《暑假作业》第14天 关爱他人,服务社会-每日一题之2019快乐暑假八年级道德与法治人教版

《暑假作业》第14天 关爱他人,服务社会-每日一题之2019快乐暑假八年级道德与法治人教版
《暑假作业》第14天 关爱他人,服务社会-每日一题之2019快乐暑假八年级道德与法治人教版

























































1.D 【解析】本题考查关爱他人是一种幸福的理解。对题肢进行深入分析,从而做出正确选择。A说法错误,关爱他人要讲究策略,学校公示贫困生伤害了贫困生小红的自尊;B说法错误,小江不会游泳还下水救助落水人,这是不珍惜生命的表现,关爱他人要尽己所能;C说法错误,期中考试,小清帮助同桌作弊,是不诚信和关爱他人的表现;D说法正确,小芳总会去敬老院帮助老人做一些力所能及的事,是关爱他人要心怀善意,学会关心、体贴和帮助他人。据题意要求,故选D。

2.A 【解析】本题考查关爱他人是一种幸福的理解。对材料进行深入分析,从而做出正确选择。分析马和驴的故事,马若关爱驴分担些重量,驴就不会累死,驴背上所有货物全部不会加在马背上,这说明关爱他人,就是关爱自己。所以A说法符合题意;B说法错误,关爱他人收获幸福,赢得他人的尊重,得到他人的关心和帮助,不是为自己谋利;C说法是关爱他人讲究策略,与题意不符,排除;


3.B 【解析】本题考查关爱他人的做法。关爱,就是关心爱护。关爱他人的人往往能够得到他人的尊重,得到他人的关心和帮助,获得更多的发展机会。从一定意义上说,关爱他人就是关爱和善待自己。



4.D 【解析】服务和奉献社会,需要我们积极参与社会公益活动。环境保护、社区服务等都是社会公益活动的具体形式。我们可以在社区、公园、公共汽车上、电影院等公共场所纠正不文明行为,可以到科技馆、博物馆做志愿者。无论参加哪种形式的社会公益活动,我们都要从实际出发,讲求实际效果。所以①②③④均符合题意,本题选D。

5.B 【解析】②本身说法错误,首先在于小琦不尊重老师,其次与题干无关。③的错误在于小亮不能积极承担责任,不能服务社会、奉献社会。排除②③,本题选B。



八年级下学期数学测试卷 一、选择题: 1.如果代数式有意义,那么x的取值范围是() A.x≥0 B.x≠1 C.x>0 D.x≥0且x≠1 2. 下列各组数中,以a、b、c为边的三角形不是直角三角形的是() A 1.5,2,3 a b c === B 7,24,25 a b c === C 6,8,10 a b c === D 3,4,5 a b c === 3.如图,直线l上有三个正方形a b c ,,,若a c ,的面积分别为5和11,则b的面积为() A.4 B.6 C.16 D.55 4. 如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,下列结论中错误的是() A.∠1=∠2B.∠BAD=∠BCD C.A B=CD D.A C⊥BD 5. 如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,对角线AC,BD相交于点O,点E,F分别是边AD,AB的中点,EF交AC于点H ,则的值为() A.1B.C.D.6.0) y kx b k =+≠ (的图象如图所示,当0 y>时,x的取值范围是 () A.0 x< B.0 x> C.2 x< D.2 x> 7. 体育课上,20人一组进行足球比赛,每人射点球5次,已知某一组的进球总数为49个,进球情况记录如下表,其中进2个球的有x人,进3个球的有y人, 进球数0 1 2 3 4 5 人数 1 5 x y 3 2 A.y=x+9与y= 3 x+ 3 B.y=-x+9与y= 3 x+ 3 C.y=-x+9与y=- 2 3 x+ 22 3 D.y=x+9与y=- 2 3 x+ 22 3 8. 已知一次函数y=kx+b(k、b为常数且k≠0)的图象经过点A(0,﹣2)和点B(1,0),则k=,b= 9.已知:ΔABC中,AB=4,AC=3,BC=7,则ΔABC的面积是( ) A.6 B.5 C.1.57 D.27 10. 如图,已知一条直线经过点A(0,2)、点B(1,0),将这条直线向左平移与x轴、y 轴分别交与点C、点D.若DB=DC,则直线CD的函数解析式为. a b c



