




附录A 外文翻译

Talking About The Importance Of Strengthening Public

Building Energy Efficiency And Energy Saving Design

Abstract:In recent years, with the rapid development of national economy and accelerating urbanization, China's building energy consumption accounts for the proportion of the community is also growing rapidly, increasing by one percentage point more than a year, of which, many large public buildings to "seek Yang, Innovation, and big" building energy consumption and become a "black hole." Strengthening building energy efficiency, especially in public buildings and promoting energy efficiency and the rational use of energy and resource conservation fundamentally ease the contradiction between supply of energy resources and economic and social development, improve people's quality of life. Building energy efficiency design which is also a very important part. This paper focuses on the importance of energy efficiency in public buildings and how the implementation of building energy efficiency in building design are described, and made some personal advice.

Keywords:Public buildings Building energy efficiency Building energy efficiency design Importance


Our country is a developing country, it is a big country building, housing a total construction area of the country has more than 400 million square meters of new housing area per year up to 17~18 million square meters, more than the sum of all the developed countries each year completed the construction area. With

the gradual advance of building a well-off society, the rapid development of construction, building energy consumption growing rapidly and has become the world's second largest energy consumer. Some public buildings are often used as a symbol of the modern city, but due to the special nature of its structure and purpose, and often also public buildings energy-hungry, energy-saving potential of such buildings urgently mining. Second, strengthen the construction of energy-saving, especially the importance of energy efficiency in public buildings. 2Strengthen the construction of energy-saving, especially the importance of energy efficiency in public buildings

2.1The need to strengthen the energy efficiency of public buildings and social development

With the rapid economic and social development, and constantly improve the living standards of technology and science and technology, energy problem has become one of the important countries in the world. The total energy consumption in the world, 25% to 40% of energy consumption in buildings. At present, China's total energy consumption building society accounts for the total energy consumption of 27%, gradually, refrain. Especially in recent years, with the European style of vogue, many large public buildings as "seeking ocean, Innovation, and big", the pursuit of facade effect, a large area with glass walls, winter cold, summer heat, must resort to air conditioning adjust the room temperature, so that the air conditioning energy consumption than the general construction of such buildings to be three times higher. According to the survey, China has about 500 million of large public buildings, power consumption 70~300?

kW years for residential 8~15 times. China's large public building ?2


energy consumption per square meter in the 10~20 times that of ordinary residential buildings, public buildings, including many large energy government offices, commercial buildings in the course of its heating, air conditioning, ventilation, lighting and other aspects of consumption construction accounts for about 30% of the country's total energy consumption. Thus, strengthening building energy efficiency, especially in public building energy efficiency is imperative.

2.2To enhance public building energy efficiency is needed to improve the working and living environment

With the gradual advance of building a moderately prosperous society,

comfortable thermal environment is increasingly becoming the need of people's work and life. In developed countries, the suitable temperature has become a basic needs. In China, people are gradually increased requirements for quality of life. Meanwhile, China's vast territory, continental climate performance significantly: compared with other regions of the same latitude, the winter of the world's coldest countries in the same latitude, the average January temperature Northeast than other regions of the same latitude average low 15~20 ℃, the Huang-Huai basin low 10~15℃, south of the Yangtze low 6~10℃, southern coastal also low 5℃; summer is on the same latitude in the world average warmest countries (except the desert), the average temperature in July northeast than other regions of the same latitude the average high 4℃, North high 2.5℃, the Yangtze River is high 1.5 ~ 2℃. Therefore, hot summer and cold winter, long plagued the nation. More to improve people's lives, the more unbearable winter heat toss, heating in winter to the summer to cool, which consumes energy. Initial investigation found that summer air conditioning power consumption is a major factor in recent years, increasing in civilian electricity. The energy consumption of public buildings is to become the "black hole", air-conditioning systems in public buildings energy consumption of buildings accounts for the proportion of total energy consumption is increasing year by year. From a macro perspective, only to achieve the conservation and rational use of energy resources in order to meet people's need for a comfortable thermal environment. Thus, strengthening building energy efficiency, especially in public buildings energy- delay.

2.3Strengthen public building energy efficiency is to realize the need for national energy saving targets

China's "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" proposed to reduce by about 20% during the "Eleventh Five-Year" energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product, the total discharge of major pollutants by 10%. "Twelve Five-Year" Plan also proposed that "five" period of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to 11.4%; reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP by 16%, reduce carbon dioxide per unit of GDP by 17%; major significantly reduce pollutant emissions and chemical oxygen demand and sulfur dioxide emissions were reduced by 8%, ammonia, nitrogen oxide emissions were reduced by 10%. With the rapid development of urbanization, heating and air conditioning building energy increasing, the rapid growth of emissions of pollutants into the

atmosphere. China's carbon dioxide emissions have been accounted for second in the world, while building carbon dioxide emissions can be caused also accounted for using the country's total emissions of carbon dioxide can cause 1/4. In a period of time, this situation still exists, energy saving long way to go.

