



echo ['eku]

n. 回声,回音,回波

v. 发回声,随声附和,摹仿affordable ['f:dbl]

a. 支付得起的,不太昂贵的attractive ['trktiv] a. 有吸引力的,引起注意的awful

a. 可怕的,壮严的badminton ['bdmintn] n. 羽毛球

balcony ['blkni]

n. 阳台

beneficial [,beni'fil] a. 有益的,有利的bungalow ['bglu]

n. 平房

chef [ef]

n. 厨师

community [k'mju:niti]n. 社区,团体


convenient [kn'vi:njnt]

a. 方便的

consume [kn'sju:m]

v. 消耗,消费,饮食;毁灭;消磨;枯萎

creature ['kri:t]

n. 生物,动物,人

ceiling ['si:li]

n. 天花板

crystal ['kristl]

a. 清澈透明的,晶体的

n. 水晶

carpet ['kɑ:pit]

n. 地毯,毛毯

v. 铺以地毯,铺盖

crown [kraun]

n. 王冠,王权,顶点

v. 使...成王,加冕,居...之顶

crow [kru]

n. 啼叫,乌鸦

v. 啼叫,报晓

crop [krp]

n. 农作物,产量,平头

v. 收割,修剪,种植

curious ['kjuris]

a. 好奇的,古怪的cooperation [ku,p'rein] n. 合作,协作

decorate ['dekreit]

v. 装饰,装修

discount ['diskaunt]

n. 折扣,贴现率

v. 打折扣,贴现

distinction [dis'tikn]

n. 差别,不同,对比,区分,辨别desert [di'z:t]

n. 沙漠

v. 放弃,遗弃

dessert [di'z:t]

n. 甜食 diversity [dai'v:siti] n. 差异,多样性

vt. 使不同,使多样化domestic [d'mestik]

a. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的n. 家仆,佣人



v. 击鼓

dusty ['dsti]

a. 满是灰尘的

escalator ['eskleit] n. 自动扶梯


n. 原理, 基础

especially [is'peli] ad. 特别,尤其

effectively [i'fektivli] ad. 有效地

efficiently [i'fintli] ad. 有效地

explore [iks'pl:]

v. 探险,探测,探究

[计算机] 探讨

engage [in'geid]

v. 答应,预定,使忙碌,雇佣,订婚fiber ['faib]

n. 纤维

gossip ['gsip]

n. 闲聊,随笔

v. 说闲话

ghost [gust]

n. 鬼,幽灵

hardship ['hɑ:d,ip]

n. 艰难,困苦

herbal ['h:bl]

a. 草药的

heritage ['heritid]

n. 遗产,继承物

horizon [h'raizn]

n. 地平线

hospitable ['hspitbl]

a. 好客的

homesick ['hmsik]a. 想家的

interrupt [,int'rpt]

n. 中断

v. 打断,妨碍,插嘴

[计算机] 中断

impressive [im'presiv]

a. 给人深刻印象的

literary ['litrri]

a. 文学的

intelligence [in'telidns]

n. 理解力,智力

jade [deid]

n. 玉

fantastic [fn'tstik]

a. 极好的,难以相信的,奇异的,幻想的

luxurious [lg'zjuris]

a. 奢侈的,豪华的

liquid ['likwid]

a. 液体的,液态的

n. 液体

loose [lu:s]

n. 解放,放任,放纵

a. 宽松的,不牢固的,不精确的v. 释放,放枪,开船

lotus ['luts]

n. 荷花(莲花,莲饰)

maintain [men'tein]

v. 维持,维修,保养,坚持

mineral ['minrl]

a. 矿物的

n. 矿物,矿石

miracle ['mirkl]

n. 奇迹

memorable ['memrbl]

n. 值得纪念的事物

a. 值得纪念的

melodious [mi'ludjs]

a. 旋律美妙的,调子优美的,音乐性的

motivation [,muti'vein]

n. 动机

mutual ['mju:tjul, 'mju:tul] a. 共同的,相互的naughty ['n:ti]

a. 顽皮的,淘气的

oxygen ['ksidn]

n. 氧,氧气

overcome [,uv'km]

a. 充满了的,占据了的

v. 战胜,克服

obviously ['bvisli]

ad. 显然地

participate [pɑ:'tisipeit] v. 参加,分享,参与

personality [,p:s'nliti]

n. 个性

paradise ['prdaiz]

n. 天堂

permanently ['p:mntli]

ad. 永久地

peony ['pini]

n. 牡丹,芍药

preserve [pri'z:v]

v. 保护,保持,维持,防腐,做蜜饯procedure [pr'si:d]

n. 程序,手续,步骤private ['praivit] a. 私人的

n. 士兵

prevent [pri'vent] v. 预防,防止

precious ['pres]