Calculate for a moment what could be done with even a part of those hours. Five thousand hours, I am told, are what a typical college undergraduate spends working on a bachelor's degree. In 10,000 hours you could have learned enough to become an astronomer or engineer. You could have learned several languages fluently. If it appealed to you, you could be reading Homer in the original Greek or Dostoyevsky in Russian. If it didn't, you could have walked around the world and written a book about it. The trouble with television is that it discourages concentration. Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life requires some constructive, consistently applied effort. The dullest, the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem miraculous to those who never concentrate on anything. But Television encourages us to apply no effort. It sells us instant gratification(满意). It diverts us only to divert, to make the time pass without pain. Television's variety becomes a narcotic(麻醉的), nor a stimulus. Its serial, kaleidoscopic (万花筒般的)exposures force us to follow its lead. The viewer is on a perpetual guided tour: 30 minutes at the museum, 30 at the cathedral, 30 for a drink, then back on the bus to the next attraction—except on television., typically, the spans allotted arc on the order of minutes or seconds, and the chosen delights are more often car crashes and people killing one another. In short, a lot of television usurps(篡夺;侵占) one of the most precious of all human gifts, the ability to focus your attention yourself, rather than just passively surrender it. Capturing your attention—and holding it—is the prime motive of most television programming and enhances its role as a profitable advertising vehicle. Programmers live in constant fear of losing anyone's attention—anyone's. The surest way to avoid doing so is to keep everything brief, not to strain the attention of anyone but instead to provide constant stimulation through variety, novelty, action and movement. Quite


英英英英英英 大学生英语四级真题 (共3套) 2018 年6 月英语四级真题一................................................................................................ .. 1 2018 年6 月英语四级真题二 (16) 2018 年6 月英语四级真题三 (31) 2018 年6 月英语四级真题(第1套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an a short easy on the importance of speaking ability and how to develop it.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension(25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear questions, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 2 are based on the new report you have just heard. 1.A) The return of a bottled message to its owner's daughter. B)A New Hampshire man's joke with friends on his wife. C)A father's message for his daughter. D)The history of a century-old motel. 2.A) She wanted to show gratitude for his kindness. B)She wanted to honor her father's promise.


中国移动通信业市场状况浅析——来自消 费者的调查报告 ***年,对于中国移动通信业而言,无疑是经历着产业深刻变化,进一步走向成熟的一年.无论是从移动通信业资费的大幅下调、手机设备的市场演化、服务项目的调整、服务质量的逐步改善,还是移动通信业运营体制改革的深化及加入WTO脚步的临近等方面,移动通信业在取得良好发展的同时,也存在不少的不足之处。表现在市场发展上,移动通信用户进一步快速增长,运营企业市场竞争态势更趋合理,为中国移动通信业跨入新世纪奠定了较好的基础。本调查采用随机抽样方法,通过对XX市城八区302位普通消费者的调查,就***年XX移动通信市场的发展水平、发展状况以及消费者对***年移动通信市场重大事件的认知、态度和市场现状的评价等方面进行了研究,调查结果可推论XX城八区18—50岁的普通消费者,一定程度上也反映了中国移动通信业的发展状况、市场现状及其存在的问题。 ***年末移动通信市场现状 手机普及状况。调查显示,XX市18—50岁的人群中,有略超过半数(52.2%)的被访者使用手机,可见至***年底,XX市场手机的发展水平是比较高的,占经济活动型人口的一半左右。不同年龄消费者手机的拥有率存在较大差异(见表1),调查显示,18—29岁,30—39岁,40—49岁手机拥有率分别为43.4%、68.2%和43.2%,假定50—54岁年龄组与40—49岁相同,以XX市三年龄段人口年龄结构

