








附件:1. 2012年浙江省专升本分校分类别分专业计划







附件3(3) 研究生学科专业参考目录 此目录仅供在公开招聘岗位条件设置中对于研究生学历层次专业条件设置的参考。 目录中的专业都有自己的专业代码,两位数的代表学科门类,如03法学;四位数代表一级学科,如0301法学;六位数代表专业名称,如030101法学理论专业。在进行岗位条件设置时,对于本岗位所涵盖哪些专业要表述清楚,例1:“35周岁以下,全日制硕士研究生及以上学历学位法学专业”,此条件设置的专业即为03法学,那么所涵盖的专业为03代码下的所有专业,即0301法学—0306公安学,同时也包括0351法律硕士—0353警务硕士;例2:“35周岁以下,全日制硕士研究生及以上学历学位法学(一级学科)专业”,那么所涵盖的专业仅为0301代码下的所有专业,即为030101法学理论—030110军事法学,0351法律硕士—0353警务硕士不包括在内。如果想涵盖住专业硕士专业,需设置为“35周岁以下,全日制硕士研究生及以上学历学位法学(一级学科)、法律硕士专业”;例3:“35周岁以下,全日制硕士研究生及以上学历学位刑法学专业”,那么该岗位仅“030104刑法学”这一专业符合招聘条件。 需要强调的是,在进行专业设置的时候,对于学硕专业和专硕专业,虽然相近,但是专业代码不同,研究方向不同,不能视为同一专业,因此,在进行岗位条件设置的时候,要尽量考虑全面,像



2012 年专业英语考试试题及参考答案 Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure (1×30 points) Directions:There are 30 incomplete statements in this part. You are required to complete each one by choosing the most appropriate word or expression from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. 19.are said to be the world’s best watch makers. A. Swisses B. The Swisses C. The Swiss D. Swiss 20.is no reason for discharging him. A. Owing to a few minutes late B. Due to a few minutes late C. Because he was a few minutes late D. The fact that he was a few minutes late 21.These books can give a(n) to children’s reading when they find that they c an read a familiar story with limited vocabulary. A. boost B. impact C. effect D. sense 22.To our horror, we found that the room of death, with dried blood on the floor. A. related B. involved C. smelled D. connected 23.People have to make for their old age by putting aside enough money to l ive on when old. A. supply B. provision C. assurance D. adjustment 24.The rattlesnake is now on the endangered species list, and is extinct in two eastern states where it once . A. thrived B. swelled C. prospected D. flourished 25.I am not with my roommates but I have to share the room with them, because I have nowhere else to stay. A. concerned B. compatible C. considerate D. complied 26.A of the long report by the budget committee was submitted to the mayor for approval. A. shorthand B. scheme C. schedule D. sketch 27.The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look f or her attitude toward customers. A. impartial B. mild C. hostile D. opposing 28.A few miles down the road Joe saw a cafe, and went i n to a bite to eat. A. squeeze B. seize C. grab D. catch 29.He has failed me so many times that I no longer p lace any on what he promises. A. faith B. belief C. confidence D. reliance 30.They believe that cameras in public places are helpful in fighting crimes and they do not really privacy.