2.4The need to strengthen public building energy efficiency building technology advances

On the one hand, increasing as the country's energy requirements of the building, a fundamental part of the walls, doors, windows, roofs, floors and heating, lighting and other buildings have undergone tremendous changes. Housing construction is no longer a world of several traditional masonry and other materials, learning materials and processes used in practice for many years may have to quit the stage of history. Sprung up many new efficient insulation materials, sealing materials, energy efficient equipment and insulation pipes. On the other hand, the emergence of new energy-saving materials also contributed to the continuous development and create technology. Construction-related industries, such as design, construction and other sectors have to adjust the technical structure, create better meet people's needs energy-efficient buildings. 3The importance of strengthening public building energy efficiency design Building energy efficiency is the sum of the whole life of the whole building process every step of energy. Refers to the building planning, design, new (renovation, expansion), transformation and use of the process, the implementation of building energy efficiency standards, using energy-saving technologies, processes, equipment, materials and products to improve building insulation and heating performance heating, air conditioning, refrigeration and heating system efficiency, strengthening building energy systems operation and management, use of renewable energy, to ensure the quality of indoor thermal environment, reduce the number of heating, air conditioning, refrigeration and heating, lighting, hot water supply energy consumption. Building energy efficiency design is a comprehensive building energy efficiency is a very important part, is to enhance energy efficiency in buildings first gate.

3.1The overall energy-saving design and the external environment

3.1.1Reasonable siting

Construction site is mainly based on the factors of local climate, soil, water, topography and the surrounding environmental conditions, considering.

Architectural design, both to make the building suitable microclimate maintained throughout its life cycle, while also achieve the harmony of architecture and nature.

3.1.2Rational design of the external environment

After building address is determined, according to the needs of architectural features, the external environment through rational design, to improve the existing micro-climate, creating an enabling environment for building energy efficiency.

3.1.3Reasonable planning and program design

Reasonable construction planning and program design can effectively adapt to the harsh micro- climate. It includes determining the amount of the overall body building, body building and construction portfolio size, construction and other aspects of sunshine and orientation. Like yurt circular plane, conical roofs can effectively adapt to the harsh prairie climate, serve to reduce building cooling area, resist sand effect. For most areas, the introduction of energy-efficient natural ventilation of the building is very important. On the layout, you can create different pressure through the sunny side and the shady side of the building, ventilation can be formed even in no wind. Forming a tunnel in the body design of the building, so that the natural wind in which the roundabout, get good ventilation, so as to achieve the purpose of energy conservation. Sunshine principles and towards the choice is to get enough sunlight in winter and avoid the dominant wind, summer can take advantage of natural ventilation and minimize solar radiation. However, the orientation towards the construction program and the design of the building is often constrained by social history, culture, topography, urban planning, roads, environmental conditions, in order to make towards the building while meeting the summer heat and winter insulation is often difficult. Therefore, only trade-offs between various factors, to find a balance, try to be reasonable.

3.2Energy-saving design monomers

3.2.1Energy-saving structural design of various parts of the building

Energy-efficient structural design of various parts of the building, mainly to meet the same building as a fundamental part of the function, to be further design aspects of the material through the various parts (roof, floors, walls, doors, windows, etc.), construction and so on. Make full use of the building exterior

climate conditions, to save energy and improve the effect of indoor microclimate environment.

(1)Energy-saving design for roof

The roof is an important part of the building and the outdoor air in contact with the main energy saving measures: ①the use of sloping roof; ②Set roof insulation layer; ③If necessary, an additional roof insulation (insulated overhead roofing, water roofing, green roofs, etc.).

(2)Energy-saving design for floor layer

The main structure is the use of a hollow space, and the design of the floor to the ceiling shape. If the circulating water disposed therein, the summer can reduce the indoor temperature of cold water circulating in winter and hot water circulation heating.

(3)Energy-saving design for building envelope wall

In addition to energy-saving design of the wall to adapt to climate conditions, good insulation, moisture, insulation and other measures, should be reflected in the special structure can improve the micro-climate conditions, such as cold regions of the sandwich wall design, passive solar house in various regenerative wall (water wall) design, the Baghdad area in order to adapt to local climatic conditions are hot and dry in the wall of the outlet design.

(4)Energy-efficient doors and windows design

According to statistics, in our existing buildings with high energy consumption, 40% of the energy is dissipated through the doors. Therefore, to solve the problem of energy-saving windows and doors is important.