a. 宝贵的,珍贵的qualified ['kwlifaid] a. 有资格的

vbl. 取得资格

relieve [ri'li:v]

v. 减轻,救济,解除resist [ri'zist]

v. 抵抗,耐得住,压制

rug [rg]

n. 毯子,地毯,旅行毯reaction [ri(:)'kn] n. 反应

rhyme [raim]

n. 韵,押韵,韵文

v. 押韵shrimp [rimp]

n. 虾

scale [skeil]

n. 鳞,刻度,衡量,数值范围

v. 依比例决定,攀登

spinach ['spinid; (US) 'spinit]

n. 菠菜

shuttle ['tl]

n. 穿梭,往返移动之物

v. 使...穿梭移动

stomach ['stmk]

n. 胃

v. 忍受,容忍

vt. 承受,忍受

sensitive ['sensitiv]

a. 敏感的,仪器灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的

starve [stɑ:v]

v. 使饿死,饿得要死

struggle ['strgl]

n. 竞争,努力,奋斗

v. 努力,奋斗,挣扎

stylish ['staili]

a. 现代风格的,流行的,潇洒的stretch [stret]

n. 伸展,张开

a. 可伸缩的

v. 伸展,张开,延伸

status ['steits]

n. 地位,身份,情形,状况shortcoming [':tkmi]

n. 短处,缺点

speedy ['spi:di]

a. 快速的(高速的,迅速的,敏捷的,立即的)

tame [teim]

a. 驯服的,柔顺的,乏味的v. 驯养,使...驯服

temperature ['temprit(r)]

n. 温度

thriller ['θril]

n. 惊险小说

turtle ['t:tl]

n. 海龟

trunk [trk]

n. 树干,躯干,(汽车后部)行李箱,象鼻

troublesome ['trblsm]

a. 令人烦恼的,讨厌的

unique [ju:'ni:k]

a. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的wrist [rist]

n. 腕,腕关节

abundant ['bndnt] a. 丰富的,充裕的adore ['d:]

v. 崇拜,爱慕,喜爱allergy n. 敏感症,反感,厌恶amiable ['eimibl] a. 和蔼的,亲切的animation

n. 活泼,生气,卡通制作


v. 欣赏,感激,赏识approach

n. 途径,方法

v. 靠近,接近,动手处理attendant ['tendnt] a. 伴随的

n. 服务员


a. 引起敬畏的,可怕的banquet ['bkwit]

n. 宴会

vi. 宴请

vt. 宴会,设宴

bloom [blu:m]

n. 花

v. 开花


a. 撞球的

block [blk]

n. 街区,木块,石块

v. 阻塞blond

a. 金发的

carnation [kɑ:'nein]

n. 康乃馨(一种花) congestion [kn'destn]

n. 混杂,拥挤,过剩

capsule ['kpsju:l]

n. 胶囊,太空舱

cherish ['teri]

v. 珍爱,抚育,珍藏

cheetah ['ti:t]

n. 猎豹

corral [k:'rɑ:l]

n. 畜栏

v. 占有,围住

crunchy ['krnti]

a. 发嘎吱嘎吱声的, 易碎的crispy ['krispi]


chaos [' keis]

n. 混乱

collaboration [k,lb'rein]

n. 合作,通敌

conquer ['kk]

v. 克服,征服,战胜

confront [kn'frnt]

v. 面对,对抗,遭遇

cucumber ['kju:kmb]

n. 黄瓜

damn [dm]

a. 该死的,可恶的

v. 诅咒,下地狱

decease [di'si:s]


distract [dis'trkt]

v. 转移,分心

digest [di'dest; dai'dest]消化

disguise [dis'gaiz]

n. 假面目,假装

v. 假装

delicate ['delikit]

a. 细致优雅的,微妙的,美味的deserted [di'z:tid]a. 废弃的

v. 遗弃

vbl. 遗弃

fireplace ['faipleis]

n. 壁炉

eggplant ['egplɑ:nt]

n. 茄子

elegant ['elignt]

a. 优雅的,精美的,俊美的extraordinary [iks'tr:dnri, iks'tr:dinri]

a. 非常的,特别的

essentially [i'senli]

ad. 本质上,本来

famine ['fmin]

n. 饥荒

fake [feik]

n. 假货,欺蹒

a. 假的

v. 假造,仿造

fabulous ['fbjuls]

a. 传说的,无根据的,难以置信的

feast [fi:st]

n. 宴会,酒席,节会

v. 款宴,享乐,请客

flatter ['flt]

v. 过份夸赞,奉承,阿谀

fortnight ['f:tnait]

n. 两星期

faraway ['fɑ:rwei]

a. (神情)恍惚的,遥远的frustrated [fr'streitid,'fr-] a. 失败的, 落空的

fringe [frind]