专升本大学语文试题 一、单项选择题(在每小题给出A、B、C、D四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求。请选出正确的选项,并按要求填涂答题卡上相应的字母。错选、多选或未选均无分) 1.“信誓旦旦”一语出自 ( ) A.《行路难》 B.《氓》 C.《国殇》 D.《短歌行》 2.陶渊明生活的朝代是 ( ) A.东晋 B.六朝 C.汉末 D.西晋 3.“忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身”出自 ( ) A.《秋水》 B.《季氏将伐颛臾》 C.《陈情表》 D.《五代史伶官传序》 4.《五代史伶官传序》一文通过五代后唐庄宗盛衰兴亡的史实来证明中心论点,运用的表现手法是 ( ) A.象征 B.夸张 C.对比 D.比喻 5.柳永是 ( ) A.南宋婉约派词人 B.南宋豪放派词人 C.北宋婉约派词人 D.北宋豪放派词人 6.《苦恼》一文的作者契诃夫的国籍是 ( ) A.美国 B.俄国 C.法国 D.英国 7.李清照《声声慢》(寻寻觅觅)一词最突出的语言技巧是 ( ) A.叠字 B.比喻 C.拟人 D.夸张 8.欧阳修的《五代史伶官传序》是一篇 ( ) A.史论 B.辞赋 C.小说 D.奏疏 9.宋代作家中作有《前赤壁赋》和《后赤壁赋》的是 ( ) A.欧阳修 B.李清照 C.辛弃疾 D.苏轼 10.小说《苦恼》的作者是 ( ) A.契诃夫 B.巴尔扎克 C.莫泊桑 D.屠格涅夫 11.下列哪位作家属唐宋八大家之一 ( ) A.杜甫 B.辛弃疾 C.王安石 D.李清照 12.下列作品中,属于书信体驳论文的是 ( ) A.《五代史伶官传序》 B.《答李翊书》 C.《陈情表》 D.《答司马谏议书》 13.《山居秋暝》中,表现作者有隐居山中之意的诗句是 ( ) A.竹喧归浣女,莲动下渔舟 B.明月松间照,清泉石上流 C.空山新雨后,天气晚来秋 D.随意春芳歇,王孙自可留 14.苏轼的《前赤壁赋》主要描写了哪三种景物? ( ) A.清风、明月、芦荻 B.江水、明月、清风 C.清风、黄花、梧桐 D.明月、江水、秋花 15.下列词人中,属于豪放派的是 ( )


普通高等学校本科专业简介 教育部本科专业目录将普通高等教育分为12个学科门类,92个专业类,506种专业,其中基本专业352种,特设专业154种。另有编号11为“军事学”学科门类预留。这12个学科门类“地位”是相同的,但包含的专业数量有多有少,相差很大,见下表。

1. 哲学是社会科学最重要的基础学科之一,只有哲学类一个专业类,含4个专业,基本专业有哲学、逻辑学、学,特设专业有伦理学。哲学专业全国有73个学校设点,另3个专业设点很少,逻辑学有3所学校开设,9所学校开设学。知名高校:中国人民大学、复旦大学、大学、中央民族大学、清华大学。 2. 经济学是近些年非常热门的学科,有4个专业类,分别是经济学类、财政学类、金融学类、经济与贸易类,共10个基本专业,7个特设专业。基本专业中的“金融学”和“国际经济与贸易”两个专业最受考生青睐。金融学有263所高校开设,国际经贸有466所学校开设,这里既有一流的985高校,也有一般的二本高校。其它如经济学专业也有301所学校开设,税收学有40所学校开设,保险学有82所学校开设,也算是热门。特别说明一下,会计、审计不属于经济学而属于管理学。知名高校:中国人民大学、大学、复旦大学、大学、南开大学、大学、中央财经大学、大学、清华大学、大学、大学、中南财经政法大学、财经大学、大学、西南财经大学。 3.法学有6个专业类,分别是法学类、政治学类、社会学类、民族学类、马克思主义理论类、公安学类,共13个基本专业,19个特设专业,特设专业多于基本专业是因为有一些很特殊的公安类专业如禁毒、警犬技术等。法学无疑是最大的专业,开设学校452所,政治学与行政学116所。社会学类的两个专业越来越得到重视,社会学开设学校93所,社会工作开设学校242所。公安学类的专业一般都在提前批招生。知名高校:中国人民大学、大学、大学、中科技大学、大学、复旦大学、中央民族大学。 4. 教育学分为教育学类和体育学类两个专业类,有13个基本专业,3个特设专业。其中教育学、教育技术学、学前教育、小学教育、体育教育、社会体育指导与管理几个专业开设学校都在百所甚至二百所以上。可以看出,教育学的各个专业研究的是某一特定教育围的综合的知识。运动训练是个例外,主要培养运动员,故一些现役运动员同时也是在校大学


