

学号:2010030231136 姓名:覃露班级:应用英语四班

Chinese and western difference in marriage

Abstrac t: this article aims at study the difference between Chinese and western in marriage. Chinese marriages are based on family conditions,while Westerns '

marriages are based on the same hobby .Their different survival environment affect

the people' characters and influence people's thoughts of their respective marriages.

Men and women in the economy of different status determine their positions in the family, which determines the differences in their marriage. Social value is the mainstream of different thoughts, and it indirectly affects the public's view of

marriage. Religious beliefs also play an important role in marriage customs and marriages maintaining.

Key words: Concept about marriage between Western and China ; Living

environment ;The social value

I. Introduction

Marriage as a human institution exists in all major civilizations since the dawn of time. The Mystery of Holy Matrimony draws its sacred foundation from the creation of the first man and woman, whom God made in His own Image and Likeness and told to be fruitful and multiply? In Orthodox tradition, marriage and monasticism goes hand in hand, and are both considered holy in its calling in the service of God and His People.

Most weddings contain wedding vows and a proclamation of marriage, usually by the officiate. Most weddings also involve wearing traditional clothes (i.e., kilts, white gown, red sari, etc.). A wedding is often followed or accompanied by a wedding reception.

Other elements may include music, poetry, prayer or scripture. Some elements of the traditional Western weddi ng ceremony symbolize the bride's departure from her father’s control and entry into a new family with her husband. In modern Western weddings, this symbolism is largely vestigial.

The common element in a wedding is the assumption of husband and wife roles as well as the roles of the future parents. The wedding is a special moment that marks the beginning of a new generation, a new family and a life together. This moment is recognized with traditions, ceremonies and rituals including engagement and wedding ceremonies.

II.A comparison of the view of marriage

The mentioned marriage , has been described:" to the Chinese people, marriage is more like a commercial activity, so called marriage; and to the Western people, marriage is more like a house, to turn the world upside down together, not happy is a casual shoot two."

Chinese marriage features: before the reform and opening up, low quality, high stability,60% marriage was" patchy"; after sexual confusion of ideas, divorce tide flood, is of low quality, low stability. While Westerns believe in neither strict Dan Ou system, is not fully open relationship, but for love, special hobby and multiple relationships inclusive. After investigation, Chinese standards are: appearance, age, family condition; and Western mate conditions are: respect, trust, interest.

As for family conditions, from mate choice, Chinese regard marriage often become trading, while Westerns regarding marriages as buying and selling. In China marriage, people always is a man marries a wife, but very few people can speak a woman marry husband. So marriage more like a business, since it is a business that can not do without money. Now no man of the house in some female eyes wasn't the man. In some woman heart, a house worth one hundred prince charming, marriage is the best business investment opportunities, TV drama" Dwelling Narrowness" reveals the harsh reality. The famous thinker Engels pointedly, married for money is tantamount to long-term prostitution. Marriage of Western is the sale of two words upside down, called the buying and selling, men and women is seller and buyer. Woman looking for a man, first of all have to sell themselves, regardless of is the smart brain, outstanding talent, a beautiful face, beautiful figure or common interest, these are capital, if a man buying it, that is the marriage of the deposit. In the material on this Western is attitude, not afraid of marriage nothing, as long as a couple can share sb.'s joys and sorrows, there's bread, cars, houses will also have some.

Married in China 's various customs procedures, pay attention to the so-called " ostentation" after the reform and opening up, more luxurious wedding, wedding companies, wedding photo studio like bamboo shoots after a spring rain like smoke. To some extent, Chinese wedding is in the show, with luxury outside proclaim seemingly strong love, and true love seems to no longer sacred first, marriage has become familiar. Videos related to online dating from the fashionable; from extramarital affairs to keep a mistress, the divorce rate with the GDP rising, marriage is more of a formality. The Western romantic wedding is simple, not too much attention to form

The differences of cultural traditions are the roots of the differences of educational traditions, which make the differences of cultural traditions exist and strengthen. Our traditional culture has considered the Confucianism as the leading place since Chun-Chill. Tone in with people and society’s relationship has already dominated the execution of education. Th e educational tradition created by it has been controlling people’s thought. However, the western educational traditions pay more attention to people’s development and ability’s cultivation. This characteristic also has a long historical process. Special education on the history of Chinese parents, with the noble spirit of molding people with outstanding works to inspire people, and Chinese history and culture deeply influenced by the tradition of every family. In the United States the family and moral education, religion played a role should not be underestimated. In modern society, parents still hope that God has always been common iIn fact, there are also many similarities between Chinese and western educations. As a tradition, there is no one better or worse. Which was born in a given cultural background and it were the products of certain cultures. Only in the original soil that can judge its degree of suitability. The educational traditions of the soil mostly are complemented in many aspects, and borrow ideas form each other to perfect continually.

3.2 Influences of Economical Factors in Marriage

Research strongly and consistently indicates that marriage is a wealth building institution. Married people typically earn and save more than their unmarried co unterparts. And it is not just the joining of resources and energies that create this financial benefit, but the permanence of marriage itself.

3.2.2 Affluent Economy in China

Different from Western, Chinese people’s thinking of economy is more negative. It is a tradition that the parents who has a son, need to buy a new apartment for the new couple. It is always the man’s duty to buy a house, which is a great burden to men, and to marry price of the house. Not long ago, people in China used to save money for the marriage. To some degree, people don’t want to get married is also because of the high price of the apartment. Right now with the new policy of the government, more and more Chinese people feel like extent credit to pay for the house. That also encourages the couple to stay in marriage and both work outside. Chinese people usually do budgets are more conservative, while the United States budget is relatively close “to the limit”, and often have the tendency of consumption over budget (with the United States will be a substantial use of credit cards also have relations).

3.3 Tolerance Levels

Marriage is not an end of one’s life but a new life just starts, is not a death of one’s single life but a life, which need to continue. With those many problems in marriage, people would take different ways to solve it. The holy Bible says, “Love is patient, love is kind.”