n. 边缘,端

v. 加饰边于

fascinate ['fsineit]

v. 令人入神,使...~迷fragrance ['freigrns]

n. 香味

fundamental [,fnd'mentl]

a. 基本的,根本的

n. 基本原理

hippo ['hipu]n. 河马

grocery ['grusri]

n. 杂货店

greenery ['gri:nri]

n. 绿树,绿色植物

gorgeous ['g:ds]

a. 华丽的,灿烂的,好极了hawthorn ['h:θ:n]

n. 山楂

hibernate ['haibneit]

v. 过冬,冬眠,避寒

hesitation [,hezi'tein] n. 犹豫

humid ['hju:mid]

a. 潮湿的

independent [indi'pendnt] a. 独立的,自主的

n. 独立派人士,无党派者initially [i'nili]

ad. 最初,开头

indefinite [in'definit] a. 模糊的,不确定的,无限的

injection [in'dekn]

n. 注射

jaguar ['dgwɑ:]

n. 美洲虎

lacerate ['lsreit]

v. 撕裂,伤害

fierce [fis]

a. 猛烈的,残忍的,狂暴的,强烈的liberty ['libti]

n. 自由

lounge [laund]

n. 闲逛,休闲室,长沙发

v. 闲荡,懒洋洋地躺卧magnificent [mg'nifisnt]

a. 壮丽的,宏伟的



metropolis [mi'trplis]

n. 大都市,重要中心,首府

mimic ['mimik]

a. 模仿的,假的[计算机] 模拟的

merit ['merit]

n. 功绩,价值,真相

multiplication [,mltipli'kein] n. 乘法,增加,乘法表

[计算机] 乘法

newsreel ['nju:zri:l]

n. 新闻影片

narcissus [nɑ:'siss]


optimistic [,pti'mistik]

a. 乐观的,乐观主义的overwhelming [,uv'welmi]

a. 势不可挡的,压倒的

obstacle ['bstkl]

n. 障碍

pedestrian [pe'destrin]

a. 徒步的,缺乏想像的

n. 行人

prosperity [prs'periti]

n. 繁荣,兴旺

projector [pr'dekt]

n. 放映机(探照灯,发射装置,设计者,制图投射线)

poke [puk]

n. 刺,戳,袋

v. 拨开,刺,探索

roar [r:]

n. 吼,咆哮,轰鸣

v. 吼,大声说出,叫喊

sergeant ['sɑ:dnt]

n. 警官

scarlet ['skɑ:lit]

n. 深红色,斐红色,红衣

a. 肥斐色的,深红色的

smog [smg]

n. 烟雾

snore [sn:, sn]

n. 鼾声

v. 打鼾

subsequent ['sbsikwnt]

a. 随后的,后来的

scatter ['skt]

n. 散播之物,散布v. 散开,散布,散播

significant [sig'nifiknt]

a. 有意义的,相当数量的,意味深长的,重要的,重大的

splendid ['splendid]

a. 极好的

surrender [s'rend]

v. 投降,让与,屈服

sufficient [s'fint]

a. 足够的,充分的


adj. 障碍的

spacious ['speis]

a. 广阔的,宽敞的

sprinkle ['sprikl]

v. 洒,散置,微雨

transparent [trns'prnt]

a. 透明的

numerous ['nju:mrs]

a. 为数众多的,许多

vogue [vug]

n. 时尚

wag [wg]

v. 摇摆

witness ['witnis] n. 目击者,证人

v. (为...)作证,目击vt. 目击

worship ['w:ip]n. 崇拜,礼拜

v. 崇拜,敬仰

vi. 做礼拜

vt. 崇拜

zoologist [zu'ldist]

n. 动物学家


amateur ['mt, ,m't:]

a. 业余的

appliance ['plains]

n. 器具,器械,装置


n. 杏子,杏色

a. 杏色的


a. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的astonishment ['stnimnt]

n. 惊讶

authentic [:'θentik]

a. 可靠的,可信的,真的,真正的 bilingual a. 双语的

beetle ['bi:tl]

n. 甲虫

vi. 忙碌地来回


n. 刀锋,刀口


n. 贿络行为,行贿,受贿


a. 熙熙攘攘的,忙乱的broomstick ['brumstik]

n. 扫帚柄(传说中女巫乘之飞行于空中)

cathedral [k'θi:drl]

n. 大教堂

cauliflower ['k:liflau]

n. 花椰菜

celery ['selri]

n. 芹菜

climax ['klaimks]

n. 高潮,极点,层进法

cicada [si'keid, -'kɑ:d]

centipede ['sentipi:d]

n. 蜈蚣

chandelier [,ndi'li]

n. 枝形吊灯(烛台)

corruption [k'rpn]