英语 注意事项: 1.试卷共8页,请用黑色签字笔答题,答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效。 2.答题前请将答题纸上密封线内的项目填写完整。 PartI Vocabulary and Structure(1 point each;30 point in all) Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and then write the write the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet. 1.—Hello, ____ Kate? —Yes, speaking. A. is this B. is that C. are you D. is it 2. By the time I got home, my mother ____ to bed. A. went B. was getting C. had gone D. has gone 3 ____ everything ____ ,it was not a bad holiday. A. brining--into effects B. learning--by heart C. petting--into practice D. taking--into account 4. When waiting at a bus stop for a long time, most people often look ____ and asleep. A. bored B. surprised C. excited D. amused 5. ____ the effective method , I answered all the questions correctly. A. Thanks to B. In case of C. As well as D.Apart from 6. If you are like most people , your intelligence ____ from season to season. A. turns B. change C. varies D. ranges 7. No cream hot me, thanks. I am ____ a diet. A. in B. on C. from D. off 8. ____ really worries George is that his parents expect too much of him. A. What B. This C. Whichever D. It 9.Mary loves Jazz, and she has played ____ for years. A. piano B. a piano C. one piano D. the piano 10.Ted made up has mind soon and accepted the invitation ____ . A. without hesitation B. without doubt C.without understanding D. without exception 11.It is good manners ____ help to others when they are in need. A. to obtain B. obtaining C. to offer D. offering 12. ____ you've grown your favorite flowers, the following job is to take care. A. Although B. Before C. While D. 13. Huangshan Mountain is really a magnificent place for an enjoyable and ____ vacation. A.dull B. annual C. relaxing D. noisy https://www.360docs.net/doc/1e16218119.html,ura ____ her parents travel abroad once a year. A. and B. together with C. as well as D. accompanied by


2018年浙江专升本语文考试真题 一、选择题(在每一小题的四个选项中选出一个正确的答案。本题共有 20 小题,每小题 1 分共 20 分) 1.下列中外作家按生活年代早晚排序,哪一组存在错误() A.屈原、巴尔扎克、鲁迅、莫言 B.贾谊、司马迁、歌德、朱自清 C.蒲松龄、莎土比亚、龚自珍、卢梭 D.柏拉图、陶渊明、塞万提斯、矛盾 2.下列四组中外作家与作品,对应存在错误的是( ) A.韩愈一《昌黎先生文集》 B.吴敬梓一《儒林外史》 C.薄伽丘一《十日谈》 D.肖洛霍夫一《日瓦戈医生》 3.下列中国古代作家的字、号,对应正确的是( ) A.曹霑、梦阮、雪芹 B.陆游、水叔、放翁 C.李白、大白、石湖居士 D.白居易、乐天、易安居士 4.关于“元曲四大家”的正确说法是下列哪一种( ) A.关汉卿、马致远、郑光祖、白朴 B.关汉卿、乔吉、李好古、高明 C.关汉卿、王实甫、张可久、睢景臣 D.关汉卿、王和卿、王实甫、马致远 5.鲁迅的短篇小说集《呐喊》是现代文学史上的丰碑,下列哪篇作品未收入《呐喊》( ) A.《故乡》 B.《伤逝》

C.《阿 Q 正传》 D.《狂人日记》 6.下列成语中,哪一个没有错別字( ) A.眼观六陆 B.门亭若市 C.弥天大谎 D.蓬壁生辉 7.成语“一暴十寒”中的“暴”,又可通假为( ) A.曝 B.瀑 C.爆 D.禄 8.下面每一组词汇与诗句中,均各有两个带黑点的字,它们中的哪个选项意思是相同的() A.为人师表山河表里潼关路 B.义薄云天夫婿轻薄儿,新人美如玉 C.不辞而别朝辞白帝彩云间 D.后会有期长风破浪会有时 9.下列带有“为”字的词汇,哪一个“为”字的意思和其他三个不一样() A.为非作歹 B.为人处世 C.为人耻笑 D.为所欲为 10.汉字有大量多音字,不同的读音有时对应着不同的词性。“一打铅笔“鸡飞蛋打”的“打”依次是( ) A.量词;名词 B.量词;动词 C.副词;动词 D.副词;名词 11.下列对助词“的”、“地”、“得”的使用,哪一个是错读的( ) A.我们必须实事求是地看待和处理问题 B.无缘无故的,你为什么发这么大火