3.3.1Better Ability of Tolerance in Chinese Marriage

Chinese women are the most patience women in the world. The thinking of “Marriage woman li kes the water which is puling out.” They think after marriage they already an individual; and need to solve her problem by her self. Chinese people have better tolerance is also because they love to pin their desire to achieve in the next generation. Having this hope, to bear an unhappy relationship in a marriage, is not a big deal any more.

3.3.2Less Marriage Tolerance in W estern

In Western’s character, equality plays a significant role. The realization of being equality is deep in every Western’s heart. C ompared with Chinese people, they have less ability to tolerate the partner. They never oppress their affection. They know it very clear that as an individual, they have rights to gain equality, even in spiritual or marital. They think more highly of the romance in marriage, they have higher expectation of the quality of their life. They would not to bear in marriage.

Divorce is more widely accepted; people are less committed to making a marriage work than they were fifty or one hundred year’s age.

IV. Conclusion

When it comes to planning a wedding people often honor traditions, even if they do not fully understand their origin or meaning. Every culture cherishes its own wedding traditions and superstitions. Some of those are closely followed even by those who are normally not superstitious.

The figure of a bride in white is an important element of the ritual of marriage. However, new designs of gown are available so brides today may find themselves attracted to designs that do not look traditional. The symbolism behind the wedding dress, however, has not changed.

If the entire community can establish a concept: Love is the foundation of marriage, and marriage should be maintained and developed friendship, family, responsibilities, obligations, good-hearted, such as the Chinese culture of tolerance in good quality, if not love, would also enable the marriage become warm and happy, so that others lamented the marriage was full of romantic love.

Indeed, as the social development and cultural integration of the exchanges and people of the United States recognize the marriage was also a certain subtle changes. However, the fundamental concepts remain unchanged, because a nation that wishes to live forever, not only have the ability to adapt to the trend of the times and with other ethnic coexistence and common prosperity mind and boldness of vision, but more important is to maintain their own culture and the fundamental, maintain their social characteristics.


[1] Diane Johnson Le Marggiage Plume Books 2001.4

[2].Norman Wright Communication Key To Y our Marriage

[3] John Gottman THE Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

Three Rivers Press 1999.1

[4] Stephanie Coontz Marriage HistoryViking Books 2005.6





[9 ]席晓《由中西婚礼习俗看东西方价值观之异同》(《考试周刊》2008年29期)

[10 ]William J Fitzpatrick,Jane Austin’s PRIDE AND PREJUDICE,Simon & Schust


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 中西方婚姻家庭观 篇一:中西婚姻家庭观差异 中西婚姻家庭观差异 中国婚姻家庭观 中国婚姻传统历来就是父母做主,子女的婚姻是父母不可推卸的责任和义务,所以子女在选择结婚对象时,父母也理所当然的拥有决定权。无论子女多大,如果依然单身,父母会认为自己的义务还没有完成。分析原因,我认为源于中国的父亲单系制度,就是说中国世袭以男子算的,女子出嫁后也就是出家,进入另外一个家族,娶进的媳妇要融入新的家族,处理婆媳、妯娌等众多的关系,好的儿媳妇不仅是儿子的福气,也为整个家掌脸。所以说选择子女的婚姻选择权在父母,尤其是男子,女子因加入外族选择的慎重性减弱。 这种婚姻意识传统在现代社会中无法消除,也不可能消除,电影泰坦尼克号中为爱情不顾一切,在中国也许只能在幻想中存在。看看我们现在的社会中,一种普遍的现象就是隔代教育,夫妻外出挣钱务工,自己的孩子交给父母教育,

明显大家庭观的表现。但是也忘记了传统教育中重要的一点——养不教父之过。西方婚姻家庭观 西方社会是重视个人的社会,家是短暂性的抚育社群,子女到能自立的时候,就另立门户建立自己的生育社群。而在西方的婚姻传统中,也是非常的自由,提倡自由恋爱,婚姻自由,一般情况下父母是不干涉子女的选择。中国讲究门当户对,西方则主要重视感情。在婚后,中西婚姻生活中最大的差别,是中国的婚姻家庭注重"柴、米、油、盐",而西方则更重视夫妻间的情感交流,沟通以及性生活的质量。在教育方面,有一部分中国的家庭一般把孩子给父母来抚养,而在西方的家庭一般把孩子留在自己的身边,他们认为教育下一代是自己应尽的责任。 篇二:中西方婚姻观念比较 中西方婚姻观念比较 汉语1001蔡亮 在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。——白居易 婚姻就好比桥梁,沟通了两个全然孤寂的世界。——基尔·凯丝勒由于文化、历史、宗教等方面的差异,中西方在婚姻观念上存在着本质的区别。 爱情和婚姻实质是一个民族深层文化的体现,反过来文化背景的差异又影响限制着一个民族的恋爱方式和婚姻习俗。西方人的婚姻观与中国人的婚姻观有着极大的不同,因


The culture differences reflected in the detail ofwedding ceremonies Name Author Note Correspondence concerning this sample paper should be addressed to Name,Department of Optical Science and Engineering, Phone:**********. E-mail:

This article attempts compare different aspects of the wedding of Chinese and Western to find out the differences and analyze the causes of the differences.Wedding is an important part of culture, it has come into a different wedding customs under the influence of different cultures between the west and east. In order to find out differences between Chinese and Western wedding culture, this article will show it through the comparison on the form of wedding ceremony and wedding party. First of all,let's focus on the wedding forms. The feature of traditional wedding customs in China is “complicated”. The specific process is : the man propose marriage, and if the woman agreed to the proposed marriage, the man could go to the woman's family with the bride price. And then he would ask the woman's date of birth, and divine good and bad fortune of her name and their marriage. And as a token of engagement, the man would send jewelry, silk, and even sheep or pig. The man give the dowry to the woman’s family, and two family would choose an auspicious day for the wedding. And at last, the new husband will go to his wife’s family in person to marry her. [1] The feature of traditional wedding customs in western is “romantic”. On the wedding, playing the wedding march, relatives and friends light the candles, the priest and the choir comes in, then the bridesmaids and the best man come in, the bride’s parents accompany the bride comes into