n. 腐败,堕落,贪污deforestation [di,fris'tein] n. 采伐森林,森林开伐

drizzly ['drizli]

a. 毛毛雨的(a drizzly day) dioxide [dai'ksaid]

n. 二氧化物

dimple ['dimpl]n. 酒窝,涟漪

dwarf [dw:f]

n. 矮子,侏儒

fertilize ['f:tilaiz]

v. 施肥,使丰饶

flock [flk]

n. 群

v. 成群而行,聚集

fiddle ['fidl]

n. 小提琴

v. 虚度时光,拉小提琴

hazard ['hzd]

n. 冒险,危险,危害

v. 冒...的危险,赌运气

hassle ['hsl]

n. 困难,麻烦

vi. 争论

vt. 与...争辩

hypermarket [,haip'mɑ:kit] n. 特大百货商场,特大超级商场gleam [gli:m]

n. 微弱的闪光,瞬息的一现

v. 闪烁,隐约地闪现

fig [fig]

n. 无花果

Husky ['hski]

n. 哈士奇

incentive [in'sentiv]

a. 刺激的,鼓励的

n. 刺激,鼓励,动机

intimate ['intimit]

a. 亲密的,私人的,秘密的

v. 暗示,通知,告诉

insomnia [in'smni]

n. 失眠(症)

impulsive [im'plsiv]

a. 冲动的,受感情驱使的,任性的 impeccable [im'pekbl]

a. 无瑕疵的

infusion [in'fju:n]

n. 灌输,激励

lark [lɑ:k]

n. 云雀,欢乐,百灵鸟

leopard ['lepd]n. 豹

lettuce ['letis]

n. 莴苣

missionary ['minri]

n. 传教士,负有任务者,工作人员a. 传教的,负有使命的melancholy ['melnkli]

n. 忧沉,悲哀,愁思

a. 忧沉的,使人悲伤的,愁思的mermaid ['m:meid]

n. 美人鱼

nostalgic [n'stldik, n-]

a. 乡愁的,怀旧的

obedient ['bi:djnt, -dint] a. 服从的,顺从的

pavilion [p'viljn]

n. 大帐蓬,观众席,楼阁

v. 搭帐蓬

pessimistic [,pesi'mistik] a. 悲观的

panther ['pnθ]

n. 豹

penetrate ['penitreit]

v. 穿透,渗透,看穿

protein ['pruti:n]

a. 蛋白质的

n. 蛋白质

patriotism ['ptritizm, 'pei-] n. 爱国心,爱国精神

pedal ['pedl]

n. 踏板

a. 脚的,踏脚的

v. 用脚踏动,踩踏板

petal ['petl]

n. 花瓣

raccoon [r'ku:n]

n. 浣熊,其毛皮

reptile ['reptail]

a. 爬虫类的

n. 爬行动物

reluctant [ri'lktnt]

a. 不情愿的,勉强的

radioactive ['reidiu'ktiv] a. 放射性的rhino ['rainu]

n. 犀牛

roar [r:]

n. 吼,咆哮,轰鸣

v. 吼,大声说出,叫喊sensational [sen'seinl]

a. 使人感动的,非常好的serendipity [,sern'dipiti] n. 善于发掘新奇事物的天赋shabby ['bi]

a. 破旧的(低劣的)

sledge [sled]

n. 雪橇,大锤

v. 用雪橇搬运,坐雪橇往substance ['sbstns]

n. 物质,实质,基本内容superstitious [,sju:p'stis] a. 迷信的

spectacular [spek'tkjul] a. 公开展示的,惊人的sympathetic [,simp'θetik] a. 同情的,共鸣的

tadpole ['tdpul] n. 蝌蚪

tranquil ['trkwil] a. 安静的,宁静的trolley ['trli] n. 手推车

trophy ['trufi] n. 奖品,战利品tedious ['ti:dis]a. 沉闷的


ad. 明白地

ultraviolet ['ltr'vailit]

a. 紫外线的

wasp [wsp]

n. 黄蜂,胡蜂

weasel ['wi:zl]

n. 鼬鼠,狡猾的人



2019年9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:有意义的 歌 有意义的歌 P2 Describe a song that is meaningful to you. You should say: what song it is; when you first heard it; what the song is about; and explain why it is meaningful to you. P3 1.Is it good for children to learn music? 2.How do Chinese people learn music? 3.Do men and women play different kinds of musical instruments? 4.what's the status of traditional music now? 5.Do all grades have music class? 6.Is music class important? 7.What kind of music do children like? 8.Why would some parents force their children to learn some musical

instruments? 解析 题目要求考生描述“一首对你有意义的歌”。作答要点包括:是什么歌、什么时候第一次听到、歌是关于什么的,并说明为什么这首歌对你有特殊意义。 范文 Three years ago, a song came out that celebrated being young and relaxed and I was instantly crazy about it. It was called ‘Young for you’ and the beat and melody were off the hook! The song became a massive hit across China that year and you could hear it being played everywhere. When I listen to the song now it immediately takes me back to my youth. I first heard the song playing in a shopping mall and was instantly drawn to it. The singer's voice was like no other I had ever heard before and the melody was haunting and sad. I stopped shopping and used an app on my phone to identify the tune. I immediately downloaded the album off iTunes.