江苏省2012 年普通高校专转本统一英 语考试 第一卷(共100 分) Part I Reading Comprehension(共20 题,每题 2 分,共40 分) Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. American researchers have developed a technique that may become an important tool in fighting AIDS. The technique stops the AIDS virus from attacking its target-cells in the body's defense system. When AIDS virus enters the blood, it searches for blood cells called T4 lymphocytes (淋巴细胞). The virus connects to the outside of T4 lymphocytes, then forces its way inside. There it directs the cells' genetic (基因的)material to produce copies of the AIDS virus. This is how AIDS spreads.Researchers think they may be able to stop AIDS from spreading by preventing virus from connecting to T4 cells. When AIDS virus finds a T4 cell, it actually connects to a part of the cell called CD4 protein.Researchers want to fool the virus by putting copies or clones of the CD4 protein into the blood. This way the AIDS virus will connect to the cloned protein instead of the real ones. Scientists use the genetic engineering methods to make the clones. Normally a CD4 protein remains on the T4 cell at all times. The AIDS virus must go to it.In a new technique, however, the cloned CD4 protein is not connected to a cell. It floats freely, so many more can be put into the blood to keep the AIDS virus away from real CD4 proteins on T4 cells. One report says the AIDS virus connects to the cloned proteins j ust as effectively as to real protein. That report was based on tests with blood cells grown in labs. The technique is just now beginning t o be tested in animals. If successful, it may be tested in humans within a year. 1. The new technique can ________. A. cure AIDS B. kill the AIDS virus C. prevent the AIDS virus from spreading D. produce new medicines for AIDS 2. When the AIDS virus enters the blood, it is reproduced by ________. A. the inside of the virus itself B. any blood cells in the body C. the CD4 protein D. the genetic material of T4 cells 3 The AIDS virus connects to cloned proteins instead of to the real ones because ________. A. the cloned proteins stay on the T4 cells B. the cloned proteins can float freely in the blood C. it connects to cloned proteins more effectively than to the real ones D. the cloned proteins are made by genetic engineering methods 4. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The new technique has been tested in labs. B. The new technique is being tested in animals. C. The new technique may be tested in humans. D. The new technique is now under clinical test. 5 Which of the following could be the best title of this passage? A. AIDS---a Fatal Disease. B. A New Technique in fighting AIDS. C. A Report on the Spread of AIDS Virus. D. The Technique of Cloned CD4 Protein. Passage TWO Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage. During the early ears of last century, wheat was seen as the very lifeblood of Western Canada.