比重进行加权平均,则大致可推算***年底XX市城八区手机普及率约为30%,即每10个人约拥有3部手机。以XX城八区拥有650万人口计,城区手机用户达195万。 消费者特性。就消费者而言,除年龄外,不同性别、学历、职业和以往的人群手机的拥有情况必然存在较大的差异。调查显示,就性别而言,男性拥有率要明显高于女性,近六成(59.7%)男性被访者拥有手机,女性被访者则为四成强(43.2%);就年龄而言,30—39岁的中青年消费者拥有率最高,超过2/3,18—29岁,40—49岁组拥有率要低得多;就学历而言,随学历升高,拥有率显著升高,特别是以高中与大专学历为分界点,差异明显,即手机拥有者主要集中在大专以上学历人群,高中以下学历较少;从收入水平看,随收入升高,手机拥有率明显升高,以月收入3000元及1500元为分界点,月收入3000元以上者拥有率高达90%左右,1500元以下者为12—30%,低于平均拥有率,1500—3000元者为65%左右,亦高于平均拥有率。从职业类型看,手机拥有以企事业单位管理人员为最(80%左右),其次是个体业主、自由职业者和公务员(60—70%),再次是专业技术人员和普通职员(50—60%),工人和服务人员拥有率最低,仅为5%左右。可见,手机用户群主要集中于30—39岁,大专以上学历月收入在1500元以上尤其是3000元以上的消费群体,值得注意的是月收入达到1500元的中等收入人群正日益成为手机大众化趋势的主要目标消费。 对于XX市场的两大运营商中国移动通信公司(原中国电信,下


初二数学参考答案及解析 一、填空题 1、35 2、12 解析:21()2x y =+原式. 3、2 4、7.25×10-6 5、m <3且m ≠0 解析:30,0. m m ->??≠? 6、k <-1 7、2.5 解析:①若沿前面侧面爬,则如图: AB = ②若沿底面侧面爬,则如图: 5,529AB ==<5÷2=2.5s . 8、60或120 解析:如图①, 当AD 在△ABC 内时,∵AD 为高,∴∠ADB=∠ADC=90°.∵ AC=2,AD = ∴在Rt △ ACB 中,11,2 CD CD AC ==∴= ,∴∠CAD=30°, ∴∠ACB=90°-∠CAD=60°.如图②,当AD 在△ABC 外时,由①知,∠ACD=60°,∴∠ACB=180°-∠ACD=120°. 9、B 10、C 11、C 解析:①根据经验,a=2,b=3; ②由题可得,a 2+b 2=13,b -a=1,∴(a +b )2=2(a 2+b 2)-(b -a )2=25. 12、D 解析:由原式=(3a ±1)2=9a 2±6a +1,∴k -3=±6. A B A B A C D D C B A 图① 图②