雅思口语话题part2参考范文 学习模仿雅思口语范文要点有3:1.native speaker的地道用词,2.丰富灵活的动词,3.高分句型并熟练背诵之。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语话题part2参考范文:和朋友愉快聚餐 Describe a dinner you enjoyed with your friends. When and where you had the dinner Who you ate the dinner with What you ate And explain how you felt with this dinner 1.适用考生:全适用 2.主题:一次愉快的自助餐 3.故事线:最近和朋友们在城市夜餐厅吃自助餐。我大约在两周前吃了这顿饭,晚上吃自助餐。那实际上是一次聚会,和我的学校朋友们聚会,我没有长时间的见面。通过电话,我们讨论并计划一起吃饭,一起聚会,讨论我们,并亲自会见那些朋友。

我们选择了城市夜餐馆,因为它适合我们所有人,而且我们知道这家餐馆的食物质量很好。 雅思口语高分范文示例: Recently I ate buffet at City Night Restaurant with my friends. I had this meal about two weeks ago and we ate buffet in the evening time. That was actually a get together short of a party with my school friends whom I have not met for a long in person. Over the phone, we talked and planned to have a meal cum get together party together to discuss us and to meet those friends in person. We picked the City Night Restaurant because it is in a suitable location for all of us and we knew the food quality of this restaurant was good. We met at around 5 pm and we spent some good time together. Lots of things have changed and some of our friends have done many challenging things and we all enjoyed the stories and updated we gave each other. Four friends of mine from school came to this occasion and they were James, Jessica, Harper and Patrick (...or say names of your friends...) It was a gathering we had been planning for a long and as part of our meeting, we planned to have a great feast. From the very beginning, we planned to have met in a restaurant and not at home.


雅思口语自我介绍 雅思口语自我介绍 personnel statement (introduction) good morning, my dear teachers, my dear professors. i am very glad to be here for your interview. my name is song yonghao; i am 22 years old .i comes from luoyang, a very beautiful anicent city. my undergraduate period will be accomplished in chang'an university in july ,XX;and now, i am trying my best for obtaining a key to tongji university. generally speaking, i am a hard working student especially do the thing .i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard. to weaver a homepage for myself, i stayed with my personnel computer for half a month. and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. furthermore is a person with great perseverance. during the days preparing for the first examination, i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like. and just owning to this, i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. well, in my spare time,


30句雅思口语常用单词和句子 1.不要试图说太长的句子。简单句为主,and, but, so, also, because, if 等连接一下即可。 2. 用一用cos 引导原因 3. 用一用like 举例 4. 停顿的时候,用well, eh, um, 或者you know,占位 5. 用一用or whatever, and stuff like that, and something like that 表示“等等” 6. 在句首用上actually ,basically, obviously, unfortunately, 等副词。 7. Most of the time, …, but sometimes … 这个结构很有用。 8. It depends, but generally …这个结构也很实用。 9. It varies. If …., I…, but if…, I… 这个结构也值得掌握。 10. 说朋友的时候,可用mate/buddy 代替 11. 说电影的时候可用flick/flicks 代替;同样watch/see a film, 也可用catch a flick 代替。 12. 说好吃的时候,用tasty 或yummy 代替。 13. 说“很棒”的时候,用“amazing, awesome, incredible, marvelous” 14. 说“很美”的时候,用“really pretty,attractive 或gorgeous” 15. 说“很次”的时候,用“terrible/awful”. 16. 说“很丑” 的时候,用“really unattractive/hideous” 17. 说“假货” 的时候,用“fake” 18. 说“贵”的时候,用“pricey/dear”.


雅思口语考试形式及内容全面解析 雅思口语考试是考生与考官之间进行一对一交流的形式,考官对考生的英语口语水平进行考察。雅思口语考试分为三个部分,考生可以以此使用不同的口语表达技能。雅思考试口语部分将被录音。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语考试形式及内容全面解析 雅思口语Part 1 雅思口语考试形式:考官会向考生进行自我简介,并核对考生的身份。之后,考官会就考生熟悉的话题(如朋友、兴趣习惯或者食物) 进行询问。为保证题目的一致性,这些问题都是从一个事先拟定的范围内抽取的。 考试时间有多长:4-5分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察的是考生就日常性的观点和信息、常见的生活经历或情形以回答问题的形式进行交流的能力。 雅思口语Part 2 雅思口语考试形式:这部分为考生作个人陈述。考官会交给考生一个答题任务卡、铅笔和草稿纸做笔记。答题任务卡上会给