2012年辽宁高职高专毕业生专升本考试英语试卷 第一部分选择题 一、词汇与语法 根据句意及语法要求从媒体A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最适合的答案填空,并在答题卡上将所选答案的字母涂黑。(本大题共10,每小题1分,共10分) 1.The little boy______ the road when he was hit by a bus. A.was just crossed B.was just crossing C.just cross D.had just crossed 2.—I saw Mary in the hospital yesterday. A.must not see B.can’t have seen C.mustn’t have seen D.couldn’t see 3.On seeing the skirt,I will pay $40 for it;it’s worth _____. A.all that much B.that much all C.that all much D.much all that 4.According to the map ,I know this street is three times as________as that one. A.long B.longer C.longest D.the longest 5.The little boy is only 5 years old.He needs ___________. A.being looked after B.looked after C.looking after D.to look after 6.The elephant ought _____hours ago by the keepers. A.to be fed B.to feed C.to being fed D.to have been fed 7.When Lily asked me whether I had been to china,I told her,”______enough money,I would have visited china.” A.Have I B.I have C. Had I had D.I had 8.He spends all his spare time collecting stamps.He says that by the end of the next year,he____3000 pieces. A.will have collected B.is going to collect C.will be collecting D.is about to collect 9.Although an old lady of 70,her grandma is still fond of reading_______. A.stories of childrens B.children stories C.childrens’ stories D.chlidren’s stories 10.The Olympic Games,_____in 776 B.C.,did not include women players until 1912. A.frist playing B.to be frist played C.frist played D. to be frist playing 二、阅读理解 根据短文内容从每题A.B.C.D.四个选项中,选出一个最适合的答案,并在答题卡上将所选答案的字母涂黑。(本大题共15小题,每小题三分,共45分) Passage 1 Artificial Satellites are any objects that were purposefully put in space to orbit (绕轨道) around a planet ,the Moon, or the Sun .The satellites are used for communication,militart intelligence, and scientific studies of outer space.The frist artificial satellite was launched in 1957, and since tnen,satellites have become an invaluable part of today’s technologh.


浙江省2015年选拔优秀高职高专毕业生进入本科学习统一考试 大学语文 考试说明 1.考试时间为150分钟; 2.满分为150分; 3.答案请写在答题纸上,用蓝色或黑色墨水的钢笔、圆珠笔答卷,否则无效。 一、选择题(在每一小题的四个选项中选出一个正确的答案。本题共有20小题, 每小题1分,共20分) 1.下列加点实词解释不正确 ...的一项是() A.方其系燕父子以组.组:绳索 B.陈力就.列,不能者止就:担任 C.秋水时至,百川灌河.河:河流 D.乘.彼境垣,以望复关乘:登上 2.下列句子没有 ..通假字的一项是( A.国不堪贰,君将若之何 B.金樽清酒斗十千,玉盘珍羞直万钱 C.手裁举,则又超忽而跃 D.甚矣,汝之不惠 3.下列加点词语活用现象与其他三项不同 ..的一项是() A.既来之,则安.之 B.舞幽壑之潜蛟,泣.孤舟之嫠妇 C.函.梁君臣之首,入于太庙 D.广乃遂从.百骑往驰三人 4.下面词语中没有 ..错别字的是() A.必须品 B.脉搏

C.山青水秀 D.万事具备,只欠东风 5.依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,恰当的一项是( ①由于公司上下精打细算,仅第一季度就_____费近百万元。 ②父母不应该_____孩子的缺点和错误。 ③广告是一种宣传形式,商业广告的目的是_____。 A.结余袒护盈利 B.结余庇护盈利 C.节余庇护营利 D.节余袒护营利 6.下列句子中是比喻句的一项是() A.这几天像过节一样热闹。 B.人情味像生活中调味的盐。 C.蔬菜的价格像水果一样贵。 D.这里的老鼠像猫一样大。 7.下列词语不属于 ...敬辞的一项是 A.斗胆 B.雅正 C.垂爱 D.海涵 8.公文如有附件,应当在何处注明附件的顺序和名称() A.正文之后,成文时间之前B成文时间之后,抄送机关之前 C.成文时间之后,主题词之前 D.份号之后,文件名称之前 9.对下级机关提出建议,阐明工作活动的指导原则,用下列哪一种公文? A.商洽函 B.意见 C.批复 D.通知 10.《关山月》中表现朝廷对恢复中原态度诗句的一项是() A.和戎诏下十五年 B.几处今宵垂泪痕 C.沙头空照征人骨 D.厩马肥死弓断弦