揭阳职业技术学院 毕业论文 题目:浅谈中西方传统婚礼习俗差异学生姓名许展薇指导教师佘烁娜 系(部)外语系专业五年制英教班级 093班学号 60912340 提交日期2014年月日答辩日期年月日 2014 年月日

浅谈中西方传统婚礼习俗差异 论文提纲 前言 一、中西方婚礼差异比较 1、婚礼举行地点比较 2、中西婚礼服饰比较 3、中西婚礼仪式比较 (1)婚前准备 (2)婚礼当天 (3)婚礼过后 二、中西方婚礼习俗差异的原因 1、文化背景不同 2、宗教信仰不同 3、价值观念不同 结束语

浅谈中西方传统婚礼习俗差异 许展薇 (揭阳职业技术学院外语系五年制英语教育093班) 摘要:本文主要通过对中西方文化的研究和比较,并进一步分析中西方传统婚礼的差 异。婚姻,无论是哪一个国家的人们,都是十分重视的。本文旨在对中西方婚礼的举行地点、服饰、仪式等方面的差异进行比较,并对造成差异的原因进行分析,浅谈中西方不同的婚礼文化。 关键字:中西方;婚礼文化;差异;原因分析 前言 婚礼,一个浪漫而温馨的名词,它是情侣步入婚姻的大门,也是夫妻关系确立的标志,婚礼是一个开始,从此夫妻之间要相互鼓励、相互搀扶,相守一生,因而,各种美好的祝愿也都在这样一个与众不同的日子变得更加有意义、更加的珍贵。而婚姻习俗是伴随着婚姻的产生而产生的,它展示了民族群体的社会生活面貌,以及审美观,伦理观,价值观,宗教观,性意识和民族心理的发展态势,是人类创造的文化积累和精神财富。婚俗反映出的时代背景与风俗民情对后代有重要影响。中西婚俗研究也始终是研究的热点问题,因为它可以是我们更多的了解外国文化,对于不同文化间的传播与交流有积极意义。婚俗研究的课题层出不穷,研究的方向也不尽相同,有些着眼点放在中西文化的差异上,有些重点比较了中西婚俗中的一些具体不同。本文试从四个方面更全面的比较中西婚俗差异,同时进行婚俗差异原因的深层探究,使我们也对中西文化有一个基本的了解。 一、中西方婚礼差异比较 1、婚礼举行地点比较 对于我们中国人来说,结婚是一件大喜事,既是喜事当然要办的热热闹闹、气洋洋,这也是我们自古以来的传统。中国人喜欢热闹的气氛,因而婚礼的地点当然也要是能闹起来的地方。在古代,人们会选在开阔的场院里,大家围坐桌前,爽朗的笑声,锣鼓喧天,鞭炮齐鸣,一派祥和与红火。在当代难以寻得过去的场院,交通方便的大型酒店自然成了首选,与以往一样,从招待到入席,所有的人,无论是主人还是客人,脸上都洋溢着幸福的微笑,席间的欢歌笑语都体现了热闹这一传统。


Western wedding is a romantic type, the whole wedding from start to finish to the full of romantic. The bride's dress is generally white, the groom is black dress so that the whole wedding was the solemn seriousness. Marriage to the church to the whole wedding ceremony is the most important link. First, as the wedding march rhythm, the bride pull her father's hands go before the groom by her father she personally delivered the hands of the groom. pastor will ask the bride and groom on the other side to make a lifetime commitment, this is the climax of the whole wedding. then they will be priests and the blessing of everyone, exchanged marriage rings and kiss each other. The bride spent the hands of the ball were not ordinary furnishings. At the end of the wedding, the bride would throw the female guests arrived at the scene, who received curd, who is a married person, which makes the entire ceremony be heard laughing in the end. China is different from the wedding on the West, the entire wedding's main colours are red, this is also the representative of the traditional Chinese festivity colours. This change will enable the wedding jubilation. In the traditional wedding, the bride wearing red Luoyi general, wearing Fengguan, still above a red scarf. While the groom wearing red long gown mandarin jacket, wearing a red cap along. Palanquin bride rode in the red, the groom on horseback in front, with matchmaking and Yingqing teams to the groom's house in Baiting. Parents sitting on the two sides appear, and appear next married bride and groom. Entire wedding presided over by the master of ceremonies, in his command , a bride and groom Bastinade, Xiabai GAO Tang, and then a husband and wife Baidoa, into the bridal chamber. Noisy wedding is the climax of wedding, the bride and groom first to wait for the wedding, the groom and guests on the outstanding hospitality, Jiujufanbao, in a lot of the groom greeted came to the wedding. everybody started Noisy wedding, the bride and groom all stirred up trouble in the next gam e…… do all this in a whole wedding laughter ended. By studying the differences between Chinese and Western wedding, I understand their characteristics: Western wedding is pure romantic, and China is happy wedding; Western wedding is feeling valued, and China values the ceremony. In the West because of their different customs, have also formed their own characteristics wedding customs. Though, have different customs, but no matter where the wedding was all full of blessings and laughter. Difference between Chinese and western weeding


浅谈现代中美婚姻观念 的差异 标准化管理处编码[BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N]

浅谈现代中美婚姻观念的差异 摘要 二十一世纪的中美两国是世界上的两个超大的经济体,且属于不同的政体,中美两国的不同历史文化背景导致彼此的婚姻观存在诸多差异。中国受封建儒家思想影响比较深,而美国则是受外来思想比较严重。近年来随着中国的改革开放不断深入,中美文化的交流越来越频繁,而且互补性很强。本文着重从中美两种文化根源的角度,阐述了中美婚姻观念的不同之处,拓展了人们的认识空间。 关键词:婚姻观念差异文化