13、D 14、A 15、C 解析:12||OB B A S O y A ??=. 16、D 三、解答题 17、解:(1)原式=-a 3-2÷a -4=-a ÷a -4=-a 5 (2)原式=-4-1+4+3=2 18、解:(1)两边同乘x 2-4,得(x -2)2+4=x 2-4,解得x=3. 检验:当x=3时,x 2-4≠0,∴x=3是原方程的根. (3)两边同乘2x -1,得10x -5=2(2x -1),解得12x =,检验:当12 x =时,2x -1=0,1 2x ∴=不是原方程的根,∴原方程无解. 19、解:2 11(1)11a a a a a +-+==++原式 , 当1a =时,11=+=原式. 20、解:由翻折知,△CBD ≌△CED ,∴∠CED=∠B=90°,CE=BC=5,DE=BD , ∴∠AED=90°.设DE=BD=x ,∵AC=13,∴AE=8.∴在Rt △ABC 中,12AB , ∴AD=12-x .在Rt △ADE 中,AD 2=DE 2+AE 2.∴(12-x )2=x 2+82 解得10 3x =,即10 3DE =,111065132233ACD S AC DE ?∴==??=,即△ACD 的面积为65 3. 21、解:(1)如图,∵AB ⊥x 轴,∴∠ABC=∠DOC=90°.∵C 是OB 中点,∴OC=BC . 在△ABC 与△DOC 中,, ,21, ABC DOC CB CO ∠=∠??=??∠=∠?∴△ABC ≌△DOC .∴AB=OD . ∵D (0,-2),∴OD=2.∴AB=2.∵S △AOD =4,即1 42OD OB =,∴OB=4. ∵点A 在第一象限,∴A (4,2).∵点A (4,2)在双曲线1k y x =上,故k=4×2=8. 18y x ∴=.1 22OC OB ==,∴C (2,0). ∵A (4,2),C (2,0)在直线y 2=ax +b 上,42,20.a b a b +=?∴?+=? 解得 1. 2. a b =??=-? ∴y 2=x -2.综上,反比例函数解析式为18 y x =;一次函数解析式为y 2=x -2. (2)由图象知,0<x <4. 22、解:设原计划每天铺设x m 管道,则实际每天铺设5 (125%)4x x +=, 故3000 3000 3054x x -=,解得x=20.经检验,x=20是原方程的解,且符合题意, 5 254x ∴=,∴实际每天铺设25m 长管道. 23、解:(1)如图,可设(0)k y k x =≠,则把(10,2)代入得k=10×2=20,20 y x ∴=.


1 / 7 系别 班级 学号 姓名 ……………………………密………………………….封……………………….线…………………………… 大学英语四级模拟题八 Part I Listening Comprehension (35’) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations and 1 long conversation. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上对应题号作答。 1. A) A tourist guide. B) A travel agent. C) A receptionist. D) A clerk in a ticket office. 2. A) Paul usually flies to Japan with Betty. B) Paul changed his mind at the last minute. C) Paul persuaded Betty to change her mind. D) Paul planned to go to Japan with Betty by sea. 3. A) He thinks a portable DVD would be a nice gift. B) He thinks he will give her a new portable DVD for her birthday. C) He thinks they should buy a DVD player. D) He thinks her mother needs a new DVD player. 4. A) Send an e-mail to Mr. Johnson without delay for Mr. Davis. B) Ask Tom to send an e-mail to Mr. Johnson at once. C) Photocopy the report right away. D) Ask someone to send an e-mail to Mr. Johnson immediately. 5. A) About 40 minutes. B) About an hour. C) More than 40 minutes. D) More than an hour. 6. A) At a party. B) In a hotel. C) In a restaurant. D) In an office. 7. A) Ask his roommate about Dr. Lee and his latest books. B) Ask his roommate where she can buy a copy of Dr. Lee's new book. C) Ask his roommate how to get in touch with Dr. Lee. D) Ask his roommate if she can have his extra copy of Dr. Lee's new book. 8. A) They are close friends. B) They are cousins. C) They are twins. D) They are desk-mates. 9. A) George survived an accident. B) George bought a new car for his wife. C) George's wife got injured in an accident. D) George was killed in an accident. 10. A) She never does extra work. B) She enjoys her job very much. C) She doesn't mind doing a lot of work for others. D) She doesn't care how much work she does as long as she can keep her job. Questions 11 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 11. A) He finds it hard to afford the rent all by himself. B) He feels lonely living all by himself. C) He needs to find somebody to make the apartment more comfortable. D) He wants to get help with his courses from his roommate. 12. A) The carpet in the living room is soiled in several places. B) The carpet in the living room is worn out in several places. C) The toilet is clogged and the sink has a few leaks. D) The windows in the bathroom can keep out rain and snow. 13. A) He used some cardboard to keep it shut. B) He applied some super glue to keep the hinges on tightly. C) He pushed a box against the door to keep it shut. D) He pushed a chair against the door to keep it shut. 14. A) Find a job for the man. B) Split the rent. C) Help Dave fix up the house. D) Look for another place. 15. A) Fixing a house. B) Renting a house. C) Sharing the rent of the house. D) Finding another house. Section B