2015年教育部《普通高等学校本科专业目录》 说明 一、《普通高等学校本科专业目录(2012年)》是高等教育工作的基本指导性文件之一。它规定专业划分、名称及所属门类,是设置和调整专业、实施人才培养、安排招生、授予学位、指导就业,进行教育统计和人才需求预测等工作的重要依据。 二、本目录根据《教育部关于进行普通高等学校本科专业目录修订工作的通知》(教高〔2010〕11号)要求,按照科学规范、主动适应、继承发展的修订原则,在1998年原《普通高等学校本科专业目录》及原设目录外专业的基础上,经分科类调查研究、专题论证、总体优化配置、广泛征求意见、专家审议、行政决策等过程形成的。 三、本目录的学科门类与国务院学位委员会、教育部2011年印发的《学位授予和人才培养学科目录(2011年)》的学科门类基本一致,分设哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、管理学、艺术学12个学科门类。新增了艺术学学科门类,未设军事学学科门类,其代码11预留。专业类由修订前的73个增加到92个;专业由修订前的635种调减到506种。本目录哲学门类下设专业类1个,4种专业;经济学门类下设专业类4个,17种专业;法学门类下设专业类6个,32种专业;教育学门类下设专业类2个,16种专业;文学门类下设专业类3个,76种专业;历史学门类下设专业类1个,6 种专业;理学门类下设专业类12个,36种专业;工学门类下设专业类31个,169种专业;农学门类下设专业类7个,27种专业;医学门类下设专业类11个,44种专业;管理学门类下设专业类9个,46种专业;艺术学门类下设专业类5个,33种专业。 四、新目录分为基本专业(352种)和特设专业(154种),并确定了62种专业为国家控制布点专业。特设专业和国家控制布点专业分别在专业代码后加“T”和“K”表示,以示区分。 五、本目录所列专业,除已注明者外,均按所在学科门类授予相应的学位。对已注明了学位授予门类的专业,按照注明的学科门类授予相应的学位;可授两种(或以上)学位门类的专业,原则上由有关高等学校确定授予其中一种。 一、基本专业 01学科门类:哲学 0101 哲学类 010101 哲学


2012年河南省普通高等学校 选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试试题 公共英语 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (40 points) Directions: There are 40 incompletesentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose theONE that best completes the sentence,and then you should mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet. 1. The police are _____ for the thief inthe region now. A. running B.reaching C. searching D.charging 2. What is the reason for _____ on time ? A. not your coming B. you not come C. your not coming D. you not to come 3. The college is planning to offer moreEnglish courses to _____ the needs of beginners of English. A. meet with B. meet C. supply D. satisfywith

4. He kept silent, so I couldn`t know _____he agreed _____ not. A. if; or B. whether; or C. either; or D.neither; nor 5. He had never given a speech to so manypeople, so he felt _____. A. exciting B. stupid C. disappointed D.nervous 6. Once you arrive in a new place, you`dbetter _____ the local custom. A. keep B. make C. follow D. return 7. The manner _____ which he talkedreminded us _____ his grandfather. A. on; towards B. at; in C. for; by D. in;of 8. All of us still remember the terribleearthquake that _____ Wenchuan four years ago. A. interrupted


成人专升本大学语文真题2007年 (总分:149.94,做题时间:90分钟) 一、{{B}}选择题{{/B}}(总题数:20,分数:40.00) 1.下列作品中,借用了乐府旧题的绝句是 (分数:2.00) A.曹操《短歌行》(其一) B.杜牧《泊秦淮》 C.王昌龄《从军行》(其四) √ D.李白《行路难》(其一) 解析: 2.《诗经》中采自各地民歌的是 (分数:2.00) A.颂 B.大雅 C.小雅 D.风√ 解析: 3.下列属于盛唐山水田园诗派的诗人是 (分数:2.00) A.王维、孟浩然√ B.陶渊明、谢灵运 C.王昌龄、岑参 D.韦应物、刘长卿 解析: 4.苏轼《前赤壁赋》中借以抒情、说理的主要景物是 (分数:2.00) A.赤壁、江水、清风 B.赤壁、明月、清风 C.江水、明月、清风√ D.江水、白露、明月 解析: 5.下列作品中,写了人物一生遭际的传记是 (分数:2.00) A.《马伶传》 B.《五代史伶官传序》 C.《种树郭橐驼传》 D.《李将军列传》√ 解析: 6.下列散文中,反映湘西地区民情风俗的是 (分数:2.00) A.《箱子岩》√ B.《香市》 C.《屐痕处处》 D.《爱尔克的灯光》 解析: 7.下列对韩愈《张中丞传后叙》一文分析不准确的是 (分数:2.00)

