。 2.女主人一拿起餐巾时,你也就可以拿起你的餐巾,放在腿上。有时餐巾中包有一只小面包;如果是那样的话就把它取也,放在旁边的小碟上。 3.餐巾如果很大,就双叠着放在腿上;如果很小,就全部打开。千万别将餐巾别在领上或背心上,也不要在手中乱揉。可以用餐巾的一角擦去嘴上或手指上的油渍或脏物。千万别用它来擦刀叉或碗碟。 4.正餐通常从汤开始。在你座前最大的一把匙就是汤匙,它就在你的右边的盘子旁边。不要错用放在桌子中间的那把匙子,因为那可能是取蔬菜可果酱用的。


西餐礼仪英语 西餐礼仪英语 一、入座 进入西餐厅后,由服务生带领入坐,不可冒然入位。男士或服务生可帮女士拉开椅子协助入座,一般由椅子左侧入座。座位的安排于离出口最远的位置为上位。 二、餐具的摆设 (1).摆在中央的称为摆饰盘或称展示盘show plate,餐巾置于装饰盘的上面或左侧。 (2).盘子右边旁摆刀、汤匙,左边摆叉子。可依用餐顺序、前菜、汤、料理、鱼料理、肉料理、视你所需而由外侧至内使用。 (3).玻璃杯摆右上角,最大的是装水用的高脚杯,次大的是红葡萄酒所用的,而细长的玻璃杯是白葡萄酒所用,视情况也会摆上香槟或雪莉酒所用的玻璃杯。 (4).面包盘和奶油刀置于左手边,装饰盘对面则放咖啡或吃点心所用的小汤匙和刀叉。 (1).餐巾napkin (2).魚叉fish fork (3).主菜叉dinner or main course fork (4).沙拉叉salad fork (5).汤杯及汤底盘soup bowl & plate

(6).主菜盘dinner plate (7).主菜刀dinner knife (8).鱼刀fish knife (9).汤匙soup spoon (10).面包及奶油盘bread & butter plate (11).奶油刀butter knife (12).点心匙及点心叉dessert spoon and cake fork (13).水杯sterling water goblet (14).红酒杯red wine goblet (15).白酒杯white wine gobl 三、刀叉的使用方法 (1).西餐进餐时一般以右手拿刀,左手拿叉。如果用左手拿叉不方便,也可以使用右手。 (2).用餐中,有事而离席时,宜把刀叉摆成八字型挂放在餐盘上。用餐结束后,则是平行的斜放在盘上一侧。 四、喝汤的礼仪 (1).西餐的汤分为清汤及浓汤,较正式的餐厅再供应清汤时使用椭圆形汤匙及汤杯,供应浓汤时使用圆形汤匙及宽口汤盘。 (2).拿汤匙的姿势是由内经外侧舀食。 (3).西餐喝汤时,不能发出声音。用汤时,不可用嘴将汤吹凉。可轻轻摇动汤使其稍凉。 (4).食用完毕后把汤匙放在靠自己身前的底盘上,或是放在盘中。将汤匙的柄放在右边,而汤匙凹陷的部份向上;汤杯与汤盘都是如此。

论文 中西方餐桌礼仪英文版

Different Table Manners between China and the West 不同的国家和民族由于地区差异形成了不同的文化。而不同国家的社会生活方式则形成了不同的饮食文化及餐桌礼仪。饮食文化及餐桌礼仪是非语言文化的重要组成部分。作为一名外语学习者,了解中西方饮食文化及餐桌礼仪方面的差异及其渊源是必要且必须的。因为这不仅仅可以增加对所学语言文化的认识,更加有助于提高跨文化交际的成功率,以此避免由不合适的行为或方式所形成的误解。 本文第一部分分别对中西方餐桌礼仪做简要概括。第二部分为本文核心,从餐具,座次,点餐及用餐氛围四个方面具体介绍中西方餐桌礼仪的差异。第三部分从地理因素,价值观,及传统习俗入手,讲述形成中西方餐桌礼仪差异的缘由。以此三个部分展现餐桌礼仪文化在中西方文化交流中占据重要地位。 Different countries and nations have different cultures as a result of regional differences. The social lifestyle of different countries form different diet culture and table manners, which are an important part of non language culture. As a foreign language learner, it is necessary to learn the differences between Chinese and Western food culture and table manners. Because it can not only increase the comprehension of the language culture, but also help to improve the success rate of intercultural communication, so as to avoid the misunderstanding caused by inproper behavior or manner. The first part of this paper gives a brief summary of Chinese and western table manners. The second part is the core of this paper, descriping specificly the difference between chinese and western table manner from four aspects that are tableware, seat arrangement, serving order and dining atmosphere. The third part from the geographical factors, values, and traditional customs introduces the reasons that the differences between Chinese and western table manners from the geographical factors, values, and traditional customs. The purpose of this paper shows that table manner