Abstract China and the United States in the twenty-first century are the two large economies in the world,they are different form of government ,leading to under different historical and cultural backgrounds of the two countries to each other's views on marriage,there are many differences.Confucianism has been the ideology occupy the field of the orthodox position of the Chinese culture is undergoing extensive and profound impact.Foreign thoughts affect deeply in America's marriage ideasWith the deepening of China's reform and opening up in recent years,.Sino-USintercultural communicationbecamemore and more frequently, also Both Countries are highly complementary in economic and cultural exchangesThis essay illust rates some dif ferent view s betw een Chinese and American marriage ideas in details based on the source of the cultures and thus enlarges eye sight s of people. Key words:marriage ideas;comparison;culture;

中西方婚礼差异对比 英语论文

A Comparison of the Wedding Culture between China and Western Countries in Modern Times Introduction The 21st century is dominated by science and technology, which makes the whole world develop quite rapidly. With the constantly increasing economic globalization and international exchange, the cultures of different regions are gradually spread and fused, such as the wedding cultures of China and Western Countries. It is clear that Chinese wedding and Western wedding differ from each other in many aspects: custom, ceremony procedures, styles and dress, marriage media and place. This thesis discusses the differences between Chinese and Western wedding cultures. It is extremely important to understand the different cultures between China and Western countries, which will help us to correctly understand the words and deeds of Westerners in the intercultural communication, fully understand each other, and respect each other's customs so as to get the best effect of communication. 1. Chinese and Western Different Wedding Cultures 1.1 Custom 1.1.1 Three Papers and Six Etiquettes According to Chinese wedding customs, the first etiquette is Three Papers and Six Etiquettes, which is as important as the engagement at Western wedding. Three Papers consists of the paper of engagement, the list paper of the presents to the bride?s and the paper of fetching the bride. They are going to be used on the day of engagement, the bridegroom?s giving the presents of marriage to the bride?s an d going and fetching the bride. Six Etiquettes includes asking for engagement, asking for the name and births of the newlyweds, showing some presents for engagement to the bride?s, giving the presents of marriage to the bride?s, choosing a good date for the wedding and going and fetching the br ide on the day of the wedding. All these etiquettes must be completely in proper order before the


婚姻观念差异论文:中西婚姻观差异之比较【摘要】随着我国对外经济开放的不断深入,人们越来越多地追求爱情和婚姻的质量。然而人们为什么要恋爱结婚?换句话说,婚姻有什么作用?在中国,常听到这样一些说法:“结婚是为了父母,娶媳妇是为了给我洗衣做饭。”这些质朴的语言在一定程度上体现了中国人的婚姻观念。那么,西方人的婚姻观和我们又有什么不同呢?本文将从结婚的目的、择偶标准以及婚姻关系中夫妻地位几方面进行了比较、分析。 【关键词】婚姻观念差异择偶方式结婚目的择偶标准夫妻地位 一择偶方式不同 爱情是人类世界最美好的感情,自古以来,多少人为之舍生忘死。但是中国古代的婚姻制度和习俗约束了人们对爱情的追求,中国人的传统择偶方式为“父母之命,媒妁之言”。也就是说,父母对子女的婚姻拥有不可推卸的责任和义务,所以,父母对子女的结婚对象也理所当然的拥有决定权;如果没有了这些繁文缛节,男女双方的结合就是私订终身,往往得不到父母的祝福;许多夫妇在结婚前连见面的机会都没有,更不用说爱情了。正因为这种制度不尊重当事人的意愿,也就酿成了不少爱情悲剧。如,我们所熟知的梁山伯与祝英

台的凄美爱情故事就是最好的例证。受“父母之命,媒妁之言”之苦的不仅仅是梁山伯与祝英台。唐朝洛阳城女子步非烟,才貌双全,依照父母之命嫁给河南府功曹参武公业为妻,曹性情耿直,粗犷躁烈,只知道舞刀弄斧,步非烟的才情对他来说完全是对牛弹琴。尽管他对步非烟宠爱有加,步非烟还是红杏出墙,后来事情败露,被武公业活活鞭打致死,由此可见这种制度的弊端。而西方则盛行自由恋爱,第三者无权干涉。他们认为一个人有权选择和他/她最喜欢的人生活在一起;在建立家庭之前后,都始终讲究一个“情”字,有“情”便可以生活在一起,无“情”便可以分开。 二结婚目的不同 中国传统的婚姻目的是为家庭而非爱情。《礼记昏义》说:“合两性之好,上以事宗庙,而下以继后世也”。就是说,中国传统婚姻的目的:一是通过联姻合两大家族之优势,扩大亲属同盟,即“结缘”;二是为了男性家庭继承家庭的血统,即“继统”,也就是我们俗称的传宗接代。对于一般人来说,男女结合只是为了生存的需要,女人嫁男人只是为了找一个生活依靠;男人找女人只是为了某种需求。因此,中国人的婚恋更多的是理性的选择。虽然随着中西方文化交流的深入,这种传统的婚姻目的受到了极大的冲击,越来越多的人选择“爱情至上”的婚姻;但为了传宗接代而结婚的依


