



Lesson 8

Section I

Task 1: Twins

A. Multiple Choice.

B. Blank-filling.

Name: Laura and Sarah

SexSimilaritiesDifferencesC. True or False Questions.

Task 2: Genetic Make-up

A. Give brief answers to the following questions.








8. Alan and Barbara. At lunch time. An article about twins and coincidences. because it suggests criminals are born and not made. Somebody was born with the potential to become a criminal. The ones that regard crime as a way of life and see the police as enemy. Similar qualities are necessary to become a successful criminal or

a first-class policeman. Men who might easily be in jail. 1—2: TF 1—6: acbcab

B. Fill in the blanks with information about the twins.

1. 2. 3. Section II

Task 1: Can I Take a Message?

A. Multiple Choice.

B. Blank-filling.

1. Message 1: 1—2: ac




5. Caller‘Caller‘Message 2: Caller‘Caller‘Message: Message 3: Caller‘Message 4: Caller‘th Message 5:

Caller‘C. Blank-filling.

1. 2. 3. 4. Task 2: Night Flight

A. True or False Questions.

B. Multiple Choice.

C. Blank-filling.

1. 2. 3. 4. 1—6: FTTFTF 1—8: bacbacbc

D. Answer the following questions.




4. She discovered that two passengers had been sick. Because the captain was lying behind the door unconscious. Because she was afraid that would cause a general panic. When the plane had circled

英语中级听力文本及答案 9--16课

lesson 09 PADI Instructor training Become a PADI professional today Train in the tropical Florida https://www.360docs.net/doc/219838899.html, Catherine has just left school and she wants to find a job. She and her mother have come to speak to the Careers Advisory Officer. Listen to their conversation. Officer: Oh, come in, take a seat. I'm the Careers Officer. You're Cathy, aren't you? Mother: That's right. This is Catherine Hunt, and I'm her mother. Officer: How do you do, Mrs Hunt. Hello, Catherine. Cathy: Hello. Pleased to meet you. Officer: And you'd like some advice about choosing a career? Mother: Yes, she would. Wouldn't you, Catherine? Cathy: Yes, Please. Officer: Well, just let me ask a few questions to begin with. How old are you, Catherine? Mother: She's nineteen. Well, she's almost nineteen. She'll be nineteen next month. Officer: And what qualifications have you got? Mother: Well, qualifications from school of course. Very good results she got. And she's got certificates for ballet and for playing the piano. Officer: Is that what you're interested in, Catherine, dancing and music? Cathy: Well ... Mother: Ever since she was a little girl she's been very keen on her music and dancing. She ought to be a music teacher or something. She's quite willing to train for a few more years to get the right job, aren't you, Catherine? Cathy: Well, if it's a good idea. Mother: There you are, you see. She's good girl really. A bit lazy and disorganized sometimes, but she's very bright. I'm sure the Careers Officer will have lots of jobs for you. Officer: Well, I'm afraid it's not as easy as that. There are many young people these days who can't find the job they want. Mother: I told you so, Catherine. I told you shouldn't wear that dress. You have to look smart to get a job these days. Officer: I think she looks very nice. Mrs. Hunt, will you come into the other office for a moment and look at some of the information we have there. I'm sure you'd like to see how we can help young people. Mother: Yes, I'd love to. Mind you, I think Catherine would be a very nice teacher. She could work with young children. She'd like that. Or she could be a vet. She's always looking after sick animals. Officer: I'm afraid there's a lot of competition. You need very good results to be a vet. This way, Mrs. Hunt. Just wait a minute, Catherine. * * * Officer: There are just one or two more things, Catherine. Cathy: Do call me Cathy. Officer: OK, Cathy. Are you really interested in being a vet? Cathy: Not really. Anyway, I'm not bright enough. I'm reasonably intelligent, but I'm not brilliant. I'm afraid my mother is a bit over-optimistic. Officer: Yes, I guessed that. She's a bit overpowering, isn't she, your mum? Cathy: A bit. But she's very kind. Officer: I'm sure she is. So, you're interested in ballet and music, are you? Cathy: Not really. My mother sent me to lessons when I was six, so I'm quite good, I suppose. But I don't think I want to do that for the rest of my life, especially music. It's so lonely. Officer: What do you enjoy doing? Cathy: Well, I like playing tennis, and swimming. Oh, I went to France with the school choir last year. I really enjoyed that. And I like talking to people. But I suppose you mean real interests—things that would help me to get a job?