西餐礼仪 英文介绍

Passage : Manners on western dinner party: People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture. Knowing them will help you make a good impression(印象). Having good table manners means knowing, for example, how to use knives and forks, when to drink a toast(祝酒)and to behave at the table. Beside your napkin you will find a small bread roll(面包卷)and three glasses—one for the white wine, one for the red wine, and one for the water. There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table, forks on the left and knives on the right of the plate. When you see two spoons, the big one is for the soup and the small one for the dessert(甜点). When you sit down at the table, you can take your napkin, unfold(打开)it and put it on lap(膝). 2. Decide which of the following behaviors are polite or impolite at a Western dinner party. Write “P”(polite) or “I”(impolite) in bracket s. ( )1 Use the knife with your right hand. ( ) 2 Put your napkin on your lap. ( ) 3Start eating as soon as your food is served in front of you. ( ) 4 Ask for a second bowl of soup. ( ) 5 Use your fingers when eating chicken. ( ) 6 Finish eating everything on your plate. ( ) 7 Talk loudly while eating. ( ) 8 Make other people drink more than they can take.


英美餐桌礼仪[标签百科] Table Manners in Anglo(英国人)-America The first thing to rememb er when attending a dinner at a Western home is that you are the guest and that you are a foreigner. No on e will invite you if he d oes not really want you to enter his "castle(n.城堡,华宅)"; so you can be sure that you are wanted. Additionally, as you do not come from the same country or culture as your host, h e or she or they will surely be aware of this, and will be very forgiving if you unintentionally(adv.无意地) do or say something which would otherwise offend them. Keeping these two simple tips in mind should greatly ease your concern about being present at a dinner in someone else's home. Before arriving at your host's home, you may want to make sure of three things. First, be a few minutes late, say, about five to ten minutes if possible. Never be early, as the host may not have everything prepared yet. Nor should you be more than 20 minutes late. Your host may begin to worry about whether you are able to attend the dinne r or not. Next, as to whether to bring a gift, in most informal gatherings(n.聚会), it is not necessary. If you like, you can bring some fruit or sweets, or, especially if there is a hostess, some flowers. These are thoughtful cheerful gifts sure to please. Do not bring alcoholic beverages unless you are sure of your host's or hostess's preferences in drinks. Above all, do not spend a lot of money, and n ever give money. As we say in English, “it's the thought that counts”(礼轻情义重). Finally, wear comfortable clothing. For a special occasion or religious holiday, such as a retirement party or Christmas, a tie and jacket would be suitable for the gentlemen and a dress or sweater and skirt for the ladies. Your host in his home will usually motion(v.示意) you where to sit. At formal gatherings, name cards are sometimes provided, or you will be told where to sit. Do not be alarmed by a great deal of cutlery(n.餐具): simply start from the outside and work your way in. Formal affairs often have several courses of food with the appropriate cutlery for each dish. Th ere is no harm in checking with your neighbor to see what implement h e is using. After all, "When in Rome, d o as the Romans do:' It is customary(adj.习惯的) to ask others to pass dishes to you for self-serving; at a formal dinner party, there is usually catering (service). Again, do not h esitate to ask others for information or advice. They are usually pleased to help you. 当你参加西方家庭晚宴时,首先要记住的是:你是客人,而且是个外国人。如果不是真要让你进入他的“城堡”,人家不会邀请你,所以你可以确定你是受欢迎的。除此之外,因为你来自和主人不同的国家和文化,他或她或他们当然会明白这点,所以如果你无意间做了或说了某些冒犯他们的事时,他们会非常宽宏大量的。记住这两个简单的准则应该就能大大消除你到别人家用餐的忧虑。 在到达主人家之前,你可能要先确定三件事情。首先,如果可以的话,晚到几分钟,譬如说5~10分钟左右。千万不要提早到,因为主人可能尚未一切就绪。但你也不要迟到超过20分钟,因为主人会开始担心你是否能来赴宴。其次,关于要不要带礼物,在大部分非正式的聚会中是不需要的。你若高兴的话,可以带一些水果或甜点;或者尤其是有女主人的话,可以送一些花。这些都是体贴、令人愉快的礼物,一定会讨人喜欢。不要带酒类饮料,除非你确知主人或女主人偏爱什么酒。更重要的是,不要花太多钱,而且绝不要送礼金。就像我们在英文中说的"It's the thought that counts."(礼轻情意重)。最后,穿着舒适的衣服。在特别的场合或宗教节日,如退休宴会或圣诞节时,男士宜穿西装打领带,女士则穿连身裙或套衫加短裙。 屋里的主人通常会招呼你就座。在正式的聚会中,有时会摆出写上名字的卡片,或者主人会告知你哪里就坐。不要被一大堆刀叉餐具吓着了:只要由外往内按顺序使用就行了。正式宴会常会有几道菜须使用特定的刀叉餐具,这时不妨看一下邻座的人看他用什么餐具。毕竟,人总要“入境随俗”嘛。习惯上可以请别人将菜传给你,由你自己来招呼自己;在正式晚宴上则通常会有供餐服务。同样地,不要犹豫向他人请教与询问,他们通常都会乐意帮助你。 原文选自译索网,由Hi-English编辑; 更多精彩文章请登陆https://www.360docs.net/doc/1a3303120.html,