中西方文化在婚姻爱情观念上的差异 中西方有着不同的文化传承,这影响到社会的方方面面。直到二十一世纪的今天,现代社会仍然与传统文化有着千丝万缕无法割断的联系。婚姻爱情观也是文化的一部分,中西方的婚姻爱情观有着极大的不同,可比性极强。 一、中西方爱情观不同的表现 1.追求爱情的自由度 在中国封建社会,婚恋的顾虑和干涉颇多,特别注意门当户对,女子是否有德有貌,男子是否有才有功名。这样一来男女双方的爱情就绝非单纯的爱情了,其中掺和了许多门第功名等与封建社会政治制度相关的因素。 西方人表现在爱情观上就是“探究”心态。特征是爱独立自由,喜欢探究新奇,乐于冒险进取。男女在择偶上不管年龄大小、相貌美丑,不管是否已婚,只要能达到探究上的满足,一切都无所顾忌。而且西方人觉得恋爱是自己的事,不应受过多约束。 2.爱情的表达方式 中国男女表达爱情的方式都是含蓄、拘谨、谨慎的。文学作品中的男女经常用日用物品如绢帕、团扇、玉簪等求爱,或者用谐音寓意的东西,如莲子(怜子)、青丝(思)、红豆等表达心意,在伦理道德监管下中国人无法明确地用言语当面求爱。而只得求助于有爱情隐含意义的物品或者其他暗示行为。 西方人表达爱情的方式就显得直露、开放。有时甚至是异常狂热、不顾一切的。人们可以公开谈论自己的感情,社会舆论对此也予以容忍和支持。人们在个人生活中对自己倾心的对象往往公开表露爱意。而没有太多道德上的顾忌。二、中西方婚姻观不同的表现 (一)结婚目的的差异 所谓婚姻目的,即男女双方想经由建立婚姻关系的方式而达到某种预期的结果。 中国传统的婚姻目的是为家庭而非爱情。一方面是通过联姻合两大家族之优势,扩大亲属同盟,即“结缘”;另一方面是为了男性家庭继承家庭的血统,传宗接代,即“继统”。当然,在现今的中国社会中,这种传统的婚姻目的受到了极大的冲击。男女青年往往选择“爱情至上”的婚姻。但是在中国这样一个极富传统的社会,要使爱情变为婚姻的主要目的,仍然不是一件简单的事情。 西方人的婚姻目的:其一是坠入爱河的恋人希望恋情有个完满的结果;其二,寻找长久的异性生活伴侣,从而使自己在生理上心理上的需要得到满足。在个人主义极为流行的西方社会中,结婚只是两个个体的结合。而结婚的基础是爱情和两性相悦。在他们看来:没有爱情的婚姻是不道德的婚姻,低质量的婚姻。由此可见,追求真爱乃是绝大多数西方人最重要的婚姻目的。因此,我们说西方人的结婚,是个人的权利;中国人的结婚,更像是对家庭的一种义务。 (二)择偶标准的差异 由于婚姻目的的不同致使中西方文化在择偶的标准上也存在显著的差异。 从中国传统的择偶标准来看,最要紧的是身家清白和门当户对。身家清白,往往是男方对女方要求的条件。父母替儿子选媳妇,首先调查清楚女方是否属于本分人家,因为他们认定只有这样人家出身的姑娘将来才可恪守妇道,孝敬公婆,使家庭和睦。至于门当户对,则更是中国传统社会的家长替子女择偶特别讲究的条件。在中国古典的爱情小说中,穷秀才和富家小姐的相爱总会遭到最强烈的阻


中西方婚礼的差异 随着中国经济的全球化发展和中国传统文化对世界的影响,中西方交流日益紧密。认识和了解各国文化和风俗习惯称为必然。婚姻是人类社会共有的制度之一。它是在公开的场合将丈夫和妻子之间的婚姻关系公开确定下来的仪式。因此几乎在每一种社会文化中,都有举办婚礼的习俗。婚礼是各个国家文化的重要组成部分。随着社会的不断进步和全球化的影响,婚礼文化在不断的发生变化。我国的婚礼文化也不断的受到西方婚礼文化的冲击。下面就其中西方婚礼的差异主要通过以下两个方面来概述。 一、表现中西方婚礼差异的几个方面: 1传统结婚仪式 中国的传统婚俗有“三书六礼”“三拜九叩”这些繁俗礼节。所谓“三书”,就是指聘书、礼书、迎亲书。而“六礼”是指纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。而在这之间更有换庚谱、过文定、过大礼、安床等一系列的活动。而在这些活动中有着大量的禁忌和礼俗,比如新娘嫁妆中要有剪刀(蝴蝶双飞)、痰盂(子孙桶)、尺(良田万顷)、片糖(甜甜蜜蜜)、银包皮带(腰缠万贯)、花瓶(花开富贵)、铜盆及鞋(同偕到老)、龙凤被、床单及枕头一对、两双用红绳捆着的筷子及碗(有衣食)、七十二套衣服,用扁柏、莲子、龙眼及利是伴着(丰衣足食)等物,每样物品都有其不同的含义。同时,在婚礼进行时也有一定的顺序,按一般的情况,在整个婚礼过程中有:祭祖、出发、燃炮、等待新郎、讨喜、拜别、出门、礼车、掷扇、燃炮、摸橘子、牵新娘、喜宴、送客、闹洞房、三朝回门。有此可以见到我国文化的繁琐,但不要以为繁琐是我国婚礼的特有特征,其实,不同国家虽然有不同的婚俗,但从繁复的细节与用品的喻意,都可见对婚姻的尊重和期许无分国界。 在西方国家中,婚礼时有旧(Something Old)、新(Something New)、借(Something Borrowed)、蓝(Something Blue)等习俗。旧是指母亲传下来之婚纱,头饰或首饰,代表承受美好的一切;新是指朋友送的礼物如裙子,饰物,象征新的生活;借是指可向任何人借东西回来,据说从富裕亲友借来金或银放在鞋内,象征带来财运;蓝是指新娘的一些小饰物或花束用蓝色,意味着新娘的纯洁及贞洁。而在进行婚礼时,西方亦有大量的习俗。比如,在结婚时新娘总要带着一方手帕,西方人认为白手帕象征好运。在进行结婚晚宴时,要特别定制结婚蛋糕,根据历史记载,自罗马时代开始,婚礼结束时,人们会在新娘头上折断一条面包的材料----小麦象征生育能力,面包屑则代表着幸运。新人必须以糖霜,就形成今天的结婚蛋糕了。由此可见,西方的婚俗并不比中方简洁。 2、婚礼服饰 在进行婚礼不只是有仪式习俗需要遵守,在穿着方面也有讲究。中国传统婚礼进行时新郎和新娘穿着红色的礼服,象征的吉祥如意,预示在结婚后日子红红