《中药学概论》试题及答案 一、A型题: 1.中药药性五味中的酸味体现为(B) 2.相畏是指(A) 3.对证用药是(B) 4.中药配伍禁忌是指(A) 5.根据中药药性理论属于沉降的药物是(B) 6.金银花是:(C) 7.红花属于:(B) 8.桔梗属于:(B) 9.供中医临床调配汤剂处方用和生产中成药的原料药是(B) 10.能与动物药中具腥膻气味的三甲胺类成分结合成盐,达到矫臭矫味的辅料是(C) 11.为减少成分的流失,中药材在切制前水处理软化时需遵循的原则是(A) 12.质地致密坚实,不易破碎的药材适宜切制的饮片规格是(E) 13.干燥含芳香挥发性成分的饮片,不宜超过的温度是(B) 14.将药物煅至红透后,趁热迅速投人液体辅料中骤然冷却的炮制方法是(D) 15.经净制或处理后的药物,在一定的温度和湿度条件下,由于霉菌和酶的催化分解作用,使药物发泡、生衣的炮制方法是(E) 16.将药物同数种辅料混合,或浸泡,或加热,反复处理的炮制方法是(C) 17.国家中医药局发布“中医药行业国家秘密及其密级具体范围的规定”(其中:中药饮片炮制的关键技术属机密级)的时间是(A) 18.适宜以甘草汁为辅料炮制的药物是(A) 19.宜采用制霜法炮制后供临床应用的药物是(E) 20.蒸制后结合型蒽醌显著减少,泻下作用更为缓和,并增强活血祛瘀之功的是(C) 21.目前中药饮片监督管理标准是(E) 22.从同批药材包件中抽取供检验用样品时,总包件在100~1000件的( C ) 23.取样时所取的平均样品量一般不少于检验所需样品量的( B )倍 24.防风根头部具明显的密集环纹,习称( C ) 25.《中国药典》规定,适用于含挥发性成分贵重中药测定水分的方法是( C ) 26.测定酸不溶性灰分时,常用的酸为( D ) 27.描述防己药材断面特征的术语是( E ) 28.如需观察细胞的完整形态,尤其是纤维、导管、石细胞等不易分离的组织时,常用的显微制片方法是( C )29.目前中药含量测定的首选方法是( C ) 30.加水浸泡后,水液染成黄色的药材是( D ) 31.加间苯三酚试液1~2滴,稍放置后加盐酸1滴,显红色或紫红色的是( A ) 32.下列具有强列蒜样臭气的药材是( B ) 33.据全国中药资源普查表明,我国现有药材( E ) 34. 生物碱碱性的表示方法一般用( C ) 35. 属于分子筛原理分离中药成分的色谱方法是( C ) 36. 下列生物碱属于苯丙胺类生物碱的是 ( B ) 37. 能够使α-葡萄糖苷键水解的酶是( A ) 38. 地奥心血康胶囊的主要组成成分是 ( B ) 39. 大黄酸结构母核属于 ( A ) 40. 下列具有抗疟作用的萜类化合物是 ( B ) 41. 与锆盐-枸橼酸反应后褪色的化合物是 ( C ) 42. 膜分离法中的纳滤适用于分离中药化学成分的分子量为小于 ( B ) 43. 下列黄酮中酸性最强的是 ( A ) 44. 高分辨质谱法可用于确定化合物的( C ) 45. Molish反应阳性的中药化学成分是 ( A ) 46. 下列哪项是咸味药主要的化学成分( D ) 47. 中药配伍关系中属于协同作用的配伍是( C ) 48. 兼有利尿作用的泻下药是( A ) 49. 芳香化湿药调整胃肠运动功能的主要成分是( C ) 50. 茯苓素的利尿作用机制是( C ) 51. 肉桂的强心作用与下列哪项有关( D ) 52. 理气药对消化系统没有下列哪项作用( A ) 53. 三七的止血机制,不包括下列哪一项( D ) 54. 具有加强子宫收缩的活血化瘀药是( B ) 55. 具有祛痰、止咳、平喘作用的中药是( D )