(5)Energy-efficient building envelope design detail

Energy-saving design detail, the overall energy efficiency of the building is also very important. Should proceed with the following parts: ①thermal bridge, take a reliable insulation and the "bridge" measure; ②the external walls and overhangs member attached to the wall components, such as balconies, rain cover, by the facades balcony railing, air conditioner outdoor unit shelf, with pilasters, bay windows, decorative lines, bridges and shall take off the heat insulation measures; ③window around the walls should be insulated; ④doors, window frames and wall the gap between the insulation material should be used efficiently caulking; ⑤the gap doors, window frames and plaster layers around, should adopt caulking sealant insulation materials and seal the interface of

different materials to avoid cracking, impact doors, thermal performance windows; ⑥all-glass curtain wall, the gap walls, floor or between beams and walls should be filled with insulation material.

3.2.2Rational design of building space

Reasonable space is designed in a fully meet the functional requirements of the building using the premise of reasonable architectural space delimited (delimited flat and vertical separator) to improve indoor insulation, ventilation, lighting and other micro-climatic conditions, to save energy.

3.2.3Selection of energy-saving building materials

An important aspect of the rational use of energy-saving building materials are also comprehensive building energy efficiency. Building materials should be selected to follow a healthy, efficient, economical, energy-saving principles. On the one hand, with the development of technology, a lot of new efficient materials continue to be developed and applied to architectural design to better achieve energy savings. Such as new insulation material, waterproof material used in walls, roofs, and achieve a better insulation moisture effects; new translucent insulating glass (such as Low-E glass, etc.) in windows applications, played a better aluminum with adjustable visor to shade the purpose; translucent insulation.


In recent years, a series of national regulations and local building energy efficiency standards were introduced, from government officials to the construction industry all employees, not just from the thought of the importance of energy efficiency in buildings have a certain visual recognition, and in particular work has also made certain achievements. However, with China's energy goals, there is a considerable gap, particularly public building energy efficiency, hesitant, far more than other civil difficulty saving. The reason for the policy on both factors, there are also reasons for funding. But I think the key is thinking and understanding is not in place, as long as the profound understanding of the importance of strengthening public building energy efficiency, we will be able to achieve our energy efficiency goals.

From:Theoretical Studies Of Urban Construction




1 引言




2 加强建筑节能,尤其是公共建筑节能的重要性

2.1 加强公共建筑节能是社会发展的需要





h/m 年,为住宅的8~15倍。我国大型公建每平方米年耗电量是普通居民住宅的10至20倍,许多大型公建包括政府办公大楼、商业大厦在使用过程中,其供暖、空调、通风、照明等方面消耗的能量已占全国建筑总能耗的30%左右。由此可见,加强建筑节能,尤其是公共建筑节能势在必行。

2.2 加强公共建筑节能是改善工作生活环境的需要


2.3 加强公共建筑节能是实现国家节能减排目标的需要


2.4 加强公共建筑节能是建筑技术进步的需要


3 加强公共建筑节能设计的重要性



3.1 整体及外部环境的节能设计

3.1.1 合理选址


3.1.2 合理的外部环境设计


3.1.3 合理的规划和方案设计

合理的建筑规划和方案设计能有效地适应恶劣的微气候环境。它包括对建筑整体体量、建筑体型及建筑形体组合、建筑日照及朝向等方面的确定。像蒙古包的圆形平面,圆锥形屋顶能有效地适应草原的恶劣气候,起到减少建筑的散热面积、抵抗风沙的效果。对于大多数地区来说,引入自然通风对建筑节能非常重要。在规划布局上, 可以通过建筑的向阳面和背阴面形成不同的气压,即使在无风时也能形成通风。在建筑体型设计上形成风洞,使自然风在其中回旋,得到良好的通风效果,从而达到节能的目的。日照及朝向选择的原则是冬季能获得足够的日照并避开主导风向,夏季能利用自然通风并尽量减少太阳辐射。然而,建筑的朝向、方位以及建筑方案的设计往往受到社会历史文化、地形、城市规划、道路、环境等条件的制约,要想使建筑物的朝向同时满足夏季防热和冬季保温通常是困难的。因此,只能权衡各个因素之间的得失,找到一个平衡点,尽可能地做到合理。

3.2 单体的节能设计

3.2.1 建筑各部位的节能构造设计













3.2.2 合理的建筑空间设计


3.2.3 选用建筑节能材料

合理选用建筑节能材料也是全面建筑节能的一个重要方面。建筑材料的选择应遵循健康、高效、经济、节能的原则。一方面,随着科技的发展,大量的新型高效材料不断被研制并应用到建筑设计中去,更好地达到节能效果。如新型保温材料、防水材料在墙体、屋顶中的应用,达到了更好的保温防潮效果;新型透光隔热玻璃(如 Low-E玻璃等)在门窗中的应用,起到了更好的透光隔热效果;采用可调节的铝材遮阳板,达到遮阳的目的。

4 结语