浅谈中西方爱情观和婚姻观的差异 论文提纲 前言 一、中西方爱情观和婚姻观的差异 1、中国的爱情婚姻观 2、西方的爱情婚姻观 二、中西方爱情观差异的表现 1、中西方爱情表达方式 2、中西方对爱情的态度的差异 3、中西方爱情维持时间的差异 4、追求爱情的自由度 三、中西方婚姻观的差异表现 1、结婚目的的差异 2、择偶标准的差异 3、婚姻中的夫妻关系 四、中西方爱情婚姻观的差异的根源 1、民族文化 2、社会开放程度与女子地位 3、求变还是求稳 结束语

浅谈中西方爱情观和婚姻观的差异 摘要:从爱情的表达方式,对爱情的的态度,维持时间,和追求爱情的自由度阐述中西方爱观差异的表现。由于文化背景不同,针对结婚的目的、选择配偶以及夫妻关系的差异表现进行中西方婚姻观分析。借鉴西方婚姻爱情观中的积极成分,最后形成一套适合当代中国自身的新型婚姻爱情观。 关键词:爱情观;婚姻观 前言 中西方有着不同的文化传承,这影响到社会的方方面面。爱情观也是文化的部分,中西方爱情观和婚姻观有着极大的不同,可比性极强。婚姻是人类赖以生存的基础,它不仅使人类得以生息繁衍,而且也丰富了人类生活的感情世界。从中西方爱情观和婚姻观的主要不同点、不同的表现、其中原因给我们的启示几个方面进行探讨。 一.中西方爱情婚姻观的差异 1、中国的爱情婚姻观 爱情是人类世界最美好的感情,自古以来,多少人为之舍生忘死!中国古代就有许多颂爱情的诗词歌赋,文学作品。有诗经中“关关雎鸠,在河之洲,窈窕淑女,其君子好逑”之绝唱,有梁山伯祝英台为爱化蝶的凄美传说。但是中国古代的婚姻制度及习俗约束了人们对爱情的追求。在古代的中国婚姻嫁娶必须有父母之命,媒妁之言,如果少去了这些繁文缛节,男女双方的结合就算是私订终身。许多夫妻在结合以前连见面的机会都没有,更勿说双方之间有爱情了。结婚后,有幸的话,夫妻情投意合,感情日积月累,相濡以沫,白头偕老。如果不幸,夫妻二人只是同住在一间屋子里共同生活的人而已。家境较为宽裕的家庭,丈夫还可以纳几房妾,妻子为换得有妇德的好名声不得不忍气吞声或黯然神伤。古代中国是极端的男权社会,女子“在家从父,出嫁从夫,老来从子”。因此妻子和丈夫之间是从属的关系,在这种关系下,夫妻之间的感情就不是平等的感情。没有离婚制度,只有男子能休妻。古代的中国是以农耕为主的社会,人口是家庭重要的资源,婚姻非常重要的目的就是繁衍后代。古代中国人的爱情,婚姻,家庭这几个概念是密不可分,相互重叠的。因此中国人崇尚终生不渝,常相厮守的爱情除了有主观意志外,也是有着客观 原因的。 2、西方的爱情婚姻观 古代西方的阶级等级制度也森严,婚配也讲究“门当户对”,可是在爱情的追求上就相对的大胆和自由得多。首先,在配偶的选择上,个人有相对的自由。青年成年后,可以进入社交圈子,参加各种各样的宴会舞会。以这些聚会为平台,男女青年可以选择自己的配偶。当然,由于这些聚会大多是由同一个社会阶层的人参加,因此,婚姻的对象也很有


中西方婚礼礼仪差异 婚礼,是一个温暖的词汇,它开启了情侣通往幸福婚姻的一扇门,执子之手与子偕老的佳话从此刻被书写。伴随婚礼的是各样多 彩的婚庆习俗,这是由于不同的文化背景造成的。下面是干货资源 社小编为大家整理的中西方婚礼礼仪差异,希望能够帮到大家哦! 作为人们一生最重要的日子之一,作为一对幸福恋人新的起点,中国人的婚礼是隆重热闹的。古代的时候,人们会在自己家里或是 酒楼里摆上酒席以宴请亲朋好友作为新人的见证。在当代中国,新 人一般会邀请亲朋好友去酒店或是宾馆。会在酒店宾馆里将排场弄 得很大,突显婚礼隆重、热闹的特点。 而在西方,人们的婚礼一般是在教堂或者是其他比较安静的地 方举行,井井有条,不像中国婚礼般热闹。西方的婚礼突出庄重和 圣洁,追求浪漫与实在的结合。 中国传统婚礼进行时新郎和新娘具着红色的礼服。中国人的婚 礼离不开红色,习惯以鲜艳的颜色来烘托气氛。因此,历朝女式婚 服颜色为大红色已成了定制,以示喜庆,衬托新人,预示未来生活 蒸蒸日上,幸福美满。新娘礼服为广袖对襟翟衣,头戴珠凤冠。值 得说明的是,翟衣上面的图案很有讲究。对襟本身就有完整的对称感,且在中国文化里本身就代表合称、合美的意思,而上面密布的