试题题库 填空题 1. 新版劳动竞赛中台区精益运维管理指数中2级指标分别有配变三相负荷不平衡台区占比、 电采集中器离线率低电压台区占比、百户抢修工单率、 过载台区占比等。 2. 星级供电所创建五项管理类别分别有基础保障扎实、安全管理严密、业务协同 运行、人员一专多能、服务一次到位; 1.全能型供电所分为综合班班和配电营业班班两种班组。 2.实训基地建设包括室内和室外两个方面。 3.劳动竞赛指标体系共包括 6 项一级指标和15 项二级指标。 4.供电服务“零容忍”对于自立收费项目和未按标准向客户收费,违规收取装表接 电、也扩报装、农网改造、故障抢修等费用的,对主要责任人处以3000 元,对次要责任人、责任班组负责人处以2000 元,对责任部门分管负责人、责任部门负责人、责任单位分管负责人处以1000 元罚款。 5.为深入贯彻国家电网有限公司全能型乡镇供电所建设和公司本质提升工 作要求,国网河南省电力公司下发了豫电营销414 号文。 “全能型”乡镇供电所建设和公司本质提升工作要求,以标准化管理和创新考核机制为抓手,全面落实综合柜员制、台区客户代表制、网格化片区化 8.按照“全能型”乡镇供电所建设新要求,梳理制定乡镇供电所职责、流程、制度、标准、考核等管理办法,实现“五位一体” 协同机制全覆盖。 6.申报四星级乡镇供电所应具备条件:本年度8-9月劳动竞赛平均成绩排名及10 月排名均在全省400 名之内,供电所员工不低于15 人,建筑面积不低于500 平方米。 7.加快推进乡镇供电所营业厅转型升级,推进“大所制”建设,规模较大的 乡镇供电所设 C 级营业厅,撤并利用率低的CD 级营业厅。 8.2018年星级供电所创建必备条件补充说明中,0.4千伏线损率取本年度1月至 评定月累计值,四星级乡镇供电所要求排名在全省前800 名,五星级要求排名全省前600 名