It's such an excitement to hear that you are planning to come to China to teach English. In response to your inquiry concerning the city to choose ,I would like to recommend Beijing to you.Listed below are some details. There are three reasons why I recommend Beijing to you. First of all, Beijing, as the capital of China, has many famous universities and parents also attach great importance to their children's education.Therefore, there is a great demand for excellent foreign teachers. Secondly, Beijing has a large number of English-speaking people which can help you adapt to the new environment faster. What's more,Beijing has abundant educational resources,which means you will have many opportunities to learn the Chinese culture you are interested https://www.360docs.net/doc/1d11570649.html,st but not least, Beijing is my hometown,if you come here, we can play together and eat a lot of delicious food. It has been two years since I saw you last time and I can't wait to see you. T aking all the factors into account,I believe that you will have a enjoyable time in Beijing.I f you have any questions I will spare no effort to help you.I am looking forward to your early reply.


说明: 请仔细阅读以下的注意事项,这对你顺利通过考试非常重要: 1.监考老师宣布考试开始时,你才可以开始答题。 请用2B铅笔在答题卡上作答,写在本题册上的答案无效,请勿折叠答题卡。 答题卡“试卷类型”必填,“工号”栏填准考证号,如有遗漏,视作废卷。 请勿在本题册上书写、涂改或留下任何标记,题册最后两页是空白草稿纸,可拆下来正反使用,如果需要增加,请举手示意监考老师。 在考试结束时,请留在座位上,等监考老师收取答题卡、考卷和草稿纸。不得将这些物品带出考场。如需提前交卷,请先举手示意监考老师收取。 A卷综合能力测试(60分钟) 第一部分语言理解与表达 1、原始民族的艺术作品大半都不是纯粹从审美的动机出发,它们的创作常常是为了_____的目的,而且后者往往还是主要的动机,审美的要求只是满足次要的________而已。依次填入横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )。 A.实用欲望B.生活情感C.娱乐目标D.交换生存 2、阅读习惯与阅读兴趣关系密切,二者相辅相成。良好的阅读习惯以阅读兴趣为基础、为________;阅读兴趣又在良好阅读习惯的长期________下,不断强化,得以巩固。依次填入横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )。 A.目标推动 B.核心影响C.动力引导D.源泉培养 3、“不折腾”,其实是对一个常识的________:一个正常的社会,必须________致力于增进以民主和民生为双轴的全民核心利益,必须________改善包括物质生活、精神生活、政治生活在内的公共生活,必须在安定和谐中让民众免于匮乏与恐惧。依次填入横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )。 A.确认全心全意自力更生B.重申坚定不移殚精竭虑 C.阐发矢志不渝高瞻远瞩D.概括聚精会神锲而不舍 4、崛起最本质的意义,是在________体系中相对力量的快速增强。有力量________是一件好事,但也可以是一件坏事。崛起带给中国决策层和知识分子最________的议题之一是:如何看待中国力量的快速增长?更进一步,中国应该如何运用已经或即将获得的力量? 依次填人横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )。


八年级数学试卷 (满分:120分 答题时间:90分钟) 选择题 (每小题2分,共12分) 1.下列交通标志中,是轴对称图形的是 ( ) 2.在△ABC 中,若∠B =∠C=2∠A ,则∠A 的度数为 ( ) A.72° B.45° C.36° D.30° 3.下列命题中:(1)形状相同的两个三角形是全等形;(2)在两个三角形中,相等的角是对应角,相等的边是对应边;(3)全等三角形对应边上的高、中线及对应角平分线分别相等.其中真命题的个数有 ( ) A.3个 B.2个 C.1个 D.0个 4.如图,在下列条件中,不能证明△ABD ≌△ACD 的是 ( ) A.BD =DC ,AB =AC B.∠ADB =∠ADC ,BD =DC C.∠B =∠C ,∠BAD =∠CAD D.∠B =∠C ,BD =DC 5.如图,DE ⊥AC ,垂足为E ,CE =AE.若AB =12cm ,BC =10cm ,则△BCD 的周长是( ) A.22cm B.16cm C.23cm D.25cm 6.等腰三角形的两边分别为3和6,则这个三角形的周长是 ( ) A.12 B.15 C.9 D.12或15 第4题 第5题 八年级数学试卷 第1页 (共8页)