左右对称且成双成对的锦鸡图案,则象征着中国传统文化里夫妻生 活的和美、和乐。一般新娘在婚礼当天高挽发髻,区别于未婚女子。而在婚礼当天,新娘子以红色头盖蒙面,象征着童贞、年轻、纯洁。结婚后由新郎亲手揭开。 而西方的新娘则穿白色的礼服。自罗马时代开始,白色象征欢庆。1850年到1920xx年之间,白色亦是富贵的象征。到了本世纪初,白色所代表的纯洁意义更远超其他。西方认为白色与童贞有关。古罗马的新娘穿着白色的婚纱,蒙着鲜橙黄色的面纱,象征着激情 的火焰。在西方的天主教传统里,白色代表着快乐;其他一些地区, 白色在他们的婚礼和葬礼里指示各种各样的通路典礼和意义在维多 利亚女王时代,大多数的新娘只能穿传统的国家服装,只有上层阶 级才能穿代表权力和身份的白色婚纱。一直到近代,贵族阶级的特 权消失以后,白色的婚纱才成为普通新娘的礼服。 中国的传统婚俗有“三书六礼”“三拜九叩”这些繁俗礼节。 所谓“三书”,就是指 、礼书、迎亲书。而“六礼”是指纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。而在这之间更有换庚谱、过文定、过大礼、安床等一系列的 活动。而在这些活动中有着大量的禁忌和礼俗,比如新娘嫁妆中要 有剪刀、痰盂、尺、片糖、银包皮带、花瓶、铜盆及鞋、龙凤被、 床单及枕头一对、两双用红绳捆着的筷子及碗、七十二套衣服,用


从中西方婚礼浅析中西方文化差异 摘要:婚礼作为个人成长过程中必不可少的一个环节,无论在中国还是在西方其他国家都显得尤为重要,随着数千年文化的传承,逐渐形成一种地区特有的文化习俗。虽然在每个不同的地区都有着不同的婚礼习俗,但在文化大一统的环境中,婚礼大同小异。这里我们就以中西方的婚礼中较为普遍的婚礼习俗来对比中西方文化的差异。 关键词:中西方婚礼文化差异 我们先来谈谈中国的婚礼,中国的婚礼按地区不同,也有不同的习俗,这里我们以传统婚礼为例。传统婚礼程序颇为复杂,但每一项都有其特殊的意义。 婚礼前的准备 聘礼:婚前男方要将娶亲的聘礼送到女方家,一般来说除了礼金还有包含一些寓意美好的事物,每个地方送的种类都不相同,这里就不一一讲述了。礼金则象征着娶方财厚,暗示着新娘嫁过去可以享福,让女方家放心。 回礼:收到聘礼女方要给回礼,一般情况下,包含礼金和一些日常用品。 安床:在结婚的前一天晚上,要由女方家出一个家庭和睦、父母双全、又育有儿子的男丁安装婚房里的婚床,再将寓意早生贵子的四品:核桃、莲子、红枣、花生铺在新床上面。 嫁妆:女方家会给新娘准备带去婆家的嫁妆,全部放在红色的箱子中交给新娘。开箱子的一般是新娘的弟弟。 上头:婚礼举行前一晚,要选择一个吉时拜神求平安幸福,而且男方也要在同一个时间在自家那边拜。 梳头:新娘梳妆打扮的时候,会请一位有福气的长辈来给新娘梳头,寓意跟安床的道理相似。吃汤圆:汤圆,寓意团圆美满,祝福新人可以圆满成婚。 婚礼当天的仪式 迎亲:婚礼当天的上午,男方要带着迎亲队伍来女方家接亲。接新娘绝对算得上是整个婚礼的一大高潮。首先要“入门”。新郎要想顺利接得新娘归,可不是进门带出那么容易,要通过姊妹群的考验,不光是智力要好,体力要好,若有要求还得唱情歌,说情话,但这些都不是最重要的,给红包才有可能打动新娘的姊妹们,这就是所谓的开门红包。而且新郎还要用花球去迎娶新娘(新娘不可自制花球)。 找红鞋:新郎进门后也不能马上带走新娘,还要在新娘的房间里找到准备好给新娘的红色婚鞋,帮新娘穿上后才可以带走新娘。 敬茶:两位新人要向双亲跪拜,奉茶直到长辈喝下才能站起来(以前的习俗是,新人在女方家时要站着奉茶,因为还未到男家拜见翁姑。不过现在讲究没有这么多了,两边都跪拜以示同样的尊重。 撑红伞、撒米:新娘新郎出门的时候,要由伴娘撑红伞陪同,而且要同时往路旁撒米,意思是不要让鸡啄到新娘。 绕吉祥路:新人上迎亲车后不能直达目的地,必须绕当地所有吉祥路名的路开一圈。 过门:即指新娘被接到男方家后,拜见翁姑及男家其他长辈的习俗。 婚礼:传统婚礼,一般是请司仪主持婚礼仪式。 敬客:婚礼仪式结束后,酒宴正式开始,待到上鱼的时候,新娘要换上传统的龙凤褂跟新郎一起向每桌客人敬茶,客人都要说些祝福的话。 入洞房:新郎新娘会带要好的朋友一起去新房参观,或者做些闹洞房的娱乐。 三朝回门:指在结婚后的第三天,新娘由丈夫陪同回娘家,要带上烧全猪和礼物等回去见女方父母,并且要祭祖。