Lesson 13 Lesley: Ah ... it's such a lovely day. It reminds me of last week, doesn't it you? Fiona: Oh don't! I mean that was just so fantastic, that holiday! Lesley: I love that city, you know. Fiona: I do too. Really, it's got something about it, a certain sort of charm ... Lesley: Mm, and all that wine and good food ... Fiona: And so cheap. Right, I mean, compared to here ... Lesley: Yes, although the shops are expensive. Fiona: Mm, yes. Lesley: I mean, really I bought nothing at all. I just ate and ate and drank and drank. Fiona: I know. Wasn't that lovely? Lesley: Yes, and I, I go there. I like listening to the people talking, sitting outside drinking wine. Fiona: Yes. Could you understand what they were saying? When they were speaking quickly, I mean. Lesley: Well, it is difficult, of course. And then I liked that tower, too. Fiona: You liked that tower? I'm not sure about it, really. (No) It's very unusual, right in the centre of the city. Lesley: True, but there's a lovely view from the top. Fiona: Oh, you went right up, didn't you? (Mm, yes) Oh no, I didn't. Lesley: Of course you didn't. Fiona: I remember that day. We weren't together. Lesley: No, that's right. (Mm) You went down by the river, didn't you? Fiona: That's it. Oh, walking along the river and all the couples (Yes) and it's so romantic ... (Is it true) and the paintings too ... Lesley: They do have artists down by the river, do they? (Yes) Oh, how lovely! Fiona: Oh, it really is super. Lesley: Yes. Oh, I think we ought to go back there again next year, don't you? Fiona: I do, yes. (Mm) If only just to sample some more of the wine. Lesley: It'd be lovely, wouldn't it? Fiona: Yes. (Doorbell rings.) Peter: Hello, John. Nice to see you. Come in. How are you? John: Fine, thanks. Peter. And how are you? I expect your patients are keeping you busy at this time of year? Peter: Ah, well. I can't really complain. Let me take your coat. There we are. Well, now, I don't think you've met Ann Patterson, have you? Ann, this is John Middleton. He's the local schoolteacher. Ann: Oh! How do you do? John: How do you do? Ann: Well, that's very interesting. Perhaps you'll be looking after my son. Peter: Yes, that's right. Ann and her family have just moved into the old barn, up by the village hall. They're in the process of doing it up now. Ann: Yes, there's an awful lot needs doing, of course. (Doorbell rings.) Peter: Er, please excuse me for a moment. I think that was the doorbell. John: Well, if I can give you a hand with anything ... I'm something of a handyman in my spare time, you know. I live just over the road. Ann: That's very kind of you. I'm an architect myself, so ... Oh, look! There's someone I know, Eileen! Eileen: Ann, fancy seeing you here! How's life? Ann: Oh, mustn't grumble. Moving's never much fun though, is it? Anyway, how are things with you? You're still at the same estate agent's. I suppose? Eileen: Oh yes. I can't see myself leaving, well, not in the foreseeable future. Ann: Oh, I quite forgot. Do you two know each other? John: Yes, actually, we've met on many an occasion. Hello, Eileen. You see, we play in the same orchestra. Ann: Oh, really? I didn't know anything about that. Eileen: Yes, actually, just amateur stuff, you know—once a week—I come down from London when I can get a baby-sitter for Joanna. Paul: Er ... excuse me, I hope you don't mind my butting in. My name's Paul Madison. I couldn't help overhearing what you said about an orchestra. John: Come and join the party. I'm John Middleton. This is Ann Patterson and Eileen ... or ... I'm terribly sorry. I don't think I know your surname? Eileen: Hawkes. Pleased to meet you, Paul. You play an instrument, do you? Paul: Yes, I'm over here on a scholarship to study the bassoon (loud yawn from Ann) at the Royal Academy of Music for a couple of years. Ann: Oh, I am sorry. It must be all that hard work on the barn ...


绪论 1.古以为五药。B A.草、叶、虫、石、谷 B 草、木、土、石、谷 C.草、木、食、石、谷 D 草、木、虫、石、谷2.药学是以为主要理论指导。A A.现代化学、医学 B 生物学、医学C.现代化学、生物学 D 生物学、生理学 3.世界上第一个私人药店是于8世纪开设的,开创了医药的分家。B A.罗马人 B 阿拉伯人 C.埃及人 D 西班牙人4. 19世纪初,的分离成功是现代药学开始的一个里程碑。D A.奎宁 B 阿托品 C.阿司匹林 D 吗啡

5. 世界上合成的第一个对任何全身细菌感染真正有效的化学治疗剂是C A.链霉素 B 606 C.百浪多息 D 奎宁 7.下列不是药学的任务。C A.研究新药 B 阐明药物的作用机理C.发现新的疾病 D 研制新制剂 8.开拓医药市场,规范药品管理是专业的研究内容。C A.药物分析 B 药物制剂 C.药事管理 D 药物化学 9.药品具有两重性质。A A.有效性、安全性 B 商品性、社会性C.安全性、商品性 D 社会性、有效性10.现代药学的发展分为个阶段C。 A.两 B 三 C.四 D 五