二、填空题(每小题3分,共24分) 7.若点 P(m,m-1)在x 轴上,则点P 关于 x 轴对称的点的坐标为 . 8.一个多边形的每一个外角都等于36°,则该多边形的内角和等于 . 9.如图,PM ⊥OA ,PN ⊥OB ,垂足分别为M 、N.PM =PN ,若∠BOC =30°,则∠AOB = . 10.如图,在△ABC 和△FED 中,AD =FC ,AB =FE ,当添加条件 时,就可得到 △ABC ≌△FED.(只需填写一个你认为正确的条件) 11.从长为3cm 、5cm 、7cm 、10cm 的四根木条中选出三根组成三角形,共有 种选法. 12.若等腰三角形一腰上的高与另一腰的夹角为40°,则它的底角为 . 13.如图,△ABC 为等边三角形,AD 为BC 边上的高,E 为AC 边上的一点,且AE=AD ,则 ∠EDC = . 14.如图,在等边△ABC 中,点D 、E 分别在边AB 、BC 上.把△BDE 沿直线DE 翻折,使点 B 落在点B ′处,DB ′、EB ′分别与AC 交于点F 、G.若∠ADF =80°,则∠EGC = . 三、解答题(每小题5分,共20分) 15.如图,两个四边形关于直线 对称,∠C =90°, 试写出a ,b 的长度,并求出∠G 的度数. 第14题 第13题 第9题 第10题 第15题 八年级数学试卷 第2页 (共8页)


大学英语四级模拟题十D) Whether people can smoke in the library. 10. A) Becauseit ’s bad for her healthB. ) Because it had bad influences on children. Part I Listening Comprehension (35’)C) Because it makes him smell. D) Because it makes him cough. Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations and 1 long conversation. Questions 11 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about 11. A) He is not satisfied with his present job. what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only B) He worries too much about his grandmother. once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must C) People dislike his food. read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best D) He is going to be fired. answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single 12. A) He learned it in a training center of cooking. line through the center. B) He learned it from his grandmother. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上对应题号作答。C) He learned it from his mother. 1. A) At 9:15. B) Before 9:15. C) At 9:30. D) Before 9:50. D) He learned it from his wife. 2. A) He does not understand it. B) He does not like it. 1 3. A) He dislikes other businessmen. 3. C) He is used to it. D) He does not have to take it. B) He wants to have more chance to go on business. 4. A) They were in a doctor s office’. 5. C) He doesn ’t want to trouble others. B) They worked in the same office. D) He wants to be self-employed. C) They were in a workshop. 14. A) Whether he would have enough funds. D) They were talking in the weight lifting room at the gym. B) Whether his food is to the customers ’taste. 6. A) Carry the suitcase with the woman. C) Whether his family members would support him. 7. B) Carry the suitcase upstairs. D) Whether he can pay less tax to the government. 8. C) Carry the suitcase up to the plane. 15. A) Daniel gets encouragement from his friend Misha. 9. D) Carry the suitcase down to the ship. B) The two speakers haven ’t seen each other g f o t r i m a el o.n 10. A) At eight o ’clock. B) At nine o ’clock. C) Daniel wants to be in the food business. 11. C) At ten o ’clock. D) An hour later. D) Daniel ’s grandmother is an experienced businesswoman. 12. A) He broke his leg. B) He caught a cold. C) He had a car accident. D) He didn’t like to go to dance with the girl. Section B 13. A) He doesn ’t know what he wants to do. Directions:In this section, you will hear 2 short passages. At the end of each passage, B) He likes to work this summer. you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be C) He wonders whether the woman has a job. spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best D) He can ’t decide where to go on vacation. answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the 14. A) At a hairdresser ’s. B) At a tailor ’scorresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. C) At a photographer ’s. D) At a butcher ’s. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上对应题号作答。 15. A) The content of the note book. Questions 16 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. B) What the woman wrote in the note. 16. A) His age and appearance. B) His personality. ...