出一个话题和需要在个人陈述中包含的要点,并在最后提示考生解释这个话题的某一个方面。有效地使用答题任务卡上的提示可以帮助考生思考讲述的话题、组织内容、并持续地陈述2分钟时间。在准备时间内做一些笔记也可以帮助考生安排好陈述的结构。考生有一分钟的准备时间,之后考官会要求考生就相关内容讲述1-2分钟。考官会在2分钟后打断考生,并在最后提问一两个问题作为结束语。 考试时间有多长:3-4分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察得是考生(在没有任何其它提示的情况下)就一个特定的话题进行较长时间的陈述的能力,考察考生是否能恰当地运用语言、是否能连贯地组织自己的观点。考生有可能需要联系自己的经历来完成这部分内容。 雅思口语Part 3 雅思口语考试形式:在这部分考试中,考官和考生将对第二部分中涉及的话题进行讨论,讨论将为更加广泛和抽象,在恰当的时候还会更加深入。 考试时间有多长:4-5分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察的是考生表达和论述看法、分析、讨论以及深入思考问题的能力。 雅思口语范文:describe something made you laugh


雅思口语话题part2高分范文分享 备考雅思口语需多看优秀范文,今天了雅思口语part2新题范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 Describe a public place that you think need improvements You should say: What the place is When do you go thereWhat do you like and dislike in the public place 1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:改进公共设施(public place that you think need improvements) The public place that I think need improvements is the munity library near my home. I often go there after work, probably twice a week. There are several aspects I like about the library. The first one is the whole atmosphere. Every time I go into the

library, I can see people in all ages reading books, surfing in the inter, discussing questions, or watching movies, which makes me feel peaceful. The second one is the variety of books. It not only has Chinese books but also some English books. The third one is the easy aess to all the materials. Application to the library card is easy and free. People can borrow 6 books for one time. However, there are some parts I don't like about the library. For example, the library doesn't have a quiet study area. It's pretty noisy for people or students who want to study lonely and quietly. The library can consider to build a quiet study room in the future. Describe a city or country you most want to live in the future You should say: What is it Where is it located


雅思口语万能模板 今天给大家收集了雅思口语万能模板,快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语万能模板:自我介绍Sample Sample1: My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family. In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.


连词汇总: 常用副词:

Part One 提问规律: ONE:Yes/no Two: Wh-/How 针对提问形式及参考资料,建议采用:起—承---转---合的模式去回答。以下就是该部分需掌握的词汇及表达方式: 词汇: 有关家乡: Climate:summer: scorching and sometimes muggy weather(闷热) Other seasons: cloudy and often drizzles Geography: an inland city and best-known for the gentle rolling hills surrounding it. Traffic: due to its particular geography features, the traffic is annoying .It is usually bumper-to-bumper. (拥挤的) 有关购物及服装: Clothes make the man. Going shopping, you can buy a lot of things clothing, food , accessory and stuff like that. It is my major pastime .You know, shopping can ease your mind and make you pleasant. To some extent, it can make you refreshed. For clothing, just as the saying goes, different stokes for


第二段:主考官抽出一张题卡,卡上写明某话题,考生有一分钟准备时间,之后须根据要求对该话题进行2分钟个人观点阐述(约3-4分钟,包括1分钟准备时间)。 Part 2 Topics Describe : 1. A luxurious thing 2. An important Stage in your life 3. A period of time you enjoyed most in your life. When is it? What did you enjoy? Why? 4. An English Lesson you have attended. What is the content? Why do you remember it? 5. Clothing. 6. Which area(aspect) of life do you want to be successful in? Why? 7. The legal age for marriage in China. Do you think it is suitable?

8. An impressive speech you have heard. What is it about? Why do you remembe it so well? 9. A bicycle. 10. The person you are familiar with. 11. A Building. 12. An advertisement 13.what do people in different age do? 14. a thing you want to achieve Describe a piece of clothing you wear on a special occasion Key points: Graduation, school, pink dress, accessory, Actually, in my high school, students are required to wear the school uniforms each day at school. Everyone looks the same to a great extent.【程度的描述】 No one's special. So after a while, we all have the similar physical features.