10.以生产为主开设的药厂是现代制药工业的鼻祖B。 A.吗啡 B 奎宁 C.番木鳖碱 D 可卡因 二、判断正误 1、吗啡长期大量使用就会造成躯体和心理的依赖性时是一种强 效镇痛药。(√) 2、机体的正常生理状态的保持和病理状态的产生都是有其物质 基础的,即是机体内化学反应的不断持续或失去平衡的结果。药物就是通过维持或干预这些化学反应来达到治疗的目的 (√) 3、有了人类就有了医疗活动,医学的历史是从有文字记载开始 的。( X ) 4、药学起源于原始人类活动经验的积累。(√) 5、巴拉塞尔苏斯反对使用草药,敦促炼丹术士们停止炼制毫无 作用的长生不老药,而应该把他们的技术和知识应用到从矿物提炼化学药品,以满足病人的需要。( x )


l i s t e n t o t h i s英语中 级听力答案解析 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

英语中级听力参考答案 Answer Keys to Listen to This: 2 Edited by莫显良、马军军、张凤英、陈燕 L 1 L 2 L 3 L 4 L 5 L 6 L 7 L 8 L 9 L 10 L 11 L 12 L 13 L 14 L 15 L 16 L 17 L 18 L 19 L 20 L 21 L 22 L 23 L 24 L 25 L 26 L 27 L 28 L 29 L 30 L 31 L 32 L 33 L 34 L 35 L 36 Lesson 1 Section I Task 1: This Is Your Life! A.Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each of the following statements. 1—6: caacba B.True or False Questions. 1—6: TFFFFT C.Identification.

(1)—(b), (2)—(d), (3)—(f), (4)—(g), (5)—(a), (6)—(c), (7)—(e) https://www.360docs.net/doc/219838899.html,plete the following résumé for Jason Douglas. Name: Jason Douglas Former name: Graham Smith Profession: actor Date of birth: July 2, 1947 1952: started school 1958: moved to Lane End Secondary School 1966: went to the London School of Drama 1969: left the London School of Drama 1973: went to Hollywood 1974: were in a movie with Maria Montrose Task 2: What Are Your Ambitions? A.Give brief answers to the following questions. 1.Radio Station QRX. 2.For a survey.


英语中级听力参考答案 Answer Keys to Listen to This: 2 Edited by莫显良、马军军、张凤英、陈燕 L 1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 8L 9L 10 L 11L 12L 13L 14L 15L 16L 17L 18L 19L 20 L 21L 22L 23L 24L 25L 26L 27L 28L 29L 30 L 31L 32L 33L 34L 35L 36 Lesson 1 Section I Task 1: This Is Your Life! A.Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each of the following statements. 1—6: caacba B.True or False Questions. 1—6: TFFFFT C.Identification. (1)—(b), (2)—(d), (3)—(f), (4)—(g), (5)—(a), (6)—(c), (7)—(e) https://www.360docs.net/doc/219838899.html,plete the following résumé for Jason Douglas. Name: Jason Douglas Former name: Graham Smith Profession: actor Date of birth: July 2, 1947 1952: started school 1958: moved to Lane End Secondary School 1966: went to the London School of Drama 1969: left the London School of Drama 1973: went to Hollywood 1974: were in a movie with Maria Montrose Task 2: What Are Your Ambitions? A.Give brief answers to the following questions.


一、单项选择题 1.药理学是为临床合理用药、防治疾病提供基本理论的--- A --基础学科。 A.医学 B 生物学 C.化学 D 药学 2.药理学包括-- B ---两方面研究内容。 A.药效学、药分学 B 药效学、药动学 C.药分学、药化学 D 药化学、药动学3.药理学的方法是-- C ---的。 A.理论性 B 基础性 C.实验性 D 探索性 4.药理学在-- A ---的迅速发展基础之上逐渐形成的。 A.化学、生理学 B 生物学、化学 C.生物学、生理学 D 医学、生理学 5.药物效应动力学是对-- B ---的研究。 A.药物作用与作用途径 B 药物作用与作用机制C.药物剂量与作用途径 D 药物剂量与作用机制6.下列-- A ---不属于药物的不良反应。 A.治疗效应 B 副作用 C.变态反应 D 毒性反应 7.-- B ---是药理学的重要理论,它阐明了结构特异性药物的可能作用机制。 A.锁钥学说 B 受体学说 C.理化条件改变 D 生理递质改变 8.药物体内过程包括--- B --