东西方爱情观差异 受中国根深蒂固的传统思想影响,中国式的爱情婚姻极少数是完美理想化的,一度走向迷失,走向茫然。东西方文化与宗教信仰差异导致了东西方的爱情观差异。 由古希腊柏拉图式的爱情演变到近代的骑士爱情,独立、个性解放成为现代西方爱情婚姻的追求主题。爱情与婚姻的统一,坚持独立、自由,他们互相信任,互相尊重;西方绝大多数人信仰基督教,他们认为婚姻是神圣的,经过神祝福的婚姻是不可以轻易解散的,他们彼此忠诚;宗教的信仰使他们认为人是有罪的,人活着就是为了赎罪,他们的祈祷方式经常带着忏悔或者感恩,将这份感恩的心带入生活,带入婚姻,他们的婚姻注入更多的是宽容与爱,付出得多,索取得少! 而中国式的祈祷与祷告与西方恰恰相反,他们很少是忏悔或感恩,而是索取,如:求平安、求富贵、求升官、求发财……无止境的索取与无法满足的现实相互矛盾,相互冲突,信仰便会陷入盲目,迷失方向。文化的失衡对整个信仰系统产生非常大的冲击力,继而自暴自弃或行为极端、道德平台失衡。封建理学要求女人三从四德,要求女人从一而终,要求女人做贞女烈妇,逆人性反人道,却大行于世几千年。事实是,封建时代男尊女卑,男人可以三妻四妾,女人必须从一而终,不平等是显而易见的,不自由、不民主是显而易见的。汤显祖的《牡丹亭》问世以来,被视为反道学的经典,受到离经叛道者的推崇,杜丽娘成为几代女性追求的楷模。剧本的大团圆结局,虽为批评家所诟病,却没有提出问题的实质。柳梦梅“掘墓开棺”,显示了男性的勇气;皇帝颁旨,代表了男性的权威,无一不在昭示着女性对男性的依赖性和崇拜感。潜性“贞节”压迫以“有情人终成眷属”结局,披枷戴锁的杜丽娘心存感动,“人格畸形融入女性自传”。杜丽娘的丫环春香,向杜夫人自请为妾,杜夫人兴高采烈,这飞来之笔亦为“人格畸形融入女性自传”的又一例证。蒲松龄的《聊斋志异》中男人拥有娇妻和美妾,而两个共侍一夫亲如姐妹,轮番侍寝,共同持家,繁衍子嗣,千篇一律。这种肤浅的“男性乌托邦”,当然是封建社会男性梦寐以求的,就是现代社会亦有不少男性有复活旧梦的向往。信仰的迷失,其道德平台也跟着失衡,互相信任、互相尊重只能成为一句空话。


中西方婚礼礼仪差异 中西方婚礼地点差异 作为人们一生最重要的日子之一,作为一对幸福恋人新的起点,中国人的婚礼是隆重热闹的。古代的时候,人们会在自己家里或是酒楼里摆上酒席以宴请亲朋好友作为新人的见证。在当代中国,新人一般会邀请亲朋好友去酒店或是宾馆。会在酒店宾馆里将排场弄得很大,突显婚礼隆重、热闹的特点。 而在西方,人们的婚礼一般是在教堂或者是其他比较安静的地方举行,井井有条,不像中国婚礼般热闹。西方的婚礼突出庄重和圣洁,追求浪漫与实在的结合。 中西方婚礼着装差异 中国传统婚礼进行时新郎和新娘具着红色的礼服。中国人的婚礼离不开红色,习惯以鲜艳的颜色来烘托气氛。因此,历朝女式婚服颜色为大红色已成了定制,以示喜庆,衬托新人,预示未来生活蒸蒸日上,幸福美满。新娘礼服为广袖对襟翟衣,头戴珠凤冠。值得说明的是,翟衣上面的图案很有讲究。对襟本身就有完整的对称感,且在中国文化里本身就代表合称、合美的意思,而上面密布的左右对称且成双成对的锦鸡图案,则象征着中国传统文化里夫妻生活的和美、和乐。一般新娘在婚礼当天高挽发髻,区别于未婚女子。而在婚礼当天,新娘子以红色头盖蒙面,象征着童贞、年轻、纯洁。结婚后由新郎亲手揭开。 而西方的新娘则穿白色的礼服。自罗马时代开始,白色象征欢庆。1820xx 年到1920xx年之间,白色亦是富贵的象征。到了本世纪初,白色所代表的纯洁意义更远超其他。西方认为白色与童贞有关。古罗马的新娘穿着白色的婚纱,蒙着鲜橙黄色的面纱,象征着激情的火焰。在西方的天主教传统里,白色代表

着快乐;其他一些地区,白色在他们的婚礼和葬礼里指示各种各样的通路典礼和意义在维多利亚女王时代,大多数的新娘只能穿传统的国家服装,只有上层阶级才能穿代表权力和身份的白色婚纱。一直到近代,贵族阶级的特权消失以后,白色的婚纱才成为普通新娘的礼服。 中西方文化婚俗差异 中国的传统婚俗有“三书六礼”“三拜九叩”这些繁俗礼节。所谓“三书”,就是指聘书、礼书、迎亲书。而“六礼”是指纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。而在这之间更有换庚谱、过文定、过大礼、安床等一系列的活动。而在这些活动中有着大量的禁忌和礼俗,比如新娘嫁妆中要有剪刀、痰盂、尺、片糖、银包皮带、花瓶、铜盆及鞋、龙凤被、床单及枕头一对、两双用红绳捆着的筷子及碗、七十二套衣服,用扁柏、莲子、龙眼及利是伴着(丰衣足食)等物,每样物品都有其不同的含义。同时,在婚礼进行时也有一定的顺序,按一般的情况,在整个婚礼过程中有:祭祖、出发、燃炮、等待新郎、讨喜、拜别、出门、礼车、掷扇、燃炮、摸橘子、牵新娘、喜宴、送客、闹洞房、三朝回门。由此可以见到我国文化的繁琐,但不要以为繁琐是我国婚礼的特有特征,其实,不同国家虽然有不同的婚俗,但从繁复的细节与用品的喻意,都可见对婚姻的尊重和期许无分国界。 在西方国家中,婚礼时有旧、新、借、蓝等习俗。旧是指母亲传下来之婚纱,头饰或首饰,代表承受美好的一切;新是指朋友送的礼物如裙子,饰物,象征新的生活;借是指可向任何人借东西回来,据说从富裕亲友借来金或银放在鞋内,象征带来财运;蓝是指新娘的一些小饰物或花束用蓝色,意味着新娘的纯洁及贞洁。而在进行婚礼时,西方亦有大量的习俗。比如,在结婚时新娘总要带着一方手帕,西方人认为白手帕象征好运。根据民俗说法,农夫认为新娘在磨擦婚当天所流下的泪能使天降甘露,滋润家作物。后来,新娘在新婚汉天流