环球雅思口语老师给大家带来关于电影类的口语范文一篇,大家可以练习起来囖~ Do you like watching movies? / How often do you go to the cinema? Definitely, watching movies is my cup of tea. You know, I'm always busy in studying. But I will go to the cinema as often as possible, maybe once every other week because it is one of my favourite ways to relax. I believe films are a wonderful form of art. Many of my friends have the same habit, so we always go to Wanda International Cinema on weekends together, which I think is the best cinema in Beijing. Why do you like to watch films? Firstly, I think watching films is a good way to relax. You know, when watching a film, I will throw all of my emotion to the story so that I can forget nearly everything about myself, especially the troubles. Also, I can learn many things from the roles in films, for example, I learned how to join forces to fight again devil from my favourite movie . Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home? I prefer watching films in the cinema, absolutely. You know, the atmosphere and the sound effect are prefect in the cinema, which you cannot feel at home, facing a small screen, especially for scientific and horror. So you can understand the story and the roles' emotion better, also you are able to learn more from the films. What kind of films do you like? I love fancy film the most. They are full of magic, imagination and creativity. I believe only imagination can make our real life more colorful. My favorite movie is , which is typical of this kind of movies. I admire J.K.Rowling, the producer of it; I really wonder how those wonderful ideas came from her head! Who is your favorite movie star? My favorite movie star is Yang Ziqiong, who is very famous not only in China but also in Hollywood. She is one of the earliest actresses accepted by Hollywood and became popular in the world. She's good at martial arts. She's not very beautiful but her kongfu is really amazing, quick, clear-cut and powerful. I think she's the proud of China, not only for her position in Hollywood, but also because she spread Chinese traditional kongfu in the world. What's the difference between American films and Chinese films? I think the biggest difference lies in the purpose of the film, result from the level of freedom. You know, most of Chinese films just describe an ordinary story and focus on teaching the audience some principles, because the government controls the contents of films stringently. But because of freedom, the purpose of most American films is to give audience an impressive shock, and then earn enormous profits.


雅思口语总论:题型介绍和评分标准 这里是知乎大学,欢迎来到「雅思课」,我是杨帅。 讲课之前,我先先做一个简单的自我介绍。我的英文名叫做Shawn,人称「九分锦鲤」。你要问了,为什么大家叫我「九分锦鲤」呢?因为我考过三次雅思口语九分,以及多次的雅思口语8.5 分。上一次参加雅思考试,我得了三个九分,听力阅读口语都是九。写作是7.5,总分8.5. 这节课,我将介绍雅思口语考试的基本信息,以及快速提升你考试能力的方法,获得高分! 雅思口语考试的三个部分 首先说一下雅思口语考试的形式。进行口试时,有一位考官和考生相对坐着,和你进行交流,时长11 到14 分钟。口语考试总共分成三个部分。我们管这三个部分叫做part one, part two, part three,在课程中我会说道pa1、pa2、pa3 这种简单说法。 pa1 也就是第一部分,考官会问考生一些个人问题。什么是个人问题呢?这些题目完全跟考生生活相关的。比如说,考官会问到考生工作或学习的信息,work or studies;考生的家乡,考生的家,他住什么样的房子,他是否喜欢旅行,是否喜欢读书,多久做一次饭,小的时候是否学习过做饭等等等等,这样的个人生活当中的话题。

我们随便举几个例子。Pa1中,考官可能会问关于家乡的问题: Do you like your hometown? Is there anything you don’t like about it? Will you live in your hometown for the rest of your life? 如果我们考的话题是reading,考官可能会问: Do you like reading? How often do you read? What kinds of books do you like to read? Did you enjoy reading when you were a child? How much time do you spend on reading every single day? 这是pa1 比较典型的个人问题。 雅思口语考试第二部分pa2,叫做long turn. 考官会给考生一个话题。考生需要就这个话题进行一个两分钟的作答,官方说法是 1 到 2 分钟,我们尽量说到两分钟。作答前,你会有一分钟的准备时间,拿到一个题板,一个板子。在中国大陆的大部分考场,考生会拿到一个白色的板子和一根马克笔,他可以在板子上做一些笔记。中国大陆有一些考场可能给的是小纸片啊,纸条啊,一个本儿啊,不过大部分地方给的是一个白色的板子做笔记。 一分钟准备时间到,考官会指示考生开始作答。这两分钟,完全靠你自己说出去。我分享一下曾经考过的题目。上一次口语考试的题目:是Describe a tv program you like. Describe a tv program you like. 这是一个主题干,底下会有四个小点,他会说到You should say what this program is. How often you watch it ? Who you' watch it with and explain why you like watching this program?这是一道雅思口语考试题目的长相。


杭州北雅雅思口语课知识细点综合讲义 ●Chapter1 词汇知识点 1. 高频词汇重复替换 2 2. 动词搭配使用 4 3. 形容词解释和理解12 4. 副词的使用15 5.连接词的使用17 6. Less common vocabularies (不常用词汇)19 ●Chapter 2 语法知识点 1.高频时态准确使用31 2.时态变化和综合使用33 3. 逻辑关系判断和提升34 4. 复合句之定语从句37 ●Chapter 3 语音知识点 1. 英美音差异和易错音38 2. 爆破音和连读40 ●Chapter4 话题内容补充讲义 1.Part1高频话题库42 2.Part1课堂必掌握题库49 3.Part1经典题目回答示例52 4.Part2 经典话题库及范例59 5. Part2 口语7分学员素材分享73 6.2014.12月高频话题总题库79 7.2015.3-8月最高频题库(最新统计)81 8. Part3 分类话题库及逻辑回答模式90 9. Part3 Brain-storming练习及核心素材93