A.吸收、生物转化、排泄 B 吸收、分布、排泄C.吸收、分布、生物转化、排泄 D 吸收、代谢、排泄9.-- C ---给药途径与首过消除相关。 A.静注 B 直肠 C.口服 D 静滴 10. 药物毒理学起源于--- A -- A.中国 B 埃及 C.罗马 D 巴比伦 二、判断正误 1、药物对机体的作用能否产生,关键取决于药物在靶器官部位 能否达到有效的浓度。(√) 2、药物的首过效应仅仅发生在肝脏(×) 3、实验药理学的创建标志着这一阶段的开始。 4、药物在体内的分布多数是均匀的,并且处于动态平衡状态中 (×) 5、简单扩散又称脂溶扩散,大多数药物的转运方式属于简单扩 散。(√) 6、补充治疗或称替代治疗也是治疗作用的一种。其用药的目的 在于补充营养物质或内源性物质(如激素)的不足。(√) 7、实验药理学的创建标志着现代药理学阶段的开始。(×) 8、分子药理学是当代药理学理论研究的核心,许多药理学理论 都建立在分子水平上。(√)


1.Oswald Avery用实验证明基因的化学本质就是()分子。 A.RNA B.蛋白质 C.碳水化合物 D.DNA 答案:D 2.生物半衰期是衡量一种药物从体内()的指标,又称为消除半衰期。 A.发挥药效 B.消除快慢 C.吸收分布 答案:B 3.《中国药典》三部收载()。 A.生物制品 B.化学药品 C.中药 D.辅料 答案:A 4.屠呦呦教授因为在()药物研究方面的突出贡献获得类2015年诺贝尔生理学与医学奖。 A.抗肿瘤 B.抗疟疾 C.抗高血压 D.抗老年痴呆 答案:B 5.中药和草药统称为()。

A.藏药 B.蒙药 C.维药 D.中草药 答案:D 6.剂型常按()等进行分类。 A.物质形态 B.分散体系 C.给药途径 答案:ABC 7.药物通过生物膜的能力主要决定于药物(),其转运机制可分为被动转运和载体转运两大类。 A.脂溶性 B.解离度 C.分子量 答案:ABC 8.根据药物与受体结合后所产生效应的不同,习惯上将作用于受体的药物分为()等。 A.激动剂 B.部分激动剂 C.拮抗剂 答案:ABC 9.孟德尔选择了7种差异明显的简单性状,对豌豆的生长进行了仔细的观察,得出了遗传的()。

A.分离规律 B.自由组合律 C.进化论 答案:AB 10.天然药物化学成分的主要结构类型按化学结构特点可分为()、()、黄酮类、萜类、甾体类、生物碱类等。 A.苯丙素类 B.醌类 C.蛋白质类 D.核苷酸类 答案:AB 11.药效学是对()的研究。 A.药物作用 B.作用机制 C.药物代谢 D.药物排泄 答案:AB 12.微生物(),并可以通过控制培养条件来提高酶的产量。 A.繁殖快 B.生产周期短 C.培养简便 答案:ABC 13.根据药物作用与人体系统的部位可分为()等。