中国移动互联网发展报告(2019) 来源:网信上海 移动互联网基础设施不断完善,移动互联网流量消费持续高涨,移动智能终端形态更丰富,移动应用数量和下载量同步增长,移动互联网企业投融资规模下滑…… 6.24日发布的《中国移动互联网发展报告(2019)》显示,过去一年,中国移动互联网发展呈现出诸多特点。 5大发展概况 报告从5个方面梳理了2018年中国移动互联网发展概况: 1、移动互联网基础设施不断完善 2、移动互联网流量消费持续高涨 3、移动智能终端形态更丰富 4、移动应用数量和下载量同步增长 5、移动互联网企业投融资规模下滑 4大特点 报告认为,2018年中国移动互联网发展呈现出4大特点: 1、智能驱动,核心技术创新牵引作用突出; 2、“下沉”“出海”“转型”,创造新增长点; 3、立法、监管力度空前,移动空间安全秩序持续改善; 4、移动网络生态向好,助推社会治理与文化建设。 6大发展趋势 报告预测,2019年中国移动互联网将在改革开放进一步深化的大背景下,更生动地展现智能时代、5G时代的活力,凸显价值理念的引领,有6大发展趋势: 1、改革开放进一步增强移动互联网活力 2、工业互联网建设将加速市场结构变化 3、5G商用落地将创造更多新机遇 4、人工智能技术与产业结合推动爆发式增长 5、移动互联网将进一步普惠更广泛民众

6、价值理念的引领作用将在移动网络空间凸显 下面一起来看下《中国移动互联网发展报告(2019)》详细内容

◆社交类应用格局已松动 从《发展报告》中可以看到,2018年社交领域在3个方面发生了较突出的变化: ?在熟人社交领域,腾讯产品成为“移动互联网基础设施”,并开始转型升级; ?陌生人社交领域则不断有新入局者,在垂直、细分领域寻找增长点; ?更为突出的是,抖音、快手等以“短视频+算法推送+移动社交”的属性,在腾讯、微博等分别主导的熟人社交、陌生人社交外开辟了一条“新赛道”,在2018年取得爆发式增长。新技术、新业态、新市场三个因素共同作用,社交类应用稳固的格局开始松动 《发展报告》指出,在未来很长一个时期,熟人社交格局不会有所改变,但在陌生人社交领域,以及新技术领域,仍然有很多机会留给创业者,合规发展是未来社交应用生存发展的根本。 ◆不守规则的“代价”显著提高 2018年,我国移动舆论场传播也呈现出一些新的变化,《发展报告》认为,一方面,跨媒介传播环境下舆情演变愈发碎片化。 以移动短视频和网络社群为代表的新兴传播方式在移动舆论演变中扮演着越来越重要的角色。移动媒介的多元化与个性化,也导致舆情演变愈发碎片化,参与其中的个体,在分散化、圈层化传播的有限视野中,受到的情绪感染相对强烈,随众性也更强。一旦媒介过分强调信息的快捷性而忽视准确性,极易加剧公共舆论的“盲从”。 另一方面,现代规则意识已成社交媒体舆论争议中的制高点。 在全面建设法治社会的背景下,主流网民群体崇尚法律权责和公共秩序,对社会法治和规则意识认同度逐步提高。新一代青年人的权利意识和规则意识、公共意识较强,并积极参与舆论场中的表达。 可以看到,在移动社交媒体时代,因不守规则而被曝光和谴责的“代价”显著提高,以法律和公序良俗为基础的规则文明在移动舆论场的弘扬,无疑有助于现代社会的有序运转。 ◆“出海”主打本土发力娱乐 2018年,中国互联网企业在资本与技术的双轮驱动下,加快了全球化发展