A.本文是以安史之乱时期的睢阳保卫战为背景的 B.本文最突出的写作特点是叙事与抒情并重√ C.本文用“拔刀断指”、“抽矢射塔”两个细节凸现南霁云的性格 D.本文为许远辩诬采用的是驳论的论证方法 解析: 8.下列关于作品、作者、写作年代搭配错误的是 (分数:2.00) A.《炉中煤》——郭沫若——五四时期 B.《再别康桥》——徐志摩——20年代 C.《发现》——闻一多——解放战争时期√ D.《香市》——茅盾——30年代 解析: 9.《故都的秋》、《往事》、《选择与安排》的作者依次是 (分数:2.00) A.冰心、朱光潜、郁达夫 B.朱光潜、郁达夫、冰心 C.郁达夫、朱光潜、冰心 D.郁达夫、冰心、朱光潜√ 解析: 10.下列对欧·亨利《麦琪的礼物》一文理解错误的是 (分数:2.00) A.赞美了主人公德拉和杰姆的善良心地和纯真爱情 B.主要情节是德拉卖掉头发买回金表而其丈夫卖了表链买回发梳√ C.文章体现厂欧·亨利小说寓悲于喜的风格 D.是欧·亨利为小人物立言的优秀短篇小说 解析: 11.下列文学常识表述错误的是 (分数:2.00) A.闻一多主张新格律诗应具有“音乐的美”、“绘画的美”和“意境的美”√ B.胡适的《尝试集》是我国第一部白话新诗集 C.戴望舒是30年代“现代派”的代表诗人 D.艾青在狱中写下的《大堰河——我的保姆》是其成名之作 解析: 12.“五十步笑百步”、“周公吐哺”、“信誓旦旦”三个成语依次出自 (分数:2.00) A.《短歌行》、《寡人之于国也》、《谏逐客书》 B.《寡人之于国也》、《短歌行》、《诗经·氓》√ C.《谏逐客书》、《寡人之于国也》、《陈情表》 D.《寡人之于国也》、《诗经·氓》、《谏逐客书》 解析: 13.下列各句中,同时采用了拟人和对偶修辞手法的是 (分数:2.00) A.舞幽壑之潜蛟,泣孤舟之嫠妇。√ B.闲来垂钓碧溪上,忽复乘舟梦日边。 C.三顾频烦天卜计,两朝开济老臣心。 D.笑吟吟一处来,哭啼啼独自归。 解析: 14.下列人物都出自曹禺《日出》的是 (分数:2.00)


2012年成考专升本英语真题试题及答案 I. Phonetics (5 point ) Directions:In each of following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that different from the others in pronunciation, Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A.coach B.float C.broad D.throat 2. A.riddle B.ripen C.privilege D.primitive 3. A.decision https://www.360docs.net/doc/1e16218119.html,prehension C.extension D.pension 4. A.brother B.thrill C. these D.rather 5. https://www.360docs.net/doc/1e16218119.html,b B.thumb C.doubt D.tablet II. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points ) Direction: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. Whenever he comes to our garden, he can?t help _________ the flowers. A.admires B.admired C.admiring D.to admire 7. --Where is Dick? --He _________ home for a while. A.would be B.should be C.would have been D.should have been 8. I hesitated for a long time, and in the end I decided to _________ the job. A.take B.apply C.find D.search 9. Steve looked at the envelope and recognized Jenny?s handwriting ________. A.recently B.immediately C.exactly D.frequently 10. This time tomorrow, I ________ on the beach, enjoying the sunshine! A. am siting B.sit C. Would sit D.will be sitting