精选考试及教育类应用文档,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载,希望同学们考出好成绩,祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 2020最新质量知识竞赛试题库(含答案) 一、单选题 1.质量意识,就是对质量的认知及态度。公司需要(B ) 具备质量意识。 A.管理者 B.公司全体员工 C.质检人员 D.生产部员工 2.无论是产品的质量,还是过程的质量,决定其合格与否的 都是(D )。 A.材料的因素 B.机器的因素 C.环境的因素 D.人的行为因素 3.PDCA循环模式中的P、D、C、A分别指(A )。 A.计划、实施、检查、处理 B.实施、检查、计划、处理 C.检查、计划、处理、实施

D.检查、处理、计划、实施 4.PDCA循环可以上升、前进的关键阶段是( D )。 A.P阶段 B.D阶段 C.C阶段 D.A阶段 5.质量改进项目始于质量改进机会的( B )。 A.组织 B.识别 C.实施 D.计划 6.国际标准化组织英文缩写为( D )。 A.CECC B.IEC C. CMC D.ISO 7.全面质量管理要求以( C )为中心。 A.产量 B.利润 C.质量 D.效益 8.标准作业指导书SOP文件,属于质量管理体系文件中的

几级文件?(C ) A.一级 B.二级 C.三级 D.四级 9.把办桌上各种文件进行清理,分类存放,属于5S中的 (A )。 A. 整理 B. 整顿 C. 清扫 D. 素养 10.在进行5S整顿工作时,要将每项物品放在一个特定的 位置,其目的是(D )。 A.使工作场所一目了然 B.营造整齐的工作环境 C.清楚过多的积压物品 D.缩短物品的寻找时间 11.公司什么地方需要整理、整顿?(C ) A. 工作现场 B. 办公室 C. 全公司的每个地方 D. 仓库


Lesson13. Section One Task1. Guess What People Are Talking About A. 1----5T F F T F 6.T B. 1.wine and good food 2. the river 3. walking along the river and all the couples 4. paintings there C. 1. reminds/of 2. got something about it/sort of charm 3. unusual/in the center of 4. from the top 5. down by the river Task2. Nice to see you! A.1---2.c a B.1—d, I; 2—a; 3—e,f; 4—b, c, f; 5—h; 6—g C. 1. are keeping you busy 2. in the process/doing it up 3. give you a hand with/something of 4. see myself leaving/foreseeable 5. my butting in 6. over here on a scholarship/the Royal Academy of Music Section Two Task1. What do you like about your job? A.1----4a c b c B.1----5 F F T F T 6----8 F F T C. 1. a night person 2. on the lookout for/ stump me 3. plan on sticking around 4. the Beatles/a great beat to move to https://www.360docs.net/doc/219838899.html,ing up with 6. at the end of/have slimmed down/built up 7. against a tight deadline 8. at first/working with Task 2. What do you think of yourself? A. 1-----5: a c a c b 6.a B. 1---a. a secretary b. good at her job c. different in her private life d. pretty tide in office e. incoherent in her behavior

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英语中级听力参考答案 Answer Keys to Listen to This: 2 Edited by莫显良、马军军、张凤英、陈燕 Lesson 1 Section I Task 1: This Is Your Life! A.Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each of the following statements. 1—6: caacba B.True or False Questions. 1—6: TFFFFT C.Identification. (1)—(b), (2)—(d), (3)—(f), (4)—(g), (5)—(a), (6)—(c), (7)—(e) https://www.360docs.net/doc/219838899.html,plete the following résumé for Jason Douglas. Name: Jason Douglas Former name: Graham Smith Profession: actor Date of birth: July 2, 1947 1952: started school 1958: moved to Lane End Secondary School 1966: went to the London School of Drama 1969: left the London School of Drama 1973: went to Hollywood 1974: were in a movie with Maria Montrose Task 2: What Are Your Ambitions? A.Give brief answers to the following questions. 1.Radio Station QRX.