Chapter 1词汇知识点: 1.1高频重复词汇替换(5.5-6) 1.1. 减少语言停顿和加强自然度,需增加语言填充词(language fillers) e.g. actually/ in fact/as a matter of fact/truth be told /to tell the truth to be frank/honest with you = honestly/frankly speaking personally speaking/from my own perspectives/from my point of view as far as I know/concerned 减少最常用词汇重复 Yes-definitely/undoubtedly/without a doubt indeed precisely sure/certainly I do suppose/think so No -I don't think/suppose so/I suppose not Not really Not at all/ a bit I'm not sure really/I'm not exactly that sure negative think - suppose assume I’d hazard a guess that … reckon suggest maintain/insist hold the point that believe argue like -be fond of be into be keen on (5.5) be fascinated by be fanatical about be obsessed with (6-6.5) appeal to I cannot imagine stopping doing sth really I was brought up with sth in blood (7) don’t like dislike hate cannot stand sth. be not (the least bit )interested in sth. loathe doing sth disapprove of sth. sth. is not kind of my thing. but - however whereas instead while yet


雅思口语考试万能语句 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

雅思口语考试万能语句1. 与考官见面用语 Glad to meet you here.? 很高兴见到你。 How nice to see you.? 能见到你太好了。 Fancy seeing you.? 见到你真好。 How are you?? 你好吗? I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here.? 我很高兴能有机会见到你。 I’m glad to meet you.? 我很高兴能见到你。 I’m please to meet you. 我很开心能见到你。 It’s a pleasure to meet you. 能见到你很开心。 2. 对考官所提问题完全听不懂 Could you please rephrase that question / topic?? 你能把这个问/话题换种说法再说一次吗? I’m not exactly sure what you mean…? 我不在确定你指的是什么。。。 3. 对考官所提问题似懂非懂,要核实对考官所提问题的理解是否正确 Do you mean…?? 你指的是。。。

If I understand right,…? 如果我没有理解错的话。。。 I’m sorry if I’m being a little slow, but…?? 不好意思如果我理解慢了,但是。。。 I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)…?? 不好意思,我不能确定我完全理解了。你指的是。。。 So am I right in saying…?? 所以我可以说。。。 If I’ve got the picture, then…? 如果我理解了的话,那。。。 So what you mean is…, right? 所以你想说明的是。。。对吗? Sorry I don’t quite catch you. You mean…?? 对不起我没完全理解,你指的是。。。 Can I get one thing clear?? 我可以确认一下吗? Would I be correct in supposing…?? 所以我假设。。。是对的吗?? 4. 对考官所提问题的内容不熟悉 I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)…? 我不太确定怎么回答这个问题,但是(也许)。。。 That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)… 这是一个相对来说有点难度的问题,但是(也许)。。。 I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…? 不好意思,但是我对于。。。不是很了解。 5. 评价考官所提问题 That’s difficult to answer, but (maybe)…?


雅思口语话题part1范文 新题何足惧,旧恨何其多,手握真题集,屠鸭亦可期。今天和大家分享一下雅思口语话题Part1范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语话题part1范文:workstudy Work 1.What is your job? I currently work as an office manager at a large marketing company. Ive been in the job for about five years now. Im usually assigned to work with a specific business in order to improve their sales through various marketing strategies. 2.How did you get this job? Well, I am done my Bachelors in technology in Information Technology. So, during the last year, lot of companies came in for campus recruitment and I got selected at Infosys. 3.Do you have to work with other people?

Oh yes, all the time. Its a big office and we all have to work as a team if we want to achieve results. I have colleagues I need to liaise with such as the graphic designers and I also have administration staff who work under me. And of course I also have to work alongside the companies that we provide marketing for. So yes, I definitely have to work with other people. 4.What do you dislike about your work? The only think that I really don’t like about being a software engineer is that apart from being a great job, it is not something very close to my heart. At hear, I am a writer, traveler and a reader. And I would definitely would want to do something near to it. 5.Do you think you will change jobs in the future? Well, thats not something Im thinking about at the moment as I really enjoy what I do and its a really good company to work for. The pay is good and they have other good benefits such as flexi-time and end of year bonuses. But that said, change is always a good thing, so I cant see me being there forever. Im sure I will change one day. Study 1.What are you studying at the moment?