除祛风湿外,秦艽还能 清虚热 20.治疗石淋首选的药物是 车前子 .化湿药主归脾、胃经 A.补肝肾 B.消水肿 C. 清虚热 D. 治骨鲠 具有祛风湿,止痛作用,长于治疗下肢痹痛的药物是 独活 A.防已 B. 川乌 C. 羌活 D. 独活 治筋脉拘挛、吐泻转筋的要药是 木瓜 A 威火仙 B. 秦艽 C. 络石藤 D. 木瓜 治风湿痹痛,腰痛脊强,不能俯仰者,宜选用 独活 A.狗脊 B. 独活 C. 秦艽 D. 桑寄生 蕲蛇的功效不包括 止痛 A.祛风湿 B. 止痛 C. 止痉 D. 舒筋活络 被称为“”的药物是 秦 艽 A.秦艽 B. 豨佥早 C. 络石藤 D. 防己 化湿药入煎剂,应 后下 A.先煎 B. 后下 C. 包煎 D. 另煎 藿香与佩兰相冋的作用是 化湿, 解表 行气 A.化湿,解表 B.化湿,止呕 C. 化湿, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. & 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 A.砂仁 B. 白豆蔻 C. 厚朴 D. 草果 .应用利水渗湿药时,常配伍的药物是 行气约 A.清热药 B. 温里药 C. 行气约 D. 泻下药 .既能利尿通淋,又能凉血止血的药物是 石韦 A.车刖子 B. 滑石 C. 石韦 D. 海金沙 .通利水道,而善止尿道疼痛的药物是 海金沙 A.海金沙 B. 石苇 C. 扁蓄 D. 地肤子 .治膏淋的要药是萆薢 A.滑石 B. 石苇 C. 扁蓄 D. 卑解 .用于治疗暑湿泄泻,利小便以实大便的药物 车刖子 A.车刖子 B. 卑解 C. 扁畜 D. 石韦 .既能化湿行气,又能温中止泻的药是 砂仁 D.化湿,止痛 治疗脾经湿热,口中甜腻、多涎、口臭的药物是 佩兰 A.佩兰 B. 厚朴 C. 苍术 D. 白豆寇 .既能燥湿健脾,又能祛风湿的药是 苍术 A.藿香 B. 砂仁 C. 苍术 D. 豆寇 .既能化湿行气,又能温中止呕的药物是 砂仁 A.砂仁 B. 豆寇 C. 厚朴 D. 佩兰 A.脾、肺经 B. 脾、胃经 C. 脾、大肠经 D. 肺、胃经



一、单选题: 1、交换机的配置线(console线)应该连接在PC的哪一个端口?( B ) A、并口serial B、串口COM C、以太网端口Ethernet 2、在Cisco IOS交换机上配置交换机名的命令是( D ) A、set system name HOSTNAME B、 user HOSTNAME pass PASSWORD C、spanning-tree portfast D、hostname HOSTNAME 3、IP 地址190.233.27.13/16 的网络部分地址是( B ) 4、A. 5、B. 6、C. 7、D. 8、使用如下什么方法可以升级cisco交换机的IOS软件( C ) A、CDP B、 HSRP C、TFTP D、TELNET 9、在如下几条命令中,哪条是查看cisco设备版本信息的( C ) A、show flash: B、 show ios C、show version D、show config 10、思科IOS命令ip nat inside source static的作用是什么( D ) A 为所有外部nat创建一个全局的地址池 B 为内部的静态地址创建动态的地址池 C 为所有内部本地pat创建了动态源地址转换 D 为内部本地地址和内部全局地址创建一对一的映射关系 E 映射一个内部源地址到一个公共的外部全局地址 11、哪种网络的类型 Ospf将选举一个被指定的备份路由器( E ) A 点到点和多点接入 B 点到多点和多点接入 C 点到点和点到多点 D 非广播和广播多点 E 非广播和广播多点接入 12、没有任何子网划分的IP地址125.3.54.56 的网段地址是( A ) 13、 A. 14、 B. C. 15、 D. 16、怎样路由器的配置才能够避免split-horizon 阻止路由更新( D ) A 为每个有独一无二DLCI的PVC配置一个分割的子接口,并且给予接口分配分隔的
